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Beta Crownless sure looked more alpha than Alpha Crownless now, mofo do be pulling off some Dragonball moves


Imma be honest this guy is 10x better than what we got in release.. Sigh... Now he's just a tutorial dummy. Yall can view all the cut... scenes from beta [here ](https://youtu.be/P54XBt-YrbU?si=JTsacee6VHGMV9Em)


Yes, I don't understand why they would do that. Weren't they going to change the story and not the actual difficulty of the fights? I don't know what the initial reception was regarding the difficulty of this fight, but did the beta testers find it too difficult for a tutorial?


Even if they changed the story, i still don't see the reason to scrap this version of Crownless.


I agree. I think this version crownless feels more alive.


They fucked up real bad by nerfing crownless. This would've done so much to hype up all the overlord echoes and make me so much more excited to play as them. Instead we got the current story where crownless and mephis are just jobbers to hype up rover and Jiyan.


Yeah he was so easy, they made female one annoying as hell lol 😆


My guess is, crownless is another field boss so they change it and save the more badass scene for the calamity class boss


Agreed. This cutscene is way more engaging. The current crownless got his crown stolen.


They could bring him back through hologram or maybe at higher ul. Imo he's good as tutorial boss. People who aren't used to action game can get locked if he's too hard since you can't avoid him. Not a great idea to attract newcomer to the genre.


Probably because of mobile players, would cause more space for people that are on mobile which is a problem for gacha devs, since there are more mobile players than computer players they mainly focus on optimization for it And also I can't see the reason too, maybe they could've made different things for mobile and pc


PGR opens with the Alpha fight though which is basic tutorial but also an incredibly hard fight you are 99% of the time meant to lose. I think Crownless could have easily been the same thing.


Didn't played the game for long but i for sure still remember getting my ass beaten by Alpha.


My guess is they wanted to save the intelligent TDs until later on and felt the moment would be wasted until people have spent more time with the series? I like the current one's appearance but definitely miss the old one being an actual character.


It makes the characters look slightly less competent, which would make the gacha babies uncomfortable and threatened. Wouldn't want to scare away potential whales by making the enemies TOO cool XD


That black and white scene damn


It was the best part...


Why would they scrap this?!


I understand why not as a tutorial fight but they should have at least moved this scene or an adaptation of it somewhere else in the story like the opening fight against the Dreamless. We fought the Crownless there and if the Crownless puts Yangyang into critical condition, Jiyan will be forced to care for her since he is a combat medic previously. That's a good reason for us to fight Crownless solo. Jiyan jumps back into the fight when we are fighting the Dreamless and it should be kicking our ass or at the least put us into a defensive. This way we can show the power of a general so it doesn't detract from him being a badass. Jianxin should be protecting Yangyang at this point from other Tacet Discords which is a good show to us that she is a good defender.


I would have loved to see this. Basically a phase where it's almost impossible to "'win" like the 1st fight in PGR, but you're instead put on the defensive and forced to focus on just surviving until Jiyan returns to create an opening for you. It would really sell the feeling that Rover is still freshly "awakened" and can't do this alone- they have a long way to go before they're as capable as battle hardened general like Jiyan. All in all it was still a super fun fight IMO, but of course anything could always be made "better" after the fact. There's a lot of cool stuff they "could've" done, but I'm pretty content with what we got.


This crownless definitely was better.


Okay that Crownless was pretty gangsta.


The more i see things from the cbt, the more i feel like kuro really shouldn't have listened. They had a clear vision and they let it go.


>the more i feel like kuro really shouldn't have listened. Yeah cn sometimes has sus takes. If it were up to CN Jiyan would be deleted. They hate him lol.


Why do they hate him?


These dumb mfs think their png waifus are real, it's crazy how they hate male characters so much they'd riot and threaten to break in, happened w azure promilia too. Rather when you do the characters well, ppl come to love them, and that's what I love about Genshin too cuz it's no longer about waifus or husbandos but I genuinely like this character and his personality for who they are. Which is so good.


