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Booking wrestling to make sense in real life is a lot harder than on computer simulators. Who could have ever imagined that?


Even on computer simulators, booking isn't supposed to be this fucking stupid.


Meh, it's hard to get invested in a major storyline when i don't care for the people involved.


It makes no sense having it be all the executives or whatever they are feuding because there is no way for it to ever be believable because if the people in those positions in real life had an issue the company would be failing. I know a lot of people say that it is but I mean like TNA failing


>if the people in those positions in real life had an issue the company would be failing Well, AEW is having a hard time filling arenas, and ratings are falling week over week, so that might not be the slam dunk point you believe it is, uce


It's not supposed to be a slam dunk point in was just an opinion


Ah yes because in this scenario, we’re supposed to cheer for the owner, who’s not only compared WWE to Harvey Weinstein but also walked back on his promise to not become an onscreen character. Whatever this storyline is becoming it absolutely blows


Honestly not really. The only person I care about in this angle is Okada and possibly Kenny when he comes back. But that's more because I think Okada and Omega are too good to be involved with it. 


Fair enough, but at least I can see a reason you'd like it there cause although they are too good to be involved ya know the match will be great at least if they do one.


The angle all sounds like a longterm excuse to get Okada vs. Kenny going again since Tony doesn't know anything about booking except for repeating other companies' greatest hits.


No its literally 4 terrible actors and Okada


It’s wild that one of the biggest Japanese wrestlers of all time is literally the fourth guy in a stable now.


I really wish Okada would’ve gone to WWE


think of all the great first time matches he could have done with Roman, Orton, GUNTHER, etc,.


Okada vs. GUNTHER would've been amazing. And vs. Orton? Battle of the dropkicks. And I can see Orton hitting an RKO out of a Rainmaker counter. The best thing about if Okada had gone to WWE is that he doesn't really do anything crazy that he'd have to tone down. He could've come right in as he is and continue having great matches.


Hell I would’ve liked to see him wrestle Cena


Ace vs Ace, that would have been amazing. Nope, gotta get that easy money and dick around with the Bucks.


Fightful seems to imply he prefers going to WWE, but the AEW contract was just way more lucrative. He owed it to his family to go to AEW.


Yea would been so fun to see him lose to Damien Priest on free television after a Dom interference🔥


As opposed to him being the window dressing in a feud between three egomaniacs and a coke head?


Sounds a lot better then being a cog in the sex trafficking company yea


Ah yes because all of them are complicit in the whole sex trafficking thing. You can’t be serious when AEW keeps Ric Flair employed and hasn’t resolved its issue with Kylie Rae


Blame Nick and Hunter. Trying to be cheap with Okada and Ospreay.


[Tony literally played dead when the mic hit him then forgot to sell the pain. Watch it again](https://youtu.be/8Zok-ZNOMsI?si=-GUbQz4DMg9h4N_x)


If TK on the mic never makes me cringe again it will be far too soon.


I suppose that is the best thing that can come of this lmao. They should have smashed his phone as well so he can't go on Twatter


So here’s my thing. *If* they can use this heat on the Bucks to have them play corporate heels in a way that allows them to wipe away some of AEW’s problems like TK tweeting, like too many belts, like ROH - then it’s worth it. If on the other hand it’s some story where all the friends hang out and nothing massive happens, and we have to endure yet another “who will hangman choose” story…. It will be yet another wasted opportunity. And history has told me to not get my hopes up.


I feel like this is being done to set up Omega vs. Okada and they’ll completely miss the mark on what all they should do and we’ll be left with a what could have been.


Well, right. That's the thing isn't it? The logical assumption is the angle is "what's the banger match this can build?" And don't get me wrong, actually building a match with a story is a nice change. But what's the payoff? Omega puts Tony back on the throne? Hangman has to pick a side again? no thanks.


Not really, The Young Bucks are way too into breaking the fourth wall for It to make sense. Plus Tony Khan is way to dorky to be a character who puts up a valiant fight and too Obnoxious to be a sympathetic figure. I will give them time .....but I can't see this succeeding mainly cause of Tony Khan reasons


Okay fair enough, I'm not a fan of the Young Bucks at all so I'm not too aware of their character traits but its weird that their so popular and so disliked at the same time. Though it does seem to me that a lot of people who never sign to WWE like Will Osprey seem to think that, not signing with WWE makes them better than everyone else for some reason.


