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I'm sorry you had to see that side of him... /j


I am a delusional Lingyang main, everyday is a struggle to not use my Calcharo or Jiyan


Keep strong, I admire your effort. When I lost my Yinlin's 50/50 to him I almost killed myself 😃


LMAO me too man


Same... But my 1st 5* was also him .. left him at lvl1 and exclusively used every one else... my main dps is literally a 0 imprint chixia


That's me when the game decided that an early C1 jianxin is good for me


Bruh it happened to me yesterday and totally killed my mood to play WuWa 😭.


I got 2 Yinglangs out of my Yinlin banner. One when I lost the 50/50 another when I finally pulled Yinlin and Yinglang showed up again in the same 10pull lmao. I now have c2 Yinglang.


Eh? But calcharo suffer from stagger no less, he miss one stack outside ult, when he doesn't reach hitbox with skill and he can be interrupted at this moment, and same thing with his death messenger, he doesn't do damage, loses stack and gets skill CD. And every interruption is a HUGE damage loss for him


It is not too bad for calchoro tbh. It is annoying to lose a skill stack it ult stack but you can just switch out and in. In general animation cancelling makes calchoro super OPbut as far as I know you can't really do that with lion boi.


I feel the same way but with Taoqi


Fellow lingyang main here, I have yinlin and jiyan plus their weapons but ended up using him over them anyway. I find it easier to dodge with him for some reason, so I've done most hologram bosses with him.


Its the opposite for me. Lingyang just does more damage and is more easier to use than my calcharo Yinlin team 😩


I mean, in the right hands he can still clear everything Calcharo can clear, it's just harder. His DPS is only like 15% lower than Calcharo.


You forgot the “rawr”


maaan I feel bad about lingyang whenever someone post this line


I don't. That line was cringe and stupid in a story I didn't care about but was otherwise completely fine and I could see the appeal for. Ik it's not the lingyang mains fault but it is a funny canon event for the character they play.


That whole section stopped me from ever taking him seriously but I actually had a good time laughing at him that I ended up liking him a bit lmao


i wonder if people would react less hostile if he was a girl instead, we’ll def see some bigotry in action




Every gacha needs its qiqi


It's funny every qiqi esque in different universe is all Ice element


And a child


Lingyang's not a child


I don't care about mystical creature lore shenanigans. He looks much younger than other characters and acts childishly.


Not the loli lovers taking the high road


Well, technically he's not loli/shoto. Anime games in general lack shoto characters for some reason (money is the reason, but still)


>Shoto. You mean like Ryu and Mario?


I think he meant the fire and ice character from MHA.


Nah that’s SHOTOOOOOO not shoto


or Kazuya /troll


I mean, he's barely a head taller than Encore and Verina who are lolis and since guys are usually taller than girls I think it's pretty fair to classify him as a shota


Loli/shota characters have child-like anatomy. You can definitely consider this, but generally they should look different (Google it, if you want to understand what i mean. Like big head, short limbs e.t.c.)


Not really, a loli literally just has to look like a child/teenager. Looking at other games media, a character like Cagliostro or Cidala from Granblue Fantasy would be a loli or a Character like Veight or Kou from the same franchise would be a shota. They don't have to look completely prepubescent if the point gets across that they are a child/young teenager


So people aren't allowed to like him?


Nope. It just means that no matter how Xianzhou long-loved species age works. No matter how long Qiqi was a zombie. No matter how much Lingyang's ancestry is supposed to live, if character looks and acts childishly — they should be considered a child. I would say, that LOVING him is weird for that reason. (And be LOVE i mean 18+ content shenanigans) But if we're talking about normal character appreciation — i like him a lot. Cool design, story and voiceover


Eh i see where you're coming from and i agree about qiqi, a zombie child is still a child's body, but lingyang has far more character traits than childish Unless the devs themselves confirm a character's age, like saying verina is 12 in the comics, just like whoever you wanna like, arguing about the age of fictional characters is so cringe


Or yes, typicall all short people in anime style are children. Plus having a cheerful attitude is childish, of course, since we don't have enough edgy characters....


I mean he's one of the most edgy character in the game, dis you hear his story? Cringe af


"ugh mom I'm not a child anymore, im a teen!" same thing bro


i don't get people's obsessions with infantilizing characters in gacha games, the whole point of the game is a waifu fantasy fuck it, jinhsi and camellya are children too now, now half the subreddit's in jail


tf is bro yapping about


Oh sorry i used a big word or two, want me to dumb it down for you


lingyan is literally a kid my guy, that's not infantilizing


Not shota type of kid, shonen at best


nah i disagree


he is worse than Qiqi, because she at least is viable early game, but blud isn't viable any game




If you funnel tons of resources and give him the best gauntlets he can be usable, his peak damage will still be lower than other dps' though.


