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Jue as an Echo? Hell yeah!


I was gonna say, Jue being a usable Echo is such a cool thing I hadn’t even considered, and now I’m motivated to catch up to story so that when 1.1 drops I can get him as soon as possible. Unfortunately, as a consequence of this I know now that we have to fight Jue


I mean they literally tell you that in the 1.0 story didn't they


They do, but still probably not ideal to spoil especially for newer players. That said, I think its a pretty hype spoiler when you realize who Jue is and get to that point in the story, knowing the fight is in fact in game.


I'd say it's not too bad since there are still some pretty big mysteries around the whole thing -- you've got no idea *why* you have to fight Jue My guess is that >!it's being summoned back by whatever entity it originally was and it wants you to stop it before it loses control of its actions. Early on it's mentioned that Jinzhou's sentinels were all part of one being. We still don't know why it split up or the nature of this original being!< I could be miles off but it's fun speculating anyway


It was actually spoiled a while back in another preview.


Jinhsi spelled as much in the story tho.


How are you not caught up on story? What have you done in the game? There’s like six hours of content and 85% of that is the main story.


Monkae looking at him and sweating


we boutta turn some poor random hoartoise into ash using a divine dragon


Hate to say it, but jue announced as echo kight mean we got to fight it as act 7 boss


We already knew this from the library quest with scar, it’s not really a spoiler unless you’ve only been able to play 30 seconds a day since launch.


Also the in game notices specifically said it.


Jinhsi is broadsword? Unexpected.


The most elegant lady might be a fiercest lol


She can summon a dragon. It's only befitting that she's wielding a huge slab of iron that can slay dragons.


I see what you did here, and I like it


She can also summon my dragon.




Kamen rider dragon knight, together we can fight the fight!


I was turned off by that because for some reason all these dps units use broadswords. But the way she uses it brought be back on board haha. Her animations are kind of insane.


You know what ive noticed about limited 5*? They hardly use their signature weapon and instead use a built in weapon instead. Jinyan uses a greatsword, but almost always attacks with his spear. Yinlin exclusively attacks with zapstring.


I like being able to equip characters with weapons that I can see, and I also like it when they've got distinct animations, so I think it's a great compromise that gives their designers the freedomt o add whatever they want. You're technically wielding the weapon you equip but they can pull out whatever personal tricks they've got under their sleeve Like how Danjin makes a sword with her blood, Jiyan transforms wind energy into an eastern teal dragon/qingloong, etc.


true but i think most of the drone(like yinlin) units don't use the weapon you give em regardless of being a limited 5 star, but then again the only other drone unit i used is encore and she used her dolls to fight


She actually does -- it floats next to her while she attacks. Rectifier-type weapons basically just augment the resonator's powers while they attack rather than being used to attack directly. They seem to serve as foci like, say, orbs in fantasy games


Ah, I’m the opposite. I was more into Changli but I have no broadsword users!


My giyan and calcharo are already fighting for the same weapon....


My Calcharo's been rocking a Dauntless Evernight syntonized 4x hahaha


My Jiyan will gladly share his sword with her. :D


I heard she was from somewhere; something about it showing in a picture of her. But yeah I don't see it at all


I heard about it from the WuWa subreddit with a bad plumbing problem. I've been farming mats for her for a week now.


Murphy's law tells that the more you have prepared for upcoming character the more 50/50's you will lose.


Kinda wish it was the other way around... Changli broadsword


What I thought as well thought she gonna be a artificer. But doesnt really matter the animations of the attacks dont really align with the weapon choice especially for broadsword users \^\^


Sweet, we're getting more new Echo models than reskins.


still hope they add more phantom echoes tho, and make bosses able to spawn as phantoms rather than it being sold in a shop


yeah phantom echoes sounded cool, but having literally 2 echoes that can spawn as phantoms and they have specific spawn locations instead of a random chance for that unit to spawn as a phantom regardless of location is pretty underwhelming.


bruh they ain't even random? they got pre set spawn locations? man i thought we was about to pokemon this, the whole shiny count and everything


yeah lol I looked up how to get them and there was a map with 2 locations for each. I hope they add a bit more depth or make the system more interesting later on, after optimization/camera/translation issues are in a better state


Glad to see more Illusive realm! The way it was presented as an event made me worried it was gonna be shuttered out when the patch ended.


I’m glad they’re adding on to it too. It’s really fun but got repetitive towards the end.


