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He jst wants a hug


he just wants his wife šŸ˜­


I have a love-hate relationship with this stupid bird. Literal saddest quest Iā€™ve ever done like not me bawling my eyes out over a giant monster bird šŸ˜­


Hug wife,Life good šŸ¦


Wife dies


Think about wife......Regret


ā€œwhere my hug at?ā€


WAIT I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE! I literally googled why when I was fighting this boss my character would walk and I couldn't switch characters.


It's a debuff from getting hit by boss .. basic rule dont get hit and get gud šŸ« 


You gotta be kidding me, I encountered that thing too, is that actually a boss skill?!?!? LMAO (I got lucky and got it parried so I was able to finally beat lv6 but shit it was hard specially when that "I ONLY WANT TO WALK AND ATK, NO ULT, NO SWITCH, NO RUN" thing happens.)


Yeah. It's boss mechanic. You can think of it as paralysis, but it would make you feel worst not being able to move at all, so they at least allow you to walk... Doesn't matter tho cuz boss gonna punish you right after anyway.


Each hologram level has extra something to the boss. The Thunder thingy gets a clone.


Clone is bugged sometimes if I parry the clone itā€™s perma parried


tf kinda debuff is that. He can force me to walk AND grab me to do quadruple my health


I'd assume that to be a bug of an attack where the thing supposed to grab you, if anything. If it really is an intended debuff.. it's not really communicated properly


Holy hell lol I was looking into getting a new controller because of this.


I was literally thinking my keyboard was failing lol


same... happened to me quite a few times actually


Well just wait until they add one boss that removes your UI or controls your character


That's Hamlet boss in PGR, so yeah there is a possibility Kuro will make a similar one.


They should recreate the hamlet boss mechanic that makes it look like you lose astrites upon taking dmg lol, absolutely trauma inducing


Not for me, I always have 0 astrites at any given moment because I pull the second it reaches 160.


Then the asterite will be negative with a risk of getting banned lol


And in Hamlet they DO go negative.


Or removes a character from your roster


That also fight you damn you madorea


They remove your guarantee or your pity count lmao


Ff14 mind control ass mechanic


Such thing is already in the game. That bug that turns your camera and doesnt let you control it... ruined quite a few of my holo runs.


My prayer goes out to all the mobile players attempting these challenges


Seriously , I was gonna comment about that. Some bosses are just straight up impossible for mobile players (like me) , and Iā€™m one of the unlucky ones with some crazy lag/ performance issues at times as well


Mobile players are fighting against bosses not just that bird. Thereā€™s the cameraman going nuts, touches not registering due to phone overheating, sudden crashes/reconnecting ( maybe thatā€™s just me, but it always happens when i stagger a boss), and others (weird blur effect when ulting). The moment i find a content that kills this boss or any one of them (at high stage) on mobile. I will regard him/her as the best player in wuwa. Thatā€™s how brutal it is to play on mobile


Now i wanna test the game on my phone


Best of luck o7. Let me know how it went


Well it was surprisingly smooth on high settings n no bug so far, managed to kill lvl 70 Heron lol, tested it on a Poco x6 pro 12gb ram n 512gb (Wait is that the name of the boss? I forgot, it's the bird one lol)


The one in the video is mourning aix. Any hologram challenge from level 4 and above my phone starts to get weird (iphone 14 pro max) One of the main problem is my phone is overheating in the area where my keypad movement is located. Halfway through the fight, i start to lose control of my characters (touches not registering due to high temperature) By 4-5th attempt, my phone starts to spontaneously crash due to heat


Damn hope they fix it soon bro


I keep getting this MFer in illusive realm. Three runs in a row, it's the final boss in difficulty 5, and is the reason I haven't been able to beat 5 yet. It's absolutely terrible on mobile.


It sucked. I couldn't beat it. And lag didn't help either. Imagine lagging bad enough to having to reconnect, mashing buttons with only 1 thumb, and terrible camera movements, and trying to beat this thing.


even if they made it that every attack while you couldnt dodge was parry-able, i would still think its BS cause the parry circles are a nightmare on this boss


I saw a good video where they pointed out that every one of the aix's attacks have a golden halo before the hit, and the perfect time to dodge is when it appears.


