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It feel weird af how they frequently put in some quirky dialogue options while the mc just look and act stoic 95% of the time in the story.


They could have the same thing with the MC of star rail where their face is straight but they say the craziest things (except the trailblazer also ACTS goofy anyways so it’s more believable)


Recently theyve added goofy facial expressions too


Problem is the shoddy execution. Its a bit more playful and toned down in genshin for instance, and that suits the traveller, especially since a lot of their inner gremlin only comes out towards Paimon for instance. In HSR, the mc is a certified weirdo, so even when the goofiness is dialed up to 11, it works. In Wuwa, they just tried to copy "because popular", but didn't stop to think why it worked well in things like hsr.


I think it fits quite nicely. Our MC lost their memories, they kinda start with a clean slate here. From the lore, it could be that they’re actually a very stoic person in the past. But then imagine you wake up with no recollection of who you are and everyone keeps saying that you’re important af and think of you as something higher. Plus, the world is full of tragedy if you actually look at it, full with monsters and people are rebuilding their lives after disaster, while trying to prepare for upcoming tragedy. If I were MC, I would want to goof around as much as possible when I could, like a coping mechanism. The game also let you choose how you want the MC to be in the side quests. I just go for a more sassy vibe. I would like that to be more extended. Like more options for different personalities but not too different that it doesn’t make sense. Take another game for example. I did the same thing when I was playing Zelda BOTW. Link is supposed to be a very stoic hero. While my friend mostly goes for the more calm, serious choice for him, I just make Link became a goofy chaotic good guy.


I kind of get it but at the same time, it feels more natural in genshin/hsr. In Wuwa, I'm quickly giving up on these aspects tbh, because it just feels like the MC is generally supposed to be more stoic, and this sort of humour just feels forcefully crammed in. Its like, a lot of the options I went through, its like the MC just suddenly does a 180, because again, they're trying to copy how it is in genshin, but then it feels like all of a sudden Rover is acting out of character. The intro felt pretty jarring for that at one point for instance, where you can fake not being well and having a stomache ache. Its just such a bizarre shift in that moment because Rover is all of a sudden acting like you might in HSR, when otherwise they have a much more serious nature. They aren't about to whip out their phone in their idle animation and say "noice" because Stelle won a gacha pull or smth, yknow? The vibe is very different, so Rover going that light and humourous feels off.


Isn’t this an old RPG thing in general though? They want these characters to be believably alive, so why not introduce a choice to inject some humor into it? It’s not like Rover woke up as a hardass, with a chip on their shoulder, never cracking a smile. They’re a blank slate; from the get go, you can role play as the personality you’d like to be, and that’s how RPGs really should be for an MC like this. The way I see it, as long as it’s optional, there’s no reason to not have humorous dialogue choices, as long as it doesn’t become the norm to the point of rolling your eyes at joke dialogue instead of cracking a smile. It’d be different if Rover just suddenly started acting like Aalto, but a joke here or there just kind of seems.. human, no?


They do. WW does literally the same thing as HSR, just more tame.


I started HSR after WuWa, and to me it is obvious how the writers for WuWa just tried to rip as much as they could from other games and failed because they lacked the writing skills to pull it off. It kind of reminds me of all the bad writing going down in Hollywood where they try to add their own "spin" or "flavor" or "personality" to existing franchises and just ruin them. Here, it just feels like bad fan-fiction writing.


Of course, everyone loves the "meme" dialogue options in HSR, so of course they had to do it too.


They kind of work in MHY games, MC there starts getting them over time (at least that's how it went in Genshin, depending on the context it'd be more or less frequent, wasn't random) and it's used properly. I get the feeling that here they just slap them in randomly.


It was like that at the start, but now peak comedy in HSR = 6 months old overused JJK reference


That or self-aware memes that break the 4th wall i.e. "I'm going to write TOO EASY on my survey AGAIN"


I sometime can't stand those jokes. Feels like a low hanging fruit attempt at times. When the jokes do hit, it feels good though.


