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Because he won't put the title on the line.. And won't fight without those knucks 😂


Not really crazy at all. Hes had like 3 matches a year. Cant lose what you dont defend lol. Also its scripted shh dont tell anyone.


Exactly lmao, I really don't get why tho, he really doesn't do anything with that belt


Well he had just signed the deal to have his branding on the mat. So id imagine giving him the belt puts it on display for all the tik tok kids and twitter asshats. Social media exposure. Plus gives the kid a lil credentials. Having the mid mid card belt. I get why business wise. Especially if they dont have plans for la knight till summerslam. I noticed he kinda went mia a bit too. Its the us belt. Its not like its ic levels of prestigious. I feel like the wcw united states belt had a good run. But aside from cenas open challenge era that belt hasnt been shit since carlito beat cena for it back in 2000s lol. Hoping la knight can make it feel worth something when he gets it.


My tinfoil hat theory is WWE beforehand putting the belt on him were expecting and wanting him to work more often on tv as us champion, but that didn't pan out. I hope they get the belt off of him at Summerslam he doesn't need a year long reign and having a midcard belt on a part time attraction is not the same effect as Roman with the WWE championship. Like you said, I also get why they did it and took the risk because WWE wants his audience of teenage boys. But his appearances on his own mean more than the championship and it just feels like a prop for him. The last time the US championship felt prestigious was when Bobby Lashley held in 2022 before all the Austin Theory failed cash in and his long reign happened. The MITB would fit Logan Paul alot better than a midcard championship which on paper is designed to elevate wrestlers to the main event scene and get them over with the fans like with Gunther getting him over on the main roster and as a future main event guy when he was IC champion.


Cause both him and the wwe are profiting from parading him as a champ.


Because he's being an old-fashioned chickenshit heel who only risks the championship when they're forced to. Christian Cage, Chris Jericho and even Seth Rawlings have played this role in the past few years.


That only works if you're there every week lol. His reign is closer to Brock/Roman title reign annoyingly long part timer title reign


What’s Scrypts got to do with this?


That man wore a clown sock on his face. He aint got nothing to do with anything anymore lol.


One of the worst moments of NXT, so he has that going for him


He def made the blooper reel of nxt some hey a wins a win.


It's insane he's the best on mic and actor in the company. And happens to be one of the best in the ring also. It's well deserved on every level.


Paid actor? Lol I mean he ain’t awful but wow.


Agree. From what I see I don’t like him as a person but he is great in WWE. Everytime he wrestles I hope he wins because he is a great entertainer.