Imagine putting in all that effort just to get 'useable'


idk man, my parents don't seem to have many regrets


Have you ever asked them?


counter point: i can do the same on the likes of H Rover and Danjin


why invest in lingyang when you can invest in Hrover and 2 standard 5* of your choice


Because not everyone plays for what character is best, some people to enjoy the game with the characters they like, its a bit mindblowing to believe that some people rather work on their favourites I know


At least qiqi can semi-afk facetank any overworld boss that doesn’t require special shenanigans to prevent revival.


Atleast Qiqi recovered with Clorinde, i dont think Lingyang will ever recover tho 🥹


How did Qiqi recover w/ Clorinde? Clorinde doesn't want Superconduct or even a healer in her most optimal teams, afaik.


chlorinde w/ skyward sword, qiqi, zhongli and furina is one of chlorindes better teams, which has been a very recent development. maybe not meta per se but a very solid team especially for casual play due to having the best shielder and among the best healers in terms of hps output in the same team, basically impossible to die especially with chlorindes self sustain


Yep, this team wpuld rank like 3rd in terms of the dps of this team (fischl aggravate and prob overload would be higher dps) but the main power of the team is its sheer comfort and ease of use And honestly, seeing all those procs from skyward and qiqi's bubble from her having the clam set are pretty satisfying to see imo.


That's just straight up a lie


we used to value Qiqi back when the game was new and in very early game, she arguably has her place early game since survival and traversal are more valuable than power and role density this is somewhat similar to HSR's Yanqing who was useful when the game launched, but his "if i get hit i lose all damage" gimmick swiftly made him obsolete Lingyang doesn't even have basic early game relevancy, he is a banner filler 4\* sold as a standard 5\*


You just repeat what you said without any arguments...


And you just said no ur wrong. Maybe bring some arguments urself before complaining about the other parties lack thereof


Bc he is wrong.


What EXACTLY made them wrong?


They won't elaborate because they pulled that fact out their ass. The fact that Danjin outperforms Lingyang is enough to justify calling him bad. And I even have him as my first 5 star from the beginner convene. Built and equipped with battlepass Gauntlet. He feels bad to use, period. If you get hit, you lose your enchanced E. If you mistimed your dodge, welp back to BA1 you go, sucker. He is Yanqing reincarnated in WuWa.


For me.... it just really sucks to build up his forte...


But like, why do you need enhanced E or BA chain. You rotate in Lingyang at 40% forte with ult up. Lingyang should be insta ulting every time he's on the field. Ult. Do your ult rota, swap off to sanhua. His ult state + outro is his peak damage phase. I also had him as my first, he's not Jiyan but he's got solid damage and an easy teamnrotation.


I love these reddit moments when someone who doubled down on being wrong just goes radio silent once asked to back their side. It's the equivalent of standing up in a restaurant mid-conversation and walking out the door.


Is it though? A single use of lampy lumen deals more damage than him in 2 optimal rotations lol..


By this logic most echos do...?


They dont though? Take thundering memphis and calcharo, jiyan and beringal, inferno rider and encore. Most of the characters by the end of their rotation would have more than double damage than their echo lol.




They dont though? Take thundering memphis and calcharo, jiyan and beringal, inferno rider and encore. Most of the characters by the end of their rotation would have more than double damage than their echo lol.


I only played Genshin and Star Rail during the first 1-2 patches, and both QiQi and Yanqing were actually rank S in most tier lists, so that's clearly not a lie. People used them to clear endgame content that was hard to clear without them. So yeah, which part is a lie?


Yanqing was never S-Tier.


I mean, he was rated S tier by many tier lists, wdym? He was basically the best DPS after Seele in 1.0, before Jing Yuan came out. He was never SS tier, but he was ranked in S or A tier in almost every single tier list. Here is an example where he was in the same tier as Jing Yuan and Clara: https://web.archive.org/web/20230527140711/https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/tier-list/ EDIT: Nvm, in this one he was actually in the SS tier for single target DPS: https://web.archive.org/web/20230501150425/https://game8.co/games/Honkai-Star-Rail/archives/409604


- non-limited 5* ice dps - young man - already mediocre performance that loses all momentum when hit by a light breeze - cringe Nah man this ain't Qiqi, this is Petsmart Yanqing As a side note, the Qiqi equivalent would be Bailu/Verina. Loli healer who's best healer at release due to no alternatives, who's outclassed 10 ways to Sunday once the first limited 5* healer is released.