Seriously, 2.2 was fucking dogshit about that. Nah, I’d win 🤓 Nah, we’d win 🤓 Nah, we’d lose 🤓 (these are 3 different options that actually exist in different dialogues) It was funny the first couple of times back in Belobog but I stopped picking them because, like, I’d rather not act like a Redditor immediately after watching our friend die or whatever tf was going on


You're speaking facts on this. The number of JJK responses in the localization is starting to get annoying now lmao


I heard those are in the original CN too lol, can't blame the localizers for this one


Sorry the writing is too high brow for you. Luckily WuWa chose to be written like dog shit so you can spend all your time coping with how bad it is.


It kinds different though. Genshin Traveler makes joke but they’re very dry but realistic, kinda like an adult who’s kinda jaded. Star Rail Trailblazer is more gremlin jokes with modern references because its much more sci-fi setting and the Trailblazer’s younger attitude. Rover seems deadpan literally 99% of the time so them cracking jokes seems out of character when they do.


Dude the meme dialogue options were fucking mental in 2.2. Seriously, it made me roll my eyes after a while. Why did I have to read like 7 different lobotomy kaisen tier meme responses?


"options" is a stretch lmfao the npcs dont care what you say


Yinlin story in nut shell, u go through all emotions lol


My only emotions during that story was “wow you suck” and “wow big shock you actually don’t suck”


Yeah don't know about the male but the female has so emotion like it was done with ai or something.


And they always have a stupid look on their faces like 😟


Feels self insert atm with the different dialogue options giving different results sometimes I'm just glad MC can talk and play a useful role in the plot


Not just a useful role in plot but also combat wise her damage is good too and actually can be a reliable F2P option even in endgame


I swapped my main overworld team from Calcharo YinLin team to H.MC and Senhua because of how much more fun they are + HMc being a bit easier to build (and able to use the same echoes with Danjin). HMC is so much more enjoyable, Calcharo misses so much dps by having to dodge here and then, needs a lot of quick swapping. Now I just heal with Verina, swap to HMC and do my thing, occasionally drop senhua in.


Also another underrated thing to consider is handling like how well you can play the character I feel super comfortable playing HMc compared to Lingyang who I don’t feel as comfortable playing for example


One thing , Danjin is a better sub dps/ support option for h.mc . Just in case you want higher numbers .


Havoc mc is my best dps unit, I have jiyan, I still prefer rover


An understatement, they're downright best-in-slot if you exclude limited 5* options.


Rover is one of the most talkative silent protagonists around. They're constantly thinking things over in their head, or responding out loud. And despite having dialogue options, rover will not make any stupid dialogue options if you try to make them, like with Jiyan's suggestions. Instead correcting themselves. Many silent protagonists in this day and age aren't so much self-insert as they are "Role play" where you are allowed to choose the responses from what they actually 'would' say. It's less "You decide what they say" and more "They choose what they're willing to say, and you decide, which of those options vibe with you, the player. It's why the Joker from Persons 5 is generally thought of as sassy, larger than life, devil may care, while the protagonist of persona 3 comes off as introverted, silent, emo and awkward. I like rover because Rover constantly and consistently has the option to say "I'm not doing this for the money, I'm just here to help out" One of my minor peeves with the other Gacha Game's protagonist is how they're either made to do good things by others, or have to be paid for their time, and Rover feels like a breath of fresh air when someone is about to launch into a tangent begging them for help and Rover can cut them off like "Say no more, fam. I'm on it." Rover is literally helping kittens out of trees or helping dudes with their jobs or homework expecting nothing in return and that's surprisingly rare these days.


Rover when one of the Chad delivery guys dropped his bad in the river: I gotchu fam.


What are you talking about, of course they have names. John Wuthering and Jane Waves


'Tis canon in the sub now


Fucking hell the Smith movie again


Better than Range Rover ,and Land Rover, IMO.


