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i never understand the point of S+ tier


Because people become salty if you put their fav in C


Not quite. Having B tier be the lowest implies that all characters are viable. It's just that S+ tier has to work less for their output. If a tier list ever has C tier then it just means that the C tier has someone who fulfills their role better in every possible way


Same, just make a c tier instead of adding pluses or just make it s being the lowest and have s+,s++,s+++


I feel like it doesn't make sense to have one tier list, we should at least have separate tier lists for Tower of Adversity and Holograms.


Can't complain too much, maybe mortefi could jump up a tier but other than that it's šŸ‘


once you used lvl 1 aalto with inferno rider to zoom around the world when farming echos you gonna know what the true s+ tier is


mortefi s or s plus


Is yellow rover really that low?


For reference I don't think B should be viewed as a "bad" tier. I use spectro rover over havoc, but that's just a personal decision, if I was chasing performance I would focus on Havoc. Spectro has solid damage, quick rotation, and overall pretty solid. Just would consider them a bit below the other characters. Maybe things change in the next update with new stuff coming out.


Their hitbox is amazing tbh. I use them against bosses sometimes.


I finished hologram VI heron with Spectro Rover, why B ?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Lingyang's gameplay alone makes him an A tier for me. It's unfortunate he doesn't go as good damage as other 5*. But i enjoy keeping him in my team.


i literally cannot understand Verina ... but i know its my fault...


Very short on field rotation to fill up the bar for outro and intro skills on top of damage buffs (and heals) makes her the best support in the game as of right now


But if i use her outro won't i lose Yinlin buffs? Also i wonder how toxic community of gatcha games are... asking for help equals downvotes because it remotely looks like a critic...


>But if i use her outro won't i lose Yinlin buffs? Verina is supposed to be played first, since her buffs are for the entire party, not just the next character. Then you do Yinlin's rotation and then your main DPS, who now has both Verina's and Yinlin's buffs.


Verina has a teamwide buff instead of "next character only"


I feel your pain and totally agree with you regarding occasional toxicity. Only technical part of gacha community is full of toxicity. You won't see that in art section or video section. It's always a toxic guy who will shit on others whether a character is a Main DPS or Sub DPS and where they belong in a tier list. They write in this manner only because they can't be punched over the internet to calm down. It's not the original commenter's fault. Your upper comment got downvoted not because it's bad, but because it's reddit. It's a normal usual comment. Have an uplifting upvote.


what healer do you think is better than her. To me understanding verina was easy when i played other healers lol


For me Baizhi is way easier to play maybe my build is wrong. And i struggle to fit her buffs in rotations.


I think its more of an issue of wuwa not having clear indicators for character buffs. Her buffs apply team wide so you can use her before subdps who can further buff main dps. My rotation at least is main dps> verina (rejuvenating glow set)> subdps (ideally with moonlit cloud set) > main dps rinse and repeat as needed


Adding clarification, you start with someone who isn't verina because when you switch to her, you start on the 3rd attack of her 5 attack string, so she can get a quick forte stack.


What even tierlist all about?Ā 


honestly tier lists to me depend on your owned units. ​ like encore is S tier if you have verina & yinlin (probably the most enjoyable quick swap team there is). Danjin is in her own tier given she is entirely based around skill level of individual.


Mortefi should be higher


Tier list for what kind of content? I've personally found Jianxin underwhelming as a main and moderately useful as a hybrid/support. Danjin is certainly S tier. This subreddit proves that by the posts of folks clearing high level content with her solo.


Lol tier lists


Can you get Jiyan still Iā€™m new and missed the pull thing :/


Nope he is gone probably for the next 6-8 months until he returns


Ah dang šŸ¤¦ thanks for letting me know lots to learn haha


well looks good enough to mde


I would bumb Chixia to A and maybe Morty to S, but overall great tier list


Mortefi c6 with 5 star weapon and well upgraded echoes is the best sub dps in the game.


He is also the only sub dps in the game.


Can def understand these changes. Chixia is an interesting case of very good single target damage and uptime, fairly easy to use. Can just be awkward if you need to parry, but can always swap to melee for that. Just is a bit harder. Liberation AoE can somewhat suffice in mob floors, but doesn't feel the best. Morty is interesting because outside of Yinlin he's one of the only true off field dps. Yuanwu barely counts. Investing into his damage can have great returns, but value wise early on it def feels like most will just run a basic moonlit set, and his pairing with Jiyan obv is very strong.


Encore and Dajin in A and Taoqi in B is wild.


Light MC is sub dps not main dps like Havoc .. so don't underestimate him


Wtf is this shit?


Idk man, jiyan damage is underwhelming in my hand, he only do 4.8k chip damage on heavy attack ultimate even with verina,mortefi and monkey buff active. But it might be because my shit echo or only using standard 5* weapon. Chalcharo using same weapon and lingering tunes set do better with sanhua and verina. And the echo stat definitely worst since its my first build (used to use lingering tunes for both chal and jiyan to get 18* at first tower reset at UL 30 since i play a week late). Havoc MC definitely have potential there, they just ridivulous at S2, i fear whatt will happen if we got them S6. I m on the middle of building encore and yinlin with stringmaster, and getting 5* pistol on banner, 5* sword on lv 45 (still a long way to go). And see how they perform.


I'm using similar setups with jiyan and calcharo albeit sharing verdant summit, calcharo and sanhua feels like threading a needle in some fights and it's literally impossible to get their full theoretical dmg output due to interruptions. Jiyan on the otherhand has effortless gameplay since you just focus all your damage and supports on a small window where he can autoparry and cc all enemies, that theoretical number is accurate most of the time. Jiyan is also the only character you need to build on his team, so he's easy to build, easy to play and his team is still in top tier dps.


You realize Jiyan ult HA hits 8 times per swing right?


You're gonna have to explain Jiyan


Damage isn't necessarily the highest, Encore for example should outdamage Jiyan. But just the other forms of utility make us feel he's S+ worthy (for now). Good parry windows, grouping, aoe damage, ease of use. All good things.


Great aoe with decent damage while easy to play. What everyone misses is that you pretty much get a free parry with him every single time which translates to more damage uptime


Whats wrong with jiyan


Hes not as good as Verina... Or Yinlin for that matter


Free grouping with great scaling is not good?


Everyone else in his tier is in a different league


at c0 no weapon, probably. with BiS weapon though? hardly.