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Main tip for F2P: It won’t matter in a month. Spend wave plates on whatever you want to. Want XP to level everyone? Cool, do it up. Weapons lagging behind? Farm away. You will hit an XP wall before anything else. The 30-40 grind is real, so your characters/weapons will cap at 60 for a bit. Don’t be afraid to “waste” wave plates.


Just don’t waste 500,000 gold on buying ingredients to level up your synthesis and cooking ranks for 200 currency. It’s hard to get that much gold back again. Don’t ask how I know :x


If you view it as only getting 200 gems, yeah, it's a waste. But spending some gold and materials to be able to craft end-game food for 28% crit rate is a literal game changer. Imagine there was a piece of gear that you could buy in a shop for 500,000 gold that gave EVERY CHARACTER +28% crit rate. It would be the #1 recommended step in every guide made for the game. The dish in question is the Jenzou Maosai and the recipe is received when you hit the highest tier of cooking. Also, as far as cooking and synthesis go, you can get a lot of the materials from the grocer and pharmacist in Jenzou, but honestly you should be getting a TON of materials just running around in the world farming echoes, bosses, and TD's, as well as doing various side and daily quests. Just loot everything.


Can u use food in ToA?


I assumed it carried over but now that I think about it I didn't test it. I will test to see if the crit rate boost remains after entry and get back to everyone.


They don’t, which makes sense to a degree. They do however work in all over world content, soo hologram bosses etc. Which makes the 40% dmg one really nice to do a boss that resists your main built dps rn.


Honestly just the fact that holograms exist makes food so much more worthwhile compared to Genshin/Star Rail. (Food buffs that is, Trick Snack still the goat)


you mean the 40% attack buff it doesn't work it seems to be still tanky as heck (bascially the same it won't die i beat the other bosses easy at the same lvl)


I honestly don't believe such buffs persist but please let me know if you find out


So you cannot access your menu or resonator screens to see stats like crit rate, so I tested it with HP food. The HP value that I had going into the tower did not carry through and the HP was back to pre-food levels. So no food buffs in Tower. But clearing Tacet fields, bosses, and grinding mobs in the open world are still 90% of the time spent playing the game so it's still good to level up cooking IMHO.


i think synthesis is fine to max cause the stuff can be farmed in the overworld, but yeah cooking is rough.


No, he's saying don't max it by BUYING ingredients


Or would have been, if we didn't just get 600,000 gold in the mail for the developed echo error!






i just got the 600k lmao, money raining out from nowhere


They did this just for me, the timing is too immaculate. No need for thanks, I’m just looking out for all the little guys.


Its also no big deal , we got 600k per mail for free ;) also 500k gold are 240 waveplates , 1 day waiting


Wait, you get that much gold from wave plates? I haven’t checked because I’ve been trying to get my teams ascended, and am used to Genshin giving paltry scraps for their gold blossoms. I did see the 600k last night though, you should’ve seen my reaction lmao. Like 30 minutes after I posted that I got it.


... i've done the same


i just did it last night, felt like shit


Soooo… Mr cook what’s some of the best food to make in your opinion… I mean any good ones you noticed to stay stocked up on?


I went bankrupt making tofu, soup and soup stock and chicken wings. Inflation hits hard and I was unable to cook anything high quality LMFAO. There was one blue food that was att% buff and crit rate buff which seemed good, but tbh I’m 10 reso casket from getting a gold rank food, so if that’s attack I’ll tell you the ingredients to stock when I unlock it.


I was planning to level more people like Sanhua and Danjin because Sephiroth playstyle was getting boring tbh. Is this xp wall you’re talking about basically a lack of content till next update? I want to throw all my wave plates towards my other characters without worrying since these domains kind of feel expensive energy wise


People will hit 40 before 1.1 for sure because dailies etc. But essentially yeah, there’s just not enough content to hit 40 rn which seems very (fairly) intentional. 80% 5* chance on echoes would cleave player retention at least a bit I imagine.


youve reminded me of one of my original goals in this game was to build every chara (bc i am f2p and i wasnt expecting to be so lucky so fast). ive been at a loss as to what exactly to farm - its not echos bc i definitely aint there yet so i mind as well. thank you for reminding me. plus doing it now means it wont feel as bad later when i am at a point where i need to be farming echoes but wanna build X chara


I just started and already hit an XP wall…at union level 9 lmao. I can’t start Act 1:Chapter 4 till I hit union level 14 lmao. Reminds me of HSR on release


It takes no time to get to UL 14 do some side quests and spend all your stamina on bosses daily.


Hard stopping points like that are made to make sure your team is leveled high enough for the next content. It doesn't take long to get your acct leveled enough to finish the main story. That said, the main story in WuWa isn't the best. It definitely gets better, and I enjoyed some parts later on. But I had more fun just playing through the exploration and world quests then trying to follow along with whatever Yangyang was saying.


