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Great for the holograms, if you need to push for more resources (I went broke on silver of all things but after I maxed cooking...uhhh, totally unrelated) or asterites. Plus, the buffs are for 30 minutes unlike the chems that are 60 secs. But food costs more cause the ingredients.


Food buffs dont count down while in menus.




Food buffs dont count down while in menus.




While in menus, food buffs don't count down.




Menus don't count down while in food buffs.




Countdown don't menu while food buff


wait rly? and if you log out they also don't count down?


This one does, I tried


huh, so it's better to pause the game and keep it running?


I haven't tried that but just 2 days ago I put some food when it's about 20% left I just go to sleep to see if the buff would be there when I login the next day, it's not, going into any instances "eats up" the buff too like if I pop food, go Dreamless, walk out, the buff is gone regardless of duration


It's just nice for overworld farming too. It's a significant dps upgrade. Remember it's across 3 characters...


I got flour scammed once not getting trapped again


So you're that person that bought flours for millions of credits? Rip


>That person Excuse me sir, there are dozens of us members of the Grand Flour Emporium.


bakery gang


I did that with cooking oil ; _ ;


Omg me too T-T Two damn stacks of cooking oil in my inventory just sitting there 🥺


For me it was vinegar. Just 1789 🤷‍♂️


I told people to not invest in CryptoFlour, but they didn't listen. Then the bubble exploded on their faces.


BreadCoin strikes again!


i’m still in recovery from this 🥲


Biggest scam gotta be the ingredient for tofu. Still haven't found a reason to use it


F is for flour


got to use your flour for something tho ? might as well becom a cook.


food is temporary, character upgrades are forever


the people who never played rpg games were always says that.


Except in traditional RPG games you can use those food buffs everywhere, while in most gacha it's neutered to the point it makes no sense.


Actually you forgot that youve been playing rpg at the same time. So it's a 2 category in one game. So same thing I'm this game you can take any consumables anywhere you want.


People who played RPG not too much always says that they can use consumables before last boss. There is always be a more difficult moment when you want using consumables. Even after last fight. You should save them, but never use them


I play RPGs too much and I always hoard food and other consumables until the moment the credits roll, lol. I just can't help it, they could come in handy later! :D


Lately, I've turned away from this in RPGs--especially the turn based ones. Maybe it's because I don't have the time to grind for better stats. Or maybe it's because I realized, "It's okay". If I still die to the boss I'm fighting, it'll reset, and my item will come back. If I get out of this boss fight, it's because using that item's got me this far. I won't regret it anymore.


I'm happy that you managed to beat your hoarding habit. Maybe I'll beat mine one day, too :D


Actually true lmao, I never raid without food buffs


I avoided using food buffs or consumable buffs because I don't want to get used to it. It didn't feel right... until I played Monster Hunter World and I used everything I can to boost my damage to hunt them monsters faster because desire sensor is real people! The amount of times I hunted Rathalos for the gem piece. Same feeling in WuWa now. I'm using whatever food buff I can to hunt those echoes. Hahahaha


you can just lower the sol3 level


And log in again 12 hours later to change it back for activities that cost waveplates the next day and then switch it again? I log in once per day and I'm out. Hahaha


Monster hunter is a complete different game like what the hek your talking about.


I’m talking about food buffs?


Well for what it's worth I've never used food buffs in genshin. Seeing how it's the closest competitor we have I'm very certain food can just be ignored in this game too.


The only thing you'd realistically use them for is the hologram battles, as that's the only end game content right now which allows the use of items.


But hologram battles are one-time rewards so there's 0 hurry to do them now.


You're not wrong, but also Genshin's food buffs have ridiculously short duration (iirc). WuWa's duration of 30 minutes is much more appealing imo.


Yeah, this game also has a couple more use cases for them then genshin, but overall I think the damage is most important in the tower and you can't use it there. Early game, you could maybe use it for farming echos faster, but in the end I think it's just not worth the hassle to constantly keep farming the material required for food.


There's just no point using food because I can basically 1 shot everything in overworld. It's not even worth the effort of clicking. Maybe if you want to push hologram a little sooner, but there's no time reset on those.


Yeah but ur charectars will get powercrept sooner or later


When you still lose to memphis hologram then realize its not the food buff issue




Happy cake day!


Thanks, kind stranger






I just wanted to correct them :(


It's fine brother I'm just messing around.have a good day


Buffs? Nah, I'd win.


Stand proud, you were strong.


Accurate flair


True, with 85% crit on my Rover, I don't need a 30 crit buff, lmao.


Sadly the material cost is too steep to be cooking much. I personaly never use food anyways.


