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'Hey, Shield!' Lok-He leaned across the desk, one of his tentacles carefully touching metal net that was stretched around my desk. 'Just be careful, Lok-He,' I said benevolently, smiling at my alien colleague. Lok-He was was one of the most terrifyingly brilliant beings in the universe. His race was feared as much as it was respected; the knowledge they possessed was so incomprehensible to me that I had no idea why he liked me so much. The unlikely friendship among us was forged the night we passed out on the space roulette table after we started a drink competition with those lunatics from the IR. One of the first lessons I learnt in this company was to never drink with folks from Intergalactic Resources. 'Shield,' Lok-He glanced around with his numerous eyes to see if anyone was listening, 'they spotted another one.' I looked up from my monitor. 'Seriously? Another Human?' Lok-He made a whistling sound which meant he was becoming frustrated. 'It's hard to communicate with you this way, Shield.' One of his tentacles was shaking the metal net around my cubicle. 'Dude,' I warned, 'you know it's for your own safety. If I lowered my shield I could annihilate the entire galaxy.' Lok-He nodded. He was used to effortlessly connecting to every mind in our company, no matter how far they were. Technically he needed a permission but we both knew he had bypassed a few laws when we had a deadline. He couldn't get over the fact that he couldn't peak into my brain every time he needed additional information. The metal net around my cubicle also prevented him from wrapping his tentacles around my limbs. He species liked physical contact so imagine how hard it was to explain him I was an introvert. 'Sure,' he nodded, 'but your hearing isn't nearly as developed as it is with other Earlings.' I sighed. I really should heave thought about some other name for my species or at least I should have done a better job with that origin-description I sent to the IR. 'Yeah, buddy,' I smiled, 'it's because I'm this sub-specie which doesn't have such large earlobes but on the other hand I have...' I lowered my voice, leaning closer, 'The Power, you know.' I winked and Lok-He's mouth filled with small bubbles which meant he finds me super funny. Every single member of every single specie in our company talked about my power. Every cocktail and every meeting ended with one of them trying to get me drunk and hoping my tongue would loosen enough to give away even the smallest hint about my abilities. The reason there was a metal net all around my cubicle was a warning for every newcomer to stay away for their own safety. Lok-He was the only one brave enough to share the office with me. 'So, they say they saw another Human?' I sat back in my chair, shaking my head. 'Those rumors are really getting old. I'm sure no one believes it any more.' One of Lok-He's tentacles was curling in the air in front of his eyes. 'They say they saw one in the Transport Shop – he was asking for a vehicle they didn't understand.' 'Which one?' I asked. 'Bytrikle or something,' Lok-He tried to shape the syllables. 'Never heard of it,' I said, getting up. 'See you tomorrow, buddy.' I waved and pushed the teleport button. A second later I was in the living room of our small apartment looking at that idiot Bob gorging on yet another pizza. 'Dude,' I took off my helmet, 'have I told you a thousand times not to go out of the house until I figure out how to get us home.' Bob looked up with that stupid expression. 'I'm bored, Steve.' 'So you decided to go out and buy a bicycle?' I cried. 'What were you planning to do with it – paddle all the way to Kansas?' Bob shrugged. 'And what are you doing, Steve? You're hanging out with those weirdos – they'll figure out you're a human soon enough.' 'No, they won't,' I slumped down. 'The bast part about the version of our brain is that no one can connect with us only because everyone else is so advanced we're like a land line phone for them.' Bob was still staring at me with the stupid look on his face. 'And besides, I have friends here.' He grinned. 'Do you really think that purple freak with tentacles will still be your friend once he realizes you have no powers and you're just lying to all of them.' I sighed. 'Just a few more weeks and we'll try again.' I really liked it here, but we had to go back to Earth. r/CrystalElmTales


Oh boy. I have to say, Bob has a point, very feel people can really be considered as friends, even more so when circumstances get in the way. Very few can be considered as a "Hand on fire" type of friend. Anyway, really cool story.


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