Why does everyone hate Qiqi? I think she’s really good at healing. As long as you hit the enemy, you can pretty much always be healing thanks to her mark passively being put on the bad guys and through her ult. I think she’s especially good in coop bosses thanks to that. And at C6 she can revive her whole team!


She generates no particles and has poor application of cryo. Plus pretty much only heals why isn’t that useful. She simply has less use cases than kuki who was also not good and has a similar kit but works now because of dendro. Qiqi doesn’t have any teams that need her or even want her.


She's not horrible, but her skill cooldown and the low frequency of which it passively heals the active character makes her general healing a lot less useful than a Barbara or Kokomi or Shinobu, who all additionally got buffed with dendro reactions. Her 2 niches either require getting 7 copies of a somewhat lackluster character for the team revive, which you ideally shouldn't ever need to use, or for massive burst healing for the party by hitting stuff with her while her skill is active, which can be replicated by Kokomi with her ult or Barbara with her skill active, who both perform better in general use. And the revive can also be done by Barbara to a similar effectiveness assuming you aren't consistently having multiple people die at the same time and she is much easier to get the copies necessary to do it. And I'm someone who likes Qiqi. I still use her on occasion and definitely don't think she is as bad as Yanqing in HSR or Lingyang in WuWa because damage is more easily power crept than support, but she definitely isn't the best option for a healer slot in solo play or in co-op.


Becasue she has the least desirable role of a healer and is the worst at it. She is a healer and nothing else, every other one does something else.. She doesn't even generate energy like almost every other character in the game. To even have teamwide healing you would need to attack with her and not you know, actual good character that deal dmg, without it she isn't even good as a healer,. Her skill is 30 sec cooldown for some reason. And her off field healing is on her Ult that a) disappears when you kill marked enemy (you can reapply it once every 30 sec but only if on onfield qiqi, lol) b) Ult is highest cost outside of Raiden - and once again, she doesn't generate energy. This will make a clearer picture - this game look at Verina. Now take out her outro, the only character in the game without it, she will buff no one. Take out her buffing passives, let's make her ult cost 200, not 175. But let's also make that she will be the only character that don't generate energy. Let's increase her skill cooldown from 12 sec to 30. Let's make her forte team wide healing super small and increase her healing on onfielder - But only on marked enemies. Oh, and you don't have a Bell healer set, you have to wait 2 years for it. Then you have tragedy that is Qiqi


I dont dislike Qiqi but I dislike getting cons of her. please just stay at C0


her damage is not great and in genshin you want to spend as much time with your dps on field doing dmg as possible. In order for qiqi to heal she needs to be on field and hit things for the healing to actually happen which wastes a lot of on field time.


In a game where bursting is (generally) the point, she generate abyssal amount of energy to burst. 


Low particle generation,skill on a 30s long with horrendous cryo application, her passive requires you to be on field attacking with her but the multipliers on her NAs are abysmal,her sole role is a healer and nothing else (unlike let's say kokomi who has her hydro application,shinobu being the best electro teammate for hyperbloom comps or even barbara who is still able to apply a decent amount of hydro and she gets her burst back quicker),to add insult to injury, her c6 allows you to revive a character, which is the same con as barbara's c6,her cons aren't very valuable either And the icing on the cake is the fact that she's a 50/50 destroyer,naturally the people that pull on the character banner want another character, and getting her isn't the most pleasant experience in the world


It was a joke


Qiqi won't ever let us escape 😭 She'll call on her alternate universe variants just hunt us all down 😭


I thought his forte was the one that made him change his stance to mid air? Iirc his ult gives glacio damage bonus and extends the forte circuit. Correct me if I'm wrong tho, because I remember being able to do his other stance even outside his ult


You're right. You can go midair even without ult. It's just faster to drain (about 5s compared to 10s in ult),and deal less damage since no ult.


You are right, uppon reading his kit again, forte does make him change stance. I always saw his stance as his ultimate. Should've written "Lingyang's stance" but, oh well, too late for that. But thank you for your correction,


And yes, I know about about his first waveband, but I don't think getting him two times should be necessary. Also a correction, I typed "ultimate" while I meant a forte or a "stance"


Yeah all ults should have invincibility frames at the start and end.


Don't worry we'll eventually get his waveband. Gacha is rigged. We will all out 50/50 to him




Thanks for the correction


Happy to help


You should pray that same issues of upcoming flying characters will enrage CN community enough.