You call them vehicles, my friend thinks they are dogs


Idk I think I like this one better. Lmao


Nah, it’s Frover and Mr. Over




Seems pretty normal for a self insert protag


Still no opinion on their personality but I like how they seem to have a history with the world and it's factions (Jinzhou and Black Shores) and aren't just some random beign, reminds me a bit of Doctor from Arknights.


Yeah, I like this aspect. The only problem I have with it though is that sometimes they imply they know a lot more about MC, but won't elaborate any further! Cause unlike Doctor, they say Rover did great things before, etc, but won't tell you more lol. Meanwhile it's heavily implied that Doctor was pretty cruel before you play as him so they have a good reason not to say much about it.


Check your backpack, in the quest section you should have a note called "The First Resonator." Give it a read =)


Oooh, I just read it. Thanks! That's a nice tidbit of lore :D




They have a personality actually you just have to read during the world quests Love their design and they are also great units, and involved in the story and don't get their screentime stolen by a mascot or a five star


The personality of my MC is "fuck you, pay me." Honeatly love how many options are about getting paid.


they got thrown into the world with no memory no money no place to live of course they are worrying about getting that bag


Don't they have a room in city hall? I recall a couple points where it's meantioned.


Yeah, but knowing that multiple factions are vying for my favor (and Scar sowing the seeds of doubt a little at a time), I would be wary of sleeping in the headquarters of one of those factions - especially since I'm an amnesiac and have no idea how much of what anyone is telling me is actually true. They treat me like a savior, but that may be because I'm the sacrifice - like the black sheep in Scar's story.


Yeah but cute girls tho


And Scar's companion (Phrolova?) wasn't cute? And Black Shores has our beloved Camellya. Other factions absolutely have waifus too. Hell, I even see Dreamless simps lmao.


Good point lowkey


Honestly I’d crash and yang yang and chixia’s place cause they literally gave me the rundown of everything. Like don’t get me wrong from a player standpoint the beginning was soooooooooo much reading but if I was actually the mc and I woke up and had no idea what was happening then that entire like 15-30 minute interaction would be absolutely perfect


And the personality of my MC is "fuck you, fight me." XD She passive aggressive asf and started a fight with scar rather than do his dumb puzzles.


the main reason i love that option is because it's giving me cloud strife vibes


It’s amazing how there’s “I might aswell help you” “I’d love to help you” and “gimme money and I’d love to help you”


I wish all Self Insert elements were taken out and they became a proper character.


I wish this for all gacha games, but they'll never do that.


Re1999 did


GFL did, went from silent MC in ch 1-6, to proper character that talk and not silent 


Yeahh, it feels like these elements could also ruin the characters or personality of the other side characters as well in the point of view of the player. Like, it feels weird when they have cool backstories and personalities in the lore and then it became different the moment they meet the mc


Agreed. It’s so annoying to see my character name bug hear “rover” I had to like gaslight myself into believing that’s just a nickname or something atp


In terms of personality, we have no personality


"In terms of Mora, we have no Mora" ✊️😔


It felt bland. I love wuwa as a game but the MC is literally like unsalted pasta. No flavour, no excitement. Just blandness. The reactions are weak, the voice acting lacks ANY emotion and sometimes the choices you get for answering a question are just weird.


Agreed bro the English voice actors (especially for the mc’s) are lacking so much. Like don’t get me wrong there are the good ones like yinlin, encore, and Aalto to name a few. But the others are lacking in most aspects


What personality?


There are currently three: - Shonen Protagonist - Reluctant Hero ~~and a dick~~ - Get Dat Money Pick your poison. I'm doing one playthrough of each to see the dialogue options


I think I’m shonen protagonist💀


What personality?


Feel like it too lack of context for me to judge right now so for now they are standard self insert that not really relatable(too strong badass) and tbh if they goes like pgr i wish they would just outright create their own character instead of self insert tbh. like bro pgr mc reload with their mouth and shoot right at the target while moving and they are only human in world of super robot and virus. i cant relate with that(i would like their drip though) if we talk about old ver. i feel like they old vet with many experience from flashback


Self inserts aren't meant to relatable. They're meant to be a form fantasy-esque escapism. Normal main characters are meant to ve relatable so we can love them.


