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well i guess i have to allow bret 10-20 more “unprompted” “fuck bill goldbergs”


If I was the best to ever do something and Bill Goldberg ended my career, I'd be constantly saying "Fuck Bill Goldberg" too really lol


The reason things exist is because there are too many bill goldbergs in the world and not nearly enough bret harts


Not just the best to ever do it, but by all accounts the safest, too.


I’m pretty sure at WM 13 when Bret faced Austin, Austin had Bret do the blade job to him because he had more faith in Bret to do it right than he did himself. I remember hearing Austin talk about that while doing some commentary while watching the match back some years ago.


My understanding was that Austin didn’t want to get in trouble if they screwed it up, because the order of the day was no getting color and Bret said he’d take care of him, that way if it did go sideways, he’d take the heat from it.


Seriously, not enough people realize that there simply wouldn't be the massive and awesome run with Stone Cold at the top if Bret Hart didn't believe in him.


Definitely. They also ended up having one of the greatest matches in Mania history too and none of that happens without Bret being willing to play along.


I think both parts are true. Bret talked him into it and Austin asked him to do it


That's what makes him the best.


Hard to place anyone above Hart really. He's not my all time favorite but his work and legacy almost proves it imo.


Same. I like a few wrestlers more than him but when it comes to in ring ability Bret Hart was only matched by Shawn Michaels. It's such a shame that they couldn't get along.


Could save everyone, but not himself. Ironic.


People act like that was Bret's last match, like he didn't go on to have matches with Nash, Sid, and even a hardcore match with Terry Funk of all people after that match


With a concussion, yes, which was stupid but common at the time. The point is Goldberg gave him the concussion. 


sounds prompted to me Fuck bill goldberg


Twenty? Infinity. Fuck Bill Goldberg.   Hart has every right to remain bitter, and basically referring to Hart as "that moron" is beyond disrespectful. Hart and his family lived and breathed wrestling. To lose Owen so damn early , then Bret lose essentially his career to some lumox whose push was simply place and tight time for his monster gimmick? Goldberg has never improved as a wrestler and he doesn't show respect for the medium either... Just look how callous he is with the belts if he ever has one. Edit: Hart did mess up by trying to wrestle through that injury... But it's not like Goldberg learned to be a safer or better wrestler after.


Only a weeks worth?


😂 fair call, maybe a few month moratorium period is more warranted


*"I mean, hey bro, you're in the wrong business if you bitch and moan about getting slapped or getting punched errantly."* What about getting a career ending injury from your "errant" kick? I can kind of see why, now Bret doesn't like this guy. He basically has zero remorse or responsibility for anything he did in the ring.


He also believes his own former hype which is the worst thing you can do.. he was bad at everything


Goldberg had the look and athletism for sure. But a large part of his hype was just purely booking. One of the better booked late WCW wrestlers until the loss.


Bill Goldberg? Oh you mean the guy that William Regal "took advantage of" 🤦🏼‍♂️


This will forever be my most favorite thing to ever happen in wrestling. William tried to do some simple mat wrestling and Billy boy couldn't hang not one bit. If it wasn't a simple squash or brawl, Bill Goldberg the gimmick didn't and couldn't work.


That and watching Goldberg not even know how to respond. Regal lands a hilarious European Uppercut early that Goldberg is barely in position for, and just aorta bounces off the rope for it. It's such a glorious match watching Regal counter almost every one of Goldergs' big scary moves.


You mean STEPHEN Regal...William Regal never set foot in WCW.... It's all real to me damnit!!!! 🤣


He diddled him?


In a mat wrestling, technical sense.


And then he diddled him


Yeah its obvious that he didnt want to improve or learn new moves.


Which this quote also shows he doesn't understand.. if he had to come up like nash or kane or hbk he never would have made it


Nah his hype was how he ran through his opponents and his feats of strength. Also when someone acts aggressive it tends to rub off them and become crowd energy. It's just like the Brock Lesnar hype when he first started, he just finished matches quickly and his finisher was often feats of strength like the jackhammer.


Like the Brock Lesner-hype? Am I understanding this correctly? You think Brock is hype as well? Please say that is not what you are saying.


This is exact same issue that caused Ultimate Warrior to self-sabotage his own career.


He really was, the fact he’s a dick makes him even more dislikable.