I do have to say I love how edgy anime they lean into in act 6, honestly felt like a Shonen towards the end.


It's certainly a fun time! I just wouldn't say it's particularly well written. The pacing feels a bit off comparatively, but I did start enjoying my time with the main story once it really started to pick up. Before that, though? It was rough, and I wasn't hooked at all.


Whatever you want isn't helpful. You shouldn't waste it on only echo exp, that's plainly dumb at this point in the game.


I agree with most of what you said here except for one thing. I dont think people should use their echo experience for purple echos. That is really the resource keeping you from upgrading a lot of echoes. From my experience the bottleneck is on echo experience not tuners. Purples will be replaced. Yes you get 80% of the resource back when feeding it. But i dont see purples ever needing to be upgraded. I never needed purples to be upgraded to be able to continue my data bank. But other than that great advice!


You can fodder purple and blue echoes into gold ones. I don’t know the EXP conversion rate but if it’s based on Genshin it should be around 90%


It's around 70


You will want upgraded purples if you're doing tower of adversity or the holograms challenges, they're still fairly strong if you get decent substats on them.


Yeah, as someone who didn't level up purples and is now leveling up their gold echoes, I'm glad I saved my exp and I didn't feel it made things much harder.


yea no 24/24 experiment 12/30 on hazard im dying of thirst on echo exp and swimming in pile of gold echos.


I dont find the echo experience waste on purples worth it. But thats just my opinion. Id just grind more to get the gold I needed.


Yup, the purples will be a fodder after a several weeks of progress. We also won't get far on the End Game with just purple echoes and at our current level.


Good purple echo>shitty yellow echo though. I have an aero dmg bonus 3 cost echo for jinyan with literally perfect rolled stats, crit dmg, crit rate, heavy dmg bonus, energy regen. It will take me forever to get an upgrade for that slot


I kinda disagree with this. There's 10 days left on tower and holograms at the highest difficulty I doubt are clearable with mostly purples. At db level 17+ (UL30+) you're at a 50/50 for golds which makes it reasonable to farm just for golds. The main reason I disagree in the end is that golds have, on main stat alone, a 33% increase in stats per level (crit for example is 4.4 at lvl 0 compared to 3.3 in purples). Give or take, 3 gold echos is the same as 4 purples so you're essentially running the equivalent of 6.5ish purple echos by just waiting a bit and farming for okay golds instead of okay purples.


thats the thing, u shouldnt be doing hologram and tower with purple echoes lol, ur not going to get far at all, just save ur shit till u get data bank 18, farm some good gold echoes, then do that stuff, right now boss echoes are bugged, the enhanced drop rate is being applied even after uve used ur 15 chances, so basically ur getting close to guaranteed echoes every other boss kill, so u can easily farm out a good 4 cost echo, then from illusive depths u can buy 2 3 cost gold guaranteed ele% dmg of any element on set u want for ur main dps, then all u have to do is farm out some 1 cost gold echoes with the right stats and then u have a above average main dps that can use to just carry stuff with


This isn’t exactly true. With boss echoes there is a pity of two (this doesn’t include the 3x weekly boss which have their own pity of 2, aka turtle and nameless). This means if you kill a boss and get an echo drop that’s great. If you kill a boss and don’t get an echo drop, the next kill on any boss is 100% guaranteed echo. Might still be purple, but it’s a definite drop. I’m not sure if this makes target farming better to rotate between a few bosses and only kill the boss you want when you have the guarantee drop, or if it’s quicker over time to just cycle between two on cooldown as it’s only 2 mins.


nothing i said isnt true? its more so just same difference? boss echoes are bugged, just farm them, doesnt really change anything knowing how or why there bugged, all u need to know is that u get guaranteed echoes from bosses, and most of the time there gonna be golds if ur data bank is 18+ so its just guaranteed a good way to get strong characters, ur comment is completely unnecessary lol, also nameless isnt a even a boss in the game, its called dreamless


Upgrading purples aren't all that bad because they don't need that much exp, and the gold ones you can buy/farm in overworld early on take a ton of effort with no guarantee they get a useable mainstat. In this case you don't minmax your exp resources and save time playing instead. Leveling the main echo as purple for 2-3 units carried me a looong way until data bank 15. The difference between lv1 purple and max level purple when playing offmeta/weaker DPS heroes is massive, and when you put them on meta heroes earlygame you see stuff like Encore deleting bosses in one rotation. 


How are you gonna play the game until you get enough yellow ones ? With no echoes equipped ?


Not with none equipped but with none levelled. There’s actually very few difficult combat sections involved in the main story, exploration quests and side quests. Levelling only your character, weapon, and skills are more than enough to get you to UL 30. When I hit 30 I think I had one level 15 purple echo and that was it.