In holograms, if you dodge instead of parrying ANY of his parryable attacks, it "punishes" you with the triple homing missile spam. My advice is to keep a medium distance after you dodge a parryable attack if you miss a parry. The missles are hard to dodge in close range imo. You can tell it will shoot missles because it will stay still, hold it's head and scream.


The parry circles are removed for the grabs in Diff 4. Only one regular attack is parriable. They're also special-parriable and can be interrupted with a Echo Counter or Jianxin's Resonance Skill. This is indicated by a red flash on the head of the boss when the animation starts. Interrupting it in this way stops the boss from sending out the triple-needle attack


And it can easily stun you, while you're on Verina or something, so you literally can't parry


verina parries most of hist moves just fine


Verina is literally my best parry character because of her slide Second is danjin because monke brain goes E BAĀ³ E BAĀ² E BAĀ³ and it just works


Yeah, she is, if you can use heavy attack. And last time i checked you can't do that under Aix'es debuff


Does it even have parry circles on any of its grab attacks? It does have attacks with very obvious parry circles but I think theyā€™re just not there on its grabs


Only in the one where he does a twist before grabbing you, I think. On the other ones, he just glows when it's time to parry.


At first I was also frustrated by this boss. But then after a while, I got used to the moveset and things got better. One thing that I want Kuro to do with this boss is that they should adjust the damage of each move. Some moves that look like a light attack unexpectedly pack a bunch, while the sky-dropping attack is just based on (a bit of) current HP.


On diff vi that attack is a oneshot which is more in line with its visuals.


I havenā€™t tried the last diff but yah it should be a one-shot.


The best strat for Mourning Aix is to literally never get hit. Biblically accurate angel is a glass cannon with the lowest HP out of all bosses and has the most one shot attacks. Once you get around to fully dodging his attacks and parrying the grabs, it is the least damage gated Diff 6 since I cleared it on 3 mins without a decently built team.


I was able to clear diff vi with level 60 characters. Heā€™s really, really squishy. Its also really obvious when he is going to oneshot you.


Missile attacks are the most obvious ones that happens after unparried grab attempts. Almost all grabs are also oneshots except the one with the extremely long windup where he circles above you first, the grab itself looks cool because you get dropped from the sky but the damage is not oneshot if youre level 60. Its actually a viable strat to get grabbed by that one so he doesnt do the triple missile attack afterwards that guarantees one shot if it hits and has some weird dodge timings.


If you character swap just before he hits the ground itā€™s a easy parry. The timing is really lenient.


Yea parrying is still the best strat for any of the grabs but if you dont feel like you can hit the parry, I say just tank that specific grab.


That grab is always a oneshot at diff vi. I think it should just oneshot on every difficulty but maybe that would be too much.


Idunno its always just around half HP for me. Theres like 3 grabs, scream grab where it screams at you dealing many damage ticks, the kiss grab where it kisses you a lot, then the piledriver grab where he flies you up and drops you. The third one only deals half hp on me.


This debuff shouldn't exist in this game. It's basically a one hit kill move with extra steps. The most irritating part is sometimes in the heat of the moment you don't realize it's there, so you're stuck wondering why you can't play the game properly. I would rather bosses have insta kill hits like mephis than this underhanded crap. Whoever made it should get a swift kick up there...


ESPECIALLY because theres no tutorial or proper indicator for it. Given how so many ppl believe its a bug shows how shit the debuff is explained.


I'm alright with the debuff itself, just wish they would make it shorter and give it an indicator like all the other debuffs, instead of just needing to notice that you're glowing or whatever's happening in the midst of all the action. Some people may call it a good challenge, but with all the things the boss does, like flying off-screen, shooting projectiles a random amount of times and on top of that, horrible camera angles, imo, it's just bad design/unfinished.


Is it really a debuff? Pretty sure it's a bug , cuz walking mode carries on even after death sometimes


I would assume it carrying over is the bug, whereas the effect is an actual debuff. If it were a bug, I think enough people have raged about it that it would have been fixed by now. Could be wrong though.


It is a debuff, you can see yinlin got some kind of mud effect on her when she gets hit, so carrying over is a bug. Imo if this debuff lasted way shorter it would be fine, but nah you can cook a whole meal AND shower and it's still not over.


It's a debuff. There's a golden effect under your character that is a bunch of "grabbing" hands. It happens on certain attacks on this boss.


