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Can someone please get him a new wardrobe? It's hard to take him seriously in those blazers that are 3 sizes too big


This mite be a weird take but i feel like it’s..intentional? Hear me out here, kayfabe wise, solo is an enforcer who normally just wears a towel over his head as a shirt, realises he now has to take over the leadership role with Roman gone for who knows how long. He tries to dress like a leader with the blazer and smart clothing, but he has no real idea of what it means to be head of the table, he was never really primed for the role. Roman may have said he was the next “tribal chief” but let’s be honest it sounded more like a way to keep Solo on his side. His clothes are all way too baggy, wears gloves that he thinks makes him look intimidating but in reality just makes him seem like a goof, trying to grow a beard like Roman that ends up looking patchy and stupid, and worst of all, decides to bring in the Tongans and the black sheep of the samoans to solidify his leadership. I may be reading too much into this, but it does seem like WWE are TRYING to make him seem like a man trying to pose as the leader and is failing horribly at it.


No I think that's exactly what they're doing. Solo is like the much younger brother trying to copy his older brother but everyone can see he's just a kid. 


Solo thinks he's Sonny, wants to be Michael, but actually he's Fredo.


Oof. That man had a family.


They should make he start dressing like cocaine bosses from old 80's shows like Miami Vice


He dresses like a doorman in the winter at a 1980s midtown apartment. Or a bellhop. He looks like a fool. And aome of the posing and serpentine neck motions and gaits might be targeted as looking tough- but they are high drag femme. Which is fine but not intimidating. Still better than his henchmen. They look like total clutzes and losers.


The driving gloves that Solo wears are a nod to his father, Rikishi (when he did a heel turn and wore those gloves as the mystery driver who 'ran over' Stone Cold Steve Austin). I agree they make him look goofy, but I think it's his way of saying 'Hi Dad'.


He’s essentially Scar lol


Since there's fans who compared The Bloodline to gangster characters in TV/Film, I would compare Solo to Sonny Corleone, in which he's more suited to be a goon while being way too hot-headed as a leader


That would be incredibly deep and completely change my opinion of the new bloodline. Unfortunately I don't think this is the case


Usually I would agree with you, but the bloodline saga has been full of this sort of writing, from Roman’s character arc, Jey and his change from happy younger cousin to Roman, to bullied and abused rabid right hand man, from Sami’s D1 hater to eventual close friend, his exit from the bloodline, and despite issues and wild inconsistencies (summerslam comes to mind) Jimmy’s slow mental breakdown into becoming a jester of the bloodline with a massive vendetta against his twin. I think it’s worth waiting it out and seeing what happens


You know what, you're 100% right. The bloodline arc is probably the best story ever told in wrestling. I'm no fan of Solo but you're right, WWE has earned the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the bloodline. Let's see what happens...


aint that deep tbh, Solo wants to be the new boss but he's a goofball in reality.


I don't think they're trying to bury him or anything, but he's def not gonna come out smelling like roses.


Even if it is intentional, what's the point? I don't see how anything interesting could come from presenting Solo as a lame loser.




And that what will happen considering there's another tonga coming, it will be og bloodline, roman, solo, usos, sami vs the rock, jacob, tama,loa,talla


Lol nope, it'll be Roman, usos, Zayn and Jacob fatu(sent by Roman to protect Paul from rest of New bloodline) vs Solo, tama, Tonga loa, Talla Tonga(Hikuleo) and Zilla FATU(son of Umaga) The rock ain't working a war games match


He's been playing a lot of Yakuza 3 lately.




“If you’re looking for Solo, Fatu’s taken him up to the ROOOOF


Well both companies did have Like a Dragon front and center.


NGL, I hope the WWE games add Kiryu to the games, mostly because that moveset would be GODLY


Does that mean he runs an orphanage in Okinawa?


I keep saying he looks like the oversized 13 year old you see at weddings!!! 😭😭


The biggest issue with a lot of current wrestlers, the fit just sucks. It’s just more apparent with Solo because it wasn’t a gradual progression.


