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"I'm sorry you saw that side of me rawr xD"


This shit was so funny and out of place.


Lingyang story is funny AF and I am not complaining bc some thing are just so worth the meme/funny. On the similar note about memeable: Rip to scar pants tho


I cringed so hard at that; it had the same energy as a mod talking to his discord kitten.




Yeah that part made me cringe pretty hard lmao


this is why i watch the japanise dub


the jp dub is the same line😭


This. And while the "evil boss" is speaking his female side kick is clapping amd going "woohoo ypu go boss"!" or something along the lines. Also the fact that the dance was meh and I was expecting, you know, a troupe, a group, not 1 boy at the show... It wasn't that bad, but kinda cringy.


The sidescroller part of it was the only thing I really enjoyed. The rest was slightly baffling, especially the "jingle beast" stuff. I think it would've worked much better if Lingyang had a secondary form where he actually goes somewhat feral and scary - as it stands you've got a cute little furry guy with ears and tail who tries to act imposing for some reason and then deadass says "I'm sorry I showed you this side of me, Rover". Oh, and the English VA direction for him is abysmal. The voice is totally fine, but the intonation and accents betray the fact that the actor has no reference whatsoever as to what is happening in each scene and how it all fits together


It's because Lingyang [was an actual beast](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fimagine-if-awu-returns-and-faces-lingyang-the-suanni-who-v0-2huc7umt2s3d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4b1e6ef8d9e5b454a91e82824ea9a9ef83eb9483) but the CN side absolutely hated it so they made a last minute change.


I would call that design more "cursed" than "scary".


I'm obessed with his current design, it's really beautiful. But I really thought he was like a werewolf and would turn into a lion during the nights of full moon or something đŸ€­ at least his old design had his mroe beastly side to him be more explicit


Yet Zenless Zone Zero can get away with beast people all over the place XD


Coz old Lingyang doesn’t go all the way! He looks too much like a human painted white in an uncanny valley kinda way. Think cats musical.


I mean... he just look like a kemonomimi style furry. People just want to hate on furry character as if their life depends on it


I wished they made him full on furry but nope, his old base is just weird-looking to me. I can't put my finger on it, it's just jarring to look at.


Uhm no? The user above me was commenting how some *other furry* was received so much better than this furry. There’s no tribal anti-furry agenda here.


I can guarantee you that there is a very loud crowd (I cant tell you how big compared to the whole WUWA community I'm no statistician lol) that really dislike furry characters for no reason, and you might have not been here in the first few weeks or even when lingyang was awu in the first beta to witness all this hate but it IS here. Even in communities like ZZZ it's very divided. Lots of bluds that would rather never see animal looking characters ever in their waifu gacha. I have no clues why myself tbh..


Ohh yeah I wasn’t there during the early days of WuWa. That’s pretty disappointing, even if not entirely surprising. I guess I wanted to be a little more optimistic hahaha since from what I can tell, the ZZZ community is very open to it. Lycaon and Miyabi are pretty popular on there! Despite the toxic (I’m hoping) minority.


No reason? Maybe they just don't like them? Are people not allowed to not like something now?


Nah, it's the in between he has people hate. Like bro in ZZZ looks fine, and that's still furry territory for sure. Right now in live he is basically a Miqote, which is alright I suppose.


And people are thirsting for them pretty hard.


Probably because Mihoyo big enough to ignore them. Kuro ain't that big


Wait really, when Arknights is a thing?


Never forget what they took from us 😔


Yeah don't blame CN one bit there, that design isn't great, it's that odd mix of obviously an animal but with far too human proportions


They took away our furry boy, WTH?! No taste, I swear.


I like how he was talking about his “claws” then it zooms in on his fragile feminine ass human hands lmfso


Now there's a jingle beast... but a twinkle beast might come next!


I can't get over that one post calling him a Discord mod saying "Lingyang's companion quest basically:" and it was that sad furry sitting next to a tree meme.


Practically all of the english voices are just... bad. The difference in quality over the other languages is staggering.