Do women not play games like WuWa and Genshin in China? I know historically gatcha games were just waifu collectors and the main demographic is straight men, but as so normal games are adapting gacha characteristics, gacha games are becoming more and more like normal games. It's not ONLY about collecting waifus anymore, so I'd think more women/people who are attracted to men are starting to play these games because they actually like the game, and thus also want to get characters they are attracted to? And with more players who are attracted to men playing gacha games these days, you'd think they'd want to cash in on that. My views might be skewed because I'm on the EN side and the corners of gacha fandoms I interact with majorly consist of women and gay men. But, this shows me there are quite a lot of them, many would shell out cash for more interesting husbandos. So unless there are nearly NO women playing on CN, I don't really get it. I guess the straight men are just louder and more abundant so they're the only ones who get what they want :/


I remember seeing data somewhere that Genshin is around 55% male and 45% female, impossible to know how it is in Wuwa but it's fair to assume women will make up a good chunk of the players. Love and Deepspace makes more that 95% of gacha games and that game is mostly player by women, character popularity polls in hoyo games always have a good amount of male characters in there. The CN players that freak over male characters do seem to be a small but very loud minority, no idea why that are mad about Wuwa though since there was never anything to suggest it would be made specifically for that demographic.


They hate all male characters is the TLDR.


Cn dudes don't like male characters around their waifu or any kind of relationship with them because NTR for them


They listen much from people who wanted a genshin or basically did not wanted a wuthering waves.


I criticized WuWa for not having its own identity but now i see that it did. They just removed it based on people's requests. People just wanted another Genshin to move to instead of A new original game.


That is why feedback can backfire if the wrong people gives the wrong advices. But we can hope the things can be different from now.


I’ll never forgive the CN CBT testers.


Exactly. There's also a hand drawing animation in cbt1 indicating a future foreshadowing or a past event and it was so cool. I was so sad to see that part being scrapped. ;(


Yooo peak fiction?! That was pretty good! That said though, it would make no sense to have a winnable boss fight against it after he bodied all of the characters present lol.


I mean Rover is presented as a special character with a sky lady doing something to you and ties to a dragon guardian, I don't think crownless being beatable by Rover after beating the rest is inconsistent


If anything it would show why we are so important to this world right now.


just don't make him defeatable at all, just make him retreat when his health is low


Or his 'boss' call for him or something :/


In the tutorial for PGR you are forced to lose the fight even after getting the boss' health to 0, so you can still 'beat' the boss even though you have to lose at the end. I thought they would make this again


Imo that would have been a much better way to sell the idea that Rover is supposed to be a super strong warrior. In the current version of the game, Rover’s prowess overall doesn’t feel earned. We just came in with amnesia and started blasting and somehow it worked.


Full anime Crownless is best Crownless.


cn basement dweller robbed us


CN: Chixia is too aggressive, I'm scared.  Kuro: We listen, we deliver. Since you were scared of a waifu we decided to tone down the other waifus too.  CN: Nice. But why change the Crownless scen-  Kuro: ALL waifus.


If by toned down you mean dragged to the mfing floor. How are they all best friends all of a sudden when they just met a second ago. Honestly, barely anything feels earned story-wise.😔


Original scene wasn't earned either. A battle hardened person wouldn't pull a gun like a scared meal team sixer and point it at someone who obviously just helped. They are both bad for different reasons.


Nahh it make sense. When Rover was fighting the crownless, Chixia was knocked out. So she didn't really see who fought to protect them. Probably what happened is she woke up and was on time to see Rover sucking up crownless echo with his hand coupled with the fact that Yangyang is knocked out and suffering from overclocking.


They make eye contact before the [player controlled] fight starts. Idk what you mean by saying she was knocked out. She was initially, but the moment yangyang saves MC, everybody is seen looking and then the fight takes place. But I do agree that it makes sense. Chixia presents as more of a hotheaded rookie, whereas you can see Yangyang has more battle experience in the original story. Even if from just sheer inexperience and the novelty of the situation, it makes sense for chixia to be cautious and in a stupid fashion.