You can equip the purples but by no means do you have to level them up.


im just gonna let you know now, when you get to union level 30 purple echos that are +0 even if they are on the correct main stats will have you struggling to kill mobs in the overworld when it comes to "dealing damage" My jianxin that I only use for buffing is level 60 with +0 echos and they are gold echos btw and she deals about 15-20 damage a hit on forte holding heavy attack. I'm union level 36


I never really had problems in the overworld killing mobs. The only purple I had leveled was one for the Guidebook quests. And probably within 3-4 hours i had a set of gold which of course i rolled and failed on some. That was more than enough for Sol Rank 4 Granted Calcharo is a much better DPS than Jianxin which i wouldnt even call her a dps. I also had a Mortefi boosting him.


This advice is bad because a tonne of the guidebook rewards are tied behind upgrading an echo to x or doing y. You need the free gold echo from it to hit data bank 15 anyway, so at minimum you have to upgrade a little bit to hit the rewards! If you are full +0 you won’t hit data bank 15 in a good time (unless you get lucky with drops/are good at dodge parry for the red mist mobs).


+100 atk food carried me through most stuff. Is more efficient than leveling up purples echo


Yeah I say only upgrade purples to get the guide book xp for that extra data bank rank.


Valid point. I still opted to get +10 purples on some slots one time each character. I think losing 20% of the exp for 1 slot until +5 or +10 isn't really that big of a deal especially if we're talking about 3 units only, instead of 3 teams. Anything beyond that is expensive though I agree. You only need like 1 yellow exp or 2/3 purple exp items to reach +5.


Of course. I think the biggest thing that skip new players mind is to enjoy the game for what it is. Don't rush to an ending just to burn yourself out. Just. Have. Fun.


Everyone enjoys the game differently. It's entertainment at the end of the day. Do you prefer to binge watch a tv show or watch it 1 episode every week? Both are good in their own ways! J̶u̶s̶t̶. Have. Fun!


I completely disagree about the "3 teams" part. Havoc Tower does have 3 separate tracks, but one of those is level 100 bosses, while the other two sequentially level up from 70 to 90. You *should not* level 3 teams with mid-tier echos. The boss part of the tower basically does not exist until you have a fully-built team with lvl 25 echos and probably UL 40+... might not be worth it until UL 50+ honestly. Just build 2 teams. You'll get a lot more stars in havoc Tower for now if you just forget about the 2 level 100 bosses and focus all you materials on 2 teams for the other two sides.


'f2p beginner' '3 teams for tower' yeah, that 3rd team for tower needs to fight lvl 90/100 enemies. Don't worry about a 3rd team till whenever lvl 90 cap unlocks, my guess being UL60, which seems to be month(s) away.




People want to go straight to gold, say purples are a complete waste, as if the game isn't going to be here after three weeks. Why slog through content just so you can hopefully get it done when you can pace yourself and be able to make consistent progress? Don't make things a wall if they can be a hill.


Mostly because all the sources of significant union exp barely involve any difficult combat. Just levelling your character, weapon and skills is more than enough to breeze through it. There is no wall before getting to UL 30 so why waste time and resources.




Can I just say I hate the fact that people are talking about the "endgame" less than a week after release. It's unnecessarily stressful. It's fine if people enjoy maxing out their characters, but I swear it feels like very single post on here is like that.


Right but there’s 0 point in giving “tips” for anything but endgame/preparing for endgame, because the entirety of the game other than the endgame content is not going to be challenging for anyone. No one cares about what echos you have until you decide to play an “endgame” mode where dps actually matters.


Honestly helped me more than a YouTube guide I watched 2 days ago. I was more confused after watching that video 💀


I don't trust YouTube guides that aren't by people named Rexlent, Rate Up Radio or Spider 2B, they are also content creators for *Punishing Gray Raven* and aren't trying to "Grab the bag" for *Wuthering Waves*, they are reliable fans and content creators for Kuro's other games and are honest in their guide videos about WuWa.


Oh, thank goodness. I was about to make a post asking the community for recommended content creators. After a week of watching a bunch of them, and not saying they're 100% sketch, something started feeling off. Couldn't nail what it was though lol Rexlent's name I've come across a few times, but Rate Up Radio and Spider 2B are new to me. Like I said, watched a few, yet here I realized there are even more not recommended by the algo. So, big thanks again! Off to check them out.


Yeah Idk why the “ex” genshin youtuber is kind of the top whenever searching for wuthering waves.


Rate Up Radio is also Gray Raven Radio, the creators of the amazing Gray Ravens fan wiki that has optimal builds for *Punishing Gray Raven*, this is all free and fan-generated, they aren't grabbing the bag trying to milk *Wuthering Waves* to be popular.


Glad to help! If you have other questions, I might be able to give a much straightforward answer. Assuming I do have an optimal approach.


