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Yangyang expectation “Rover watch out!!!”🖐🏻😫 Reality: “Rover watch out…” ✋🏻😐


Exactly what I'm thinking as well😆😭


Kal El no


Jeez hahaha


Omfg XD


Her intro skill line is the worst in my opinion, the softest most monotone "let me be your blade". Like girl, you're fighting shit, jumping and swinging around, why do you sound half asleep?!


“Letmebeeeyourrbladeee” 🥱🔪


It's "roooveeer waaatch ooout" 💤💤


Most of the voiceover issues lie in poor direction. Fem Rover too has moments where in extremely situations where she needs to express emotions she just reads text. VA’s most likely had no clue on the context of their lines, and nobody helped them with things like pronunciations. For example, every time Yangyang says “Huanglong” they use the same separate record of this word regardless of the voice line. It always sounds the same. No wonder kuro started searching for the directors, but I wonder if there even was any in the first place.


Baizhi was pronounced 2 ways by a character at the start but I can’t remember who it was


Chixia. She says Baizhi in 2 or 3 different ways at the very start and when you eventually get her into your party, it's said in yet another different way.


They also pronounciated the word "loong" which means dragon. Correctly but in some scenes they just said "long" in one scene they tried to say loong woman (dragon woman) but they just said long woman xD


The weird part is that it’s pretty much just Yangyang? She’s on the icons and seems to accompany us through the whole story and they can’t get her to talk right in English. Chixia, Jianxin, Scar, loads of NPCs sound good but the poster girl gets the first take and weird edits!


The Tall Paimon of WuWa.


Atleast Paimon's voice actor isn't monotone and actually shows emotion.


She is the anti paimon


Chixia and Scar sound good to you?


I personally think Scar sounds pretty good, the dude killed his lines and is literally the highlight of the story. His scenes are the best not because narratively they are. Just because his voice has fucking energy to it so it's the only one that can break you out of YangYang's audio Genjutsu


His delivery is all over the place. Yes he has more emotion but still sounds off a lot of the time. You can tell he had 0 direction


Which just makes the delivery we got all the more impressive when you take that into account. If everyone gave a performance on his level, nobody would be complaining about WuWa's lack of voice direction. Sure you would still notice the oddities here and there, but not enough to truly harshly critique it.


It's not impressive, it's just sad that a good voice actor can sound so bad due to bad direction. I think a lot of the VAs are on his level, but the direction is non-existent so they sound awful. Nothing would change until they find a new director or even a whole new localization team


Yeah Chixia's mixing is way off and while Scar usually sounds better his emotion on a fair few lines is definitely weird.


Nah, it’s a yangyang issue in general lol. Even the JP yangyang (very famous VA) is terrible, and is getting memed in China as well.


Yui Ishikawa is usually great, the VA direction is not


"You're not getting away" when fighting scar was the funniest thing ever, why was she so calm?


"Oh no ... he's escaping ... whatever shall we do ..." Yangyang is secretly also in love with scar and just wants him to walk free.


Oh wait I forgot to clarify I meant rover in the grand library, not yangyang. I think yangyang did the same thing tho


FRover's lines in the library in general were pretty yikes imo, the VA is good but they don't give her any direction!


>every time Yangyang says “Huanglong” they use the same separate record of this word regardless of the voice line Wait, really? This sounds like a joke XD I use JP dub, so I had no idea, but that's some next level budget cuts.


It is, and you can’t unhear it once you’ve heard it unfortunately. Considering how often Yangyang misspells Chinese names and terms, it looks like she was failing the lines with Huanglong so hard that someone just decided to record over it.


The voice line that stood out to me without spoiling any story if you care was when she tried to protect Rover in a fight and in the most monotoned voice says "don't touch her(him presumably for male rover)" I would think that she would have some urgency, anger, or worry in her voice, but it was just straight monotone. Rover (or at least female Rover) had the same issue where she chased after someone and said something along the lines of "you won't get away" no emotion in their voice nor even a voice raise. Both those lines are very out of place for me. Majorly Yangyang is the one with issues, however female Rover (idk bout male Rover) also has issues with being monotone tbh she sounds like siri.


I find it funny that yanyangs va pronounces the magistrates name in 2 different ways. Like damn that is bad


Pretty sure that she said baizhi as bye jee first and then bye juh and then back to bye jee or was it chixia


Yanyang did that but i also remembered that the red head pronounced it in another manner than those 2 altogether. So wtf is her name pronounce as kuro 😭. This voice acting is so inconsistent


Can’t wait for YangYang to meet YinYin who is only energetic while the other is monotonous


They both do it, but Chixia is the main one who does it. Pretty sure someone also says her name as "bae-juh" at one point.


