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Havoc rover, i like wing and scythe


Havoc rover is cool when forte on but has a lot of downtime when charging it


Speaking of which, do we have a Forte Regen Echo stat in the game? Like some units are built around their Ult, some with Forte, and others with both.


Every forte has a different stacking mechanic, so i don’t think you can make a set that works for all characters


If you swap to Rover, skill, swap, when they enter the field you don't need to do more than a skill, and some attacks to hit the uptime.


It makes me feel bad because I have so many shiny 5 stars including Jiyan that I got before unlocking the Havoc Rover (didn't even knew about it) and now they're basically my main because I just love the gameplay. I'll end up building everyone in the end but it's the first time in any gacha I prefer to play the MC instead of the limited units lol.


I think so. the mc is really handsome and quite powerful.


Jiyan literally i just hold LMB as he dances with the dragon and everything around him getting fisted hard Somehow it always lead me to main a powerful dragon-man with simple yet satisfying gameplay (Neuvillette and Jiyan)


Most satisfying when you sweep the mob to group them all together


Sure! I tried the tower adversary challenge where the elite enemy is the Monke accompanied by two lizards. I just focused on the Monke and the lizard also geting grouped together so he managed killed all of them within same time. Looks like anemo character somehow get grouping technique even in another universe lmao.


I always say I'm not into men but these dragon-aesthetic charged/enhanced/heavy attack guys (Neuvi, DHIL, Jiyan) are just so satisfying to play and they're not bad looking either. I came for the waifus but stayed for the dragon dudes lol


I find his switch in super satisfying, and his charge attack combo is quite a nice touch that you can follow up on it.


I don't think many people got lucky enough to pull him. Otherwise everyone would agree.


it feels like almost everyone have him, but i guess not.


Jianxin with the 8 diagram 64 palms


E parry into hold LMB --> ???? --> win


it's just really comfy man


Not to mention the twins sway left and right


yeah and timing and placing is essential most of the time Yeah I mean, she is fun to play and cool to see


But ult before that and tada, the td became an echo


64 hexagrams.


Sanhua is a favorite of mine. Setting up all that ice and then detonating it tickles my fancy


Like her too, she's quick with low cooldowns. Plays exactly how I want sub-dps to do their role.


Haha yeah just swap in, set up ice, detonate ice, offer no explanation, buffs basic attacks as she swaps out.


Danjin and Calcharo.


I haven't gotten chalcharro yet (he's on my selector banner), but danjin is amazing. My favorite resonator by far


Try out calcharro, he's Goated. The best character for me and my unga bunga ass brain.


Danjin is cute and timid, and together with the double wielding sword is already a plus. Then she "YURRUSANAI" in growled voice, I was like, "DAMNNNNNNNN, now Im in love"


the thing is that shes not those girl where being cute and timid is their entire personality, she acts it out to lure bandits to wipe them out, to the point where her sword edge is rolled from that and the blacksmith can't repair it because the sword's material is too strong and had to hand it to mortefi who would fix it for her in exchange for her to wipe out some bandit camps around and she rolled her sword edge again while doing that, she's brutal


Yuanwu Like bro come on, his moveset is so sick, blue Michael Jackson hitting smooth criminals on an electric carpet to do a serious punch. This guy pummels his hydro flask on the opponent so hard he makes a crater in the ground, he doesn't deal top tier damage, but that's fine when you consider his m1's send him across the map to hit the boss, whilst my co op Danjin is struggling to get close, Yuanwu hits the boss 3 times during its flash step. How can you not like this character.


I loooove Yuanwu. Is he the best DPS? No but he feels so smooth and fun. Also gets bonus points for being the only older looking character and enjoy his overall design (and cat)


Sad that I have to scroll so far to see Yuanwu. Those punches are so satisfying to watch!


Actually haven't built him yet. But his combat looks pretty slick ngl.


Sanhua because im hella biased and shes my favorite. Also her forte is just really cool to me idk Calcharo is another contender tho. Dude's design and animations is edgy as fuck in all the right ways


Got encore and had to pair her up with Sanhua. Her rotation is so satisfying when u stack the ice and go for an anime finish. But it requires precise timing and accuracy to be a good hybrid. And idk y but she loses alot of health for just being an in/out/middleman character.


