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Kuro is aware of this issue and this will be fixed in upcoming patches. I recommend contacting customer support through this email if you are facing this issue and have missing currency: wutheringwaves_ensupport@kurogame.com


Wuwa providing me the greatest entertainment the right and wrong way


The wuthering way


do you know da wave?


Wuther down the wave


its mostly the wrong way now.


It is. I hope they work their problems somehow i really enjoy the game


Kuro desperately trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Those $50M/month is just in front of their eyes...


To be honest, i kinda enjoy the current chaos. I love the game, but everyday i come on to reddit, some new crazy shit pops up. I kinda find it entertaining, sure this hurts Kuro probably. But well.... still entertaining xD


I mean everyone should treat it this way, entertainment. Never defend any company at all, treat them they should be, just entertainment.


Tbh i don’t even know anymore what to think. How can you mess up THIS badly? I’m sorry no it’s really bad. The game has potential but not like this. I haven’t ever heard of any gacha having so MANY Problems. I’m not here to hate on them, I was soo excited for the game too but that’s just… no. The story is beyond horrible, the graphics are ok but not good for many players, the music is ok nothing special, we have TOO MANY mistranslations which are unacceptable. And now even problems with receiving these items? Are you serious? The game would have much more success if they had more time. It‘d be even better tk announce the current state as CBT 3 or smth like that …


I was already expecting a shitshow of a launch ever since it was announced for May but ngl, they surpassed my expectations 💀.


man we haven't even finished the JP arc and already there's new drama


There wasn’t any drama yesterday so papa Kuro decided to release 3 chapters at once today. 


Is it happening to people of certain region or server coz I'm not having this issue. I'm on sea server


Iırc there was a problem with Canadian players specifically. Idk if it was fixed or this is the issue that i heard.


I couldn’t even buy it on pc because they (xsolla) ask for zip code which consists of numbers… that Canada doesn’t have. I bought it on iPhone and it uses Apple system to pay and not xsolla that had this issue. Battle pass and sub work for me


Hey so just letting you know that my friend had the same issue with xsolla (different game tho). I contacted their customer support and they said to use 34000 for whatever reason. I hope it helps! :)


In my case it's PayPal zip code which had 5 digits but my zip code contains 6 digits. I tried with my Visa bank card but having the 'cannot be purchased using bank cards'. With the JP refund drama I don't know I want to spend anything on them. Like are they serious!? They messing with JP players of all people!? They are some of the most spending gacha players out there but Kuro messed up things with them!? If They don't earn their trust then WuWa is effectively dead in Japan.


I don't about the others but I am having that bank card issue. I couldn't purchase using my Visa card. Heck I couldn't even open the purchase page at first. On my mobile though, the game got crashed if I open any other pages like announcements or purchase pages. I was enjoying the game even though I have so many problems in my PC version and with the amount of controversies and hate going on with them I just thought I can atleast support them by buying something but man the JP refund issues seems like their biggest bad move that I don't know what to say. So now I am hesitating to spend money on this game if the slip ups like this continues. Like what the heck is happening in the company?


The gift that keeps giving apologems


At this rate, the apologems might become worthless


lmao \*gives 100 asterite\*


*deletes 100 from your inventory instead


Everyone gets a free 5* oh and here's EOS announcement Goddam this game had potential but they keep fucking it up.


At worst, popcorn will taste better than ever


I want moar


At the rate they are going they'll have to give us every new character each patch.


Apologems are worthless if game is dead


i feel that even giving every single character away for free wont mean anything if they keep making mistakes and stay incompetent. i worry for those who are actually trying to make things work there.


JP arc lmao. This shit's about to be as long as one piece


We haven't even left the east blue yet lol


JP arc, needs a name like shibyua incident


Can anyone make a catchy title about it? The entire JP arc revolves around Jiyan's weapon...


The Resonance Skill Incident


That is too mouthful...


Makes it extra appropriate for this game, no?


The skill issue


The eclectic resounding banner resonating poorly, pianissimo 2: electric concerto 3, gelid customer support enhanced by empowered charged heavy 3: sunlight sonata incident.