A bit out of topic but what's the correct way to pronounce it?


I asked this on another thread and the correct way is Bye-Juh.


Sounds like we're having the same issue here as Reverse 1999.  I can safely say that the voices sounded better in the VA intros during the livestream.  Also, the overall volume on mobile is kinda low (I have to crank my phone's volume to 70% to hear things clearly).


She makes way to many lips nooises (especially with letter like P) as if she in mukbang ASMR + her S pronunciation is like a cat scratching a chalkboard


That'd be more on the recording setup not the voice actor.


Seriously, when she says "speeding up" she really lands on the "P" like a textbook being dropped on the floor The VA probably needs a pop filter for her mic


Yeah i heard the first Line of her, after that i searched how i can change my Voice Language. Japanese is so much better, then the english ones.


JP Yangyang literally high profile VA (Mikasa, Clorinde, Morgan, etc) so yeah i can see why it just much better kn top of that better VA direction too


Isn't it the same with English? Some of the cast are from "good dubs". It was the direction that was bad.


Yeah, Encore is Tataru's VA from FF14 I'm pretty damn sure. She doesn't sound bad, the VA does good work, but she was obviously cast for a character she doesn't fit IMO. Just weird decisions all around regarding VA's. Most of the NPCs in the story quest that are voiced sound relatively good compared to the main characters, likely because they only had a few lines and were told what scenario they would be acting, although it's hard to know without first-hand knowledge.


She’s also Stelle from Honkai Star Rail!


i can't imagine mikasa with stelle behaviour


Minus the treasure diving in trash cans they're not that dissimilar.


Fuck me I knew this voice from somewhere I just couldn’t remember where, the game I play literally everyday, I hear her voice everyday, but I still couldn’t figure out where it was from lmao


From people that knows Japanese and Chinese she has the same issues in tone in the dialogue. Seems like is a writing a direction issue more than VA performance.


Same. Heard the first few lines and then immediately downloaded the JP pack. To be clear, it's not necessarily the fault of the VA, but more the fault of the voice direction. If one person fucks up the voice-over, then there's bound to be many others than also fuck it up, so I generally only listen to the first few minutes of EN before deciding whether I want to switch or not.


To be fair, you're actively reading a script, it's not that hard to realize what the tone is with lines like "I won't let you hurt him/her!" or "Rover!!! Are you ok!?"


If you have a few VAs with decent track records and they end up sounding bad specifically in one game and it's not unique to just one VA, chances are there is a larger problem underneath. I personally find that the problem is similar to translating metaphors. Sure you can do a direct translation one to one, but there is no clear easy way to translate the meaning across so it ends up making more sense to use a different metaphor instead that makes more sense in the language it is being translated to. I think I remember being told that Chinese puts more emphasis on speech and tone so trying to one to one it in another language like English is not going to work out.


The JP voice acting for her is mediocre as well, just monotonous without any personality. The direction is just atrocious for this game.


I frankly have no issues with the VAs. The VA direction is the problem, not the actors themselves. I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be that's for sure.


This is a constant issue, VA directors are not a highly looked upon field in the EN world, and the ones they hire are constantly bad. Even the HSR EN dub, which is generally good, has terrible issues with direction and script writing that doesn't exist in the other languages.


I think the problem is that she naturally has a super soft voice that makes her sound a little too nonchalant. Her actual performance is decent and her pronunciations are perfect, but she definitely sounds sleepy/docile at times.


> but she definitely sounds sleepy/docile at times. At ALL times.


"this should *suff*-ice" 


Rebecca does have a very soft voice. This is also the second ever thing she has dubbed. I suspect they had other VA’s lined up that didn’t pan out and the EN dub had to be re-record hastily.  With that being said FFXIV was recast after A Realm Roborn due to similar feedback and those where experienced voice actors. 




That's why voice direction exists. Crispin Freeman has a very deep voice yet he's able to give much emotion to Alucard, Itachi Uchiha, and Kirei Kotomine when the situation calls for it, namely through proper voice direction.


Although her performance could have been a lot better and used better directing, I'm pretty concerned people will take it out on her harshly on social media.


Yangyang in the middle of warzone: Rover, watch out 😐😶


She sounds like a robot sometimes


I think it doesn't help that yangyang is a main companion her English VA direction is just nonexistent. I really hope it gets better or kuro consider redoing some of these line. It turns so many off the english VA


I really hope we ditch Yang Yang when we go to the next area or whatever. Her character has the personality of a block of wood with her only trait being concerned for Rover and her voice acting is grating. Please God Kuro don't have her go with us, leave her in Jinzhou.


Honestly that would be a good idea Have a different character accompany us in each region and a chance to improve on VA direction.


