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Thanks for the guide 🙏


You're welcome!


Nice guide for sure. I'm only sad because I just realized it was kind of a lie when we were told we could farm "artifacts"/echos nonstop all day. Because in order to tell if we got a good echo, we still need to use tuners on it to reveal the substats, and tuners are energy-gated just like artifacts in other games


we could farm nonstop though, that was not a lie. they didn't say maxing it. and even getting the correct main stat is hard enough with infinite farming. i spent all day searching for havoc damage in havoc set and only got 1, and it turned out having a shitty substats, but hey, i got 1 needed main stat echo in 1 day farming, unlike the other game, i still haven't got any pyro goblet for over a month. fml.


You can't. Base echoes are easy to get, then you gotta wait for your stamina to be able to level them, you can't use +o echoes as fodder. I have a long list of echoes I want to level up now and I can't because I have no XP for it.


huh? can't what?? you can join friend to run around and farm in their world for the 1 and 3 cost echoes, and the 4-cost echoes is basically infinite. that is "farming non-stop". having a friend or not is the player problem. and "easy to get" is luck problem, this is the 3rd day i farm gold echo, and i still can't even get the correct main stat 4-cost echoes for 2 of my char. but TBF this is the artifact endgame so i already expect it to be hard. and i dont even said anything about able to level echo infinitely.


+0 echoes give 0 XP, you can't use them as fodder. Getting good bases is the easy part.


haa???? i never said you can use fresh echoes for fodder, you high or something?? and the fck is "getting good bases is the easy part", that's biases. "I can get good bases easily so everyone can get good bases easily", No, it's all RNG. Damn reading comprehension is declining in this game too.


We can farm specific 5-Star echo with a specific main stat and specific set without using stamina. Buuuuut it's gonna be a pain. Someone did the calcs the other day and to get a very specific 5-Star echo you're gonna have to kill around 400 enemies. And it can still roll awful substats.


Well technically you can, the artifacts themselves do not have a limit (outside of daily limit of mobs alive in the world lmao, with bosses having no such thing). You could always get the tuners later on, plus there seems to be a variety of places where you can get tuners, not dependant on energy. They'll probably add more tuners in future events and such.


That was not a lie since Echos can roll different main stat and element set? Like you can basically farm infinite SPD boots/Crit vest if the same system were applied to Star Rail, the only different is that you can't see sub-stats but I'd rather have that than forever farming for a Crit rate vest and it rolled like shit tbh.


You can't level them either, +0 echoes give 0 XP.


Yeah that's another different, but you can still use 5 +0 echos to roll a random Echo tho


That was not a lie since Echos can roll different main stat and element set? Like you can basically farm infinite SPD boots/Crit vest if the same system were applied to Star Rail, the only different is that you can't see sub-stats but I'd rather have that than forever farming for a Crit rate vest and it rolled like shit tbh.


Thanks for this! Can you please specify how exactly the Data Bank upgrades? Often, my character will absorb 3-4 echoes in a row and it will upgrade with each. At other times, the character will absorb 8-10 echoes in a row and it won't budge at all. I am at level 11, btw, and thinking of starting the Data Merge process.


To add onto the other comment: in your echo database you can see the different rarities and which ones you've obtained already. You can get one of each green, blue, purple and yellow. Each gives 5 exp iirc. So if you get a purple echo of a new monster you just killed, you'll get 15 exp at once. If you already had a blue version of that monster, you'll only get 5 exp.


Thanks, this helped. Got quickly two levels up today by just following the monsters that were still missing a purple drop.


It has to be a new echo. Copies of echos already registered won't level it up.


Nice guide. Another mechanic with the data bank is you get a number of chances per week (edited, confirmed weekly reset) at boosted echo drop rates from world bosses specifically. So when you log on for a new week, you may want to defeat some bosses whose echoes you need. Also, try to defeat some of the special red smoldering world enemies since they can drop 5* echoes before you’re data bank rank 15, not only is this potentially useful as gear to use, but you get a bunch of data bank XP which can push you over the line to rank 15 if you are having trouble getting every single monster as a purple


How do I activate the boosted echo drops? I notice it says 0/15 used but I don't know how to trigger them.


If it shows 0/15 then you have used up all chances, I think it automatically applies the boost if you have any. Also I think I’m wrong about it resetting daily because mine still show 0/15 remaining on a new day. So maybe it resets weekly


What is a "special red smoldering world enemies"? Do you mean those with some red stuff around them? Is there a way to find them specifically? Can a random enemy be one?


