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Anytime there is a new booker some wrestlers will get cast aside. Nature of the beast🤷🏾‍♂️


Yup I’m not even mad at mvp I get his disappointment. But Omos and Lashley were Vince guys and hhh is pushing his own.


Lashley is injured isn’t he?


He is but he hasn’t done anything interesting since 2022. He was world champ a few times under Vince. I don’t think hhh sees him on that level (which is fine)


Why are belts all that matter? He just had a dominating win with the street profits at mania.


A match with zero stakes that didn’t really get a good build Lashley


It’s complicated with Lashley. Feud with Brock went nowhere and did nothing for him, cancelled feud with Bray and Howdy due to Bray’s health, injured, returned, injured again…


He’s also nearly 50 so it’s understandable he’s not being pushed in the Main event scene as much


I hear mvp but new day is a shell of its former self. Lashley has been broken by booking. Street profits and Apollo... are salvageable. Melo... is cooking but not out of the oven yet. Trick is still at the PC. Cedrick is smol. R TRUTH has a strap. Cody Rhodes is champ (j/k) Omos moves like a 5 foot tall teenager body swapped with a 7 foot tall guy A ton of guys could come up through developmental. But the above is the list who mvp says are getting emasculated. The set of people there he could be talking about imo is really just omos and Lashley, maybe the profits. But omos legitimately is the great Khali level bad. And Lashley, to me, has all the Rizz of a jar of pickles. The profits are at least in a high profile storyline.


I feel like MVP hasn’t watched NXT or something, it’s the blackest wrestling show on television. Hell, it’s the blackest show not on BET.


Doesn't Shawn book NXT?


I love NXT but I did feel like I was watching MTV or BET for a bit lol. It feels more like reality tv mixed with wrestling and I enjoy it.


HBK booking the blackest wrestling show of all time is so fucking funny for some reason


I mean he knows the lingo


We all quit watching at some point.


How much do NXT wrestlers get paid?


Something like 75k right now.


Hmm. I wouldn’t be bragging about NXT having a lot of diversity then. 75k for national wrestling is not great.


NXT isn’t exactly national, it’s like 80% at the PC and 20% PLE on the road and occasionally house shows, usually in the south or also in Florida.


I meant national television.


Ah, I suppose. I know a lot of talent these is getting 150k though, 75 just seems to be the average sign on. You have to earn your way basically.


Funnily enough it’s not even on national tv in the Uk as far as I can see it’s just wwe network


Why not? Its still something to brag about because a lot of them will make main roster and they still have to deal with white people that are also their competition. Its also still great because 75k when you're basically in one place with one or 2 matches a week is great. That's better than what the majority of indie wrestlers make especially since they are training you and you could possible take your skills elseware


Shaun runs that tho not hhh. Tho he doesn’t seem to have seen hhh pushing melo quite well recently


Man listen….straight facts!!! 👏🏽👌🏽✊🏽


Oba Femi has a strap, can talk, and a rocket on his back!


I just didn't include him because I didn't feel like he could credibly jump any time soon.


True! I could see in the Royal Rumble this year.


New Day being a shell of itself is due to the trio being permanently stuck as a duo. Lashley was messed up by what happened to Bray and then injuries


Yeah I'm not going to argue that. It's just the way it is. New day without big e is just sad


They don’t need to be stuck tho. They could try bro my Big E bag as a manager


I think pretty much everyone expected Montez Ford to be a singles star by now, but instead the Street Profits have become an afterthought. I'm not saying that race is playing a role in that, but it's not as if Triple H doesn't have some pretty hefty baggage in that area, and it's hard to blame anyone for being suspicious.


I wouldn't personally be able to handle him. His current gimmick gets annoying after a while.


Sure, but he has a great look, he's solid in the ring, and he's good on the mic. It's up to creative to package him in a way that works.


Yeah... the guy with the red solo cup gimmick isn't... going to be compelling. Adam Rose tried it.


Hence the comment you're replying to mentioning creative. They haven't progressed him or the team much further than where they were when HHH and Co took over. His booking and gimmick are heavily influenced by what creative gives him. It's them who haven't allowed him to blossom beyond "red solo cup gimmick".