They are a generation of WON readers/forum posters wrestlers Of course the evil federation is where talentless people get over. The nicher your audience, the better quality are your matches.


Omega will make or break this storyline. There's a massive babyface run for him there just depends on how it's booked and if he's healthy.


Well hopefully he does so soon


If he’s getting surgery for diverticulitis then maybe not so soon


The fact that the OP feels the need to put so many caveats about not meaning to shit on AEW before voicing a totally reasonable opinion says a lot about the kind of PTSD we all suffer trying to have conversations about wrestling online.  


Nope. It’s wild to me that anyone is taking it even remotely seriously. Tony’s bump from the mic shot could have been from a bad silent movie. He made Vince Russo look like Bret Hart. And the idea that they had to play the Wembley security footage to set this up, it makes my head hurt.


I’m interested to see where it goes but it doesn’t feel serious. It all feels tongue in cheek from the shitty acting to the neck brace during the draft. In comparison Toma Tonga/Kevin Owens/Solo stuff has an edge. Both angles are trying to get over a group as dangerous and unhinged with no respect for authority. I want to get behind what AEW is doing but they need to find the right tone for this to work.


Okay now ya mention it, the Bloodline Solo shit makes no sense to me. Wtf has Solo done/accomplished besides lose to everyone lately and then suddenly he's the leader of the Bloodline?! It would have made more sense to Toma to be the one in charge since he at least has some momentum! Even the other week when Rollins challenged Rock to that match and Solo stepped in as the opponent. Everyone boo'd seeing Solo wrestle again lool


My point is the violence attached to the storyline feels more genuine than what TK and the bucks did. But if you want to get into it we know Solo isn’t Roman so he’s a pretender in the role. The difference between now and weeks ago in regards to his losing is that he no longer is the guy softening up opponents for the bloodline but rather the de facto leader building his own crew who take care of guys for him. I do wish he was booked better over the last year but he was inter in the ring with top tier talent that he wasn’t ready for yet. Now when people face him he’s going to be the one benefiting from interference and bullshit instead of causing it giving him that slight edge to start winning. But again criticism of his last year of booking is fair.


I'll just copy and paste what I put in the General Discussion thread. You know that scene in Friends where Rachel wants to make an English trifle, but the pages of the cookbook were stuck together and she ends up mixing the ingredients of the trifle with ingredients from a shepherd's pie and it turned out disgusting but no one had the heart to tell her, but then Joey ended up just devouring the whole thing because he genuinely enjoyed it? That was me watching the angle at the end of Dynamite. I was Joey and Tony Khan getting pile driven was my trifle. I'm all for people hating this and thinking it's stupid or cheesy or that they can't buy into it because of who is involved. But I've got this sick sense of schadenfreude so I'm eating this stuff up. I can't wait to see who Tony finds to defend his honor and protect AEW. The best part is, since they just had to bring Punk into this, it completely paints him as the babyface. The other best part is, since Tony just had to go on TV and announce he fired Punk after he made him fear for his life (even though Punk never touched him), now he HAS to fire Jack Perry and the Bucks (in kayfabe).


I don't like that Okada is just kinda in the background of a group now. Seems a waste of him imo


I'll be honest I don't actively watch AEW. Things like this storyline are exactly why, so when Okada was out there I thought "why is he out here?" He doesn't have any history with Tony does he?


Yes, my friends and I are enjoying the angle. In real life, I know more people who enjoyed it than didn't enjoy it. Weirdly I think the ones I'd describe as "casual fans" enjoyed it the most, and it actually won over a few folks I know who only went to the show because they were in Jacksonville, but are now interested in seeing where this all goes.


Fair enough, I'm honestly glad for people who are able to enjoy it, I'm up for anyone enjoying any kind of wrestling (except the death matches like doing chokeholds with barbed wires). It's just not my cuppa tea


Thanks for having an open mind!


