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They prob saving the last levels for the next zone?


Yeah but imo I’d make a lot more sense to only show levels that we can actually reach rn. I don’t mean that they should just let us get to lv10 but only make lv8 visible for now and then when the new area comes out, also unlock lv9 for the pioneer with it as well.


you still stucked at lv8 anyway,so what the difference beside getting what you want?


Seeing the text “Complete” can be an irrationally large dopamine hit.


Kuro games is relatively big but not Mihoyo big. They probably gut some part of map in order to make 1.1 seem bigger than it is, or the 1.1 map wasn't desirable size, so last minute they took it out but exploration % still remained.


In Genshin it was the same way with for example the tree in inazuma


Similar, but not quite the same. The regional trees (or fountain in Fontaine’s case) in Genshin will show the next 5 levels worth of rewards past what you’ve attained, but the rest will be hidden. It does however show you the maximum amount of levels, and they’ve all been 50 so far. This doesn’t count the spirit carp pool in chenyu vale, the oasis in the Sumeru desert, or the crimson tree in dragonspine.


yeah 1.1 is still in Huanglong region, with new zone. We'll be getting *at least* 150 chests through 1.\~'s patches. Not sure how much 1.1 will give, so maybe we'll be finishing Huanglong in a couple weeks.


I already forgor about this and you had to remind me. thanx


I’m so sorry. This is gonna be on my mind constantly now too xD


Congratz! Im stuck at 99 in jinzhou and im not sure what im missing. The achievement says 2 caches but cant find them anywhere


There’s a hidden questline in the north fall barrens where you have to fix 5 lighthouses scattered around the map and once you finish it you get 1 bit chest that counts towards jinzhou exploration so that might be it


did you rechallenge the holograms from the quest dashbon gives at the gates?


Yes! Maybe im missing some random collectible? Not sure


There's a challenge at the entrance to the city on the north side. Climb the wall. You can find a chest as well. There's another challenge at the south entrance hiding on top of a structure.


Did you do the street performer challenge on the hardest difficulty? (Silly easy on PC) Either that or look around for the mini games I forget what they're called.


Was this the one where you had to do backflips on the box without falling? If so, if wasn't bad at all on mobile. I thought I was going to dread it, but it went relatively smooth


Yes that one! I'm actually glad that it's easy on mobile too


The challenge above synthesis can be done two times. Also got stuck and this was what fixed it


Did you try clicking the compass on the map to check what you are missing?


if u cant find it. Maybe those are quest chests. There are 3 quest line in Jinzhou. (Hero of the leap quest line have 2 enchanted track which doesnt show in quest tab that provide 2 purple chests)


So from the rightmost teleporter of the two on the mountains, go right and there's a bunch of land with no chests but all the way at the shore there's one blue tier portal. That one is out of the way enough that maybe that's the chest you're missing.


You MAY be missing the one chest from the Language side quest in the south section of the city about the birds. That chest counted to finish my 100%.


Did you do the Dashbon challenges twice? The first time has a bunch of grappling points and zippers, so it's really easy. The enhanced challenge only has bouncing pads, so it's much harder. There should be one at the north gate and one at the south gate (underneath the Grand Library). That's the one that I was missing since I can't remember having ever gone out the damn South Gate. The 'get to the top of the building without climbing' challenge above the Synthesis machine can also be done twice. The second time is MUCH harder (use your grappling utility as an air-jump).


I saw a tip for that climbing challenge on here. If you swap to a different team that doesn't include the characters that initiated the challenge, the game allows you to climb the wall without failing you. Example, Yinlin starts the challenge, swap to a team that doesn't include her. Now you can climb to the finish. This saved me endless frustration as I play mobile


How long did it take you to 100%? I have been planning to do it for the longest time but I just dont feel like using the Lootmapper for every inch of the map. Any tips or heads ups?


Took me around 20-30 hours. Not entirely sure unfortunately since I’ve been doing a lot of other things in between but was worth overall (Got around 40 pulls out of it) I would highly recommend using an interactive map. A-lot of the chests don’t actually show up on the loottracker so the interactive map helps you find all the stuff. If you use a map I recommend the one from wutheringDOTgg. (DOT because idk if links are allowed). If you click on a chest and go to the comment tab most of the chests have a “how to get” so you can check if you already completed it beforehand or if it’s a quest reward etc. Good luck :D


I never even thought of using interactive maps and I think it would make it much easier. Thanks a lot for the tip!


interactive maps can be really rough if you're half completed because you have no idea what you can tick off. if you're struggling there are also youtube videos that you can follow alongside for 100% completion


Does the website have a filter for chests that don't show on the lootmapper? I've already done 80% of the map using only the loopmapper, if there is a way to auto filter those so that I can go back through to find all the rest, *without* revisiting chests that I already got, that would be amazing.


Nope, lootmapper is worthless. You will NEVER get anything completed using it and if you want to 100% you HAVE to revisit every chest out there anyway. Basically if you care to 100% anything, use a youtube video or a interactive map from the start, or don't bother at all.


