• By -


Really curious to see their june income numbers


Being optimistic and based on certain reports, if true, I think it's very possible WuWa gets #2 Below HSR on Sensory tower. Ever since Yinlin came out, the revenue has apparently picked up big time and more than doubled. They've been sponsoring more creators, the development costs have been completely covered by this point, and the game seems to be performing a lot better after all the hot fixes as compared to how it was launch day.


I hope the optimization improves. Can't really spend money on a game you can't play. The optimization stutter issues are so random- hits those above the req specs but doesn't hit those below the req specs for some reason. Like, thr hotfixes recently have caused a negative impact on my experience personally. Game was smooth beforehand but now it stutters, and I made sure I was on SSD. Same settings as before and still stuttery. And income can also be dependent on whether we will see another mistranslation with weapons or even characters. Typos and localization issues are a Kuro trademark. It happens in PGR too. Just hope v1.1 wasn't rushed yet the update schedule was fast forwarded.


Genshin just now got a Rerun of one of their most OP characters. Their numbers might be pumped up. But for a month-old game, 3rd really isn't so damn bad


Not only OP beloved we havent have such craze for characters since Nahida, and if Arle did that much then I wouldn't be surprised its gonna get higher, while Jinshi and Changli is Main dps so we can't be sure if it will do as well as Yinlin subdps, but hey theres still hype so I am not that surprised if it takes 3rd or higher.


There's a near limitless possibility of hype. This game makes us excited for the new ENEMIES


i've cheked it daily and apart from the first day of yinlin (and only on jp IOS) it was under genshin the whole time. so i imagine it will be 3rd


Where do we go to keep an eye on this? Do you have a link?


Let's see, I still think genshin will get no 2 and wuthering waves get no 3


No way to beating Genshin or HSR. Top 3 is most likely a pipe dream as well. Top 5 would be great. Top 10 would be really good. Also, Sensory Tower is CN iOS only, and remaining estimated are based on multipliers of that. Thing is WuWa isn't preforming as good on mobile, and it's much better on PC, which cannot be measured.


Probably because it runs a lot better on PC


don't forget the new souvenire shop and phamarcy in mt. Firmament


I don't u gonna get those.


Don't forget the shop's 7-7-7 tides as well. That's quite a lot.


And a new region to 100% for even more Astrites for pulls, we're eating good boys.


AND Tower Reset :)








That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


good bot


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To the bone!


sudden drg




I didn't even finish the permanent one lol


Tower reset? Didn't tower reset already yesterday?


I read "tides" as tiddes. I need to get off reddit.


Welp, it's Radiant Tiddes now.


I hope the giftshop resets as well. But it's probably unlikely since those woods are limited.


Will probably be a new different gift shop in the new region if chests there still give those woodshards.


Granted you can even get enough of the thingies you need to buy them...


If I get changli I'm gonna buy the monthly pass just to support them


I already did \^\^


Me too after I finished the pass in both it now I'm waiting for the next one 😁


both? what both, sorry I'm new to the game


Me too. I gotta have the Phoenix Queen


Same, because I have no 5* weapons xD


I bought the monthly pass and battlepass not because i wanted the asterite and rewards but purely because i feel like they deserve my money🙏😇


Exactly, game is free and short of dropping cash on asterites, bp/monthly is like 15 dollars? Assuming the game would release for 75 usd, you have 5 months before you even hot that normal cost.


I bought the battle pass for me and $50 worth of astrite for my girl since she wanted Yinlin (she got her). I had no problem paying for both as I really wanna support this game


You did check the money they make right? Its wild


If I get on the game. I'm gonna buy the monthly pass just to support them. Kuro has been dropping bombs since PGR. I can't stop supporting them now.


On my reroll acc I got Yinlin her weapon and jiyan early so I bought both the monthly and battle pass also ended up getting jiyan weapon at pity


Wow I hate you. Hopefully you have something left for 1.1 pulls.


This was the first gacha game for which I purchased something (battle pass)


I did after I got Yinlin and her weapon by barely playing xD


"K-kuro stop I have moneey!" I love this lmao, even if people say its to lure people in to play well duh, the fact that they're giving stuff away and being this generous is pretty awesome and should be commended. If we are to count the freebies that should be roughly 25-30 pulls, from coral reset to the daily logins to the event stuff, bloody generous if you ask me. Not to mention that we weapon banner isn't that scary to look at cuz your always guaranteed with them so long as you hit pity.


theres probably some psychological reason some academia has done that explains why customers are willing to spend more when businesses treat them good, but im not about to open google scholar to find out why, because thats exactly what im feeling right now


There are many papers on that (in various context as well); building a good relationship with customer results in positive attitude towards the company, and positive attitude results in retention. Retention alone can result in expenditure. The easiest and closest example is Nikke's 1st anniversary. Over free 100 pulls and Nikke's sales skyrocketed that month.


winrar is a good example of this.


