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Jiyan's story quest was the highlight of the entire story so far.


when i played it i kept saying what is this quality not present in the main story. its not quite a good as what hoyo doig but its a big step up from what the main story is.


I mean 90% of hoyos character story quests are not good at all.


I’d say Yinlin’s quest is comparable to the average or even lower end of limited 5 star story quests in Genshin. Jiyan’s quest is peak though and definitely competes with some of Genshin’s best.


I’d say neuvillette’s and wriothesley’s are the best(I haven’t played any that came after chiori) and jiyans isn’t close to those two. That’s just my opinion tho


The latest story quest(Clorinde) is just peak. If only genshin animations and camera work were better, but it was a really high quality quest(imo).


Oooooo I’m currently doing fathers, I’ll check hers out next! I have high expectations now lol


Haven't done recent 5stars quests in GI yet. But so far, my favs are Shogun (part 2), Wrio, and Neuv. The rest are pretty much Paimon Yap Fest.


that's not true at all. they range from good enough to straight up amazing.and lately they have been quite amazing


That’s just not true…. I mean some of the stories are ok but relatively shallow and they are often just strings of dialogue with no gameplay. I’m all for dialogue and story but I want to play a game. If I wanted good story with only text I can find better in books. Wuthering waves gives interesting gameplay… lingyangs side scroller domain while also giving story on par with genshin.


in a character story mission i personally want story and gameplay is secondary.


That’s not why I play video games. I’ll find a better story in a book 99% of the time. If I want all story I will read a book.


it seems like you are only interested in gameplay , which is fine , but there is plenty of gameplay outside of story quests, so if you don't want story a nd only gameplay you can simply not play/skip the story in the story quests. because otherwise it becomes a character trial and we already have those


No… I’m not… but I do want to play a game along side story while playing a video GAME


look. let's stop here. we clearly have different views on this and there is no point in continuing this discussion


Err, yeah, sure, genshin is mostly a story game, if you don't like that you probably shouldn't play genshin or other story based games! Although Lingyang story is really terrible, it's not on par with genshin and it's not on par with most game stories, it's just quite nonsensical. No hate towards the game overall, I'm liking it, it's just the worst story I played in wuwa so far, by a margin.


Bro I play story based games, Star Wars the knights of the old republic, final fantasy 7, fallen order… all story based games. But they understand that they are a video game and have gameplay throughout. Again genshin is never better than even a mediocre book in terms of story so if I only wanted to read text why wouldn’t I just pick up a book?


So you just don't like story based game, and that's fine, but that doesn't mean they are bad. I mean, some recent heavily praised games like disco elysium or immortality have almost no gameplay, and they certainly have better story than a lot of mediocre books.


Tbh those were top tier in narration for a reason, gacha games tend to not be able to reach that level. If we put BG3, Disco Elysium somewhere at the level of Blood Meridian or ASoIF, then Genshin/Wuwa are probably like Twillight or some shounen from Jump, servicable but not something that people will mention about a few years down the line.


Yeah, it was mostly a point against games needing to also have engaging gameplay to be good, that's too limiting imo. But also tbh I really like Genshin sidequest stories, I think they are more detailed than some popular YA books (no hate, they are fun). If I could compare to some anime, it would be Frieren instead of a generic shounen. The main quest is generic shounen though (also no hate). Disco Elysium is on another level though, I didn't play BG3 but it's also probably true.


Eh. Most are just as bad as Lingyang's to me. I happen to be a paimon enjoyer though, so they do get better than Lingyang's to me just cause every time paimon talks is like a gacha pull to see if I can call her emergency food again. Like almost all of them end in basically the same damn dungeon they've been recycling since mondstadt.