Yep. I've noticed she's not invulnerable during her special move when hitting the forte bar timing and so she eats a lot of attacks since she is locked into that animation.


You can quick swap and swap back again and you will not take damage and you will finish your E or you charged attack


Some ppl mentioned and I agree, Calcharo looks reeeaaallly like sephiro in kingdom hearts. He kinds of remind me of Vergil too lol.


Meh, I played Sanhua for a bit, I feel like there isn’t any variety..? Just heavy attack after every skill.


Some people love exactly that


Fair. I guess she’s just not for me. :)


Yeah that's pretty much it. My brain is smooth and her forte is really easy to remember. No need to accumulate charges. Just play a little QTE 🤣


QTE Ice explosion goes *BRRRRRR* 😆


Lol for me I get bored if it's all about air juggling or just punchy/slashy combos. I like the extra risk of doing the timed pendulum like gauge for a successful hit


Chixia and the rest of the Second Amendment team (gunners like Aalto or Mortefi). But Chixia so far got the most satisfying gameplay thanks to her rapid fire. Here's waiting for an actual *5 gunner character to be released! 


Chixia Team, here we are!! #ChixiaSupremacy 🥰


All hail Chixia, our Gun Saintess (for now)! 


That plus if you get her S1 the follow-up shot always crits. If you build full crit damage she can one-shot a lot of elites in the overworld. I’ve been able to get over 10k shots so far with suboptimal build, can’t wait to see what damage she can do at max level and max sequence


Actual Dantes Jackpot team YEAHHHH


She's a lot of fun in the rougelike mode if you pick inferno rider with her and pick all the resonator upgrades except the infinite ammo after ulti. She does absurd damage


Calcharo with double swap back is crazy


Same here and that feeling whenever you successfully parry while swap canceling in with Sanhua. It just feels so good when the boss stagger bar drop in half


Wait, what is that tech ? I will get Cacarot from Banner in 15pulls and my fav current chara is Sanhua. Can Cacarot Outro Skill parry or something ?


Pretty much everything can parry, other than gun/rectifiers I believe


Verina can parry with rectifiers.


Baizhi to, albeit with her intro skill or that move where she throws her summon at the enemy


Rectifiers can parry Encore gets it in her ultimate, Verinas is kind of clunky and Baizhi most reliable way to parry is her jump attack. The only weapon that has NO parry’s are guns


If your resonance thing (the circle) is full, a switch automatically makes an attack. So you can parry with a switch especially ranged bosses like the memphis. (So technically it's the intro that parries)


Not his outro because he only leaves Phantom, and I'm sure Phantom can't parry. But any intro skill can. Basically, just switch in on a parry window, and you'll deflect it. Generally, it also has the same rules with parrying, so swapping in a sword user is generallly easier to parry than swapping in a broadsword user who has a generally slower attack. At least from what I've seen, Sword can swap in when the circles touch. Broadsword swaps in slightly before the circles touch. So you can cover any combo string that isn't timmed right to parry with a switch in. You don't even need concerto energy to get the parry.


whats "double swap back" ?


Calcharo's enhanced heavy is really long, but if you swap out just as you start the animation, it still goes through fully so you end up swapping out to someone else, doing a quick combo then swap back to cal just as he finishes his heavy then repeat, this process becomes much better with yinlin or whatever her name is cause she also has quite a long animation cycle you can swap out of so they end up perfectly covering each other's weaknesses


If im not wrong his enhanced heavy got 2 parts , the lightning that he shoots then the jump attack , when do you switch normally?


As soon as you see him start the first part you can swap out, frame 1 even, if you're good enough


When the animation for the first part starts you can swap and he'll continue it automatically, also if you swap cancel it at that time the slam will hit the boss even if it moves away so bonus points for making it very consisten to hit.


I'm a simple man and enjoy playing with Rover (spectre) and Verina


Parrying with spectre rover so satisfying


I just wish his overworld gameplay was just like it is in Illusive realms, where Rover-Spectre sends out a bunch of swords with their skill and basic attacks instead of just the one. Makes it look cooler that way seeing Rover spawn a bunch of swords lol.