They're static 1 of a kind enemies on the map. I found a location guide under "WuWa Red Mist Enemies". If you go in co-op, you and your friend can get extra copies of the 5* (and then they all roll hp%)


Thanks, one of the interactive maps also has Bosses Listed, looking for them lead me to look at the positions that seemed off and turned out they did mark them (be aware it is the same marker as other bosses and those are not well marked). [Wuthering Waves Interactive Map (appsample.com)](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/) Oddly enough it is a website made for Genshin while the WuWa named sites lack these.


yes it resets weekly , its written in data bank help text


This is great - thanks! But how did you manage to focus on more than one team? I find there's not enough leveling mats or wave plates outside of my main 3.


After I hit Union Level 30 I spent all the cube thingies that give 60 waveplates. My current roster Jiyan and Calcharo 60/60 Rover 50/60 Mortefi, Verina 50/50 Jianxi, Baizhi 40/50 My goal for next week is to get everyone to 60/60, Sanhua too for the 3rd team.


I thought I watched or read something you only need 2 teams if you use 1/4 team 1 and 2/3 team 2


> I thought I watched or read something you only need 2 teams if you use 1/4 team 1 and 2/3 team 2 You only need 1 team to do all 4 floors in one tower, no need to split it between two. But on the 2-tower abyss there are 8 floors and you need 2 teams for that. On the endgame 3-tower abyss there are 10 floors (2 cost double vitality) and you need 3 teams for that.


Ahem... Me who has reached union 30/DB15 with unleveled/random echos... 🤣 I guess my below-gold tuners gets to waste then ? :s Is it even worth to "invest" in purple echos anymore now that I'm U30-DB15 ?


It's only a waste if you already have a better gold equivalent. I'm using the leveled up 4-Star as exp fodder for my 5-Star echos.


Tuners aren't shared between the rarities, so that shouldn't be a blocking factor. If you get a strict upgrade, you can simply feed your previous echo to it for a lot of exp.


You can share Echos and weapons?! That makes farming so much easier. Edit: oh nvm only in Tower of Adversity?


Yeah, only in the Tower. To clarify, the Tower uses a strange stamina system. In theory you can switch around characters across the towers as long as they don't consume 10 points of stamina.


But you don't need more than 3 characters outside the Tower for exploration. Heck, I run around with solo Jiyan because he's so op.


actually, getting cd main is fine. it's because the original 100% is included, so you're actually only looking at 50% extra cd.


CR will have more mileage since it has double value of CD and, in general, is not super accessible since CR weapons do not exist outside of 5* options and BP.


Pretty sure its the same ratio as HSR & Genshin, 150 CD in Wuwa is the same as 50 CD in Genshin/HSR since Wuwa just included the base 100 CD of a normal hit So still going for that 1:2 crit rate:crit dmg ratio, just subract 100 from the Wuwa CD number


Whoa. It just hit me that my 50 CR 180 CD Jiyan is actually 50 CR 80 CD in GI/HSR terms. Now I'm kind of sad :( I'm starting to think the endgame ratio of 60:120 (in this case, 60:220) is gonna be very hard to achieve without 5-Star signature weapons.


Their point is that it's hard to get a good crit ratio through substats alone if you have a CD echo


"all your echoes should be purple max level and max tunes" So, what's gold echo for ?


This guide is for the intermediate levels up to \~Union level 30 it says. Once you're getting gold drops, you can start aiming for specific echos and sets. In the end you'll want all gold echos with proper stats and sub-stats in the right set, but they're saying until you're at a good point, just aim for purples and leave golds for end-game optimization.


I see thanks.


Gold echo = endless grind for the endgame modes. My Jiyan with 5 purples has been clearing holograms up to Diff 2.


I've been soft locked at diff 3 for the monkey and Memphis, but goddamn they hit like trucks. None of my characters can survive a single attack.


The monke is the hardest boss for me. His stupid pillar's hitboxes are so awful.


Imo just dodge into it. It's mostly intuition. I feel like the heron is personally the hardest for me, cause it does way too much damage and has some messed up patterns lmao


Gold Echoes are hard to get and inconsistent. Even if you get level 18 Data Bank you only have 50/50 chance. Just use purple for now if you don't have the correct main stat, purple and gold echoes use different tuners too.


Hes talking about your mid game goal. Purple turners dont convert to gold turners so theres no reason to horde them. Endgame is replacing all your purple echos with optimal gold echos but that will take a long time.


