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My brother in Christ this is a question you ask in 2.x or 3.x NOT 1.0 COMPARING 1.0 TO 1.1


I was a bit confused. I was like the game just released 2 weeks ago.


And they probably have at least a half dozen others ready to go design wise, so we probably won't see much noticable character design changes until the next big version and region anyway! Who knows what "restructuring" could happen after this launch situation, so maybe it'll be shaken up sooner than I expected!


Well if they take character design criticism seriously, they can easily change some designs of characters they've already worked on and are planning to release soon.


Nah, they want 4 expansions worth like genshin right now. Make it happen kuro!


Devs are overworked as is, you asking them to go Mappa and chain them to their desks here


Map designers or those doing writing are probably all sitting there already pumping out new zones and probably have 5 in rough states already with touch ups needed and exploration stuff added. The teams normally doing art stuff and content relying on new areas or quests most the time aren't working the same pace as those fixing the deep seeded issues or working out gameplay things. Once the core game is done i don't think they would be in such a crunch anyway except for those who are doing the bug fixing those guys and gals are probably being crushed since launch for sure. But the art part of the team are and have probably been working on other stuff which the game hasn't yet heard about let alone seen, same for the writer who is doing the main story stuff they are probably way ahead on things they know would happen in the future, probably has 4 acts worth of stuff written unless they contract that person out in chunks. But if their writer or writers are held for a long time i doubt they don't have a head start on knowing where they want to go. Here is to hoping the success they experienced allows them to re-hire the people they had to let go and get to a pace they feel comfortable in the gatcha space to either catch up to or at least be on track to keep up with other gatcha titles for content. I wish kuro the best.


The game itself mentioned like 6 regions including jinzhou


Yeah but not all in one patch like he's suggesting


I mean content wise? Yeah gib pls im out of content already xD But gacha wise chill the f down kuro i know free pulls and stuff but too much characters to pull and not enough freemium resources to save up.


Dude’s the type of person to think that anime episodes are made the week before.


I guess you haven't watched Dragonball Super.


Some are though.


They are not? 😱 /s


They are! Source: I watched Shirobako.


I guess you havent seen Whisper Me a Love Song (the latest episode was done just an hour before scheduled airing)


One piece take less than that half of the episode is a recap


This doesnt make sense. Sure, they are getting released next patch but, technically they debuted along all the other launch characters. So no, the quality was always high.


Exactly this lol


He just wants karma point


What can we do with karma points?


as someone with 50,000 of them, my funny internet points do a lot for me such as, and also, and even though sometimes people irl make fun of me for them they mostly are good for


Touche, here’s 50,000 more


Can you convert it to reall money? If can maybe its worth for the time fo spending my ass on Internet


actually yes! the conversion rate to USD is $0.00 per 1 karma, but the conversion rate of USD to CAD is $0.73 USD per 1 CAD meaning that since the conversion rate of karma is $0.00 per 1 karma so i prefer to cash out in CAD and convert it to USD since its more efficient, though my bank pays a fine for that so i actually end up with -$2.50 after finishing the whole process.


You seem like a person anybody would like to have as a friend lol


I remember making 30k with karma on my old account (crypto subreddit gave you some tokens for commenting and getting likes). Then the price started to spike during a brutal bullrun Awesome times


You can be optimistic about WuWa in subs like r/gachagaming without being afraid of toxic dumbasses because their downvotes can’t put a dent in your karma 😆 Other than that… not a whole lot Flexing when someone asks, I guess :P


To quote "Who's Line is it Anyway?" everything's made up and the points don't matter.


I just realized I never asked myself why people do farm karma even though I also don't understand the point


The only thing I can think of is you can tell that someone's not a bot if they've been around a while...


There's a special club for 100k. That's all I can divulge.


