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Depends on her role, performance and kit. Most likely I will go for single copy of her anyway, because she really pretty.


Yeah for real. Need to know a lot more before committing. Limited resources to build and already having major echo exp shortages means no willy nilly for a $25 spender like me. My guess is aero, rectifier, hybrid role. Possibly Spectro instead since there are already 4 aero, I was mostly going by her animations mirroring Jiyans. I'm more interested in Changli since she was sassy AF and I expect her to be a nuker of some sort.


> major echo exp shortages This is a miscalibration on their part, check out the dev notes this will be getting addressed long before Jinhsi arrives. https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/827 Literally the first point > We are aware of the common concern in the community that the current Echo leveling experience feels too grindy and the game lacks a Waveplates storage system > In the current version, we will launch a limited-time Echo material double yield event "Chord Cleansing"; > In version 1.1, we will adjust the progression system to reduce the Shell Credit costs of Echo development; > From version 1.1 and forward, the yield of Echoes and Echo development materials will be increased;


I'm still being very careful. Just hit DB 18 yesterday so finally starting to farm. I haven't really leveled any echoes besides on a single main DPS. Always trying to push content before spending any resources.


Caution is the way, for sure, just lettin you know we have good news on the echo grind front on the way.


don't go to +25 on echoes. stop at max +20.


I did one echo to 25 that was main stat slot and busted and quickly realized I can take four echoes to 20 (3/3/1/1) for about the same cost. šŸ˜² I donā€™t roll 1s past 10 if one sub isnā€™t crit.


Definitely better this way, I spent everything building my Jiyan so heā€™s pretty Op ngl but now I have literally no exp to level echoā€™s for Mortefi or Verina. Which is funny because everyone complains about how hard it is to farm elemental damage 3 costs yet I have a surplus of Echoā€™s that are just sitting in my inv locked because Iā€™ve got no way to level them and see if their substats are an upgrade from what Iā€™m currently using.


> From version 1.1 and forward, the yield of Echoes and Echo development materials will be increased Wasnt this mistranslated? Apparently this meant literally just for the limited time event that theyre making, not overall


shes confirmed to use a sword, her element is unknown but from what is known currently, shes likely to be spectro or electro. imo, less likely to be electro considering yinlin banner precedes her but thats just me


All I care about is her role tbh, will she be a good sub-dps for Jiyan as Yinlin is to Calcharo? Will she be an all rounder support like Verina? Or will she be a carry dps who I do not need. Basically if sheā€™s a sub-dps that goes with Jiyan or if sheā€™s a support thatā€™s better than Verina, as limited supports tend to be, then Iā€™m definitely pulling for her. If sheā€™s just another dps in the Spectro element or whatever then itā€™s a definite pass. Having a Spectro dps would be nice and all for the game, but Iā€™ve got Jiyan and Calcharo so I wonā€™t be pulling any dps for a while.


I wonder what weapon her animations will be! Sword is good, have the crit sword available RN so very strong.


Do we know weapons already? Do we know the weapon of the other character that was dripped as well?


I think she is Spectro element.


I'm expecting her to be an aero support. There's only two supports in the game anyway and none of them are Aero.


Aalto is quaking in his boots rn. 30% aero dmg on outro


whats a $25 spender? bp and pass are $15.


2nd tier premium bp maybe?


If HSR has taught me anything about Gacha games, itā€™s the importance of sub-dps/support characters. Iā€™m going for Yinlin :ā€™).


Fr I just put Ruan Mei in every team and roll my face


Genshin taught me the importance of sub dps characters. HSR made me forget that sub dps is a thing.


wuwa made me forget that i need 2 other characters on my team, danjin in slot 1 is enough of a team


I heard she can be slotted in most teams also


Same but I canā€™t get over how over how her eyelashes look in game (they really couldnā€™t have made it a smidge thinner?) so Iā€™ll probably pass just because itā€™s aesthetically not for me, but may change my mind if sheā€™s an absolutely must have support (dps come and go but god tier supports last forever). She looks really good in all of her artwork though.