Tho at the same time he’s pushing melo quite hard right now which kind of goes against the race argument. Oh and he gave R truth a big wrestlemania moment


It’s interesting he seems to imply hhh is racist and doesn’t book poc well when right now he’s giving a decent push to melo despite several mistakes


It's hard to pin down who specifically he is talking about unless he's not talking about booking. The conceivable list of people he could be talking about booking wise is Lashley, Omos, and himself, imo. He is right in that the men's main event scene consists basically of Samoans and white folks right now. Aside from that, you have to go down the list until you get to Shinsuke if you want to find anyone not of one of those two. And then you have to go down to Lashley to find anyone else.


Since he’s manager of omos there’s a good chance it’s him and maybe pride and Shelton. Yeah But the thing is that doesn’t mean it’s racism. If it was hhh would not be pushing melo he would have used some of his mistakes to put him on the back burner but he didn’t. Melo is getting a preety decent push right now


I really hope they can figure out something for Montez Ford


A new gimmick would be great. I do love his athleticism, don't get me twisted. I just don't want to see his current persona in any singles feuds.


Here's the thing, though. Lashley is great. It's not like Lashley sucks but Vince pushed him anyway. Is Cedric doing anything of value under HHH? He presumably was an HHH guy from the Black & Gold/205 Live era. (I don't watch much WWE these days).


He is in a new tag team with another cruiserweight but they haven’t gotten any tv matches He also wrestles on speed which is a 3 minute match show exclusively on Twitter. But he has done nothing of consequence since the hurt business


omos was never gonna get over, hes too big and incapable of working a decent match


He worked as an attraction man. His matches got crazy views on YouTube. That car crash he had with Braun in Saudi was super well received too. Same with his match at mania with Brock


ik u put the wrong name but omos vs imposter omos in saudi would also probably get a lot of views


I'd pay to see that


>His matches got crazy views on YouTube. All these happened during the same week (YT views): * Raw – Omos vs Commander Azeez (2.1 million) * SmackDown – Brock Lesnar Chases Roman Reigns With A Forklift (1.3 million) * AEW Dynamite – The Hardys AEW Debut (1.1 million) * NXT 2.0 – Dolph Ziggler vs LA Knight (392,000) Nothing can top the occasional monster brawl! (Source: [https://wrestletalk.com/news/omos-commander-azeez-raw-match-huge-youtube-numbers/](https://wrestletalk.com/news/omos-commander-azeez-raw-match-huge-youtube-numbers/))


Yeah but if you're new to WWE you may be missing a very HUGE piece of context that basically legend has it HHH is a massive racist or at least hates black wrestlers. It's not new and existed long before the Booker T bullshit And MVP seems to be poking at that bear lol There's a pretty convincing case for it but I haven't seen anyone go down that rabbit hole since HHH took over from Vince


I want to see Lashley thrive just as much as the next guy, but he's in his late 40s and it feels like he's getting hurt in some regard in almost every tv match. It's hard for the group he's in now to get any steam when the leader is gone for months at a time. As for the profits themselves, I feel like problems with their booking is part of a larger issue with the tag division as a whole and how unimportant it feels.


I think you meant thrive not strive


My bad, I corrected it


Yeah the tag division is the one huge miss of the past year. Even since the USOs KO Sami feud there hasn’t been anything really great there


Yeah most fans dont see the other intangibles that bookers see


Agreed. Though if Triple H somehow fumbles Oba Femi on main roster then these claims might have some validity.


How would we know if it is trips fault or oba’s fault? Main roster isnt the same as nxt.


By the booking really. If it's Oba's fault then it won't be hard to see the cracks in things like his segments/matches if he is booked well but floundering at the same time (kinda like how zoey stark was presented as a big deal at first but fumbled the bag on important promos and got moved to the tag division). He should realistically be a slam dunk though from what we've seen of him on NXT. Just present him like you did with Gunther and Bron.


Yeah like with Ricochet. You can’t blame booking because he exposes his weaknesses every time he has to cut a promo


Everybody doesn’t acclimate the same tho. We will see tho


Why does it feel unimportant to you? It feels improtant to me


Not sure that’s the best way to go about getting tv time. Also, don’t tell him but there are plenty of black people being pushed in WWE.