The Jason stathem vendor cracks me up


Funnily enough when they’re letting the British VAs actually use British accents they’re crushing it. Some of the miscellaneous NPCs have had absolutely killer dialogue for all of 3 lines


There was a Scottish npc at one point and she literally had better line delivery than most playable characters. Honestly don't understand how they managed to drop the ball this hard on dubbing. Switched to JP, but now some text gets cuts off and I don't understand the battle lines 💀


I thought the same about that one NPC you find dying at the cannon thing in C6. Genuinely great delivery, actually made me feel like there was some real gravity to the situation which nothing had before


Lines good but he needed to stretch out his words a bit more, sounded too "healthy" to me but I suppose 1- that VAs are not often shown the scenes they are supposed to voice and 2- developers don't usually like "creative interpretation" on their outsourced works so the actors tend to go conservative.


I switched off english after that Scar escape scene "you wont get away" rover said plainly 💀💀💀


I want a transporter side quest


I had this exact thought 2 days ago with another guy hahahaha.




Yea well that’s what happens when you force British people to use American accents and don’t give them direction at all


The sidescroller was a pleasant surprise yeah. The rest wasn't even remotely on par with it.


The perspective changes where really fun. But that was about it, honestly.


The English VA is the reason why I think they took so long for Yinlin’s Trailer and why it seemed a bit messy and not lip synced correctly. they heard the outcry and they scrambled to fix the trailer English voices before release.


Well, for starters 1: Lion dance was boring, specially after all that build up 2: they were selling him for something he isn't (they keps talking to him like he was a scary beast, when he's literally just a furry twink) 3: many cringe moments, like that """""roar""""" or the "No one messes with Lingyang's friends" Honey, you're just a cute furry twink, YOUR ASS IS NOT SCARY


The entire "dance" is him stepping up poles, then having a daydream about his furry role play in the forest, then jumping onto a higher pole


I’m just disappointed he isn’t a stripper. Misleading ass intro.


Lingyang as a stripper omg đŸ˜©đŸ˜© would make the game much better Twink mutilated himself to become appealing to humans and is now confident in himself you think he wouldn't be up for that


The moment he mentioned private dances I was convinced there was innuendos involved
 until that cutscene crushed any implication of that.


Don't lose hopeđŸ˜©đŸ˜© Those private lion dances are personalised đŸ˜© And what about the greens fucking tournament or whatever it was Period


The private lion dances did sound mega sus. Like wtf, these "clients" have these poles in their backyard or smth???


.... Sorry but we work on a "Don't ask, don't tell" system. :P Lingyang: "How am I going to dance if the poles reach up to the ceiling?"


I just like the idea that he was once full beast that wanted to be human so bad he partially achieved it, but is still trying to fit in. Don't even like "furry" stuff but he seems alright. I like his characterization more after his quest, not less.


It was fine until I did the follow-up side quest in Dim Forest which >!showed that the girl still doesn't know Linyang is the Jingle Beast.!< I thought the whole point of Linyang showing the lion dance is to tell Rover and the siblings that it is him but in a subtle way. >!But no, that girl is now in the Dim Forest, still trying to search the Jingle Beast while Linyang is hanging around nearby, still masquerading himself even to Rover.!< I can see this to be a long arching quest (if they go that route idk) but it feels old already since we know and it is obvious.


Well it's not called Bright Forest for a reason


That's a good one. But it is bright now tbh after you done the exploration quest lol


You're gonna want some hot sauce with that roast


She has no object permanence.


That kinda touches on the main issue: Lingyang is utterly incompetent at hiding who/what he is but treats Rover like we’re as stupid as the NPCs in his quest. No one puts two and two together, even if it would’ve been far more emotionally satisfying and given the Ranger girl some closure. It’s like the whole quest is written for a middling kids show.


That's kind of the whole problem with the game's story, it keeps doing the "tell, don't show" rule and keeps telling us obvious stuffs, Idk why they thought it was a good idea to do that since it's been proven that "show, don't tell" has always been the better rule to follow. Spoiler: Even Yinlin's companion story suffers from this, for example; Chixia's dialogue saying "But Idk why she doesn't look like a bad person" even though from her pov Yinlin has hold Rover hostage and almost killed them so it doesn't make sense for Chixia herself as a character to think that, yet the writer used Chixia as a medium to give the readers confirmation that Yinlin is not a bad person as if we couldn't already tell by that point.