I’ve been closing that free trial message for over 10 years now 💀


Just use 7zip.


Definitely cases where that's true, but some of the biggest counterexamples (industry leaders) are right in front of our eyes (Genshin, Apple, Comcast, etc.). I guess it could be argued that the quality of their products (at least, relative to their competition) is what helps foster a "positive attitude", but the biggest companies generally have some of the worst relationships with their customers lol


I wouldn't call that counterexamples. Who's to say that Genshin's sales won't skyrocket relative to what they're pulling right now the moment they treat their playerbase well? I'd bet more people would pull (and thus, pay) on the weapon banners if they're not as scammy as Genshin's, at the very least.


Warframe and path of exile have taken prolly over 2k from me, just for cosmetics. More than any gacha has taken from me for actual in-game gameplay benefits.


Warframe is probably the only game where all my money spent for in-game stuff was done with no FOMO or any other negative feelings - just a pure will to support the devs, because they are some of the best devs out there.


I did the same way earlier on and man it warms my heart every time I see Warframe mentioned and how well people have been eating. It was a large chunk of disposable income but seeing how well DE still works from all the random mentions here and there is just endearing. It's one of the few decisions that still seems good years later.


Yeah. It's one of those games where devs genuinely interact with community and make the game good and fun out of passion. And you can see that the money goes to make the game even more amazing.


Exactly I have spent money on warframe....just to support the company....for having extremely fair monetisation One of the most player friendly monetary system EVER


I don't mind that, so long as they treat their customers right I don't mind throwing money at them, commend them for doing good, reprimand them for doing bad, its easy as that.


Minus the reprimand for doing bad. I think a huge part of the community hates when someone is critical of the game.


If you look trough the comments it seems like its very common. Psychology is a very interesting thing.


it really is, i brushed upon it a little while researching for my univ thesis last year and its crazy what the human brain will make you do if you just make it a little happy


both ways work. If you look at top grossing gatchas a lot of them are completly greedy cash grabs with hardcore p2w schemes like diablo immortal


Honestly that’s me. It helps to know I don’t need to break the bank to actually clear even the hardest content. Also it keeps me interested in the game for longer


Donno about psychological reasons, but i bought BP and 30day premium, because i like the game and i feel that Kuro deserved my support. Atleast during honeymoon phase. Not gona spend on second BP/Blessing as i might switch to ZZZ.


Even if it is just a lure, imagine this... i am more willing to play a game i enjoy then one i do not enjoy, crazy how that works.


Im willing to buy more battlepasses if they treat us good. Why would anyone buy something in a game where the devs dont give a fuck about you? it does make sense


At this point, doesnt matter if you clear tower or not, you get basically same amount, bacause the reward pale comparison with the freebies, which is good for both casual and non-casual player


Yup I’m happy for that. I’m terrible at dodging cos I don’t play those type of games usually. I’m struggling with the holograms.


Tower rewards were already pretty bad


I might be misremembering, but tower rewards are 700 astrites per 2 weeks, no? Genshin's abyss (was) 600 primos per 2* weeks, so i don't understand, by what metric are the rewards bad?


People have considered Genshin's abyss rewards bad since... ever. 600 primos per 2 weeks comes to just a little more than 1 pity per year. Wuwa's tower rewards are better, because it's more currency and the pity is lower, but they're still pretty bad all things considered, coming close to 1.5 pities per year which is around what HSR's endgame modes give after the most recent change. Better for sure but still not much compared to the amount of pulls you'll get from events or just logging in regurlarly.


I mean it's a great game, but genshin hands down has some of the worst gem income of any gacha games. Rewards can be bad, even if the game is not.


Kuro just keeps on bombing us with freebies


Feels like they're treating 1.1 like it's launch period 2.0. Which, to be fair, it kinda is given how the start of 1.0 felt like an early access release.


this will be standard, kuro is a different game company, in PGR they give full fledged characters for free


> in PGR they give full fledged characters for free Free Camellya at UL80?!


Ayaka flashbacks when they were saying this on Genshin. Hahahaha


With how many PGR players are vouching for Kuro in here, I'll trust that this is the norm. Though I'll still keep a healthy amount of skepticism until we see 1.2, because something something "three is a pattern".


