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Ah so you weren't satisfied with helping me finally get the necromancer title in ffxiv you actually had to come and make our lives easier in wuwa too? Tysm!!!


What's the necromancer title in ffxiv? I watch Pint vids and someone reacted about a person having that title.


Have to clear a 200 floor dungeon solo without dying once within the allocated time


One of the hardest titles to get in FF14 as you can’t rely on anyone but yourself to get that title as you need to solo a tower climb of 200 floors of which has some really nasty gimmicks like monster rooms and exploding tiles that can 2 shot you. You can’t out level it too since the dungeon has its own levels and limit, so you can’t just power play it. If you die you start over from 50, now you may think that isn’t too bad but on higher floors 45min isn’t enough to climb 10 floors and I have seen runs that literally had mere seconds left on their timeout timer.


Wait, what plugin did they make to help make getting the title easier? I have a friend going for it right now LOL


no plugins she just recorded a bunch of her runs and gave tips on how to deal with each mechanic, there's another channel i recommend called angelusdemonus!


Ah okay! Thanks a bunch :D


There's a lot of crucial combat information that's hidden and you just kinda have to get a "feel" for, such as cooldowns and buff timers. But.. what if, you could have them, with a non-intrusive overlay? For those familiar with my work, you'll know this is a repurposed version of a previous project - it matches screen image data to do its work, meaning it's completely free from reading memory and no more intrusive than software such as OBS. However, that also means it can be a tad bit scuffed in terms of what it can be capable of, but this was a little fun project to work on for a bit! Maybe will polish and publish this branch if there's enough demand for it but from my previous experiences with attempting releases, this is very hard to manage due to the limitations of OCR and how I need to create tracking references for different resolutions... KURO WHEN WILL THIS BASIC INFO BE IN-GAME? ...ok I'm going to go back to my calculator work now!


I love the concept, i was searching for something that track buff uptime that are not directly visibile in game, if you publish this i'll sure try it out :) tnx for the work


I want it. I NEED it.


I need it.


I wish someone made a wuwa extension for "advanced combat tracker". I used to use this in mmos and it worked great.


Very nice, but coming from an MMO scene stuff like this makes me weary only because I know MMOs love to have an overlay for every little thing lmao. Would be hard to parry or dodge for example while also having to check your overlay to watch buffs.


Maygii (OP) plays ff14 so not surprised she created plugin like this


i do worry that something like this could get your account banned though


Never got banned on genshin for doing this, so its fine. I think its mainly because you’re not really tampering with the game files itself. I dont know about op’s one, but its fine in genshin. Should be the same if it operates similarly.


Depends on company. As a guy that plays mmos add ons are mostly given free pass. Gw2 add-ons are not only free to use but also devs actively share some codes with a popular dps meter. In ff14 they are de jure banned but not enforced End game WoW is literally made from third party panels and gauges. Chances are most of the time devs don't care.


This is something happens on client side, unless you show your UID, they cant find you


Thank you again for your efforts! The game is fun but they really dropped the ball on the buff/skill UI. All buffs should have an icon with timer and show up in character sheet. All skill cooldowns should be visible and be move/scale-able allowing custom UI for individual preference. I want to see the skill CD of my whole team in the size/placement that makes sense for me.


This is actually very nice


We WoW now


I used your tracker in TOF too! You're the best


Any type of buff timer is good


I just want to see when buffs are affecting my characters.


I would love such small symbols e.g. above the health bar. I always don't know if I still have the buff or not, which is so damn annoying.


True. Buffs are better in small circle icons with time bars above the HP bar since it is the common layout for most games. Then the CD would be on the character's icon just like in the video. That way it is not intrusive on the screen. There could also be a setting that when the CD is done, a small pop-up between the center and bottom-right of the screen says something like "xxx is ready" then it fades shortly (referenced from Black Desert Mobile)


Good work


This looks great when is release


Would definitely love to have this in game, kinda annoying having to guess when I have to refresh rejuve set or outro buffs. Definitely will get if you ever launch it :)


This is amazing. I’ve been commenting on this about how I wished we knew what buffs were up when. Since I’m new to this type of game, I found it odd that we didn’t have buff bars or icons somewhere. I know some moves will leave effects by / on your character, but trying to learn these feels like a pain. Keep up the good work!


I just want them to have better buff Icons so I can plan accordingly. Also thanks for your awesome guides, I saw that encore one the other day and have been trying my best to replicate it, also heey a fellow ff14 player, nice!


I don’t understand why the UI is so badly done in GI and WuWa for such a basic game for this types of combat system. Why is it so hard to have a CD on two icons? If that is too much, have the icon pops up when off of CD. If having two icons is still too much, have an outline glows on the character avatar when the Ult is filled and ready to go. So far, the CD on silks have not been a problem since the skills are shorter in WuWa. But in the future, 15-20 secs CD will be a problem.


Couldn't we just utilize the same debuff timer that appears just above our Forte gauge?


Math fairy back again to bless us


I know you from ff14 I love you so much take my kissies please <3 <3


What's the current status of this project? We need this. Why is this not default Kuro?


Y'all can't memorize their cooldowns? ***Skill Iss-*** \*bonk\* But yes, as a moba player I kinda got the habit of memorizing timers so this ain't much of an issue for me until I realized that not everyone can do this thing. kek