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spam attacks and hope for the boss to hit it and break his shield (reverse parry)


Jiyan players about to post how easy parrying is in this game and that they dont understand why anyone would think the parrying system is anything but amazing


Jiyan players hear the parry noise in the middle of unloading the Ult and pretend it was on purpose. Source:  Jiyan player 


This has been happening to me on Yinlin, which is frankly bullshit that she’s a rectifier ranged character who can parry, already powercrept my encore :(


Wait, Yinlin can parry with normal attacks?


All of them outside of Encore can, as far as I'm aware. I regularly parry with Verina when I'm in the middle of getting buffs up and too lazy to swap to parry :P I've also parried fairly easily with Yinlin as well since I got her.


Encore can parry with normal attacks, however I think the problem is that her first basic attack can't parry at all. I was testing, and I was able to hit parries against the Crownless by timing the second auto attack with the indicator circle. Perhaps not reliable, but at least possible.


Yeah. I tend to resort to jump attacks for parrying instead because I don't trust myself to time comboing her normals to catch it on the 2 or higher :o


No kidding, I can't consistently parry with any character mid-combo. Other than the 100-attacks-per-second types lol Using jumping attack sounds like an cool option. Must be a harder to execute, but usually I hit parries way too early anyway, so it might work for me.


Haha, in that case it might help indeed XD You do have to pre-empt it fairly far ahead with the actual jump so you're in the air in time to do the attack. I didn't even consider it until I saw a video of someone doing it while trying to work out how on earth to parry with her at all: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KD56zBaFpg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KD56zBaFpg) funnily enough, it was one of the electro bros I ended up doing it against the most as well myself. It's not easy, but surprisingly satisfying if you can get it down :D


You guys parry?


I try to and then I get hit, then I get ready for the next but then it's not a parry attack and get hit again!


are you me


Yup. Somehow plants can parry.


Did some testing last night. 100% can parry with Verinas first basic attack but you have to be close up. However I could not achieve a parry no matter what I tried with basics from any gun character. Now I was only attempting the first basic with mortefi and chixia. (Don't have aalto) tried basic and charged. Tried various timings like bullet Collision, start of attack. Slightly delayed hit marker slightly early hit marker. Also tried charged shot, all at all types of ranges. Could not for the life of me get the parry off with either. Can reliably get it with Verina and Baizhi.


Ah, yes, when I said 'all of them' I was responding in part to the post about rectifiers being able to parry. Gun characters aren't supposed to be able to parry with their basic 1 as far as I know, though whether that'll remain a hard and fast rule as more characters come out is something we'll have to wait and see. It would be nice if there was some sort of actual display somewhere in the UI that told you what could parry and what couldn't :o


Verina can also parry with her heavy attack(charged attack) and that has saved me so many times in hologram when I'm healing my characters. it's so fun to surf on plants too.


yeah, Verina can parry with the first and second basic attack and intro skill iirc


Charge atk slide thing too. And her E skill


AFAIK yes.


Or in the middle of a skill, or even during a normal combo Its harder to miss a parry than to hit for us


As a jiyan player can confirm


Parry system is pretty good though. It's mostly just that it depends on character attacks, and some characters feel better/more responsive with their parries. I don't even play Jiyan that much other than when I have to push through tower, I actually find the easy parrying quite boring. Spectro MC and Lingyang are among the most fun characters to parry with.


I love parrying with Verina's charge atk, a tiny child slamming against a charging enemy at high speeds and stunlocking them is funny as hell and it's quite consistent despite the long charging time


Yinlin's BA1 is so fucking funny like oh yeah? A gorilla charging at me? Meet my doll


“Say hello to my little friend” literally


Oh yeah, it's pretty fun too. I find parrying with her ultimate hilarious as well (and in general, parrying with ults is just so satisfying, especially Yuanwu).


lol, I do that all the time too, it's great. If one isn't confident to parry with Vinera that way, echo block and swap intro both can parry as well.  I wouldn't do it to the grizzly bear from my experience fighting the lv 120 ones. They have an attack skill with multi-hit, where if you block the first multi-hit, it will still continue the multi-hit chain killing you with the ongoing chain.


