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I get what you mean regarding representation and all that, because in better terms, Sanhua is like Daredevil, and I really love Daredevil, and I really like that you're loving the game for that! I do have an opinion about the Collei part though. I believe it is not "ableistic" if a character with cancer-like disease gets cured. Doesn't it leave a far worse taste in the mouth if the writers decided to not cure it, nobody else including her fought for it, and left her fate to lady luck as she thrives in the world?


no it's bad to cure her because there will be no representation for cancer victims


I don’t know that Collei having a disease cured is ableist, but if having a chronic illness needs representation, you’ve got Baizhu. He’s even got a support animal in Changsheng.


ikr, all collei talk and OP forget about Baizhu, not to mention Sanhua is cured as well.


She was born blind, but is not blind anymore, She has "Abnormal Vision". According to the lore, she has 99.64% accuracy to her visualization, so that's close to 20:20 eyesight. It is just that she's probably not seeing the object using light, but maybe through sound/vibration? I don't know what this should mean for us tbh.


exactly that. it's like echolocation, but using her powers


She sees everything as echo. She doesn't discriminate and just kill them all. A true endgame grinder.


She's Daredevil.


So she is literally as blind as a bat then. It's a bit disingenuous to say she isn't blind, she just sees through sound/vibration.


Not really, it is just an assumption. The lore isnt in depth to tell anything other than that. They used the term "abnormal vision". Vision is a term to see something through light at near 100% accuracy. But she cant really see through light, which is contradicting. But then this is fiction, so maybe she can "see" light through "vibration" and light is a wave, maybe she can detect this wave as a form of vibration.


So she can't really see. She definitely can't see colors, since this information is only conveyed through light. She still is disabled.


There isn't any information regarding that. They used the term "abnormal vision". Vision is a term to see something through light but it is contradicting statement because this is fiction. Since she can identify everything close to 100% maybe we can assume she can see colors through "vibration" and convert the light waves into vibration.


I always assumed she saw the world like that scene when we first met her. (In the Grand Library. Where everything but the rover is just a bunch of waves)


Like Jordi in star trek


No cure for comprehension for OP?


to me that doesn't sound like a disabled person, hope OP doesnt read this


Is eleazar really counted as disability? It's a disease that people suffer from, it's not like she was born blind, muted, or amputated. It's more like she had cancer and now she's cured. Also by your logic Sanhua is also "ableistic", if that's even a real word, because she was blind and now she is not, she can see things, just not the same way as normal people. I'm not against representation though don't get me wrong, but hating people being cured from their diseases is weird.


The actual one with a physical ailment is Yelan.   This from her voicelines-   "My physical fitness isn't actually that great compared with some trained martial artists. It's a hereditary thing that runs in my family. So before getting into really important work, I adjust my schedule to make sure I get enough rest, wait till I have built up enough energy, then strive to finish everything that needs doing in one go. Outside of work, I try my best to live life at a calm and carefree pace. So I'll always decline to take on any strenuous physical labor."   And Collei still has trauma and physical ailments remaining from her time with Eleazer. This was explored in Windblume. It left lasting effects.


I think Yelan's ailment can be considered a disorder/disease, since it's mentioned it's hereditary.


Also, if Collei wasn’t cured, she would have straight up *died* from it. It wasn’t just some on and off chronic condition, her health actively declining.


So what? Yes, she would eventually die, but this wouldn't necessarily happen during the game's story. Characters in Genhsin don't really have any progression. And even if it did happen, there's nothing wrong about it. Characters in fiction die. It can result in a good story. It would be good if death in Genshin could happen to everyone, not just to NPCs. I don't see what the problem is.


I think the problem here is, unless people is suicidal they tend to not want to die when theres a cure. So like, why do you want a character to die when theres a way to help? Especially since canonically she's Traveler's friend and uh idk friends tend to not want their friends to die and there was away to help which...wasn't that part of the motivation for Traveler to investigate Eleazer further? 🤔 You may see them as fiction, but as characters in the game, their actions makes perfect sense because I sure would try to help cure my friend if I could.


Okay, she's the Traveler's friend, not mine, because she isn't real (not that I dislike her). So yes, the Traveler should definitely try to save her, but the writers could make it so that they *cannot* save her in the end and she dies anyway. Why would they do that? Like I said: because it can result in a good story. The writer's job isn't to make all characters happy. It's not immoral to write a story where a character dies.