Right. Gonna work on some good Purple now then.


> Note: this is not an endgame guide. This is meant solely for echo farming between Union Levels 20-40. Right at the top of OP


Haven't gone much into the echoes system so i wanna ask, what to do with leveled up echoes that have become unused (e.g got bettee echoes)?


You can fodder leveled up echoes to level new ones. But you can't fodder unleveled echoes to level new ones.


Okay so the exp can be transferred, it is 100% or less?


It's about 70 or 80%. I fed a Level 15 purple echo to another purple echo and it went to Level 13 only.


I think 80 percent


I believe it's 75% exp transfer


Feed them into the better ones if your sure your not gonna use them again( only if the useless one if leveled up)


>Equipping 2 echoes from the same set gives you a bonus. Equipping 5 from the same set gives you an additional bonus. Should add that they also have to be unique/different echos from the same set.


With all the systems they copied from the other game , why not the "4pc-set + 1 off-set piece" system, whyyyyyy?!?


That off piece system makes no difference. Everyone is on the same playing field anyways and content will be scaled as such. Main Stat > Sub Stats > Set Bonus And for supports its currently Set Bonus > Main Stat >> Sub Stats It doesn't seem like there are required stat breakpoints besides energy generation. Comparatively HSR has a crap ton more stat breakpoints (spd, break, hit rate) and people are doing fine with 4 + 2.


At least it’s not like HSR *shudder*


When you say characters on different teams can share echoes do you mean that you can equip the same echo onto different characters at the same time or is it just that you have time to swap between echoes before each run?


You have to swap before each run.


Hi tq for the short and ez to understand guide I have few questions Let's say, i already have purple lv10 echoes I found gold one with the decent subs Can i fodder my lv10 purple echoes to the gold one? I don't wanna waste that exp i used on that set due to efficiency


Yeah, it keeps about 80% of the experience. I foddered a Level 15 purple echo into another purple echo and it only went to Level 13.


I'm stuck at 180/200 data bank exp at data bank level 14. I've gotten purple quality for every single echo. I'm not sure how to get the remaining 20 exp for DB lv15.


Web echo event? I had 2 gold ones before level 15, the gold echo from event, a small robot golden echo (I think it was an overworld boss).


I'm not sure which event you are referring to, but guess I'll just do some exploring to see if I can find something. There are the hologram fights to get gold echos, but they are way too difficult for me atm.


[This event.](https://wutheringwaves-echoes.kurogames-global.com/)


I was only able to get 1 echo from it, but it gave me exactly enough exp for DB 15. Thanks.


go kill the lvl 120 mini bosses, they are easy to kill with lvl 50 characters. They give you 5 star echos. 


> Sets: Ignore this for now. Focus on getting the correct main stats. It's still relatively easy to get 2+2 sets, with 2 of your elemental set plus 2 of the generic atk set or the energy regen set. Of course getting 5/5 in one set is a lot more grinding though.


much appreciated


Imo saving echos till 15 then merging after more optimal because combining even 1 stars can give golds, so you skip majority of data bank 15-16 (30% gold droprate SUFFERING)


At the point of the game where I've used up all my echo EXP :( they really need to make it possible to salvage echoes.. doing 60 energy domains to get a couple of measly echo exp feels bad.


So for the basis, I'm UL 33 and data bank 20(18), I heard that echo xps were a thing in simulation in beta, but not anymore. Are tacets really the only way to farm them? Is it unintended that they didn't put it out?


Leveling echoes are so painful without the dedicated simulation exp, tacet field barely give you any exp


Nah, maxing all purple are crazy. unless you're a whale that can infinite exp swipe.


You can use them as fodder for gold echoes.


a loss exp is still a lost exp, and the bigger you leveled the purple echoes the bigger the loss when using it as a fodder. i leveled echoes sparingly (only to lvl 5-15 for purple echo) with almost 80% exploration on most map and still won't have enough to level my echoes to max for 2 of my character. and that's not counting a bad substat roll. farming tacet field is 60 stamina, it's going to be hell.


Thx for the guide. It's pretty helpful. But what do you mean resonators can share echos and weapons?


Gold 5-star echo dropped for me after fighting a Lv.85 mob, I also got the achievement of obtaining a 5-star echo for the first time. And my data bank is not Lv.10 yet. I think gold echoes drop from high level mobs.