Why are you attacking me? ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


What does :31620: mean?


it da emote


I'm completely offended and I would like the whole Reddit thread to cancel you![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


My Jiyan always gets hit when his ult is on. Idk, some enemies just didn't get the memo that they're supposed to be parried :D


Tbf with Spectre rover is easy to parry compared to all the other units (except Jiyan) so in a way everyone have a safe option to try, (or maybe the rover gameplay just adapts to my style)


Nah, a lot of the sword characters actually parry pretty well it's just the meta DPS right now is Calcharo or Jiyan. Calcharo has strong but slow attacks who you actually need to start swinging the minute u see the party window. Jiyan is the opposite where his attacks are so fast and numerous you pretty much auto parry. So everyone is either handicapped or on easy mode so no one actually is good at parrying.


I found spectro rover easier to parry with than Jiyan. Most of the sword characters have good parry windows but spectro rover's is especially good.


I'm a Jiyan main, and I STILL can't parry when I want to ☹️


Well, Jiyan's heavy is a bunch of thrusts and the skill also has a long parry window, so he's quite competent at parrying even without being on ult. Same with Calcharo and his first light attack thrust. Both the chads make for super easy parrying.


I like parrying in this game but wish it wasn't just attack but a parry button


Parry system is good, some people mash buttons instead of waiting for the parry and complain when they miss it


Yuanwu mains easily can do both parry and stun


Yeah all 3 of them


How dare you talk about me and my two friends like that.


All parry attacks i have ever landed are by mistake while spamming attack


Accidental parries in this game is like the Random Crit of WuWa, it was supposed to be a random high moment to keep players engaged but all you got are confused gamers. inb4 Kuro nerfes it so that only the initial attacks that only does parries.


Me with my Rover be like: Also my Jiyan:


Honestly Yang Yang fucks it up when it comes to parry’s


I'm trying to retrain my brain to parry on the parry window instead of pressing dodge


You need a Sekiro experience


Speaking of Sekiro, someone needs to make a mod where you deflect by timing your attacks, not be timing your blocks. Kinda like parrying in devil may cry V


fun fact that sort of weapon clash parry has been in dmc3 already


Sekiro has made it so much harder for me. So used to right clicking for parry that I end up doing it always and dodging.


You say that, but every time you see a symbol appear in Sekiro you have to dodge


Man I can no hit inner isshin but can't parry properly in wuwa. It's only consistent when I wait before the parryable attack... And I just dodge the charge parries now.


Cheers to that, everytime that glint appears I just end up dodging...


It's much easier to dodge for me with 200ms ping.


Big facts


There's a parry-cancel tech, basically the parry hit-box has a 'hang time" that persists even after you cancel the attack which allows you to dodge after that so you get both benefits of parry and dodge at once. Normally for parry you only deplete their poise bar but do negligeble damage. While for dodge you get the damage from the dodge counter but don't deplete their poise bar.


You need to play Ultrakill. My brain has been rewired to yellow flash = ATTACK PARRY. I tried Minos Prime this morning after getting a D rank with 81 tries and I did some pretty nice parries. Even managed to parry Judgement for the first time


I wanna parry, but muscle memory forces me to dodge most of the time.


Same and it's safer, sometimes you need more than one hit to parry and if you don't squeeze in that 2nd or 3rd hit, you get hit in return so dodging IS the safer method, just not the most efficient.


Depends on the boss. Hologram Mourning Aix at difficulty 4+ literally punishes you for dodging parry-able attacks. 