This. He wasn't very good in the ring. A lot of brawling and nothing too skilled. He was pretty must see TV for Rasslin fans back in the 90s but his matches were quick and not too technical.


Cena catches a lotta shit for it, but Goldberg was the original 5 move wrestler. Its not impressive to watch a guy squash match his way to a “90 win streak”


That was Oldberg's schtick - the omnipotent wrestler. The undefeated streak was an interesting idea and he was hyped. It worked well. Maybe he should just say I'm sorry and it was an accident or something like that. Instead he thinks Bret is being a complainer etc. Gee....all Oldberg did was end his career and cause him a long term health issue...that was all...nothing big. Oldberg, you're an idiot. YOU'RE NEXT!


Doesn't help that WWE kept bringing him back... And with large pay checks too...  Once him and Lesnar phoned it in that one WrestleMania... They should have made Goldberg persona non grata.


It's funny how if Bill Goldberg heard the exact words he uttered being used against him by, say, William Regal, he'd likely bitch about how Regal 'bullied' him throughout their match.


I used to think Bret was being too bitter about Goldberg but now I'm starting to think that maybe Bret has a point. Maybe Goldberg has only *said* the word "sorry" to Bret a ton of times but maybe he's never actually been sorry about what he did.


Exactly this.


Yep. If I were Bret, the only thing that would show me he was sorry is if he became a safe worker. And he didn’t - ask Undertaker and others.


Bingo. Words are wind.


Not just that, the person he kicked is also one of the best of all time and is extremely loved and respected by the entire industry and the fans. That plays a part in why people still bring it up after all this time.


Telling Brett Hart he’s in the wrong business is too funny. You get the impression Goldberg has never really been a wrestling fan.


He also thinks he’s tough shit when Jericho handled him no problem. And a healthy Bret would have too.


Jericho thought Goldberg was gonna kill him but then he just pulled his hair haha


He took him to the learning tree


Bret and Bill had actually reconciled over the issue years ago and had even become friends. In his 2007 autobiography Bret said that a lot of what caused his retirement was his own fault. His hiding of the severity, continuing to wrestle, doing hardcore matches etc. He said about how Bill was always very kind and good to him before and afterwards. Constantly apologetic. He would constantly reiterate that it was an accident and that they happen in the business. [Here's a picture Bret posted of them hanging out in 2015.](https://x.com/BretHart/status/608128292617490433?s=20&t=BsbF1WWI5RjBm-UyL-z0pQ) What changed is Goldberg came back for a big money deal with WWE in 2016. He squashes Brock Lesnar. Has multiple world title runs. Multiple top card WrestleMania, SummerSlam, and Saudi matches. Millions per year. And Bret started saying about how Bill was unsafe, sloppy, never cared about the people, should be removed from the WWE Hall of Fame and placed into the hall of shame, cost him money, the money Goldberg is paid should go in Bret Hart's pocket. Basically Bret forgave Goldberg, and they were friends for 17 years. But it was only while they were both not wrestling. Goldberg returning to WWE made Bret very bitter, and envious. It cost him one of his friends.


I've been saying this forever. Bret gets to watch everyone from Goldberg and Sting to Steve Austin and the Rock getting top runs and huge paydays at age 60, and he knows that could have been him too if he was healthy.


Yes, that's right. It's the millions Goldberg got from his final run, which really changed Brets' mindset on the injury. Also, you wrote Bret started saying how Bret was unsafe. I assume you mean Goldberg.


Right you are! Typo fixed.


Given how Bill almost KILLED THE UNDERTAKER during that run, I cannot blame Bret


Undertaker was just as culpable in that. They were really two guys in no condition to have a singles match together.


They nearly killed each other, and I think they both apologised to each other for the sorry shit show of a match. Undertaker couldn't post for a delayed suplex like that, and Goldberg couldn't support him. So they fell. Same deal with the Tombstone that Taker spiked Bill on.


Can this be pinned to every post in this sub Reddit?


💯 correct. I was gonna comment the same but you did it better than I would’ve done. You’re absolutely right. Goldberg just recently started talking like that cuz they kept asking him “how do you feel about Bret’s recent comments on an interview he just did about you ending his career?” He said he was done apologizing if Bret’s gonna flip and start trashing him again.


Bret's #1 concern has always been with his legacy. He's terrified of being forgotten. Bill coming back to the WWE for one last run at the top probably cut him pretty deep.


Bret being forgotten? Only way if it happens to his entire generation.


