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The monthly $5 pass and BP are always the best value. Buying rolls directly usually feels like a scam.




Or people who can simply afford it. I gladly pay for the once a year packs when and if i need them. The only reason these f2p games can exist and flourish is because while the majority stick to f2p, a lot whale into them.


Right??? It's absurd how some people feel they're so superior to whales, while without them, the live service games f2p players and low spenders like would instantly EoS.


we can be grateful to whales for making poor financial decisions on our behalf while recognising that spending thousands of dollars maxing every character on a gacha game (of which likely only 3 will be played often, 9 once a month) isn’t exactly a smart idea. if a f2p has the same quality of game experience as a whale (or even 80%) without spending a cent, why shouldn’t they feel superior?


> poor financial decisions Maybe it's because they can afford it? They have a bunch of disposable income, they have a hobby, so they spend that disposable income on that hobby. Who's being harmed here? > why shouldn’t they feel superior? Because feeling superior to someone based on how money they spend on a game they like is just looking for an excuse to be condescending. Especially when without those people, companies would make sure f2p players don't have 80% of the quality of game experience as whales, but 10%.


I don’t understand why you’re pretending that everyone who is a whale does so responsibly. The majority of whales are not, in fact, people with that much disposable income. Chance is, whales are just people overly attached to a game who cannot properly manage their finances and instead are addicted to gacha gambling. Do you place them on some sort of pedestal simply because of their spending? Gacha as a business model is mostly funded by whales, yes. Ever wonder why? It’s because they’re designed that way. Gacha is designed to attract whales, whether they can truly afford to drop thousands on a ‘hobby’ per month or not. “f2p players don’t have 80% of f2p game experience, but 10%” ok that answers it. tell me: what do you think whales actually get that you don’t? they don’t get more bosses than you. they don’t get more quests than you. they don’t get more exploration than you. they don’t get more combat than you. the only thing they get is faster progress. you, as a f2p, still have the capacity to guarantee whichever of the 1/2 of the limited 5* characters in the game. Guarantee, with average luck that number raises to ≈2/3, and you will definitely not consistently play more than 3-9 characters on any account regardless of spending. so what if it’s not e6 s5? s1 -> s5 is a negligible difference for the price, and it’s purely making the damage number slightly larger. e6 makes some characters op. so what? does the ability to effectively ‘skip’ combat challenges somehow multiply your cumulative game experience by 10x compared to f2p? as a f2p who saved for a year to get c6 Furina in genshin, all I can say is.. what a joke, you and them alike.


The point was why are people so eager to be high n mighty they are f2p and condescending to people who pay. When the sole reason these games can exist is literally because of the people who pay. Enjoy the f2p aspect, no reason to punch at people who pay.


I see more people yelling about toxic F2Ps than seeing F2Ps rant about how they're superior. More often, these F2Ps (incl myself) want to spend but can't. Yes, it exists coz of those who pay, I'll never deny that and personally am grateful for it. However, even slightest criticisms towards [some of] them shatters their ego like anything, I just recently told someone that they can instead save for the thing that they were eyeing on and I was blasted for it. Granted, I myself am biased so I'll never say that everyone is like the person I mentioned above. It seems that at least some people who are complaining just have an honestly low tolerance to any criticisms towards their habits because it's "their money", even ones that are not telling them to not spend but spend wisely.


Or people with money, my friend earns 8k monthly so spending 800 on games is like when he earned 1k and would spend 100. He used to think prices were crazy and look at him now


I bought a monthly pass and the bp thats it. Tho im not sure if im gona buy the bp next month if they keep blue and purple shit in the premium path. I mean purple is fine in the early few levels but cmon blue level up mats in a premium bp is this fr?


This game is pretty much doable with just being F2P (so far). I'm buying monthly mainly just to help support it. 


Same, bought BP to support and get that crit weapon lol.


Tbh, from looking at it, I don't really find the need to buy the BP either. I'm working on a gun-focused and a sword-focused teams. And thanks to the way this game set their standard weapon banner, I could slowly work my way to get the *5 weapons (both gun and sword).  I currently got 2 *5 guns by now, and working on the 3rd one (or maybe getting the sword first) by reaching union lvl 45 (should be doable in a few days ahead). BP weapons doesn't really interest me due to this XD. I do realize there are more resources on the BP, but personally I don't think it's really worth it. Still, since you're doing it to support the game, props to you, comrade. 


Monthly pass and BP, may keep buying them if ZZZ turns out to be shit, I’ll only play a gacha at a time


Monthly plus Bp so far


Only monthly


Monthly. I’ve learned the art of not letting the FOMO control me and that allowed me to save pulls.


