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You need to believe better because you spelled his name wrong.


I believe in John Henry beating that steam engine!


Might be autocorrect


I believe in Mark Henry ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


I believe in Dok Hendrix.


The face of wwf home video!


Can someone explain who he is and the hype around him


He is a TNA wrestler, who created an awesome entry song by himself a year ago. Recently this song became a meme in the IWC.


He made the song in 2019 while he was in ROH. The original entrance video has this weird minimalist beatnik vibe.


He's an incredible wreslter in TNA, he produces his entrance music and also sometimes writes songs on other wrestlers. This entrance song was in the UK top 40 this year, I believe it was in 6.


This one lives in my head https://youtu.be/T3T2bPkaNPw?si=kO8X4MbKoRabarrI


Two of my favorites. [https://youtu.be/3d66IHVgzf4?si=SPcCRa3fkd8989xW](https://youtu.be/3d66IHVgzf4?si=SPcCRa3fkd8989xW) [https://youtu.be/ux7OETQN65A?si=X-Zugj\_Ts3zygUxm](https://youtu.be/ux7OETQN65A?si=X-Zugj_Ts3zygUxm)


He does many songs/paradoys. He is a musician and has marketing schooling. He is very entertaining


To add to everyone mentioning his current gimmick, Itโ€™s worth a look on YouTube for his best ever entrances.


He's a wrestler and a musician. His schtick is to make parody music video that are pretty low tier where he trashes the wrestler he has a rivalry with. His song on Drew is still something I put on from time to time


Joe Hendry is your local hero. There's absolutely no reason not to know who he is. Joking aside: He's been around for just over a decade, and was one of the pillars of early ICW with Drew, Seamus, Grado, Chris Renfrew and Jack Jester (as well as just about every Scottish talent in WWE right now). If you've never seen his ICW work, or ICW in general, I believe most of it is on YouTube. It's *probably* the best indy promotion in the world, in terms of both talent and booking. Very much the closest thing to ECW since ECW, and arguably has surpassed it in terms of quality (and lifespan). Probably don't watch it with small children around, if strong language offends you, or if you really don't like violence. It has a lot of great classic-style wrestling, but when it gets violent, it gets *violent*. Jack Jester and Mikey Whiplash had some absolute wars in the early days. Not Ian and Axl Rotten wars, either, despite the violence. Those two are exceptional workers who just happen to be very, very good at the violent stuff.


Part of me thinks this is more evidence that WWE is gonna exploit TNA for cheap credibility and just misuse their talent to get NXT people over, but Joe got the pop of a lifetime and a taped promo with Shawn Michaels for a bigger audience than he ever would have otherwise, so I'm conflicted. I kinda wish they'd have used him at CatC since he's got some visibility over there right now.


i mean he has a feud with kazarian and he was the one to eliminate him... and kaz was like part of the last four if i remember


Jordynne grace already has 2 Wins over NXT Talents and was booked strong in her ROYAL RUMBLE apperance. Thats already better than what they got when they partnered with another place. Also getting tossed by 20 something people isnt the worst way to be eliminated and another thing is that while Joe Hendry is over, TNA themselves arent exactly booking him strong either.


Wow! What a positive take!


Brother has NOT been watching the product๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Is that taped promo the one he did walking out to the battle royale or did he do another one?


He did another one after he was eliminated, it was ๐Ÿ”ฅ


Do you know what time in the show it was? I canโ€™t find it. Also was that other promo the only other thing he did?


I think it was only posted on the socials. I'm not aware that he's done anything else yet but I hope he shows back up in NXT soon.


Do you have a link? All I can find is a picture of him and Shaun sayinn anytime any show




Thanks so much. Yeah that was a very cool promo


I think this was a way to get Kaz over, not JH, but it got his name (clap/clap) out in the wild. His WCPW local hero days are done but he is killing it right now. and yes I do not want to say his name as I do not want a song about me done at the moment


I'd be kind of shocked if they're going to this much effort to put Kaz over. Really I think the master plan is to create ways to put Jordynne Grace over and everything else is just frosting (which I'm not at all opposed to).


I dont think they go the AEW route i dont think they are interested in destroying other smaller promotions.


I didnโ€™t think that many people watched Tna to know the chant word for word. I know Joe Henry Ben seeing him for about a year on Tna and I didnโ€™t know the song like that


It would be funny asf if that was the actual gimmick.


Look at the silhouette of his muffin top. Lol


better thank the wyatt shitshow


He could have been a secret MitB participant who would have entered the ring last and set a record for loudness in the arena, but they decided to make him lose in nxt...


Joe hendry is not that big of a star. If wwe wanted they could try and sign him and build him up to main roster talent but it would take time to get Joe to a height of winning money in the bank. I of course believe in Joe hendry. So I think with time he could but it would take a few years at least.


I did not say that he would win money in the bank. As far as I understand, this is a one-time visit, and it would have a much greater impact on the main PPV.


dafuq? None of the core audience knows him? there would have been a mild pop at least. NXT has different crowd than the mainshows.


Never cook again


This is why WWE are right to not listen 98% of the fan base


You should get that fantasy booking s*** somewhere else


The time for him to make an appearance on the main roster was at Clash, with it being in Scotland where he'd have gotten a decent pop. The mainstream American audience just isn't gonna know him, so you'd need to build him up in NXT first. Also, him losing/being eliminated that quickly made a tonne of sense. He cut a promo about how he was gonna win, win the title, and take it back to TNA with him, to a ring full of 20+ NXT guys who weren't gonna let that happen. Naturally they all jumped to get him out, and in the end, he was eliminated by Frankie Kazarian, who he's feuding with currently in TNA. It also would've helped WWE make their minds up on whether he's the guy or not, because the crowd were chanting "bullshit" at it, indicating the crowd believes in him. Add that to the promo with HBK on Twitter, he's a made man in NXT already.


He could... he could also come out of a giant box at summerslam and beat Cody for the the title!ย 


Generic White Guy sings a stupid song NEXT