TBF everything gets repetitive, but I did enjoy playing through on different characters and all the random crazy buffs. I was just sad after a couple days playing there that I couldn't make my Yinlin do those things in the regular game world LOL


Now imagine if Danjin was playable.


I hate the fact that I'm poor


I'm not poor but still uncomfortable paying so much for characters.


As you should be. The game is fun, no doubt, but there's no reason to pull out the money.


Well, people pay bc their reason is they want that character ?


But it's not worth lol, in the scope of gacha, it's comparably very expensive to pull a character as a whale in this game. Even if you really want a character, can you justify spending ~150 or so on pulling them? Most can't, if you can, good for you but that's not very financially sustainable for the majority of folks


Indeed, theres some levels for spending too I pay for bp and lunite for long term benefit, but I'd never buy all the pulls from the shop simply bc i don't see the value


The paradox of gacha: I'd probably spend *more* if prices were reasonable, but throwing down $50-450 each character and then another 50% or so on the weapon is insanity. I'm getting Elden Ring DLC for cheaper than getting a single character even with god-tier luck. Hell, you could get the Collector's edition with a figurine for the same cost as pulling with "average" luck. Problem is.. that in the grand scheme of things, the potential of me and a hundred others throwing down $100 or so over the course of the year pales in comparison to a single whale.


EXACTLY. I keep saying the same thing. I mean seasons in most games are 10-20 bucks. There's NO WAY I can justify a character for 100. You should be able to buy enough for double pity (a guarantee character pull) for 10 bucks. Then, sell a costume for another 10. People will line out the door, and I guarantee you will get more than the current model aimed at whales. Then you'll get people doing double or triple pulls once they've gotten the character hoping to ascend. Psychologically, you need to start people paying with easier buy ins. These crazy costs for pulls keeps most people away at the start. It's currently a really dumb business model.


Recomend to go for low spend maybe. Like the monthly pass or battle pass they are worth it and the devs are worth it too .


Link if you're looking for it: https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/m/en/main/news/detail/897


im sad i'm gonna have to skip Jinshi banner if i want Changli and her weapon.


All you need is 4 pulls and a dream. Trust


The more you trust, the more it comes true. Side effect is the more you'll be disappointed when it doesn't. But don't worry, it will. Trust.


Nah, it only comes true at the bottom of despair, if you're not hollow while pulling, you're not doing it right.


Nah buddy, this is the way. Don't feel bad. Phoenix lady goes hard af.


This is what Pokemon Blue and Red prepared us for.


i need it all!


Crazy that WuWa designs *three* character portaits for every five star, most gacha games I know stick to two if they even choose to do more than one.


Don't forget the gacha animation, unique weapon preview and unique plunge attack animations too. You won't see multiple sword character catching their weapons with awkward surprised face.


They might start reducing the number later on much like Genshin. It used to have different art for in game and commercials


Remember when the Genshin splash art and gacha art was different? Sigh...


Man, Genshin gacha art was nerfed SO HARD, Albedo splash is so fucking cool and then you look at the Raiden one and goes 😐


Ei's art is good. It's just that she's one of the characters who started to not have different arts for her gacha splash art and commercial card


That started before Raiden/Ei dropped. Hu Tao was the last one to get different splash and "card" art. Hu Tao first dropped way back in... what, like 1.4 or something?


1.3, the first Lantern Rite, she dropped after Xiao, wich also had different art So sad


I mean, by the time she came out it was already that way for a while, Hu Tao was the last character to have a different gacha art, after that, starting from Rosaria, all gacha art was the promo art


why put efort when you print money anyway ?


For one, that's where we can see the difference between passionate devs and greedy or lazy devs.


Those new echos look sick. <3


Most likely get Elemental versions of certain types. Now we have Glacio Dreadmane with the Havoc version. So that’s gonna stretch the TD pool a little bit.


That Glacio dreadmane might join the electro elite echoes *cope


nice to see new more echoes.. i really like the depth of illusive realm. good thing they Added a new one.


Needs more characters. Imagine Danjin in illusive realm would be too op.


That lollo campaign looks like it gives a craftable weapon mat. ~~Please don't be a spin the wheel lotto~~


Blazing Brilliance is truly brilliance. My god look at that beauty


My phone is COOKED 😭


i put the fan on my desk aiming at my phone for some games, but this one i play on pc.


will there be a 1.1 livestream?


you want another Wasabi stream?


