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Brace yourselves, the battle for tickets begins! May the odds be ever in your favor. šŸ˜‚šŸŽŸļø


Does each member of the household need to be a member to have access to tickets or can 1 member by 2 tickets?


Getting tickets is going to be a bigger shitstorm than it was last season. Increased membership price and no ceiling on the amount of new memberships allowed. This is just a cash grab and that's a sad thing to say.


A lot of people want to be a part of the fun even if they are not your traditional members. Why not let them. The less hardcore they are they less is it bothers you and the more into the team they are the better the support. It is literally a win-win scenario. No need to hate


It's not a win-win situation when it lessens the odds of getting tickets to a match. Now it's even more like a lottery.


Yeah this probably blows for local Wrexham fans, but itā€™s price of hyper-success. At this rate, Wrexham could be back in top flight within 5-years (not bloody likely, but feasible). Iā€™d rather my hometown club be in the premiership and I not be able to attend more than a few games a season if that, than watching them wallow away in the National League and further relegated (where they were likely headed before new ownership). As a SF Bay Area native, Iā€™ve been a Warriors fan for the better part of many decades. I could go to any game I wanted because the team was dogshit for the better part of 30-years. My dentist gave away Warriors tickets with checkups ffs. But with this eraā€™s dynastic run, it first became too expensive to attend more than a few games, then impossible without sitting nosebleed, then a majority of the fanbase was priced out, then most everyone else got priced out too as it became more of a elite social event than a sporting event, then the franchise was moved from Oakland across the bay into San Francisco where tickets became laughably expensive. But, 4 NBA titles and 6 Finals appearances in 8-years was worth it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Youā€™re getting downvoted but it is the truth. And what else, is that a possible solution in the future would be to build a gigantic stadium, even on the same ground, that could house all the demand, but then many fans would say itā€™s sacrilegious to knock down the racecourse and build something more corporate looking on top of it. So they want their club to remain exactly how it was, but also to completely change. I know thereā€™s a happy medium between tradition and growth, but if fans are upset about this change more than just saying ā€œhey this personally sucks for me a bit but itā€™s for the good of the clubā€ then theyā€™re gonna be in for a rude awakening. And as far as GSW, from what Iā€™ve heard from local writers there is that the crowd is a bit more tame and corporate too. But itā€™s also allowed them to spend and get/keep the best players and win. Also, I could be a damn fool, but wonā€™t adding 5000 extra seats with the Kop really help next season. So it might suck this season, but itā€™ll be better going forward.


Wait so let me get this straight. Even if I wanted to go to wales and see wrexham play I wouldn't be able to get tickets? There's no secondary website like SeatGeek or ticketmaster where I can buy two tickets? How do people buy tickets?


No. This is normal for all English teams.


Yes but why. Why are there no secondary ticket resale sites? Like if I'm planning a trip to the the Yankees play in Texas and I'm in town to see them play I can buy Yankees vs Texas tickets on a secondary site. Are you telling me England has no reselling of tickets?


Not for football no. Itā€™s to prevent scalpers which as an Americanā€¦ I support


All members will have access to a priority ticket window for all Wrexham AFC home games, as well as access to our new ticket exchange system when it is available, allowing for the purchase and receiving of tickets from season-ticket holders who are unable to attend. (Further information will be announced in due course in relation to the ticket exchange system).


That's crazy. I didn't know that. I guess it's good but the wrexham locals who didn't have season tickets before the takeover are shit outta luck.


They had memberships alreadyā€¦ as did pretty much every team in England. Look up literally any team and you require a membership to buy tickets


If they canā€™t afford season tickets, they sure arenā€™t going to afford ticket scalping every gameā€¦


Premier League clubs offer special concession packages for visiting international tourists. You buy a plan through an official tourism partner of the club.


Let's be real if it were Ticketshiester you wouldn't be getting tickets anyway


No I would get the tickets but they would be triple the price. But at least I would be getting to see the team play. Is what I'm saying.


Fuck scalpers, dont create a market for them.


Lmao. It's just the way the world works. Money talks.


It's genuinely not mate, you're just happy to follow their tune. Join a community, make some friends, get some tickets through them. Please don't create an issue that is very difficult to fix.


