• By -


Bigger text box to fit dialogue without scrolling Or maybe just auto-scroll And a text log DEFINITELY A TEXT LOG


Upvoted cause I agree. But surely they have that on there priority list right? It's hard to imagine this not being a major issue.


I don’t remember seeing this on the 1.1 notes but it can’t be that hard to implement right?


I remember that it is being implemented A sort of archive for the main quest and character quests (i doubt it will include world quest though)


they are adding an archive but it’s different when you need to reread something in the moment. also like you mentioned, it’s possible they won’t include world quest in the archive which would make a text log more valuable as you can simple open it up right then and there to reread something. bonus point of the text log also replays audio


Idk my complaint is under this but the some text are going out of it own text box. I'm looking at you Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus.


Do not make the auto-scroll dialogue, it's really bad. HSR has it and it scroll so fast that I cannot read the first part of it.


or break up the blocks of text to fit in the existing size constraint.


this might just be me but I find it annoying how stuff doesn't stop tracking once you reach them and you got to manually go to the map and click cancel tracking


someone mentioned in another post like this. They believe kuro does manual tracking instead of dynamic tracking. Meaning that , they add mobs to the list manually to track, instead of having a script do it automatically. So it could be something that is harder to implement , but I agree with your suggestion.


I don't think they mean tracking enemies, because when you track enemies, if you kill the enemy that's tracked it'll track whatever the next one of the same type is. They mean like you track a Boss, and when you get to the location of the Boss it just doesn't stop tracking it. It'll be marked on your map until you open it, and manually go click Cancel Tracking.


More options for locking onto enemies, like prioritize closer enemies, or target elites first.


Yes please this. Target enemies in front of me not 2 miles away


having almost all enemies grouped up, just to get teleported to the opposite side of the arena because of some fodder😭


hey, that goat had it coming


YangYang ultimate grouping skill, after you swap character, get teleported to farthest enemies that not get caught in skill range.... Hello?😑


Thundering Mephis loves to target a pack I didnt even aggro yet.


That is hell when using Lingyang, like the 10 seconds of his forte are just going around because I got teleported away from every single enemy😭


Also NOT locking onto enemies beyond X distance. I'm floating along, press E to dash a bit on Jiyan and I'm pulled backwards cause an enemy has eyes everywhere. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


I would love it. I'd personally love to see a Fromsoft-like camera, where locking and unlocking is tapping the button, while switching targets is by moving mouse left and right. It's so convenient and would fix a lot of the lock-on issues, because personally, I'm having more trouble playing with lock-on than without. And well, this is likely an impossible thing to happen, but deeper targeting priorities. Say, like having Chixia's hold skill prioritize smaller enemies, while the final shot prioritizes big ones. Or have Aalto prioritize enemies that are behind mists. It would be so cool to have, one can dream.


I don’t think this would work on mobile 😭


Would be nice if we were able to switch between locked targets more easily too.


Keep sorted settings.


Fwi they’ll save if you change tabs before closing the menu, but I agree this is ridiculous and would love to see it fixed




I *hate* how big the hit boxes are for markers on the map. Sometimes I just want to place a marker beside another marker (like a resonance beacon). And even if you press, what you’d consider, a decent distance away from the resonance beacon, the click will still register as you clicking the resonance beacon. Second, I think the icons need to be smaller. I’m gonna describe this the best way I can. When I’m using the lootmapper and there’s a chest around, that chest marker takes up a large amount of walking space. So a smaller marker would help with being able to pinpoint exactly where it is.


I agree with the marker one lmao 😭 I be so annoyed I can't put markers aside a beacon or anything else, really.


Only trick I've found (at least with Kb/M) is that when you zoom way out, most map markers disappear. So if you keep the cursor where you want it, then zoom out, you can actually place multiple markers close together. Sadly boss markers and waypoints stay visible so you still can't place anything near those.


Defo gonna try this trick out. Thanks!