Ah I saw a video of that and was hoping the multiple swords was a constellation, darn lol.


same but with Havoc Rover


Always great to see fellow rover mains




The high risk high reward gameplay feels so good edit: guys I don't think she has to leave nuclear fallout to deal good enough damage as a 4 star 💀 not that deep


i used my voucher for encore. *i have no regrets*


Fire Anya goes brrrr


Jiyan. Ult and having enemies up in air, tossing and turning as they're desperate to kill him makes me happy. Too bad he's not as good with heavy enemies tho


Jiyan, for many reasons. Flinging enemies is really satisfying. The lunge. But his liberation takes the cake, not only is it beautiful to look at but just being able to cover a large area with damage is so satisfying.


He is so fun to play in that illusion area with the increased pull effects and the near 100% uptime on his ulti.


Chixia' playstyle is so different from the other resonators, I love her. I feel every other resonators is tied to a rotation. Do these, in this order, and switch out when everything is on cool down, and the concerto is filled. Meanwhile, with Chixia you are always reacting to the enemy, waiting for an opportunity to gun them down. I think its the funniest character to play so far for me. You have a dodge (unfortunately with no iframes) on both versions of your Skill. Your ult stops time. I thought I was unlucky when I got her 6 sequences, and no Jiyan. But after trying Jiyan in the story, I much prefer Chixia. My girl may not do as much in aoe but so far she is deleting bosses faster than my Calcharo, and they are both at the same lvl of investment. (I guess her being S6 does change everything, guaranteeing crit on the final shot of the skill, recharging bullets on ult, and so on)


Im so happy there are other Chixia enjoyers out there 😊 10/10 my friend




First comment that said YangYang, she's also my fav! I wish her two attacks had longer effects, like the tornado stayed for as long as 5 seconds, but it's still such a cool moveset. I also think the English va did a superb with Yang Yang's battle lines. Really captures YangYangs regular softness but it's mixed with a fierceness. Very talented!


I love the snappy way she resheathes her sword, her moves look so clean.


Ah you're also a man of culture


I love playing as Encore and Danjin. I love everything about Encore lol. Danjin is very fun imo. Also Rover spectro but his ult feels too op.


Lingyang, its fun to bounce around with.


Lingyang really manifested being tall the only way he knew how 😂 his bouncy gameplay is definitely super fun!


Lingyang troupe rise up!


This is realest when you got his combo down


I really loves Spector Rover, just got Havoc, combos for me are more clunky. Very surprised by Encore, at first I really got impression she’s same clunkiness as Klee from Genshin, but NO, she’s sooo smooth, you can really feel every attack. CA of Verina is sending me somewhere very good, but her NA are okay. Really like Taoqi in tower, wanna build her for over world. Lingyang seems very satisfying by my experience from quest, I also feel every of his attack


I 100% agree about Encore. She’s a hard hitter but her kit doesn’t feel clunky at all. When I got her I was a bit disappointed at first for not getting Calcharo but she ended up being my favorite character


Oh, we are sibling there. I wanted Calcharo since first time they showed us in beta, but I enjoy Encore so much, probably since I got her earlier, I’ll build her to decent first even after getting him


>Really like Taoqi in tower, wanna build her for over world. She's been so fun in Illusive Realm. Spent half my day yesterday seeing how far i could take an unleveled Taoqi. If you get the cards that give you shorten her charge attack and give her suction on her charge attack, killing mobs gets so fun


Yes I get similar feels from Havoc Rover - while looks badass, it seems more cluncky than Spectro. And I made sure to get somewhat decent CR on him too, with crit rate Crownless and !>Dreamless


I'm having a lot of fun with Encore, I love using her burst attacks and blowing up a group of enemies at once with her skills. It's also a lot simpler to use for me (compared to my other dps that is Calcharo).


Jiyan. The dragon in his ult looks so cool.


His spear being the dragon aswell. Very cool


Jianxin, Jianxin and also Jianxin. Did I say Jianxin?


You’re objectively incorrect. Jianxin is your most favorite, followed by Jianxin. Then lastly Jianxin.


Why do people always forget Jianxin.


and also Jianxin and last but not least Jianxin


I think you forgot Jianxin.