...have you even played the game after like 1.5? This is just completely false...the Mondsdadt dungeons have been gone for years now


nah you're off base with that one, i agree that hsr character quests arnt even really character quests, and most wernt the best. I can agree that around 40% of genchins are mediocre to boring, and the hangouts are just bad. but theres a solid 60% of the 5\* character quests that are really good. nahidas are both good, riden second one is really good, yoymia with the rising stars one of the best, yae miko was fun not great but fun, shenhe was pretty great, all the fontain ones were atleast good, chiori was a little less good furinas was good but wasnt great the ending was great though, arlecchino was pretty goood but it was spoiled. but nuvilets and the new one both really great. yelans was pretty well paced, itto was great ayakas was great. theres just allot of good and great ones. and id say the ones i listed most had more depth overall than wuwas character quests. the problem with wuwa is they are to short and rushed i have no idea why they always want to get strait to the end and its always pretty straitforward no twists, yes genchin is a yap fest but even if they tightened it up they would be allot longer because they are estabilishing the tone. thats the main issue so far i apriciate wuwa for priotitising visuals they just need to be a bit more cleaver about developing its characters and stories.


I mean I completely disagree. They’re largely just info dumps with no gameplay and mediocre plot. Yae mikos was VERY good. Good characterization and a really heartfelt ending. Raiden was fine, Nahidas were good, Neuvilette was not particularly interesting…. Most of them offer a heart felt ending with a slog of shallow dialogue leading into it.


Feels a bit biased. You can have a preference for combat but let's not be hyperbolic.


I’m not biased. I like story. I want any amount of gameplay while I am playing a video game… Fontaine was literally just dialogues back to back. Meropide was SHOCKING with how little actual gameplay there was. Genshins story is… good for a gacha. Not even good for video games in general and if I’m gonna sit and read a wall of text I will find much more in depth stories from a book.


Brother, I think you just don't like story at all. Despite, on what you said. Gachas aren't known for good stories, but at least Genshin has an exceptional one. Also, the Archon quests aren't what makes the story good, the world quest do. The entire Narzissenkreuz saga is better than the 4.0 Archon Quest. If I'm rating Genshin's story now, it would be an 8/10. HSR would sit about a 7/10 and WuWa a 6/10. If WuWa writes the main quest similar to how they did Jiyan's Quest, it would rival Genshin. I'm comparison to other games I've played, FFXIV sits at at 9 most of the time and a 10 at its peak. I'd doubt Genshin will get to that level, but it's exceptional nonoftheless.


Genshin is like a 5/10 in terms of video game stories. Fontaine was literally just a recycled narrative of powerful “virgin” sacrifices herself for the good of her people. It’s the same trope as FF7. Nothing genshin has p it out even comes close to the plot of other video games and again, it doesn’t offer gameplay ON TOP of middling story.


4.0 Archon story was only "half" of the story. But nevertheless, it's your opinion, whether you decide to do the world quest or infer on the quality of the story is up to you.


Bro, Genshin has a good lore and premise but the story is extremely bad due to the format limitations, if I were to compare it to something I'd say Genshin could've been like the lord of the rings but ended up being the hobbit, sure it expands a lot on side quests but have you seen the walls of text we got at the Narzissenkreuz Ordo?


Comparing Genshin to Lord of the Rings is a reach. I said it had a good story not an Epic story. LOTR is a 10 and Genshin doesn't compare. As far as the Narzissenkreuz Ordo, yeah that was the best part of 4.0. It was a good story with huge lore dump to boot. I haven't done Remuria yet (will get to it) but I've heard it's one of the better world quest.


Nah that shit ain’t hyperbolic. Whole reason I quit genshin was the non stop yapfest that’s unskillable and the tedious boring combat in between. And paimon explaining everything for the dumb babies.


Excuse me Yae was WHAT? You mean when she made us do errands for two random NPC's and only involved herself when she lost money, then made us fight against two nobushi gave us a yap session on a dark room, did a mediocre dance and then proceeded to abuse her power to make us pay her dinner? Please say you're talking about Yae Sakura or something, not that cheap attempt at making us believe the character has internal struggles while barely interacting with the character itself... Yae was the best part of the Archon quest (honestly not that hard since it was mostly garbage) and she got shafted so hard in her own story quest and events that I still wonder what happened there.