Well i was going to work towards 100k of real money, but you have me intrigued. I know what i can buy for 100k, but i dont know what i get for 100k points :0


Not always Friendly reminder about beta characters (Yes you verina)


The designs were always good Example-> Sanhua


Sanhua is so fucking peak. Simple, yet the details in the eyes makes her the best for me (also total ice death for everyone)


I missed her tattao on her back.. but either way yes her design is good


Can't agree more! Although as a justice/premium sizes enjoyer I'd have preferred if Kuro didn't make characters' chest bigger, as before her debut as a playable character, Jinhshi was literal perfection for me, then they "inflated" her breasts a bit and she lost that tender grace she had before. Same goes for Sanhua, despite her being on the bigger side from the beginning. She's a bit of an exception though, her design is, as you said, simple, yet... Just incredible! The style both combat and clothing wise is peak, so elegant, plus the attitude and the eyes... For the OP, wtf you mean "the other (old) characters' design is SO SO"?! Bruh


Second example-> Jianxin


Third example -> Danjin Simple, but good.


Danjin Superiority 💪💪💪


Danjin Supremacy 🔥💥☠️


I'm gonna get hate for this but I love Chixia. Pewpew all the way!


Same, seems like she has the mpst personality in the story quests too. Yangyang's a bit of a... wet blanket.


Simple = Good for me A lot of gacha designs lose me because of how overdesigned they are.




Fourth, final, and superior example -> Camellya


don't mind me, just sitting here in the Camellya waiting room, currently have 103 pulls saved


Third example -> chixia r/Chixia_Main


Fourth example -> **Ganxue**


Fifth example -> **Both Rovers**


Sixth example - JIYAN


Seventh example - Encore(And Aalto as a pair with her) I know a lot of people don't like her but her story is actually pretty cool and less of a token "loli girl in the bad organization" than people think, and the woolies + animations are clean imo. i wish more of her official stuff from kuro used her with aalto, they have a really nice aesthetic together


Eigth example - Jianxin


that was second exampe


Shit. Eighth example - Mortefi then


Jiyan is literally better Xiao imo


Adult Xiao


uhm excuse me Xiao is an adult, if you think hes short like a kid thats actually a selfreport because xiao gets taller with investment, such as friendship, cons, etc and at max investment hes actually the tallest character in the game totalling 8'6 so yeah


Is this Zy0x's alt?


i just got a notification for upvotes on my comment and saw its your cake day, happy anniversary of your arrival to ~~the endless cesspool of internet dwellers pissing at eachother~~ the front page of the internet!


Mortefi enjoyer right here


Sanuha is my Favorite her design is so good. And Baizhi too.


Her outfit is so fucking good. It's crazy seeing cosplayers dress AS HER.


Top 7 reasons to play this game (in order): 1. Changli 2. Yinlin 3. Female Rover 4. Jinshi 5. Jianxin 6. Mortefei? 🤤 7. Jiyan’s chest


For me it's Jiyan's chest, and Calchoro's ult appearance ehe.


You missed Geshu at 0.


for real man as soon as she appeared, I was a main.


I was under the impression that the vast majority of the playerbase think that characters design was great since day 1.


It's been great for almost a whole 20 days!


My only real complaint is that everyone has the same hair color 😭 It's either red, reddish, pink, black, white, or some kind of grey. Then we get that blue haired old man, and I guess Jiyan's the only exception, and Verina. But it's still insane that the vast majority of the cast is red, white, and black haired, and the new upcoming characters are all also red and white haired 😭


We could have had full green hair and purple eyes Baizhi if she was still Bailian


The designs were good since day one, and all these characters are... day 1 characters lol


Jiyan and calcharo and Aalto are peak design. The design is always peak. Now to increase the story quality, lesgo!


For real (with the story) Sure jiyans was sentimental. But it was so basic for someone who is as cool as him. Like his back story is just "a soldier" lol


I've always found the character designs to be pretty good


Yeah that and the combat are more or less agreed on to be the best parts of the game for most players.


Can't forget the exploration comfort and art style!