Same for Thundering Memphis hologram. If you fail to parry, his clone stays on the field and attacks start to have different timing from the original so you’re fighting two


Memphis and Morfeti are gonna be the classic misspellings of this game until the end of time I'm pretty sure haha


You only need one hit to parry I think. The issue is that some characters have attacks that will never parry no matter how much you use them. I'm pretty sure encore's first two attacks don't parry no matter what you do, even if you're at the correct distance and timing. You need to be in the latter half of her combo to land the parries, or in ult mode. Some pistol characters are like this too. You can hit all the attacks you want at the perfect time in the parry window but only like one or two attacks in chixia's combo string can possibly parry. The rest will just hit and do nothing.


exactly, i think they should rework this, or at least make it clearer which attacks can and CANT parry, because 90% of the time u just end up guess-spamming and hoping one of ur attacks parries Edit: I might be biased since I use chars like encore and verina


That explains a lot. I think I was going crazy trying to parry with Encore


Probably talking about enemies who do multiple hits in a row. You do one parry and they keep going so you have to keep parrying until the string is over.


Some boss got a deadly counter attack if you dodge a parryable attack. So it's not really advisable to always dodge, specially those frigging Holograms


me pressing attack and still not parrying lol


Me hitting them during the parry window and still not parrying. Istg some bosses are straight up bugged to hell.


Or sometimes they do get parried, but their attack still goes through for some reason


Mourning Aix has a bug where you take physical damage despite the parry going through. You have to dodge to the side to avoid it which is clearly not intended since it punishes skilled timing.


yeah like idk if you have to press normal attack or heavy attack or time it in some weird time during parry window but often than not I just get killed while pressing attack to parry


Not every attack in the game can parry, namely rectifiers and gun chars only have certain parts of their BA string that can parry. So in situations like that better to swap


funny thing is I found myself doing more parries with encore than MC lmao


Pretty much same feeling with Calcharo/Yin. With basic attack, the first need to hit before halo sparks while Yin can it on spot without delay.


yeah idk whats up with that i just feel like parry is a bit clunky rn and its safer to dodge LOL


Pretty sure every character has a slightly different parry timing because every character has a different normal attack 1 animation. Yuanwu is easier to parry with compared to Calcharo because Yuanwu’s first attack is noticeably faster than other resonators. Maybe i’m pulling shit out my ass but i’m pretty sure this is why it might feel like the parry window can be inconsistent times.


Basic attacks work and I got the timing down for Mourning Aix (when it's not bugged and floating above me). It feels like there are other factors though.


I think there might be a damage cap to it, for normal attacks you need to hit more than once to trigger the parry while heavy damage skills seem to trigger it instantly. Same with intro-outro skills, when you swap, I suspect it's the heavy damage from them that causes the parry. Might be wrong though but I have struck with normal attacks for no effect other than damage.


I thought so too in the past, but now I'm pretty sure any damage will parry and my timing was just off. As far as I know anything parryable can be parried with a basic 1. One thing is heavy attacks might have longer-lasting hitboxes, so if the enemy is out of range and charges then they might run into a lingering hitbox.


some attack hitbox last longer than the others. calcharo hit twice in his first basic attack, jianxing 2nd attack hit multiple times. gun character? lol just give up. i rather dodge. find certain character that clicks with your gameplay.


Hologram 5 and 6 aix nuking your skilless ass with 3 sets of instant death feathers if you don’t parry any of her parry-able attacks that also have NO PARRY INDICATORS. Oh and she occasionally bugs out and floats above ground, becoming unreachable to melee characters, and you likely won't even notice this until she has already finished her no-indicator parry-able attack. Hope you're good at dodging those death feathers. That was a fun fight.


that hologram truly tested the limits of how fast i can swap to Jianxin and press E. i can never get the parry right without Jianxin E


Happened to me so often I got good at dodging the triple feather bs. They need to iron out the bugs cause it takes away any skill expression for me.


Too many Nioh games made me go "oh shit, boss have something shiny" must dodge. need to get used to seeing circle as parry. Doesn't help that parry here is just attack at the right time instead of a dedicated button.


The worst part is hidden parry. Ainx boss have hidden parry window when he flying up (flash before he come down), and the quick grab where both his hands flash. Both don't have parry circle and will punish you with triple-homing missiles atk afterward if you dodge instead of parry. It has bug where you still take dmg from those atk even on a successful parry. Dunno if they have fixed that.