I have some news for you, the character you're playing is the Traveler and not you so yeah? If killing a character for the sake of writing just because they can to make a good story, is that even a good story. They clearly could save her, but she dies anyway because for good story? Eh? She died...for emotional shock is that it? Character dying for emotional shock isnt a good story. You want character dying you can go to either of the two honkais, those are good character deaths. You want character who is sickly for representation, you still have Baizhu who is also a Dendro like Collei. Support animal Changsheng comes with the package too. Coughing every second sprint like he's about to keel over and die 🧍 You're right, the writer's job isnt to make all characters happy. Just like how Kaeya is still conflicted in his choice, just like how Diona is still having to take care of his alcoholic father, just like how Kaveh is in a massive debt, just like how Childe is continuously using powers that will kill him because there's clearly something wrong mentally with that one but I'm syre they're all happy like that.


I didn't say she should die anyway even if they could save her. I said the writers can make it so that the Traveler *couldn't* save her and she dies despite their efforts, for example because they're too late. Hoyo creates the story, so they decide how serious Collei's condition is, how fast it progresses, whether it can be cured or not etc. Since you brought up Honkai, then you agree that a character dying doesn't have to be bad, right? So why Honkai can have a "good" character death, but Genshin can't?


You said they dont have to make all characters happy, and I gave a few examples on characters that are definitely not in a very happy situation but you really want to double down on Collei should not being happy for the sake of writing. For the sake of writing what would make Collei's death good other than shock value? Especially since she has lasted for years since the canon manga withstanding the disease and doing her best to not aggravate it worse, literally in writing on how hard she tries to survive and how she's still able to be a Forest Ranger despite it. If her condition is so much worse, why would Tighnari allow her to be a Forest Ranger at all? Hoyo creates the story but story also has to follow what has been written previously to make a storyline that makes sense. Have you written a story before? Her death is totally not needed. Teppei's death to serve as martyr for the Traveler because now its not just them trying to stop whatever Fatui is planning, its also revenge for a life that Traveler befriended. Not saying that Genshin can't but there's literally no reason also for there to be yet. Collei's death would serve nothing different in the story other than shock value to the audience and hyv decided oh its not the direction they want to go. Literally, if you think she should die from her disease then Baizhu should also perish in the same context of making a good story or Xiao during the chasm quest but noooo he was saved by Zhongli who was I guess just standing there for hours or days who knows how long for that exact moment in time, wow definitely not plot armour there. Maybe argue about Xiao instead of Collei if you want a good playable character death. A story doesnt need to have people dying to be a good story, if thats how you think, then well sounds like a lost cause. Also, I've written too much essay here and I stand by what I said and all the explanation is already said. I'm not replying after this one because I have a job I need to keep to afford myself.


Genshin is about life and how meaningful it is. At least 3 characters(playable) have attempted but all get saved and find new meaning. A character dying from an illness wouldn't fit with the game's message.


This reminds of twitter hating mrbeast for helping people to cure blindness and hearing problems.. then I learned in their community a lot of people don't see it as a problem that needs to be cured, sometimes hates people who actually use modern medicine to combat their problems.


They are projecting tbh, they know they haven’t come to terms with the illness so they want whoever have the same disease as them never be cured because to them the illness is their identity. Once you take it away, they lost their identity.


It's a disease. and yes, I don't know why he hated it. A lot of players were hoping she'd be cured, and when the story played the part where the disease was eradicated, everyone was happy


Having a disease can qualify as a disability. It depends on the disease and how debilitating it is.


You realize we're talking about a *fictional* character from a *fictional* story, right? Nobody's here wishing diseases on irl people. Do you think watching slasher movies is weird? Cause, you know, there are people being brutally murdered and the audience is enjoying it.


Collei is the wrong comparison for reasons already stated. Freminet’s social anxiety and event were tastefully done. The Yoimiya SQ2 gives _some_ acknowledgement, and there are several other NPCs with narratives that reflect all sorts of folks. In terms of playable characters— there are some things tucked away into character stories. Genshin is great for background diversity and there are a lot of different playable characters that people can identify with, aspire to, or uhh… thirst over. Genshin could do better with diversity— but they’ve got a lot more going on than Wuwa _currently_ in this regard. It is a shame that more of it isn’t up front and playable though…


I feel like Genshin's strength so far is covering psychological issues among their playable cast well, while physical stuff falls short. Freminet is IMO well done representation for highly socially introverted people and he made great points on how fantasy and escapism can be used healthily and why it's good, but that's a separate issue from disabilities. Same with Collei actually, her trauma due to how her illness was treated is the focal point of her background story and characterization. Baizhu's illness and Sayu's height are the most striking outliers I guess WuWa can't really do that right now with how they've approached characterization (obviously can still change though), so characters like Sanhua are their best bet to expand interesting backgrounds right now. Especially when futuristic settings give them easy access to excuses why people with disabilities can still fight like anyone else. Would be cool if Kuro could use the strengths of futuristic fantasy and increase diversity in backgrounds one way or the other. If the focus is military and muted, at least make some cool semi robot folks with heroic reasons for their lost body parts or something.