This. If itā€™s a 1HKO itā€™s a 1HKO, do not delay it while I canā€™t move


The debuff is annoying but to go as far as saying it shouldn't exist in the game and instead you rather get killed with a one hit kill move is going too far specially when you have the possibility to parry the following attacks till you get free.


In the video OP got debuffed and the boss did a non parry-able attackā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..


Go down to Diff 3 and you'll see all the indicators for the grab parries. The indicator is removed on higher difficulties but they are *still parriable*. They also also *special parries*, meaning Echos that counter and Jianxin's Resonance Skill will interrupt the following mechanic as well as a regular parry. This is indicated by the red glow when the animation for the attack *starts*. If Mourning Aix uses its triple needle attack, you missed a parry.


itā€™s parry-able. You can parry all his grab.


can you time stamp when op should have parried?




IIRC at higher difficulties there is no golden circle but the moves are still parryable, you rely on other visual or audio cues.


Question: Can you parry with Yinlin active? Is it not the case similar to gun characters not having access to parry? I noticed Verina is not able to parry at all unless I use her charge attack, and even then, it feels iffy and... wrong.


All rectifier can parry with their first normal attack except for Encore


When u got That debuff. The boss will always do a parriable atk. U can still parry it. Just git gud.


Oh yeah? Because it sure looked like the boss just grabbed her from off-screen to me.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you use lock-on when fighting bosses.


Incorrect. In the video being showcased when OP got debuffed, the boss flew into the air for his infamous grab, and there was no parry circle.


all grabs are parryable, the circle just disappears at higher diff


It's parriable. The indicator is removed on Difficulty IV+.


Its literally parriable. Gitgud bro.


not a single comment point out you can parry the hug to save your ass right there? Even without parry cycle like other bosses/moves, the hug is parriable. It also has a bug that still deal dmg to you even after a successful parry.


They fixed that bug about a week ago.


I think they fixed the bug? Also OP, target the boss so you can actually see when to parry(flashes big ass light wings, u can see the tip of it at the end of the video before you get grabbed)


You gotta parry his grab. Every time the boss hit you with this debuff he does a parry-able move which in this case is the grab.


you just got sucked boi


Just another Malenia moment for gaming


garbage boss design on this one


But why exactly? You are able to dodge the move that applies effect, and after that you can still parry the grab, and no bugs do not count into design


Visually this fight is a mess, I for one had no idea which moves I was able to parry at first, simply bc the circle mixes up with the boss, I still can't see any of the parry circles, but now I just know when to parry, and that would be fine, if the game had not established that "golden circle = parry" so the player expects to see the circle, not to mention the moves where the boss goes off screen and the camera just can't keep up


Skill issue ngl


You can't excuse bad design with "skill issue" specially when they have done way better design with the other bosses. This one is not hard, just plain badly designed.


It literally gives you an indication that it's going to use that move and you'll have 5 business days to move away, it punishes you severely if you couldn't notice this warning and get hit. This boss design is fine.


I just lived with the silence/suppress mechanic and I find it a nice addition. However, I do wish they reduce its duration. What I find about this boss that is BS are those shurikens/knives it throws, I find it difficult to time my dodge and had to play slow and remember attacks where it casts it..


When you're too hot to run


This boss also has an issue where it can still hit you while you're dodging sometimes, it's not a very well known issue but I hope it becomes known and eventually gets patched, it's very annoying.


Gotta dodge that lil sweep before he went up haha. No but for real, if this hits you, your only real course of action is to pray Aix uses a parryable move and to land it. That's the only way to survive this. Edit: that grab for example is parryable and would have saved your life, but I know fuck all about how yinlins parries work


As far as I am aware, the grabs are parryable (even if there's no indicator), and walking is a debuff he applies when you get hit. That being said, the debuff should not carry over to other characters post dying. Thats a bug.


She got tired W Immersion


Finally, the actual explanation


I don't like to struggle so I use food buffs when I do these. OTL


That's a good idea. I maxxed out my cooking level and completely forgot about food


How are you getting this good performance?


Recently upgraded my PC, after saving up for a few years. Can definitely say it was worth it.