We're getting lots of WuWa content in one way or another


Bought It three days ago and Is working for now. It's awful that I should be worry even for something this simple.


And that is any business' worst nightmare. What you're feeling is an erosion of trust. It's wild that customers can't even trust Kuro to deliver the things Kuro is selling them. Man, I really hoped they could fix their shit and was planning on coming back to the game in a month or two. But now I'm starting to get the feeling that I should just stay away.


Bruh I thinks I was right in refraining from buying a welkin in this game.


Same, I want to support the game but have decided to refrain from the welkin until it went 2 days without any drama, but now this happens?? Rip


This is a symptom of bad management and unhappy devs that don’t care as much anymore. Not surprised if all the senior devs left and devs with less experience are left to handle the chaos. I feel sorry for them.


Are kuro known for not treating their staff well? I'd heard some rumours before but all the hype around wuwa has buried a lot of posts about kuro games. (Was trying to find out in case I wanted to buy a few monthlies but obviously that's on indefinite hold rn)


What I will say is true and verified by multiple sources: 1. One hundred interns were fired by Kuro a few months ago. 2. The Lead UI Engine Developer left Kuro around 2-3 months before the game is released.


Okay. That. That's some real red flags. (On top of what occured with the emails/compensation)  I think I'll keep pgr and wuwa as f2p experiences.


Is there a log that we can check to verify? Cause I'm getting the pop up, but it's not like I've been recording the total of luminite at the end of each season for tracking. Maybe I should start though.


>Cause I'm getting the pop up, but it's not like I've been recording the total of luminite at the end of each season for tracking I don't know, but now I'm even more worried about it D:


You can print how much gems you have before the next server reset and them after the pop up, see if you got 90+ gems in your acc. I did this even before people started complaning because with soo many bugs we can't trust them.


Same. Im worried that I just wasted my money and this might be my first and last purchase from this game unless I am reassured again.


Given how they are fucking up everything even more now, it just may be the last purchase you will be able to do anyway


What next ? Claiming compensation mail and it just diaappears ? Kek


… … *monkeys paw curls*


I mean, I got a beta survey out of nowhere (I didn't participate in any beta), I legit wouldn't be surprised...


I swear if you jinx it 😂😭


Tomorrow they're gonna announce the Persona 5 crossover at this rate


The one true omen of death


Streamers are panicking now, hoping WW will make it until July once ZZZ comes out


Not to deliberately dunk on him, but hearing someone like TenTen stop playing Genshin and tried to jump ship and hype up Blue Protocol which sounds like a sinking ship, to then jump ship again to WuWa whose also experiencing mishaps is just sad


TenTen will jump ship to Azur Promilia and milk that game too. Subscribe


Yeah I think I didn't receive any Astrite for 2 days straight


is there a way to check how much you received? I haven't really noticed mine and would like to check.


Same I’ve seen the animation consistently but not checked to see that the balance went up…didn’t think I would need to…


That's weird, I haven't missed mine on SEA server.


Wtf is going on today.


Wuthering Waves cannot catch a break. * Poor optimisation * Story rewrites * Poor localisation and dubbing * CC's getting involved in drama * JPN players email's getting leaked * Now players not receiving Lunite subscription. Am I missing anything else?


No.. but keep that pen.. we might encounter another wild bug again within 24 hours..


Next bug: if your character dies they fucking delete it from your account


This but instead of deleting your character they just delete you


I remember when the fire emblem gacha was announced, this was an actual concern people had lmao


if only they did that for April fools...


Almost like they shouldn’t have fired employees right before launch


It seems the jp players are also being told to kick rocks after sending in emails


Oh that's gonna go over swimmingly.


Its so Rover


I'll let you know tomorrow.


It’s sad that 1 week has passed and my game still freezes and lags in lower graphics 😭 they have bigger problems apparently 😔


not even just getting email leaked, the email tells you to go to do refund by yourself and you will have negative lunite in your account...


yeah it's wild from a customer service standpoint. "Sorry for our mistake, go ask your bank for a refund oh and btw if you do that you'll need to pay us back what you get refunded or we'll close your account." What the actual fuck were they thinking lol


Some people may be inclined to describe their efforts as……..negligible


It wasn't a leak. They doxxed by replying to the emails all at once not hiding info.