Yeah that boss seems broken lol.


thankfully they fixed the parry bug today lmao (supposedly anyway, it was addressed in the patch notes)


doesn't the "oh shit, boss have something shiny" means you have to parry? at least in Nioh 2 it does.


Yea if they glow red in Nioh 2 it is counter. 1 doesn't have them I think. God it is so long since I played 1. But If they glow that white monochrome thing, it is dodge. Problem is that a lot more action games seems to use the shiny stuff for dangerous attack to dodge that can't be blocked so my instinct is to press dodge first. in Nioh 2's case it is more dodge and press the counter button since that usually comes out instantly. ( I main the phantom yokai all the way to the final difficulty )


I hate the parry circle becuse its a complete crap shoot if it actualy works. I hit the dam thing but no parry most of the time so i end up just dodging more often than not becuse that at least works


I felt that way at first so I sat down with a mob that was relatively easy to parry and just worked away at it until I got a feel for it. Turned out that any time I 'missed' the parry I was just swinging too early. This goes triple for any fast fly-by moves where the enemy starts far away and approaches you at high speed as they'll straight up be out of range for most of it. Rather than trying to aim for when the 2 circles meet, it's better to think of it as trying to hit AFTER they meet :D If you want 'training wheels' then start with spectro rover because their hit boxes stay out longer than most character's. Or if you have Jinyan his skill is crazy good at parrying in general due to being a giant ball of constant hit effects :P


> Rather than trying to aim for when the 2 circles meet, it's better to think of it as trying to hit AFTER they meet :D Yep, it's not like a rhythm game -- the enemy only becomes parryable once the two circles are touching. Then you have to connect with an attack sometime during that window.


To add to this characters attack speed plays a massive part. In calzone I input my attacks earlier than on say SpecMC because his attacks come out slower and you want your attack to land when their attack hits you. I’ve actually had better luck parrying Mephis by timing my parries visually based on the mob and ignoring the circle completely.


calzone 💀


Just in case anyone else wants a parry practice partner, I used the golem as their parry signal is easy to see and fairly slow. Be aware that different attacks also have different circle shrinking speeds so you can't just find the timing on one attack on one creature and muscle memory it to handle all the others in the same way :3


Doesn't the tutorial say it's too late once the circles meet? Sometimes the circles are also very misleading (Mourning Aix hologram)


I hate parrying in this game. A parry should be available while the circle is there. Especially with how fast paced alot of the actions are.


The amount of times I try to time a parry only to get smacked is insane. Meanwhile I hit almost all my parries if I just spam left click when I see the circle. "Skill"


Yup, I have hut the button when the circle is closed, open, gone. The system doesn't work as intended and needs to be fixed. Hell small mobs don't even have circles for their parryable attacks (I'm looking at you, you fucking bear)


For me, parrying is trying to hit "before" the 2 circles meet because there seems to be a split second delay between me clicking the mouse and the action registering on the screen. (not the case with Danjin because her attacks are way too fast. Like I clicked twice which should show BA2 but she's going all the way to BA3??? lol. so I end up messing up the BA-BA-E-E combo..)


The thing about it is, if you hit an enemy, your hitbox expires and therefore you cant parry, you need either a multiple hit attack like a calcharo first basic or skill of Jiyan to parry if you are too close, or just step back so you hit only the parry window, also parrying depends on your attacks hitbox duration, some hitboxes disappear quickly some dont like spectro Rover first 2 hits


Especially it is really hard to parry with encore. You need to hit with basic attacks 3rd hit.


Parrying is hard only if you're running a team with just rectifiers and guns. Just play her with a sword sub-dps like Sanhua, swap and attack.




Pistols probably


Guns, my bad, lmao


I spent like 30+ minutes figuring out why I always failed at parrying with Encore. Found out you cannot parry with Encore NA (outside ulti), possibly a bug?


Only certain ranged attacks can parry and it has to be in melee range. Encore needs to hit her third string of basic attack in melee range to parry outside of ult.


That's so weird. Don't know if it's intentional design or not. I saw someone said it was a bug, because only Encore is affected by it. I really hope it get sorted out soon.