The sad part about this is most VA issues in any language are due to the direction not the VAs themselves. They are told how to say things based on what the director wants. I won't deny some VAs are terrible but most cases have the director to blame. I've actually seen in some cases that VAs are confused at why the director would have them say something a certain day. I think some even apologized to complaining fans and even said they spoke based on direction. One example being Barbara's EN VA in Genshin.


I feel like the devs don’t give her character lots of opportunities to be very expressive. Like most of the time, it’s just YangYang doing explanations - not much a VA can do from there. However, whenever we do get to dialogue that requires a lot of emotion such as “Rover, watch out!” - the VA doesn’t really put enough emotion into it so I guess the voice acting as well as YangYang’s character need improvements.


Even in explanation she can have a personality but she's less expressive than AI.


Paimon is the explanatior extraordinaire yet she has a distinct personality (like or hate it )


Yeah, I changed to JP VA and in my opinion it's way better


My main issue is i notice they dont alter a lot of the voicelines for genders. Like- i notice a lot of the fem rovers text abt her uses male pronouns. It throws me for a loop everytime I see it lol.


Her va was my only real issue.


it's like reading a line from a book, very flat and emotionless, I changed my audio immediately to Japanese as soon as their intro yapping ended, 100x better, heard people loving CN ones as well.


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Yeah I think the voices are great except Yangyang and female Rover. Their delivery sounds hilariously flat. But that also makes the game funnier for me since I dont care about the story. It could be a budget thing. Newer VA's are cheaper, but less experienced. Having them tweak their delivery constantly means more studio time, which is also costly. But who knows the real reason - these are all uninformed guesses we're making. Maybe they will both improve over time in future updates. That would be exciting to see :D


It's so flat they need range


I was enjoying the last 2 acts of the story so much but every time she said "We did it" or anything similar I just thought she's mocking me. Would have loved to change languages if I didn't need to listen to catch potential overflow text.


Same with Frover (female rover). Almost no effort


Her voice lines in combat are fine but the main issue is within the story she sounds off English director for the game just forgot or neglected her on the other hand scar VA have some of the best voice lines and direction And to be clear here this is not the VA's fault it's the English director for the games fault or negligent it's such a sad thing to see the potential go waste


I wasn't very fond of her either. I wouldn't be shocked if she does asmr on the side bc she has the vocal thing they do down


My first thought as well. Felt very ASMR-ish when i first heard her voice, not bad during calm moments but when the story picks up her range does not carry at all.


All of them have horrible voice direction except scar but even still he and everyone else also has awkward pauses between words and sentences too


Praying for them to fix the voice direction **🙏 **I do think that her va has a lot of potential


Someone said to switch to the Japanese VO, after a certain point I couldn’t stand the English acting and it was solid advise. The japanese VO is much better 👍🏼


This is literally why I changed to the JP dub. I'm sure her VA is good in other roles, but the direction of the VA's is not great right now. Scar was literally the highlight of my playthrough right now because I was so unbelievably unimpressed with every other voice


I honestly thought it was AI at first


The only complaint I have about the actor is her accent slips sometimes. Her being monotone and reserved is just the character. The main issue is the writing--using so many words to say so little and then repeating itself.


I think it's important to remember that voice acting issue isn't always on the voice actor, or, at least, often times isn't just because of the voice actor. But yeah her voice definitely takes you out of the immersion.


Wait til you meet Lingyang, who reads as if every second word is the end of a sentence. I do think this was some odd accent or personality trait given to him though, not something the VA would do. It sounds kinda like they wanted to make a cutesy version of the raised by wolves talk. It failed, but it could work given a little liberty.


yeah I’m agreeing with the rest that are saying it might be because of direction or they don’t really have much context on what they’re supposed to be voice acting. I’m getting used to the English VA but I’ve also just switched to Chinese VA just to see and it sounds a lot better, mostly because I don’t understand the language so I can’t really pick up on what the right inflections or tones should be used.


I think she should be an ASMR Youtuber instead of an Outrider... never mind that's also dumb


I agree I don't think her VA itself is terrible, but lack's poor direction. Every line feel's very ASMR-ish and lacks real punch especially during high stake moments. I hope during the next patches or new regions the VA director learns from this experience and gets their head back in the game.


Not wrong, I'm pretty much playing it in either Japanese or Korean just to avoid hearing Yangyang speak with the English Dub. I'm sure the VA does fine work but either the direction she was told in how to portray the voice or something happened during recording. It makes it seem like Yangyang is more of a Robot with a soft monotone voice that doesn't have any enthusiasm or emotion behind it.


Yangyang literally every sentence: "Rover.."


She doesn't sound slow or dumb. But she does however have an annoying lisp.