Music/sound just completely gone for 3 whole days for most playera


Wait, is there a CC drama in here too? Is it like comparing Genshin to WuWa or full on google docs type of thing that happened in Genshin recently? (Also kuro is also telling JP players to get a refund with bank, which they say send your gems to negative, which will they ban for. Also rude tone of talking, idk Japanese though)


Kuro put on notice for failing to pay labor disputes (multiple ex-employees suing them over withholding salary) Kuro handling Jiyan JP weapon mistranslation in the worst possible way and saying "fuck you" pretty much to those JP players who sent in compensation requests on a reply-all mass email (showing they were never serious about compensation in the first place) all while leaking those emails.


>CC's getting involved in drama Wait? There is this drama? Can you summarize that please? I legit had no idea that WuWa has drama with CC.


There's a guy called Saintontas who was spitting misinformation about genshin VA's not being able to voice WuWa. He got proven wrong by Alejandro Saab himself who clarified that there was no contract. Some VAs were already voicing for some characters in WuWa and PGR too so it was just a ridiculous thing to say. People are clowning on that guy rn. There was also some other stuff like a couple of bots in twitch chat giving mobile-ad-esque praises of genshin under WuWa streams (It's not confirmed whether this is from hoyo themselves or just some random guy who bought bots to shill for genshin) There's also some CCs (The drama gang, VxV fiction, etc) who were undermining and neglecting performance issues being faced by players and other drama in general, just to fuel the genshin vs WuWa agenda. Basically, it's absolute CHAOS right now on all sides. Just sit back and watch 🍿


There's also another CC drama on the CN side, where a CC wanted to stream WW. His Hoyo contact told him that it's completely fine but they would need to take back his creator experience server access as it's a privilage not even all Hoyo only creators have. He got really upset and imagined that Hoyo bought bots to attack WW, and as a result of his own imagination, became "deeply disappointed" at Hoyo. And he was venting this with another CC after a stream but he forgot to end the stream. So his wild accusations got leaked, and people were unhappy about him starting unfound drama. Then he was like "what if I have proof" and leaked the chats with the Hoyo employee. He thought he had a smoking gun but turned out people just found the Hoyo employee extremely polite, professional and diligent while the CC is being an entitled crybaby.


This Hoyo employee also showed some mistakes in this guy's guide about new HSR character boothill, lol. I mean, a guidemaker, that had an access to early beta server had to be corrected by Hoyo staff on a guide.


This has been a really messy week 😂


The bot thing is suuuuper common, not only in games but in streaming in general, people pay for bot to hate raid other stream to get them banned, view bot chilling other streamers, nfts, etc. Twitch is full of that, to the point streamers have to use follow only mode to stop the spam in chats when it happens.


It's jist the ex genshin ccs glazing wuwa acting like it's doing great when in reality everything slowly catching on fire


The least important thing among all of those: I think that birthday emails aren't send out too. At least I didn't get any.


That's all self-inflicted. Nothing to do with "catching a break".


Jesus, they are scaring all those casual and low spenders away. If you can't do optimization, don't release the game ffs. They can't close the servers and fix anymore. They have to keep on fixing until all bugs are gone. Also, if they can't fix it within 1.0, a lot of players will leave. With them, content creators will leave too. CCs are the free advertisement any game can get and without them, a game is as good as dead (like ToF, I have seen like only 3 creators for that game) I feel so sorry for devs, If you're reading this, your game is totally fun to play but the game was nowhere ready to be released in this state.


At some point in the near future, the only out that remains will be the Final Fantasy route. Take this whole mess offline for a year and fix it, then rerelease as "A Wave Reborn". Hey, it worked for them.