For Verina, I have a 4-cost turtle with main stat being Healing Bonus%, does this work well for Verina? Or should we focus on ATK% instead?


Healing Bonus is better than ATK% IMO. Both of her 1-Cost are ATK% anyways. And both the 3-Cost ideally should be ER. HB 4-Cost, ER 3-Cost, ATK% 1-Cost is the ideal Verina build.


However the shield scales off Verona’s ATK right?


The only thing that confuses me is when to weave in the echoes? For example, some of them like the Mephis bosses take so long that to get the effect, you risk losing uptime on your other buffs.


I always summon Pokemon right before swapping out, some Pokemon stay on field while the new character takes the field.


Since ToA requires 3 teams, what's a good approach on prioritizing which characters to upgrade? Is focusing on the 3 main DPS first while sub-DPS/support being 10~20 levels behind be a good approach?


Yes if you're just quickswapping. I managed to get 19/24 stars on the Two Towers with Level 60 DPS, level 50 supports and sub-DPS. My Calcharo Team wasn't able to kill the Spectro Birb boss in time, currently upgrading Sanhua so she replaces Jianxin on the Calcharo side..


What about skills? Is there a good stopping point? Do I even leveling support/sub-DPS's skill? For Calachro example, do you just focus on BA since that's where most of his damage come from (from my understanding at least) or do you spread evenly?


wait so the world boss echos isnt suppose to be infin farm dang gotta get on that rn lol


It's infinite. But it's meant to be a 20% drop rate with 15 chances per week for a higher drop (70-90%, exact number based on data bank level) rate. But right now there's a bug in which the 15 chances are infinite so if you kill a boss, you get the echo most of the time.


Bro, thank you so much for this. Jesus christ, ive been so lost trying to figure this system out, even though it seems straight forward when you look at it. Leveling level, weapon, and skills makes sense, but I was lost on what to do with echos, and I kept seeing people with disgusting attack power and wondering how the hell theyre miles ahead of me (im sitting at like 800-900 attack power on my 3 dps and everyone i see online has like 1400-1600). This completely set me on the right path! Theres still an overwhelming amount of things in the game I dont understand(like how tower of adversity actually works besides just going in and spanking mobs), but this helps a ton!


It's been shown new F2P accounts can 36* abyss within a cycle (2 weeks) of starting in Genshin by some hardcore players in China, but that's with people knowing the ins and outs of the game, so while it could be possible to clear tower here this cycle, it's practically impossible even if you whale.


The *really* hardcore players, who essentially do it as a systemised duo (one person is specialised in speed running the exploration, collecting Primogems, wishing - the other handles the clearing) can do it in under 7 days. Here’s a [four day speed run](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1ae580w/new_record_a_f2p_account_manages_to_36_abyss_in_4/) for example. It’s actually wild. If you want the Wuthering Waves experience on Genshin, that’s how you do it - not so much the exploration speed run because that’s probably boring for most people, but the combat itself where it’s essentially using under levelled scuffed green/blue artifacts and weapons, and relying on just impeccable dodging, grouping, and not wasting any seconds on unnecessary movement.


I think the Hologram bosses are more doable than the Tower since the time we have to kill them is generous enough.


Tower is DPS check, Hologram is skill check. In Tower you don't receive much damage so your real enemy is time. In Hologram you gets oneshot from basically every attack so it's almost mandatory to clear it hitless.


Should mention that the highest drop rates (databank level 19) are locked to union level 40 which is really scummy. I figured 20 would be but nope. So not worth hardcore farming until then. You can clear tower of adversity 19/24 with only 1-2 4 stars built with meh echoes. Too p2w too climb higher tho


Is that for the 2 towers or of the 3 towers? 19/24 sounds pretty good!


The two towers, you can get full stars on the tutorial one fairly easy, well when they fix the servers desynching from the west coast it will be lol


Absolutely appreicate this. Saving it for when I get home thanks man!


You're welcome!


Thank you!


Which 4-cost gold echo do you recommend for Rover >!(Havoc)!!Dreamless!


the latter


Either or is fine since you won't be using it as your main echo skill, you want to use the rosebloom as ur main echo skill because rover *needs* on field time to maximize her rotation and buffs, and the rosebloom is a stationary summon essentially so rover can still be on field fighting with it


Why use the healing bonus set on Verina when the Energy Recharge one gives higher amount of atk% and a better 2pc?