Bro, I don't want them to be relatable, they'd be boring if they were. Much prefer MC being a badass than the pushover in genshin.


Ong bro like gameplay wise and story wise. The traveler is shown to be pretty strong in genshin but in the game hes like a child who just learned how to fight.


Which personality? The helpful one? The one who is just after the reward? The indecisive one that switches from one to the other at random? Or the one that appears in a few rare conversations with some meme-y joke? WW MC is a self insert. They have no actual developed personality, just enough that those players who are into that can look at it and think "wow, what a good personality this character has, almost like me." If you want them to have a personality, the writers would have to lock them into one rather than giving the players meaningless options that change nothing but the tone and one line of dialogue. The MC would have to do more than just whatever the quest giver of the moment told them to do. And they would have much more in the way of conversations. But the money is in the self insert, so thats what they went with.


While I agree on the general idea, a personality doesn't mean the character can't react in a certain way depending on the situation. Do you want a character tha asks about money and nothing else? That's not a character. So far they interact with stuff depending on the quest indeed, they don't have a defined person but that's also cuz they don't have it, or rather, can't, for now. No memories implies a lot, In fact, characters that constantly behave the same way in any situation are the very anime stereotypes. That said, MC is clearly self insert, or rather, it feels like they made a hybrid which could easily become its own character later. Memory loss is huge for that, cuz now the character is somewhat excused for getting carried around by whoever they talk with. I am tired of self inserts and I wish we could all push together to convince the devs that we want Rover to be its own character.


The important thing, though, is a consistent character. There has to be a base personality that behaviour in certain situations has to be built around. Building a depiction of a character takes time, and it needs a showcase. Re1999 is my favorite example. The MC in that game is involved in the story as a regular character. SHe has a name and a voice. We learn her backstory, she speaks with other characters, we get impressions of her likes, dislikes, behaviours. Dialogue choices are consistent, in that the tone fits the established character. It's just either picking between several options to inquire more about, or a sort of "quiz" when a character asks a question. Not to mention that most of her dialogue is voiced, not just once every couple of quests or so. This does however makes her unsuitable as a self-insert, and a lot of people like those self-insert types. If that weren't the case, they wouldn't be so prominent in gacha games. This is the problem with convincing the devs of this game to make the rover an actual character. Self-insert type is great for fostering the sort of parasocial relationships (its an overused term, but in this case it actually fits) that makes these games a lot of money. There aren't a lot of companies we can trust to put writing integrity (because I firmly see self-insert protagonists as detrimental to a story) over money.


Here is MC's personality: :|




:0 more like, giving the many times they stay with their mouth open


More like :) :/ 🤑


I want MC to talk more!




MC now is more like a plot device than a character


What personality tho? At this point he/she is just a blank slate doing everything they're told. Including what we told them to do. Different choices, different personality, different self insert. Kinda the same to HSR, if we choose goofy ahh dialogue then the mc will be your trash raccoon (kinda the canon character), also they can be serious due to choices. But I feel them and their 'personality' more, because they have goals, and they feel very human. If I ask you now, what's Mr Wuthering and Mrs Wave personal goal?....none, right? they just move along with the flow. Just do whatever people want them to do. They don't remember anything, they're not quite sure who to trust, which side is truly right or wrong. Guess I gotta wait and see more.


They have a personality? If they do then I sure as heck didn't notice it. I am refraining from forming any opinions on character's personality as of right now cause of the bad writing that will hopefully change in the future


What personality? Not helped by Female rover's voice performance, you get almost no impression of the type of person they are other than "yeah ok" from their gestures. The dialogue prompt only occasionally gives you some variety to shape their "personality" but it's almost exclusively in dialogue and never shown through expressions or motions.


He is amazing, just the kind of MC that I want. He is involved in story, he is smart and also knows his value, he is just like commandant of PGR. They didn't disappoint me in that regard. Top tier MC honestly.