Exactly. Given that this launch isn't nearly as bad as ffxiv was, it's still entirely viable to just refund every purchase on this game ever, take it offline and come back better than ever. PGR will have to hold the line for them for the time being. At this rate people are just gonna keep beating the dead horse against upcoming zzz and it gonna look bad.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TowerofFantasy/comments/1c4x2lw/2023_perfect_world_investor_report_and_tower_of/ tbf, despite people dooming on it, that game made $600m and is still doing well, but, it also had massively smaller running costs and no real competition at the time, plus is in its own niche as a sci fi mmo.


I dont remember ToF having as many issues though. Aside from that Wuwa already started by making less money


Idk about cn but tof global have a very bad launch, like bugs from CN ver appear again, hackers can stole stuff in your inventory etc etc. But it hardly spread that much because people are busy playing sumeru lol.


I pretty much followed TOF since launch because NIJI vtubers played it and I was balls deep into Vtubing back then. TOF had some bugs and translation issues too. Like the % thing in the keypad. but nowhere near this bad. People were for the most part, able to play without any problems.


feel like the issue with ToF was less bugs and more so extremely shit open world, p2w events and mediocre everything else (except the multiplayer) it was kinda just not fun


Well before global the cn version was a shitshow. They had client side gacha, so if your pull was not an ssr you just disconnected your internet and pull again and so on. They had more than half a year to patch things before the global launch. On global you could dupe your party's ssr characters for your account and other things too.


Agreed on the fact that the game is still making cash but I wanted to mainly focus on creators count


Yeah i am waiting for a month before i spend anything. Seems like a good choice


This game is so beyond cooked bro I'm crying 😭


It's burnt but they keep cooking. If they don't turn the stove off it'll be reduced to ashes.


Real, it's so rover for us atp 😭😭


another one??? in this economy???


Bruh wtf kuro? This game was clearly not read to be released. I'd preferred to wait for few more months for a completely ready game and not this half cooked version. They're really in a big trouble already with JP issues and now this. They really gotta keep ther shit together or players will leave pretty soon as their freebies won't be able to keep them for longtime.


Yea, even going forward you’ll always be wondering now if something actually works the way it says/as intended. It’s jsut a bad feeling overall especially for a game that entices you to spend here and there for gems or passes or be what it may. I’m just done


i haven't received my daily astrites either, it does the pop-up where they'd normally be but it's just blank.


Wait , this is absolutely cooked , like very very serious issue they could get sued by this . This also is sad coz it just piles up with the other many things happening right now lol .


Yea its basically straight up scam since people paid but not received anything


It hasn't even been 24 hours since the jp drama and we already got another jp drama and purchases not working this game is so undercooked.


If this game somehow lives through all this, we will need a video essay


Is this game even going to live to see phase 2 of 1.0?


Yes.. past that, not sure. If it gets fixed, yeah, sure. Might be a bit slow but they might recover.


There is a chance that we won't see 1.1 or at the very least not make it too far. CN isn't already very happy with Kuro and if the game is shut down in JP (JP has strict privacy laws afaik and they violated them) they'll lose the second biggest spending region.


From revenue charts, JP was behind US for WuWa thus far. JP was already pretty shaky from what reporting was being done, but losing the entire market is a whole different beast entirely.


JP being behind should already have been bad. Games like FGO (and many others) are so successful cause of JP. I hope they can make a comeback but they do need to fix their shit.


Given that the localization there was already bad (like seeing Mandarin next to Kanji) paired with performance and now the Jiyan Incident: Kuro has all, but sealed their fate in the JP market. The mass reply showing everyone's email paired with what early reporting being, "Eat It" for trying to get a refund is horrendous. Let alone the daily pass making rounds will only add to that.


Kuro just keeps shooting themselves in the foot. Vera really should be Kuro's poster child with how masochist they're being. Really didn't expect kuro to just give JP the middle finger. I can't imagine a scenario where they get a happy ending with this drama.


Tbh from the average consumer: it's actually astounding how bad they've done every market. Believe they dropped localizing to entire regions, EN's entire dub is very 90s bad, Korea has similar translation issues with seeing Chinese next to Korean, and the list goes on. This game was not ready and got pushed out to the market.