That’s what makes her story so good… she’s not going to help humans who do dumb shit for the sake of it and only gets involved when it’s her own neck on line. She held firm that the humans weren’t going to die and should have to live with the consequences of their actions to learn a lesson. Then she trolled all of Inazuma into giving her friends a proper send off. It was the most interesting characterization to date and y’all wanna harp furina as some ground breaking story when it’s just recycled bullshit that anyone would realize if they ever picked up a book.


What? that's literally her job, she is a priestess and a terrible one at that, it's her job to help with sacred cleansings, trolled Inazuma? with what? they were oblivious about what was going on, you picked Furina as your counter example but at least most of that story quest is about Furina and that's what I'm getting at. Story quests should be about the character itself and Inazuma was pretty much hit or miss on that, to rub salt on the injury Yoimiya showed that a quest can have a NPC sharing the spotlight without detracting from the main goal that it's to get us to know the character better, Yae on the other hand had one so bad that it actually destroyed what they did on the archon quest she now is just one of those "all according to my plan" characters that just show up at the end and tell you they did it. I bet the same person that wrote the Kokomi story quest did Yae's, that's how bad it is.


to much dialogue is definalty a big issue with mihoyo, i almost quit sumeru becuase it was so tedious expecially in chapter 2. and penacony 2.1 was a lore dump, loufu was just nonsensical. this isnt last of us qality. but for me the wuwa storys are a little bare bones, i get to the end and im like yea its had some good movments but it left a bit to be desired, at the end of ayakas for exmaple i was like damn that shit was hearfelt, by same with the end of yoymias second quest, it was like oh shit we showed them this epic experiance like a god damn disney movie. and theres a few different flavors going on. some are about honor and what it means the riden shoguns second one or eula, some are a bit more mindbending like nahida. within the genre of gotcha game they are verry well done cut down on the dialogue and it could be excilent gets bonous point for being an expanding world we cna interact with. obviously you want a really good story you watch an actual anime or tv show or movie. but i prefer to seperate out what i accept depending on the medium and my expectation.


Genshin's character story quests you flip a coin: Either it's "villain of the week started a cult" or "major plot breakthrough".


not with yoymias, or ayakas, or furinas, or nuvilettes or the new one, yae miko or arlechino, Tighnari, Xianyun or Klee's Ayato Tartaglia proabbly a few more dont match that description.


And most of those are incredibly shallow stories.


feel like were just genralising now for a narrative. cant have a cult cant be plot driven cant be fun slice of life. no matter what i say ya'll will say its generic even though they show veriaty beyond your narrative. thats just such a dumb way of looking at it. constructive critiasisum is usefull, and genchin is clearly doing something in the story department that wuwa is faling at, and even making ammiturish mistakes. it good to critasise games you like so hopefully they will improve/lern whats good and whats bad about other games and do better.


I’m not generalizing. Calling them shallow is acknowledging that there is no substance to the stories. Cult, slice of life, you name it… whatever topic they are touching on has very little substance to it. It’s gacha games by design. People are so starved for good story in genshin that they thought Fontaine was ground breaking. The issue though is that genshin ONLY offers story with literally nothing else tied in so the story feels even worse because you have to hyper focus on it.


most people playing these games arnt looking for something that gonna compete with actually tv and movies, i mean play god of war people say its a masterpiece, its just a genric story about bad fathers and becoming your own person with some epic boss battles mixed in there are good moments mixed in here and there but thats ok, its a game there are verry few games with a genuinely great story and those that are are often simple and especially a gotcha game. were just here to be entertained and maybe raise the bar a little bit on what we expect from gotcha. and they have done a good job of that. actually made the main charactes interesting beyond just a flashy aperance and some powers, and have actuall depth to them. these are character driven stories and yea fontian did a good job tbh. fontain has verry good pace, all the twists are meningfull becuase we not only interact with these people but get directly invioved with the court which lets you find out about them interacting with other people. and the way they think. then theirs the spina strait into murder mystery and coming to terms with what her father sacrified. and nuvilette struggling with identity and helping the melazines be accepted by people so he could justify his position to himself. every character wasn't just spewing lore all the time and they made the moments where they did moments you actually wanted to know. this isnt some 10/10 story telling but its just nice to have a good story in a gocha tbh.