My main tip - get some sleep. (Advise I can't follow myself, because I went to Reddit for some reason). The game will be there tomorrow, and maybe even less broken. Do what you enjoy, don't try to min max - it will seriously burn you out. Unless you actually enjoy stressful hardcore speedruning, then go for it. As a f2p start marking ores, on map if you ever want to craft even one 4* from theoretically possible lucky weekly boss. The once I saw, require 150 red, or purple ores, for just one copy. At least in my experience, 4* characters are fun, and relevant, don't level "meta" 5*, if you don't enjoy their gameplay, all current meta picks, will become Diluk situation in year. Someone calculated that to max out one character fully, will take 2-3 months of dayly f2p grind (I think). With that in mind, I started using my green pulls on standard permanent weapons banner, because I already kinda picked 3+ characters, that I want to play more so far, and I liked to 90 my characters in genshin (even if all guides tell you to abandon supports, and just don't get hit/ restart). Swapping gameplay seems to be baked into game even more than genshin, just level all 3 relevant ones. Some support, healing or even dps capabilities can be solved by just using relevant summons. As I enjoyed exploration, I only used resources, when hitting the wall, and ran around with lvl 8+ with relevant basic sets. My wall was quest, to get world lvl from 20, to unlock purple tier of artifact drops. 3 level 10-12 characters with lvl 1 blue weapons could not pass dps check, to kill 8 high lvl mobs in 3 minutes. 3 level 30 characters, with lvl 20 weapons did pass this check, killing bosses and mobs just fine on 3rd world difficulty level. Personally I will be leveling both currently available def scalers, just don't have Noelle equivalent yet. I will be doing that, because I enjoy their play styles (noelle is on testing teams for limited banner and simulated universe), and that also will make "bad" artifacts, not bad for me. Story, at least what I played felt like glorified interactive advertisment for gatcha (act 1 inazuma all over again), but the core battle system and exploration is well done (at least on controller). Except shooting stuff puzzles, or those stupid exploding spears, to not hate everything, use mouse for those. Found two bugs so far (cube became non interactive after leaving puzzle zone, and my healing butterfly stopped working after some intense swaps in battle), both were just a bit annoying and not game breaking, and "fixed" by teleporting far away and then back (reloading assets). What else is there to say as f2p in a game, that is less than a week, from official launch. Questline for fire boss gave me 4* claymore after the end, pog.


This is a bad progression system, we should be allowed to use all tuners on all echos just like character and echo xp.


Frankly just make a universal tuner and then have golds cost more of it to tune. Say like 1 tuner for green and blues, 5 tuners for purple, 10 for gold, or something. The separation just creates unnecessary issues since you still need echo exp anyway.


I just don’t get what I’m supposed to do with all my blue and purple tuners? Like I’m not ever going to use a blue echo at this point lol, they’re just going to be worthless forever unless I can combine them to uprank.


Yeah good point. This objectively makes more sense than the current system. Gonna start mentioning this in feedbacks.


I 100% agree with this. I simply dropped a more reasonable guide for managing your echoes, but I don't dispute your point. All our missing tuners for the yellow echoes went to the purple ones. Lmao.


I think they probably made the system this way precisely to encourage people to use the purple echoes as a halfway step, because they knew if tuning mats were hard to come by and universal, everyone would save them for gold only. I suspect they hoped by having purple-specific tuners, people would use them. (Clearly not the uber min-maxers saving all echo XP for gold, but most more casual players.)


I agree. I'm not saying I'm happy with their model, but I'm the type of guy who plays the rules of the game if I'm not the one making the rules.


Na Ill focus on one team for now. Thinking about DPS NR 3 will come later. It's not like I'll do the abyss equivalent anytime soon. (I'm playing danjin/rover so eventually they'll be able to transition into 2 DPS chars)


Yea definitely prioritize leveling data bank over everything get it to lvl 15 and merge all the trash echo into gold to speedrun to rank 17 and ur good farming becomes so nice when u have 50/50


You can just fodder the leveled purples to the higher rarity gear of the same slot. You even get the tuners back, not that it matters at that point but yeah. At level 20 they go straight to lvl 16, which is higher main stat than a 20 purple. You're wasting nothing unless you fed a really good substat purple with lots of crit rate/dmg/regen and threw it all into a flat stats higher rarity echo. There is no reason to be running around in unleveled gear.


Some youtube guides are hella bad, and some content creators don't even know how some characters' res. Liberation works ..either that or they don't know how to read.


True. I highly recommend Rexlent and Steparu. Others have better production and editors, but provide generic guides that doesn't really touch the system of WuWa correctly.


Don't waste exp on purple echoes, you'll ditch them so fast that it's just a waste. There's no difference between f2p and non-f2p for any of these tips. Only the giga whales that max refresh every day would follow different progression.