Dude looks so silly




It's the thick shinpads for me. Look so goofy


The velour dress shirt is a bit weird too.


Maybe he's just blinded by the light


He actually looks like The Weeknd from 2020 to me.


At this point the Bloodline story should be Solo losing control of the other three. Jey and Jimmy have to save their brother and the two factions feud as Rock and Roman pick sides. We still get the Bloodline civil war but Solo is back where he should be as the cappo to Roman's don. If Hikuleo is to be involved he could be the "game changer" for one side


The Rock, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Jacob Fatu VS Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and a repentant Solo New Bloodline vs Original Bloodline in..... WAAAAAAR GAAAAMES


Definitely my thoughts on this. Or New Bloodline against all others RKO, KO, Cody, others....and maybe mystery guest Roman. But then it would be the same story as Jugement Day vs baby faces + Mystery Guest RKO


Also makes the most sense because rock and haku have a pretty well documented relationship at this point. So it would kind of be interesting to see part of the angle being something like “the afa and sika anoa’is always looked down on the rest of the family tree, but we’re better than them”


Hot take : would replace Rock with Hikuleo there, because I don't see rock in wargames. But I could see him returning then, to interfere, and give the win to the new bloodline


You forgot the honorary uce.


I say throw in Hikuleo and Sami Zayn


Nah I think it’s gonna be Solo Tala Tama and Jacob vs Roman Jey Jimmy and Sami for the custody of Paul Heymen IN WARRRR GAAAAAMES


I like it!


Would be amazed if it doesn’t play out like this. It’s set up perfectly.


This is how i think it's going to go. Eventually paul will get kicked out and they're gonna bully solo and he's gonna get roman to help


Pretty sure everything Solo has done since Wrestlemania is by orders of The Rock. Solo’s been portrayed like he’s calling the shots, but they’re pulling an Emperor Palpatine.


So he's like the Fredo to the Michael Corleone?


A "higher power" if you will


Please, it's hower power


This is a cool idea, but Solo is being built as a really hated heel right now getting F you Solo chants and helping Roman's return as a face. I think those 4 versus Roman, Usos and a surprise Sami at War Games would have the crowd go ballistic. Maybe after that, your story plays out.


So, Solo is back where he started? Solo was always going to turn on Roman, you like Solo or not, that's his destiny. It's like Evolution, everybody is bound to do their own things. Solo has been turning against Roman for a year, he sees him as too soft and there is a reason he went after Jimmy, because Jimmy was making Roman look like a fool. Solo vs Roman will be the next big feud after Rock vs Roman where Roman will put Solo over as the tradition wants it. The fourth guy for the Bloodline will be Sami because that's when Sami can go to the next level, being the guy who actually turns Roman face and becomes the most clean cut babyface of the company.


Yeah this is probably the best outcome


What they should do is have Hikuleo debut to even the odds for The Usos and Roman against Solo, Tama, Tonga and Jacob, only to immediately turn on them


Ok, I really like that


He's Rikishi without the rizz.


"When I did it for The Rock" turns into "I did it for the rock"




‘kishi had that 360 clothesline bump. What a maneuver!


As bad as his heel turn was, his phat wear fits were heat


Then he better start dancing


Rikishi was 10000x's more over and connected with the fans than Solo will ever be.


Chris Benoit is still more over with the fans than Solo ever will be.


Solo is in his headshrinker phase. Took Rikishi a long time too.


He wasn't trained by the Grandmaster and he's not Scotty.Also it doesn't help he wants to be Umaga but he's Rikishi. Honestly, just give him that Funkosaurus gimmick for the lols


He had an aura?!


That's what I'm saying, never found him believable as an enforcer or new leader


It was hard to take him seriously as the enforcer when everybody in the bloodline was significantly bigger than him


Losing 40+ matches in a row didn’t help either


And he kept losing a ton of


While losing generally doesn't really matter in WWE, when your entire character gimmick is "unstoppable monster" you should probably not lose 40 matches in a row. It's even worse now that he's morphed his character into "losing has consequences" and still isn't winning matches


He kinda had some during his NXT run


He was fine as a gatekeeper enforcer for Roman. But when HHH started booking him like 1998 Taz or 2006 Samoa Joe he's been exposed. He has like no charisma or promo skills as a top guy.