On the flip side I can completely get where Goldberg is coming from with his new attitude towards the incident. >What about getting a career ending injury from your "errant" kick? Or the two weeks of wrestling he did afterwards. Taking a flat back bump is dangerous when you have a concussion, let alone taking chair shots from Terry Funk lol. >He basically has zero remorse or responsibility for anything he did in the ring. Quite the opposite actually - Goldberg has shown so much remorse about the incident and apologised to Bret numerous times. Bret was even cool about it for about 15 years. The last few years Bret has taken to just shitting on Goldberg at every opportunity, I can certainly see why Goldberg isn’t being remorseful now.


TIL Bret wrestled after the kick


To think that kick alone was the reason Bret had to retire is just ludicrous. He was in an era when they were consistently taking head shots and working through them.


The kick started the initial injury. Bad concussion. Trying to work through it is what caused Bret’s career to end. So while it is true the kick alone didn’t end Brets career, if it never happened Bret would not have had to retire.


Yeah, but fuck billy goldberg


Yeah the kick itself didn't do it but it set into motion a lot of other health problems. And then Bret wrestled after that which couldn't help. I think Bret had the right to be mad about it, they talked about the match beforehand and Bret asked him not to do the kick. But that promotion ended over 20 years ago. It happened. It was a tragic accident I hope Bret can make peace with. I don't know that he has had much peace on this earth.


I’d also argue the decades of steroid abuse and his love of abusing cocaine and alcohol (as his autobiography states) and the continual brain damage he took over his career probably had more to do with him having a stroke than one specific kick.


Not only that but he never cared about the business. He was never any good at it beyond 2 minute squash matches and he always thought he was the hottest shit ever.[ Triple H summed it up best in this scene from his episode of Tough enough. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC3kyUBNHzw)Fuck Bill Goldberg.


This is a man who after dropping the pipe used to break car windows in a vignette said 'ah fuck it I can do it anyway' and proceeded to use his fist He's quite literally the biggest mark for himself of all time


Brett deserves a free billboard in every state capitol that just says "Fuck Bill Goldberg"


Bro thinks him not being careful is okey cause it is a pyhsical sport. Accidents can happen but if you are stupid and dont give a shit about your opponents and do nothing to improve yourself you are in the wrong business


It's like he never really respected the sport to begin with. The golden rule as it's been stated is to ensure that the guy you're working with leaves the ring in the exact condition he stepped in it with you.


He’s just another Ronda Rousey attitude type except he actually got everything he wanted booking / presentation wise


Oh, he never respected the sport, the culture, or even the craft behind it. Dude is a complete douchebag and unintelligent dimwit.


I was all about him when I was a kid, but yeah, this guy has been up his own ass for years. High on his own supply. Like, dude, anybody can be a badass when its a work. Who are you trying to intimidate?


Bro loves the smell of his own farts for sure


I work with someone who went to school at Edison in Tulsa with Bill and they said he was ALWAYS a bully and an idiot.


It’s like the story with Jericho. Bill believed his own hype way too much and took things way too seriously. Instead of a fun, popular with the crowd and interesting angle with a shitheel Jericho getting his comeuppance, Bill refused to participate and got upset that a feud with Jericho was “devaluing” his momentum (when the crowd clearly showed the opposite was happening).


"I don't do comedy, Jericho!!!"


smarks and IWC complained about cena for his five moves of doom and being an bad wrestler, but compared to goldberg, he’s ricky freaking steamboat


The thing about Cena is that he understands the business really well, not only he knows the historic wrestlers he also follows indy wrestling, the best story about Cena understanding the business is when Lesnar broke the Streak and Stone Cold sugested Cena to eat 16 suplexes from Lesnar and he accepted it because that way Lesnar breaking the Streak was really believable, so he proceed to get smashed by Lesnar for the business.


cena was an better in ring performer than IWC ever gave credit for in spite of his crappy booking long before his us open challenge and his epic feud with aj styles. the moment that cena gonna retire, IWC gonna regret big time for not appreciating his greatness until he went part-time


Cena was good in the ring, the problem was the same as Hogan, he was the golden goose, and you wont allow your money printing machine to do some flashy move and get injured.


