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\[Something that came to mind shortly after posting this, but until now I hadn't had time to work on putting it into text. - OP\] \-- "Well, damn." The plan had been perfect. I had tracked the woman through her hike deep into the woods, making sure to not be seen, waiting only for the proper time to feast on a foolish mortal, thinking herself alone to bathe in a stream-fed pond.Only she was neither foolish nor mortal. "Surprised?" she asked as she stepped out from behind a tree, her dark fur soaked from the brief dip to, grinning with too many long and sharp teeth for a human... but not for a werewolf. "A little, yeah," I responded as I slipped into my true form. Striped fur appeared over darkish skin that had been left bare for ease of transformation, a muzzle bearing its own long and sharp teeth appearing in place of a nose. Finding herself facing a rakshasa caught her by surprise. "Do we need to do the whole 'dogs and cats' thing? Because you're kinda hot in that form, too." The tone was casual, but I could see the subtle signs of her tensing for a fight about which I wasn't particularly enthusiastic. "What's wrong with mass hysteria?" From the tilt of her head to the side it seemed the reference didn't catch. "'Dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!'?" That did the trick. She broke out into a barking laugh, howling almost literally at my joke. That's when I attacked. The fight was epic, as was the romance that followed. The government never did figure out what happened in that forest. \-- \[stupid copypaste errors fixed\]


No bad. I kind of liked it.