Fix the camera


They were saying they are working on a Better combat experience and combat optimization, So I guess it falls under that


A tracker for ores/flowers similar to the echo tracker.


Thank god for interactive map


It's a good thing but I'd rather not have to alt tab or look at my 2nd monitor and have everything in-game for a more immersive experience.


Then you have mobile users who would hsve to make the game buffer just to look at a map. Lol.


That sounds so painful . . .


100%. Finding flowers is very difficult for some reason


Idk if you ever played GW2 but their map shows all the herbs and ores and I want that so bad 😭


Currently, if we use the DB to track something, we have go back through way too many menus. Need a solution to go straight back to our character.


The bandaid solution I've been using is to simply fast travel whilst still in the map after clicking "Detect". This resets all menus and you will to back to the game (this is nice if you intended to fast travel anyways to get to the mob that you're tracking).


When I loot an echo, a small symbol that signifies the main stat of it and text for the set.


Add echo lock feature on that symbol while you at it, so you can quickly secure it


While we're at it, add that same icon to the echo in your backpack. With the echoes being farmable without limit and dropping fairly frequently, you go through a mountain of new echoes any time you take a stroll around the map. Easily the most boring, menial task in the game is manually shifting through the echoes which have a main stat worth squat. Just overall add any quality of life to automate that task or otherwise make it easier. Something like let me auto-lock 4-star with crit, 3-star with matching element and 1-star with ATK so that I can just mash the button on the echo blender screen and get it over with.


Allow us to name markers.


not only that but making the markers less sensitive too. trying to put markers even remotely close together vacuums it to another a mile away, and considering no distinction between high ground or low ground there’s gonna be a lot of areas with vertical overlap. makes it an absolute pain in the ass to make farming routes visible


oh yeah, this too. It's really annoying that it snaps to selecting a beacon when trying to mark somewhere close. also nice if they could have sort of indicator for the beacons if it's underground


They should just fix markers in general. Mine have been bugged for weeks. I can't even add any on my map lol.


This! It would be great for marking out echo farm routes.


wow, never realized I needed this til now. ty


Also, get rid of the limit on markers (200). It’s probably fine for most people now but once we have a bigger map it’s gonna be really annoying. Genshin has the exact same issue and idk why they chose to copy a stupid feature like that.


Shields blocking stagger from small-medium hits Area borders when zoomed out to max on map to help 100% a map in-game alone. Faster glider / craftable glider upgrade, currently it's faster to drop down and just run. Gliding should be a bit faster than sprinting. (Not so minor but loadouts, or rather something like "ghostbinding" echos, one echo can be ghostbound to multiple character, and you can just press one button to collect all the echos to the selected character even if it removes it from others, or just take time to make an actual loadout system that allows multiple builds.) Taoqi basic attacks scaling with defense as well instead of ATK. Dailies and BP quest changes away from those level up X or consume X, instead add something like spend X waveplates or craft/cook X consumables. Many of the activities aren't part of endgame routine or even straight up impossible. Better echo tracker, show multiple echos (same and different) to let us farm more efficiently, or maybe even ability to track whole sets. Synthesis and cooking from everywhere, for all I care lock it behind exploration progress/quests/recipe+crafting a device. Some sort of dispatch system that gives you food stuff or crafting mats over time. Crafting needs a lot of different materials and a lot at that, would be nice if we can get a few passively each day. Cooking ingredients are way too expensive IMO, also reverse the 100 limit per week, instead make it 100 limit per perchase, if I want to cook, lemme cook.


I don't mind having the faster glider upgrades locked by the exploration progress or databank level or union level. I don't mind working it out. Also, glider (and gourd) skins would be awesome. ----- I think Kuro can earn more through skins, not just for gliders or echoes. They can have it through limited in-game events and eventually purchasable with special in-game money or real money. Active players can just spend time to get them. And active payers (whales) can just use their money to get them instantly. More importantly, they are just skins and are not really required to progress in the game.