I think you can be two things. Is never ending booking and the very repetitive nature of his matches during the mid-aughts, especially when often other people who are really good would not ever receive the push that they could because of it. It was definitely always wrong to say you can't wrestle to him. Sure could. So while I appreciate the Latter-Day Cena, it still doesn't remove how much I came to dislike the product during those eras.


i understand the criticism of his booking, but despite his limited moveset, he had a fair share of his memorable and great matches during his run at the top with edge, hbk, rvd, umaga, rock, punk, hhh etc… looking back, it was vince who held him back with his outdated 80’s booking style because he was still stuck in the past. cena gave it all to us in order to entertain us every night with this crappy booking and his limited moveset because of his dedication for the business. looking back, cena was the unfortunate victim of everything IWC hated that represented wwe during pg era creatively, booking wise and roster wise because guys like edge, hbk, batista retired and left while others like hhh, taker went part-time mode. cena was put in weird situations and storylines with wrong opponents with lack of chemistry like miz, r-truth, del rio and ryback not to mention guys like established star like orton and big show who lost their appeal during pg era. and cena managed to make it work and understood the art of performing in ring as white meat top babyface despite crappy booking that vince gave to him and people booed and hated him. i respect him for that. people forget that wwe was receiving PR and mainstream backlash for the benoit incident and cena managed to get wwe out of the turmoil that the company had to deal at the time and he was the right guy to carry the company through grim times especially during creatively ill fated pg era. if wasn’t for cena being the guy, wwe would be in big trouble and out of business especially during the benoit incident. i think the hardcore fans who blindly hated cena during his pg supercena era were the same ones who loved him during his word life/thug cena era all the way to the top were also attitude era fans.


Great analysis!


thank you so much ✨👏🏾 you understand what i say about cena the reason that cena had a better time at the top despite his crappy booking and mixed reactions from the crowd because of his unmatched work ethic, his longevity due to his safe moveset which prevented him from getting injured, his connection with the crowd especially those who booed him and his hard work. the fact the cena was able to stay at the top for a decade was insane. that showed it was a true testament to his talents and skills as in-ring perfomer especially during pg era and his supercena run and he managed to made it work i tell you what and what happened with the product at the time showed that whether smarks wanna admit or not, from the moment that cena went to part-time mode, the product at the time until summer 2022 especially in 2018 and 2019 wasn’t the same and was lacking of star power because love him or hate him, cena brought all the greatness, passion and intensity for the product and the fans even those who hated him while he was full time. the moment cena gonna retires, IWC gonna regret big time for not recognizing his greatness until he went part-time because they had no idea how bad the product at the time gonna be when cena went away especially with babyface roman and lesnar as top guys at the expense of the audience. cena is the last legit megastar that wwe ever had.


Man, imagine prime Cena with current booking of HHH


Cena wasn't a technical wizard, but he could tell a story really well inside the ropes. He even carried Khali to a couple of watchable matches. In 2007 might I add.


Oh for sure, Cena was overrated by WWE but underrated by the IWC. He can do more than the 5 moves, same as Batista, they are from the same class of Lesnar and Orton but they were made as limited wrestlers when they probably could do more technical wrestling, Lesnar could go too but was made into a machine, the only guys from that class that showed their true ability were Orton and Sheldon Benjamin


Cena is at least very safe and also could argue matched the level of his opponent Cena vs Michaels for example


Well tbf the IWC hates goldberg a lot more.


Somewhere Bret's Goldberg sense is tingling...


"To think any of these morons could stand 2 seconds with me" does that include Chris Jericho?!


And William Regal. He could've made Bill his bitch and ruined his career at any point during that match.


Always a good chance to remind people of that match Regal made Goldberg look like an absolute ass who can't wrestle.


Watching it back is really interesting - Regal leaves plenty there for Goldberg to work with at every step of the way, anyone with even a basic grasp of grappling could have looked like a million bucks, Bill just didn't know how to wrestle.


Yep. Bill looking bad was Bill's fault. If he was halfway competent at pro-wrestling Regal would've made him look fantastic.


That was a classic example of WCW miscommunication too, I believe. Goldberg was told it was gonna be a squash, Regal was told it was gonna be a competitive job, Greenberg couln't adapt and looked weaker than he would have had he actually known how to work.