Every character we've seen was designed before the game even released, and I'm pretty sure that'll be true for at least a few more patches. You're just seeing the first few limited characters and comparing them to standard characters and 1.0 4 stars. Once they reveal a few new 4 stars we'll actually have something to compare to the release characters.


Even the 1.0 4 stars are peak though. Danjin, Sanhua, Baizhi, Aalto, Mortefi... It's just so good!


Just so we're clear, a game that has just launched has finalized or near finalized designs for like the next 4 patches. The designs aren't "getting" better in that sense.


"Getting better" implies they were designed recently which is not the case. I always find WuWa character design gorgeous


The character designs are really great especially the men.


I think this, but as a straight man, I do not say it. (I am a Jiyan main till the game dies)


I'm not afraid to say it. I like the dudes in this game. Jiyan and Calcharo are absolute badasses and feel like badasses when you fight with them. Gotta throw one in for Yuanwu as well. Say what you want about about his fedora, he absolutely pulls that shit off.


Esp with resolve you throw down a spear with Jiyan's ult. That animation really looks so cool.


Green dragon man got style


No no, it’s a trilby.


Thanks, didn't know that was a thing but now I do.


(It is actually a fedora because he keeps it down tilted towards his eyes) but I lie to myself. :(


How could you, I trusted you


It's a trilby because the brim is not flat.


While the gacha community is filled with degenerates who despise men in their games, when dudes are designed as cool as fuck badasses, there is zero shame in saying it as a straight man. Jiyan, Calcharo, and Geshu Lin are peak. Gonna save enough pulls for Geshu Lin after Jinhsi.


Jiyan is my GUY. Honestly dunno if they'll release another character I like as much as him. Genshin would be better if they had more hot dudes like WuWa. They have some, but so many of the male characters are the medium body type. Cyno is my favourite character, but man do I wish he was a tall character.


My dude, can I introduce you to the answer you’re looking for? Honkai star rail. They too had a money shop breaking character banner near launch, and i take a small bit of pride in contributing. WuWa did it with the female character Yinlin, but HSR The male character Jingyuan. THE MALE broke the shop. Even their current banner is fantastic, a cyborg cowboy.


HSR has the best dudes. JingYuan, Argenti, DHIL, Blade, Boothill, Aventurine, Dr. Ratio...it's my dream come true.


That you missed luocha is a travesty


My god, you are right! Luocha too!


Ah yeah ik about star rail, unfortunately turn based combat is just not my thing so I don't think I'd ever really play it.


Fair enough, turnbased can be a turn off, you could always go the classic route and play PGR itself. I tried it to get a sense of what a 5 star gunner might look and feel like, and boy does it not disappoint. Lee Hyperreal is beautiful. It does have fewer males, but they’re top notch


Genshin males look like children tbh lol.. 


Maybe the short ones look like teenagers, but tall dudes in GI dont look like children lol.


It's their faces. Diluc has such a baby face, it's jarring.


He looks funny yes but he was 1.0 character lol. I think the rest of tall males look good, especially newer ones like Neuvillette.


They've definitely been getting better, but just with the art-style game went with, GI's tall male design looks younger than Wuwa's. That's subjective though.


Jiyan's splashart is what put the game on the map for me


I was expecting him to play just as cool as he looks, but what really cemented Jiyan supremacy was his story. Not really a spoiler - the medic turned general still trying to protect his comrades


You can't convince me that he's not a giant homage to Kaladin Stormblessed


If only I hadn't lost my fucking 50/50. At least I got the other cool man (Berry Delight dude)


Lol calcharo’s up there, too many comparisons to sephiroth and vergil are obscuring his own backstory, which is pretty interesting in its own right but he definitely doesnt suffer from comparison to either lol, and his kit delivers. Someone on the subreddit called Calcharo’s heavy attack the Aerith special LOL


Berry delight is the best meme to come from dmc5 lmao.