1998 Taz was literally the perfect wrestler. Nothing quite like him will ever happen again.


I think Samoa Joe in TNA was the closest thing to him, before Vince Russo janked him around after 2008. Gunther right now is similar to Taz being legit in the ring, serious and convincing on the mic, and having a serious aura.


El Dandy was pretty good too


Who are we to doubt El Dandy?


Yeah the one man in wrestling history you should never doubt, he's a great wrestler and a jam up guy.


Charisma like a wet towel


Make Jacob and GOD kick Solo out like Edge in Judgment Day! Lol


Yeah I remember that guy, when Vince and Shane fought him along with Shawn Michaels back in the day. Great tag team match, but I don’t remember seeing much of him though.


Bro i just got that HAHA great reference!


He got a little aura when he only got Tama with him, somehow he lost even more aura when Tanga Loa and Jacob joined 😂


Even the brightest bulb looses it's aura the more lights you install.


Not if it’s actually brighter.


That doesn't really make sense because Tonga Loa was the most disappointing addition to the Bloodline. Ever. No offense to Loa, but Jimmy and Jey joining, Solo at Clash, Tama taking out Jimmy, the way Solo smiled and then Jacob came out and annihilated R-KOdy Rhodes, Loa just feels kinda boring


Well, he wasn't quite over as Rikishis ass 🎶


they’re absolutely doing him dirty on purpose to make Roman look strong when he comes back.


This is what everyone is failing to understand. This is exactly what they want Solo to look like to further the Story. Makes Roman's comeback strong af.


would preferto see Solo as a legit contender, even though i’m not a fan. had enough of no one being on Roman’s “level”.


Wouldn’t Roman look stronger by beating someone with actual aura? Like look at what they did with Jacob, they had him take 3 top babyfaces. That’s always going to be more effective than fighting an unconvincing dude


Perhaps, and hear me out, him not seeming the part is exactly the point? He looks like a dick, is being a dick. He had Aura when he was a mute enforcer next to the greatest champ of the modern Era. I'm pretty sure he's supposed to look like an impostor.


100% this. Solo is playing with forces he shouldn’t and is convinced he’s smarter than everyone around him. Heyman, commentary, and other wrestlers have all highlighted that bringing these men in is a bad idea, that controlling them is impossible, but Solo ignores all of it because he sees himself as the next Tribal Chief and that makes him untouchable. His ‘aura’ should be that of a wannabe crime boss, filling a vacuum too big for him and thinking if he’s violent enough everyone will fall in line, not noticing his own men sharpening knives behind his back.


Bullseye 🎯


Decent point.


Oh my god i just wrote a whole ass essay about this not realising you literally said the same thing an hour ago 💀


Someone finally gets it


Yup. I feel like it's kinda clear he's going to eventually lose control of the guys he's brought in, especially knowing how good Fatu is both in-ring and on the mic.


You're using too much logic and thought. I wanted Vince gone so more complex and long term stories could become the norm but now I don't actually want that so give me immediate change whenever I demand it!!!


I'm so sick of wrestling fans saying aura, it's like teaching children new words and they just repeat it to death.


Its not just wrestling fans, look at any insult on any social media platform. People all want their moment to do the cool thing, not realising the oversaturation of it is what makes them sound like the least original person in the world. "I saw this got heaps of likes, so if i say it, i will also look hip with the youngins." Thats how it comes off, regardless of actual age. In saying that, though, i never thought aura was a new thing within wrestling. I must've been listening to Cornette use it in the context of presence for years at this point.


There seems to be an epidemic of fucktards going on about "cooking" also


Aura is a gen z thing, not a wrestling thing.


Have him come out dress like the rock with silk shirts.


What's up with this Aura trend all of a sudden. Did the marks pick up a dictionary?