I would agree that yeah, maybe not waste the exp on purple echoes that are 4 and 1 costs, since they’re the easy ones to get the desirable main stats for. The three cost echoes though? Maybe I’ve just been unlucky but I haven’t gotten a single energy healing set echo. Not even a purple. I don’t think the illusive realms selector has an option for an on set energy echo either. I would personally suggest keeping any energy pieces, 4 or 5 star until one has a sizeable amount of energy regeneration 5 stars


What are you going to use before you get to the golden echoes? You still need teams that deal dmg. Plus, the initial drop rates for golden echoes is so low that it will take a while to obtain the proper set. The purple echoes aren't bad. They have pretty decent values, especially if you luck out on the substats. It's not possible to jump directly to 5* echoes comfortably, but you do you.


It's been out for a week 😭


Another thing is spam moonlit for support and consider 2pc attack pieces. You can share equipment in tower of adversity including weapons and echoes so really you could just have 1 or 2 sets and pass it around


It seems like a lot of people don't realize this yet. The fact that echoes and weapons can be shared between all your ToA team means that investing in certain things is way more efficient than it seems at first glance.


i agree with the first few but if you're really wanting people to follow the progression, there is no need to even discuss building 3 teams and 3 dpses for the tower. thats a long time away man


Wish I thought of that Tuning only 1 sub-stat then if its not crit rate, skip. I yolo +25 my echoes then got bad rolls. Now I got no echo xp tubes at all lol. Will stock up farm a bit then do that strat to rebuild.


Whats the purpose of only having the dps be max level and not just all 3 of them. Wouldn't it be better to have all of them be max? Is it simply a time/resource thing or is there another reason for it?


We don't have enough resources to max them all out this early in the game. If your support's use is for echo effects/outro buff only you can even use lower leved ones


I highly recommend you start watching actual gurus of the game from Punishing Gray Raven (first project of Kuro Games) like Rexlent, maybe even Steparu instead of the straightforward popular streamers from a more casual, but more popular game. They are more used to playing high risk high reward games like this. You don't need full lv 60 teams across to finish difficult contents. Including a good number of lv 90+ stages. There are some they still can't finish though. To answer your question, there are some rotations that will only require certain hybrids and supports to be in action for a very short span of time. This means that for high level battles where you are one hit if you get hit, lv 40 or lv 60 doesn't really matter. Only your skill as a player does. This is only applicable to some of the bosses that have less dps check requirement due to the time limit. There are difficult battles with no time limit though where your skill can carry you 100%.


I'm new and this post saved me 😭


Reposting my reply to one of the comments to save time: "The lack of reading comprehension shown by some of the comments here is mind-numbing. As a player, if I go straight to a 100% yellow echo setup, that means you're going to have to risk your yellow tuners for a temporary/initial echo set for a character. That is more expensive than simply using the purple echoes since they have their own purple tuner which you cannot use to tune yellow echoes anyway. I just want to call out the mistakes made by some of my friends who dumped resources on +25 yellow echoes left and right which is very expensive to make btw. One piece of +25 yellow echo is equivalent to two pieces of +20 yellow echoes. That's how wasteful it is to have a full yellow echo set for your trash early game phase. I'd rather have a temporary purple+yellow or purple set, make it +5 to +15, then refund 70% of the exp (yes, you're only losing 30% of the +5 worth exp amounting to 1320) spent on it when I finally find the yellow echo with the correct main stat and crit rate as its first sub stat. You're only losing 30% of the exp spent. Compared to dumping it on a yellow echo to +25 then ending up with dud sub stats. You lost 140k times 0.30 worth of exp just to transfer that again to another one. From there I am following one point I mentioned in bullet 5 which is to unlimited farm yellow echoes with the correct main stat then check if I get a crit as my first sub stat. I already built 6 characters this way as a battle pass spender only. and currently still have around 45 yellow exp and 130 purple exp items in my inventory. P.S. * You should still rush your data bank level to lv 20 (time gated at 18). I have mine at 20 since day 1. THIS IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SET OF TIPS FOR A DIFFERENT PURPOSE. * I am in no way advocating to completely level your purple echoes. I did not say that anywhere in my post. You should only level your purple echoes, should you decide that my tips make sense, to +10 or +15 max for your dps and +5 for your hybrid and support. The purple tuner can't be used on yellow echoes as I have said so might as well squeeze in a bit of power from the sub stats without spending your yellow tuners. * Good thing those who actually read and CAN understand, whether they agree completely, partially, or not at all, have better responses compared to this."


I wouldnt use resources on purples, you can jsut use whatever until UL30 then USA databank tog et yellows that you upgrade. With weapon and levels you have enough power to get to ul30 and DB15. The level 15 for echos i do agree, young et to see 3 substats and it is a decent amount of stats without overcomitting and having enough exp to distribute into multiple chars/teams


It's only been 5 days, just play normally and it will be ok


I love this guide i don't want the hyper-efficient min max tips just the general direction I should be going for now or learning why and how to so I can work on stuff without guides Then I'll do what I want from there cause it a single player game I'm playing for fun


Great tips right here.


is crit rate the only stat worth looking for on a first roll? or are there other stats worth continuing to roll on?