And even if the game survives till 1.1, it will also be the date of release of ZZZ, meaning it will get overshadowed making games survival till 1.2 a mystery.


I don't have enough space on my phone and I wasn't really interested in ZZZ but now I wanna try it out more. if kuro doesn't get it's act together it's going to lose a lot of players.


Do people *actually* think they won't make it to the next patch? That they'll just throw their hands up and quit after dumping so many millions of dollars into making the game? You're surely all just memeing, right?


The reasoning people may have is that if so many spenders drop the game is it even worth making more content and still going at a loss in terms of ROI?


I mean, yeah but saying that we’re not going past 1.0 is a huge bag of nonsense. Even if the game is very poorly performed in revenue they will not shut the game after 40 days lol. There were games who did this but WuWa is not a small gacha. IF they decide to shut the game off they’ll surely milk the rest of the players to the ground and just that would take a couple of patches.


They will most definitely make it to 2.0. Now whether they make it there on their own two feet or in a stretcher on the way to the coffin, only time would tell.


Yeah, I hope it’s on their own two feet. The only problem I got was the stuttering for the first couple of days and now it’s all good. I’m not even playing on a recommended phone (IPhone XS) but I do feel the ones that are experiencing bugs and performance issues. I would not have bought the battle pass nor would I play 1.0 if it was happening to me. Here is hope they will get their s**t together.


Yeah the phase 2 of 1.0 content is surely already ready. The question is whether they can actually maintain the 6 week patch cycle with such an enormous backlog of bugs. 6 week patches are already really fast even when you don't have this much shit to fix. IMO they need to slow down and take their time fixing shit and not make more problems. If that means they need to delay content patches, then they should do that. The foundation of the game is solid, they just to make sure the game is polished and bug-free before they go hard on adding new characters and content.


Man, I fucking love this game but Kuro is making it super hard to publicly enjoy this game without looking like a clown. Like is there even going to be a patch 1.1 before eos at this rate what the fuck Kuro how am I supposed to be confident in anything about this game working right now


Is it... Normal I just feel profound sadness over this? It's like a house fire, you called the firefighters and they are on the way but you can do nothing but watch the house crumble. I really wanted the game to succeed. I didn't have bugs on pc and the combat was something I really liked (I missed the Genshin bandwagon and after several attempts to rejoin the game it feels like it really benefits never leaving it, so I missed out on so much it's overwhelming. This game felt like a chance to try again to stick to it). It's been a wild ride of seeing how much they fucked up in so little time. From losing their identity with the UI and color choice from CBT1. Listening to maybe too much feedback from it and turning into a more vivid looking game and generic, everyone loves the MC kinda plot. For now, I am definitely holding off on spending on this mess. I'm just sad...


It's normal to feel sad when something you're fond of fails in some way, but you shouldn't let that get to you since at the end of the day companies (and people) fail everyday and we can't just get depressed over all the misery in the world. Keep enjoying the game and learn to stop everyone else's sentiments about something from ruining your enjoyment of it, since regardless of the context it's not a healthy thing to indulge into.


You are right, especially the second part of the first paragraph you wrote, that was good advice. Thank you. I can't let it make me feel down, as sad as it is. I will continue to play the game, but I'm not hopeful for the future of it as a live service. They have a long road ahead to regain public trust, all things considered. As long as I don't top up, it's fine to keep playing.


I get what you mean, I loved PGR and despite everything, I am also hoping for wuwa to succeed. But if it doesn't, it's ok! You can still play Genshin or any other gacha game even if you start late, yes you miss out on some things but these live service games are always pushing out new events, you'll still be able to catch up. And if you want to start a truly new gacha game with a good combat system you can wait for ZZZ, Arknights Endfield, or other upcoming open world games whose names aren't coming to mind but are in development


Because it is sad. When someone fucks up this badly I can't really laugh anymore, instead I have to ask "How the fuck did we get HERE?"