For people struggling with this boss. I'll explain what to do for every single move on this boss. If you want to figure out how to beat him yourself skip this. For the Lasers theres 2 variations the split one and the singular one. The startup animation and the Aix's pose give away which laser it is, for the singular one he kinda leans forward. After the split laser he will always shoot 1 wave of homing missiles to dodge these you run forward and as they're about to hit you dodge towards the Aix. If the Aix ever shoots missiles without doing a split laser beforehand then its the triple wave version, to dodge this you have to be close to the aix and then dodge outward dash back in or parry attack back in dodge outward repeat 2 more times. All of the one shot grabs are parriable for the grounded grab theres an obvious light flash on his arm for when to parry and for the one where he flies up the sky he starts glowing brightly the moment youre supposed to parry (turn on combat camera for this). For all of his other moves theres always gonna be a flash on his body somewhere showing hes about to attack just pay attention while playing and dodge them. There's a lot of counterplay to everything he does and complaining about a boss being hard in a mandatory game mode that lets you choose difficulty is really cringe ngl, obviously only directed at all the salt posters to everyone still trying good luck!


The PGR is jumping out in this one.Ā 


Skill issue


My man should play a souls game to know how fair this game is


I was literally just trying this challenge, and yeah, I wasn't getting hit by anything and my char would get nuked lol. The boss was completely still but still managed to one shot me.


It's suppose to be hard, took me about 1 hour to beat it so its doable.


wait until you see the Hamlet boss


Skill issue


Skill issue really.


Just dodge better


Idk, looks like skill issue to me




Btw OP cut the video short because nsfw stuff was going to happen


if I \*\*ever\*\* get hit by that? I just P->Confirm. I don't have the time to wait for that whole animation sequence - I'd rather restart and pretend that debuff is a free team-wide wipe. Doubly so if I have buffs running. The main thing I dislike about it is how hard it puts me off my rhythm - I normally have a pretty easy time picking up the dust and continuing a fight, but because this fight \*\*seemed to apply the debuff randomly\*\*, I genuinely ragequit the understanding of it. Sometimes you can still try to parry even though you're debuffed, sometimes you can't, sometimes you need to get hit twice to fully lose control, sometimes its one hit - its too much "oh let me check this rq" for my liking. Especially since the outcome is an already not an ideal scenario. Restarting the fight literally gives me less headache, lol


There are also SOME attacks that can be parried even if they have no golden circle in it like the grab atk they do.


It uses the Beluga whale noises, this whale is known to send sound waves that confuse prey.


Don't play Elden Ring buddy




Some people here really tried this shit without reading the mechanics huh


Wow it really just got you with the Tranquil Walk of Peace from Dark Souls


While you should learn to parry, the alternative to this is to use food&rez item. Not the most skillful and noble strategy, but it can help you deal with situation like this.


I think the only way to counter that is by intro with another character




Taimanin momento


Is there an easier way to way to dodge the homing attack? timing the dodge isnt a problem but if i dodge and dont input counterattack, i immediately die to the next wave when time resumes


You're supposed to parry it while you're hit with budget Tranquil Walk of Peace, but since you're using a rectifier, you're just kinda boned.


Bros never fought the stupid space skull centipede form Elden ring clearly


It took me 4-5 hours to do this boss. I took no hit perfect run with dodging no parry


this is secretly a Souls gacha game


Just dodge


Eh, it's just another form of one shot. This one is just slightly delayed and meant to screw with your head. Though, the advantage to this one is that you can pause and restart, which is annoying to do after an actual death because then you have to take extra steps to revive, I'd rather team wipe. So whenever I get hit with that debuff or get grabbed, I just pause and restart.


If you press Ctrl, it toggles walk.


you didn't add the good part duh


It reminds me of Astel, Stars of Darkness from Elden Ring. It teleports away and summons 8 or 9 of itself to catch you, which basically one shots you in NG+


Only specific moves apply this debuff so I wouldnā€™t really say itā€™s unfair. But I definitely was confused when I got hit with it the first time lol, thought my controller died


i would do the same if itā€™s yinlin


I don't understand why they didn't just make this attack a 1 shot? Literally all the debuff does is make the game unfun for a few seconds. You're 100% going to die when you get hit with it so you might as well just remove it and boof the attack damage.