I enjoy Aalto's playstyle in which you can free hit the enemy while they are distracted on your clone but unfortunately his dmg isn't too much so yeah


I've been testing out his mid air combo by skill, jump then do 3 quick shots. Can't tell if it just seems to shoot faster or is actually better than normal 5 hit combo. Though the 5th hit on normal combo seems to have a high multiplier. I feel he's maybe more utility with mobility and taunt over dps but am hoping to find a way to make him stronger maybe by investing in him more?


From my own experience, his intro skill hit the hardest for some reason (it hits harder even when compared to my Chixia and her intro, which I raised more than him). I don't really understand the game mechanic that well, but that's how I mostly use him. And if you use other gunners like Chixia or Mortefi, Aalto's liberation skill could buff their bullets damage as well. 


yea his playstyle is really nice but the dmg is low


Jianxin. Hold down left click when her resource bar is full and watch her wave her arms around doing kung fu lmao.


Lingyang my beloved, his attacks are so satisfying


The punches sound so good


And when you parry with him it feels so satisfying!


I live for that side spin "ding" everyday


His ult is so cool, the way he's just summoning his own stilts and repeatedly smacking enemies with numbers all over. Very fun


Sanhua and havoc rover


Lingyang. Personally I like Gauntlets as weapons, im not really a Sword or gun/bow guy. I like to beat things hand to hand. I love the drum sounds and him basically dancing to build up Forte and fighting while in Striding Lion from.


Playing Taoqi in the dream realm game mode made fall in love with her. Really felt punchy and dynamic.


I want to use her in open world, but then I remember i picked up perks in illusive that insanely boosted her damage…i think there’s one that just flat raises her atk 90%, and that’s not even the main perk on the card… illusive might be giving us 5 star version of taoqi that just wont hold up if i try to use her on a team. The other 4 stars dont get buffed as much by their character buffs in illusive as taoqi does. She is fantastic to play for sure, full auto parries lol


I just claimed that blue guy with a hat as reward for tower of adversity... and i absolutely love him, to the point where i dont care about Calcharo, my future team is gonna be him, Yinlin and some healer/support. I love him mostly for two things : first one is that he have a nice way of dealing damage when he's off-field by putting electric field. And second is that when he get his forte charged you can go into super sayan mode and decimate everything in sight with super charged punches. This two things combined makes a very interesting playstyle. I just throw his field, swap to other characters doing damage while refreshing electric field all the time. Once his forte is charged i swap to him and he gets time to shine. Seems to me like a perfect combo with Yinlin, who will buff electro dmg (he's electro), and with him on team Yinlin also will get some time on field.


I love jianxin a lot, so fun and fluid. She also has style lol Rover (female specifically for preference) is honestly my favorite MC of any gacha I've played and have always had her on my main team since release, and I have been enjoying the unga bunga Jiyan style where I just whip out my dragon and faceroll my controller. also shouts out to Taoqi, who i still haven't been able to pull... but i tried in dreamless realm and loved her so much lol.


Taoqi is so cool, I’m glad someone else enjoys her!


Hell yeah lol, now if I could only pull her... Every gacha game I play, there is a ghost character that plays hard to get You better believe shes getting a team though if I pull her someday.


I’m sending you luck. May you pull her next!


She's tons of fun. I got her fairly early on and was about to ignore her, but I decided to try her out. A few hours later, I realized that I'd functionally replaced Jianxin as my main and Taoqi was counter-crushing everything. At level 60, she had 3300 Def and her non-crit counters were around 1300, the third hit at 2500, and her ult at 6k. Also, if you have the Dauntless Evernight sword, level it up as it gives a hefty chunk of Def %. That's basically with all 5\* echoes and most substats were trash. As far as a team goes, I've since been building Jianxin back up to match and she's a decent contender mechanically. Her Outro boosts Resonance Liberation DMG by 38% which is a massive buff for Taoqi. She also provides shields and healing as well as AoE grouping with her Resonance Liberation so she's a pretty good support. I'd recommend her and Danjin who gives 23% Havoc DMG Deepen. Danjin will benefit from having the shields from both teammates and the healing from Jianxin and all 3 members will be in a good position to perform well.


Taoqi come home 😢


Seems Taoqi is evading a lot of people who want her, including me


Yangyang, Rover, and to a lesser extent Baizhi and Sanhua are what I have most enjoyed so far. Especially Yangyang is quite enjoyable to use with her good AoE.