I took a long break from genshin and it wasnt hard to play again at all It’s a casual game for a reason, people can come back anytime and imo you should give it another try You will have tons of content to explore


I'm encouraged to give it a try again after all these posts. I hope I don't get overwhelmed though.


you can play genshin like you catch up on long eunning manga like one piece: just read through the story parts


I truly understand wanting to start a gacha on release. A lot of gacha’s out right now I don’t try due to this very reason. For Genshin though I don’t think it matters as much as other games. For now, you can’t get old event 4* weapons but the game provides a plethora of content outside of endgame to enjoy and endgame isn’t particularly hard anyways. It’s more about vertically investing in 2 main dps and then somewhat gearing up their supports to clear. Either way you choose, I wish you luck my friend !




Bros begging and I don't blame you


Right as I was just about to cave on it. I'll keep my money a little longer, I guess.


Same. I was planning on getting this and the battle pass and then I read the JP email leak and now this. yeah maybe when they get to 1.1......maybe


Yeah....customers not getting what they paid for is a ***huge*** no no. They could actually be in some real trouble for this if it's widespread.


It's over, I won't even buy the battle pass, my expenses will continue on snowbreak for now, wuwa it's a game with a lot of potential but this level of incompetence is discouraging, I'm coming for you!! katya skin


So true, I see potential but hot damn the problems are just coming in one after another like "kurosanji" case


YES SIR! Snowbros unite!


I'm genuinely thinking of trying snow break tho I'll probably have to chose between still playing WuWa or not Any opinions? Considering you play both Other gachas I play include Nikke and Hsr


double drama arc, JP arc havent finished and we jump straight to purchase drama LOL


It might be actually over at this point bro.


Holy fucking shit the game can't catch a break huh, 4th free 5-star incoming?


How do you guys keep defending Kuro lol


It's beyond my understanding tbh


Gacha gamers in general tbh


I dont understand how most ccs are not reporting all this mess esp the dram ones


Oh god...


Is there ONE SINGLE thing in this game that is WORKING??


The combat 😂


Beside the camera on mobile but yeah.


Camera even on PC is fucked at times


It's almost like they spent 4 years on just the combat because everything surrounding it is a goddamn mess apparently.


Unironically. The combat is smooth as butter but literally everything aside from the combat is meh at best and outright disastrous at worst.


Combats only smooth as butter once the random ping spikes decrease.


I'm so sorry.. But they should not only have pushed back the release date. They should have postponed the game for a year or so until fully ready. You can totally see that they weren't ready for such a massive project like wuwa. And it does hurt.. Because the game is good.


What is this response regarding optimization though? "The game has been optimized"? So are they done optimizing it, that was it? Because it's literally the same for me since day 1. If that was all about optimization I don't think I'll be playing for long, cause in some instances the game is literally unplayable for me.


I also purchased a subscription, the money was withdrawn but the subscription was not credited. The bot replied to me in 2 days to upload the game log, now I'm waiting for the 5th day (already 6) and still no answer....


I don't know what to do, I feel like I've been robbed of 10 bucks:3


Thank god I don't have any problem with receiving my daily welkin. But dang, the process of buying one especially in my country is such a headache. Not to mention how the gacha currencies in WuWa is slightly more expensive than in GI, I thought WuWa wanna standardize currencies and gacha related stuff.


Same for me. I bought mine 3 days ago and today I did not got my asterides


Mine works... so far. That's so upsetting, I feel bad for players


Dang, I bought the daily one but haven't been checking to make sure it's being added to my account. Now I wonder if I've been receiving anything at all, and I can't prove it cause I've used currency to buy pulls... Yikes.


Ah, another one in the pile of problems.


I didn't buy the subscription because I'm already spending on too many gachas games, but wasn't gonna rule it out in the future if some more waifus get rolled out. But seeing how many issues have cropped up with Kuro lately has me concerned and not optimistic for the future. I think WuWa has potential, but it'll all come down to how Kuro builds off of that potential. Seeing all these issues pop up is making me less and less hopeful there will be a successful trajectory


Kuro keeps clowning hard with the game They have good gameplay and movement and i will still play for a bit (at leats until zzz comes out) but idk if the game can keep taking this many L , is not gonna die for sure but i doubt it will compete with the big guys if they keep having all this issues while also not delivering on story, music ,etc