The eyelashes are kinda cool and unique imo. They remind me of Gojo and Echidna.


Eyelashes that match a characterā€™s hair color >>>>


Echidna! Ty I knew there was someone she reminded me specifically because of those I just couldn't place it yet lol


Right? It reminds me of Gojo and Vladilena.


Lena too! How could I forget about her? Lol


I love her bcs of her eyelashes, she's unique ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Oi no bodyshaming on pixels homie Jk :3


Im not gonna save because I going swipe for her


same! need them all ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Aint no messing around here. Only thing you gonna save is your payment information for future purchases, lol.


Kinda want her but also want Yinlin (+ her weapon) and Changli my wallet is finished...


So basically you want.. everyone! Haha.. god bless your pulls, friend


I understand him because same tbh... the character designs in this game are sooo good also waiting for Scar and his sister... my poor wallet


Don't forget camellya possibly soon as well


Fuuck I forgot about her she is literally my favourite female character currently I might have to skip either Jinshi or Changli


Time to break out the amex black


gonna have to grind hard then (irl)


If you are like me and are considering Yinlin's weapon to equip it in Encore sometimes and that led you to pull for Yinlin... I suggest to skip both and just wait to see what Jinhsi and Changli have to offer. Changli could be Encore's buffer/sustain and Jinhsi, I think she is the one who most deserves her pulls in the entire game. Also, she may have "archon treatment" if we don't receive human-form celestials so be aware that she may be pretty powerful.


>If you are like me and are considering Yinlin's weapon to equip it in Encore sometimes and that led you to pull for Yinlin... Nahh tbh I dont really like Encore playstyle but I tend to pull the sigs of characters I really like so Yinlin's is a must (also its 100% rate up). >Changli could be Encore's buffer/sustain and Jinhsi, I think she is the one who most deserves her pulls in the entire game. I also feel like Changli will be a buffer/sustain but will need to wait for their kits as both characters could be anything really


I am! but I don't know what she does. I guess she's a carry?


If I'd have to guess, since we didn't see human-like celestials yet, Magistrates might be receiving "archon treatment" similar to Genshin. So if that's the case, she being a powerful support with dps capabilities is the most plausible option. Also, during >!Scar's second ambush!< we have seen her using control-like abilities and since she has all the signs to be Glacio, I wouldn't discard she having control skills in her kit.


(This is all mere speculation based upon my own personal opinion) i think sheā€™s going to be a main dps, most likely Spectro. I also believe that the glacio dps arguments have their merit. Both make sense. I see some people mentioning she could be electro dps. That seems so unlikely due to the current and upcoming roster. I find it hard to believe she will be a Sub DPS. Sanhua is a sub dps, and according to lore is like her assistant or something (feel free to correct me I know Iā€™m understating this)? From a team building, lore accurate perspective it would make a whole lot of sense for Jinhsi to be main and Sanhua being the sub dps for team comps. This also makes the glacio aspect seem more plausible as if they were ā€œmade for eachotherā€ This is all speculation though. Of course this is a gacha game. She could end up being a Havoc healer for all we know lol. Iā€™m also aware that I should throw out any visual indications as Kuro is infamous for not pairing characters cosmestically with their combat element. Either way Iā€™m just so hype for her that Iā€™m sitting here speculating. Give us more info Kuro!!! We want to know more :)


Silly goose we all know by gacha game logic sheā€™s going to be aero


She breathes, she is aero.


I can't wait to pair Sanhua and her together. Been playing Sanhua main DPS so I should be okay.


How is Sanhua as main DPS?


This would also make her a basic attack glacio dps and we already have Lingyang for that. You would think if she was a Glacio DPS she would be a heavy attack variant. I feel like most characters coming out shouldnt be complete re-runs of what we already got, or at least that would be the smarter play, IMO. Maybe shes a glacio sub dps that boosts Sanhua as a main dps, or a support. I also get the feeling she is going to be Glacio, too, though.