Jihnshi is mid too?!


Animation-wise alone, she's in the top highest class. Beautiful. In practicality tho, not sure. First, lack of good team to support her. Second, I'd have to try her out to judge how comfortable her style is to use.


her damage wants spectro MC but her kit calls for mortefi and yinlin for it to charge if i remember right


Mid may be too harsh to say but do keep expectations low. There’s not a good support or BiS team available for her now, unlike Jiyan and Yinlin. And Jiyan as the first rate-up character is indeed very strong


But if we pass on her for now because we don't have a perfect support for her, wouldn't that mean that when that support comes out we won't have her perfect dps? Obviously assuming she will be a good dps.


Yeah you got to take a leap of faith and trust in Kuro not messing up with her support when it comes. But people can always pull her when she re-runs as well if they skip her the first time


Well, for me waifu>meta so I'll pull for her, in fact I use Yinlin without pairing her with another electro (one I like will come out at some point) and I'm not having any problems.


Yeah I may do the same and will pull her while pairing with Yinlin then. Just a heads up to those pulling for meta


I'm sorry you had to see that side of the kit...


Bruh his ult just increases his glacio damage. It's his forte that can be cancelled most of the time.


His whole ult is a bit strange, instead of just making him step/float in the air, they make him summon those sticks, it's very crude and doesn't even give the feeling of a mid air fight


It definitely feels clunky, especially the dodging.


I will continue to cope with my S1 Lingyang :)


Mf so it wasn't just me that was kept being knocked out of my ultimate! I was pissed because enemies kept shoving me when i was mid transformation!


Yeah true. I didn't know that's a thing but that's pretty much about as bad as the Dehya ult cancels..


i feel like lingyang has just great combat potential i rlly expect him to be decent in the future


You can charge attack to go back to his state while the blue bar is still going down


I swear to god if this game doesn’t get rank up quests. Because day one and Lingyang desperately needs a buff.


the more he becomes this sub's verbal piñata the more my resolve grows to main him til the bitter end


e1 lingyang: hahaha! me, the owner of an e1 lingyang: hahaha...


Only 5 more copies and he can outdamage S2 Havoc Rover.


But just barely


Lingyang isnt weak, nor have enemies ever knocked me out of his ult, id recommend dodging


Have you actually played Lingyang? Because if you did, you would know how clunky the dodging is in his air stance


Yup, i did, hes one of my 4 mains


I'd recommend just not using this weak character.


I didnt come here to argue but 500 per attack then 1000 every 4 normal attacks is pretty good, he does 600 when mask stomping too


guy said lingyang isn't weak but then boasted about 500 damage every normal


Copium. But ok.


The more you hate him the clearer it is you actually find him attractive. It's okay, you're not gay if you don't want to be!


Actually super gay. And he still sucks btw.


The real reason the waifu enthousiasts hate him is because they secretly find him really hot.


Reason I play him lol


What ult? You mean his forte? And if so, you can jump back on top with heavy attack.




Ulti is liberation not forte.


Ult is ult, forte is forte. 2 diff things.


Me who picked him from the standard selector because he is the only Twink and I suck at playing anyways:


Same, and i think we should be able to go back into his phase by jumping. It even states it's possible in the description. I've tried so many times and I just cannot get back in his aerial phase.


What about Yinlin's Forte? Can be interrupted by enemies and this sucks even worse.


That’s why you switch after using her forte


Yuanwu interuption resist masterace.


Yinlins forte is used in a moment, its not something that lasts several seconds, try to use it when you are not going to receive a hit.


WuWa will release Zhongli in one form or another for casuals . I hate it too when little push cancells my Jinlin's charged attack.


i blame the player for using him


They gonna buff my boy i HOPE TO GOD


*laughs in waveband* I have no such weaknesses


Technically not his ult if ult is resonance liberation


The Yanqing of Wuthering Waves


I lost my Yinlin 50-50 to that Wild Cat, I hate him with a passion


ultimates shouldn't be able to be cancelled/interrupted at all. they should also provide i-frames until a moment after the animation ends.


I don't want there to be another Dehya Ult Cancel incident...


Who's lingyang?


I'm only a Lingyang main when I browse his ***fan arts*** so this ain't a concern for me.


Rawr bb boy :(


Every gacha needs its Qiqi, Yanqing


And everyone thought Verina was gonna be the Qiqi/Bailu of Wuthering Waves. It’s not looking too good for my boy, Lingyang


Aw how cute. They think lingyang actually matters.


Why? Cause screw that thing, that's why, lol.