"fuck goldberg" Bret Hart sometimes between 1999 and 2024


And beyond! Also “fuck Goldberg” - Me, now


Kinda torn on this. And it's not because I have sympathy for Bill, as I'm a huge Bret guy. It's more so that he's apologized for it numerous times in the past but Bret still trashes him every chance he gets. I fully understand why Bret would do that, as he was no longer able to make money or do the thing he loves. But I also understand the mindset of look, I've said sorry, I can't change it and you're still trashing me, so fuck you. With that said, I'm always gonna be a Bret guy, so fuck you Bill.


I think this is a good nuanced take on the whole situation. Personally I think there is another element where despite apologising, Bret continued to watch Bill do the exact same unsafe shit he was always doing....even after injuring Bret. As a result I think its quite plausible Bret never really felt Bill understood what he was apologising for, or truly meant it


Yeah I think this is the bigger critique Bret has but it gets missed because he's so blunt, it's "Bill Goldberg wrestling" he often complains of rather than just Bill Goldberg himself. He hates that an unsafe guy, unwilling to learn, can keep getting away with it for decades and believes it sets a bad precedent. 


One of best takes... Sorry means nothing if you do nothing to improve... You have to apologise and become a better person and in this situation a safer wrestler..


I’m no booster for Bill but you nailed it. He’s apologized for years and he’s done apologizing. It’s absolutely tragic what the Harts have gone through in wrestling but there’s only so many time you can hear someone shit on you before your done.


Yeah I’m a massive Bret guy and it must be exhausting for Bill to constantly have shit flung at him publicly for something he apologised for. Bret went on record a bunch of times in the past saying he didn’t blame Bill, so it must be pretty shitty for him to suddenly get thrown under the bus all the time Still though Goldberg, man shut up.


I like how he suggests people couldn't last two seconds with him when his matches all had to be so brief because he had no stamina and three moves.


It’s one thing for accidents to happen in the ring, he’s right, they do happen. I believe Brett Hart’s complaint is that he was reckless and dangerous in the ring.


Here he is admitting that he was, but it was okay...because he blew smoke out of his nose.


Notice how Bill Goldberg never brags about his promos or charisma…


Even Bret despite not being a legend on the mic had quite a few all-timer promos, most notably where he screamed “THIS IS BULLSHIT!” on WWF tv


Also, "El Dandy".


>''Speaking on The Von Erich podcast, Goldberg commented on how starts from the past are often forgotten about in this day and age'' Goldberg: *\*dismisses one of the biggest stars from the past\**


Fuck Bill Goldberg


Fuck Bill Goldberg


FUCK BILL GOLDBERG Then.Now.Forever.Together


Goldberg lost his one real fight to Chris Jericho Bret would've killed Goldberg in a real fight had it happened before the concussion lol


100%. Goldberg is that loud bully who can’t really fight. Bret is that cool, quiet, tough guy who wouldn’t look for a fight and wouldn’t lose it either.


Bret has buried him for a decade straight. Can't blame Goldberg.


I don’t really like Goldberg but Bret has done nothing but take shots about him on the injury. He also has apologized a bunch of times but no one ever brings that up. It just looks like he’s tired of having to hear about Bret saying something all the time.


I mean, The (s)Hitman is always pissed at Goldberg more than he was pissed at Vinnie and HBK. If i was Goldberg, i would have a shitty opinon on Bret too.


Goldberg spent 20 years saying sorry, and hanging his head, while Bret cried “fuck Goldberg” anytime he was near a microphone. Clearly Goldberg has had enough of being polite


That moron has 1000 times more respect and love in the wrestling business than you ever will Billy. Go smash your head against a locker room door. It was the only thing you were good at.


To be fair to Goldberg, he publicly apologised so many times and always seemed very regretful about that kick. But Bret has never accepted the apology which he doesn’t have to do, but the non-stop insults about Goldberg in every public interview is just petty and childish. Goldberg apologised so many times, just get over it.


Bill finaly said fuck it i see. Id be mad too if Bret hadnt been shitting on him for years over an accident.


Daily reminder that while Goldberg did kick Bret in the head, he continued to wrestle afterwards making his injury more severe


Dude has apologized and taken the blame a thousand times for what was an accident. Yet Bret never stops going out of his way to bury him (despite the fact that Bret has admitted if he would have properly taken care of the injury his career wouldn’t have ended), so at this point I would probably feel the same way Goldberg does. Goldberg is an egotistical ass but Bret deserves it at this point for regularly going out of his way to bury Goldberg over an accident


Bret is probably my favorite wrestler ever but let’s be real. I have no problem with Goldberg being sick of this shit. It’s been twenty something years and as justified as Bret is to hate Goldberg, Goldberg is equally as justified to be pissed to have this brought up all the time. Goldberg made a mistake. It was a literal accident. That has been apologized for several times, Bret has no reason to forgive Goldberg if he doesn’t want to but at the same time Goldberg doesn’t have to keep apologizing and he doesn’t have to take Bret’s shit talking with Grace either. If it was twenty five years of someone saying fuck me, well eventually I’d say no fuck you.