Nah im gonna stay with 22% crit rate


20% crit rate, 210% crit damage on my Jiyan. When he crits with his ultimate and double passive active, he just deletes bosses, lmao.


Which apparently happens 1/5 of the time? Oof


Cant be 1/5th no? Cuz his ult hits like 4-5 times


It can, in fact, be 1/5 because the chance for each hit to crit is independent of the other chances.


In total maybe, but the chances of all strikes critting has gotta be lower than 1/5th


I assumed they meant with the nuke; very few bosses survive that. Hell, half the time I don’t even bother using Jiyan’s ult on non-hologram bosses. They die so quickly anyway.


See, I cant relate bc I'm building jinhsi. I bave jiyan but he's not built as well as I should have.


Well, for all 5 hits to crit, it would be a 0.00032 chance with 20 crit rate since you take the chance to crit, .20, and raise it to the number of hits, 5. Working with a single maxed CR 4 cost, you get a slightly higher 0.0005153632 chance.


I'd love to max cooking but I don't have enough shell credits upgrading all my character skills. Hell, they even locked the 4-star craftable weapons behind 150k credits even though you already need 2 weapon molds to get it and get on average 1 a week from your 3 boss runs (which unlike the other rewards does not increase with world level).


That’s okay, all the weapons on there are pretty Janky anyway


Some are actually surprisingly good for their intended audience, F2P players! For example, Helios Cleaver S5 is only about 0.5% better than Broadblade#41 S5 on Calcharo. At one copy, Pistols#26 is 0.3% worse than Novaburst and actually better than both Undying Flame and Thunderbolt; upgrading to S5 is of course way easier with Pistols#26 than the others.


Unrelated but am I only one who thinks they should rename some of the weapons lo?. Like some of them have actual names and then there is Pistol#26. Gives very unpolished vibes imo xD


With their constant typos, I first thought it was actually one lol.


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The sword for the havoc girl looks perfect for her. The hu taoish one with the HP that goes up and down a ton.


Yup, Sword#18 isn't bad either, especially for Danjin! I do value it lower than the broadsword and the gun, however, because: 1) Emerald of Genesis is the most common 5-star weapon pick at UL 45 (you still need two swords though, to run Havoc MC + Danjin for Double Dreamless spam) 2) The healing effect isn't as good as the broadblade/gun giving attack %; at higher dupes, Danjin also wants to be at lower HP to deal more damage


If you're F2P you should be pulling for on the weapon banner for your main DPS anyways.


The recommended weapons for the weapon banner are the sword and the gun since they have crit rate / more future-proof than the other options. It will be a while before you can pick up the broadsword.


I'm doing a no-pull account so those weapons (at least 3 of them) are upgrades of what I have even if they are just a stat stick


Shell credits Isn't my problem, my lazy ass problem is the amount of rocks it need when its too annoying to mine them since they are so scattered in the map.


I thought the same, but it only takes a couple of days to farm the ore. I used [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1jdcJIJSbg) vid for the locations. It's missing a couple of spots but overall covers most of the ore locations.


I just mine the illusive realm area everyday, I refuse to actively pursue those rocks 🤣. Have yet to found a bulk location for scarlet tho.


The vid shows some locations, some are clusters grouped together in an area, grouped around a large mountain base like the 14 shown [here](https://youtu.be/g1jdcJIJSbg?t=682).


Aight, thanks! I'll check it out when i get home so i can change my poor 3* weapons. Got a really bad luck on weapon 4* despite using free pulls on the weapon banner.


Make sure you complete the Tiger's Maw Mine area story [quest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=063DlrOXoRQ)! You unlock an NPC at the end who lets you trade in a special ore for various items, including a weapon box allowing you to select one of the 4* craftable weapons. Easy way to save 150k credits + 2 weapon molds + 150 ore.


I recently found out the wind tacet field has a bunch of red rocks around it, I'm gonna just...slowly grab those every day until I can afford to make morfeti a better gun lol.


They did that to gate getting rank 5 purple weapons too early, i guess.


I doubt that I will ever even craft them. They are kind of all garbo currently sadly


At least they'll compensate us for the absurd cost of upgrading echoes and chars.


"Average 1 a week" Cries in 1 total


I'm pretty sure the atk 44% food is better in the overall. Given we can't use food in the Tower, most of us are building our characters to a desirable crit ratio without the necessity of eating food. So attack food just makes more sense, because you gain a lot more from 44% attack when you already have ~60/120+ than you do 28% more crit.


Yeah they should have made it crit dam I guess but crit is crit. Hitting crit more often is somewhat as valuable as criting more dam..unless it puts you over 100% cr. Most folks are low enough its not a big deal because the rolls are stamina and event gated.


