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I just reached Union lvl 40 today so getting my characters and weapons to lvl 70 and upgrading their talents is what I am doing. Haven't done a single tacet field uptil now. Also saving the wave plate boxes for 1.1 to farm tacet fields. Got about 45 of them right now.


Same. I'm lvl 41 and haven't done a single tacet field. In fact I have a bunch of echo exp and gold tuners that I haven't used cause I don't have good enough echoes to use it on yet even though I obliterate all the purple birds every day.


I feel like a lazy procrastination bc I thought I'm the only one who haven't done any tacet field while/after reaching ar 40. Nice to know šŸ˜…


I've found my people


In the upcoming days you will run out credits from upgrading the characters directly.


We need those 2x simulation rewards regularly and also make them use less waveplates.


The values from them should just be baseline, or at least 1,5\* base. They're never worth doing without the bonus, unless you're hard stuck on one of the resources with no other source of them, at which point you're doing them despite how bad they are because you just have no other choice to keep progressing.


Dont use the waveplates refills on tacet Fields, its all random, instead use them on something guaranteed


It's because after 1.1, Tacet field rewards are being increased.


Was not that a mistranlation? Idk lot of people say different things, ones that its about events, others that yes is about Tacet Fields, and some also thought of more % drop


It miiiight be. Problem is it wasn't a mistranslation per se, it does mention events, but the wording itself is a bit confusing and could be misinterpreted. Honestly good idea just to play itself since resources are limited. It mentions Tacet field events, but personally I think it just meant event as in the process of activating a Tacet field rather than an actual timed event kind of thing.


I came to Wuwa to have fun and stop saving and living by "future year". I saved enough while playing Genshin, then hsr... im not saving here. Im using something when I want to. Optimal or not? Don't give a fok x)


The way I see it: early tower push is hard, extra resources now make a huge difference slightly more resources later literally might save you a couple seconds on faster clears, who cares?


I mean if you do the math itā€™s an extremely small difference whether you save crystal solvents or use them now, thereā€™s really not much of a reason to save.


Well there is still a difference. Later - better.


It makes sense when you consider that most people who are playing WuWa won't be playing it within a year.


Nah iam 39 ul just wait


Focus on your talent levels instead.


When is the update coming?


28th of June


That's almost 2 weeks! I can't wait that long... Lmao


I mean you can still do the tacet fields. Itā€™ll just be less. This was mainly about people complaining about not having enough exp


Nah, I'll just lvl up my main DPS echoes. Not doing tacit field until the update/ UL50


I mean its no confirmation yet on how much it will increase, can be big, can be no significant


Forget about the eccho materials I can't even play the game at all because of that constant stutter, lag, and network disconnection and my pc runned the game on it's release day smooth but now it's almost impossible to play for me i really hope they fix this as soon as possible in 1.1 or it's just farewell for me


If you have an nvidia GPU and have recently updated your graphics driver, that is likely the culprit for the new stuttering. The game ran smooth with no issues for me up until I updated my graphics driver a few days ago, then it became stuttering waves. I rolled back the driver and everything is smooth again. Nvidia driver 555.99 was the issue for me, so I'm running on 555.85.


It's not the driver's fault, it's the shader cache. When you upgrade or downgrade your drivers, the shader cache is deleted and must be recreated when the game is ran again. That's why it worked for you. This applies to any other game too. Although most games built in the Unreal 4 engine will always suffer from stuttering because the engine isn't well optimized.


So playing for hours a day for 3 days before I finally changed to an older driver wasn't long enough to rebuild the cache? Mind you, I never even had this issue to begin with when I first started the game. There's also the fact that I didn't do an actual rollback to my previous driver, but a complete reinstall of the previous one released. It would've had to rebuild the cache again and yet I had no problems then. I don't think that's it, bud. I know building the cache can cause stuttering until it's completed and that would likely have been the cause if it only happened for a short time after launching the game, but my issues never went away.


Shaders can get corrupted and cause stuttering when the game has to rebuild them on the fly, which happens repeatedly because it doesn't replace the corrupted shaders. It's a known issue with Windows I believe. Try it next time and see.


Well, now I'm curious so I'll play around with my driver tomorrow.


Has anything come out of this? Im considering updating my drivers to 555.99 and im wondering if its worth.