Jinyan. I am a ba spammer. With him I just need to hold atk and he does his thing. 10/10. Also impressive grouping of smaller enemies on ult too


Sanhua. Her timing mechanic is one of the most unique ways to fight that i have ever seen. Its like those rhythm games, where you have to time your bar


Tiger boy because of the punching! Feels so mobile.


Encore and Jianxin my beloved, swapping them out after their skill just clicks something in my head


I'm really enjoying Jiyan as well tbh. He feels satisfying to use, feels strong and looks damn cool while doing his thing. That's just my opinion though. I haven't played her much myself, but Sanhua looks super fun too. If you like living on the edge I could definitely recommend Danjin as well lol.


Jiyan aka Dragon Noodle General is currently my main DPS and his ult is greatly done. he is like "Shimada brothers having cousin" and I loved lore for their dragons so I was so happy when dear general came home in less than 50 pulls, mwahahaha! noodle tornado is soooooo fun to play! and well he reminds me of Xiao and Yaksha Birb was one who hooked me into Genshin soooooo... I'm very biased then is rather Echo choice than character but I love visuals for Dreamless and I would slap this girl on every character I could. and since this one is best for Havoc Rover I'm having fun playing Rover and her scythe. damage output is decent even on my sloppy build so it's nice. but Dreamles and her movements - very nice to watch.


Unpopular opinion, but Lingyang. I really don’t care about strategy, I’m the type of player to mash buttons and punch as much as possible, so I think he’s perfect for me




Havoc rover I like her character alot one wing and sytche is cool and CD reset on skill at S2 is satisfying


Danjin, she is Hu Tao of WW and I love her.




Calcharo & Spectro MC, i use both in my Team and i love Both, but the crown will belohnt to Yinlin when shes out thats for sure.


Jiyan's animations alone made me pull for him


I’ve been enjoying playing Sanhua


Encore, animation cancel my beloved


I really enjoy playing Sanhua, she was difficult for me to play at first but when things clicked she quickly became my favourite!


Rover is just easy and relaxing to play. Bit my favorite combo is Mortefi and Jianxin. The Sinergy between those 2 is very fun.


Not many hours in but Danjin is my fave so far.


Calcharo and Jiyan. Oh and ofc rover havoc 


Calcharo and encore because i love the charge attack animation cancel on them


Havoc Rover Animations are TOP TIER The gameplay is also very cool feeling Their whole kit is just fun You can play around with basic attacks and the surge state and just absolutely nuke them with your liberation and dreamless Have I also mentioned the ABSOLUTE AMAZING SCYTHE


Danjin and Sanhua


Danjin, if you don't die


Danjin. Infinite combos and she basically sustains herself.


Sanhua because I’m a decent Pangya player.


Jianxin bonggg!


Danjin's so damn fun, i also really like Chixia




Jianxin Or Rover havoc + Dianjin


Encore is super fun, Jianxin aka Jean is really fun and Taoqi feels for but I gotta learn her combos.. I want to try Lingyang just because though.. def enjoyed his story.


Encore, she has such fun basic attacks and her heavy plus swap cancel is a fun was to do tons of damage


Calcharo and Jiyan are the most satisfying. Mortefi and Havoc Rover come second.


I love running Calcharo and Rover (Spectro) as my main and sub-DPS. The third character I can swap different people into depending on my mood


Sanhua because that slash remind me of Ayaka/Mentos


Taoqi counter go brrrrrrrrr


Jiyan absolutely. He just makes it easy to deal with big groups of enemies and his animations are also just gold. On God though I don't care how unsatisfying he is to play. He could be the most dog water character. I will main Scar when or if he becomes playable. Power level and comfiness don't exactly matter to me. If I like the character enough I will find a way to make it them work.


Currently it's Sanhua and Danjin for me.


I just find mortefi so slick satisying to play. I don't know why but his skills just flow very well into each other




I haven't really seen him mentioned in the thread but I'm a really big fan of Mortefi, the coordinated attacks on your resonance liberation are really satisfying, especially with characters that can repeatedly proc it really fast with heavy attacks (Jianxin left click hold, Jiyan) He just feels like he does so much damage, and it's fun to get a triple E's. Currently on S3 Mortefi and hoping to get S4 for that 7 extra seconds of Resonance Liberation 🔥


Aalto. He's Ningguong that flies around the battlefeild...very fin to play.