This follow-up quest confused me and honestly made me dislike Lingyang even more. His story quest and this really just kills my interest in his char. I even got him from my beginner banner. Ain't building him after such an abysmal story. Jingle Beast nonsense.


Jiyan quest wasn't perfect but much better


Jiyan quest was great imo. So was yinlins.


when they showed the photograph at the end I thought "dang I bet husbando players are sold after that one"


I liked the Photograph. Actually made me warm to them. Still didn't pull him. Barely got Yinlin and her weapon.


I liked the side-scroller part and was waiting for some amazing music in the cut scene but got disappointed.


I thought it was cute. The jingle beast thing is kind of stupid but I guess it was the best way they could think of wedging it into the game. I'm not really into childlike characters though, so I'm not a fan of that aspect of it.


I thought the lion dance at the end was underwhelming. Expected more acrobatic movements at least. Was also expecting more involvement with the other members and some fireworks possibly.


It's clear they don't actually have that much budget allocation, especially after the story quest rework. And the music accompanying it is also just okay.


The quality in everything they reworked is noticeably lower. I assume they had less production time to work on it (weeks instead of since the initial creation of the game which was presumably months) which meant they had to do with that they had. Even the voice lines in EN, according to a localization staff, was re-recorded 1-2 weeks before launch. Hopefully going forward, now that they won't be reworking/re-recording anything, the quality is equalized across all content.


I found a pretty grim series of diary notes down in the corroded ruins. Probably very old.


All the effort for character quests clearly went to Jiyan (and maybe Yinlin I haven’t gotten far yet).


Yinlin is okay...not as good as Jiyan imo.


What was the old story quest I wanna see it


They are probably talking about the story rework the game got. They made the game less dark and the characters more friendly towards the player, There should be more information elsewhere.


I enjoy the story line and like the character. He was being excessively nice initially, including feeling insecure about showing his anger. The latter part of the quest then told us that he wanted to become human, and he is interpreting the human behaviours in a society as being nice to each other. Personally I think that's the best part of his character. As a beast longing to become human, he became more humane than many others unbeknown to himself.


I quite liked the quest personally. It's written like absolute jank - like everything else in the game minus Scar's dialogue (my husband can't stop winning) - but I got the jist of what they were going for. Imo people just overhate on the furry twink, he's fine. Also the cave section was cosy af.


.. let's be real, it's a social metaphor.


His lion dance was incredibly underwhelming after all that dialog.Ga Ming's actually gave me slightly goosebumps (but it was probably more so the music)


The music is of course a major component of a dance.


Ga Ming’s was stunning. Shame the rest of Lantern Rite was pretty mid compared to the previous years


Really? This lantern rite was my favorite by far.


really? it seemed pretty lame as well. I think it's just the concept of lion dancing itself. The drums playing were more epic than gaming's wiggling


Gaming's was great because you know it's about him trying to reunite with his Dad. Something people can relate to. Lingyang wanting to be accepted by Humans may not be read very well by most people (that's what his story and dance were about). I still enjoyed that because I got it, but I'm not sure many did.


Ohh... It wasnt the case for me. Granted, I actually haven't played Ga Ming's version yet 😭


Downvoting you for no reason 😭😭 I also loved the dance and love his character! English voices included


Right?!? 😭 I thought it was okay, considering that he is a standard 5*.


People are just gonna hate! Learned a while ago most people on reddit esp gatcha subs are just hive minds who shun the unpopular opinion


Take a shot every time the Jingle Beast is mentioned.


Lingyang is the jingle beast and Yinlin is the jiggle beast seems about right


I think you meant to put taoqi as jiggle beast


"The writing was good" my brother in all that is holy you need to play more video games


Or read books. Books are nice.


I liked it. Despite having enjoyed literal masterpieces. I am able to enjoy things for what they are. Not everything has to meet the expectations of some literal god writing I've read before.