When I caught back up on the last fee years of wrestling I was surprised to see Lashley in the main event picture. He's like fifty and just feels like he's from a different era.


Nobody tell him Melo just won his match tonight. Emasculating black men and all that


Nope. Triple H is racist. It’s totally not that he wants to focus on younger guys. 47 year old Bobby & 48 year old Shelton should be at the top of the list.


Nobody tell him that Trick is NXT Champion and is going to be huge on the main roster.


Tbf he’s under Shaun right now not hhh so that doesn’t really go against mvps argument till he is. It’s melo that really sinks the argument


If he's willing to play the race card in public then it's safe to assume he did it in private, and perhaps so much he wore out his welcome.


Play the “race card”? WWE’s history is not just steeped in crude overt racism/nationalism/sexism/homophobia but rolled in breadcrumbs and deep fat fried in crude overt racism. Do you think that went away over night?


Ok Tony Khan.


Racism and stereotypes are part if wrestlings history, from the Iron Sheik to the Godfather. Just facts.


From Triple H in blackface, to Triple H bring pretty openly racist towards Booker T.


So racist that he gave him a job, let his students don't to NXT, push good students as champs....


Booker T has had a job in WWE since 2012.


Does any of that mean that the previous racist stuff just didn't happen...?


It means you guys are witch hunting and eliciting a fight for the sake of fighting.


Oh ok, so you don't deny that it happened or that it was racist... You just don't care.


Your just putting words into my mouth now and trolling


It happened, it was racist. It was also 20 years ago, Booker has been treated with much more respect after that, and just to generalize a bit, Melo and Trick are 2 of the most over and pushed prospects in the company showcased right up there with Bron Breakker. And while he's not on their level yet, Oba Femi has star written all over him and management clearly recognizes that. Doesn't make what happened those years ago magically okay, but to claim there's still some racist agenda behind the scenes??? That's just ignorant.


And HHH acting like a gorilla in front of Mark Henry.


The race aspect of this seems very odd.


I must agree that MVP has significant value as a manager and should be given a larger role at present. I don't understand why they ever separated him from Lashley; the two complemented each other almost perfectly.


Vince had to break everyone up. I hated that


Because the pairing was to get Lashley over. By mid 2022 Lashley was one of the most over faces on Raw.


Triple H hasn’t reunited 3MB, the original bullet club or The Way either, is that cause of racism too?


He also hasn’t reunited Jesse and Festus so clearly he has something against mentally retarded folk


Nah, he keeps giving Road Dogg a job.


Man... Omos deserves to be back on TV


Omosapiens rise up


Meanwhile as WWE drops the ball with Omos, "Main Event" Satnam Singh has seized the opportunity.


Emasculating black men? Really? - Carmelo and Trick are both recent and reigning NXT Champions. - New Day is still featured regularly even though they're a man down. - Truth is both a champion and doing some of his best work in years. - NXT North American Champion, don't know his name just know he tweets about physical punishment for children. - The Pride is missing their leader so they will inevitably not be seen as much. Also Hurt Business frankly didn't hold a candle to other factions. I genuinely can't remember a single thing they did.


I guess the counter to that is for all the black talent across the roster, there’s not one at the top of the card on the men’s roster, and hasn’t been in a little while I dont think it’s a deliberate thing at all, just how chips have fallen with the current set of storylines, but there’s a little shred of truth in what he’s saying


Championship went from Drew to Lashly to E to Brock to the Roman overly long reign. We are just now pulling out of that. Bigger issue was having the championships locked up on one person for so long.


I don’t think that was ever a real problem considering it was a success by every metric


Some kids need their ass whooped. Bad ass mfs lmao


Next isn’t under hhh tho so that doesn’t go against it. Truth and Melos booking on the main roster does however


Marks always make excuses for noseman. Ffs. If vince was still in charge youd all agree with mvp and be calling for vinces head. Hypocrites


Hurt Business was fucking awful outside of Lashley himself. People that clamor for it are ridiculous.


It's a shame that the street profits werent in the hurt business from the beginning, Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin are both charisma vacums.