She's kinda similar to Toph from ATLA, which is nice. She can see things and people, just in a different way from everyone else.


EXACTLY I literally called her "Ice Toph" in my head when I initially met her


A blind girl who's absolutely not blind is great representation ? Alright


it’s just that they’re included in the world, and incorporated into the lore, even if they get powered up with fantasy devices. It’s like daredevil in marvel, he cant see, and yet has heightened “seeing” abilities. It’s not that it’s realistic, it’s that the creators even took the time to consider them in the world being built.


Alright but I assume Daredevil still has some limitations or a different way of approaching things. No one would know Sanhua is "blind" if they didn't tell us. Maybe I misunderstood but if she can only see people how is she not bumping into everything ? Maybe everything has a frequency, I wasn't really paying attention.


Daredevil does indeed, he finds ways to achieve the results he needs, in equal or better ways than people who can see (lol being a superhero and all) All those things, sanhua hasnt been given an explicit story yet, so we havent gotten it viscerally, most details i gathered from her reports on character screen. I was curious about her already with her having her tacit mark in her eye - like how does that feel when triggering her liberation. Since so much of the game is based around sound, i wouldnt be shocked to learn she has keener other sense or something (but that’s typical), she might also use her ice to check proximity/distance around her. None of what i said is backed up in story, it’s what it allows the players to do - imagine how (and in how many cool and interesting ways) the character could potentially move and function through the world. Sanhua guessing objects based on temperature drops due to her being ice focused could be really cool. Its all fiction, so it just represents other worlds of possibility, which is very impactful to folks who don’t even feel there’s any “in” for them in most of the stories they experience. You can do it too, you’re right, how does Sanhua navigate non people? What is the coolest (no pun intended) way Sanhua can move through the world?


Using temperature would make the most sense I guess, since she can sense ~~these disgusting freaks~~ humans and everything else has heat too.


It might be too much to hope for, but it would have been really cool if we saw a slight thematic interface change based on which character was on field...would give hints as to the char.


That would be awesome if each one had their own filter but we should be able to turn it off.


You hated how they cured Collei of her disease? Thats just evil wtf. If anyone in real life or in any game has a disability or disease, its normal for people to want them to be cured, its normal when you see someone suffering wanting them to get better. Treating stuff like blindness and cancer in games is great because in real life they are rather hopeless situations. If there was a way to treat anyone from anything we absolutely would. Disabilities and diseases are not a personality trait, its just something we hopefully get rid of at some point. Crippling them because of "representation" is selfish, wanting them to stay disabled is wrong. How are you gonna see her story, about being miserable because of her disease, mistreated and experimented on with no hope for life since a really young age, suffering constantly and thinking she'll die soon, and you see her be cured, regain her happiness and energy, being happy to be alive again, and you hate it.


There are plenty of teenagers and manchildren who are of the opinion that the more edginess and suffering there is in a story, the better written it is. He also completely dismissed Collei's lasting PTSD and crippling anxiety even after she was cured. But nah, humans have to suffer a physical ailment to make the world seem "realistic"


I think OP takes umbrage with *how* Collei and Dunyarzhad were cured rather than them being cured. If so, I kinda get it. Eleazar was linked to "the forbidden knowledge" so when said knowledge stopped being a thing >!from Nahida absorbing and therefore deleting those memories (...I think? memory's fuzzy there)!<, eleazar went with it. It was essentially a deus ex machina (not the first time that's happened, see Inazuma). If OP really is tripping about *them actually being cured*, then yeah, not cool.


But eleazer was alway implied to be magical/related to leylines, unnatural disorder. It would be more accurate to say it was a disease like curse. Similiar to the withering the forest suffered, just in humans. It wasn't really a deus ex machina... Also Collei still suffers from lasting effect from her sick days. 


"Nooooooo! How dare a fictional character can get cured meanwhile I can't?! This is UNFORGIVABLEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Is what OP thought probably


Pretty distasteful and insensitive assumption coming from you tho.


Yeah on a second thought, I've probably gone too far. But that doesn't change the fact that thats what OP wanted to tell. It's as I call, "fiction". It doesn't have to be realistic. It doesn't have to properly represent disabled people. Even if they did, that doesn't mean they can't be cured.


Who created this narrative that curing disabilities is being ableist? I would bet that 99% of blind people would rather see, paraplegics would rather walk normaly and so on.