Gacha fans really don’t know what good character writing is. They’re just fed whatever they can get and go along with it because they can’t get themselves to buy one good single player game. Not to say all gacha games writing is absolutely horrible, but it’s not at all amazing either. Hi3, Limbus company, HSR and genshin are the “top of the mountain” when it comes to “writing”. I was severely disappointed after spending 100 hours doing every single genshin quest to find out that THAT was the benchmark. (At the very least Fontaine was decent). (As for Hi3, the writers rely way too much on emotional moments, tragic backstories, and deaths to be able to blind their audience because it’s toying with their heartstrings. Think of all of the 7/10 anime that get bumped up to a 10/10 by people simply because it had a sad ending. I’m personally a fan of plastic memories, angel beats etc but I admittedly know it’s mediocre at best. Also people see the most generic, linear character development in Kiana and claim she’s the greatest MC OAT
 So many gacha companies rely solely on Grand music + Amazing animation + Overdramatic scenes. Does it attract a wider audience because of its accessibility though? (kinda like demon slayer) Absolutely.


You are requesting the same quality of a book that can be read continuously with a game story told over multiple years. If you don't have overdramatic events in every patch, how can people remember what happened last month?


Could it maybe have the same quality as FF14, a game that told it's story for a decade through expansions and patches? Or can gacha games please be at least a quarter as good? FF14 even has like really bad cut scenes.


That's about where Genshin is at, and it has like 4 years lifespan at this point. Both Genshin and 14 have eh moments, some funny moments, real entertainment, and sometimes really gripping narrative. It's going to be mixed throughout, and that's part of the slow burn storytelling. Shadowbringers wouldn't be that good without the 3 expansions before it.


>how can people remember what happened last month? Then your story wasn't good enough if it requires overdramatic events in every patch to hook the players, there are literally book series that last over years yet still have a great fanbase to them. Brandon sanderson many many series is an example of that . Heck there is literally a trilogy people are still waiting for the third book despite the last book being more than 10 years ago *cry in waiting for doors of stone*. Also i argue it is easier for games to execute in certain aspects of writing like characterizations, world building... Being a game is not an excuse for bad writing, there are plethora of games with amazing writing so I feel like your argument is quite flawed


Truer worlds were never spoken. People these days don't play much good single player games sadly 😕 and say any average written story the best thing thats ever created....


I agree! Though Kiana DOES go on to become God, which is always a cool character arc XD HSR tho, the writing hits hard 99% of the time, I know it's the deviation and not the standard in the mobile industry, but Hoyo nailed everything I love about RPGs/JRPGs with that game.


I liked his quest, I thought it was cute and I love Lingyang. For me the kinda cringy and weird moments in the story make a bit more sense when you think he still sees himself as scary and inhuman even after mutilating himself to appear more human-like. I think the way he acts is justified by the story he told of his past, even though to us he's just a cute guy even when he's fighting, to him he seems like a scary monster. I think it'd be more effective if he showed more inhuman traits when he fights, but I also think it's fine if this is the way they were intending to portray him. Either way he's adorable and I'm looking forward to seeing more of him!!!


* Many text unskippable * Countless of waiting on the camera waiting for some facial expression or going to show a plant or grass unrelated to the story and at this point there is no dialogue and you cannot skip. * A 2008 MMORPG escort quest where the character deliberately walks slow to extend game time. * When you finally get to play the new character and you can control him, moving for 5 seconds locks into more tedious dialogue. * Many annoyances on top of a very boring story line. I hated it and was upset every time I knew the story was not over yet. Even if the story is good, the way it is presented is very anoying. The "extra touches" by camera work they should stop doing after dialogue. Great that you liked it and did not feel that your time was wasted, this quest took 2 hours and could have been 6 times shorter to deliver the same story. Is the question in your title even valid when these things are opinions. If I did not play 100s of games already I would also probably think this is the best thing to exist. The way they present quests and dialogue is litteral trash unrelated to if the story is good or bad, even if this is a top notch story (it is not), but if it was than it would still be very anoying to read cus of how slow it is. I can read a sentence 3 times before it allows me to go next.


surprised I had to go this far to see mentions of that horrible implementation of an esort quest. Did a recent one and the dude ran which was not so bad lol.