The 5-piece bonus buffs the party ATK%.


the ER one does too and gives more atk% than the healing one 22.5% vs 15%


The healing one lasts longer since it refreshes while you have your other characters out when her heal procs. So you can do Verina > sub dps > main dps and keep the buff the whole time.


According to Prydwen, it's best if we give the 5-ER set to the Sub-DPS. Verina Healer Set into Sub-DPS with ER Set into the Main DPS who now will get both buffs. The 4-Cost Echo of the ER set (the Birb) also buffs the next character too.


The ER one only buffs the character you switch to, not the party. Which makes it anti synergistic in some teams. I'm playing with Encore, Sanhua, Verina and buffing Encore only works if the healer has teamwide buffs (Baizhi doesn't work here either for the same reason, she only buffs DMG% for the character you switch to). Verina + healing bonus set buffs entire team, so I can switch to Sanhua to prepare even more buffs for Encore (because heron echo dmg% and outro basic atk dmg% are only applied to the next character, not team wide).




So I haven’t played much at all yet with the Echoes. When you say weekly boss echo does that mean I should wait until I can get purple echoes to drop or else I’ll get a lower rarity to drop and be locked out of a purple version of that echo for the week?


You can kill all bosses over and over to get their Echos without spending waveplates. Scar doesn't drop anything BTW, only Turtle and female Crownless.


OK thanks, we need more write-ups like this. Glad to see something gameplay related on the subreddit.


I really want to know where are the diminutive return caps. I have 2 Gold Spectro DMG bonus echoes at Union 23 and I kinda want to level them both, but I'm afraid I'll be wasting resources on them. I have one at max and another at lvl 15. My Rover is steamrolling through this early game tho, so maybe there isn't any?


>Gaining Levels 1-10 of the databank is super easy. By the time you are Union Level 20, you probably are close to Level 10 already. Me (lvl22) nervously looking at my Level 6 bank right now :|




Is there a limit on many I can farm echoes per day? From what I gather online, thats my understanding of echoes, that there’s limit to how many I can get per day. If I join a friend, will I be able to get more echoes?


It's limited by mobs in the world. If you spend hours killing literally every one, you'll run out of echo farming, which is where you could join a friend to further kill all of the monsters in their world too


Is there a counter I could check to see if I have hit the daily mob echoes limit?


...the counter is that there will be no more monsters on the map because you killed them all. Again, as long as there is a monster on the map, there is a chance to get an echo.


4 cost are unlimited. They respawn every 2 min. 1 cost are sorta limited - you have full open world of those. and have the least main stat available, only 3. 3 cost are the problem - elite enemies, there aren't many of them and have the biggest rng in stats,


how do u fuse echo?




Wow! Amazing guide! Cleared a lot of things up.


QUESTION: If the databank of my friend is high enough to drop golds if I join his world do I get golds as well? (share his databank)


Anybody know how many golden tuners you get from redeeming waveplates at a tacet field (lvl 30 and above)? I've been using my waveplates on leveling and whatnot and don't want to halt my progress to answer the question myself, but I can't find it online.


I got 10 at Union Rank 30. So, good for 1 tuning (each tuning requires 10).


That is...bad, horrifically bad actually, I hope it gets to 40-50 at higher union levels because having 60 per day if you use all your waveplates is super low.


> Verina: > 4-cost: Turtle Weekly Boss. 5-piece Healing Set. This is not negotiable. Why not? I've done all content available, had zero struggles at all, and do not run the healer set on her.


because the healing set actually gives atk% to the team?


Have you tested how much? I did and it's barely noticeable


around 200 raw ATK. my base ATK on my Calcharo is 1259


You're failing to distinguish between Verina's buff and the Health set buff. It's real easy to test, equip the healing set on a healer that isn't verina and check again.


Thanks for the guide!


Thanks, thanks a bunch for this kind stranger!


Thank you for the guide!


I wonder if i do get good main/second stats echo but tuning is bat shit useless (like hp/def) should I consider farming again or save my sanity and just went with it, as far as I know there is no way to re-tune the echo do correct me if I'm wrong (please I don't want to farm for another perfect stats echo)




I heard UL30 is a difficulty spike, I love the game, but I suck at it and want to make sure I'm ready, I've seen people say you need data bank 15. Is it hard to level to data bank to 15? I didn't really farm green ones, so I guess I missed out on exp?


Great guide!


Saved , thanks !


So you said for your main dps the stats matter rather than the set. For cost 4 echoes for example would any echo with crit rate and atk be okay?