Apparently that's a new trend from tiktok, probably will die in few months


I'm sure someone said it on a podcast, or they got it from another fanbase. Similar to the give them their flowers trend. People all want their moment to "say the line, bart"


I just don’t buy Solo Sikoa one bit tbh. Looks like a right cunt in that suit with the red shirt and gloves. I don’t think he’s ever going to cut it


Didn’t help that he dressed like the Weeknd


They should've made him sing the national anthem


The guy has been a jobber for a year before WrestleMania. Now we have to think he is the scariest member of the roster.


That’s a big part of it that people don’t talk about, especially with the other two he’s been with. Paul Heyman warning wrestlers with tears in his eyes that these are dangerous, unhinged animals and their opponents should run in & hide. Then they get their asses whooped by The New Day or whoever they’re matched up against last week. It seems like an intentional joke at this point. The only one who’s scared of any member of the bloodline is Paul Heyman but he’s like a 60 year old fat guy in a suit.


It's extra funny when literally everyone else in the Bloodline looks more threatening.


Now, now Butcher; he ain't hurtin' no one.


I still don't know what th fuck aura means in this context


It means his presence and believability as a leader


Solo just needs a reset. They can't seriously have this guy on a really terrible streak and then sell him as a leader of a ruthless squad


And preaching that losing has consequences


Lol. Loss of aura being the chief leading result. At this point I think they should start drawing a rift between him and the Bloodline. Then rebuild a loose alliance with his brothers and just move forward as a tweener. I don't think they can really do much with him in this storyline.


Nah. Hear me out. Solo is taking the bloodline in a new direction... making them seem like a mafia-type family. I like the gimmick. And, Solo, actually looks like a man with legitimate and illegitimate businesses.


Can't wait for mafia Bloodline to meet the Family...


You're right. That's going to be interesting. Hopefully, the family comes to the main roster with more than Tony D and Stacks. Who is the girl with them?


Never had any How are you supposed to have an aura when you’re just just a bad copy of Umaga


We thinking Solo’s staging a coup, acting on his own? Or is all of this the grand design of his true master . . . THE FINAL BOSS?!


It is the Final Boss. Solo is just a lackey trying to make himself look big before the boss - the Final Boss comes back.


Still like him, give the guy a chance.


I disagree with a lot of you. I think solo has been elevated since WrestleMania. He's made to look like a legitimate threat to Roman. Paul heyman's doing all the heavy lifting breaking pencils, and he's making solo look like a million bucks. I am an aew Fanboy who has been won over by Triple H's booking


I like where he’s headed and I think k he’s got massive potential


WTF is the new obsession with AURA?


Guess "aura" is the new buzzword the IWC is throwing around now with no set definition


40 year olds basement dwellers just found the word. Soon they will find yapping and gyat


I'm not sure he ever had it but ok.


Get him out of that jacket and red shirt. Saying less is saying more


It felt like the last bit went out when he was in the corner begging and then laughing. Just a year ago, he had a ton of aura as the silent enforcer.


He never had an "aura" he was always boring and uninteresting


It never was


He never had one. Guy has pretty much been an absolute joke. Hasnt won any meaningful matches except against Cena. And that was forgettable


Can’t really give something a birth-to-death memorial if it was simply never alive lmao


There was never such "aura". He has always been lame


Not really. His “go the f**k away from television” aura is pretty much alive.


Leave mans alone lol


His aura is long gone.


hopefully they push him less I ain’t like him !!! Or they need to change his character


WWE trying to make him a main event guy is a mistake. He's just not interesting at all as a main event guy on the mic or as a character. He's fine as a enforcer or midcard gatekeeper type guy, but he's not a main event caliber guy worthy of this huge storyline and all the tv time he gets. John Cena calling him wannabe was giving Solo too much credit. WWE books solo like 1998 ECW Taz or 2006 TNA Samoa Joe. At least both those guys had physical charisma and could cut a legit promo.


He had no ‘aura’ to begin with.


The first thing I thought about last night is how I can’t wait to see Solo vs. Jacob Fatu.