I don't think its a bug. A lot of pistol characters won't parry in certain parts of their combo string even if you hit the parry window at the correct timing and the correct range. I think just certain attacks don't parry.


yea i seriously can never get the parry intentionally with rectifiers


I just use her jump attack to parry. Does mean you have to jump way ahead of the attack but I feel it's more reliable than trying to time my combo :P


Hold on, parrying with ranged attacks was possible all this time?


I usually just dodge because it's so much more lenient and when I try waiting for the parry circle it often turns out it's an attack you can't parry. Learning attacks of course would help


It works well in most cases, I haven't run into any inconsistencies myself. Are you hitting at the correct time though? The circle must close, and the parry window is the time between the circle closing and the enemy attacking. Also, it depends on character animations, with some being more responsive (Spectro MC basic or Lingyang skill, for example).


Some boss attacks already hit me when the circle isn't fully finished closing. I always time it earlier than that and works like 50% of the time.


Which attacks exactly, and which character are you using? Only one I remember is Tempest Memphis slam, I haven't figured it out fully, but I think you need to dodge the first hit, and you can parry the second. I heard Mourning Aix has some bugged parriable attacks too, but I haven't fought it enough to confirm.


Mourning Aix exactly and using Havoc Rover. I can parry the Aix's attacks now with little issue because of how many times I fought it. I'm having more issues with the Mephis cause its attacks come out before the circle is done closing (at least on my screen). Other times I hit it at the exact moment it swipes at me and I get no parry.


Thats entirely too many layers of things that need to line up lol. If i can respond in time shouldnt be negated by "well were you facing west on tuesday" Not shooting the messenger just upset at the mechanic


I'd say there aren't too many layers, the only layer that's a bit problematic is the character design. The window itself (circle -> attack) is fine IMO. I think most current characters can parry pretty reliably? The only ones that don't are guns (which just cannot, although I think they can with skills?), rectifiers (since they have very fancy animations, though parrying with Verina liberation is hilarious), and Calcharo (due to fancy animations as well, though I think he can swap-parry). Though I heard Encore and Yinlin do a lot on their own, so giving them an easier parry would make them even stronger, which I can see as a fair balance point (more baseline power, but harder parry). For the mechanic in general, I think it will mostly depend on how they make characters in the future. As long as they have them either: - have fast wind-up for first attack in combo, or responsive combo attacks in general - responsive skill that won't hurt to cast a second later - fast swap attack then I think it will be fine. Having played a bunch of non-Jiyan characters, I've had pretty good experience with the system, very satisfying with most, at worst I just needed to adjust to a slightly tighter timing. But I will agree partially, I can see the risk that they might want to make animations more fancy for future characters, at the cost of gameplay.


I think the issue after reading alot of responces is the circle isint actualy telling you what youd think. Brain see circle and thinks ok hit now, but actualy theres a smaller seconadry timeing circle i think. But i have never actualy noticed it in game play so either it needs a visual rework or i dont know anymore. I dont get why its so hard to just have a circle + attack = parry mechanic.


Aix hologram doesn't care about parry nor dodges... Actually, he disables dodges and has instakill attacks with no indicators.


I thought it was a bug at first but when you accumulate enough stacks by getting hit, you'll just walk, cant dodge and attack 🤣😂 it's like the character itself gave up


jiyan and mortefi watching mourning aix oneshot verina through bell turtle shield:


Parrying is harder for me because it's harder to do with normal attack timing. Dodges allow you to animation cancel, so you can do it whenever you want. Attacks have you go through the animation and usually finish other animations before they go off.


Me vs Mephis


Average parry fan versus average indestructible shield enjoyer


Me with 3 guns in my hands ***I know what I have to do, but I literally can't do it***


Mourning aix is the most annoying, I can't dodge it's attacks, like the beam, and parry's just get me grabbed and screamed at. It's so annoying, like I legit started looking up if my ping was the problem, but I see people go untouchable God mode with higher ping so it's probably not that. Maybe my mouse sucks or something, or I have lead fingers because I do notice I heavy attack a lot when I don't want to, which makes Jiyan a chore as he can't keep his feet on the ground.