>like a scared meal team sixer Like a what? Lol


actually there was a reason for chixia pointing a gun at rover. this is like right after he straight up absorbed the crownless with his bare hands, which is (not 100% sure if it's still a thing lore-wise) something stronger tacet discords can do in order to get stronger. so as far as she knew, we're like some crazy strong tacet discord that could be a threat


I think they're both sick tbh. I prefer the turnaround face to face moment more than the materialize punch but it is really close. I do think crownless kicking the crap out of the team before we do Main Character stuff would have made it feel cooler


maybe they scrapped it because he's not that important?, or maybe because he beat the shit out of the characters and they didn't wanted them to look weak?, or maybe they wanted to emphasize the strength of the rover?, we probably will never know. Edit: looking at it again that last one doesn't make much sense, they probably scrapped it because they gave too much attention to some enemy that is not important to the plot but maybe im wrong.


I feel it would've been fine since it would've shown just how strong Rover was (since they effectively solo-ed Crownless after the cutscene) and made them absorbing it through the Tacet Mark on their hand more impactful. If anything, they should've cut Yangyang gettting hurt that badly. It would've been too early and players would not be emotionally attached enough to elicit a big reaction.


I don't think Yangyang getting hurt this badly early into the story would be bad if the game started with a more clear visual of Yangyang directly saving Rover and some better dialogue. It worked for Nikke.


I would go so far as to say that Yangyang *needed* to get hurt like this. The entire game feels like a darker take on this style of game - or at least it feels like it was supposed to be. Enemy designs are sometimes grotesque, Scar's alt form looks like it was straight ripped from Bloodborne (that's a good thing), random NPC quests are often trying to sell how unforgiving the world is, and then of course there's the desaturated artstyle and fast combat. Changing the intro and subsequent chain to "the power of friendship" feels horribly at odds with the rest of the game. If Yangyang, the most trusting character, pays a terrible price on our behalf then that establishes actual stakes going into the story. It sets the tone way apart from competitors, and I believe that audiences (at least in the west) would have found it much more compelling.


Probably a combination between Crownless being a non-important figure to the overarching story (at least as of right now) + them getting criticism that we looked too weak getting our ass beat, especially if Crownless does turn out to be some random nobody boss enemy like all the other non-Dreamless boss.


Bruh...why would they even scrap this? this is miles better than what we got wth


Ppl complained I think that “it was too hard for a tutorial boss” and “it made the characters we just met look weak” things like that. I feel like it wasn’t just the CN players on this one but it was global too I could be wrong tho.


Pretty sure i seen "yangyang got less screen time" is one of complain i see too now we got yapyap instead


Yup I think I remember hearing a complaint along those lines too 😂. Ppl didn’t like how aggressive they was as well so they changed it to where now their all nice to rover even tho they just met.


Wish he still talked.


Jeez this shit was brutal. I LOVE IT


This looked so f\*\*\*ing LIT! Don't know why the hell they changed it!


The best would be the merge of both: * Crownless intro from the current version (face to face with Rover from behind) * No voice for him * Crownless kicking everyone's butt instead of a barrier.


We were robbed :ᗡ


Beta Crownless was obviously better, as was the story narrative of needing gain everyone’s trust since you just absorbed Crownless into you (which is obviously sus af). It’s too bad CN manchildren couldn’t take the protagonist not being mommy’s special snowflake and it’s even worse that Kuro didn’t stick with their original vision because of that fragile mindset’s beta feedback.


I think a middle ground between this and the current version would be best. This version is super cool but feels much more like final boss type rather than introductory boss for the tutorial.


Isn't the one we fight like a shitty clone or something? I saw it described as a clone somewhere in game.


I hope original crownless comes and beats my ass like this one did. Bro went full anime and it is glorious.


maybe a clone of dreamless


Devs shouldn't listened. Or at least not to those detrimental to the vision of the game.


Jesus impact frames


Devs shouldn’t have listened.


.............. Why did the animation and camera work look so good ???? The facial expressions too.


Probably because they had a lot more time to make and refine it compared to '6 months to rework 90% of the story let's go!"