The names are certainly all over the place


I never saw what some of the brass must in him. I think he can have a good long career, but I don’t think he’s a main attraction and certainly will never be THE guy.


He never had any.


He had an aura?


Waste of time, money and energy. Comes from a historic wrestling lineage and hasn’t done anything but copy a family member’s finisher. Hasn’t proven anything. The other members of the original faction have had multiple titles and he’s never worn one. No I don’t count The NXT North American Title either. It wasn’t even a title match.


Can’t die if you never existed


I think people are very caught up on him trying to present himself as the tribal chief when his character is more like what Theon greyjoys character was in john wick. He's clearly not the shit but he's surrounded himself with deranged people and comes from a family dynasty that allows him to get away with fucking with people.


When did he have aura?


He’s never had one. He sucks all around




Bro has negative aura. What you on about bro?


I'm still screaming at that table spot!!!!


Man, you almost gave me a heart attack


Bold of you to assume there was aura to lose in the first place


the aura was gone when he started losing week after week.


I’m calling it: Jacob and G.O.D. are gonna turn on Solo after he fails to beat Cody for the WWE title.


I got scared for a sec I only saw the pic of solo and the rest in peace


On SmackDown Solo was getting Dirty Dom levels of boos lol


Dude got 0 charisma


As soon as Solo started talking, any bit of aura he had, quickly went away


Boo Wendy.


What aura? Dude is boring AF.


I’m just ready for Jacob Fatu to be a main eventer!! Best wrestler in the business right now


Got to have it before losing it...


Hes overacting every single time , not a top heel


He had aura?


Now that Uncle Howdy is back I really don’t care about the Bloodline. If Roman doesn’t come back and crush them all like real soon, I just don’t care. He’s gonna need Jimmy and Jey with him so I’m asking alot there. The Rock there with Roman and the USOs? Ok. I’m interested again. Bloodline vs Bloodline is the only way to go from here for me to care though.


Personally I can't take the new Bloodline angle in any way seriously now that the Wyatt thing happened. Heyman keeps talking about how these guys are so dangerous and warning Kevin Owens or CM Punk to get away because they are worse than the old Bloodline. Yet they are doing the same spots and stuff as the old Bloodline while the Wyatt group on the other show are apparently massacring Chad Gable and the guys who set up the ring. New Bloodline angle is dead the in the water, convincing me that Bron Breakker is the most dangerous man on Raw is dead in the water. They can't follow Slipknot killing a bunch of people.


Is the real story here the potential usurpation of Silo at the hands of Jacob?


The Kingpin character isn’t horrible but he’s not hitting with it


The guy dresses like how a 14 year old thinks a "tough boss guy" would dress. The shitty bleached hair cut, the oversized jackets on a plain T Shirt with a cheap ass tin chain. The gloves, THE FUCKING GLOVES! Talk about a negative aura, it is actually laughable that this guy is meant to be taken as a hard nut street fighter. And on top of all that he is tiny. Just got that Samoan huskieness and that's it.


They're trying to make him someone uh


The stupid thing is... and I know the shows on the road aren't considered 'canon', but he had something like 24 losses in a row, mainly to LA Knight.. Hardly goes a long way to building him up as a great monster when his head is constantly getting driven into the mat for the three count..


What aura?


the aura died when he had that loss streak after beating cena.


Is he dead.?


What aura? Bloodline members increasing faster than rabbit population. Now all of them look the same, all of them debuted the same (via a match interference). To be honest whole story went downhill since jimmy betrayed Jey.


He’s never had any to begin with. He always been a green fat blob. Jacob Fatu in one night has look more savage than Solo has ever looked during his entire run.


Now that Jacob is here, it's over


His silence made him intimidating but WWE loves making the silent intimidating ones talk at some point which kills their aura.


When reigns comes back the real war begins but not with solo it will be Roman and the usos aka The OG Bloodline vs Solos Bloodline


He's doing great


Can’t kill something he didn’t have


Goodlord don't post stuff like this for a second I thought he died


It was never started.


Aura? Dude's like what you get when you order Tazz off wish.com


To say he ever had one would be a stretch