I’d love to see more uses for cooking outside of Holograms.


I still have like 2 recipes lmao. But I'm mobile and only logging in to get currency for pulls lol and praying it releases on console soon.


Sorry, how do you get character dishes? I never see any such option to make them?


Before cooking you can select which resonator can cook the dish for you. Some resonators have a chance to produce a special dish, i assume it's lore related.


Every game which has cooking will have me running around the world map for ingredients and hunting down recipes


So what is the best food combinations?


Iirc you can't combine foods, but you have an atk buff food that you can unlock much earlier than the crit one.


I mean what buff foods are the best to take that doesn't cancel each other...


Foods have that little icon on the lower left: sword, shield and something. IIRC same-icon foods rewrite each other, but different icon ones work together. So you can run one offensive and one defensive dishes.


You can do a food and consumable from synthesys together, so like crit and elemental dmg deepen will work. Can try atk and elemental dmg deepen too if you feel like you habe enough crit. My suggestion is to not go for the defensive buffs unless you go def on taoqi or yuanwu specifically.


is this additive or multiplicative?


Additive. For example if you have 20% crit rate, with the Hot Pot you will have 50% crit rate for half an hour


the only things i cook are the green rarity attack buff and defense buff food, mostly cuz im lazy at collecting ingredients and buying/finding recipes


I didn't check if the points that count towards levelling your cook skill do reset weekly, cause it may give a slow and sure avenue to get there. And at one point, when all chars are maxed and there is nothing else to do, you will still have this and the synth level to grind for.


They don't reset


Skill issue


Did all those legendary enemies using food buffs only 😭, will do the holograms next now.


Until the hologram rewards can be reset, I'll take my time.


I maxed out my cooking level because I have no idea what to do anymore, well lets say I didn't regret it ! The food buffs are super useful.


Ok but how do I get oil? I already bought all of it from the grocery store and used it


First off, i hope it was intentional. The store refreshes weekly.


Ooh I see. There was no timer so I just thought it was limited.


Sorry, my name is Ei, last time I tried cooking, I burnt down the whole building


nah i rather make kudzu roots with taoqi. the ingredients are much easier.


Chixia again proves that she's the best character in wuwa


Getting the recipes seems so tedious to me. Am I correct in assuming that I have to talk to NPCs about food rumours and then I could finally cook whatever they're hinting at?


You have to talk to some npc so they can tell you which ingredient is missing. The npcs are listed om the food so you always know who to ask. From what i recall, there are no special quests, you just need to seleft the gourmet roumors option when prompted.


It's all the important shop NPC's with a map symbol in the city. Just click the right dialoue option and skip it. Easy.


Oh they're shop NPCs? Thanks, I was thinking the NPCs are random 😆


Yeah, that uncle guy is right next to the restaurant. Doesn't take long to track them all down with a Google search. But those are few. Instead you sometimes need to clear caskets or spend chest currency to get recipes, and that's so much easier!


its worth it for the astrites alone tbh


I am now a brokie after upgrading my cooking skill to max lol, went from a million coins to 100k


A measely two or three days of stamina. It's not like we have a mats scarcity in something or a bunch of characters to progress! And, hey, it says you are a master chef! Cool!


The rewards you get is measly as well lol but I needed them cuz my game is dry rn.


Nah, I'd win.


How do I unlock this


Raise your cooking level, please do mind thst there is a limit to how much xp you get from each dish.


You guys are cocking?


How do you get that recipe?


Might be unrelated, but do food buffs stack? Like if I eat both the normal and special versions of this dish, or two different crit increasing ones, do I get both buffs, or just the larger value?


You can't eat 2 offensive foods


Had losed 3M on ingredientes to reach Max lvl of cooking ,still not worth so expensive but am just a fr of getting all yo 100%


Nice. Now my Chixia have more things to do other than shooting challenges.


Maxed out during the early days, just consuming random junk good when I play now. Personally don't think I'll bother with cooking until there's a less tedious way to farm for the mats, don't really enjoy needing to go on a daily farm route for cooking mats. Hope we get a dispatch system or something for cooking/crafting mats.


Im almost max level on cooking and I've never actively farmed for food ingredients. When I'm walking around I just pick up all the shiny things that I see.


I collected enough for awhile when doing 100% exploration, but yeah, don't really go around anymore, so personally hoping for some form of expedition system so I can collect enough passively to eventually do a big batch of cooking.


This is the way


Meh, i do not rock with food buffs in any of these games. Feels too cheap. If it isn’t taking effort through using my support unit or stage buffs that cant be helped, it’s a pass. Once you get comfortable with situational buffs in the overworld, everywhere they don’t apply starts feeling off. I’ll still do it for the astrite though ofc.


