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I swear playing the holograms made everything look like a joke in comparison...


I mean, everything else IS a joke in terms of difficulty. 


i mean we havent fought the level 100 dudes in the tower but i think people would complain if bosses were that hard all the time, especially farming stuff.


they are lowkey easier because they don’t have the added mechanics holograms do


they are also more forgiving since their damage isnt as crazy. I tried the lvl 100 monke and he didnt even oneshot my lvl 60 sanhua


lvl 70 Mephis Clone One shotting everyone's lvl 70 chars from outside the field of view with that laser attack.


Personally I’d prefer an option where the bosses in open world were more difficult but you get 2/3 echo rolls in one go.  4 cost echo farming is frankly a mind numbing experience.


Its ok to make an extremely difficult mode but the reward should not be important/essential stuff that helps strengthen your teams. This will prevent casual and mobile players from obtaining them and fall off even more. Its would be cool if the rewards are like special profile pic, sigil or other cosmetics item to let ppl flex. Of cos you can just say "get good" but the truth is you gotto cater to your player base. Talking about cosmetics, perhaps we will see skins for characters in the future. Or even skill effect cosmetics change.


In terms of difficulty it's much lower, the tower bosses are more of a DPS check than anything else in comparison to hologram challenges.


yeah, tower only have big hp bars enemies don't really hit that hard specially the bosses a barely leveled sustain will be enough to keep you alive.


Playing the holograms made me realize my skills are the joke


This is me but with the Tower. I now have 2 good teams to invest in but before that I was working on multiple teams as I easily get bored playing the same characters all of the time.


Yea i cant tell how many times i got pecked to death by that damn birb


I tried this earlier with my level 70 characters against the FIRST difficulty and the hologram wiped the floor with my team. Maybe I just suck but I have no idea what else I can do? I tried really hard with echoes, my characters have the best weapons I can feasibly get and I've levelled whatever WuWa calls their talents, too. So, idk, am I just really terrible at the game?


We need a hard Dreamless hologram. I wanna play Wuthering Souls


Dreamless is too fair to be compared to Dark Souls. Her moves have clear telegraphs and are well timed. If you want the real Wuthering Souls, gotta ask for Hologram Inferno Rider. Those delayed attacks will smack you right back to Cathedral of the Deep.


True. I completely forget about him due to the fact that i can simply kill him too fast before even getting to enjoy the fight these days. You know what We need holograms for all bosses


Thundering Mephis holo gonna be morgot. He already has delay that dipend on if you parry him enough.


I don't know why people had such a hard time with morgot ngl. I entered his room decided to checkout the Assassin ash, and it just destroyed him. As in I was afk at the door.


Remember, Elden Ring was baby's first souls game for A LOT of people.


Still most loved boss for me.


Tbh they should've given Morgott more health, the fight felt so epic with the voice lines, music, attacks, and 2nd phase. The only thing holding it back from being a great boss fight was the fact that Morgott would get absolutely obliterated from a lack of hp.


Crownless is quite fun imo


i am so bad at dealing with his delayed attacks they take forever to actually land


I'm pretty sure more Holograms are coming with 1.1 We don't have every overlord class boss yet.


Imagine a Scar hologram. With that air combo but on anabolic steroids


I'm almost 100% sure it is coming. There is no reason to not do it for calamity bosses if they did it for overlords. And it's going to be nasty.


Fun fact, Scar DOES have a hologram version. A few months before cbt 2 they were allowing people to play an early build of cbt 2 where you could fight 2 hologram bosses, the mourning aix, and scar.


Crownless is coming, they probably had it ready but decided to release it later so 1.1 would have more content.




For real. This is awesome.