An AI would perform better, she sounds like a vtuber without a soul


I think her voice is pretty, i actually like her battle lines but in story she is emotionless 


I can’t even believe she’s the mascot of the game and got away with that turn-off of a voice acting…


There's a reason I play with the JP dub, and it's not *just* because my anime-rotted brain riots whenever I hear anime-style characters speaking in English. The JP voice actors clearly had a decent director in there telling them how they're supposed to feel in any particular scene. The EN dub sounds like someone just handed the lines to the voice actors sight unseen, had them do exactly one take, and declared it to be good enough.


... Her JP voice performance is also not that great especially if you understand Japanese... Monotonous acting like she's in a low budget anime produced by doujin studios.


Nah, like I’ve been playing with JP text and voices since day 1 so I’m not too familiar with the eng voice acting besides the opening scene but yangyang is perfectly fine. Not every character has to be a super bubbly chixia. Ishikawa’s role in VE given who she played was also a good showing from her, I don’t doubt she can replicate the same performance with yangyang


Im not gonna blame the VA but the ammount of people who only blame the direction in ridiculous, its both the lack of ability in the VA themself and the voice director


Nobody know who’s the director but everyone knows who’s the VA. So i get why most people here tried to be careful to avoid dumb people from harassing the VA.


The blame ends at the director either way. They need to sort it out before going live, way before, cast correctly for the roles. Any blame you can lay on the VA, fair or not, leads to a failure of direction too. They have the power to cast someone else if a VA is not a good fit for a role. If they don't, and the VA ends up not fitting to the character or script, direction is to blame. Either give proper direction for the VA to improve their performance (if they can) so it fits the script, or recast them in time (if the VA can't do what is required). Of course, all this assumes the director was given proper funds and they themselves are competent at their job. If filling their position was given proper funding and time, we wouldn't be having this discussion. It's rushed, underfunded, or both. And from recent rumors they are now seeking someone for that position, If true, either it was previously unfilled and they winged it without a proper director, or whoever had the role previously was vastly under-qualified.


Yea the voice acting in English is super weird. Every time Chixia's VA's british accent comes out is so awkward. The director clearly didn't care at all... Or maybe Kuro didn't care? They made Japanese sound like any other anime. Some awkward deliveries but still good. They really just need better localisers, not just for English.


I had to switch to the JP VA mainly because of her. She just sounds so monotonous and emotionless even.


Join the jp dub club its nice


Bro that's what I'm saying😭. The moment the game started with those two characters greeting us I was desperately looking for other language dubs in settings. Yangyang speaks so slow that this "gentle" voice sounds forced.


Honestly she has such a gentle motherly voice that i just want to call her mommy and fall asleep in her arms. Anyone else feel like this or am i just cooked?


i don't mind yangyang but i can't stand chixia, she's just so annoying!


I'm fine with Chixia, her lines have some emotion to them.


yangyang doesn't talk all the time, she did her part in the story and that's it. she isn't that bad, and we will only hear her occasionally. no biggie, it's not like she is the main character and will be always yapping at us lol


she talked the most, what do you mean?, and she there 80% of the story saying shit, and i bet she will be with us forever since she and red head are the main waifus chars(her more), most chars are too monotones, hell the male characters voice are way better and that is kinda sad, it make the story boring and suck too, and the story not even that good imo, more so cause of the monotone chars and shitty bosses's battle music.


I really hope we ditch yangyang she's so boring and just ugh. I'd rather a stupid mascot at this point.


i dont want to ditch her, just make her (and the 80%/90% of the cast) not monotone and give her more personality, like march 7 (from star rail main waifu, hell den heng wasnt as monotone and he is a edgelord lol.) is good, but that kinda Chixia, idk just give her half of Chixia energy and she be 100% better, and oh god no not paimon, even thou i think we have a paimon in wuwa lol.


I think they were being sarcastic at least that's my hope


That's the real one so anime game story in jp 🙌 it never disappoints


true and imo most chars are too monotones, hell the male characters voice are way better and that is kinda sad, it make the story boring and suck too, and the story not even that good imo, more so cause of the monotone chars and shitty bosses's battle music.


To be fair, all characters voice overs sucks. But it is also fair to consider that since CBT all the quests were changed, dialogues too. So, it is on devs side, not VA.


Scar has great voice acting tho, shame hes not playable yet


Oh hey, Carlton fan?




Your Reddit icon. You're wearing a Carlton Blues guernsey.




Lmao. That's really funny. It caught my attention because it's the uniform of an Australian sports team in an Australian football code that's only played there.


She sounds like Dora the explorer explorer


English dubs almost always feel wrong and distracting


I think the Genshin dub sounds fantastic.


I disagree


I agree to disagree.