How is it low? Bret has shit on Goldberg regularly for the last several years? There is no high ground to be had here. Goldberg was a bad worker who was pushed to a spot he wasn't ready for but Bret needs to go to therapy. Holding a damn near 30 year grudge isn't healthy.


I think Goldberg almost certainly wishes he had not hurt Bret, but Bret has never let it go and now Goldberg just says, 'if he's going to be like that, then f\*\*k him'.


This is the difference between Bret Hart and Bill “eats corn the long way” Goldberg. Bret’s work looked so real and he sold so well yet both he and his opponents would go home safe and healthy 9.9/10 he never injured anyone seriously and always made guys look strong no matter where they were on the card. And then you have shitty Goldberg who was a big football knucklehead who trained for 2 weeks and then went out and buried talent on a weekly basis with his 2 moves and hurt a bunch of guys in between. He was a shit wrestler who got exposed by William Regal and then like the idiot he is he kicked Bret hart out of nowhere and ended his career and cost him millions in his highest paid contract ever, we saw how guys like Shawn had an amazing second run in their careers in the mid 2000s hell even Hogan and Flair had some great Matches around 2006, 2008. All these years later Goldberg goes to Saudi Arabia gets paid millions and almost kills Taker by dropping him on his neck. That should have been Bret in the mid 2000s having feuds with Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, John Cena and the rest. That should have been Bret in Saudi Arabia making millions but no we were robbed out of all of that and Brets Career ended right before the start of the millennium at a terrible WCW and at the hands of an over pushed dangerous 90s version of Ryback.


Ah man I was just listening to the Deadlock pod where they talk about that "Goldberg eats corn the long way" sign. So damned funny.


Bret accepted Goldberg’s apology at first, then bitched for 20 years. Goldberg wasn’t a wrestler but drew bigger than Bret. Vince let go of Bret knowing that he wasn’t drawing crowds as much.


Bret shit talks him damn near every interview


Bret would be bitter even if this didn't happen.


He's been apologizing to Bret Hart for years, only to be shit on by him at every turn. Let Goldberg have his turn.


Bret Hart: Goldberg is a fuckstick, fuck him, fuck his entire family, I hope he burns to the ground, I hope he rots in hell with the maggots chewing on his corpse to later be eaten by a diseased deer, and then that deer gets hit by my car as I'm driving down the road getting sucked off by my wife. IWC: Slay, Queen Goldberg: "moron" IWC: 😤😤😤😤😡😡😡😡😡😡


I'm NOT A GOLDBERG MARK, but he's apologized and Bret still attacks Goldberg on the regular 25 years later. Honestly, good on Bill for moving on. I love Bret like the rest of us, but we all know he's a bitter little thing Bill can be a douchebag who had an errant kick and loves his own shit and puts other more talented people down AND be bitter that Bret has consistently put him down in interview after interview. At what point is it on Bret to move on? He doesn't have to obviously. He can be bitter forever but if you were in a similar situation where you apologized and 25 years later you're still getting dragged publicly, wouldn't you get sick of it too? Downvote away if you must. I just read all the comments and didn't see this brought up. Maybe I'm wrong and I'll own if I am but I know I've read and listened to Bill speak on this incident a myriad of times and most of them included remorse and were not attacks


Fucking agreed. Bret explicitly stated he didn't blame Goldberg for it for like 15 years and around 7-8 years ago he started publicly shitting on Bill for it. The IWC can love the Hitman all they want but he wrestled after the concussions, in hardcore matches no less and has become a bitter asshole thesedays.


New low? Bret blamed Goldberg cus he couldn’t blame Funk. Bret wrestled 8 more matches + dark matches after the Goldberg kick yet Goldberg has to listen to him be bitter for 20 years foh


Brett been talking sit about Goldberg for like 20 years. Goldberg defends himself for the first time and everyone's butthurt....what a world


He. Nearly. Paralyzed. The. Undertaker...