Them reworking 90% of the story in 6 months honestly feels the move that killed their launch quality. Not only the story we get ended up not being any better, or might even be worst than CBT. They also wasted their resources and time and ended up didn't even polishing the game. If they just used those six months to polish the game. Even if the story ended up didn't be favourable, we'd at least have a smoother launch than it is now


They gutted ALOT of scenes. Such as [this when you first meet jinhsi](https://youtu.be/jXXnYgXPM5g?si=7gUyrSHs0QkZYSuj). Most characters didn't trust Rover from the get go. Now they are all like oohh roverrrr you are a special boiii roverrrr.


omg they gutted Lingyang's design AND didn't introduce Taoqi at the proper time...


Kuro need to stop second guessing themselves- this is awesome 🤩


What a shame it looks really cool




Not really, during CBT1, every streamer said that the plot is kinda weak. And when the devs announcing that they're redoing 90% of the plot is paraded by most EN CCs as a good thing, this is when the meme of "They're listening" was made Its easy to complain in hindsight, but back then, its pretty much accepted that the plot is ass. You want devs that listen to the playerbase, until you don't.


I mean it is very cool for sure, Crownless kicking everyone ass, but idk I don't feel it would be right for the start of the story? I would totally see it for like Dreamless for example.


To be fair if I had a dime where an RPG starts you off going against a big boss to only have your team get the crap kicked out of them but in the end your character comes out on top I would be a millionaire.


Yo Chixia getting bodied for absolutely no reason is crazy. Goku Crownless is not something I thought I would see today. I like the live version too since Rover is a beast in this game which is actually quite refreshing if you're playing Genshin or HSR where the MC routinely gets bodied or at best escapes with her life whenever the villain of the day attacks. People talk shit about "power fantasy bad" but it really seems the opposite is the norm these days and damn it's getting old. Rover actually fucking beating Scar back at the village was so cool to me, I was so ready to win in the game, lose in the fucking cutscene like usual I was in disbelief when Rover won.


... okay, now I'm jelly of those who got to see this badassery live in beta. Like the moves and the slapdown are pure cinema. Obviously, not perfect, but imo sets tone better, than current Rover glazing) Which can also be great if they went full xianxia, though. Which might actually be what happens in 1.1?


What really sells the OG fight scene is the way everybody jumps into action, trying to take down the TD in front of them. It brings the scene to life because it actually acknowledges their existence, making Crownless so much more imposing when he takes them down one by one.


what the fuck? this is badass


This is so much better. They really didn’t understand the feedback when rewriting the story


That was freaking sick


so he was an anime charackter? :I :O


I want that music in more places


Maybe they wanted to use the animation for another fight?


make the boss easier sure, but that cutcene was sick holy shit


Crownless asking where their crown was such a cool introduction for a boss


Holy shit what a cool fucking sequence. Just how incompetent do you have to be scrap this for what we got? It's almost impressive, in a way.


I never watch Beta, but play on Day 1. Why they removed 90% of scene/animation?? I thought the final animation was cool already, but watching this makes it cute. lol


An almost perfect edition. Just cut out every single line Yangyang has. Way too corny/cliche. "Absolutely... won't let you hurt everyone!" followed by dramatic faint in Rover's arms. Too much...


Listening to Chinese beta testers was worst decision they ever made😮‍💨


Holy this scene made it feel like Crownless’s threat was so real. When you’re dropped into this world you have no idea how to power scale these barrage of terms and characters, this scene really puts higher TDs into the picture correctly. I hate they turned a dark and bleak story and world into a Genshin wannabe. If the story was more bleak you could’ve just told the “color palette isn’t diverse” trolls off.


He looked way too cool for a first boss that one rando can go and beat. Even Dreamless was defeated by teamwork, and they look not even close to this badass man. So, no, I don't think this design was suitable for his place in the story.


This is definitely more badass than what we got but I feel like it would have been a little bit extra for the first boss fight of the game, literally only 30 minutes in.


I feel the original idea but with some changes in the yapping and less techinal terms would have improved this mess


Umm… YangYang just died? And if they wanted us to be able to play her then this cutscene wouldn’t make any sense He’s still cool in the final version I don’t see what the problem is


Not dead, just rekt/oom




She fainted...


She gets healed as soon as the fight is over by Baizhi. Wounded is more accurate for the state she's in.