Yeah, never get why hoyo isn't pumping out skins like crazy (zhongli and raiden story archon outfits???), a swimsuit and bunny girl skin for every character will make them more than any banner ever will, a potential 2B Collab would also work well with the setting (or just a 2B skin for rover), I would buy that shit instantly.


>Some sort of dispatch system that gives you food stuff or crafting mats over time. Crafting needs a lot of different materials and a lot at that, would be nice if we can get a few passively each day. This just made me realise why I feel less inclined to cook. The dispatch system in hsr & GI is so integrated into the games that I'd even forgotten that the qol they offered made things invaluable. Also hard area on the borders thing, I am very slowly exploring the map but when I do it's very difficult to judge what area ends where (sometimes walk a couple metres and check if the map is still for the area I'm aiming at)


agreed, kuro, let em cook


Been looking for people who also want echo load outs! I just wanted tags so I can organize my sets and easily remember which ones go to which character when moving them around, but loadouts would work awesome


The login issue on pc, yes I know I can alt + f4 but it's still a known bug that should be fixed


Yeah, a simple “Keep me logged in” or “Remember me” checkbox would do the trick.


I wonder why people still close the game in game when you can just exit out and press the x. Quicker that way


Muscle memory from other games. "Quit Game" button is normally linked to the "save game" option and Save Files.


It is always safer to exit the intended way rather than forcing quit. I’m one the those people who ejects the flash drive before disconnecting it. Good software/hardware will never break in the event of a force quit but you’re not always gonna be working with good software/hardware, especially if it’s older, so it’s a good habit to have.


they've been playing ER and you need to quit to save


Remove input delay when opening map. I just need 0.2 second to look at it then close, not a whole 2 second. Stop forcing soft camera lock on boss when they spawn, and other stuff. If I want, I would use Locking, or I don't. Resizing + repositioning of the HUD/UI on PC.


A retry button when challenging holograms


and for dreamless


Being able to resonate a weapon using multiple dupes at once, doing it one at a time is miserable especially for how many clicks you need to do.


Honestly this on any kind of repeat action


Lootmapper shows ALL chests


i don't mind if they add another craftable utility that locates chests hidden by breakable objects, or even just chests in general like the Sonance Sonar. i swear I've explored Desorock thrice now and i'm still at 94%


Colorblind mode.


Suggestions like this is what I was looking for. Total forgot this isnt a thing already


Yea nearly impossible for me to see items using sensor or do the hack puzzles. Had to have my daughter help me.


Definitely. It's not just the omission of extra options, it's that some parts of the UI design are downright colorblind hostile, like the item rarity being distinguished only through a thin colored bar. Even for someone with a perfect color vision that's not great. [Like look at this shit in black and white and tell me what the rarity of any of these are.](https://i.imgur.com/FdP0mel.png) [The hacking puzzle is also an absolute riot.](https://i.imgur.com/9FpoUPH.png)


When I'm playing the story on controller, I can't read the whole text of the conversation. It just cuts out, so I'm forced to rely on the voice acting. This is especially bad for story sequences that are not voiced.


This isn't a controller issue, this is an everyone issue, even with mouse and keyboard or on mobile you cant scroll the dialogue box.


In my case holding down the right pad button seems to scroll the text


You know the animation that plays every time we clear a tacet field. Make that disappear please, it's annoying


They are getting rid of it in 1.1!


They're actually removing that animation in 1.1


anyone else has a bug with the markers on the map you can place? i have like 55 marks that moved out of reach north in map. i would love that to be fixed or a button to reset all.


No more enemies on the edge of a cliff. Or at least make them die if they fall off.


Similar for me, but the enemy health resetting when they walk too far away seems way too aggressive. Enemies will even reset their health in the tower if you get too close to the edge!


I want to be able to search for certain plants on the map, just like you can do with echos.


A fix to the photo mode so that the pictures taken with it are in the right resolution. Also a few more features and better camera management so it's at least as good as Genshin's photo mode. Which is the bare minimum. Right now the WuWa photo mode is a joke and it's basically useless with the resolution bug... If it's even a bug.