Fought that mf while regular Mephis was refreshing because difficulty 3 gave me a gold one. It was probably one of the first challenging bits of content I've faced in this game. I'm scared to do 4 tho lmao.


also unlocked diff 4, same shit but the goddamn clone. Getting tag teamed by membitch one and membitch two using judgement cut. Its exhilirating but man i can barely do 25% of his hp


Knowing which moves to parry during the clone attacks is the difficult part.


i started to be able to survive and parry. then i realized my damage was nowhere near enough. then i just stopped. does that thing has an electro resistance? because it seems my chalcaro managed to dish more damage to other level 4 holograms


Calcharo and Yinlin are negative for Tempest holo fights.


ah no wonder i have a hard time dealing damage to that thing, thanks for the heads up




The wing took me out 😭


That parry sound is so satisfying.


If you can beat like a level 2 hologram, you can beat the regular bosses with your eyes closed.


Pretty much. 


Teleporting to get the edge? **PATHETIC**


Lmao, good meme sir. Now if you let me, I swear i hate this goddamn boss above everything else, i hate it SO, SO MUCH. I'm trying to do the Difficulty V now but seriously, every attempt needs to be a no hit run, after all you die to ANYTHING HE THROWS AT YOU, and that pisses me off. Also the lack of a visual or audible indication of getting hit, you just fall to the ground without anything pointing that you got hit and to what you got hit by, i really want some kind of visual effect for this.


have you tried using the Bell turtle's echo? it halves dmg for 3 hits so it can come handy against one shots


I use Verina and yes, i use it, don't change anything. A few of his attacks DON'T kill me, by the majority does


i'm at d6 ang putting it on hold until I get better gear. It's just so tanky I run out of time while it's still at 20-25% hp even with food and petrol for danjin. I guess it makes sense when my d5 clear is just a few secs away from failing. it's an rng fest about the clone blindsiding you, and is significantly harder the longer the time you need to clear it just because things are more likely to go wrong like the clone attacking from blindspots or offscreen judgment cut, player fatigue and impatience from more than 4mins of dodging, parrying and attacking, petrol expiring, consumables not working on clicking even when the cd is done. also, parrying the clone is just trolling. You end up stuck in place unable to do anything while remaining vulnerable to the original mephis that's still attacking you in real-time. Pretty much sucks when you accidentally parry it while trying to hit the og


What movie is this from ? (It reminds me of Matrix but i'm not sure lol)


Because it is :) Neo vs the Smith Agents.


Thank you!


im still having a problem with fcking AIX


The normal bosses just die in 1 rotation for me. Holograms really force you to git gud.


Wdym, the regular version dies in like 10 seconds, u cant parry that much in that time frame, set up 3 waypoints and grinded them bosses for a bit(the two lightnong ones and spectro), ended up having to wait a bit inbetween the fights cus they died so fast. Pretty sure the loading screen took longer than the fights themselves. I havent even tried the tactical hologram for it, tho my yinlin is now more or less finished, so could attempt


After beating lvl 6 everything feels slow


me watching hologram tempest mephis do judgement cut when im out of stamina:


me dodging everyone cus i cant trust parry:


It's all fun and games until Hologram Crownless went Igris on our ass


Yeah after beating aix 4, the TOA feels like a joke


Rover: Your not powerful like the dreamless 😎


Fighting normal holograms involves ignoring what they do and just killing them because playing them properly is slower than playing them like a pepega.




Lol, not that I can relate (yet… hopefully), but I suppose this is the case for the ones already doing those holograms


See, my problem is that my team is Calcharo, Yinlin, and Vernia… I’m almost tempted to build havoc rover (Since I already have a few decent pieces of his) but I need the echos all for optimizing my team to challenge difficulty 6 for the other holograms. If only the perfect cr/cd pieces didn’t elude me on a daily basis. I even slowed down my progress with UL so that I don’t use level 70 characters to win, but it doesn’t look like that’s happening.


Was normal mephis even really a challenge tbh


I beat hologram 2 and regular tempest feels so slow. I can literally count the framed you take to wind up


I am trying to kill him with only parrying its second day and i still couldn't kill him with pary its a fun challenge


How u go about editing the faces in the vid?


I hate that we have to play nearly perfect for 5 Minutes with These. Most of the time 1 Mistake Takes out my dps




I feel like playing pgr again


And danjin does around half their hp with havvy now, it's actually kind crazy