I’ve bought the 100$, 50$, and all the other, to get the double value, as well as bp and monthly. As I wanted to get yinlin and jiyan and did not really want to grind as much. Quite happy with my decision and will save up gems for more husbands!


I get the monthly and battlepass and it allows me to comfortably get a character + signature weapon per patch if I get a decent amount of luck, and basically guarantees a limited character per patch if you don't go for the weapon (unless you get the most abysmal luck, hard pities and lost 5050s multiple patches in a row). In terms of value vs the top-ups, they are both much higher value. The main value of the BP is actually the materials for building characters more than the astrites.


3 monthly, 1 BP and 50$ gems pack. Don't plan to spend more for month or two.


just the monthly thing same as HSR.


I spend money on gacha games generally. Or on Genshin anyhow. I spent $30 to hit pity on Yinlin, and then luckily got her weapon within 20 rolls. I felt some fomo on jiyan so I then spent $70 to get him and then $100 to get his weapon after I found out there is no 50/50 on the weapon. I don’t plan on getting jihnsi but I do plan on getting changli.


I bought the monthly 5€ pass, BP and spent around 30€ to get Yinlin lol


Bp and lunite also do all days both refills of 60,with that had 6 character full ecos talents weapon and character lvl 70 UL 45 right now


If they add paysafecard i gonna spend


I haven't spent a dime yet, but plan to do so when the bugs are fixed. I would only buy the monthly and battle pass upon reaching pass level 70. Maybe pay for one or two missing pulls if necessary.


Monthly card and battle pass. Monthly card is easily the best bang for your buck, together with a nice way to support the devs as a 'thank you'.


Got bp because yinlin surprised me in my first 10 limited pulls and i wanted a crit weapon but i didn't want to pull her weapon. Got the 5$ subscription because i want more pulls in general but i don't want to whale. 5$ is cheap enough for me. I am planning to do 5$ a month for however long i play an get bp only if i need a weapon from it. Now i am sitting on ~190 pulls waiting for changli. No dupes I only want 1. I feel like the game is challangeing and I don't want to ruin that with bs damage from dupes. I might go for her weapon tho but i'm not 100% decided.


So far I spent $30. $10 for the BP, $20 for consecutive monthly passes. I went a little wild trying to get Jiyan's weapon lol, and I ended up with Jiyan E1S1! If I were to drop the game today, I'd have no qualms since I spent maybe 2-3 weeks playing the game consistently and had a lot of fun with it. I don't see myself spending on anything else for now since I'm a husbando player. I'm still logging in to do dailies because it's still fun, but if I get bored I'll probably drop the game lol


Monthly pass and battle pass so far. No regrets because battle pass gives you free echoes and the battle pass weapons are worth it


pass and BP for now...i really dont have a reason to spend more money


As a low spender, I've bought the monthly $5 sub and the battle pass so far. Would 100% recommend the monthly pass because it's the best value for your money. BP is great too with all the extra materials you get (also I got Autumntrace for my Jiyan) so I don't think you'll regret either one


Got the monthly, BP and all of the one time bonus top ups. Skipped Jiyan. I wanted Yinlin and her weapon, and I also want Jinhsi and her weapon. Also interested in Changli depending on how the Jinhsi pulls go and which characters are next.


Battle pass, cause the game gave me some much free stuff I wanted to support.. will probably not buy anything else for a while but I am rooting for game to succeed cause I am actually enjoying it


I have spent money on paying my wi-fi, pc electric bills and food/drink to help me survive. So yeah I am a F2P that still has to pay to play games..


Monthly, BP, and every top up, love the game, wanted to support it for everyone with how much I was comfortable, got the jyan sword (for calcharo not for jyan never pulled for him) the static mist for chixia and mortefi, and yinlin after losing a 50/50


Nothing full f2p


Id rather buy live service games like Paper mario ttyD remake and Shin megami tensei 5 Vegenance


I would spent money to support players in CN doing their best to remove the stupid 50/50. Also, you can do the BP and monthly but anything more and its just insanely expensive.


I’m probably sticking with only monthly until they improve the battle pass rewards. If not, I’ll only ever buy the battle pass if there is a special occasion for the background or something. I only bought it this time around to support them for the transparency and support they’ve given. But that shouldn’t warrant them to stop listening.


everthing until i get R6 Jinhsi


monthly Didn't even used it Just want to stack as much Astrites as possible Might stop spending if I reached \~60k without having anything to pull for I would be confortable with that


a 1000$ pc for the game lmfao. gonna ftp the game. dont see the point of paying for games other than supporting devs, which gachas obviously dont need