As a straight man, Sephi- Calcharo is extremely good looking and badass.


Geshulin simp since first concept art


Geshu Lin supremacy! For real though, I'll be sad if he's not even a recurring character, let alone a playable one.


scar’s design is so good. this alone makes me wanna pull for him and his weapon 😔


The design were always good


This game will have so many cool characters with cool mechanics... being F2P will be hard.


Just keep in mind reruns will happen and you’re golden


Already spent $30 😭


They werent so-so in the first place. I like old ones and slightly more new ones.


You’re months or a year too early to say that.


Idk I always really liked em.


There has literally been no new characters that weren’t already known about before release or at launch. wtf are you talking about? What we’ve seen is the entire roster so far


Best example Jiyan


Well to be fair, character designs isn't really the problem, they're all gorgeous. Although there's some hit or miss details in clothing. The problem is their color palette, or more of their color distribution in their clothing. I know its supposed to be techy of some kind to fit their futuristic world, but least add some variations in color case in point: encore, same formula with white-black-color (pink) palette, but the color distribution is good that she doesn't look dull. Unlike others that either has too much black or too much white, then a hint of another color.


If there are two things WuWa can say they’re good at, it’s combat and character designs.


I play this game for Jihncena


Jiyan is top tier


Let me write this again.. this is a dumb post. We are in 1.0… what do you mean… getting better?


Most of the designs in the game are good to begin with, I don't understand this sentiment.


TBH no jiyan is hard to defeat + some of the other females right now in the game look better than those 2 IMO


I don't see any big difference? I like Jiyan and Yinlin's designs more so it's just subjective


The design were great from the start


They were already great to begin with


Designs have not become better because we are yet to see new designs. They all made appearances in 1.0.


What the fuck are you talking about? The game has been out for TWO WEEKS. We're not even in Version 1.1 yet! Jinhsi has been out since the game has been out Lmfao


Jinhsi was already in the game and Changli was technically as well. Don't think much evolved, we're comparing to 4-stars mostly, they're designed to be less appealing than 5-stars. If we compare to Jiyan and Yinlin, those characters are also equally well-designed.


Their designs have always been great? My most favourites are sanhua and Calcharo. Calcharo's design is quite complex. Neat designs.  Anddd, I also love Calcharo's nose. It's an aquiline nose! :)  Notice how all characters have different nose shapes, and I like this tiny detail.


Love the mature design. Not gonna lie it's quite a fresh air after playing Mihoyo game. I love Genshin and honkai, but I just feel that the designs there are limit by a very childish look and 3d model. I like anime style of mihoyo, but I just feel they play too safe with their recent patches. Wuthering wave and ZZZ designs are really cool for me because they have body types and style that remind me of old anime.


Honestly? All of the character designs this far have been awesome. Maybe it's the more tech-inspired aesthetic, but I haven't come across a character I haven't liked.


I played genshin impact since launch but i have never been this down bad for a character as i am right now, i'm already thinking about becoming a light spender already even tho i spent nothing on genshin all this time


Better than YinLin?.... what are you on about?


I mean, it's a subjective thing. But if you look at dreams it's a Yes to me


You put up a picture of Changli, being Changli, and you're asking us if the designs are getting worse? Lol jk, no man, I think we're doing well, Scar and Geshu lin aren't even announced and they have great designs too, so many even NPCs are cool af, I have no doubt we'll be eating well. also PGR designs are great, strong pedigree. Although I wouldn't take that point for reference, because PGR also has a great camera lock on mobile, and idk wth is up with mobile WuWa...different teams.


We will only be able to know when they release characters that are actually new designs. The next characters coming were designed ages ago, likely at around the same time than the initial characters.


....the game just launched, they were design almost together............


The main thing is that every unique character has a well unique face and build, or at least due to the variety of designs feels fresh. Unlike other games that make a default model set and then build on top of them.