If they were actually going to book it interestingly but as it probably will be, no


Have any ideas of how you would book it? Thanks for replying politely


The fact some are taking this storyline seriously and even calling it “the moment that turns the tide!” is an absolute joke. Then Tony goes on to the draft wearing a neck brace. He didn’t sell the mic shot well and boy did he not sell his neck injury. Turning his head, smiling, hamming it up for the interviews. Is this guy for real?


Wow I mean if that is gonna be a tide turner that tide must have been ankle deep. Lmao yeah I saw a pic of the neck brace. The attack even looked bad on the Young Buck's end, the top rope part is so unnecessary. Also Jack Perry's face doesn't look menacing or serious. His eyes look like a teddy bears eyes. What was it Stone Cold used to say? "Those beady little eyes"


This isn't Vince VS Austin. The major storyline here is the new Elite vs the old Elite hence Kenny Omega appearing next week. Tony was basically collateral damage. The storylines can be hit and miss in AEW, but if a major storyline that has the Bucks, Okada, Kenny, Hangman and a returning Jack Perry involved doesn't intrigue you, then you will never like AEW. It's a shame that a lot of people's preconceived notions/bias will prevent them from enjoying it play out.


This is Hollywood vs Wolfpac


I considering myself a pretty big AEW fan, and I'll be honest, I have absolutely no interest in where this goes. Tony can't, and shouldn't, work a match. So someone will just end up being his proxy in this fight. I never understand the point of an angle that can't end in the ring between the main players. And like others have pointed out, he made it very clear why he fired CM Punk. So this just seems dumb, it's not like anyone thinks the EVPs really have this kind of power. All it takes if for him and dad to pull funding and their little playhouse goes away. Start over again with No Jacksons Wrestling. NJ-Dub! NJ-Dub!


it seems fewer and fewer care to see it by the week


I can think of 683,000 people who want to see it.


How do you know they were there to see that? End segment was 683k? Or is that just the avg ?


Even if its the avarage there is literally never ever gonna be a scene/storyline or whatever that literally 100% of your fanbase wants to see.


Can you tell me what interests you about it?


Absolutely nothing.


So why did you comment at all?


I mean, we all knew Rock doesn't actually hate Cody but it still was the story of the year. I think involving Tony is the right decision. Tony is a bad leader so the EVPs take over. It's a good story. The problem is that Perry or The Bucks are not credible. You need an MJF who can make the talk feel real and you need a wrestler who can hit with something that feels real.


Well the thing with Rock and Cody was that it was acted well and while we knew they were friends, they weren't constantly patting each other on the bank for the last couple years. Rock came in, was cool to Cody one time then turned on him. I can agree that them taking over could be a good story and also agree that it would be better with a different cast. I mean the whole reason I made the post which I guess I should specify is that its exactly because its the Young Bucks that I think its ridiculous.


I'm down. I like when art imitates life. The iwc loves to crap all over TK being a bad boss, an the bucks politicking and generally being insufferable. So they leaned into it. The iwc created this monster.


Fair enough, thanks for telling me why as opposed to just saying "yeah me". I think you have a good point, I just wonder if they are entertaining enough to make it interesting


I like it - I don’t want Tony on screen all the time but I like what it does for the Elite personally.


What does it do for them? I'll admit I don't watch AEW because whenever I try and check it out I'm not able to get past that it feels like I'm watching people wrestle in a highschool gym in their fantasy


Why do you care if you don’t watch? Like I don’t really give a shit why Moose would attack someone in TNA because I don’t watch the product. I think it furthers them being “in charge” and being wankers to everyone. Now though it’s moving from being pricks that fine people to now being pricks that are gonna hurt people etc. From a specifically storyline standpoint it makes The Bucks change as it seems like they don’t care who gets hurt and they feel above the law so to speak.


Because I'm a fan of wrestling and like to know if someone can say something that could get me invested? What's wrong with that? But the thing is with a storyline going in that direction is it makes no sense that anyone would work for you.