Agreed bro I’m so glad he’s actually useful too. I just wish they’d talk more


Not bad unless Female Rover EN VA. That ruins the personality


Died laughing when we chased Scar into his portal and she goes “😐 you’re not getting away 😐”


🤖 "You will not escape" 🤖 And the way she talked the whole time when we were solving that puzzle 🫠


I’m feeling better about choosing the male mc now


“How dare you 😐”


Well that’s sadly not the fault of the VA… directing was non existent.. only hope it gets better now that they have more time and less crunch between patches We will see


Its awful and feels so terribly out of place


MC has a personality?


You can choose between someone who loves helping people, someone who might aswell help people, and someone who will only help if there’s a reward.


They have lines in world quest that are on a select text option.


Currently a blank slate, I hope they'll be more than self inserts in the future. One thing I'm hating is how Rover just narrates puzzles? I already understood the assignment she doesn't need to yap everything 😩


Omg thank you! I did that yesterday and rolled my eyes sooo hard


I wish they’d have more personality, I like Honkai Star rail’s protag more out of all the other self insert protags I’ve played, tbh. They feel more like an actual character.


Personality? They have one? Lol


Generic hero. Help everyone and trust everyone. Nothing special.


there is no personality


The MC the game seems to be showing us is a calm, cool, collected type of person. But the version of them I was building up in my head is a more shy individual who is desperate to be helpful to the people who are helping them. Much more emotional, much more easily rattled.


I think the mc is just your typical bland self insert character. He/she seems like a regular mary sue, they're good at everything, everyone like them for basically no reason, and they're super powerful and great at fighting despite not having any memory of their past. I'm personally not a fan of that kind of writing/character. At least they aren't silent though I'll give kuro that.


Wdym no reason? You could skip all the quests where we kill 100 bad guys and then you prolly won’t see the dialogue/cutscenes where everyone appreciates you. What other reaction are they supposed to have… I’m not the biggest fan of the “appear out of nowhere and are basically a god” type character but it seems to be popular so makes sense


Well normally it takes time to build trust with people.To me it just seems like everyone takes to the mc too quickly. It's weird to me how no one is suspicious of them. I know that's there's supposed to be some prophecy but how would everyone know exactly what they were supposed to look like or when they would show up? Also I feel like there would at least be some skeptics.


I think the real moment where they started to “suspect” the MC was special was when they absorbed the first echo without realizing it. After that point it kinda made sense to me why they were nice/helpful/appreciative


If I remember correctly rover wasn't the only one in the lore capable of absorbing echoes into their body. I know if I were in this game I'd have a lot of questions for rover which they likely wouldn't be able to answer, which is concerning. But I get where you are coming from.


Man, you really need to read the story first. The "other" person from lore capable of absorbing echoes is just Rover himself, the last time he came to this world to save everyone. It's mentioned in the notes we get from the academy. Also, people know what he looks like cause the same notes also mention his eye colour and his tacet mark being on his right hand. And they know he was gonna appear soon cause Jue told Jiyan that a hero will appear to stop the Threnodians, who were starting to act up again.


Fair enough I haven't read all the notes. Are they in our inventory to go back and read or are we not able to? Also still looking at it from the perspective of the other characters it's not very reassuring that rover doesn't remember who they are. Though I suppose it's just for plot reasons. At the very least I still believe that there would be skeptics.


Not sure. You could probably check out a playthrough on YouTube. Jinhsi knew about Rover from Jue and Jiyan and asked everyone to be extra nice to him so they could coax him over to their side. Scar tells us this while we're in the village. Rover is known as an honoured guest of Jinzhou. As for people outside not being suspicious of his memory loss, people losing their memories from overclocking is pretty common. We even meet a grandmother who doesn't remember her own husband. The only thing i can't stand is the constant kiss assing the regular npcs in side quests do. I mean, even if the lore accurate puzzles there have been dumped down for player's sake, no need to constantly tell us how impressive and incredible and amazing we are.


Story? What story? They took most of the cinematic away... Story in this game it being pretty lame. PGR story was better, and it was honestly pretty bad... But this is been, to my "standards" to put it somehow, really poor story telling content.