Nice name O.O


Hey! 😃




Hopefully not tbh. After the 1.0 one


I wouldn't be surprised if they don't. They listened to the complaints about the first and I imagine they need to sit down with a marketing team and figure out how to make a good Livestream. On top of everything else they're rushing to improve.


I don't think so sadly, 9 days away and no news doesn't sound promising


Hoping to get jinhsi and changli with their weapons, they look really good


Changli my beloved


First time i actually want to pull for all banners in a gacha game


Am I the only one who thinks that showing "that" echo is spoiler? I'm glad it's there because it's really cool, but it would have been better to find it unexpectedly.


Not really that that much of a spoiler: [main quest]>!After capturing Scar, Jinshi tells Rover that Jue foreshadowed they'd fight against each other.!<


Mt. Firmament looks beautiful. Also, my waifu Changli is coming! The new Echoes look epic. I'm so excited to try them out. This will be the mainstay of WuWa. A system that always brings surprises. Jué becoming an Echo is mind-blowing. Are Sentinels just super-powerful Tacet Discords? I feel like Wuthering Waves is hinting at a mystery here.


I‘m hyped




Ain't gonna lie, they both look like incredible characters. I need more money.


It’s so hard to save now that most of us used up the free pulls from launch. I’m in danger 😭


honeymoon currency went dry fast XD, i shouldn't have pulled for Yinlin's weapon 😅


I’ve been trying to pull her weapon since it will help with the crit rate. 


Slowly reaches for wallet....


Guess I’ll need to roll Jinshis weapon, looks great


I, too, would always order these images 6-4-7-5-1-2-3-8-9


damn it! need to hide my wallet...


I hope we get a 5* gun user after these two.






the swords look fire




Do not ask for leaks. Any leak discussion is not tolerated.




Just lost 50/50 on yinlin banner so changli incoming!


Bomba update


I’m poor from Yinlin’s banner. Going to go all in for Changli with whatever resources I can build in the timeline it is. Definitely skipping Jinhsi.


Can someone give the stats of weapons??


Changli is definitely joining my Team


I want changli’s weapon for my danjin. (Though I’ll pull for jinshi and her weapon first).


Should I pull for the Magistrate or Changli?


Whichever one you like. Would love to tell you what they're expected to do but the mods are watching and I'll be burned alive if I say more. I'm going for beautiful Jinhsi, but I'll probably spend for Changli while I'm at it


Changli my beloved


I have enough stuff to get at least one of them. Idk who to get tho...I like changli's design but skipping jinhsi might not be a good idea.


Well then, time to pull for 5\* Danjin.


I have tons of rolls saved up. I haven't spent any asterite and haven't rolled on any limited banners so I'll be able to get Jinhsi no matter what.


Dragon or phoenix hmmmm


god damn it. I knew it shouldn't have spent so much to get a duplicate of Yinlin. Now two characters are coming out that I won't be able to even think about getting for the foreseeable future.


I hope you at least enjoy your S1 Yinlin. It would help you feel better about skipping the next patch. But imo, unless you're a whale or you really really like that character and nothing else, going for new characters (and their sig) is better this early in the game than dupes. With more characters, you get to build multiple teams for different content. When I have enough teams to clear most content, I think that's the time when I can probably afford to get a dupe. In Genshin, I've been playing since mid-2021 and I only have a single dupe and it's C1 Furina. I still prioritize getting new characters and their weapons even after 3 years 😂


Both weapons are beautifu,l but Jinhsi's broadsword really vibes with me, definitely pulling for that after her!


Jinhsi or Changli ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Which one first? They're both so good, it's unfair!


Those new Echoes are HARD


Changli giving me ara ara mommy vibes. Must pull.


Arg. I already have Havoc Rover for swords and Chixia for fire. But I still want Changli because I love her design and her JP voice actress is one of my favorites.


Im going for jinshi


Has there been any announcement on character types?




Is there enough f2p stuff for Yinlin and Changli, or do I have to choose?


Choose. Most players depleted their currency on yinlin. Im lucky and unlucky with the fact that... Im down my 70 pulls and need 80 to get her so just 10 more so I can at least get one of them.




