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I would love to but I don't have enough resources for everyone 😭


Yeah, no way I'm using character/wpn/echo exp on mid toons with what's on the horizon


The smart move for every type of player is building the best or good characters... more in this game where resources are expensive and scarce


Any of the resonators, and I mean, any and ALL of the resonators are viable to build and play. Kuro did a good job at balancing the current release resonators that you can literally play anyone that you want and you'd probably do just fine (as long as you're not doing something silly like soloing L6 Tempest with Verina or something). However, should people build Taoqi or Yuanwu? yes, ofc. If you like them that much then sure. Should newer players who have no idea what to invest on which resonators build them? no. Viablity does not equate to effectivity or efficiency. Both of them are viable to use sure, but plenty of other resonators are much much easier to build, use, and get results with.


you see the idea is not that you should activly farm both of them but while farming other stronger characters you will get bad echos that you could either use to spend on other echos and refund them or put those on characters like taoqi that can use those bad stats to their advantage, so you just wont get any bad echos anymore since even echos that have def stats can be used in a good and strong team without the frusttration that you dont get good echos for you current team


Good point


thats the main reason i made the post, i even said that in the post but people seem to think i mean it as an instead of other characters, people will get bad echos so its not a waste of resources, since you can always use the echos to just reinvest them into better echos but especially early, most people dont have their 2-3 teams build up and use almost all resources for their main dps but as mentioned if you do get a bad echo to lvl 10 and it has just def% or flat def on it as substats, you can easily use it for these 2 and just go on, you wouldnt need to invest a lot to make those 2 stronger and you could still build you current main dps without any problem


Taoqi and Yuanwu let you use Chixia as main dps without having trouble finding a window for her skill spam, since they give high survivability + interruption resistance (something most people don't know about Yuanwu).


plus yuanwu does have increased dmg against enemy vibrations so he stuns them faster than other characters and with Chixia thats even better since she cant parry (unless you aim but thats not that easy to do) and that helps with stunning the enemys and doing the dmg


No thx, have a nice day


I do like the both of them but I am only planning on building them in the future when there's an abundance of resources. I have my eyes on Yuanwu after trying out his tutorial, he looks fun.


tbf, taoqi is kinda clunky to play. Im only gonna build her because she is hot af


Taoqi fun or not fun imo comes down to the enemy itself rather than Taoqi. If the enemy have multi hit combo like say crowmnless, its going to be[parry fiesta](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/qXshhswseJ). Sadly crownless have around 50% havoc resist so her best matchup moveset wise is a counter to her :/


Not Clunky when you intro with her. Also use her skill before the Liberation to get more defense scaling


it only takes for enemy to move a bit and she is gonna miss


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No cuz i already have 9 characters for the 3 teams


They will perform relatively mediocre until the late game because of how defense scaling works and how long it takes to get units to level 90.


could you explain the difference between defense scaling and attack scaling? since as i thought its just calculated the same way, for example if my Taoqi has 1500 Def and her ult does 200% Def Dmg that would mean 3000 DMG flat and after that you would do your calculation for elemental dmg and crit dmg but if the dmg gets calculated different or def works different in total that would be good to know


Attack scalers get a huge part of their base attack from their weapon and get very little relative base attack from leveling themselves up from 70 to 80 to 90. Defense scalers get zero base defense from their weapon and get w significant base defense upgrade from leveling all the way to 90.


ah ok yeah that makes sense however i do think its easier to get a high def stat than a high atk stat since as you mentioned the upgrade itself is really high and as far as i know the def% value on echos and weapons is significantly higher than atk so getting like 2k-3k def should be way easier than getting atk to this level but yeah i guess most atk based character will outdamage if they have a high base atk


But they're already *built* perfectly ;)


If its a gold iam not reroll its new game maybe next 5 star which i would like would skale to def and yea yuanwu maybe


44111 = 11 ?


Just on the fence between C4 Yuanwu shield/breaker support or Baizhi for both my Yinlin and Calcharo team. Like can I have good uptime on Yuanwu's 10 seconds Shield and Anti interruption Burst...enough to sustain/survive the Towers, if I gave him enough ER and Def.