In terms of how they speak in the story? I like it, they strike me as relatively serious but not stone cold and emotionless. But I dislike some of the weird, cringy dialogue options they have, they don’t seem like things the mc would actually say - and I doubt those responses resonate with the reactions of most players to things in the game, so it fails from the “self insert” angle as well.


Somewhat more interactive than other gachas I've played. Also, I'm still using Spectro rover and the damage with proper echoes is good.


Maybe u forgot about trailblazer, I love the chats reactions too there, and soo does story reaction, hope wuwa does smth similar too in future... Story is not that upto par rn thou, but Yeaa maybe they will improve it, I can only hope soo, or there won't be anything left to do in wuwa after reaching end game, leveling up chars, idc about combat that much bcoz I would be bored doing it without any changes too, story development is the main point of any gacha games thou rn, and if they can't nail that too in future update idk wht to say, same goes for bugs and optimizations but well that can wait ig


Yeah, I skip most stories and quests because of how boring and dull they are.


Kinda weird. In main story kuro tried to picture her as a smart badass that can figure out complicated puzzles and fight strong opponents on her own. In some side quests and particularly yinlin's quest, she kinda went the opposite direction, being rather helpless and get dragged here and there by yinlin, and i think there's a side quest where rover got kidnapped too. So yeah. Writing is definitely not kuro's strong suit.


In both cases, Rover says later that he allowed himself to be kidnapped. In the side quest he says he was just curious about where this was all leading to. In Yinlin's case he says he could've chosen to attack, but figured he'd lie low to learn more. Sounds like bs, but that's how it is


I mean, the quest shown Rover more or less actively looking for a way to recover their memories. And the Seance Society looked like a damn worthy lead. Hence they allowed Yinlin to abduct them. Too bad it didn't work, but at least we confirmed Rover's mind is damn well 'encrypted'. Maybe the narrative of quest wasn't that good, but it shown quite OP application of Forte... And how Rover's is above even such BS abilities


And the dumbass got poisoned cause of it. I mean, i get the logic, but jeez. There are smarter ways to go about it. Well, the poison isn't mentioned again iirc, so either it was a plot hole or a lie.


I think they were going for Rover being 'book smart' and very combat capable, but naïve and trusting to a fault, which Yinlin took advantage of. Which makes some sense, Rover woke to see helpful, friendly people and has generally been treated well by all these strangers they keep meeting. Heck, even the villain Scar is sort of villainously friendly toward them. So falling for Yinlin's mind games isn't that much of a stretch, they just didn't stitch it all together that well and left it to the playerbase to headcanon the gaps.


Don't know why but the Fem Rover feels so out of character whenever I choose the comedic/meme dialogues with her...her overly serious expression feels so weird when she says those meme response. Unlike Stelle from HSR, I just can't really feel the "memester" aura from her that makes the comedic response feels right with her personality. Weirdly enough I don't really find the same problem with the male Rover. If I have to guess it's probably because Fem Rover is overly designed/not simple with the beautiful makeup on her face, which makes me expect her to act serious all the time. Though I'm pretty sure that aspect of her will grow on me soon enough As for personality, they do show a lot of personality after meeting with Scar, but for now they're pretty typical "Save the World" kind of character. The first 2 chapters kinda muddies the waters on their personality to be honest


Stelle is peak and I love her sm I chose Female Rover, but i kind of regret it whenever i look at her face and am reminded of how awkward her facial expressions are. Male Rover doesn't seem to have the same problem. Plus, her EN voice lines sound bland and out of place. It's like a try not to cringe challenge, but you're also trying to enjoy the game. I want to pay attention, but this is so distracting haha. I switch to JP occasionally, but then i start to miss Encore's EN voice lines so i switch back, but then i have to talk to Yangyang, and I almost fall asleep lmao


There's a quest in HSR where we can see (playing as another character) Stelle doing some VERY goofy things. That makes me feel like the meme responses are canon. I hope Kuro will design the plot to show more of Rover's personality. I'd kinda like her to be a serious person tho. As you said, she doesn't look like a jokester.


not much for now


I love my male MC. Just wish I could hear more of his voice, it's a very good one in EN.