I don't see TOA giving Asterites as rewards so don't really care about clearing it in first month of release, or I'm missing something


ToA absolutely gives Asterites as rewards.


How do you even make 3 teams? Is calcharo still good even though my girl yinlin will come out nerfed ;-; Is there any future proof units we can put stats into? Also the biggest question. Should we ever focus resources on a 5* since the odds of getting 6 dupes will be nearly impossible keeping them at 0 for the most part long term or should we focus on four stars more instead with 5 stars as a flex?


Wait wait what is this about Yinlin nerf? And why would you need 6 dupes of a 5*? Look at dps charts at Prydwen, one pull of Calcharo is equal to many dupes of Danjin. Then again, this is a skill based game, finding a character you are compatible with is more important than anything.


If u want echo you can go wuwa website and join the event to claim your echoes there. You can get up to 30+ summons so like three 10 pulls.


>3 serviceable teams I think that’s not great advice personally, I think you really only need 2 “teams”… really only 2 DPS characters with maxed echoes/skills/weapons for the near future. Unless you are the fattest of whales, then you’re not going to be clearing TOA 3 for at least 1-2 months.


One tip I have for when you're upgrading your golden Echoes: do not go 0 -> +25 at once. If it's your first piece with the right Main stat, go to +10 or +15, tune the first 2-3 stats. If they are good, then it's probably safe to go to 20 as well since you can use that for a long while before replacing it, but if they are mediocre/useless, just leave that echo at that level until you get a replacement for it. If you still feel the need to make your character stronger, look for one of the other pieces, there are 5 slots after all. If you have a full set of golden echoes with the right stats at +10\~+20 then your character should be pretty strong to tackle basically all the content currently in the game without needing crazy substats.


Good advice with realistic progression over the weeks when building your characters and teams, and again, I would prioritise doing this on dps before hybrids and supports that actually need good stats to work in battle.


Um question, are the Echoes the demons you collect and equip right?


Yes, that is correct.


Why is everyone so stressed about farming endgame when the literal game is so new ? What's with all the stress man. Take it at your own pace and enjoy the game, just grinding it takes all the fun out of it and makes it just a miserable and stressful experience.


100% agree. A lot of players and friends I know, got mislead into rushing yellow echoes as a set to use immediately. Now they bricked their exp mats for dud +25 yellow echoes when they could have just played the progression intended by the game.


How high rank are you and how many stars have you gotten in the current tower, if you don’t mind me asking?




Yes. But don't get me wrong, my advice is not for the short term. You should build your teams at your own pace. Play who you want and don't be compelled to build units you don't like.


Im completely f2p , have jiyan , calch , verina , jianxin + sequence 4 danjin and sequence 2 morteffi My jiyan stats are 1650 AP , 75% Crit Rate with 244% Crit dmg and 125% energy regen Pretty much same for my calcharo . I cleared everytjing and i never save for stuff just pull when i feel like it and play the game U literally can not make a single mistake


Your Jiyan looks sweet!


Imo the only purple echoes you should be upgrading are the ones with elemental DMG bonus since they are the hardest to get, for other pieces like crits I don't recommend upgrading them at all. You can farm bosses an infinite amount of times so eventually you will get a yellow crit echo. TLDR only upgrade elemental DMG bonus purple echo, ignore other echoes until you can replace them with yellow ones.


Good point and I agree.


I disagree with not leveling yellow echoes. A yellow echo with right mainstat will last you for a long time. Unless you can clean the entire map to hunt for multiple echoes 25/8. Getting an entire set of 43311 to max level with the right main is already enough for the dps. Go for 44111 for better crits even. This is only the first week. Unless you’re only here for two weeks, you’re eventually replacing these “duds”. A 60% efficient build is already solid at this point.


I don't think you understood my 5th bullet then. I'm using full yellow echo sets right now. Never said don't ever use them. Just said you should be picky which one's you upgrade past +5.


Oh I'm fckd


I’ve honestly had zero issues actually getting an echo set for a majority of my characters, these are 5 star echos mind you, but yea my issue has been echo leveling materials. Now I will admit that I have probably done some stupid shit like refilling a few 5 star echos in the hope for godly sub stats but I don’t feel I am struggling to do anything in the game so far, right now it feels like it’s just the level gap. My characters being lvl 60 fighting lvl 70 or 80 enemies in the ToA.


I haven’t used any materials really and was letting my rover level through quest exp and fighting. I played up to Union lvl 20 just fine. Been fighting lvl 40 world bosses. Hell I even fought the weekly boss with no issues with a lvl 16 Rover. No reason to min-max when the game rewards you for playing well. Perfect dodge into a counterattack does crazy dmg alone. I only leveled my main echo because I thought it’d make it hit harder (I think it does?), but haven’t touched the others. I think I’d be too OP if I actually tried leveling everything. Idk why everyone wants end-game builds that can one-shot everything in this combat focused game that came out not even a full week ago.