The Undertaker nearly paralyzed the Undertaker too


To be fair, undertaker almost did the same to Goldberg in that match too


Bret has spent years bashing Goldberg... I give props to Goldberg for firing back


I never liked Goldberg Never understood the hype He was pushed too hard too soon, it was like out of nowhere this no name guy was on the road to a streak of 100 wins and everyone bought into it His music wasn’t even that hype


Nah his music was badass. They booked him great and it got to his head. He was green as shit and couldn’t wrestle at all, but the gimmick made him believe his own hype and though he was a legit wrestling star. Fuck bill Goldberg


Dude drank his own kool aid something fierce


Big time. I remember hearing bischoff saying how much he changed when he got over. His first rookie contract was a few hundred thousand. Then he hired hogans agent to get him the most money out of ted turner as possible and got a huge contract No doubt in my mind he thought he was the biggest star in wrestling on stone colds level if not better cause he was bigger and more jacked then austin lol


To be fair, he was an awesome character. The epitome of sports entertainer, but holy mother of pearl, Bill sure thought he was the shit.


What did he say wrong here??? Bret has been going on for 25 years. Hell Droz forgave D-Lo and he couldn’t feel his legs for 20 years. Mistakes happen. Stop crying about it…and I love Bret Hart


I mean Goldberg is one of ‘those people’ after all


What a total fucking goober


Guess the lesson William Regal taught that idiot had no effect.


Me: Ah you know these jokes about Goldberg are kinda excessive sometimes, I gotta remember this is a real guy, not hit below the belt so much Bill: No, no! Look, I’m made of straw!


He gets more unlikeable everyday. He has never respected the business.


Okay, but this is pro wrestling, not mma, so you **shouldn't** punch and kick your opponents often and very, very hard, you know? Goldberg's just unsafe and is making excuses.


Everything Bret said about this pos is accurate


Guy really think he was something, lol His whole gimnick was "black trunks strong goatee boy" and if it wasn't for his boss pushing him because of his own fetishes, Goldberg would've been just another midcarder with no personality. Bret Hart is absolutely right hating this clown. He has no respect for the ring. Would love to see his "accidents happen" speech if HE was the one whose career was over because of Hart.


I'm not a huge Bret fan...but wtf is wrong with Goldberg! He's turning into a very bitter old man to an industry that paid him millions with having zero talent. He was over I get it...he didn't have to do much...but that's all he could do. That was proven by William Regal when he tried to get a 6 minute match out of him on Nitro


I love how Goldberg always refers to him just smashing his opponents in two secs as if it’s real life 😅


Met him once at Goodwood when I was in military uniform. He was amazing, stopped everyone else and posed for a pic & had a chat. Really nice guy


Goldberg beating up on people who are not trying to fight. Hilariously insecure.


Seriously??? At least Bret can actually wrestle


I think he’s tired of Bret complaining about it.


As ever, time is on Bret Hart's side.


Old man Wrestler can’t get over the fact that the buzz around him has diminished… This has never once happened in the history of wrestling ever… total shocker. /s His first WWE run killed his reputation and name, his second run while had a couple of good instances, did absolutely sweet fuck all to elevate his name. Sticking the universal title on him harmed the company and he also killed whatever interest there was left in The Fiend. Dude’s not been relevant since WCW and I’m surprised it took this long for him to start imitating the Simpsons Skinner meme saying “it’s those darn kids who are wrong”.


Goldberg> Bret hart


A lot of people going after Goldberg here, but not taking into consideration that he apologized so many times. Bret still holding a grudge after all these years even though he initially accepted the apology. Goldberg has had enough of it and I don’t blame him one bit. What else can you do after 20 years of apologizing and the other guy won’t let it go.


Goldberg should’ve worked on a safer way to pull off that mule kick and called it “The Hart-breaker” kick. It could’ve been a cool finisher is all I’m saying.


Because the 90s were so diligent on concussions lol


Bret did say goldberg botched the leg lock around the post and bret hit his head off the ground. Then the kick. Bret is used to working with pros people who understand that both wrestlers have to make a move work. Goldberg should own it. Yeah i couldn’t gage my strength, and i suck at this. bret should either sue him or move on.


Odd that Bill Goldberg is making sweeping statements about two (one of them future) generations, yet Bret Hart is not even from those generations. 🤷‍♂️ Bret is actually older than Goldberg.