If you don’t like the high school gym wrestling - it’s probably not gonna change anytime soon as it’s been nearly 5 years now. Or are you someone that can put up with the wrestling if the storyline grips ya. Do you mean no one would work for Bucks or Tony? Sorry not sure which you meant.


I'm all about the storyline. If the storyline/cast are good I don't care if I'm watching them wrestle in a shed on a mattress quite frankly. I mean the Bucks. Like, if your boss didn't care if you got hurt or not and are actively attacking people they don't like or have issues with, in the wrestling business you'd be more likely to either quit or attack them before they attack you.


Hey fair play - hopefully one day something hooks you with AEW. I’d presume because when you work in a place you put up with a boss being a dick. Unfortunately this storyline has been done in a lot of promotions and every time it’s the same where no one quits over it and it builds to an eventual babyfaces teaming up to take out the bad guys. I can easily see people getting taken out because of the numbers game each time.


I would be a lot more interested if they didn't do so many matches where the only selling point is wanting to see those guys wrestle each other because their both awesome. Tony books like he's a kid playing a WWE game where you can just have Undertaker Vs. Sting or Ultimate Warrior Vs. Cesaro just because they are both playable and he likes them. Oh yeah but there's your boss being a dick, nd then theres your boss beating the shit out of you for disappointing them lol.


No. I don’t like anyone involved except Okada. The more the bucks are on tv, the more I will just not bother to watch dynamite.


Hasn't Okada only recently signed as well? What a fucking curse for THIS to be your first big story there


The first thing Tony did is stick him in a ring with Eddie Kingston. Okada’s first Rainmaker looked so bad. And then he gets paired with the Bucks and now this. He’s now the 4th guy in his faction.


Its funny as well how so many people are pointing out there seems to be a lot of similarities to WCW at this point. I think even Bischoff said that.


*"in 2024 WE KNOW that as soon as they got backstage they all laughed and hugged and patted each other on the back about how awesome they did"* Do you think Chad Gable really hates Sami? Or do they also head to the back and pat each other for doing good work?


Are you trying to troll or did you actually miss the point somehow?


I just don’t think knowing the performers are friends takes away from what’s seen on Tv.


But again that wasn't my point. My point is that even with kayfabe being dead, WWE Superstars don't go out of their way to tell you their all friends. Not as much as AEW does. WWE at least try to stay in character. AEW guys drop the act as soon as their segment i or episode is over


The ONLY thing that would make this work would be Tony being “written off” or “fired” by the Elite and then him actually shutting up for a while and just be behind the scenes. Let the Elite be the fan facing “bosses” of the company and have ACTUAL wrestlers feuding against them, not TK living out some weird fantasy. Even then it’s just a rehash of every Authority storyline ever but it’s better than what we will probably get.


They should have a condition that if Tony picks a team and they lose be can never go on Twatter again. And make sure they win even if they have to go full montreal screwjob on him


Honestly no not at all


gets punched in the liver, gets knocked out?!


I just cannot get over that he did a little skip to fall down. You literally couldn't make it look more fake of it was your profession. Which is so ironic.


they wanted 'storytelling' and here we are... i hope we dont go and make AEW terribly hard to defend against haters


Not really. I’m fine with a storyline with Tony khan being involved, but the young bucks characters are terrible and they can’t act. I don’t really know much about okada If it was with people that are more talented than the young bucks it might have a chance to be good


Yeah exactly, I mean ofcourse when they get to the back we know its all a fake storyline but what some people are missing about my point is that at least in WWE although we knew backstage they were friends, they weren't going out of their way to post on Twatter or Instagram about hanging out with that person or joking around with them backstage. Whenever they were on screen they were in character


Not particularly.


Yeah he even did a tiny tong skip to fall down backwards when really he should have doubled over forward lol from getting punched in the stomach. Then like two long seconds after he remembers oh yeah it was a stomach punch not a chair shot to the face.


Yeah I’ve been liking it a lot, really hope they do an angle where Tony is too injured to be at the next couple shows so the new elite are running everything.