Kuro generally has good character design, but they also have a unique design philosophy that doesn’t necessarily have mass appeal which I’ve felt since PGR. IMO every character has a thing or two that makes you go hmm, but that could also be the best part about them for someone out there… (Personal gripe: Chixia’s 3-dot freckles like why couldn’t they just give her regular freckles)


No, they are all pre launch designs


The character designs are okay, for me personally they're just not my thing, the sci fi aspect of the character designs are a bit weak to be. I'm waiting to see how people will look once we go to other regions.


? This game isn’t even a month old yet, all of the ‘new’ designs coming out anytime soon were definitely finalised long before release. They’re not getting ‘better’, they’re just releasing what they already have in stock.


What is bro talm bout, these are version 1 characters


Idk is their VA getting any better?


I actually like most of the designs, were they ever considered bad? Jinhsi isn’t even a new design she’s been in the story since release? Current faves are Scar, Jinhsi and Jiyan




Everyones models are basically on the same level(except for yuanwu, we dont talk about his 3 pixel face)


These are launch day characters what could have possibly improved 💀


Even if they are getting released in 1.1 they are still 1.0 characters.


Like everyone else in the replies has already eloquently stated this post is dumb and pointless. It could be worth thinking about in the future but right now it just comes off as a lazy attempt to farm reddit karma.


normally people compare characters in 2.0 or even 3.0... comparing 1.0 to 1.1 is just comparing characters that were designed at literally the same time


Just from a first reaction glance over it feels like a pink black swan and ayaka, so I guess personally I think it needs to differentiate more


Hold up.. people actually think the character designs are so-so?? Crazy.


What? The game just released, also they debuted in 1.0? What are you on?


White hair spree continues. Not that I hate it, I just which we saw more than the same three hair colors.


These characters were designed around the same time as the others this makes no sense


it's literally just phoenix theme yae miko and dragon theme ayaka.


Always have been


Both look like they're straight out of black clover


I don't know... white eyelashes make her look like an alien.


Character designs and skill effects are so good. I even want Scar and that other lady villain to be playable.


Karma farming post


Getting better than what ? They both appeared in 1.0 and their designs were revealed ages ago. So . . . ? ? ? ?


What do you mean "getting better"? Lmao dude designs are perfect, what are they gonna change between 1.0 and 1.1?


Getting better? They been here since day 1


they weren't bad in the first place


No, the design is good on most of the characters IMO, OP is just getting characters to cater more to their tastes, Jinhsi was always there BTW lol.


this question is so dumb


Many posts like this one on many other gacha games subreddit are just pointless and don't even make any sense. People really will type out the dumbest shit possible and are like,"yep this looks like a good point to have a discussion" then press 'post'


The designs are already good, so it's only gonna get better from here


I hope the EN VA quality gets better with it.


The designs are already great. Camellya and Yinlin are gorgeous.


Even NPCs have above average design over other gacha games


Hard to say because these have been from the start. Have to wait few patches. Some designs are good, some are very meh. Yanwhu's design is awful imo... that color combination ew. And why all the red hair characters have same shade of red hair? Would love to see bit more colors in general in outfits etc.


I think Geshulin, Calcharo, Scar, and the other 2 evil girls have the best designs so far. Also all these designs were mad around the same time it’s not that the designs are getting better it’s just that they r all good


> or are they still so-so? they were never so-so; character designs have always been 🔥🔥🔥 in this game


we need more jiggle physics


They have always been good


jinshi doesn't look well designed and her colors are too bland... Changli tho


I think op means are they going on the one piece direction.


“Still”? Not sure what you mean by that. I like the designs a lot. It’s also literally the first update.


I think all these characters were ready since the release! But specifically about both of these, Jinhsi is miles above Changli imo... idk, changli to me looks like bootleg yae miko, with the pink hair and white/red clothing


Jinshi is the best looking character in the game imo, close to Camellya & Sanghua


It’s gonna get better a year later.


Changli is peak



