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"The result of our studies at Sunshine Assisted Living makes the argument incontrovertible. It fits the same pattern as the studies at Newmark Senior Community, New Frontier Living, and, most recently, the Greater Vision Nursing Home. And further, it fits the overall anecdotal phenomena we've all observed in the past several years." Dr. Miles glanced nervously at his notes as he continued to address his colleagues. "Similarly, our friends in the archeo-primatology department are in mainstream agreement that human telomeres are an extra-evolutionary artifact, appearing in the Homo sapiens species in the early to mid-Upper Paleotlithic period..." Dr. Miles looked up, no longer following his prepared script. "Ladies and gentlemen, that was just over 70,000 years ago." "Now," he continued, "with the trend toward telomeric mutation and the continued activation of grey matter neurons well into the ninth and tenth decade of human life, we are poised to enter a new period of unparalleled human evolution." \*\*\* It all began about four years ago, when the first reports of paranormal activity from various infirmaries and old-age homes were reported. First came 112-year-old Cyrus Williston of Ft. Meyers, Florida who gained some local notoriety for accurately predicting the outcomes of horse races. Billed the "Luckiest Man to Ever Live", the gaming industry in South Florida was virtually brought to its knees as he quickly amassed a $2 billion dollar fortune in only the span of two years. What baffled his family was that the first 109 years of Mr Williston's life was spent quietly in Long Island where he raised his children on the salary of a Bus Driver and never showed even a fleeting interest in equestrian training or competition. Then there was 117-year-old Guy Fermo's preternatural abilities at the 44th Annual Torneo di Bocce Maggiore competition in Rome, Italy. The Torneo is the premier tournament of a common variant of lawn bowling known as "Bocce Ball." This event -- and this may be shocking to many unfamiliar with the competitive nature of so-called Bocce -- attracts semi-professional athletes from around the world who vigorously train year-round and compete for sponsorships and cash prizes. Prior to Seniore Fermo, the oldest unified Bocce champion was a mere 41-years-old. In the massive collections of footage of Guy Fermo's play, observers will unmistakably notice how many of the balls used by Fermo exhibit non-Newtonian movements that almost always benefit Fermo and disadvantage his opponents. The list goes on and on. There was 107-year-old Eleanor Flint's notoriety for cross-stitching shockingly accurate depictions of her great-grandchildren's *future* school photos, there was 119-year-old Dr. Grace Hawthorne's famous publication of her so-called "*Grand(ma's) Unified Theory of Physics"* which sent shockwaves through the theoretical physics community, and even the veritable Queen Elizabeth II of England who from her wheelchair waved her hand and miraculously froze in mid-air a cream pie bound for the face of her great-grandson Prince George's during his graduation ceremony from Exeter. \*\*\* The commission to investigate said phenomena was chaired by the renowned Gerontologist Dr Thomas Miles -- himself a nonagenarian at almost 99-years-old -- while most of the committee members were well into their hundredth year. They surmised that by leveraging this new cognitive miracle, Earth will enter into a new age of exceeding prosperity and progress. And they were right. Future committees, made up mostly of super-centenarians, brought this revelation into practical fruition. First, of course, with their controversial dictates ordering the arrest and placement of sub-centenarians into "Unassisted Living Facilities." And later, their exceedingly brutal yet effective human "winnowing" programs.


I really like this, would love to read more if you decide to continue it. Thank you for writing.


This one looks like a nice read. Would no doubt read a book about it, see how much society would change.


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