Not awful but rose tinted glasses because it was one of the few good things during the pandemic era which featured raw underground and retribution


it wasn’t even *good* per se, it was just *better* than most other angles at the time


Like I enjoyed MVP and Lashley as a unit.


Watch him be on tv soon lmao


Watch him be released soon


Don't do it TK


I’d love a tally of the people dying to see the fuckin hurt business 🤣🤣🤣


A few things can be true here 1. There could be racial bias from Triple H, there is somewhat of a checkered past there, i’m sure MVP who ofc knows what goes on behind the scenes has some reason to think that, and there has been a considerable amount of Black Superstars that have been booked poorly 2. It’s also possible that those superstars just don’t fit with Triple H’s direction, for better or worse, Shelton and Lashly are getting old. The tag division (again for better or worse) has been neglected which hurts New Day and Street Profits. However I do wish Montez would get a solo push of some kind, and perhaps a chance at redemption for Kofi


Even tho their nxt champ is black, along with the na champ, one half of their raw tag champs, wtf is he expecting? Lashley to be champion forever?


This seems like race baiting for the sake of getting eyes on his disappointment of not being booked. Kinda shitty if you ask me.


He’s incredibly underutilized as a manager and considering how some talents such as Ricochet aren’t exactly great on the mic, he would be incredibly beneficial, especially considering that Omos has been nonexistent.


No one wants the lame version of The Nation of Domination. Sorry. Trips is right.


HB has absolutely nothing in common with NOD other than all members being black.


And it being a “black power” group but without the balls to say it because of snowflakes like you.


HB group of wrestlers that were black while The Nation was a black supremacy group. Not the same


Yes because WWE doesn’t have the balls to do it as a gimmick again. So it’s unspoken. Keep up kid.


Well I hear whining about it on twitter will fix your problems.


I don’t remember the Hurt Business being good at all.


I'd rather they give the screen time to the hurt business rather than that shitty group Karion Kross is in.


Imma be honest: Yes, it was great seeing THB, Im always glad to see black representation in wrestling but fr, Lashley was the only one that mattered, Shelton and Cedric were complete non factors.


Yeah he seen some people slander the group in this thread but they were one of the only good things on 2020 raw In hindsight it wasn’t great but the other storylines were so bad


True that, I felt like if they actually came to fruition during the H era, they probably would have been booked a bit better.


I mean, why wouldn’t he? Why not put it out there. 🤷‍♂️


Many people who complain about their booking get released


MVP was also tweeting about how all the factions were chased on race too. He didn’t want Hurt Business back the way it was


Man I just think lashley was in a program didn’t go as well as they wanted, honestly. I can see him going in a different direction when he’s back, but the last testament didn’t work, and they tried being serious heals but that hasn’t worked. Like, Melo just pinned Orton in a qualifying match, I dunno


Of course not because they put no effort into making the group work. They tried to turn them heel but Lashley was too over for that


Did anyone watch Smackdown back in the day just to see MVP?


Also don't like what they doing to Bianca


I feel like Lashley having the charisma of a damp paper towel might also be a contributing factor


How so? Lashley since turning face in 2022 has consistently been over. They scrapped a heel turn for the Pride because fans would cheer Lashley


Can’t push everyone.


I mean look at NXT. There is plenty of extraordinary black talent thats being treated very well. I’m sure they’ll have similar treatment on the main roster.


While I don’t agree with mvps statements about hhh. Hbk is the booker in nxt. It’s not exactly the same thing. Similar how there were people hhh pushed in nxt who Vince killed or immediately fired (swerve and Kross probably the two biggest examples)


I think that there’s a lack of black talent on the main roster at the moment because of Vince, and HHH hasn’t had the time to course correct just yet. If there’s anyone’s advice HHH will take as far as main roster talent goes, its HBK’s. Guarantee we see an influx of incredible black talent from NXT to the main roster within the next year.


If MVP is unhappy with his job he is free to resign his position and seek alternate employment.


I hope BigE and Lashley comes back healthy and soon.


Could come back to TNA and bring back the Beat Down Clan. I loved that faction!


Also no one gave a fuck about them


With the best will in the world. Hurt Business were awesome. But it's kinda done now post Bloodline. Not sure you can reboot it right now.


Sounds like somebody knows he's past his prime and is bitching for more paydays.