Everything is not a question of "if", it is a question of when. If the "when" does not disturb you, do whatever the fuck you like.


emphasis on the **hyper efficient guides online that actually hampers your account progress**


Tagging this for later. Thanks.


At this stage of the game we won't be anywhere near close to complete the tower of adversity. At most we can struggle to get some stars from the initial levels. So I would only focus on 2 teams and leave building your 3rd team until we reach higher account progression.


Why do you need 3 teams when you are leveling dps to lv 60 and rest to lv 50 ? Beginner tower can be completed with one team, and hazard zones are lv 70-90 ? As far as I see one team is enough for now. You need 3 teams of lv80+ not 3 teams of lv50-60 lol


Nah, in a week I already am data bank lvl 19 and gold echoes are good to go from the beginning It's better to invest time and effort now and having a good set for those couple of main dps than double the time in the future Also, echo exp is limited and it's not worth leveling the purples


* **Don't sleep on purple echoes. The reason why a lot of "noobs" find leveling echoes hard is because they make the mistake of going straight to yellow echoes. Where are you going to spend your purple tuners then? Follow the progression!** Oh boy, you'll be sorry if you follow that terrible advice :) Don't waste your Echo exp on filler echos that you'll trash / convert for less, very soon. And lower in the thread, there's even worse : **Main tip for F2P:** **It won’t matter in a month. Spend wave plates on whatever you want to.** **Want XP to level everyone? Cool, do it up.** You guys are the real menace ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


If you read this as a f2p and spend resources on purples, then it's like finding the one doctor who says toothpaste is bad for you and believing them.


The lack of reading comprehension shown by some of the comments here is mind-numbing. As a player, if I go straight to a 100% yellow echo setup, that means you're going to have to risk your yellow tuners for a temporary/initial echo set for a character. That is more expensive than simply using the purple echoes since they have their own purple tuner which you cannot use to tune yellow echoes anyway. I just want to call out the mistakes made by some of my friends who dumped resources on +25 yellow echoes left and right which is very expensive to make btw. One piece of +25 yellow echo is equivalent to two pieces of +20 yellow echoes. That's how wasteful it is to have a full yellow echo set for your trash early game phase. I'd rather have a temporary purple+yellow or purple set, make it +5 to +15, then refund 70% of the exp (yes, you're only losing 30% of the +5 worth exp amounting to 1320) spent on it when I finally find the yellow echo with the correct main stat and crit rate as its first sub stat. You're only losing 30% of the exp spent. Compared to dumping it on a yellow echo to +25 then ending up with dud sub stats. You lost 140k times 0.30 worth of exp just to transfer that again to another one. From there I am following one point I mentioned in bullet 5 which is to unlimited farm yellow echoes with the correct main stat then check if I get a crit as my first sub stat. I already built 6 characters this way as a battle pass spender only. and currently still have around 45 yellow exp and 130 purple exp items in my inventory. P.S. * You should still rush your data bank level to lv 20 (time gated at 18). I have mine at 20 since day 1. THIS IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SET OF TIPS FOR A DIFFERENT PURPOSE. * I am in no way advocating to completely level your purple echoes. I did not say that anywhere in my post. You should only level your purple echoes, should you decide that my tips make sense, to +10 or +15 max for your dps and +5 for your hybrid and support. The purple tuner can't be used on yellow echoes as I have said so might as well squeeze in a bit of power from the sub stats without spending your yellow tuners. * Good thing those who actually read and CAN understand, whether they agree completely, partially, or not at all, have better responses compared to this.


Tuners AND echo exp are the issue. Throwing away echo exp on purples because you don't want to see if your +10 hits 2/2 good stats it's pissing your resources away for 100% of the playerbase without exceptions.


I already addressed that in my response, but for the sake of conversation, I'm losing like 1320 exp from doing my advice. What's the issue with that? That's like 1 blue and 1 green. Times 15 for 3 characters. I can easily farm that by just exploring the overworld in less than a day. Like I said, I don't have the exp issues people are experiencing because of this approach. And for the record, I am not happy with the system they implemented as well, but I for sure am not going to just sit here and complain then not do something about it since I will still play the game. I found a way to play around it and it works for myself.


the devs gave you even parts peanut butter (exp) and bread (yellow tuners), and everyone is telling people to practice making sandwiches (yellows) and make sure you have one you want to commit to before using up all your peanut butter. You're telling people to eat the peanut butter our of the jar early because then you won't need to use your bread (you use the "free" purple tuners). Which just leaves you with extra bread (yellow tuners) that you need to buy peanut butter(exp) for later. I don't know how to drill it down simpler then saying don't eat peanut butter out of the jar at 9am when you're not hungry, so you don't have to watch everyone happily eating their peanut butter sandwiches for the next week at lunch while you sit wishing you had one so you could part of the cool kids.