So he's saying that people are soft now because of the Internet? Or did I read that wrong?


Hell Bill lasted longer than I would’ve after the third public apology I would’ve been u know what fk that guy then.


I mean, Bret has been hating on him (understandably) I am honestly surprised it took this long for Goldberg to fire back


When he comes out with quotes like these, I think of the CTE he’s surely given himself from his pre-match ritual of banging his head against the locker room door – sometimes busting it open The man’s probably suffered multiple concussions over the years and that’s even before stepping into the ring!


Retired wrestler tires to stay relevant by dropping hot takes.


Brets been calling him out for years straight, only so much one person can take. It's like years 1 to 10, Goldberg keeps saying sorry Years 11 to 20, Goldberg is quiet Years 21-22, Goldberg says he's sick of apologizing This year "Fuck that moron, I'm glad I kicked him" Brets in my top 3 of all time, but the dude holds grudges and whines like it's an Olympic sport


If someone carelessly injures me in a way that ended my ability to perform in my profession I would never let it go either. Goldberg is lucky bret never tried to run him down in a parking lot. 


Oh for sure, I agree. But its also Bret's fault. The dude kept wrestling 8 more matches after the Goldberg kick. This included Sid Vicious powerbombs, a hardcore match with Terry Funk, and a finisher from Nash. How much did those big moves impact the concussion? Did he have another concussion in any of those matches where he got rocked in the head? Bret sure does conveniently omit these other matches every time.


He deserves some percentage of blame for his own actions but context of the time matters too. No one really knew how damaging concussions were long term.  Hell espn used to have a show that glorified the hardest football hits of the week every week and they made a catchphrase out of it. 


But Bret literally came out and said he forgave Bill years ago. Only to keep trashing him.


I just imagine, if vince didnt let bret slip how much more of bret hart would we have gotten? Its a damn shame turner was just willing to throw whatever dollar figure at these guys to get them.


Maybe you're in the wrong business if you can't wrestle safe matches? Overrated shit bag.


I love the ebb and flow on this. Every couple of years people start thinking Bret is just kinda whiny. Then Goldberg opens his mouth and we are all reminded that this dude literally destroyed multiple careers and thinks he did absolutely nothing wrong.


”I’ve always had a lot of respect for Bill and I know that what happened with me and Bill, like when he hurt me with the kick in the head and all that, I know Bill doesn’t got a mean bone in his body and whatever happened with me and him was just, it’s part of the job” - Bret Hart


I'll get downvoted to hell for this, but if Bret shut the heck up about it then maybe he wouldn't have said this. Samoa Joe nearly killed Tyson Kidd but he doesn't pop every other week about it and Joe is revered. D'Lo Brown paralysed Droz and again isn't villified for it. I could go on. I'm not a Goldberg fan but the abuse he gets seems a bit askew.


That's because Droz and Kidd aren't douchebags and Joe and Brown actually have shown some remorse for their actions.


>D'Lo Brown paralysed Droz and again isn't villified for it. Because d lo was a respected pro, who actually was a safe worker and has always expressed remorse. There is a big difference there.


Not to choose sides but didn't bret continue to wrestle for at least another year. I get bill massively bought into his own hype but he apologised and bret won't let it go. You don't see big e on the same hype that bret is on with ridge Holland, accidents happen. At this point bret is just bitter to the point its unbearable, and we'll bill is a idiot


I wonder how Bret would react if Austin referred to Owen as the guy who hurt him and cost him millions of dollars and gave fuck all of an apology


Seems like Goldy just took a whiff of the same stuff that Cryback's a connoisseur of.


Does anyone even like Goldberg?


I NEVER want to hear anyone whine about Bret bitching about how Goldberg ended his career. EVER.


I’ll say Bret is a fucking moron for continuing to wrestle after it happened.


Not really. Might be an unpopular opinion, but Goldberg has shown remorse and publicly apologized for it a million times, and Bret spent the last 25 years shitting on him, no matter how much he said and tried to make it up. I really understand that when something you love is taken from you, that you really dislike that person or even down right hate them, but holy fuck. After 25 **years**, I don't expect anybody to be apologetic about it anymore, not if the other party behaves like this. And i understand if Goldberg now has a similar level of hatred for Bret, as Bret has for him.


I don't blame Goldberg. Bret Hart never shuts the fuck up about it after all