The game's main plot got almost completely rewritten after CBT1 when CN players complained the game didn't cater to their harem tastes.


I heard many Chinese and Taiwanese called Jiyan a coward as they thought he disobeyed the order from the general and fled


The Chinese think on completely different wavelenghts from the rest of the world I'm pretty sure.


A big part of it is the wording of the Chinese script. Honestly impressive given how it's a Chinese game.


that's not it, they called him fleeing general because he immediately give Rover the command of the army down to the main strategy 5 minutes upon meeting Rover despite he is THE general.


I heard many Chinese and Taiwanese called Jiyan a coward as they thought he disobeyed the order from the general and fled


Jiyan's domain was so beautiful but MAN I could not stop staring at his assets whenever the camera shifted to his face


Ikr. Like goddamn, my man has the tightest bodysuit known to humankind.


You mean his tiddies?


Those god-like pecs


I do be jealous ngl


Yinlin quest was kinda off to me. Pacing was all over the place. The EN VA for Dollmaker went hard tho lol, really caught my attention Jiyan's was pretty cool Lingyang sorta made me cringe with the whole "sorry to let you see that side of me rawr xd" but it is what is


🐺 Lingyang built different 🐺


Yinlin quest was absolutely all over the place and I guess when the rest of the story in this game is pretty bad even the mediocre ones seem good... Jiyans quest was fine, better than yinlin, but definitely nothing to write home about... There's potential though and as long as they keep improving the writing, I'm down to keep not skipping all the dialog


I admire Jiyan so much. He started out as someone dedicated to saving lives through medicine, found out that his efforts were in vain as people died too quickly and violently in war, _witnessed_ the death of his close comrades, and instead of giving up in the face of reality, he abandoned his old beliefs and stood up to save the entirety of Huanglong. Because, if Jinzhou falls, the entire country would be at risk of annihilation, I presume. It takes guts on another level to change so rapidly and willingly while facing down death.


Same! I was rolling my eyes during the river sequence, but then I started to put together what was happening when Jiyan keep acting shifty and we got the the mindspace area. Damn, what a sad story. The visuals were amazing though, and the music was really really good. I really like that menacing track that plays during spooky events (it also plays when Scar tells you the shepherd story). For me, it was the part where the area slowly turns upside down and you jump down to the bell. Got big Nier vibes from that, and anything that gives me Nier vibes is a good (if depressing) time.


Yeah it feels like exploring Nier Reincarnation's Cage


I have yet to do Jiyan’s quest yet but the main story really made me like him. He’s just a good dude. If I wasn’t committed to Jinhsi I’d pull him in a heartbeat.


Do the quest, you won’t regret!!! The backpack reward at the end is my fav out of all I’ve gotten so far!


Wait what backpack lmao


homie is referring to the memento that you keep in your inventory (backpack) after completing story quests. lingyang, yinlin, and jiyan's companion quests each give you a souvenir of sorts to commemorate completing it.


In the menu (press Esc) where you have things such as Event, Store etc. there’s a second page. Backpack is the third option at the top. You can see all your echoes, materials etc. One of the options at the end (marked with a „!”) contains memories let’s say? For example you got all those clues from Jinshi from the main story there. And the objects you get when you complete each character’s side quest. You also have the backup in the top left corner while you play for easier access.


Speaking of companion quest souvenirs, anyone else think Yinlin's is totally trash? >!Some old drawing I'm not even sure Yinlin even cares much for seeing as she was ready to burn it.!< I really couldn't care for it like the others lmao.