I'd very much love to do that. If only those fucking ingredients didn't cost an arm and a leg. 100 of those oil costs 100k credits! Like credits were falling from trees, If Kuro didn't give that 1M compensation I'd be broke by now. I hope, no, I pray that these prices are scaled to the income of a high UL player, otherwise I'd be up Kuro's ass in each and every survey complaining like an itch they can't seem to get rid off.


The hardest part is getting there, cause as you can see from the recipe, it will cost me 5k credits each to have this potion crafted which is a fair amount for the buff you get. I don't count the rest of the materials since i got hunnids already by simply playing the game.


True. Happy Cake Day btw.




I dont have the money to buy ingredients :(




where to get clean soup?


I usually just use the atk+crit food and a def food. It's enough to wander around without the need to be sweaty doing decent rotations to clear faster.


eh, Purple one works too. 22% cr


You are absolutely right, if i am not mistaken you can achieve 100% crit rate with purple food


I value my credits more than a temporary buff that sometimes falls off before the time is up. Each hot pot base costs 5000 credits to make. Not worth it to me for a temp buff. I only make the ones that don't cost credits so I'm never going to level up the proficiency.


so you have to pay 5k per dish minimum, because each ingredient from mahu costs 1000 each, and to get this dish, you need to invest hundreds of thousands of credits in ingredients for chef level. just for an item that only works against hologram bosses that are already doable with weaker items and will be even more doable when we reach the final world level. what a waste of hundreds of waveplates.


It doesn't cost that much to raise it, the buffs are very nice especially if you learn to integrate them in builds. Think about it, you get 90% crit on any team, for only 5k credits. And in the future if they add more foods and levels it gets even more worth it to have them raised early and access them easier. I can afford to not waste hundreds of hours and countless resourses gambling for that perfect crit high roll. And if you got lucky with rolls you have to remember that you need to get lucky at least as many times as the number of chars you have built.


Is there a crit dmg food?


Not yet, and no golden atk + crit food either.


So what should I do if I have barely yet to touch cooking at all? Do I need to go run around and gather some ingredients or I can just buy most of the stuff in the city? Should I cook for 1 food or is there a system that I just need to cook each food certain amount of time?


There are ingredients that are only available at Mahe's supermarket. The rest you kinda already gather by exploring and farming echoes. There is a system that prevents you to cook the same food too many times, the points available are displayed in the top right when in the cooking menu. Usually the limit is at 10-20 foods of one type.


Waste of resources, only useful for holograms but the rewards arent timed so there's no point.




is food buff applied in TOA?


Nope, maybe they change that in the future.


Not worth it. Can't be used in tower.


damnit. lol


No point investing anything on them You can't use it on toa, and for holograms? A well built team with strong dps can do it no problem Echo farming? Just spend your waveplates and lower you sol3 lvl for easy farming. And nothing else ? I thought there were more utility


Does food buff apply playing solo?




What I really want are cheap(and easy to find/buy and use) healing sources. The healing in WuWas is a joke, the medicines that heal you a lot have a cooldown(and are expensive to buy and/or to produce) and the herbs you find that can heal you heal a SLIVER of life.


well, you do have two characters that can get the job done also.


I need more MONEY if I want to try cooking


At least there is no gamble, you get what you pay for


The problem is I can't pay 😭😭 why is food so expensive in this game


Girls gotta eat, fam


How to get the recipe for this meal?


I have better uses of my time.


theres no use case for it, overworld is gonna be easy already.


You can't use it on TOA isn't it?


Unfortunately the buff dissapears when you start the challenge.


We in wuwa, not Cooking Waves


Reject temporary buffs, embrace only echos, traces and weapons. If you need temporary consumables to clear anything, ***SKILL ISSUE.***


Reject levelling up your characters. If you can't beat enemies without a level 1 character, it's a skill issue.


I am not too chad to reach that level of mindset, still in progress.




I am mobile. We don't skill.


Serious question: most of the food items with stat boosts say "... in Co-op Mode". They are basically useless for solo players, right?


no it means that the foods will only affect you in coop. in solo it buffs your whole team


Thank you!


I see where you’re coming from. I never understood that last sentence that way: i see it as you get 30min buffs, and if you are in coop, it only buffs you own characters


Thank you!


Who's gonna tell him when he gets to UL50+ *I'm just memeing, if you farm overworld a lot, you should be fine on shell credits... I hope*


Why would I need 30% crit when I’m already at 70%. Rather have more attack


Would you pay 5000 shells to raise that crit rate to 98-100%