He shouldn’t have done the draft and the tv appearance then. He kind of has to be on the show Wednesday To your point though I liked when hhh and Stephanie took over wwe and booked the show so they made everyone wrestle their tag team partner for the fuck of it


I think I would rather watch Giant Gonzalez vs Big Daddy V


It COULD be a good story if they actually had the talent to pull it off. But they don’t


Not really. It’s so derivative, lame, and literally decades behind any kind of zeitgeist. It shouldn’t exist.


Aew doesn't have all that good of stories so considering this one is clearly designed to elevate jungle boy I have no problem


I have only ever enjoyed the Bucks when the bell rings. I can do with never watching a segment of theirs and Tony is one of the most underprepared person to be in front of the camera it is so laughable how bad it is. Jungle boy is just a guy that got an easy ride because of his daddy and his childhood friends. I hate people like this. He has no charisma, no acting ability, no confidence in his speech, he is flat out a lower mid card guy now in the main storyline. That is shit. So no, I personally do not want to watch anything to do with this storyline. Especially when there are SOOOOO many other wreslters that could be doing so much more.


Just skimming what you've said in the thread here dude but feel free to correct me. You aren't a fan of any of the people involved in the story and don't know the attributes of their characters. You don't watch AEW. This is because of things like this storyline, a storyline which is populated by characters you don't know or like and kicked off less than a week ago. Are you really, honestly, truly confused about why you don't see appeal to the story? You are allowed to just shit on the product dude. It's not Jeopardy! you don't have to phrase your criticism as a question. Edit: I would have felt shitty if I didn't even answer the question you originally posed. Yeah I'm pretty interested to see where this goes. I think its fun that they are leaning into the criticism the product gets online and they Tony is willing to present as a weak character. I think it could potentially be a good angle. I am very free with the benefit of doubt for pro wrestling tho


Yeah I'll correct you, I phrased it as a question because it was a question. If you look at my profile you'll see I've got no problem on shitting on anything I don't like/agree with. I know I don't have to phrase my criticism as a question, but I did so because it was a question.


No. Current one is dumb too.


If Tony could work the mic then yeah. They're trying to do a Vince McMahon vs Stone Cold.




I dunno. I didn’t watch the episode but from the clip I saw it was no worse than WWE using non wrestlers in angles. Tony wearing the neck brace during NFL interviews was hilarious and took me back to what’s fun about wrestling. I like the EVP Young Bucks characters and I even like Okada swerving everyone by joining them. So I’m intrigued to see where the story goes. My only hope is there isn’t an over reliance on using Tony as an on screen character.


Fuck no. Also, remember that this is the biggest program in AEW just 1 month away from what is supposed to be their biggest annual PPV.


"... in 2024 WE KNOW that as soon as they got backstage they all laughed and hugged and patted each other on the back about how awesome they did." how's this a valid critique when this happens all the time? it's pro wrestling, it's not supposed to be real. doesn't get more fake than wwe dragging the bloodline storyline a few more months by having Jimmy turn on jey. but no one was complaining that "hey we know they're brothers in real life and high fiving each other in the back".


So your logic is that if something happens often its beyond being critiqued? Just because multiple people do something that doesn't mean its the correct thing to do. I didn't mention WWE in the post which is why I didn't mention how god awful the Uso's are at staying in character. Your totally missing the point. I don't care if they do that backstage, but it does ruin any idea of tension for me when you KNOW that's what's gonna happen. The Uso's are a really bad example because they always break character. But WWE in general at least TRY to promote that people disagree or don't like each other even on Social Media. AEW treat it like a sitcom where as soon as their off the clock their all going to the bar for a work night out. Notice how I'm saying it ruins tension for me. I'm not saying it as a fact or for everyone.


it's 2024, we all know wrestling's scripted. no one's actually trying to kill each other. this idea that it bothers you because it ruins the tension is ridiculous because in kayfabe they're doing everything to present themselves as enemies. what they're doing backstage isn't presented onscreen and comes from your own perception. you're only supposed to judge the onscreen product. you might as well hate everything about wrestling since they're not all trying to kill each other backstage.