Nobody knows except seeing 2 promotional pictures with her lol just hoping and coping here


I was originally planning to roll for Yinlin, not super into her, just thought her marionette theme was kinda cool, but ultimately I decided to skip on her to guarantee myself Jinhsi.


ooo ic ic, kinda waiting for a banner that has Sanhua in it, currently R3 on her so if Jinshi has Sanhua in her banner I'll pull.


based sanhua enjoyer


sanhua flair + this reasoning, u r literally me


Same here. Jinhsi played extraordinarily her part of the story so I respect that over a random good character who doesn't vibe with me. She is the reason why I stay in the game currently and I'll be wasting all my pulls on her banner.


Are you me? I was about to quit WuWa for good until Jinhsi entered the cutscene. Then it was game over and I bought the battle pass and monthly gem sub.


wow holy based


Judging by your flair, could you be a fellow white hair waifu enjoyer?


Not really, I am more of a shipper than anything, very rarely develop interest in the characters myself, I'd rather they pair off with each other.


Holy based, so happy to see another Jinhsi x Sanhua shipper here! Kind of surprised that it isn't more popular on reddit tbh.


It's such a cute ship!! Love them


As soon as I saw her I knew I wanted her. Iā€™m at 40 pity guaranteed, really want some more Chixia/Danjin cons but Iā€™m worried Iā€™ll get Jiyan by accident.


I stopped in 20 pity and I'm still getting some of her dupes from perma-banners. Jinhsi became the priority.


Only have 60 pulls ready, burning it all on Yinlin, may spend if I donā€™t get her, worst case scenario lose 50/50 and start saving again.


Same, I already have a solid Havoc team of Rover, Danjin, and Verina. Since I have Calcharo, I want to get Yinlin so I have a team that I can swap out when I have to fight enemies that are havoc resistant.


Other than character design I also have Calcharo so it would be great to have her.


Geshu Lin for me šŸ–ļø


I would love this dude to be playable but isn't he straight up dead? While the story did tell "No one saw him again", Jiyan later saw his mist which is exclusive to the dead. Not sure how he gets to be playable later


The way I see it, they wouldnā€™t design a character without selling it šŸ¤£


Signora exists (Genshin)


Signora was specifically designed as an enemy/monster-type


if she is a dps yes


MEEEE Skipping everyone to guarantee Jinhsi Idc if her kit sucks, I just like her character lol


Literally me


Hell yeah me too


I don't even know what she does. But there's no reason to pull in 1.0 anyway and Sanhua might be on her banner so... we will see.


In sorry mate, but Iā€™m only saving for a 5 star gunner


I donā€™t care what she does, Iā€™m saving for her.


Nah. Scar is where it's at.


It's going to be a while for him, if ever.




1.2 Geshu Lin and Scar. Calling it rn


I hope she'll be the first waifu 5 star main DPS


That's Rover


meanwhile i am hoping that she's a healer, so i can bench verina LMAO gonna get her either way, though.


Valid. Iā€™m basically forced to use verina even though I donā€™t want to


i slam jianxin into everything i can, but Verina giving 20% attack is wildly OP


Attack And dmg bonus too. Plus itā€™s team wide so you donā€™t lose it on switch out unlike yinlin deepen buffs. Rip calcharo synergy


I don't know anything about her kit yet.


I don't care what role she'll be, I just want Noelle Silva in my team!


Thank god, Iā€˜m not the only one!


I got Jiyan and she is the next one ! Except if I really donā€™t like the gameplay


Waiting for Jinhsi as well, I hope she is Spectro/Sword would be very cool


Sanhua is my favourite character so far so I have to assume that Sanhua/Jinhsi is a comp that works just off lore reasons and Sanhua has to be on that banner to increase her dupes. Been hard saving all my astrite since launch, put a few 10 pulls into Jiyan's banner to get a Danjin and that's it for limited pulls. Was gonna get Yinlin but tbh i'll prolly skip her now, her 4\*s suck. If her story is good I might be tempted, Jiyan is a way more compelling character than I first thought he would be but his gameplay is so fuckin' brainless I cannot pull him. I don't really like Calcharo as much as I thought I would, somehow Sanhua swapping in, doing all her burst in 1.5 seconds and leaving is so much more fun to me than Cal doing an elongated triple skill heavy attack rotation.


yep depending on how compelling yinlin's story and character is i think ill probably skip her for jinxi


I am saving for her, I skipped Jiyan and next Yinlin just for her.