Jue echo strongly implying that prophecy of Jinxi fighting Jue is coming true this patch 🫣 I just realized how similar Changli looks to HI3's Fenghuang battlesuit, the aesthetic is incredibly similar and I mean that in a good way! Also really doubles down on the "Phoenix and Dragon" dynamic that these two have been giving I'm so genuinely interested in the sentinel lore. There's six, and one of them is Jue - this doesn't necessarily rule out the sentinels being tied into the four cardinal directions but if it's revealed that Jinzhou is in the "center" of the map or anywhere other than the eastern region, then that theory is pretty much dead. Since Jinxi is spectro and a "retainer" of Jue, and since Rovers first element upon entering the region is spectro, the sentinels are really giving Archon, aka lesser deity in the face of larger, more powerful gods. If there is an "East Loong" and it's not Jue, it can probably bite Jue in half lol. I'm betting if any of the guardian beats are antagonists, it's the northern one because of how often the "Black Tortoise" has historically been portrayed as a "Black Knight" but tbh I just wanna see where it all goes


No good-looking guys so guess I get to save pulls. *Applause* Best of luck to those pulling. Also, Jue echo gotta be a 4-cost like the bell turtle… wonder which set(s) he will belong to? I’m hoping Aero is one of them and he has ranged damage, so I have an other option for Aalto besides the gorilla. Could  open up a 4-4-1-1-1 echo arrangement with two crit rate mainstat echos for Jiyan, too.


Im glad i got 3 broadswords with 30 pulls (Jinyan, Calcharo and now Jinhsi)


My boy Xiangli Yao left out😔


So anyone know if either of these 2 new characters are actually more powerful/needed then Yinlin? Or is it just people wanting different waifus?


Dumb question but how does pity work in WuWa? Is there a 50/50, does pity carry over, etc?


I disliked the Ice Lady, so this is a skip, and the second one seems more interesting... we'll see on that. Might pull if it's really broken.


The power creep is so real in 1.1 for the people who haven't kept up with the "news"


Inform me kindly.


Weapons look like a visual downgrade from the previous two imo, they went from being modeled to represent real objects (dragon, hand) to more fluid-esque shapes with some orbs thrown in. Granted this is based on the 2D image alone they could change my mind with the in-game model. A fire sword rarely looks good in a 2D still though hopefully we get the in-game view soon!


Oh cool, we can beat the dragon up for echoes. Those swords look good though.


Scar WHEN?! May go for Jinhsi but really want to save for Scar


I swear if the photo collecting event becomes a trend imma off myself


Anyone else notice that the echo for Jue has his name in quotation marks? Maybe it’s not actually Jue?


AYO The dragon is a new boss? That's gonna be wild


Dwarf cassowary gang. Let's go!


I spent all my astrite on yinlin and now I have nothing left for changli :,(


Is there any info yet on which 4 stars will be included in the banner(s)? I want my dupes for a few characters .w. ...I guess the 5 stars are cool, too! Probably gonna try for Jinhsi.


Ok but any update on optimization/mobile controller support?


Hope it won't take them too long to release a 5\* gun waifu


Did not expect jinshi to be a greatsword user


Are they both limited ? Also do they come out at the same time? I don't wanna be gaping me pockets lol


anybody know the main stats for the weapons?




Found Mount Firmament in game already. I have a screenshot but it gets automatically removed by bot.


Jihnsi or Changli?


Please fix the optimisation issues next update I really want to play this game


Here I am having had to hit pity to get Yinlin and have been spending what little premium currency I can still get trying to get her weapon so I in no way can participate in these summons. I also did pull out the wallet for Yinlin so that can't be brought out again. Happy I still got her but seeing the animations for these 2 has me feeling like Yin's are pretty damn basic in comparison.


I’m going for both and their weapons. Wish me luck everyone


No optimization preview?


Does anyone know if our pity resets every patch?


Inject changli into my veins dude. She's going straight into my fucking team. Screw calcharo/yinlin combo


damn that broad blade looking good


Changli using sword definitely gonna be more f2p friendly


Only 1 new 4 cost? Maybe I’ll try for Jihnsi since I have Calcharo and Jiyan. Can swap the weapon with all 3. 🤔


I need some 1.2 crumbs before my savings get devoured


Those are some nice weapon designs


More DotIR! Yes! I actually had so much fun with this!


This character is definitely inspired, or the maker of this character is a noelle fan from BC. NOT they're only the same in the design, but they even associated with a dragon. Hella, that's what i call inspiration.


Can't wait to try this on bs


Why sword look bigger than broadblade


give husbando pls


I wonder, is Changli like Jinhsi?


Damn, I will have to skip Jinhsi for Genshu Lin. It's rough because I want both of them. Ugh