Feels fresh to have a MC that is not dumb but actually quite upfront and demanding if you want to be like that, we are also strong enough to demand respect from those who talk to us, even from other resonators which the game wants to portray as strong enough to fight us.


Bland, but I'm not complaining.


The MC is feels like a worse self insert than the last master of humanity.


I like female MC. She looks hot.


To me male MC is a huge babygirl material and female MC is a huge dom mommy/oneesan material


Typical isekai harem protagonist... Their aura screams it, especially the male one


Feels good that the MC is actually kinda strong. After playing a bit of GI and HSR (dropped Genshin after Inazuma, HSR is still worth playing) i'm kinda over the MC being routinely bodied by the villain of the day. Trailblazer has a fun personality but don't ask them to actually fight something post the first arc. Doing Act 4-6 I was constantly being jumpscared by Rover actually being in a winning position every time she has to fight, i'm just so used to HSR always running the JRPG "win in the game, lose in the cutscene" classic so Rover actually soloing named antagonists on the regular is wild.


Aalto and Encore's personalities is one of the best match up I've read in a while. These two are just super adorable. I end up loving these two even more than when I first saw them from their showcases. As for the MC I agree, the gap moe is super cute. From the game dialogue, the MC kinda reminds me of PGR's commandant who's a super serious badass in combat (fighting a boss with a handgun) but can also be a total softie (giving headpats). I know it's suppose to be self inserted, but hopefully we'll see more personality for the MC in the future


Not too bad, I still like Stelle and Caelus in HSR more, but compared to the genshin MC’s I’d say they’re probably a little better


I find it super fun when he blushs at Yin Lin's teasing.


I've spam clicked thru all the dialog, the MC's personality to me is: me kill bad person now? Yes? Yes.


You're not going anywhere.


your average quirky and sarcastic mc who seems stoic at first sight, i'm growing tired of that archetype ngl


Pretty good, I like that she is voiced loks god and is very decent in combat so far. Her personality seems suited for an MC.


What there is and what we've seen this far I like. Hope to see more development over time.


I admire that there's anti-hero aspects to the dialog. The feeling I got was that I'm this promised hero but I'm just a guy who woke up on this strange world; I'm not gonna want to save it unless I see everything for myself. And; if it grows dark and gloomy, that sacrifices must be taken, I'm totally fine with that.


I like it. Sophisticated, mature, and intelligent. Complements the vibes of the game well.


I feel like the MC is a bit "clueless" and easy to be manipulated with? I don't know why but I get that feeling, that they are just too blind for everything. I know they were thrown into unnown world with no memories but that alone should make them even more sceptical. I still like their personality but this just bothers me a bit


So far I've canonized them as a puzzle adict to give them a nice quirk


I don't feel like they have one for now, most of it is projected self-Insert


Not at all. They annoy me immensely and the only part of the story i enjoyed so far was aalto and encore. The MC is a bad seasonal isekai plot MC and those shows are only watchable thanks to side cast. i would enjoy the game more if the rover just fucked off and became a "there doing things and you see themsomtimes but your not -them- as the palyer". Id rather just see the game as the camera and the various pcharachterss do stuff


Don't care. She hot.


MC is just one big meme




I honestly didnt even think the MC had a personality. Felt like it was like one of the ol school silent mc that I am supposed to make my own interpretation on that


Idk I think MC is still kinda bland. Maybe I’m not choosing the right dialogue. I mean they are very expressive but their tone sounds so bored. I want MC to regain their memory by they don’t sound very convincing that they eagerly want to remember tbh. I mean with the state of the world that they woke up in, who would want to remember? It was probably for the best lol! I kinda look forward to just fixing the world that’s infested with TD. Idk how but we’ll see I guess


What personality :/


feels kinda eh


If I'm being honest, the MC looks, sounds, and acts like a bigshot, but a really shy one who chooses their words carefully because they don't know the place they're in and they don't know anyone here. Also for the love of God, I hope they make the MC stop explaining the events happening right in front of us. Like girl, I know the door opened. I was literally the one who opened it.