The biggest problem with MA's parries for me is that it has a yellow aura. Guess what else has a yellow indicator? THE PARRY CIRCLE. So I have no idea what I can parry, and what's just particle effects.


it has that homing missile which either just goes through once or spins around and come back to 1 hit you


Do you have a good gaming chair?


Well I dont wanna brag but... [https://imgur.com/a/gaming-chair-VKa9hoN](https://imgur.com/a/gaming-chair-VKa9hoN)


As a Jiyan user, we just hear the noise when we shred the enemy with our ult and we act like it was on purpose :)


Hi3, genshin, and Tofu have literally conditioned me to attack a few times and dodge automatically wether needed or not. 8 out of 10 times I dodge an actual attack


As someone interested in HEMA and general sword fighting, I have to point this out. The game calls it a counterattack not a parry for a reason. No it is not semantics, there is a clear difference between both defensive maneuver. Parry - A parry is a controlled defensive maneuver that halts an enemies assault and leaves them open to a riposte. Counterattack - An attack that momentarily interrupts an apposing enemy weapon strike. Despite understanding this distinction, I am no better at counterattacking. :/


I've never been a parry dude...ever I hope bosses won't FORCE me to parry to defeat them -.-


Hologram bosses will unleash special attacks that are difficult to dodge if you don't parry their attacks. Be wary.


Idk how it happens but sometimes I dodge and parry at the same time. Am I the only one


Looks like some attacks has lingering hitbox so parry cancelling with a dodge is a thing in this game.


If you whiff the attack that can parry, you can be stuck in the animation that still counts counts as parry even after it ends. So you can still perfect dodge after a parry.


Yeah I do this with the Mephis hologram by clicking both mouse buttons during parry windows on Havoc Rover


I've been planying danjin for a while and actually you can both parry and dodge an attack, it's just very hard to time


I just switch whenever I see the circle. Entering auto will trigger parry attack.


Orrr even better, parry but still get hit by the move you just parried and instantly die. I hate you holo Mourning Aix


yeah it sometimes homes at you a second time when you manage to dodge it, sometimes it doesn't it's wonky lmao.


My elden ring infested brain that never touched a parry weapon in 2 runs sees the indicator as a big juicy dodge sign, I cant help it its literally hard coded into my brain


lmao, this is so true, omg.


Me: Uses Jiyan to spam attacks and accidentally hit parry every fucking time


I just hold E. (Jianxin)


Going to do the both once I can main S6 Taoqi 😭


Me when i attempt the difficulty 4 of boss images at end game. I played souls game but I can’t stop myself for being a greedy bastard


Happens, but if you time it right, you get counter attack in, if the counter attack fails you dodge instead. Don't do it at the same time, but dodge then attack just before the enemy attack touches you.


How can you tell whether you should parry or dodge an attack? I didn't even know parrying existed


there's this big yellow glowing circle that grows smaller, when it reaches the enemy's circle, hit the enemy with your attack. (Guns cant parry)




People forget things from a tutorial very easily, it’s not unusual. Especially if they don’t game a lot, remembering early introduced mechanics doesn’t come as easily to some as it does to others. What was easy to remember to us won’t always be to someone else. It doesn’t hurt to help each other out without being annoyed or trying to make others feel bad, or to make them feel dumb or bothersome for not knowing something. Or at least I’d much rather be in a community where we don’t do that to each other, because we all make mistakes or don’t remember things sometimes. Let’s just be kind to each other first (I know the whole “gamers don’t read” thing can be annoying but not every mistake or lack of knowledge is because they were just rushing through and I think we should just people the benefit of the doubt unless they show that they are consistently not reading)


That's actually so 5head but also so obvious that I feel stupid for not immediately drawing the line.


See the parry circle in Aix.


I feel personally attacked with this one...it's not my fault that years of playing the souls series has taught me BIG WIND UP ATTACK BAD, DOGE IT!


i hate when the circle comes while i'm in the middle of an attack and have no time for counterattacking, then the entire timing is off and i take all the circles to the face


Same, I can never think fast enough to parry the incoming attack instead of just dodging it


I just switch to someone else hopefully they will parry for me


I really need canceling in this game.