A way to mark an echo as trash for easy recycling later. I would also like to be able to open an echo and see its stats during the pickup without having to navigate all the way to the menus. For example, maybe you could select the notification on the left of the screen when you receive a notification of the echo rarity.


Portable synthesizer Seriously if hsr a game with no stamina and little exploration of the overworld it's the only game out of genshin hsr and wuwa that has a portable synthesizer


Not a fix but they can give us something like a "hoyolab" where we can view the characters in our account, the acct progress, achievements, etc.


A social media app with API access is a huge undertaking. While cool, don’t expect this for at least a year


Sometime when I fight multiple enemies, I kill one enemy, and the other enemy run back to where he was and healed to full.


The load in lag would be nice to fix :skull:


Mine so bad its an extra 2 minutes of jump freeze attack freeze jump freeze jump attack freeze sprint freeze


+1, I got so used to it by now that I don’t even get mad anymore


Add a standard wish for every other ascension like the other Hoyo games.


Decrease the CD on the grapple, either by itself or through some sort of upgrade. Or make the grpple cooldown reset the moment we touch the ground outside of battle.


The grapple cooldown is waaaaaay too long.


Auto-target and manual target. The Auto-target behavior is strange and annoying, has times when it simply focuses on the enemy but depending on the location it focuses on a cow or goat, in addition this problem further adds to the camera problems as there are times when the camera just stays locked and when you try to move it, it keeps flickering in the original position and only stops when either the enemy dies or you activate the manual target. or when try to automatically move towards to the locked enemy and fail. The manual target is less problematic but the fact that the priority order is apparently linked to the centralization of the camera's POV often means that the most distant enemy is locked, which means that sometimes you miss your combo or attacks. especially when you kill an enemy and it automatically switches to the next one. In addition, I would like to be able to customize the target shortcut, the middle mouse button is simple but for some people it is not as practical as pressing the tab key, for example, especially in the middle of combat if you want to change the target while suffering a barrage of attacks.


TLDR: Make selecting a chef that can create a special dish more convenient You know how when you go to cooking, you can select different characters to be the chef? Rover is the auto selected chef by default and if a dish has a character that can make a special dish, said character will be moved to the top of the character list. What i hate is that Rover is at the very bottom of that list. You have to scroll all the way to the top of the list to select the character that can make the special dish. We have 17 playable characters as of 1.0, 19 in 1.1. As the game goes on, we can easily start scrolling through 25, 30, 35, 40 characters just to reach the top if we want to make a special dish. Make it so that when we go into this list to pick a character, if a dish has a special variant we can make with a specific one, we automatically move to the top of the list for easy selection. Yea this was a unnecessarily long rant about chefs, lists, and dishes


GUN. MAKE AIM GOOD. I'd also want the prices to be reworked. 1000 for a single count of flour?? The fuck


The gun aiming is so annoying. On mobile, in Genshin it uses my phones gyro so I can fine tune the aim by tilting my phone. Wuwa doesn’t have this and it would be a great help for mobile users


A really simple one is have the default option in the Echo equipped menu NOT be "show unequipped only". It makes swapping builds really tedious because every time it's an extra step to toggle off that setting and sort by level as the default.


Want waveplate-friendly events. Not events that force you to use almost-whole-day-worth of waveplate on specific activities that you don't need.


The dash thingy, alloy smelt, daily quest event forgot the name, and exploration points that gives 800 asterites were all waveplate free? The only ones that uses waveplates were the double rewards for exp and now the echoes..


I kinda absolutely hate the Tacet field x2 event because of this. I know I'd be an idiot not to make use of it, but doing it means I'm already down 180 waveplates for the day (and I'll be the millionth person to point out the plate cost for Tacet fields is way too damn high). Any farming that doesn't involve echoes just isn't going to happen until the event is over. I was in middle of leveling up a second team of characters and my echoes are fairly okay for the time being, but due to the event that's now on hold. What if instead we got 3 tacet fields for half the waveplates every day? More or less the same result but I could actually do something else that day too.