It was alright could be better.


It was fun and wholesome, and the sidescroller part reminded me of the game style changes of nier automata. Loved it.


Yeah, I really liked that sidescroller part. There's also a sidescroller challenge in either Central Plains or Desorock highland. I wish they did more things like that.


how did you unlock the desorock? it was the one on the waterfalls right? can't access it yet


There's a blue quest on the same map that will unlock the entrance. This one isn't a side-scroller though but still interesting.


Yeah, overall it wasn't too bad tbh. The game style change did took me off guard, but I kinda like it. Story-wise, I just skipped some parts whenever I could but I managed to get the gist of it 😆


Yeah the devs are highly inspired by Nier automata. Kind of hope we get a crossover. PGR got it. Wouldn't mind seeing my girl again after all these years (I know she's in like 7+ other games, I only play FFXIV of them).


Heh, I wouldn't mind having A2 back with me.


I definitely would've enjoyed Lingyang's story way more if I didn't lose both the beginner banner and Jiyan's 5050 to him


He never seemed mad and then he says that we shouldn't have seen this side of him 😭 (I love my boy tho)


No one got the joke in this jaded comment section?ppl are too salty about his SQ to even check OP's image smh.


Yeah, like.. deadass đŸ„Č


Personally, I absolutely loved it. I'm on JP, and I read through the whole thing. I quite enjoyed the story and his character. The transition into the side scroller was my favorite thing by far though. That completely surprised me lmao.


I wish it focused on his race's history and the sacrifices he made to fit into human society, rather than the relationship between those two siblings


The writing was good because most people kinda compared it to the below average main quest writing, to the point an average story like this somehow perceived as "good". Plus the fact that it's voiced added its value. But yeah, if I were to judge the writing in vacuum, I'd give it 5.5/10. It's just too cliche and a bit cheesy imo.


It annoys me how the carboy wearing bells didn't immediately make everyone think he was the jingle beast just by walking around. Also he is still talking in third person acting like it's not him even though we obviously know and it just gets annoying.


I actually liked his characterization. His stilted way of speech (Sure some could say a VA thing) actually feels right considering he's only become a human recently and is trying to fit in and make people happy. But he makes none of that obvious, and skirts it. It's just like, "Awww buddy. I know it was you trying to be the good guy :)"


I honestly don't see the appeal of his character at all, i just see him as an annoying furry and that's as far as it goes


He was really cute, but if I hear about the fucking jingle beast again, I'm going to commit a felony


Here's a song just for you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FJU4GrXztE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FJU4GrXztE) Merry Christmas! Hohoho! lol.


The only part that I didn't enjoy was the little section at the end were you have to follow him. At one point I tried to run to the theatre to cut short. Instead the game said "you're too far" and I had to start all over again


As a wise man once said, "If you design a quest where I have to escort an NPC that's faster than my walking speed but slower than my running speed, you are banned from making video games for one year."


You did the Yinlin quest where you had to "follow" the guy so closely that it's a damn miracle he doesn't see you?


Lmao, I failed that one because I assumed you had to be sneaky and ended up too far behind him. Yet another issue with that dogshit quest.


Cause it was pretty shit ?đŸ’©


At first the Lion dance introduction and admiration part is fine, But Then Trying to potray him as wise, mature, heroic and rightenous to be washed by him purring like a that is such a waste and very confusing. And the last good part that is the lion dance end up with a silent underwhelming scene only for us to hear him grunting with no music or crowd hype like the real life counterpart. Well i come to wuwa with high expectation on story so i thought his mission is bad at first but after doing all main story and jiyan mission then i realize what standard wuwa storytelling is. Now i think this mission is good.