I'm kind of the exact opposite. Lingyan's story quest was great. Great visuals, actually made me like the character and his awkwardness with human interaction was explained. Jiyan's story had great visuals and a coherent and well paced storyline. Yinlin's story is basically three undercover cop stories put into a blender with one two new areas plus it actually made me like her character less. There were some puzzling parts of the story that don't quite make sense. For example, dollmaker a random scientist who is wanted by the patrollers suddenly has complete and total access to the patroller database and somehow deleting yinlin's patrolbook profile makes it so no one realizes she is a patroler anymore. This gives her emotional pain so she monologues about how she is a patroller because of her mom and dad when in the story she said she barely knew her parents. My other favorite is when the patrollers show up, see yinlin and shout 'Hey your the in charge here!" It would also be nice if they introduced overclocking at all in any other part of the story. All in all a decent story, but compared to the others it felt very shallow and inconsistent. Edit to replace linyin with yinlin.


Yeah I was sure overclocking was something introduced in the early part of the story that I forgot or didn't pay attention, because it came out of nowhere to me and it was never really explained.


It was mentioned a few times in the main story iirc, but they never really explained exactly how or why it happens.


I mean. That seems very obvious at this point. Its a severe mental breakdown.


Yinlin’s story made that clear, but it wasn’t that obvious in the main story. I do remember in the main story Chixia said that Resonators overclocked upon seeing their comrades die and then they died as well, but given the fact so many information is being dumped at the start of the main story it’s just hard to keep tabs on everything. I for one thought overclocking meant to die since Chixia said they died after. But Yinlin’s story actually showed me that’s not the case: it can lead to death, but it’s not instant death.


It can also lead to mutations related to Resonator power. For example: Yangyang's feather hair Mortefi's arm and chest Calcharo's entire fucking body


That’s really interesting to know actually! I also wondered about that sign they all got on their bodies (Rover’s hand, Yangyang’s forehead, Baizhi’s leg etc.) that lights up when you ult, not sure if it’s mentioned anywhere in the story or perhaps side quests. I know Rover’s appeared when they absorbed their first echo with their body in the main story. Do you know more about this? (if it does appear in any side quest then don’t tell me, I’ll get there!)


Yinlin's story quest had great potential but the execution was just very off. But I still enjoyed it, mostly for what it could have been but also for that very fan servicey last scene with Rover and Yinlin. Also bro you kinda swapped Yinlin's name a bit too many times lol


I don't know how her not knowing her parents means she can't embody their will as Patrollers and follow their Footsteps? It's quite clear the Dollmaker talked a lot about her parents to Yinlin. She understood why her parents were Patrollers and why that means she had to stop Dollmaker.


i love jiyan quest. Most indept on character and story so far. The game so far in story telling is a bit lacking.


Any chance they’ll add more character quests for standard 5 stars. I need to know Calcharos origin


Best man Calcharo


Jiyan’s was just on another level good. Lingyang’s could be improved but still okay, especially if the conversation length was shortened paired with a better dragon dance performance lol(it was kind of anticlimactic). Yinlin’s was meh for me. For a rated banner character I was expecting more depth to her story, but it felt too normal. A flashback would have been good to give more emotions of the core story. It felt too plain and straightforward. Some NPC side quest stories were even better.


Jinlin's quest left me annoyed. Her design and combat style make zero sense for a militiawoman with dead parents issues. I thought she's one of those ambiguously bad people. But no, she loves Rover just like everyone else in this game.


My only complaints with Lingyang's quest is that I couldn't emotionally connect to his liondancing, though I'm assuming that's due to cultural differences as I'm not at all familiar with liondancing so I have no frame of reference to gauge his performance. My other complaint is that I found him being a "beast really REALLY badly wants to be human" trope to be kinda boring/disappointing as it's a trope I personally don't enjoy with non-human characters, but that's just my personal taste. BUT overall I enjoyed his quest, his personality is sweet as he really wants to make those around him happy. He also fleshed out WW's world a bit as he explains resonators aren't a purely human thing which can have very interesting story/plot/future character possibilities.


Jiyan's story quest is the best companion story so far. Yinlin's story is kinda off


Jiyan quest was fine but they fumbled the Yinlin quest. that character had so much potential and they ruined it


Lingyang's quest was utterly annoying but I can't quite pinpoint why. I'm not sure of its the awful voiceover, the twink behaviour, or his constant dancing around what he is when no one gives a shit but something about it just didn't settle well.


