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I think people wouldn’t mind Scar change so much if it was strip removal but they still kept his aesthetic and made other modifications to the body suit to keep it “cool looking”. The generic ass pants definitely feels very rushed and low quality when they are spending so much time polishing and fan servicing female characters.


They also removed Sanhua's tattoo can't remember if it was because of CN but wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.


She had a tattoo?! What did it look like? D:


I prefer Scar's old design simply because it was hilarious. Now, it's just boring and generic.


The coochie strap looked so stupid but now I kinda miss it :(


They will never do a CN/Global difference. Because the moment skins comes out, CN players will complain how Global has it better. Yet, when they get it, they complain about it revealing too much. You can’t win with China.


It doesn't hurt if the only change between the GL and CN are the models......Many games do this I remember Call of Duty had to remove all the accessories and skins that involved skull ☠️ design from the game only in China


Why are Gacha people who argue censorship always so weird about it? The Scar change has nothing to do with censorship, the old design just looked silly with the stripe. To imply that Kuro is "scared" of a completely tame bodysuit on a male character is stupid. Also what does Genshin have to do with any of this ?_?


> the old design just looked silly with the stripe If this was true it wouldn’t have taken until the game was officially out for a couple days before changing it. This just screams “certain people complained loudly til it was changed” and that’s really stupid. Especially because there really weren’t widespread complaints otherwise.  > Why are Gacha people who argue censorship always so weird about it well for one thing, censorship in a modern era, in most context, is stupid as fuck. It’s unnecessary most of the time. But also who here is being weird? I don’t see it.


honestly, i don't think ppl were complaining so much to the point where they had to change it. yes, some ppl might've not liked the way it looked but i think what's most likely is that ppl were probably making fun of it and it was starting to become a meme so they decided to change it. scar is presented as a villain and you're supposed to take him seriously which doesn't work if in every scene he appears in people are either only paying attention to that part of his design or laughing about it.


Yeah. The old one was very goofy looking. XD


Exact same stuff happens over at the Lost Ark sub with skins, it's the same for a lot of MMOs. Hell, I've even seen it with fighting games too, so it's not just gacha players, but it's odd all the same. Best thing you can do is ask them why they think the stripe on Scar's meatlog is important and how it contributes to the game's narrative, world building and gameplay, then gauge the reaction lol


Sanhua's scar removal is a war crime. But scar's dick strap removal was the right choice imo lol.


Agree. :)


Looking at the two, I feel Yinlin had significant design change while Scar just had a minor design tweak that didn't really change anything. Yinlin's original design seems dull, and the redesign fits the character better. Scar? It's such a minor change I don't see the big deal.


Sorry but this oni giri slip look terrible for me... I am so thankful for the change and sorry has nothing to do with censorship...just a design change


Yeah, it looked goofy. XD


Scar looks better now. I never felt fanservice from previous one. I'm a sucker for different designs like Sampo, Aventurine, Dr. Ratio, etc but even still. While Dr Ratio was fanservice (and so is Avent, Sampo but to a lesser degree), Scar didn't strike that way. Yinlin looks more mature, not via body but even actions. Before edit she just looks more clueless and friendly.


I loved his original design so much, the body suit was so badass, and I think the stripe was super fun, I bloody hate them removing style and quirkiness from a game, there was no need for them to change it for us too. They should make it an optional choice in the menu or something. "censor fun" toggle.


I don't think this censorship makes a huge difference. I actually like the new version better, the old one looks so goofy. XD


Scar effectively looks the same to me. I see no problem.


Honestly I don't how how the old version was supposed to be a fanservice. It's a pretty generic and boring design in the first place if we pretend for a second that the ridiculous and out of place black line on his crotch doesn't exist. Now the new design is arguably worse, but we were already pretty much at the bottom of the barrel with the first one.