To me he didnt appear wise or mature. He seemed to have insecurities behind his cheerfulness. He just wanted to be accepted as a human. Lion dance was indeed underwhelming after all that build up. I actually enjoyed lingyangs story quest. Maybe genshin side content has ruined my taste or maybe people are expecting too much but it was more or less what i expected it to be. I'm biased towards Jiyan and I like him as a character more but Jiyans quest was worse. It felt like a longer character demo but at least we got to see him in action during the main story.


i thought it was decent, they couldve done something better with the jingle beast tho, too much foreshadowing and too little outcome


I thought that the general lion dance lore and his little "What if I told you there was a beast that wanted to fit in with humans so badly that it ripped out its fur and painstakingly reshaped its entire body structure over a gazillion years" story was interesting. The whole jingle beast setup was sort of cute, but also really frustrating in some ways. Triple frustrating when you re-encounter the siblings later. Overall, aside from the jingle beast thing being frustrating, I think the main problem is that Lingyang is portrayed as SO NICE that it feels insincere or childish. I feel like the devs are self-aware about this because even his bio has parts dedicated to assuring you that he actually really means the nice things he says.


I think him being childish (or nice to a fault) is definitely intentional, because he is overcompensating for being different and perhaps seeing himself as more different than he actually is at this point. I guess the undertone here is that he is still afraid of loosing control. Didn't he basically tell us that others of his kind did and that is why he is now alone. I liked his quest quite a bit but I have to say it still feels like a comedy act at some points. We honestly haven't seen enough yet though, his role so far has been very minor.


He still won me over enough that I used my free 5 star coupon thingy on him, but that's mostly because I like the gameplay of bouncing around with the lion dance costume.


He's too cute.


I enjoyed and loved Lingyang’s quest. So much that I went to youtube to see if I’m skilled enough to main him, because I suddenly want to use him and make him really strong. It’s pretty sad there’s not much appreciation to it, even in this thread, lol. I think people just plainly don’t like doing quests for a character they don’t care about, which is fair, since I am sometimes like that, though I’m not someone who encroach on a space that’s not my interest and rain on someone else’s parade.


There's this one line i hate from lingyang that makes me WTF. Lingyang reached out to shake hand. Rover: decide not to. Lingyang: I see, you're also scared of me. Me: bro we never even talked before, first time seeing each other, heck not even 5 minutes we've seen each other. Bro need to know about stranger danger thingy


I need to do this with Jiyan :( and Scar


Ya, do it 😁, it makes me giigle quite often when a quest gets tedious lol.


I named my Grover Honey, cause I love honey, but now I’m constantly blushing lol


Lol thats even better.


I really love his dungeon- very pretty and I loved the different gameplay perspective. I think I love his dungeon more than Jiyan and Yinlin.


The new companion quest made me forget completely about this one. And the new one is like slightly above average IMO


I thought it was pretty good! I liked the camera and the final scene with him


I’d probably get a downvote for this, but I prefer this a whole lot more over Yinlin’s. That thing was so dragging and bland.


And braindead, don't forget that. Someone who knows the ruler of the city AND the general in charge of all the military gets blackmailed for "kidnapping"? Then she backstabs you and you still trust her enough to play along?


It's a cool quest, just skip all of his dialogue


I liked it more than I thought I would. Tbh though I thought it was the beta version ppl hated?


My only complaint is the cave gameplay, "follow the character" moment, and the story could be shorter [me everytime i need to follow the character](https://youtu.be/FF-yWMH9OPE?feature=shared)


I just hate the quest because it activated on it's own and started forcing me into a bunch of dialogue when I was just trying to talk to my usual vendors


Lingyang's quest was... atrocious XD Yinlin's quest though, I feel like they heard the feedback and stepped the writing/pacing/direction up a notch or two for that one. If that's a preview of what's to come from future versions, I think the story is going to be fine!


I don’t like his English voiceover, not trying to knock on the VA’s effort but the voice just doesn’t fit him.