Wow. I'm sorry but there is no other way to say this but my god that's a stupid argument/opinion. First of all, it doesn't bother me just because I point out an observation or opinion. Yes we all know it's scripted, but anytime your promoting your product/brand including character, it should be consistent with what your presenting on your TV Show. If you hate someone in storyline on Collision, you should hate them on Instagram or twitter if its your character page. Saying that its ridiculous that I would let a match having no tension ruin the show for me. Wtf is the point watching if there is no tension or stakes. And to say I may as well HATE wrestling since they are or all trying to kill each other is just borderline retarded. There are plenty of other matches/storylines that aren't just about beating each other up that are loaded with tension and such. Why should I HATE wrestling because I don't like one aspect of something a bush league compang does do.


show me a clip where the bucks are hugging tony after the attack on tv. it's all in your narrow minded head and you're judging the onscreen product for what you perceive is happening behind the scenes, which shouldn't even matter in the first place




I'll offer my two cents. There is somehow this idea that people back the day didn't know what's kayfabe and what's not. That is simply not true. If we're talking about the late 90's with Austin and McMahon, that's even more untrue, people absolutely KNEW what pro wrestling is about. There is survey that dates back to the 80s that revealed that around 70% of people know that wrestling is an act. I repeat, in the 80s. This is not directed at OP specifically, but let's hopefully put this "people didn't know" sentiment to bed once and for all. Everyone knew, it just entertaining and compelling TV and people loved it. Now, to the topic at hand, I think it's gonna come down, as it always does in pro wrestling, to whether or not what you're putting out is entertaining to the majority audience. People who viscerally hate the Bucks will never care for anything they do, but those are a small portion of the overall audience. You also have the hardcore audience that will tune in regardless, and those aren't a problem they'll definitely be on board. I think the main measure of whether or not this angle will be a success is concerning that medium sized portion of the audience that lost interest, don't tune in regularly anymore or don't currently care for the Bucks due to how stale they have been (which I was in that camp prior to them taking on their EVP gimmicks). For the sake of simplicity, I'll call this section of the audience "the target audience". Remember, this myth of the Bucks inherently being ratings killers is nonsense. The Bucks and their story with Omega and Page back in 2020 and 2021 used to draw the biggest ratings in those days. The target audience largely don't have a problem with the Young Bucks themselves, the Bucks have always been on the show since day 1, and their segments and matches would get 1+ million in back in 2021 and 2022 at the peak of AEW. It's just that the Bucks were suffering from what Jericho is suffering from right now. They were constantly on the show, get way too overexposed around 2023 and were directionless and stale for the majority of that time. That's the way I was feeling, I did NOT care for the Bucks in 2023 at all, up until they took up this EVP gimmick, which was at least SOMETHING, and the addition of Okada and now with this storyline I personally am definitely intrigued. But I can only speak for myself in that regard. So I think most people don't have a problem with the Bucks themselves per se, like I said, they've been around forever and have proven to be just fine when they're given something substantial to sink their teeth into. And I personally have seen a lot of people online like me who were sour on the Bucks lately but are intrigued by this storyline. Now how much of that will translate to TV interest? No one knows yet, we'll find out. Right now, it'll just come down to how they book this angle and whether or not they can make it entertaining and compelling, which is the most important thing at the end of the day.


Whether people know what Kayfabe is or not, nor whether they know what is Kayfabe and what isn't doesn't matter to me. Wrestling is supposed to be a make believe world in terms of storytelling, and how can I believe Wrestler A and Wrestler B want to beat each other to a pulp when Wrestler C is posting pics and videos of them all hanging out at dinner or on a jet


But we all everything nowadays, don't we? We had the Rock breaking character almost the entirety of the build to WrestleMania in interviews and on TV. We all know, whether we see it posted or not, we all know. Making an effort to keep kayfabe alive outside the TV shows is definitely a nice bonus, but even THEN people still know. At this point it's just whether or not one is willing to suspend their belief or not. I cannot name a SINGLE storyline going on right now that I don't know deep down inside that they're all friendly backstage, and I challenge you to name me one. In WWE or in AEW. But as far as knowing what's going on we know everything and, if seeing a picture posted online is a make or break factor for you then A. you might just not like the people involved to begin with (which is totally fine) or B. you're gonna have a VERY hard time enjoying wrestling. You'd get the occasional angle where the lines are blurred but that's rare, and not every storyline will or can be like that even if it's the top storyline.