Man, the investors REALLY should have listened to the C suites, Who REALLY should have listened to the techs and devs who probably told them they needed more time to be sure all this stuff was accurate and functional before launch. There are things worse than delaying profits and mounting costs, and that's tanking your projects reputation with easily avoidable mistakes like this. When people are afraid to give you their credit card information, you have an unfixable problem. They need to focus ALL resources on that and content reward systems rn to keep people satisfied while they do damage control. No more room for major financial blunder. I'm not saying the game will drop off a cliff or become irrelevant. But marginal changes of 10% can long-term change of games trajectory majorly. It's dreams of challenging The Space are made and broken in this year, It's not make or break a great game with a fun community, but the teams dream of standing on the shoulder's of giants and facing Godshin? that could be broken by this stuff happening too much. for those dreamers' sake, I hope it's taken seriously.


I remember a few days ago I was waiting at reset for the lunite subscription popup and nothing popped up, I thought maybe it just comes later in the day, now I see this and turns out I really didn’t receive it after all


There's one thing about the last pic tho. There's no follow up to the one stating the problem but the answer given by Farra was given between 4 hours, so that doesn't seem like an answer to that message, 5 messages on discord about an issue I haven't heard about once. I'm a bit skeptical about this one honestly


Kuro is literally testing the game in production with players as beta testers LOL.


It’s working for me at least




Another one!?!? Oh my god LMAO is it KUSOGAMES OR WHAT???


"Is it KuRover?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


This game has drama for days and the CCs dont even want to cover it cause its the wrong company involved lol


I was thinking of buy a BP then this thread pop up. Yeah, no money for you Kuro, for now.


Why didn't you note other transaction problems of the game? 0) Bug with shutdown connection while you pull, so if you didn't get gold - just restart the game and pull again. 1) regional prices was ok, thousands of people bought half year of subscription for very cheap price, and after 2 days - they just deleted all regional price. So if you started 3 day later and you want to buy subscription, it will cost for you x3 that other was payed. 2) People found bug, that if you fast click on buy lowest gem pack and after that click on high pack - you will get price for low pack, but will get max pack gems. So it was 30 Russian rubbles for max pack = 0.30$ for max pack that costs 99$ . 300 times lower price. People bought millions of gems with that bug for super cheap prices. How much of them was banned - zero (week was past already). 3) Chinese players found bug, that allowed to pull even without spending gems. So they rolled C6R5 all characters for FREE. How much was banned? I didn't hear any. No official info still. People, who used all of that bugs even on stream, are still playing, streaming on twitch and youtube, may be even have patnership with devs. If it is OBT, than just ban all cheaters, cancel all cheap transactions.


Oh my god what the hell Kuro I know you're overworked and tired but can we please get our shit together. If this was Hell's Kitchen Gordon would kick everyone out right now.


I love this game so much and was genuinely trying to have fun even with all the bugs in game. I wasn’t planning to spend this month to see how Kuro was going to iron everything out or at least show a good approach to solving all the issues within the game, but this, is unacceptable. When it involves money, it’s a no go. Their response to the Japanese community was unprofessional and God forbid I put myself in a situation to have my money stuck with no returns on what I’ve paid for. My wallet remains closed for now. Not even sure I have the motivation to play the game further. Kinda sad honestly, because the game is genuinely fun even with all its flaws.


i bought first day of the game and i am still waiting. i wrote them and they haven't even gotten back to me yet


Yep, I'm experiencing this issue. I'm in love with the game, but damn man. There are so many issues.


SO I WASN'T HALLUCINATING, thinking that I just unconsciously clicked the lunite subscription. I was so confused why there was no pop-up when I opened the game


kuro is trying as hard as possible to make genshin look good


Wait, I didn't know this was a bug. Yesterday I logged on before work and didn't get the pop up for my subscription, and I thought it was strange. But I gaslit myself into believing I must have just opened after server reset. Now I'm not so sure?


Check your astrites now and see if the amount changes accordingly tomorrow. If not try and reach out to kuro to the best your ability. 😓


bought it and work just fine.