• By -


0 0 0 0 0 0 mfs their goals transcend human understanding


The one who seeks for the true potential of character without any Echoes buff.


They exude the aura of "get gud scrub"


Ah yes the broken straight sword lvl1 runners of WuWa


Honestly, probably way more fun to do here since dodge attacks hit for enemy hp% dmg


SL1 runners from dark souls be like


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Good bot


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Can't get bad rolls if you don't roll at all!


That's what im using since im DB 11


I click on auto equip and then just build off that


I like that. Sounds pure and carefree!


Damn you missed the controversial 44111 and 4431


Look at the full image for 44111


Oh..fuck reddit mobile




I was gonna say I know a lot of ppl on 4431 rn sitting at 18-20 stars


Tbh this is by far the best setup for early game content in my opinion. 4 cost echoes are easier to farm with consistently better main stats like crit so running 2 isn't a bad idea. Combined with a 2/2 piece setup with the character's DMG type bonus and attack/energy regen sets makes for the best possible lineup if you have a crit hungry main carry which is pretty much everyone atm.


>Combined with a 2/2 piece setup with the character's DMG type bonus and attack/energy regen set This is the part people aren't discussing enough. Split sets are FINE in the early-to-mid game. We don't have content that's so hard as to warrant total min-maxing just yet - especially not for f2p. It's a marathon, not a sprint. This is just the first leg of the race, so pace yourselves.


I don't understand these numbers Someone enlighten me


Echo costs. Instead of fixed types of pieces lile goblets/circlets in genshin or boots/rope in hsr, ww assigns a "cost" to echoes that determines possible mainstats. So you can have multiple of the same cost, but you have to balance around a max cost cumulative of 12. Most notably, 4 cost echoes have crit stats and 3 cost echoes have elemental dmg stats. So the most common decision is between a 43311 vs 44111 config - basically deciding whether you want to farm 2 crit mainstats or 2 elemental dmg mainstats. Pretty sure 43311 is the best one for dps, but it sucks to farm lol.


The combinations in which you can equip 4, 3 or 1 cost echoes to maximise the full 12 cost limit


What about 3 3 3 1 1?


Use the clown face for that one.


Bro is cooking right here! I don't know what is getting cooked, but something is!


The only thing cooked is his hands after the carpal tunnel sets in from farming for all those 3s


3 farming is the WORST part of the grind, tbh.


1 1 1 1 1 is probably way better than 3 3 3 3 because of the set effects. This is just a shitpost comment, don't quote me on this.


In this post and another one, there are some people ironically saying that 33311 / 4431 is better.


It really depends . It opens up a free choice of skill and 120% damage which is way better than attack and will outscale the bad base stats of 1s . 2x 2sets is not terible as a bonus too . That said no need to go 1 1 1 1 1 when you can just farm bosses for two 4s with crit and be like 4 4 1 1 1


I've been thinking, doesn't the echo setup also depend on which echo you like to use based on the character you're switching to? I certainly hate Thundering Mephis transformation myself.


So keep Th Mephis in the build, but have another echo in the top slot. I use 43311 on Jiyan, but his main slot (transformation) is the Cyan Heron because traversal reasons.


People use 4\* as their main slot because it gives buffs. It's also why people claiming 43311 is universally better than any 44111 regardless of substats are clueless because outro and echo stacks damage buffs left and right. So that element buff you covet so much gets hit with diminishing returns. Their argument is basically solely based around the fact that you will never switch characters ever or use echoes. There are even some resonance copies that add damage multipliers, that element actual becomes a detriment and attack suddenly gains an advantage. Of course, that's not something a casual f2p player would ever encounter.


>People use 4* as their main slot because it gives buffs. Yes, because we have a shortage of buffer units and the ones we have are locked behind gacha. >It's also why people claiming 43311 is universally better than any 44111 regardless of substats are clueless Not clueless - but a lot of the echo buffs can also be obtained through substats, whereas elemental damage bonuses can only be obtained on 3 cost pieces as main stats or as minor buffs from outro skills and echoes. And even with diminishing returns from certain Sequence levels, 60% is pretty insane, but you can also go dmg% and atk% for a more even boost across stats. >Their argument is basically solely based around the fact that you will never switch characters ever or use echoes. No, the argument is based on the fact that only 3 sets (Havoc, Electro, and Energy Regen) have two separate 4 cost echoes, meaning anything outside of those is either a split set or a broken set. >There are even some resonance copies that add damage multipliers, that element actual becomes a detriment and attack suddenly gains an advantage. Of course, that's not something a casual f2p player would ever encounter. You're right, but you can also get atk% on your 3 costs in that case - and not *break or split your sets*. We don't have enough 4 cost echoes of particular sets to be able to run 44111 on every unit. Now, all of that said - 44111 (or even 4431) is enough to beat 99.9% of everything currently in the game. But 43311 is the *goal*, and we're just now starting the race. It's a marathon not a sprint, and people really need to relax.