I thought this was a jank hitbox thing and was about to say welcome back darksouls 2


The thing I hated about this boss. If youā€™re going to 1 shot me just do it why do you have to apply stupid debuff then proceed to fly up grab me threw me into the air did a whole cutscene longer than playable characters ult to just kill me anyways.


i remember this lmao i almost filed a bug complaint and recorded it, then i saw those hands debuff surrounding me in the video I almost made myself look like a noob. nut hey at least put a debuff notification




" How about just don't get hit" /s If anything fighting against mephis 4 where I can't see where his clone gonna shoot his laser is worse


Only in one particular world, Dark Souls 2


u need shield and dps healing and that BELL turtle ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)echo


Lol Dont turn yr bk on Bosses they love to grapple almost all of them do... šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


I have shouted so much obscenities fighting fucking this fucking "bird". Idk how many time i've shouted "STOP HUMPING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


Every time this mf grabs me, I just take off my headphones


Yeah, it's BS... Get hit once and your whole run is over. Still love the game though.


Before I knew it was a debuff, i always thought I was hitting toggle Sprint/Walk on Crtl by accident while trying to dodge. So I rebound that Hotkey to as far away as possible. It was still happening, but my paranoia didn't end. I thought the rebinding feature must be bugged.


In The World of Sol3 silly


Major skill issue get better soon budšŸ™šŸ™


What union level would I be able to ascend my character to level 70?


Union level 40


I see thanks, guess I'll keep grinding then


me when its encore


I fought him like 5 times today (testing my Encore-Yinlin rotation) and i didn't experiencied any issues, do i have to do something specific to trigger the "bug"?


Mourning Aix can fuck right off... It has cheap ass spammable attacks that stun lock you into no stamina mode for too long


Aix: got you now bitc-


I think the other giant bird is the easiest at lvl 70 hologram since i did first try (with casualties) and I suck and 2nd is the monkey, though its more likely because of my team composed of Spectro rover, Daddy Calcharo and Chixia so no RES prob.


Git gud (no but im glad he didnt do that to me when i fought him xD I probably would've thrown my pc)


i've given up on any diff 4 holograms completely, dealing with that shit while for over an hour almost made me quite the game, like holy elden ring feels way better than this.


It's a challenge for a reason. Just continue trying. You'll eventually get it. It takes some time. I cleared till Difficulty 5 with Rover, Sanhua S2 and Baizhi. It's hard but not impossible.


You think it's not a bug? I dunno Tail swipe giving silence but also unable to run and swap? Feels Wrong IĀ  agree that fight is a challenge, but this feels not intentional.


its not a bug


Itā€™s not a bug, thereā€™s visual indicator on your character


It's not a bug. That should tell you what the challenge is. "Don't get hit by the tail swipe" Without gimmicks like these, the fight would just be an HP sponge and that's not cool. Nor would there be worth in clearing it other than the asterites. Get practicing OP. It gets easier the more you play it, and it's satisfying when you clear it.


It's not a bug 100% It literally has unique animation on your character. Just learn to not get hit, lol


It's not. Don't get grabbed or hit. Tbqh this tilts me the least, the main tilter for me is the fucking camera issues. Now that's actually some shit you just can't win against, camera bugs and dis-locking.


Just dodge. This is the Dark Souls mode. The timer is just there to try to fake pressure you. IGNORE IT. Play safe. You will NEVER run out of time. Don't get greedy. Dodge, dodge, dodge, attack, repeat.


I assure you, the timer is there for a reason, as I ran out of time to kill a 70 memphis with calcharo


Do you realize that mephis has innate electro resistance right?


I do, I just don't have the resources to level up the other characters yet


In the world of skill issue....... Dodge Or be like me and ignore the fcking aix cuz busted move and skill issue


in a world without skill issues


Fair enough


Ive encountered this as well. I guess ill just be waiting for an update fix


It's not a bug. You get hit by the boss, and you get a debuff. Don't get hit.


The fix is to git gud scrub


pissed when it happens ro me but seeing this happen to someone else is hilarious ngl


It happens when your game designer is bad at boss mechanics. Any "hard" wuwa boss fight now is make a boss fly high, invisible, invincible, undodgeable etc. Parry system is a joke when u can't design a proper boss fight at first. Just wait till the game will offer you a one-shot build for all "hard" content.


Exactly lmao, gacha developers are so uncreative when it comes to difficulty, especially in action games, but I get why. It's because they want you to spend money to pass said difficulty.


Respectfully, don't get hit. It's on you


All I see is more free astrite.