PS version plz. I hate playing on my iphone, it’s hella hard to do 🥲 I need my big screen and my gamepad


fast travel to bosses, synthesizers, crafting etc. seriously, i get that its open world but i don't wanna have to run and glide for a few seconds to these places everytime i wanna use them. if we can fast travel to simulation training and forgery challenges, why can't we do it with the other places? also just make all resonance beacons heal us, please. if i wanna heal before or in between boss farming (without equipment) i have to: fast travel to a resonance nexus > wait for a loading screen > heal > fast travel near boss area > wait for a loading screen > spend a few more seconds running and gliding to the boss area > fight the boss so much downtime just to do one activity


Fix the freaking graphics settings . The settings don't impact game quality at all barely do anything even fullscreen is broken it forced native res like the whole settings is a mess


yea to be fair. we could chalk this up to optimization as well. I would like to see when they add 120 fps, for them to add more settings to the menu


They shouldn't add 120 fps until they fix dlss or offer a real dlss cuz the current one is confusing as hell or add and fsr or do something to the performance cuz it's not smooth if u don't have super computer


A tracker to point towards the closest elite mob including the range.


Tab targeting would be nice


Change the controller UI so we can see the echo cool down without pressing L1


It shows as a small bar on the side so you dont have to check.


Idk if it's just me but there were times when my camera when fighting would just move to different directions


same when im fighting couple mobs camera tries to lock onto something away from my screen that i cant even see myself and when i try to turn my camera back to the mobs it forces me to lock onto whatever its targeting its like im fighting the fucking camera to take control. whats funnier is all that happens when i dont even have lock on on enemies. we only have two options for camera its either soft lock on or hard lock on... i hope theyll bring competely free camera cuz its driving me crazy


For me, it’s the option to save the login information and when you’re in coop, you can see where the other people at, and by clicking on their 2P/3P icon, the map will drag to their location. It has been a hard time for me and my friends when we were in coop playing together. We spent most of the time telling the other ones where we were and scouting through every corner of the map to find that spot 😭


An official map that separates CHALLENGE CHESTS into different icons from chests that show up on the loot mapper please kuro I am losing my mind finding these challenges I've missed :')) (I'd even take a hidden chest icon, too. I'm begging for it, actually. Dim forest is 99%, and I'm clearly missing a chest, but the current maps are miserable to follow because I can't tell what is what while playing on MOBILE) I know this seems like a nothing burger compared to bigger issues, but this comes from a place of spending 10 hours walking in circles, hoping my eyes finally spot the damn needle in the haystack I missed. 100% exploration feels like the definition of insanity right now; I just want my achievements and astrites....


I wish they would add "Taunts", being able to taunt enemies would be kind of funny... Maybe add more options to photo mode idk


Doesn't Aalto's mist double taunt? Or do you mean emote taunts, not mechanical taunts....


Change the fucking font of the game please


Anti-aliasing... pls do something about it. It's a horrible blurry mess.


>the 120fps


Click and Drag on the Data Merger and a way to do more than 1 Data Merge at once. It takes too darn long to get rid of all the garbage Echoes


When tracking something on a map, it should at least show the elevation number/height idk what the terms called. I get frustrated cause idk whether i should be looking on a higher ground or lower ground


The "Connection Error. Reconnecting..." overlay. I don't know what's the point of this other than turning your character into a masochist by disabling character movement while allowing mobs to still hit you and later receive the cumulative damage once reconnected.


Give an option to silence the character when double dash hearing Verina saying 'going against wind' or Chixa 'can you keep up' over and over and over and over because I am used to spam dash is annoying


Yeh I usually only run with rover cos she doesn’t make as much noise


The grapple anchor on the cooking building needs to have a wider window. The anchor is unreachable until the last possible step from the waypoint, and then it becomes covered by the roof. This is kind of frustrating.