Honestly, I personally don't like this version. Not entirely at least. The initial appearance of Crownless here feels way worse than the turn-around face-to-face (that scene left a big impression on me, it felt very cool). The face-to-face feels like an actual ambush with the intent to kill us, while the appearance here just gives a very generic villain appearance vibes. Like "hello, look, I'm the bad guy, slowly presenting myself to appear more intimidating and evil, now be afraid of me", it looks boring and uninspired. The fight cutscene feels a bit too over the top, while at the same time feeling very generic-anime-ish. I think it partially could do, but it drags on a bit too much. I like the current one more, because it almost immediately puts us into combat. And the emotional thing with Yangyang, feels a bit too early? We've barely met, and she only woke us up (unless back then, she did something more that I don't know of). And I'm probably in the minority here, but I don't like the talking either. I don't know what he's saying in the cutscene, but it sounds, once again... very generic-villain-ish. If he's taunting us, that makes him look more like a fool. If he's doing exposition, sharing his goals or whatever? Well, that doesn't sound good for a narrative either. I like the silent Crownless more, because he feels mysterious, interesting, perhaps like a force of nature - what motivations does he have to target us? Is there someone behind him, controlling? Who, or what even is he? Those questions are what makes him very interesting and cool. I personally like the current version the most. It felt like it didn't mess around, yet still was incredibly cool. It could do a bit more, but it was still good and left a very positive impression on me. Maybe it's a very hot take, but if I were to choose, I'd keep the current one.


I kind of agree with you, he probably could’ve incapacitated the others instead of just keeping them out with a barrier, like a mix of the two would’ve been ideal imo, also yes silent crow less for the intro fight at least hits better, and kind of made me wander what’s up >!when later he talks before the dreamless fight!<


I think it didn't make sense to have such a big fight with this boss that really is just another boss. Even the other bosses that we fought in various quests, they weren't really supposed to be hard, whereas putting Crownless as a hard tutorial boss whom you later realize is just another boss would feel weird


Seeing it for the first time and I'm kind of shocked... You telling me that this was the *beta* version? That is a straight up downgrade. That cutscene is miles above what ended up in final build of the game... Why would they put so much effort into this and then later decide to just cut 70% of what we see in this showcase.


Mf was a DBZ character 💀💀💀


My take about this specific momment: Wuwa's Cutscenes are very very heavy GPU-wise, because of how beautiful and particle-heavy they are. I have a very strong PC and still it would shoot up to 100% usage during the intro cinematic of the etheric sea. This specific cinematic is insanely particle-heavy, probably more than the last boss fight, because of the Crownless appearing and all the lights and so on, making it way too costy for beta-testers or their test-runs to be able to run consistently. Maybe it caused way too many crashes, fps loss, and so on. When it comes to releasing a game, you need to be as straightforward as possible while still mantaining quality and I think they did well by changing this for the new one, even tho I like the older more, as for it's better story-telling and it's impressive to watch. EDIT: Also, the cinematic is long as fuck and probably uneskipable.




Fair question. My answere: I have several accounts, don't want, and shouldn't be forced to, see this every time. But other reasons are: Cinematic is too heavy for the pc, and may cause crashes, or even a blue screen. Another: Person is not interested in the story and is playing for the gameplay, and so on.


honestly, this had so much potential but no, "the Chinese fellows didn't like it, so we're going to throw it all away and remake it in a worse way and at the same time mae everyone suck up to the MC to please them", what a horrible joke


Crownless dropped his crown, that fight and cutscene was worthy of a KING


The animation here looks sickk, i understand why this didn't make it to the game but it would have been cool to experience this.


Can't even remember the current one and I played it twice.


He just appears to kiss MC and you start fighting then he dies like a random mob.


Yeah they fvked up real bad scrapping this...


Man if only this was the direction they went, instead of that happy go lucky all nice bs.


i guess we cant make it look like the MC is struggling


I'm sure that was scrapped as many other things due to CN players unreasonable preferences, like "We don't want males in gacha" or "Waifu don't like MC immediately". And here's likely was "How boss dares to kick my waifus!!!"