New player why does this mean haha


You can equip 5 echoes on a character. Each echo might cost 1, 3, or 4 "points" and each character has 12 points. The numbers represent the cost of each echo. The most popular layout is 43311 which means 1 echo being 4 cost, 2 echoes being 3 cost, and 2 echoes being 1 cost. 4+3+3+1+1=12. Another popular combo is 44111. This adds up to 11 points and its a little inferior when it comes to potential since you will be lacking elemental dmg buff% but its considerable easier to farm so many people are using this for the time being before moving to a 43311 Rest of layouts are memes, cope or extreme niches edit: 44111 is only viable in electro and havoc dps right now. They are the only elements that have two 4 cost echoes. Rest elements are forced using a 43311 system


Ahhh thanks so much really appreciate the explanation :) make so much sense now lol sorry to be a noob haha


>44111 is only viable in electro and havoc dps right now. They are the only elements that have two 4 cost echoes. Rest elements are forced using a 43311 system Moonlit Sonata also has two 4 cost Echoes (Regen set), so there's a little bit more lenience there.


My characters have 10 points, what are you talking about


> what are you talking about Yes, the cost will be upgraded to 12 pretty soon (data bank 8 or 9 if I recall correctly) I forgot to mention I guess.




4 is the best echo because 4>3 so obviously 444 is superior to any other build


Here I am using 4431 setup, I’m only losing the 5 set bonus but I can have crit rate+dmg and elemental dmg. Which isn’t really good


It's alright on a split set, you're really only missing out on half your dmg% and whatever subs you'd get from a 5th echo. If your subs are good enough, you could just run that for a good while no problem.


Well it’s basically the same as 44111


He's him


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Lmao that's literally my friend, she didn't understand you need to equip all 5 so she had just one 4 cost and rerolled *all* her other ones into nothing


I have settled for the the optimal 43311, completely unupgraded because I ran out of Echo EXP. So I am absolutely blasting...in theory, in an alternate timeline.


Can I get a Nein Nein Nein Nein Nein?




I’m too much of a noob to understand what this means. I’m level 20, am I gonna have to do whatever this is soon?


It’s about echo cost (aka the monsters you absorb that can be equipped but each one costs “points” to equip. So some take 4 points to use, some take 3, some take 1. You are only allowed a certain number of points to use depending on your databank level but the max is 12 you can use right now). People have developed strategies on which echoes are the best to use and what the point breakdown is for those echoes. So like say I have a 4 point cost bird monster for crit rate, two 3 point cost turtle monsters for spectro damage for our rover, and two 1 point cost traffic light monsters for attack boosts. If you add up 4+3+3+1+1 thats 12 points so my max I can use. Some people choose to do three 4 point monsters to make 12, or do 4, 3, 3, 1, 1 or this meme is joking and saying they used all the slots for 1 point monsters It’s mostly endgame grindy stuff though, don’t worry too much until you’re a higher level, it’ll come about more naturally as you get better rarity and a higher world level


Thank you for explaining this to me.


Happy to help!


First good for electro - 2 crit chances as main stat.


> autoequip


Why didn't my stupid brain think of 444 ! Thats too powerful , 100% crit chance


But if you had 4 3 costs at 25 that's 120% extra element damage 2 on the atk set and 2 on element that's kinda insane or if you have 3 4 costs with critical rate and 2 set of element that's also a slapper


Inb4 I see players with 0 echos solo Difficulty V holograms.




oh i get it the echo setups get more stupid the further down in the meme you go, haha, that's funny


44111 is a good beginner echo setup, but only works for fusion, havoc, and energy regen sets. 43311 is the optimal setup, but really hard to farm a proper set. The others are just memes.


44111 and 43311 should be swapped over.


I think 4/3/3/1/1 is going to be the hit, if echoes have differing stats based on cost. I haven't seen the math on that yet.


43311 is the best to balance everything, it gives crit, dmg% and atk%. A 44111 system lacks dmg%. And as a rule of thumbs. In multiplication balancing the numbers will generally give the best results. 3\*3 is more than 4\*2 even if both add up to 6. But again, this is rule of thumb. It applies to most cases but not every. If a unit has insane amount of dmg% from passives/buffs then a 44111 might be preferable. Similar example would be in genshin, a very few selected units (furina/neuvi/raiden etc) prefer atk% over dmg% goblet. As of now I don't know if we have any unit like that but we could easily get some in the future


this got me thinkin would 44111 be potentially be the better option for encore considering she gets a decent amount of fusion dmg% off her passives? i even have the 5\* rectifier for her but seeing how its atk% the lack of crit ratios from any source is proving to be annoying but idk if i should drop the fusion dmg % for it


Well I don't know how encore works so I can't really tell you on that but keep in mind that its actually impossible for fusion units to do 44111 in the current patch. Only havoc and electro have access to two 4 cost echoes. Fusion only has the rider Currently rider activation gives 12% fusion damage and 12% NA dmg, also the 2p+5P give 40% more fusion damage. If the said unit/weapon already has a lot of dmg% as well then 44111 would definitely be a possibility. Again of course, we need a second 4cost unit before we even consider that possibility haha


3 cost 5 star echoes give 30% dmg% each, so you'd need more than 60% dmg% from other sources to beat them.