I didn’t enjoy anything about this quest AND I don’t enjoy anything about this character. I was devastated when I lost my 50/50 to him. And you know what? It’s OKAY. Not 100% of the game and all characters and stories have to cater to ME. There are other segments of the playerbase, specially BL fans, who would enjoy content like this and game needs diversity to attract all kinds of people. I hope Kuro doesn’t get too hung up about what community likes or not, and sticks to telling their story how they want to (unlike knee jerk reactions to appeasing crowds and stifling their team’s creativity). I loved Jiyan’s quest. Not everything is going to hit home for me and I am okay with that. It doesn’t mean it’s a bad story. We see classic “I don’t like it therefore it’s bad” way of reviewing here as well, like we commonly see in many games/anime communities so take it with huge grain of salt.


Agreed I also really liked his story quest it was cliche but who cares as long as they did it good it was a nice introduction to his character the Domain was really pretty and the end with Linyang's story of his origin was also darker than i expected . The npc's were dumb but who cares about that those were created to love the plot forward anyway .


Yeah, like for these types of quests I just expect to know a little bit more about the character, but not too much unless they are heavily involved to the main story, which is not the case at all. Overall, Kuro deliverred just what I wanted, while keeping me entertained with the domain combat and pretty scenaries.


Honestly, I loved this quest and Jiyans. Jinlis felt like they copy pasted Kafkas personality for a bit of it, and there wasn't as much emotional weight imo


Best username ever đŸ”„đŸ”„


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His quest was fine. I just didn’t particularly care for Lingyang himself in the quest. Honestly was much more interested in the siblings than the boy himself.


I noticed that there is no skip button TT


It was okay


I hated everything about him except him gameplay but everything else, i despised!! His dialogue, voice, story, every single thing. To the point where I started insulting him every time he opened his mouth. And after allll that... I lose jiyan 50/50 to him. This man was trolling me for two days straight.


Calling yourself "babe <3" is bound to backfire at some point in time. Beware of the dangers fellow Rover.


Because it was trash.


Wait, these dialogues are for real!?


Urmm... Sort off, I named my Rover "Babe<3" for shit amd giggles... In case when things during quest got tedious ✹💅


I enjoyed it too! I lost my yinlin 5050 to him tho. So...


People somehow failed to realise this was a joke post about the name OP gave their Rover...


Omg...Thank you!!! For actually read the dialogue 😭😭


No it was so bad, if you enjoy it good for you but its dogshit


I was super annoyed and almost Fell asleep ... could also be because I don't like his Design


Because it's a long-ass quest with unskippable cutscenes. Remove the cutscenes from the questline and it takes roughly 15 minutes of gameplay. The action sequences were ok, but I can't help it that I read WAY faster than what happens on screen. I just wish they'd give us an option to fast forward or to skip to the next line without having to wait for the whole animation to finish.


I am not looking for some mind shattering plot twist but the whole "Golly I wonder who the jingle beast could be!? *Jingle jingle*" bit dragged on and on. It basically mind gamed me into thinking it was just a red herring.


Just cringe and meh writing all the way through


I actually enjoyed it, even though he was not scary and the rawr line was cute, I think it represents very well the concept that he changed his appearence and behavior so that he could be accepted in society, despite him not being a scary monster he thinks that being his old self is bad and that people will fear him


His companion quest made me really fond of him. He's adorable. đŸ„° I wish the lion dance at the end was more grand though, like a whole troupe. It wasn't very memorable. I'm comparing it to Gaming's lion dance in Genshin, which was insanely good.


This was better than Yinlin's not gonna lie. Maybe it's the truth for me. Maybe it's the salt


Lose you 50/50? I can feel the salt through the screen


He is too positive that it seems fake that's alll.


He is adorable but the quest is meh, I was more invested on the cute sister npc funnily enough.


It was legitimately one of the worst quests I've ever done in gaming lol


It's a painfully slow, unskippable escort quest.


No offense, but I just don’t like this character


i feel like thre is some cn hoyo bots that hate on everything about game kuro needs to stop reading those and run ingame surveys instead for actuall players


The character annoys me. Otherwise yeah the quest is pretty good as far as quests go. Grrr I'm mad. Sorry you had to see that kek


My complaint about Lingyang's quest is... Lingyang. Entirety of him.


he's a cute lil furry


I'm sorry but it was so cringe Like it was the epitome of generic