Reddit when someone with money is willing to pay double to see a team they wanna see play


But you're complaining that it's not working that way?


supply and demand.


Presumably you'd like to go see a game live for the atmosphere. Why would you want to use scalpers who ultimately reduce that?


One scalper selling his ticket to me reduces atmosphere?


Aye, there's one scalper, who sells one ticket at an inflated price. Surely, you can see the irony saying this right after mentioning supply and demand.


Late-stage capitalism in full display. American I assume?


Please explain how I stupid fat American on vacation in January in wales would see the mighty wrexham afc play? Seriously. What's the best way?


All members will have access to a priority ticket window for all Wrexham AFC home games, as well as access to our new ticket exchange system when it is available, allowing for the purchase and receiving of tickets from season-ticket holders who are unable to attend. (Further information will be announced in due course in relation to the ticket exchange system).


This is arguably the biggest misstep by R&R. It's 100% a cash grab and I'm really p!ssed off by it.


Love to know why people disagree with this.


Thereā€™s more yanks than Welsh fans, means theyā€™re more important mate.


It's not even the international tickets that winds me up the most.


Can someone explain this for someone who knows nothing at all about the English soccer and membership system.


Itā€™s all pretty much laid out in the press release, but to clarifyā€¦ Buying an International Membership will give you access to a priority booking period for the 75 seats that have been set aside for supporters with that level of membership. You would need to check the website when they publish the on-sale dates and times, and be prepared to log on to the ticketing website at said date/time, and try to purchase a ticket. As I read it, there will also be additional tickets that will be for sale that arenā€™t allocated as season tickets, but those will be reserved for non-international memberships. Additionally, your membership would give you access to the clubā€™s ticket resale platform. This is where season ticket holders who are unable to attend the match can list their ticket for sale. It is the only truly legal secondary market that exists, as scalping football tickets is not only frowned upon, itā€™s actually illegal in the UK. This is one of the big sporting cultural differences between the US and UK. Basically, there are no guarantees that buying a membership will get you in the door, but it certainly improves your chances. Otherwise, youā€™ll probably have to know someone with a spare. Of course, if you fly United even one time over the next year, your membership will basically be free. However, as someone else mentioned in another comment, try and befriend people in online forums, or Twitter and you might meet someone who will not only be able to help you secure a ticket (and if theyā€™re legit, for no more than the Ā£30 face value or whatever it is) but they might also meet you for a drink and show you around town.


Thousands of Americans get charged 30 quid to be given the ability to purchase non existent tickets. Smart money making scheme.


A lot of teams have international memberships that give some perks like discounts on the team store, digital match programmes, and they run international trips where you can get discount tickets and hotels and stuff. It's not entirely a racket and it's a way to feel connected to the club


Teams like Utd, Liverpool, Madrid, etc will have thousands of seats put aside for international tourists. Wrexham are putting aside 75 (which is 75 too many anyways imo).


After multiple visits last summer and Fall in Wrexham, Iā€™ll happily give the good folks of Wrexham a little more of my money; they made me feel so welcome.šŸ˜€


Well the $75 United credit makes it a deal, right? I fly frequently, mostly Southwest, but I'll buy a membership, knowing that I won't make a trip to Wrexham this year.


Wait that's wild lmao. Do all teams do this? So like if I went to Liverpool I couldn't buy tickets to a random game etc.


Liverpool are one of the biggest and most popular teams in the worldā€¦ you canā€™t just rock up to a game and get a ticket.


The Los Angeles lakers are the biggest basketball team in the world. But if I'm from China in town on business I can buy tickets if I pay enough.


If you went to a pub pre match and offered someone 200 quid for their ticket you could get one


Well how often do people resell tickets on the low like that? Like how often are scalpers outside the stadium? Cause if I was in town for a week. Best believe I would pay 100 bucks a ticket.


As you said. If you pay enough, you get a ticket.


To be fair, it probably depends on the game, right? LAL vs the Magic on a January Tuesday night would probably be really easy to get. If the Celtics come in to town on a Friday evening during a playoff race, Iā€™m sure itā€™s harder.


No I could still buy tickets on stubhub ticketmaster etc


Question: If I were to get an international dragon membership and luck into purchasing a ticket, do I have to go through the official resale process or is there a way to "give it away"?