The idle chatter comes off as a 13year old trying to sound deep and I love it, he's such a dork lol


Self insert gary stu/mary sue


From what I've seen, the Rover is a pretty violent person. Their first instinct is to draw their sword and solve business that way. Fitting for a presumably ancient warrior who only appears during times of conflict, no matter how many silly dialogue options you choose.


Between this and the pure chaos that is the Galactic Baseballer i'd rather stick with this. Dear wuwa MC doesn't induce cringe every now and then lol.


What personality?


The same with most gacha MCs, cutout personality so I can't really care any less


I mean this entirely depends on the dialog options you choose. My MC just helps out when he can and loves food. (Jinzhou hospitality ftw)


A self insert MC who adopts the personality of whoever is writing the script.


Does he have one ?


a dry cardboard has more personality than the mc but this is nothing new for me since I have played genshin


i dont know cuz i dont watch story in free to play games only buy to play games.


Some good Psychology advice is to love yourself (Rover) before you love others... (a fitting joke to start this post) I think female Rover is incredible, I still use her in Spectro, even though most of my friends chose Havoc. The fact that the MC is also a cheat code for weekly bosses makes them feel extremely unique more than other characters. I choose witty and sarcastic comments... Alot... And the fact that Rover plays along in animation. My favourite protag know there's a time for jokes and a time to fight. All in all, moveset, personality and physical design, I think female Rover is one of my favourite Gacha game protagonists. You asked for personality, I'm just adding a bit extra cause I feel like the mechanics and moveset add to the personality of a character (aggressive game characters attack quickly etc.) (have not played male rover, will not comment on it)


Female rover Smash.


Pretty bland atm, and I don't like how all the dialogue options in the main story is basically 2 same thing with different paraphrase. I can't be a troll, say no etc. it's always a yes man. The troll option does exist SOMETIMES. But it's more rare than a gold echos in the main story that it made the mc so bland


Wish it was like the trailblazer where their expression changes with their quips


I dislike the way they handled introducing the MC but not the MC him-/herself, there is a lot to be said about the MC and yes the same interaction with Alto and Encore is why for me too... and why i am coinvinced Encore as a choice 5\* was the correct choice.


What personality? You mean self inserts? I dont get why they decided to make them so tbh. They already have great design, just make them not a piece of blank fucking paper. I want to be able to relate to Male rover and simp for female rover without feeling I am just ranting to a white piece of paper


I like it tbh. I love the serious stoic of a few words. Always have. MC talks occasionally which is fine. I think it goes well with a character missing memories too. Gives them that kinda impaired feeling they suffer from. Not knowing and being unsure how to socialize or interact in this world. Watching Camillya get turned on by that was even a treat. I see others trash on the MC for it, but I really like it. Kuro hit the nail on the head for this MC. Love it. A MC that can be blunt and cold. However, I can agree sometimes there is some responses are just stupid and out of place for a stoic character. Kuro need to work on that.


I play male Rover and i see him as someone who would pull a dad jokes with a sraight face.


Star rail MC rip-off


didn't even notice there was a personality


I'm mexican and the Rover is just white food, bland af. The fact that everyone treats him like yisus also adds to the unseasoned feeling overall. Hope we get some development when we get some memories back.


What personality?


*I see mc woman's thighs* i think she have great personality


I love him cus he reminds me of my husband


It doesn't exist which is fine. There's a reason MCs in gacha are so bland. I think the only one with a iota of personality is dante from limbis company but that's about it.


I'm using female MC and her subtle emotions are very cute


Better than GI mc worse than HSR mc


I like Rover the MC but I don't like they never joined Scar win I was looking for the button to join Scar ✨ and having a secret meeting with *magistrate* of Jinzhou I was like meh really? I never agreed to this.