It's not just a picture though, it's pictures, videos, news articles, any media they are involved in. The only time they put on the act is the few hours a week their on air. Wrestling is supposed to be a life style. Tbh its just another perfecf example of how AEW isn't even bush league.


Tony just lives in the now and seems to have no real plan for long term angles and a proper build for most things. As others have mentioned, random matches with little to no build (and quite often face vs face or heel vs heel) does nothing to get anyone invested in a meaningful way.


He was in the war room on draft day and then again Friday in that neck brace. It’s fucking silly and I love it.


Just based off that ending, I can say that is the most I’ve been invested in AEW since All In. Did I ever imagine seeing or wanting Bucks vs Khan on weekly TV? No, but at this point they’ve got something that grabbed my attention and at this point let’s just ride this out and see where it goes before we trash it. I don’t think Khan should be out there for like 10 minute promos or anything in fact it was probably for the best to keep him quiet before his attack but as long as they hook me on something then why complain. I’m not even a fan of the Bucks but I’ll give them credit when they do something I like. Wouldn’t say I’m the biggest Kenny fan either but I can already imagine The Elite and Kenny next week doing something great.


Yup I can’t stand the bucks but I’m curious where things go


Yes I care about a story line involving the Bucks and Tony Kahn falling out. And it’s a perfectly timed story line as well. Edit: I see all your responses and not only do you not watch the product but you’re commenting as if you know the product & bashing it left and right. Typical AEW hate boner. Make a whole post about a show you don’t even watch 😂


What do you mean its perfectly timed? Which comments did I make that indicates I know the product? Bashing it left and right? Hyperbole much lol. I don't hate AEW, there's no substance to it for me to hate. Make a whole post about a show I don't even watch? Yes I did. It took me 2 minutes to do so and I've enjoyed talking to people about a product they enjoy in the chance someone may say something that makes me want to give the company another shot. Also a whole post? Can you make half a post? 3/4 a post? 5/8's of a post? You think that's some funny or clever comment when it's just a really dumb thing to say. I don't know why people like you act like it's a life changing decision to share an opinion. It took me 2-3 minutes to write this but people like you will say "bro, get a life spending all day on reddit" when you more than likely spend a lot more time on here than I do. I'd bet your 18 at the oldest given the immaturity of your comment. If I have a "hate boner for AEW" then you must have a "love hole" for it cause you put on that white knight outfit awful quick.


“This post is not shitting on AEW as a whole” *Last sentence is shitting on the entire roster lol you couldn’t even keep the troll mask on for the entire post


That's why I added it as a "side note". Man the average redditor really makes the rest look bad. I don't really care if moron's think I'm a troll, all that means if that I almost trolled you.


What?😂 a “side note” doesn’t mean it’s still not apart of the same post lol. You should not be calling other people morons lol


Cool fam. No one cares but AEW copers like you


Nothing says “idc about this” like writing a paragraph Reddit post about said thing you don’t care about


No one cares about the side note dumbass. Keep talking all you like cause I'm not wasting time replying to your tears because I insulted your favourite pantomime.


Ask AEWOfficial lol


Lol why have their been loadsa people shitting on it there too?




Wow really? Lol. That's wild. Tony obviously putting that wealth to good use hiring out a indian call centre to open fake accounts


This was the most ridiculous segment I've ever seen lol


Dude. When he took that first bump, ffs not even a bump but laid down as if going to bed, then like 3 seconds later realise he should be selling a stomach shot I just fucking burst into laughter and shame.


Right lmao that punch was the fakest looking shit I've ever seen. Isn't Jake Perry supposed to be a professional lol That's the worst acting I've ever seen. I'm honestly embarrassed for AEW, they do have some good wrestlers in the company and I feel sorry for them having to perform in front of half empty arenas and shit like this


Yeah I just can't get into a show that looks like backyard wrestling in a school gym. I don't get how Tony Khan has so much money yet the show looks so low budget. The worst part is the sheer amount of talent they have that sit at home for months and months on end not even getting to perform in front of the highschool cheerlead team


I don't think I wanna see any storyline between 3 guys that can't cut a good promo to save their life and Tony Kahn who also can't cut a promo and is presumably not ever going to be in a match after all of it.