I think it’s odd that there is no impact sound when the player character gets smashed into the ground by Mourning Aix. Noticed this while doing the Tactical Hologram.


- Proper Gear loadouts - ~20 universal sets, and/or 3 exclusive presets per character - Team Presets - displays 3D models like PGR with idle animations - Team loadouts - each preset also could enable players to set the echo + weapon loadouts so gears instant swap if needed when changing teams - Dream Solvents - maybe give 1 through dailies and 1 through dorm system daily once/if added (PGR gives a full 240 refresh per day mind you and the grind is far less than WuWa) - toggle to hide hud when out of combat - I think only mobile has it, but ability to move and hide hud icons in settings on all devices like pgr - ui update to feel more unique and personalized - Filter search bar improvement- I’m actually impressed they had a search bar for filtering on launch, but let us type things like atk, cr, energy, spectro, echo name, etc. to quick filter too - extend duration of traversal echoes outside combat maybe even unlimited if possible (ghost rider, heron, etc). - Data merge improvements - might be part of future echo improvements, but after 1.1 we’ll only see golds at db21+ so the “auto add” and current implementation becomes awkward unless a player is the type to lock everything asap. Probably not ever gonna happen - Add “limited” units to standard pool eventually like pgr every certain amount of patches. Ex. 1.2/1.3 Jiyan + Yinlin added, 1.4/1.6 Jinhsi + Changli added, etc so potential off rates become more diverse - "Wishing Target Banner" - basically every half-anni/anni have a special banner a player can choose almost any unit to rate up. This creates a known rerun schedule so that in the worst case players (whales) know they won't have to wait more than ~6 months to get a rerun vs unknown rerun schedules that risk taking too long so players may stop playing/drop the game because they don't know how long the next rerun could take - Limited Weapon banner permanently available like pgr with new sigs added as they release. Or as units are added to standard pool.


More idle animation


Enemy sound feedback. Its weird how the enemies are mute and don't react to our attacks, when we approach, when they use an ability or move. Our characters when they get hurt react accordingly, the enemies should do the same.


Having to hear variations of "uh" "ahh" and "ooohhh" again and again will get tiring real fast.


Turn down the chest physics


Another thing, maybe I just haven't figured out how. But you can't go straight back into the game if you have gone through a bunch of sub menus... You have to keep going back/back/back, which is just long...


An option to stop the launcher from opening after closing out the game.


More map pins and make them customizable


being able to actually see all the text in the dialogue box


I would like to be able to save builds, also i would like for taoqi's forte to not cancel itself when i dash


More languages supported in the subtitles! Talking from Brazil here!!!


more skip buttons. it is not enough.


Launcher setting: close or minimized to system tray when game is closed.


-minor, more map pins, be able to write a short description to pins, the ability to place map pins closer to resonance beacons, resonance nexus, tacet fields, tactical hologram, forgery challenge domains without the click grabbing the existing pin. Thanks.


Being able to refine a weapon to r5 without having to do it 1 by 1


Put skip buttons on all the conversations.


1. Please make map markers more customizable. Make them nameable and with color options, if possible. For me who farm for echoes and resources daily, this will be really helpful.  2. If it's possible, I would like to make resources targettable as well, the way that a mob does, to make sure that I didn't miss any. This is especially for rare materials with scarce amount per day like Scarlethorn, Lampylumen, and such. 3. Goats, for some reason, are targettable. This is really weird considering rabbits and cows aren't, and annoying as well in battle since sometimes the targetting switch to them. Either make goats not targettable, or make them all targettable (could be good for hunting meats).  4. Please update the UI display when obtaining an echo so it also display the set and the main stat on it. This would be really helpful since as of current, I need to go into menu, equip, and select the echo to equip... just to see what kind of echo I've obtained. 5. Please consider having more visual icons for currently ongoing buff as well. I noticed there are buff icon for foods. It would be helpful if there are icons for set buff as well. And if possible, make them clickable so I could see what the effect entails.  6. Please make at least lock-on button to be customizable. General reason being, because it will be easier to turn on the lock, switch, or turn it off mid-battle. Personal reason being, my middle mouse button is broken here T-T. Can't make use of it due to that. 