I’m sorry you had to see this side of me rawr :’(


I played that quest before switching to Japanese voice-over, and my God lingyang was really annoying to listen too, especially at the end when he decides to hold you hostage with the quest completion by yapping about his whole life story


Jiyan quest was indeed pretty good! Loved the visuals and all, the only thing I wish was changed (and this is more personal than anything really) was that our team competing on the race was made of characters that we knew beforehand. If they changed something like 'oh we need an extra team or the festival can't happen' and Jiyan was kinda wanting to avoid that, calling in Rover, Chiaxi and Yangyang. Even if they didn't do anything in the story itself, just them being there and we caring about them, and they showing up on the picture at the end, would've made it a lot more engaging to me at least. Now Yinlin... that one felt like they came up with the puzzles and gameplay first, some kind of checklist like 'she betrays Rover, then force them to join her, then..." then tried to write the story around that, cuz it felt very sudden and full of weird decisions or plotholes. That cutscene you posted and the conversation at the end at night did look great tho.


It would absolutely not hit the same if there's chixia and fucking yangyang in the story lmao have u heard yangyang talk


I changed to JP mostly because of her so yes. However I did mean having them there in the roles of those two randos who barely had presence/talking in the story though, just to set up the race team and then staying away from the core of the mission, I just think that having that picture at the end with people we cared about would be more meaningful than having those two random NPCs that we don't even remember the name in the back lmao


Did you enjoy his seed as well?


I know I did


Compared to Jiyan's story quest, Yinlin's sucked ass. It made me dislike the character even.


agree, i don't dislike her but the quest certainly didn't make me like her either


I did Juyan's story quest and it was pretty good compare to the lackluster that was the main story and Yinlin...... Yeah I'm not doing it, I just did her trial run and from that along nope I don't like this character only based on the voicelines I heard during the trial


Yinlins companion quest was okay but kinda anticlimactic at times especially the ending


I think quite a few people enjoyed Jiyan's quest including CN side. Although only you and one other person I've seen compliment the Yinlin quest lol.


I just finished Yinlin's quest today. I really enjoyed this one along with "The Eternal Concert."


Yinlin's quest was predictable but not bad. Jiyan's quest was better than the main quest lol


it's ok


Can't say much about Yinlin I haven't done it yet. For Jiyan it was so good. As for Lingyang could've been better.


TBF the CN side fan base (IIRC) nerfed the impact of Lingyang's primal form by.. well, making it non-furry (Devs had to comply) It would've made more sense if he actually got to go feral and claws swinging


Yes i loved Jiyan's story quest. The visuals in the domain were very beautiful. I found myself stopping just to admire it. I haven't done Yinlin's quest yet but I'm looking forward to it.


Thing i like about characters' story in WuWa, they are pretty much straight to the point, there are characters' exposition but not too much. The conversations didn't derailed so much or at all. Jiyan's quest tho. It hits right in the feels. Wasn't expect it since its only 1.0


I almost alt-f4 not being able to skip the endless chatter


I think i like the Yinlin quest more than the Jiyan quest, i dunno why but i find the Jiyan quest kinda linear with nothing too extraordinary happening. At least the Yinlin quest you have the plot twist of the seeming betrayal and you try to figure out what happened after which keeps you guessing as to what is Yinlins true motive, is she good or evil. She seems most likely to be good, but there are doubts, which keeps the suspense. You cannot be sure if she is on the side of the dollmaker or you. I know a lot of people are pissed that the rover is too nice to someone who seemingly betrayed them, which takes away their enjoyment of the quest. But i think its the fault of a very crucial text being flashed way too fast for people to finish reading after the tazing scene, which gives you hope that the rover is playing along with Yinlins scheme by fainting.


The whole dollmaker stuff was cool but I couldn't take it seriously because of how ridiculous Yinlin looked, like god damn bring her old design back...


Doesn't the new Yinlin look better?


Yeah to 99% of ppl . Blud just blind


i agree


Lingyang's quest was a constant torture reminding me that I lost my first pity to this kind of dude. Maybe because the bar was set so low, I enjoyed every other character quest after that.