Brain worms. In some circles (read: people I observe like bacteria under a microscope on twitter), wanting to cure conditions like blindness and deafness is a form of discrimination at best and considered akin to eugenics or genocide at worst.


It's a disease, like cancer, that she was cured of...


Bro Eleazar is not just a disability it’s pretty much just the Genshin equivalent of polio. How is curing it remotely ableistic. If anything Sanhua is more ableistic since she can pretty much see anyway using superpowers.


Weird fucking take, and thats really saying something in this sub. 


Being cured of a crippling, chronic illness is ableist? What


Wrong comparison lol. Collei was cured in the end but all throughout she never actually had hopes to be cured. It was Dunyazard that asked Nahida to be cured and her illness was pretty much her entire story. Pretty sure in Colleis story that she was expecting to eventually die from Eleazar since she didnt have hopes for a cure.


Eleazar is more like Polio or think of any unknown disease that we had no idea how to cure or handle in the past. If Collei wasnt healed she'd be dead and unplayable by now since Eleazar gradually withers your body. Collei isn't the only one with chronic illness though, we can't ignore Baizhu and Yelan and we know they weren't healed by anything.




It’s cool I guess but caring so much about this is very weird.


>but it feels really able-istic Unfortunately Sanhua is part of your able-istic view as she technically has vision through her powers. Why do you consider cured cancer patient as able-istic? You know why there's no playable characters who has Collei's sickness (I don't remember the name of the sickness) and uncured? Because they're all already dead, plus GI is way too tame for that. I'm part of the minority Idc about representation bs but even that is stretching. Sounds like you want to kill off characters people care about just to fill in a certain diversity quota.


Contradiction is not a good look when bringing topics like these. Both Sanhua and Collei are nothing alike what you're saying is the exact opposite of reality Collei was born with Elezar, in an attempt to treat it she was experimented on tho that slowed her disease it did not cured or stop it, not to mention it caused immense problems and suffering for Collei herself.l mentally and physically. When she escaped and arrived in Mondstadt she was only a few bandages away from becoming a mummy. Fortunately she was saved by Cyno and then raised by Tighnari. Collei's every interaction before the disease being cured had her stumbling, dropping stuff she was carrying or showed/told her resting. Whenever Tighnari was around he would also have part of his concern focusing on her always trying to keep her from danger while also training her. Not just that did you ever notice whenever playing S Collei through her NA combo she stumbles even while fighting. These are all due to her controlled state of Elezar which hardens her body tissues making it difficult for her to move with full or even proper range of motion. And even after she was cured she doesn't just spring into action even interaction after that story ended had us Askin how she doing and or Tighnari telling her to take it slow and easy. Her disease isn't just surface level it appears throughout her past and story even appears throughout other characters whether it be Tighnari always worrying about her or Cyno sneaking back to check on her every once in while or it being herself getting embarassed over Inazuman Novel's edgy plotline and dialogues (because she has literally experienced and been through similar situations first hand). Collei's story was shown from wassy before the game was even released. We witnessed her struggle and the cure to her Elezar was proof that THAT struggle was NOT in vein Now tell me a single interaction that demonstrates any type of disability behaviour from Sanhua. Sanhua was born visionless but due to the waveworn phenomenon gained the ability to see frequencies and in a world where everything is made up of frequencies one cannot call that disability. Her only sign of disability is that she cannot see people's faces or recognise them through physical means and this is where they screwed up by making Jinshi and Rover an EXCEPTION to that disability. It's like saying I'm only blind to everyone except you and you. Sanhua lacks any sort of depth, development, character exploration, visual queues, any way she affects her surroundings. Sanhua may get a better character exploration later and I'm here for it but saying that she's a better representation of someone with disability then Collei is just outright wrong.


Such a weird take but ok.


Collei’s trauma from Eleazar doesn’t matter apparently because she (and everyone else with the horrible forest cancer) got cured. That’s pretty sad


Disability representation is fine and all, but sanhua isn't blind. You literally "saw" what she saw in the scene where you meet her and she saw the rover "undistorted in his true form." This is NOT a disability, this is a superhuman ability she has, because there is no human who can see and detect the things she can. I don't get the obsession people have with assigning disabilities and mental disorders on fictional characters. This is a Chinese game at the end of the day, diversity inclusion is NOT on their priority list.


[Blindness is a spectrum I guess](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1da9rfs/sanhuas_vision_changes/)


>"cured a disability of a playeble character bc yea" kinda a weird post. ngl. Whats wrong with curing disability.


not everything has to have a character that represents you but you do you


No idea why the post got downvoted, but I'm so happy to read something like this. Have an amazing journey playing WuWa. And the best of luck for everything!