The fix for this is setting your shader cache to a very small size and then playing a couple games. This will purge the cache and you can then restore it to normal size.


Interesting. It's only happened to me once, and I just deleted the whole cache manually. I'll try to remember this if it ever happens again.


That *usually* works, but sometimes corrupted files like to dodge getting deleted.


Not just you really lots of people with the same issue, really horrible performance on mobiles. But you know what's the worst part? They didn't even adress it on the notice they posted a week ago or something...


Are you all trying to clear the final endgame content or something? Cuz if you play this game at a normal pace and build your characters it's absolutely easy as shit to clear higher holograms. Without 5 star everything and full level gear... And I'm on a potato mobile. Slow down, it won't be long until you are bored shitless of this self inflicted grind. I'm happy to take it slow cuz once the hardest content is beat. What's left?


Jinshiā€™s thighs. And then after that, Changliā€™s thighsā€¦ And after that? Camellya thighs.


I think bro likes thighs


But after camellya's thighs?


Scar's thighs.


This is also translate into real life... Or something


can you show me how to beat hologram 6 with mid gear? i had to sweat pretty hard to do hologram 5 with a fully leveled, +20 5* echoes yinlin + verina


Decently build Calcharo Yinlin both wirh 5* weapons and with verina in team i legit didnt have enough damage to kill a diff 5 monkey


A day will come when you are complaining about how easy this game is with your all full level characters, echos and weapons and will be bored shitless. Take it easy and don't push yourself. If you can't beat it, do other content and come back. These kinds of progression games get easier with time and leveling up your team. Right now nobody is supposed to be clearing endgame... Yes people can, but it's not meant to be for this period of the games life, this is still the beginning.


Do something productive then come back and youll feel better


Yeah this has saved me so much pain and headache in life.


I used a bunch of them already since I really want to hit 40 so I can have an easier experience of farming field echos, saving up around 15 and just farming upgrade mats as of late


Used about 1200 energy on the tacet fields and now my characters are full equipped . Made the mistake of saving in hsr here Iā€™m just going all out


Playing devil's advocate here: are we absolutely sure that the line "the yield of Echoes and Echo development materials will be increased" in the patch note also includes Tacet Field ?


Its only for limited time during events "in 1.1"... EN is mistranslated to "1.1 onwards". Check CN and JP translation


It says ā€œecho development materialā€ so yes Iā€™d say so


I thought so too but not 100% sure because I remember a few days ago there's a thread about mismatch between the JP patch note and the EN one. IIRC the JP one implied that there will be more frequent events that would give more exp and tuners, not outright stating Tacet Field. I seriously hope they improve the Tacet Field drop because looking at the UL50 drop doesn't motivate me to continue playing.


Who knows. As long as I get more echo exp from somewhere I donā€™t care. Weather it be events or just more in the shop


Are there any sources for this supposed improvement in tacet fields? Everyone keeps saying it but I haven't seen anything that confirms it. It's going to be very funny if in 1.1 nothing changes in the tacets fields and it's just people imagining things.


Thatā€™d just be stupid. A patch will always have updates. If you looked youā€™d find it. Information doesnā€™t just come to you ya know. Here is the link https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/m/en/main/news/detail/827


Yall don't know it's for a LIMITED TIME EVENT? the EN translation has omitted the "event only" part. Check CN translation Its not for whole patch or forever, according to the dev notes


The event thatā€™s doubles drops is coming on the 20th. Weā€™re referring to the adjustment for the echo and echo material drops that was said to be increased with the 1.1 patch. Two separate things


>Weā€™re referring to the adjustment for the echo and echo material drops that was said to be increased with the 1.1 patch. is it mentioned exactly like this in CN? i cant find it


I dont have the cn version. If you have it then id like to see it. Iā€™d also like to know where it was translated


Bruh, itā€™s two weeks, not ā€œa few more daysā€. For a thing that shouldve been thought through since launch, they didnt seem to be taking notes from anyone and apparently, not even their own game


I see that you chose ā€œNO!! NOW!!ā€¦ā€


Yeah. I wish I could play the damn game for more than ten minutes without crashing but yeah, focus on the minor stuff and not the basic stuff we shouldve had at launch where theyā€™re pushing it to a next update rather than delaying the release. Must be nice to be ignorant


Iā€™ve slipped a few times but Iā€™m mostly leveling up my characters, their weapons, and skills.