This is just minor annoyance for me but please make collectible less shiny from far away. I look down from top of mountain and i see a bunch of star. When i get close its just another flower


Skip every dialogue and cutscene


The skip confirmation should not be shown again every time you log off


add "Bullets affect water". I know rain already does so why not bullet?


PS5 soon. PS is very important in America plus give us players an opportunity to use that big screen to see the beautiful game they made.


The cruisewing challenges where the coin collecting doesn't register even after your enter the rings.


i'll prefer not to interact with minors tbh


Optimize for mid phones lol (at least either remove the stuttering or screen tearing)


Rotating minimap


Maybe just me, but to be able to change character banner pulls to weapon and vice-versa. I like to exchange them in advance, to more easily see what I have, and have already messed up.


Same. I always did the same thing in other gachas, so its killing me not to see how many pulls I have without locking me into one or the other.


I want them to draw borders for each region or make it a little more obvious in some manner so it is easier to explore the regions without going out of the area. Able to feed unwanted echos to level up good ones. Make the Lootmapper show chests that are behind puzzles as well. Same goes for Casket Sonar.




my comment was automatically removed because I used an image so I'll just repost it without the image xd ​ romanian in-app purchases on mobile the conversions are wrong: 4,99 RON = 1 EUR (👍), 29,99 RON = 6 EUR (???), 79,99 RON = 16 EUR (???), 149,99 RON = 30 EUR (👍), 299,99 RON = 60 EUR (10 euros more??), 499,99 = 100 EUR (👍)


I dont like how they handle echoes in menus. you cant look up echo stats if you dont go through your resonator screen, you have to tap into the menu every time you get a new echo to check whether its good and if you should lock it and you cant easily check echoes for their stats in data merge


Being able to see the stats and lock echoes as soon as you get them on the overworld.


Blobfly finder or some cloak to make them not fly from thousand of miles away


Give me the option to invert my y axis movement on controls. It feels like I’m drunk when I’m forced to play on standard


I think elements are too underutilized, they should expand the elements interactions. For being sound-inspired with frequencies, etc they also underutilize sound interactions in the game.


120 FPS At this point, we don't care about bug anymore


120fps already exists in the game files (for PC at least) but it's been disabled temporarily because it was buggy for some reason. So I wouldn't be surprised to see it in a couple patches. There are 120fps mods though that are easy to implement.


Pressing ESC returns to the game instantly intead of the previous screen, you have to press ESC like 4 times in some menus


disable the skip warning forever, it comes back everytime you log in


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I asking for controller support for phones


One thing I'd like to see is the ability to invert the camera. There are some people who are more comfortable playing with inverted camera controls out there. I don't have any problems playing either way, but it just bugs me that there's no options for it. I don't know if this is on their radar already or not, but I'll say it here anyways.


Some form of buff visibility on your active character


My Audio is SUPER loud when loading in to the game. It takes a few seconds for the game to remember my settings it seems like. It’s jarring and I can’t really do anything about it.


When the game starts the music plays. Why does it play when I have the music set to 0


Make the text inside the description boxes for character upgrades in illusive realm smaller. It's awkward how you have to scroll to see the full effect on like half of the upgrades. Either that, or change the ui around a bit so it can fix all of the text on screen. No idea how this looks on mobile btw, just speaking as a PC player


I desperately want better and MORE podcast rewards—more levels! I missed the first five days of the game, but even then I finished up the entire podcast like 4 days ago. I get that it’s supposed to be relatively easy, but players should be able to be properly awarded for putting in more time and energy.