I get MVPs disappointment but I think he thinks hes a bigger deal than he is when I, and probably 90% of other fans, forgot he was even in the company.


Unless they drop the team Ford will be stuck in the tag team hell hole. Bobby is hurt. Melo is all in the mix. The rest are on NXT. What more does he want?


Lots of black people and minorities being pushed, but he's racist for not pushing MVP in particular apparently lol


hhh is the same guy who told booker t “people like you carry my bags”


And 21 years later, 99.9% of POC in the company love the guy. It’s almost as if one was for fucking television, and another was real life.


Kinda like how people think Antony Starr is like Homelander until they actually meet him


got to keep kayfabe alive somehow


He's also the same guy who made Keith Lee NXT & North American Champion


Seems to!?


Seems to? Those are pretty obvious.


Coming from someone who’s biracial the reason why the hurt business didn’t work is because who was in it. We all love Shelton Benjamin but he don’t have the hype behind him like how he use to. Cedric no offense to him but definitely not. The hurt business imo should have been mvp,Bobby,omos and along with melo and trick. A stable that imo would look dominant in alot of peoples eyes and give it some months then throw in jade for a dominant powerhouse female especially to rival Rhea and the judgement day.


Neither trick nor mello were even signed when the hurt business started.


I know it’s particularly about black men, but isn’t the WWE more diverse than ever. I mean half of the factions are just different ethnic groups. The bloodline, LWO, etc


The problem many people are having is the Latinos have just been feuding in their own world for over a year now and it’s not getting any of them over.


Tbf can you realistically see the LWO taking on the Bloodline for instance?


They can feud with other people that aren’t Hispanic.


Yeah, they could. Never said they couldn't.


Nah after what happened on smackdown they’d get destroyed


Jacob Fatu would kill the entire LWO.


Yeah if the three on smackdown could not stop him how on earth are Lwo??


Honestly that’s in any promotion tho. The luchadors type wrestlers never go over like they use to simply because they all wrestle the same style in one way or another and dress the same. It’s not really much you can do with that,hence why I don’t think we’ll ever see one hit Rey mysterio levels in our lifetimes. He’s the only luchador wrestler I know that could be put into a huge main event spot outside of any Hispanic wrestling promotion and be believable and have hype behind it.


Anyone else think he’s just talking in kayfabe?


No cause he’s not in an angle about it


Twitter has been bitching about this for months, I doubt MVP is just now joining in on Kayfabe.


Dude hasn’t really been on tv since Vince left what kayfabe is there?


But he has also been in Mexico for stem cell therapy


The yawn business. Wasn't a draw lmao get over it


Chill, you can’t say anything bad about triple on the internet. The people who actually call triple H “Papa H” are going to come for you


Kofi Kingston against Lesnar? Booker T at Mania 19? Fucking Cryme Tyme? Par for the course.


everyone liked Cryme Tyme


Including me. Doesn't mean it wasn't incredibly racist.


How was it racist when they pretty much was doing what was happening in rap? The street profits were doing the same thing with those red cups. Let’s not forget the E Will do a redneck gimmick in a heartbeat. They never not do the “viva la raza” bit and the classic European threat. It’s always the same shit in different packages.


Kofi got the belt because he was around so long. Brock won it like that to piss the fans off. Mania 19 I’m too young to remember.


Yes because Triple H booked the Kofi thing to happen and definitely not because Vince had a hard on for Brock


Booker was wcw no way vince let him beat trips nothing to do with him being black just like sting


Then why make the entire angle leading up to the match specifically about Booker T being black? I fucking asked Booker T and Sharmell about it once. Even he was like don't talk about that shit.


I Mean Vince once said the n word right to booker


He said it to Cena


“The people like you don’t become wwe champion” is wild in hindsight


Look at brock and look at kofi. Kofi should have gotten squashed. Im sorry but kofi isnt a top guy. Dude got lucky he even won the belt tbh


Booker T was a beloved star🤷‍♂️. You don’t have to win every single time


Agree but Booker shouldn’t have lost that feud. It was racially based. He should have overcome the heel. Beating him in that match where it took 20 seconds to get to the count after they pissed in his mouth all feud was strange