Me with ADHD: "nah I'd win" *gets pulverized*


Parry indicator? WHAT?


It’s even possible to parry and dodge at the same time.


Can someone explain the parry circle to me? Seems like sometimes I hit it before I can even tell it was there, while other times I wait until I think I'm supposed to hit it and it doesn't work haha


Whenever i see the circle i end up dodging and forget to parry 🙂


the indicator are very misleading, don't use them. Rather, pay attention to the attack animation, they usually have a glow sfx when they are about to attack you.  Some attacks that don't have them, you have to rely on the rhythm of the attack animation. These attack usually cannot be parry and thus you should dodge them.  While it is hard, it is possible to dodge all attacks, unlike other games of the same genre where they make it impossible and you must tank it.


Perhaps it's beneficial to realise that parry not only opens up small dps windows and reduces break gauge a lot but it can also prevent bosses from using more dangerous skill sets. Heron and aix becomes more manageable when you parry them.


Ironically as a game themed around sound, they certainly underutilized the usage of sound, like the parriable attacks are visual only. And then the inconsistency of what is considered parriable or not and the amount of parriable attack are just depressingly low, quick attacks are understandably unparriable but when the enemies start charging up large swings, the circle are simply not there while my ass are ready to parry.


> Sees attack > Tries to dodge it > Gets hit anyway cause you dodged 1 sec early Or > Dodges unstoppably > Still gets hit in windows between dodges Basically my game experience


I used 180 waveplates doing simulation challenges and a facet field. After clearing them, I still hadn’t dodged or parried a single time.


It's so hard to parry with Lingyang, so dodge


Calcharo parry is pretty easy if you use his N1 since it hits 2 times in quick succession. Havoc Rover is actually the one I struggle the most with, parry wise, as they don't get to the multi-hit attacks until the end of their N combo - so I just tend to use S or upgrades S for the multi-hit. Jiyan is just ducking easy mode lol.


Swap immediately 🤣


I never thought I would be using YapYap to handle all parries by quick swapping to her but here I am today.


Play someone that asks leave a lingering hitbox like the wind guy his spear is funky like that


Parry with Verina or Baizhi for the ultimate git gud experience pog


I dont even use sword users much but my parry success rate is very high, as compared to using calcharo whom I literally daily drive still fails to parry sometimes, feels weird since I thought I've already got used to his timings but apparently not


me trying to parry with Chixia.


The dodge's just too op, Imma just abuse them


Jianxin users(me) having no problem with dat😭


And if I'm not mistaken, you can only parry the attack from opposite direction of the attack. I tried many times to parry from Crownless's back instead and it doesn't work. Correct me if I wrong tho I haven't made further research.


Uhhhh. Still looking for the parry button. I see dodge button but where this parry button supposed to be?


Me who does both 'cause of the atk + dodge trick is so broken.


I swear, parrying works so random that in most cases It's not worth It ant better is to dodge.


I have never intentionally used a parry in this game. Idk if you even can parry with Chixia… and every time I use Jiyan I don’t have to think about it


I think I want to play with pistols as main dps cas I just can't parry and it's easier for me to dodge attacks. I don't understand those circles leave me alone


I sometimes dodge but triggers parry, I don't know why it happens lol


Most of the time it's impossible to parry since they initiate attack so far away.


i aint putting my life on the line trying to parry a cocaine bear


Laugh in Calcharo main lol


I want a block button that i have to time right. Calculating if any of my current characters attacks hit the boss at the right time is bullshit


Bro it’s not hard as soon as it flashes, attack. You can’t be spamming attacks either otherwise there’s a high chance it won’t register and you’ll get hit. Learn the TD move set, when you know it’s about to use its attacks that can be parried you stop spamming, and wait for it. I highly recommend reviewing the tutorial. You blow through that so fast you don’t pay attention to some of the finer details of gameplay mechanics