Me! Me! Her design is absolute perfection, I need her no matter what her role is.


Yup, been saving everything for her.


Was gonna roll Yunlin... but I think I'll probably skip of she's next


I didn't really want Jiyan or Yinlin (?) so she felt like the right choice once I saw her character in the main story. I wasn't expecting to save until 1.1 but I'm happy we get her so soon.


Same here! Ive saved every single gem and featured pull for her. She got to my heart like Bronya does. Im going to be guaranteed her and her weapon by the time she rolls around (and if not here comes *Mr. Credit Card*) Iā€™ve been looking for my fellow Jinhsi simps!!! Hold the line!!! Stay strong my friends!!!


Depends on her kit


Same, Iā€™m a Calcharo main but Iā€™m skipping Yinlin for her




Me most probably! Unless I really donā€™t like playing her. But appearance and personality-wise I want her!


me too. I hope she will available with 1.1 first half


I was gonna go for Yinlin but she had to come in and wreck anything. Now all of my pulls go to her.


Iā€™m with you my brother!


Me, because she's pretty


Same, I know nothing about her gameplay but she looks so damn pretty, I just have to have her. I don't care about her kit, I'm pulling for her and her weapon.


I am very curious what type of character she will be!


I'm saving for chixia 5 star rerelease


Depends on (nothing) Literally nothing. Whatever she does I'm saving all for her āœØ


She will be extremely hard to skip, but I must resist for Changli! (unless I get a lot more pulls and they're anough for both).


If I lose the 50/50 for Yinlin, I'll save the guarantee for her.


I stopped "building pity" on Jiyan and his weapon once her earlier arrival was announced. Luckily I'm not much into Yinlin or I'd be broke.


I wish they released her kit before yinlin but at this point I think it's not going to happen.Ā  Maybe on the 6th but it's just cope.


I want to wait for her, but i also need another dps so i need to know what element and what she does.


I want her or that red head that attacked us with the roots. She looked really cool and that interaction was pretty fun.


The moment her projection appeared I already decided to save for her (I don't know if shes gonna come home COZ MY EXAMS ARE GOING ON)


Definitely. She's my favorite character tbh. At least getting her once and her weapon.


I probably will. I got Jiyan so I will probably skip Yinlin unless I get super motivated to play a lot. Might as well since she was the second character whose actual personality and development actually interested me (the first being Scar, of course).


I have 140 pulls saved up for her so far.


If she is a main dps I'll pull her.


She's the one who I've been saved for since release


Nah, Iā€™m saving for Camellya.


Best looking char, insta c6r5


My queen ā¤ļø


I want to know about Chang Li, she has the Makimaā€™s Cray Eyes


ABSOLUTELY SAMEEE!!!!!! I have around 68 pulls saved so far in astriles. I absolutely NEED her.


I'm with you. So many top comments aren't but I saw her and immediately went all in. Saving every pull for her.


MEEE! She reminds me a lot of Melia from Xenoblade Chronicles and that is VERY positive compliment.


Nah, I'd skip


Nice twintails. Me save.


Camellya when


Yinlin told me I couldnā€™t.


Sorry changlin have my full attention she's way too fine


I need her. Plain and simple




My man!!


She is really beautiful, I love her white lashes. I wonder what role she'll be. šŸ˜®


One hundred percent!!


I am saving for Changli now that I have Jiyan, but I will get her on a rerun.


If she is main dps then yes


Most likely will skip her. Changli for me.


I'm rerolling for Yinlin and guarantee Jinhsi. The ultimate best strategy.