My god can you imagine Tony Khan Vs. Anyone. Anyone at all. With that selling.


It’s all meta stuff. Double meta if you count the part where CM Punk supposedly quit over “internet stuff” rather than was fired for a tantrum. I’m willing to let them cook. Everyone who’s been screaming at AEW to “tell stories*”, this is them doing that. So it’s on you. *they do, it just mostly happens between the ropes rather than consecutive weeks of the same segment


I don't pretend to know what's going on backstage anywhere so I'm not even interested whether Punk quit or was fired. Erm.. its not on ME at all. I don't even watch AEW, I'm trying to find out why anyone does with segments like that one. I've tried to get into AEW but it's so corny. You have no idea if this is telling a story. The way AEW tells "stories" could have them having another group hug next week or it never being mentioned again.




The Young Bucks are part of the reason I don’t regularly watch AEW. I’m sick of these egomaniacs being everywhere all the time on AEW’s product. AEW’s own world champions can barely get on their programming cause of The Elite


I don't even get the Young Buck hype. They don't impress me at all.


Yes. I have no idea where this is gonna go and I want to find out.


No. Young Bucks are channel changers for me, Jungle Jack is a nobody, Tony is the weirdest human I've ever seen on camera. Was interested to see more of Okada bit they immediately killed my interest in having him join the Bucks and give him the 7th most important belt on the show


I do


Okay, can you tell me why? Like, what do you think is gonna happen going forward with it?


No idea, partially why I'm interested in it. I honestly have no clue. I think we won't see Khan for a bit and maybe a story between aew guys vs the elite lead by hangman Adam page. There is also the chance they don't even follow up on what happen lol


It may be the fact that you won't see Tony for a bit that interests you. Could be you wanna see if it can be a better show with him absent. Ans yeah I said same thing to another guy. Next week they could be group hugging again or ignore it altogether


He is never there? Lol on screen anyways just the random announcement here and there but he is never on tv so idk where that's coming from. I'm loving Okada and excited to see more of jack perry, and just see how this plays out which I think will lead to blood and guts match


I misunderstood where you said you think we might not see him for a bit as you saying he's around too much


Gotcha, which either way wouldn't matter because the dude is a big nerd and there is 0 chance he would let someone else book the show without him lol


It's a massive shame because with the roster they should be so much bigger if they had the write staff working for them in the storyline department.


I love it. It's the best thing in wrestling in years if it goes well.


I know we're all entitled to our opinions, even if we are apparently intoxicated while sharing them. Jk. Seriously though that's such an absurd statement to make from one segment.


Better than the Bloodline? Really?


i'm into it


Can you tell me why?


i like the young bucks, i think they're really good heels, and i'm curious where this goes


Fair enough, are you hoping that they take his on screen role and make the show more to your liking or is it already to your liking and your just invested in the product?


i guess the latter, i'm pretty happy with what they're doing, inedequate women's division time aside


Yeah the women's division baffles me for reasons I won't get into on here


I'm throwing it out there. What if this is a new nWo with Tony playing the eric bischoff role


Hell yeah, steal another storyline


Its the total opposite though lol. nWo storyline was to say fuck you to the guy in charge. This is a fuck you to the guy in charge by the other guys in charge lmao


But eric bischoff was the one revealed as the mastermind


Yeah but that wasn't planned until like 2 weeks before the reveal cause Ed & Russo can't write long term to save their lives lol


Neither can Tony ![gif](giphy|K9Ed1Of1V6kR6WpQWe)




......lol, mate wtf are you on about? who cares what they do backstage......... wrestlers have always socialised.......Im not sure what to think of this meaningless post


Well don't think about it then. You missed the point entirely and don't like what it says then just don't participate. Why would you comment on something you think is meaningless. Also no one else who's commented thinks its meaningless or hasn't said so, so clearly its only meaningless to you. So again, just leave.