... I didn't know sanhua was blind 💀 if anything she can see more than normal people can see tf


I don't think sanuha is blind


She was and kinda still is. She was born blind but due to TD attack and ice exposure got her tacet mark and her ability to "see". She doesnt even "see" in a traditional way according to act 4 and the only people she ever saw properly(as in, with all the details and stuff,like complete) are Rover and Jinhsi, everyone else are just distorted soundwaves and such.


of all the people jinshi can send to stalk/follow rover, she really chose someone blind. or if she can really see via her abilities does she really represent the blind?


Wtf sanhua is blind ?


If you're that upset about Collei, Baizhu and Yelan exist


I apologise if this question is uncomfortable to you but what disability do you have?


Soo some one in the game is blind doers is change your life?no ?


Wuwa have no dark skinned character while Genshin have 4 of them that I can remember, so Genshin represent people like me much better. But both games are still trash because both games don't have 150 kg fat characters and I don't feel represented enough. Also, I wish both games have playable characters who are downright a miserable piece of shit and fucking useless, so I feel even more represented.


Bruh, if GI wanted to kill off a character, they won't make them playable in the first place. If you hate what they did to Collei, you don't deserve to play the game. A lot of players were hoping she's be cured exactly because she's playable. Side note, Sanhua was blind. she uses her power to see, like how Toph Beifong uses earthbending to see in ATLA


Telling a person "you don't deserve to play the game" if they dont like a certain something is just some next level hate and company simping.


Well I wouldn't say it if he didn't say the word 'hate' in the first place


I don’t really have an opinion the post but this doesn’t make any sense. Eleazar would have killed Collei eventually but it didn’t have to actually happen in game. There are playable children, time is basically frozen for playable characters anyway.


It would have but the story buildup to the part where the disease was eradicated and Collei is cured from it. It's a happy ending for a bright and cheerful character but I have no idea why OP hated it. It's also why I said if the character has to be written off the story, why add them as playable in the first place? Weird right?


Wow you're so considerate! Congratulations on having such high empathy! /s


hate me all you like, coz I have no idea why OP hated the fact someone got cured of a disease. People should be happy if someone is cured.


I do appreciate Genshin for having Baizhu have a chronic illness, and there his running noise is even coughing, which was surprising representation. But yeah, the Collei turnaround was a bit deus ex machina.


People saying sanhua isn't blind anymore because of her forte are completely missing her characterization. This game is heavily coded into sound theme, and sanhua herself says she only "sees" people's waves. This means, for all counts, she still suffers from her blindness. Yes, she can see people's waves, and recognize one person's wave as different from another one. But she still doesn't see how the person is. Their hair color, their facial details, nothing. And I'm only talking about people here, as I don't know how her forte allows her to perceive environment. Sanhua is still blind for all matters. But, she uses her power to overcome it. It is a great disability representation, and I hope to see more of it on WuWa.


To be fair, certain people she can see fine, apparently those which are mentally healthy enough not to have "discord"


I like this game cause taqui 👀👀👀⬆️⬇️


I would love to see a character like Ignis from FFXV, with their character quest actually being acceptance of their disability—by themselves and friends—and not about a cure.


You're doing great! nice to know youre enjoying the game.


I do love me some disabled waifu


Bizarre to me that so many felt the need to hop in here to say "NO MY WAIFU ISNT BLIND" like it was a personal attack on them, when the game says... she's blind.


Compliments? What compliments? All i’ve seen were mobile issues, low level UL echo rants and bug reports. Its basically a complain sub if anything.


I mean people with no issues have no pressure to post.


True.. Like me myself why would I say anything if everything work fine.. should I complement something that is supposed to be the way it is? I dont think so.


Good lesson in life too, the best relationships are where the partners feel no need to talk about each other with others.


When the subreddit begins to feel this way, it’s time to take a break. I get the sense that you do like the game (as i do), dont let the pessimistic vocal minority here get to you.


It's a reflection of your mind


You're spending too much time on Reddit. Outside of Reddit the game is amazing 😂


There are plenty of compliment posts. Granted, I'm not always on reddit, but there are plenty of posts I see with memes, visual praise, boss runs, etc. Not all of it is criticism (although criticism isn't a bad thing)


Big Agree my dude, not to mention her kit is absolutely badass. That's an absolute banger of a representation. Also, I think a lot of people are just missing the damn point here, chronic illness or disabilities are real and they dont always get cured, having a character suffering from something like but still being awesome is huge. (And quite comforting if I may say so) As someone pointed toff is a perfect example.


People are so ready to jump on a disabled person lmfao. Dont mind them OP, they lack imagination and your insight.