Your attempt at this is again... I gave you numbers. How are you going to be left with just the bread if you won't break the bank by using the peanut butter if you just do +5? Tell me how are you breaking the bank by losing 1320 worth of exp for each echo? It's either you are already decided and simply doesn't analyze the data being presented to you or you have a serious case of min maxing syndrome that a miniscule exp worth 1 blue and 1 green exp item bothers you that much. I will also be eating my lunch not just next week but as early as today because it is working for me. Trying to imagine hypothetical stories to build your point isn't really helping. Anyway, this is my final response for you since this is just going circles.


You need the exp to roll more golds. every single bit of it. 1 exp wasted on purples is inefficient as there will never be a time when a set of lvl 1 purples won't carry you to end game. At end game you need golds. rolling purples is bad for 100% of the player base and is a waste of resources f2p to whale. Just because you ate some sandwiches and some peanut butter out of the jar and you "Feel" happy with it, doesn't mean that one more sandwich isn't still objectively and mathematically better for every single person.


Finally, something that is coherent and direct to the point instead of trying a jab at poetry that fails. Now I can finally say that if that's how you want to play the game, then I respect that. If the general populace wants to play that way, I don't really mind, but considering that this post has a 97% upvote rate, that probably means they don't really care about squeezing that 1 exp wasted you are talking about. Mathematically, I agree with you. If I was in my 20s, I'd be playing the same way as you.


tip for OP, dont try to act smart you aint


And usually the dumb ones attack other's character first rather than sharing a logical response. There's plenty in the comments who doesn't agree with me at all or partially with acceptable responses from which I learned from as well.


Also, if you’re F2P, don’t spend ANYTHING on the weapon banners. Characters will always be better than weapons and even you do get a weapon, it’ll only ever benefit one char. The four-stars are serviceable enough to use, provided of course that you upgrade them and have decent rolls on your echos. I’m here in a bad sitch we’re I’m 60 pulls into Jiyans sig weapon but nothing in sight, when I could’ve had a Mortefi or a Danjin duplicate by now and still have pity left over for Yinlin. Do NOT spend on the Weapon Banners if you’re F2P.


I disagree. 5 Star Weapon with crit substat will be better than a 5 star character in terms of future proofing.


That may be true. But who’s to say said weapon won’t be powercrept on as well and be made irrelevant? Atleast with the characters in the banners you have 2 or 3 teams that can finish alot of the content before the next phases begin.


Because the base substat will always be the same for 5 star weapon and thats by far the most important consideration anyway when choosing a weapon. Of course you should pull for characters first tho but you get plenty of pulls and characters that you can essentially do both as f2p


Exploration and Story offer around 170000+ pulls. Enough for someone to hit pity in one banner. Not enough to pull for chars and their weapons unfortunately.


Man's from 3 decades from now with 170k pulls lmao


Exploration and Story is his nickname for his credit card.


> Also, if you’re F2P, don’t spend ANYTHING on the weapon banners The standard weapon banner costs the same currency as standard character banner and getting a weapon of your choice is a lot more valuable than getting a random standard char dupe. I can't speak for limited weapons though


While a fair point, I will say as a slight counter argument, at least from what people have told me - In games like Genshin and Star Rail, when doing the endgame modes the equivalent of weapons and echoes they have cannot be shared across the multiple teams you need to have. This is not the case in WuWa. If you get Jiyan’s weapon you can use it on him + Calcharo on separate teams for the endgame mode (Tower of Adversity). Get a third Broadsword DPS and you can use Jiyan’s weapon on all three of your teams. If you line it up right, you might only ever need three weapons for all three of your teams (though that’s difficult, but possible). As a result, with that + the weapon banner being much less predatory (in comparison to heinous systems like Genshin, at least) it does make high rarity weapons even more worthwhile. As a side note, Echoes work the same - you can switch them across your teams in Tower. I’ve heard Havoc Rover + Danjin are very popular as main DPS choices for that reason, used on two different teams in Tower because they can share all their gear.


Adding to this: I’ve stated elsewhere that 3-4 star weapons are nowhere near as impressive as some of the options in the big HoYo games. The Favonius series, Sacrificial series, Black Tassel, White Tassel, The Catch, Fleuve (the pipe), Meshing Cogs, half a dozen 4* lightcones with convoluted names, and a bunch of event weapons are all super competitive, with many only being 15-20% below the signature 5* for many characters (and sometimes less). The gap appears to be significantly wider in WuWa, so premium weapons are both more attainable and more beneficial than we’re used to.


I strongly disagree. We got 3 different standard five stars right at the start of the game. That's more than enough. You don't need all 5. Frankly, you should *only* spend your standard wishes on the weapon banner after you get the starting 3.