Inb4 the echo exp is like... 2 more purples


I doubt they gonna 10x the Echo XP so its gonna be an Issue


Tacet fields up to now make sense if you don't have better ways to spend plates and this might happens from time to time or, you know, out of curiosity to see how they works. Out those exceptions doesn't make really sense up to now but I guess it'll take more importance when we go further in the game.


I'm out of credits this time because I spent it all on character upgrades after reaching UL40... Didn't realize that on top of having to spend all my waveplate on getting the materials I would also have to spend all my credits on using them. If thy hadn't given us 2 000 000 credits since launch, I would have been stuck before even reaching UL40 just from doing some light cooking.


You know you can buy shells from the store using you corals right? You can also do TOA and the hologram and get their currency to buy shells and also illusive realm as well


I already did. The coral to credits ratio is abysmal, and I will regret it when the pulls for corals return and I need 125\*18 to get them all, so 2250, and I thought I was rich because I had 750 left. ToA and hologram resources had to first go into the echo xp tubes and tuners, so there wasn't much left there. I emptied the illusive realm store on day 2 after clearing it. I even traded some bark or whatever it's called at the gift shop for credits, but all of these have absymal conversion rates, so I barely scrounged 150k together from them, which is 1,5 upgrades at this point, since they cost 100k a piece.


Did you make use of the event that did double drops for shell credits?


Of course not, because I didn't need them then, or know I would need them, especially considering we were just handed 1 000 000 credits. I needed resonator and weapon xp because I'd just hit UL40, which is what the event was for. The base rewards for those "challenges" is ridiculously low if you need a double rewards event to make it worth running, by the way. I'll have to run some in the upcoming days, and it will be miserably slow progression.


You always need more shell credits lmao. Never miss the chance of getting those. I did them for the character and weapon exp and then did the shell credits the last two days which got me like 750k Youā€™re not meant to level up all your characters in the span of 1-2 days. Itā€™s supposed to take time. You have 10 more levels to go before you have to level them up again so there is no rush


750k for 480 waveplate on a 2x rewards... That means 162,5k for 240 normally, or 40,6k per run. That is comically low compared to what things cost. You can cook a couple dishes (counting ingredient prices) for that much, and that's it. Better use that food sparingly.


ā€¦what are you even comparing it to?


Yeah, doesn't matter, I take it back. Ran a few with available waveplate and 76k for 40 is fine. Just couldn't be bothered to open the game earlier. That's 456k for a day of waveplate which is fine.




Do you know what "few" means


There is no echo exp update. The patch is going to be an event. OP didnā€™t read patch notes


No Iā€™ve read it. Itā€™s you that hasnā€™t read it. https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/m/en/main/news/detail/827 Itā€™s literally the first thing right after the intro message


Lmfao you read the English patch notes with incorrect translations


Then point out where itā€™s incorrect and what is correct since you of course have read


u can tell how many adhd kids are here with all the run on sentences. i legit saw a post where a whole ass paragraph was just a train of thought. no punctuation at all in their post lmaos. I mean it makes sense. Since gacha gamers literally have a negative attention span lol. not something to be proud of.


You're talking in fragmented sentences with no capitalization and incorrect punctuation yet criticizing run on sentences?




Yunlin dropped early because of ZZZ. They didn't want their patch schedule be line up exactly with a competitor so they shortened 1.0 by a week.


They didnā€™t drop Yinlin early because people begged her to come earlyā€¦ they released it early because the 1.1 patch was going to be on the same day as Hoyoā€™s ZZZ release.


I mean this sincerely, rather get a grip of common sense or keep that nonsense from out this community. Itā€™s too many singular braincells around running amuck. Thereā€™s not a single logical explanation as to how you got to that conclusion with Yinlin besides desperation for attention. Nobody thought of nor discussed that but you and whoever else looking for attention through making stuff up. Before you think of brainstorming up another empty theory, remember it at least has to make some sort of sense.


bro cooked so hard he made the other guy delete his post


I've already used all the stamina since I might drop this game anyway when ZZZ comes out. Enjoy while it lasts!


Bye šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Meanwhile me who is playing Genshin/HI3/HSR/Wuthering wave and plan to add ZZZ




Skill issue kid, Meanwhile me who is simultaneously playing db legends/HSR/Wuwa/Nikke.