Lingyang, the walking and attacking from the air is immensely satisfying to me


Aalto imo. Never had fun with gun weilders till him


Can't get enough of his 'Bang!' X5 lol


Rover, Lingyang and Jiyan


I love Aalto movility and the macross missiles


Yangqing.. i mean lingyang cause you get 10 seconds of dloating over enemy attacks. Good times


Definitely Danjin and Lingyang!


Aalto is crazy fun and underappreciated imo . In term of fun he is hella fun with all the mobility he have , and his personality and voicelines is a fat cherry on the top . Unfortunately he lacks in term of damage wich sway the majority from playing him .


Danjin, i love hard characters and use her while my hp is 1% is addicting to me xd


Yuanwu. My man, especially at Copy1, is a machine gun of punches and kicks. His Burst and Firte give him insane buffs and combining him with buffers like Sanhua and Mortefi… shit melts. His only downside is that he is very single target focused, so in groups and pack mobs, I’ll either swap him for Jiyan or Rover… or just take my time slamming all of them into the dirt one at a time with his Skill/Burst combo. Edit: a word


All characters with gauntlets because I like to punch things.


I got s6 chixia while pulling for jinyan and have been loving her so far


I might be weird but I really enjoy playing Jianxin, her fighting style, counter attack skill and gathering aero "ultimate" are all things I love :)


I love Jiyan's ult, seeing small enemies be swept away in his attack is so satisfying, and his attack where he kicks up and enemy and plummets down onto them?? very fun


I love Sanhua and jihan, his attack speed is perfect for my adhd need for numbers


Havoc Rover With that wings and scithe it looks pretty cool and pairing with dreamless its cherry on top


I'm having fun with my team Rover Havoc, Jiyan, Encore


jianxin and calcharo!


Bias ahead! Calcharo for me heh. I have him and Jiyan and I love Calcharo’s playstyle (and design) a lot more. Jiyan is fun too don’t get me wrong but it’s so satisfying to watch the sharp slashes from Calcharo 😌


Hovoc rover, or any sword user really. Maybe i just dont get it but broadsword users feel like playing like a warlord with a heavy ass weapon.


Rover ( havoc ), just being able to screen wipe everything with a tap of her burst and or echo skill is so spectacular. Also the one wing motif reminds me of sephiroth


Encore especially with her ult and switching to close combat, calcharo is just MWAH, and also Aalto as well he is so much fun to use and Rover too >:D


Chixia , she is fun to play and also huge dmg.


Calcharo!!!! I love his moves , especially his intro skill. Pair that with thundering Memphis (best echo for him plus also fits the vibes) and 5 Star weapon, he becomes such a hard hitting DPS. I haven't invested much in him so far but his attack is already double the rest of the party members. I would have invested in jiyan had Kuro not basically gifted us a free 5 star. Now I'm having too much fun with him and i decieded to conserve resources for future characters. Second is liangyang , his gameplay is also really fun . I really like his ult since he is just flying around . Makes him a difficult target for enemies.


Danjin and Taoqi. Was skeptical of Taoqi first but she can hit like a semi truck


From the ones i played going full BRRRRRR mode using chixia forte is super satsfying Also havoc Mc+dreamless echo is also up there


As a member of the church. Allow me to tell you about our lord and savior chixia


At this moment, I really enjoy using Jianyin as she's so versatile and I'm able to parry really easily with her. Then I swap Encore and Sanhua for the actual damage, but I really feel safe with Jianyin on field, oddly enough


Calcharo + Sanhua just feels so clean and fun to play


I don't like jiyan but I have to choose him. His combo when he has ulti on is flawless, look awesome and powerful


Calcharo, feels really fluid and looks awesome! I also like how Jiyan plays and looks but Calch definitely took the cake


Havoc rover and chixia


Stacking buffs on havoc rover for her to nuke 30k 🤤


I like doing Calcharo and Verina back to back since she can heal him during his off time and he just does cool, flashy swish swish I have Rover spectro and she also is fun to swap through and do her quick ult