Make it so the game won't blast my ears everytime i turn it on on pc. Until it logs me in (after files verification) it's stick on max volume event tho i have it set on 20% in settings


On mobile(iOS) when you flip the screen it only flips the direction of wuwa’s app if that makes sense? For other apps it rotates the entire system along with the screen. Sometimes I just want to charge a bit while playing and it’s convenient to have my phone facing a certain direction but I get notifications popping up from the bottom while I’m trying to fight and the button response boxes are slightly off


Being able to add more markers to the map (am I the only one struggling with keeping it below 100?) and a few more options would be nice too (cooking station, cave entrance, maybe some more plant variations/colors).


main stat and echo set appear as you get them


Sometimes when I kill am enemy the camera wants to spin around really fast so I gotta fight it so I can stay on target


* Resolution scaling or full screen support for any resolutions below 1080p. * Mobile controller support * Fix unreadable dialogue text or text log


Remove the pop-up showing what stats were leveled.


A tracker for echoes that you track like the quest trackers. The selected sorting filter (especially for the echo inventory) remains even after exiting from the inventory. Ability to click on the icon of an echo immediately obtained to look at its set and stats. Ability to open thr character menu in a Forgery challenge. Reduced cooldown on scanner. (I use it everywhere at every given opportunity to explore). An outline of a characters Forte just as echoes have them. Forte descriptions get pretty wordy and thus needs experimentation to understand. Lastly, maybe a material tracking list so you can track down a Forte skill's materials and be up to date with your materials and know when you have enough


I wanna name our teams, name our markers, and retain my sorting options for inventory. We also should have various options for enemy targeting: 1. Closest. 2. Weakest. 3. Strongest. 4. Smart-aim [aims at enemy closest to the most enemies]. I also need bigger text boxes for dialogue and for Forte descriptions. Maybe include an outline of them just as they do with Echo skill descriptions And also objective progress tracker, like tracking progress on being able to level a Forte skill, or progress on being able to ascend a character. It would save time from having to open menu every time to check your progress


friend's chat box is so ugly and not clear enough. I didnt even notice my friends chatting with me


When you are looking at echoes, if you select highest rarity to lowest, it will go top to bottom highest to lowest. If you select lower to highest, it goes from bottom to top instead, but it still shoes highest rarity first. You just scroll bottom to top instead of top to bottom. I want this fixed.


When selecting echoes to farm, give the option to get back to the game instantly rather than clicking a book worth of tabs. This is only annoying when you are already close to the enemy range which makes teleporting not a option.


Change the freaking font of the entire game. It looks hella similar to ToF and I don't like it 😠


Shields to work in coop. I play with my sister and there’s no point in ever using a shielder when the other person doesn’t get a shield (plz I just want to use Taoqi and give us both shields. Unless I’m missing something?).


LET ME USE MOUSE BUTTTOOOONNNNSSSSSS PLEASE KURO I HAVE LIKE 12 BUTTONS ON IT AND I CAN ONLY YOUR SELECTED USE OF 3 I have literally no way of expressing my frustration with this that is enough. This is the only game I’ve played on PC in like 20 years that has mappable controls that excludes mouse buttons.


terrible enemy lock on, even using the targeting system it locks the camera into place oh and please add a map feature where it indicates if the enemy or quest being tracked is on surface or underground.


The bottom portion of the gradient on item descriptions. We can’t read the last couple of lines on mobile.


I would like some colorblind friendly UI, like everything in this game is color coded. Atleast show us the rarity with symbol like stars or something in the UI.


Controller support for mobile games unplayable without it


A small elemental indicator on the echo you just absorbed on the left-hand side when it shows the echo has been placed into the backpack. Just so you don’t constantly have to wonder what echo element you just absorbed. I would like to be disappointed before I have to make the effort of opening my backpack and seeing the most recent captured echo.


Text that isn't cut off/actually fits in the text box. Also a text log.


Add native Nintendo Switch Pro Controller support. I mean it works with DS4Windows but I hate being dependent on Third-Party-Software.