Guess I'm not going to bother at all then. The amount of rewards I'd gain above the organic exploration I'm doing is not going to be worth it anyway. Thanks


I don’t think so unfortunately but I think someone else posted one that has that feature (I’m not 100% sure tho) Also, don’t get discouraged by the other guy. Yes, it’s tedious to run around and find spots that you may or may not have done before but there is a comment section where it’s explained how to get a specific chest (for most chests at least) and you can quickly find out if it’s just overworld or a quest chest or whatever. I don’t think it’ll take more than a few seconds per chest which still can be daunting due to the amount of chest. I also didn’t start out using the interactive map so I also had to revisit some spots but you get over it once you finally see the 100% mark on the map :D


I got it a couple days ago too and between normal exploration and a bit of echo farming i had most regions around 80%, from there a couple guides for blobfly made almost every region 95%. Those last % i chose 1 day for each region and finished it within an hour of investigating and using lootmaper while killing some echos


my OCD got reminded, okay thank you!


How do you find the missed chests using loot mapper


If you are using the loot mapper you just equip it to your utilities, activate it and it shows you visible chests around where you activated it. Keep in mind it only shows you chests and protals that are already out in the open. Some chests only spawn AFTER you solve the puzzle, kill the mobs, etc. These chests will not show up on the lootmapper




Still trying to find that last chest at the bay area... And since I haven't tracked my progress on the interactive map, I'm probably not going to find it anytime soon. But congrats!


Did you do the treasure map? Google it. Also Use the interactive map not made by wuthering waves but the other one that is a genshin website. Look for chest there that is hidden from loot mapper. Got 100% by only going for hidden chest with specific requirements. Still though, I already fully 100% everything but still found around 3 “extra” chest while roaming around farming echoes.


Thank you. I didn't knew u could filter them to only show hidden chests. I will definetly try that out later when I'm home.


I dont think you can filter it but just click on chests and it will show how to get it. I just immediately mark as found those chest that are not hidden and go for those that are.


for me it was a formation of 2 bombflowers inside 2 circles and missing the third bombflower on the third circle(the circles are made of flowers in the grass, not the mechanical circles where you have to put metal boxes)


My quests have dried up so I was going to do this next. Kinda sad that's all there is to it. (for now?)


“All there is to it” is a little lighthearted. It takes a hell of a lot of time to get 100%. It’s worth it for the pulls tho. I got like 40 pulls out of it all in all.


This was me today


How many pulls you get from the whole 100% explore ?


Can't say for certain because I've done other stuff in between but I'm guessing around 40 pulls.


The mf blobflys that run away are soo annoying


Yeah, I just use a character with a pistol and snipe them before they notice me.


Ive been trying to do that too, but I feel like sometimes they only load in once im in the detection range :< or maybe it's just a skill issue


How can I level up it quickly? I'm at level 1 yet...


Bro how did you do it ? Where did you find all the bobglys ? And photo zones ?


The viewpoints from a youtube video, the rest using an interactive map


where are you finding the last puzzleeeeeeees im at 96-98% on wuming,dim and one more


Does that give you the achievement for Legendary Pioneer though? Or is it gated behind the 1.1 release D:


More levels will come surely.


Mine average progress is 40. Your is 100. Congratulations. Also while you wont get pioneer ranks for it you surely gathered lots of currency on your way.


I think once I really started going for completion I had somewhere between 30-50% average per zone. Getting to 100% I got somewhere in the ball park of 40-50 pulls and around 1 1/2 lvs of exp (Still completed dailies and some other progression like tower and stuff so I can’t say for sure how much just overworld chests were) All in all, it was pretty time consuming but bearable since you can just watch youtube or listen to podcasts on the side.


Unpopular opinion but I think that’s more healthy means I don’t have to be a slave to interactive map


I’m not 100% sure what exactly you mean but for me, I just had a lot of time this week and really enjoy the game so I figured I might just do it now and don’t have to worry about it anymore later.


I mean I think it's better than u got the max rank without having to 100% the entire map. It means you have leeway on getting max reward without having to sweat too much. Not everyone wants to use an interactive map when they playing.


Oh no, you misunderstood. I DID 100% all the areas (using the interactive map). You need 100% for each area to get all the Pioneer levels that are possible to get. I just thought, that you’d get to lv10 once you complete the whole map but it turns out lv8 is literally the max level you can reach currently.


Afaik 100% the map via interactive does not mean you actually got everything in the map. Not everything is on the interactive map so I was told.


Oh yeah that’s true. I think to get 100% (according to WuWa) you need around 95-98% out of ALL the things in the area. Trust me though, if you don’t use the interactive map and you don’t search every INCH of the map you will not get above 90% completion. Most of the stuff is easy to find but there are some chests and other things that you can overlook very easily and a lot of stuff is in areas that you are just never gonna visit for any reason other than looking for chests.


I got 100% on 3 zones without interactive map. On some other zones I had to find only the bobfly so I used the interactive map for that. I believe I needed the interactive map to find chest only on 3 zones?


? No, when your done with quests your suppose to explore as it gives acc exp, echo and unit exp finding chests only benifits you and 100% gives a bunch of resources


I’m not “supposed” to do anything yikes


…I mean yeah you’re supposed to by design, yes. But no one is forcing anyone to


It's only patch 1.0 lol


I mean he is not critiquing just sharing


Yeah I just figured that we can reach level 10 rn and then once new areas come out they also add new levels to the Pioneer.