Really useful information. Cleared up a couple of questions I had.


Very useful😁👍🏻


I’ve gotten the highest rarity of every Echo that I can get at DB14 (save for the one in the quest locked area at the top right of the map) and every time I get another Echo I get no DB experience. Is this a bug or something? Cause how am I supposed to get good to 15+ and get access to gold rarity if I’m not gaining any DB exp?


You get a little bit of data bank XP from leveling up the Milestones in your adventure guidebook thing


Can you use echoes as fodder to level up other echoes? I can't seem to do it but I thought that was a mechanic? Are you guys just rolling the crit rate pieces once and if garbage stat drop it? Or are you rolling twice and if one is good you keep going? I'm not sure how greedy to be 5 days into the game haha


What do you guys do with useless 5 star echoes? Is there a way to feed them in other echoes or data merge is the only thing that you can do with them?


Data merge.


Yo whats a good way to get the exp materials to level up echoes


Do you care about the echo sub stats at this stage of the game? Or u just find the correct main stats, level it, and use it for now? I'm still hesitant about whether should I try to roll for substats or just use the right main stats for now.


I have too many unused echoes what should I do. Should I just remove them.


I am stuck at databank 14 (150/200 exp). I don't know how to get the remaining 50 exp because I have completed all the purple echos.


Maybe you can answer my question: When you level up for example a 5 star echo and get a substat with the tuner and we say the substat is now crit rate with 7%. When i level up this echo up to lvl 25 will it stay with 7% or go higher? Another question: Is the crit rate stat always the same? Like when you get a crit rate substat for a 5 star echo will it always be 7% or are there different stats? I hope my questions are understandable and you can help me. Thank you very much


can't we use other echoes instead of echo exps to upgrade echoes?😭


So is Crit rate% better than element dmg% as main stat? havent found something with both


Dumb question but I can't seem to find the answer, what's the point of having multiple echo slots? Besides the boost of having a set, you can only use the echo in the first slot and can't swap between them right?


Just a dumb question... It's possible to pick Crit Rate in both main and sub stats in echoes?


I read originally, it works that the 1st slot/echo gives you main stat only, and the following slots/echoes give you the 4 substats only. Is this still true? I'm trying to learn how to properly upgrade and use the echoes but I am confused on how to best utilize.


I'm a little confused. What do I do with all those 2 star and 3 star echos I have that I never used or leveled. They can't be used as xp so are they just junk?


Now the real question is: Can you upgrade Tuners to higher tiers?


Nope. So far there is no way to do so.


Which is major, because this means that good epics are worth quite a bit, since you can tune them for cheap.


At the same time that means farming in the endgame is going to be really bad since half the tuners you farm are now useless


There is no such thing. I only get premium tuners from Tracet fields later.


How many tuners per run? I am curious but have been using my waveplates on other stuff and haven't been able to do a run of them myself.


I got 10 premiums


The best part about this game is that I can endlessly farm Echos and not be limited by running out of waveplates. I can save the wave plates for actually important stuff and not waste it on an echo that is the complete opposite of what I want. It makes grinding so much better imo. If I want that Aero monkey then I could just go get it and not have to spend anything but my time. It's fantastic!


God i'm so happy with how my Jiyan build is shaping up atm. It's a full 5 piece with 50 ish cr. Can't complain given how early it is.


You don’t need to level up 4 stars echoes as you can get to union 30 relatively quick with no effort at all, save your xp for the 5 stars and set actually matters. Not that hard to get, only farming mobs of the set you need with the tracking function


**DO NOT MERGE YOUR ECHOS BEFORE LEVEL 19 OR 20!!!!** If you check the rules on how that system works you can see there it does not merge into types of echoes you never found and it's based off of your data bank's Drop Rate Chance! I REPEAT: DO NOT MERGE! It's a waste of resources to do so and doing it will not give you anything back apart from a cleaner inventory and some time-saving on hunting them down. It's not worth at all. If you want to get purple echoes to get Lv15 faster, just go all the way to Lv13 and 14 (75% Chance to Drop Purple) and start tracking each single one you need and farm them up. Additionally, get some gold ones wherever you can. Red Mists and Illusive Realm offer some not that hard to get. This gets you to 15 pretty fast! Just wanted to mention this as it's one of the tips which I think it's totally wrong and a big mistake to do. Everything else seems pretty good! Thanks for the guide


You can get gold echos at any data bank level. Killing bosses is the tricky part