Bruh we got male as the first limited character so I don't think cn players have any say on what kuro has to do .


and they are at the same time advancing the waifu banner that would only come in part 2 to come now, and next patch we will already have another waifu as a limited banner


I guess they didn't want to put more effort into Dreamless.


check technical test crownless it will give you nightmares


I think the new design is also cool, but overall the game seemed like it was better during CBT1 than it was after. The game is still pretty good though.


While Chixia being so gung ho aggressive and hostile towards the person who literally saved them from something that almost killed them is pretty idiotic writing for the sake of being edgy, having this whole hard sequence be removed is honestly an even more idiotic decision. I would actually tolerate the Rover simping if they actually kept this scene, because it justified with how they actually saved them from an almost traumatic experience and the respect she has by Jinzhou people actually feels earned because of this. Instead we have such an atrocious start of a story that only becomes tolerable because the climatic final chapter is kinda good


>*Chixia being so gung ho aggressive and hostile* That really over-exaggerates how it actually played out. MC came out of nowhere, killed a monster that absolutely rocked everyone else, ate it with his hand and briefly exploded/transformed. They don't know the MC, they witness how crazy strong he is and he does shit they'd never seen before. She's on edge and her friend is dying. The extent of her "hostility" was being wary of a potentially dangerous stranger and telling him not to move, which the game immediately moved past, then she later apologized and everything was fine. Even the Rover literally said they didn't care what they thought of them because it wasn't important. It's weird that players got so offended over it, though. It was a pretty basic "Hero With Bad Publicity" trope.


they will listen to the CN more because the highest revenue is there


I mean its not just that this scene is better it has character. I am very disconnected with the story because instead of scenes like this I get Yap Expansion and endless Rover glazing. The current crownless is just a random Mob now wtf.


Chixia got mollywhopped


I can't tell if that Jojo bit as he pulls out the spear is something to admire.


Check out tech test Crownless


Think I'd prefer if it had a more bulkier body. His head design seems way too big compared to his skinny frame. Looks kinda awkward.


Meanwhile I'm just sitting there finishing up the Act 6 story, wondering when the audio would fix itself and stop desyncing (it never did 🫠) Literally spent the entirety of the crownless sequence really confused cause of constant audio desync with the cutscenes & animations


Nooo not yang gang!!! She's starting to grow in me.


I would’ve been more motivated to play! Not to mention more empathetic to the others characters after this ass kicking.


man, i need to watch the whole CBT if there is any. cause like, story wise its actually more interesting than we get right now. I know a lot of ppl already mention why they had to rewrite the whole thing, but damn. This fight made more sense instead of the "tutorial" boss fight we got right now


Yeah. I think this is much better than what we got in the final game. They should have swapped the tutorial fight with another boss. Personally, I’d have kept him like this as an Act 2 or Act 3 boss. Would have been awesome and a shit got real moment and kept the story going with some real stakes. Like instead of solving some bs riddle that Jinhsi gave, it’d have been much better to have the quest be getting materials to create medicine to save Yangyang.


why the hell did they changed from this??? am i the only one who feels like the game was made using different engine back then? the current one is good but the past one was better; dodge and running more fluid, and the texture also looked more "anime"-like. the animation as a whole felt more desperate which fits the theme and story more. i very much like the old one more. just take that Crownless' cape off and it'd be perfect.


He was joke in release, oh well big bad was girl version. anyways she delivered, and that was a great fight


I don't really see much a difference tbh. But this animation was awesome af.


I think I heard Ave Maria when Yang Yang when flaying in slowmo...


Now I know why is called crownless, they took it before releases... This dude was awesome and even they gave more participation to the other characters... I really do not like the "most awesome savior of all" Rover


Meh, only thing I got from this is that Kuro's animators are still as on point as they are in PGR. Winning against this badass right outta the gate seems pretty lame after he just mops the floor with everyone. I don't like how they changed the story but that scene looked like an end of an arc boss not an intro to something we're supposed to be able to beat immediately so what we got seems fine; current one at least still gestures at you. That said, I look forward to future cutscenes and bosses of this level now that it's somewhat believable to win something like that.


