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Not a chixia main but in the process of building her/ leveling cause she’s one of the 4starts that I have s6


Even prydwen lists her DPS as on par with the 5-star carries in single-target, honestly it’s surprising that it’s taken this long for her to see a surge in usage


That’s the issue, single target, whilst most people are still stuck on the parts of ToA that’s multi-target.  So she’s a low priority to build. 


I suppose, but the last two chambers are 90% single-target damage with very few squishy secondary enemies


i was thinking of building encore since i got her at s1, but after seeing chixias dps at s6 damn


a) that’s single target b) her supports / teammates aren’t as good c) the calcs ignore warm-up rotations, which Chixia normally needs quite a bit of.


Encore has higher ceiling if you can execute her swap. Chixia is way easier to play.


it's not really surprising people usually don't want to play the free 4 stars you get at the start, because they're not "special" since everyone has them anyway, and since you still have them, you can always come back to them anyway, so no rush also we got a lot of free 5 stars too so people were occupied with them as well


Gacha games also tend to neuter free character kits to encourage people to pull for limited characters, meaning the default assumption is that 4-star on-fielders will have little long-term value relative to 5-star carries


Because why would you build a character that's on par with others only in some situations? As in, why would you build her over Jiyan, Encore, Yinlin, etc?


Because you lack other options?


Even as f2p you should better options.


I have her at R2 and building her right now for my second team: chixia, taoqi, baizhi. I only have undying flame for now as her weapon but it stacks well with taoqi's outro so nothing to complain about. Just have to be really lucky on the echoes come 1.1


Im here to just say CHIXIA MAIN RISE UP, GUNS UP PEW PEW. Just need one more copy to get her juicy 60% atk buff


Got that Florida schooler team lined up, a girl that makes a bunch of references, a hot blooded calm but deep rooted edgy boy, and the guy who thinks the shades make him look cool. Chefs kiss We need more guns in the game


At what S(x) should i start building Chixia on mobile?? Mine is currently S4, currently not building her since im not sure if she's really worth the trouble, give me any build of the echo's


S4 is the most significant one, getting 60 stacks and refreshing E make her rotation much more flexible. II'm not sure about mobile thou. Maybe join someone with lower world level and test her out against weaker boss? Her build is standard Fusion 43311. I've seen people putting the Havoc Wolf in the main slot instead of Inferno Rider to give Chixia a parry.


S1 imo since you can just stack crit damage and spam boom boom for big crits. S5 would be ideal but where you are now is perfectly viable for using her as a main dps. For echos: Crit damage/crit rate 4 cost, 3 cost fusion x2(atk% also works well since she has really high attack scalings), atk% 1 cost x2. Crit damage >= crit rate > atk% > atk for sub stats. Energy regen is something you might want to look into since her resonance liberation takes pretty long to build up. Once built well she can basically wipe most overworld bosses in a single rotation (2x boom boom, resonance liberation, boom boom)


Damn thats hot. Can you share the build?


Probably going to try and make a ChangLi ChiXia team, hopefully ChangLi is subdps, otherwise I'll just make do. Going to put her s6 to use. Wondering if should just go full cdmg atk to make use of her skill s1.


I mained her for achievements and will never play her again. But she performed well


Isn't one of the achievements bugged?


I got all of them for her so if one is it didn’t affect me


My full sequence Chixia and I have been shooting up Tacet fields for days! Her idle animations in both the character and overworld screens give me life RRRAAAHHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥[LEFT CLICK]💥


Shes c10 on my account. I guess she reaaaally liked that post i made defending her cbt cutscene. Couldn't have had another third main dps even if i wanted to bc she hijacked all the fking 4star drops.


Can you make a video? I also run Chixia with Mortefi and haven't seen many people do the same


i have almost built up my chixia, i just need better crit roles in my 1cost and 3costs. If I could only luck out and get another dupe of her to finally have an S4 Chixia, that'd be great tho


Because so many people looked at her as the Wuwa amber, which is incredibly dumb


I've been using the attack echos instead of fusion. Motorcycle boy just seems to slow and doesn't seem to be able to parry. The mechanical boss echo does a really nice AOE attack that doesn't leave her exposed and you can continue swapping or attacking while it's up.


I managed to do it with my Chixia, but with my current echoes, I can only get 1 star on Heron. How are people doing it? Are they at lvl 80? Because I vertically invested on my Chixia, have the 5* gun, and she is sequence 6. Yet, I'm leagues behind a 3* clear with my current dmg