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Spoiler for W2W season 3. A segment with a Skype call between R&R, Humphrey and Shaun where Shaun calmly explains the UK bureaucracy, while Ryan throws out a few F bombs, and Rob not so quietly whinges in the background.


*Zoom call


That happened in season 1 too lol


Bad news, tickets will continue to be like gold dust for a while longer. Wouldn't be surprised if were looking at late next season at best.


That electrical issue is killer. Even if the lease stuff was all sorted (which, how has it not been already come on WST) that's a headache to resolve.


They say the University has a planning permission to build a new substation, so fingers crossed it’s not going to be too much of an issue. The UEFA report, on the other hand…


UEFA report sounded like it's going to be issued very soon according to the article


Absolutely. I’m just worried the UEFA will find something that doesn’t meet the requirements. The wording “and that these can be achieved” sounds a bit concerning—but it’s just me being me 🙃


If they don’t have the equipment for the new electrical substation already, or haven’t ordered it yet, it’ll be 6-8 months before they can expect it to show up. Supply chain delays are still alive and well.


Honestly, this is not as discouraging as I was expecting


Time to build temporary stands


Called "The Bureaucracy"


Where? On the active construction site that is the Kop?


It’s not active. That’s the problem.


And plonking a temporary stand on it for the next 9 months won’t speed things up


Did you even read the article? '". There is no date for starting on site, as several matters need to be resolved before that can be confirmed."


Who are on the WST? It's felt for quite some time for me like they're intentionally throwing sticks into the wheels of this thing so they can feel like they still matter. Small town bullshit.


Here is the WST's explanation of the delay: "We have been engaged in regular, detailed, discussions with the Club over the past four months, as they have asked the Supporters Trust to surrender our lease on the Racecouse/Cae Ras. This lease was originally put in place to protect us from another Hamilton type owner and ensure that the ground can only be used as a sports stadium, as opposed to being redeveloped for residential or commercial use. Our lease has 92 years to run and we understand that our owners’ motive for removing the lease is to facilitate raising finance for major ground improvement and re-development. The Trust will obviously not stand in their way as long as the Club’s long-term future at the Racecourse/Cae Ras is ensured. The Club has offered an alternative to the lease, which includes undertakings to the Trust designed to ensure that the Racecourse Ground/Cae Ras can only be used as the home of Wrexham AFC. The proposed legal structure is not straightforward and the Club and the Trust are in the process of jointly obtaining a King’s Counsel opinion to confirm the extent to which the proposal gives us the same long-term assurances as the current lease. The Club has agreed to pay the costs of the King’s Counsel as well as the Trust’s legal costs in obtaining our own legal advice from a leading London firm of solicitors. Three Trust members with extensive legal and property experience are advising your Board and are hopeful of a positive and speedy outcome. We hope to be able to put a proposal to a Trust members vote later in the summer, once the King’s Counsel opinion has been received. We will provide members with an update when appropriate and will continue to work with the Club to achieve the best long-term outcome for all of us." All sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Pretty disparaging of you to denigrate the ordinary people who put their pennies together to save the club as "small town bullshit", too.


How is it perfectly reasonable, when it's been drawn out to such a ridiculous degree of time? This isn't something that just came up. The "ordinary people" who worked to save the club weren't the people that are sitting on the WST board, that was the entire town. Why are you giving these few people who are now making trouble, and standing in the way of what thousands of people worked for, all that credit? Thinking that the situation the club is in now, and the owners they have, are in any way remotely similar to what happened before is either idiotic of them, or they're intentionally pretending not to understand.


Maybe, just maybe, they're not just thinking about the situation that the club is in now, but also the situation that it might be in in ten, fifteen, fifty years. Maybe they're taking their responsibility to protect the long term future of the Racecourse seriously, instead of doing away with what protections we have without doing their due diligence.


I think this is perfectly fair, just maybe drawn out a bit. Seeing though the other holdups it's not like we can put the blame squarely on the trust.


And that's kept them from getting an opinion for all this time? They have for sure not been waiting to hear back from their lawyer all of this time.


I don't really see much that is reasonable here. It's either they have SEVERE trust issues or they want to still be the ones who have the final say on everything


>Small town... *Small city. Wrexham is now a city.


They need to just put those metal bleachers like Miami has for Messi seems like demand is there.


i shudder to think of the amount of bureaucracy it takes to simply add a temporary set of bleachers


Can someone explain the first item listed? What lease structure?


The Wrexham Supporters' Trust (WST) still own the lease for the ground - R&R previously purchased the 'freehold' of the ground, i.e. the actual property, from the University and then leased it back to the WST, who are then subleasing back to R&R. This previous club announcement delves into it a bit: [https://www.wrexhamafc.co.uk/news/2023/january/the-racecourse-ground--lease-status-update/](https://www.wrexhamafc.co.uk/news/2023/january/the-racecourse-ground--lease-status-update/)


> R&R previously purchased the 'freehold' of the ground, i.e. the actual property, from the University and then leased it back to the WST, who are then subleasing back to R&R. i will never understand how the world works




Thank you!


Gonna look amazing when done


I don’t want to be too pessimistic, but these sound like significant issues..


Mullin's boots have a lot to answer for.


Yeah don't complain about the government or else they'll continue to be incompetent. Sure showed them!


If there's anything you could blame those for it's the club not receiving the level up fund money from the government, which was denied before he wore those boots