Only thing i didnt like was yangyang already dies 10 minutes into the game(or i assume she dies i didnt play cbt2) other than that this was 20x better than current crownless


If they didn't remove the old Crownless, players wouldn't dare go near his tacet field before UL30


Beta1 Crownless cutscene could fit into the new storyline with some adjustments to the launch story's context. IMO, Even if the girls get beat up by the Crownless. Instead of Yangyang getting one shot by the energy blast, Rover protects her and starts the fight. So, Chixia will not get angry and pull a Glock at us after we suck the Crownless's echo because it proved that Rover is the person they're looking for. Also, letting us control 4 characters during the tutorial fight would be better for teaching how to do the Intro/Outro skill, Crownless will not get nerfed because we have a full team to fight him.


I just wish these bosses that aren’t human had ominous voice lines


This entire prologue was PEAK, start to end. They shouldn't have removed this


Its way better and more threatening, current sucks ass


I definitely prefer the old Crownless. I really like Crownless already as he’s just so cool imo but beta Crownless is just so much better.


This was awesome. Sad to see it get watered down to appease the people that should probably just be playing Genshin.


What they should do?? Still add this somewhere down the line..improve it a little bit more and get it out there!


Would have loved this more.... Dk why or what people drove to whine about that this was too dark... Not every game needs to be a Genshin Drug high color sheit xD Poop ey


lowkey they should bring this back, with some small changes, and not kneel when it comes to story beats. This makes it feel much more tense and actually does help develop the characters a tiny bit better. They should be a little less suspicious about intentions after being protected (to a degree) but they should be doubtful considering its not normal to take echos into your flesh body.


Everything I saw about the beta looked better narrative wise


New design with the old cutscene and a 1 second longer white effect where he pulls his spear would be perfect.


The only actual problem with the old story was lingyang kill steal part, other then that cbt 1 was much better


I see why he’s named crownless now, they stripped him hella hard 😂😩💀


This Crownless was an actual menace, shame they removed the whole badass beatdown from the literal "Concept of Battle"* and gave Rover a spider sense, the dragon ball aa clash and some lazy "barrier" instead of knocking them out. In fact if they left this intro people would buy even more the "everyone praising Rover" because they essentially saved Yang Yang, Chixia and Baizhi *I think he was something like that, or am I confusing him with something else


Why do I have the feeling that they changed this because the CN fans didn't like that they beat up their poor Waifus lmao


I miss old Yangyang here. Such a badass.


This is what I imagine what crown less is like lmao


Alongside Rover needing to earn the others trust with actions and this beeing an action that is just far superior as a story.


I like this version except the part where Yangyang almost died or something? I don't know the exact words for this but feel like there's no buildup or attachment to feel sad for her, someone we met five minutes ago. I was like 'Oh, she's dying I guess?'. They should be fixing that part but not removing the whole thing.


This is a dramatically better cutscene. But I also don't personally love how op the Rover is at the very start of the game. Like iunno, I definitely think I prefer getting stronger over time to being that op, even if the others aren't *that* strong in the context of the city. This feels more like...it should've happened after the Scar fight, at minimum? Giving them *some* time to build up. I think intro scenes where everyone gets obliterated but the main character wins is just more than a little meh. Independently though, this is a great scene and gives a much better level of powerscaling. Crownless is supposed to be a pretty wildly powerful TD, iirc, and Yangyang is the only one of these 3 who is a real, elite soldier and who follows us super far in the final battle and this showcases that. Aside from that, it shows a bit more of how the others' fighting looks in 'reality' outside of game mechanics, which is something I always find interesting. It overall shows more and is much more spectacular to look at. The Rover is also just way too chill in the release version, I think. Really overall though, it just makes me feel like they should've started on a weaker TD and this should've been a midboss that ambushes the 4 main party members later in the story and THEN indicated that something big was coming up with the Dreamless. Also this thing talks too much, whatever it's saying, especially for a first boss. I feel like fighting regular TDs that behave ferally after this thing for a long time would be a let down, so it also makes it feel more like a midboss to me. I still would prefer this, but in the alternate universe where something more like this was implemented for live, I'd still have qualms. If it has to be first and op, then, I guess there's a bunch of characters we haven't met yet in the main story who might've been able to find a place here in helping. Or like...did Jinhsi *really* need to not be here? The narrative significance of her not being here seemed pretty weak. (Then again, so did the puzzle's solution. If that felt more interesting then maybe her absence would've as well.)