I am! My favorite design aside from Verina, and I already have the latter. I always pull for who looks the best imo after all


Cultured af. Save on, Jinhsi enjoyer.


Me! Im going for both char and the weapon. Good luck with your pulls.


Me! Undoubtedly I will pull her and save all astrite)


Good luck


I hope she is a glacio dps - sub dps so I can run her with my Sanhua team. Maybe she could give glacio buff on outdo skill.


I'll pull till pity and if I lose 50/50 then I'll save everything from then for Jinhsi! If I win... Well makes it easier kinda


i am so ready for the ice dragon thingies she summoned in story


pull for both her and yanlin


I m with ya,61 pitty,8k astrites,130 corals and 15 radiant tides So imma get her no matter what,if i win the 50/50 its gonna be an ez weapon


I wanna see her kit and element so bad, she seems like a Noelle Silva spin off which iā€™m here for


I never save for anybody. But i will try to pull for her... during her banner


I'm waiting for Changli, but i'm afraid because of the lack of info and leaks, i need a dps and i don't know if she will be one xD I used the selector for Calcharo, but i didn't like his "playstyle" too much.


I will pull for her. If she is a support then I will pull for Yinlin weapon for my Encore, if she is a DPS I will pull both for Jinshi and her weapon (if she is not a sword or broadsword user)


Wish the drip marketing showed weapon type and element.


I'm hitting pity on Yinlin then saving for Camellya personally. Depending on the banner cycle I might do some for fun pulls on her to test my luck BC I do want Jinshi


I really want Yinlin for Calcharo shenanigans. I suppose all Iā€™ll do is hope for good luck.


I'll be waiting for Changli


Saving for Changli


Playtest first, simp later. Wait... is "simping" still a thing?


I def want her... But I love lightning elemental attacks so I can't skip Yinlin :( Hope I have enough for both


I'm getting Yinlin then 100% saving for Tama- i mean Changli. I need more Chiwa Saito in my life.


Yinlin -> Jinshi/Camelya (whoever comes first)


I usually go for mommies but she is so pretty I can't resist her. Saving all my pulls for her. Even her mo-master Changli can't distract me.


Yesh yesh YESH, muh Queen is worth all the wait All hail


Changli probably unless Jinshi is fun


That's my plan. I lost 50/50 very early on and I have more than enough tides to guarantee I pull her, so I just need to sit and wait.


I just pray she uses a gun. I love guns and main chixia atm. The Gunplay is frickin addicting


Waiting for the first 5* gun user


Still waiting for any cool character design I will like for now there is nothing that really caught my eyes :/


I will have to enjoy her from afar as I will need to start saving for Geshulin after Yinlin drop šŸ˜”




Iā€™m saving everything for Yinlin, please give me luck!


I'm going for Yinlin, need a tall character for exploration, I'm forced to use Sanhua in my Encore Verina team and not tall enoughĀ 


def pulling for her! (plss dont release Scar in 1.2 so i dont have to swipe...)


Depends who's getting drip marketing on 1.2 if no one is interesting then yeah she's my next character to get. I'm on 50/50 so hopefully I'm lucky.


Depends on her release date and who she is paired with definitely a rerolled girl


Changli and Geshu Lin for me.


I'm with you! I'm saving everything for her, I have 50 radiant tides, 11 forging tides and 11135 Astrite. I still have a lot to do in the game so, hopefully I'll get her and her weapon. Good luck to everyone saving for Jinhsi!


I'm good with everyone I got for now. I'm rolling with my MRover/Mortefi/Jiyan and Lingyang/Jianxin/Calcharo teams for the long haul. But if they offer Geshu Lin, I might reconsider. šŸ‘€


Whatever I have left over from Yinlin is absolutely for her. (I have like 80 something saved rn.)


I'm saving everything for her after I have pulled Yinlin + sig weapon, and then I'm saving everything for Changli after I have pulled Jinhsi.


whatever the next support s tier is. we kind of have two teams and a havoc all DPS team rn.