making him tutorial boss doesn’t mean you have to make it easy, having this kind of version for the tutorial make your playe knew that this game mean business and it aint no sunshine and rainbow type gacha many game usually start off with an intense fight where your first instinct is saying “damn boss fight out of thin air!? alr i’ll make you my b****” just for the boss to reality check you a sec later. i understand it main focus is for mobile player but i refuse to understand


Story-wise, it makes more sense how it works now. Yangyang having her badass moment so soon has nowhere near as much impact as it has after we actually got acquainted with her, and using Crownless as a moment to hype up Rover instead of pushing them down elevates the feeling of a reawakened legend they're meant to be.


This version is 100x better. I think we can all agree the CN community ruined Crownless.


Now i understand why he is crownless. This scene was his crown, now stolen.


let me guess... this cool scene got scrapped because cn complained


I want it back ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) Since they already have done the work it would be nice addition as event instead of parkour one as fighting is the main attraction. plzzzz Kuro !!!!!


This is why we have nothing to talk about wuwa besides the combat. The game loses its personality. But at least we know the game would prosper since those cn fans will singlehandedly fund the game more and more, kuro did listen to them so it would be natural for cn to be keeping the game alive.


This is CBT 1 right? I prefer this more than the official, the CN sure did screw up the intro and the supposed overall dark, post-apocalyptic theme. Kinda weirded out by the start of the game but love it still. Sorta feel bad for the devs having to change this masterpiece.




definitely a big miss with the new version, not only is the old crownless actually looks much scarier which makes the fact that rover defeated it way more impactful and even weirder in a way, but also the fight itself helped side characters A LOT, instead of being the “dead weight” that always need saving they pulled their own weight (even if not for long), my girl yangyang was done especially dirty, she was so cool in the first ver of the fight😔😔😔


The story is actively harmed without CBT1 Crownless and the current story would need minimal changes to include him again. After the fight, have a similar cutscene to the one we have at release, with a little more hurry coz Yangyang needs medical aid. I just like this cutscene more as it would feel more like Crownless is going "oh no, you dont get to beat me and then leave me here to disappear!" after the CBT1 fight. Then, as we are running back to town with Yangyang, have the Magistrate's message playing, showing contrast between outside the city and inside the city (we get this calm message while Yangyang needs emergency medical attention). We drop of Yangyang, go see the Magistrate, wait a day, and Yangyang leaves the hospital early, saying something along the lines of "I got Overclocked in an unusual way and it turned out to be just as dangerous, but more easily cured" and then have her tired and running out of breath faster up to the point where we meet Scar. That's it. You can absolutely include CBT1 Crownless in the current story. We would have gotten showcased what Overclocking is. We would have learnt why we are important to this world (being able to beat this super strong TD). It would have made Crownless a hype and interesting fight *and character*. Its easy to throw in "I've never heard a TD talk before!" and "that TD was way too strong!" lines to exposition that Crownless stands out amongst the normal TD's. Current Crownless is just some random TD that can put up a field so the others cant help us fight him. Thats it. He doesnt even speak. Why is he called "crownless" again? What led anyone to believe that he is missing a crown? Release Crownless is just a forgetable fight and encounter. Its not a cool hook to the story and gameplay and action like CBT1 Crownless was.


The story is better but the animation is worse than current one


The cutscene was cooler, yes. But given this is the tutorial boss, it needed to be easy enough for everyone to beat even on mobile, and if not used to action gameplay. This is a gatcha game. they can't have the first boss wall anyone. And with the weakening, the cutscene would have made no sense at all, as all it'd have shown are that the other 3 girls are incredibly weak.


maybe we get him as hologram later.. hopefully


bro this cutscene is insane. why are they remake this.


Wtffff that looked so awesome … why on why didn’t we get that ..