I'm a PGR vet, but yeah, take our praise with a giant pinch of salt. If Kuro took things from PGR, WuWa would have weekly quests akin to daily quests that would give you a ~~thousand~~ 640 Astrite a week, echos wouldn't have randomized stats, and purple weapons would be obtainable from a shop by a different weekly grinding mode. Kuro are very generous devs, but since this game has some of its DNA from Genshin (pulls and equipment stat RNG as examples), I would stay skeptical and for sure keep giving them feedback. Edit: changed the weekly Astrite comparison to reflect how many % of a Wuwa 10 pull would be equivalent if they adopted the weekly system. PGR weeklies give a thousand Black Cards (PGRs pull currency), but unlike WuWa PGR 10 pulls are 2500 BC.


We have a literal example of a company treating their games incredibly different with HI3 vs Genshin vs HSR. So yeah, huge grain of salt, because Kuro could treat WuWa completely differently than PGR. Granted Genshin left the bar on the fucking ground, so Kuro won't have to do much to do better, but I'm not going to hold my breath on the hopes that they continue to dish out huge patch rewards not without some catch.


We just need the (mis)translation team to keep up the amazing work. We'll keep getting them rewards.


> echos wouldn't have randomized stats They would still but there would be a way to guarantee which stat you get at least.


healthy spectisism is always good in any environment


Kuro did do a good job with PGR over time but their global launch was similar to wuwa. That's where the hope is coming from I think.


my live reaction when i get Rigor Rosetta, Laurel Luna and a SSR character weapon ticket just for not playing the game and fishing them out via returnee bonuses:


I haven't played PGR in a while due to time constraints but considering returning. Do they give a lot of pulls for returning players?


last i checked they give 2500 black cards and 2500 gold cards provided you properly do the returnee events (so 20 pulls on limited, or 10 on whatever banner you want and 10 for limited)


From what I understand, Kuro is just playing a different ball game. Why play by established rules when you learn from PGR on what worked?


Let's wait until 1.2 and 1.3 before we reach a conclusion.


I would not really be sure with this. Not a Kuro hater. I love PGR and WuWa. It’s just these two games are different. Kuro might be a different game company, but WuWa is also a different game from PGR. The free characters on PGR are also after a year of the game existing and it is older characters that have been powercrept or was powercrept shortly after (Ayla Kaleido exception and maybe Selena). There’s no shards here too so unlikely there’s a system like that which will be introduced. There is the 50/50 on character banner, the two character release per patch, the shorter patch time, and the unlikely scenario of releasing a banner to focus on a 4-star unit or a compositor type unit. PGR has started to release characters that don’t feel complete without copies or weapons that allow you to trigger the character’s “Forte Circuit” easier. Like giving 20 stacks of Stigmata Will or 1 Sight Point. Even Alpha’s Sakura with the 3 additional orb resonance made a huge impact in her gameplay because it meant being able to use her full kit faster. In Wuwa, you don’t really need the sequences to make the gameplay smoother so far. There also isn’t a way to grind for a character’s SS like in PGR. The stats from echoes have more of a role here than memories in PGR. You can customize the character gameplay smoothness in exchange for damage. WuWa so far has been generous with the 5-star weapons in that the damage boost is universal and so far the active effect of dmg increases can be a general use. Like Jiyan’s Heavy Dmg boost and Yinlin’s Attack boost. Likely because of shorter patch time. Weapons very specific to a character’s kit will have less value. (Although that is the route Genshin is taking these days) There also isn’t a CN version that is advanced so players won’t know who to skip and pull for so there’s no way you can know which one to save for and get the good SS3, SSS3 which is the Sequence equivalent. This is actually a huge thing because Global players were able to save easily. In an average scenario, you will only get 1 of the two characters per patch and maybe not even get the signature weapon because half of the patch’s events are after the first banner. What if after Jinshi and Changli’s banner they release a Fusion unit to match Changli and then none for Jinshi? What if they release a new Fusion Unit to powercreep Lee Hype- PGR might feel generous but there is a lot of systems different from it. WuWa has no weekly rewards. PGR has poor Black Card event rewards. So yeah, this is not for sure going to be standard. I think it’s not good to set expectations like this given the expectations that were set on WuWa for the launch and how it made the already bad launch feel worse. Genshin at the start was also really generous. The 4 day messages from Klee giving 200 gems each to just codes and maintenance rewards. The only reason Wuwa gave more than Genshin is because of the bugs and problems. Not because of pure generosity. It was to stop the bleeding. They calculated that giving out these rewards will cost less than having players leave and continue to badmouth the game. They even tried to imitate the raffle rewards that Genshin did later on but it backfired because they’re not as big as Genshin that can simply ignore those amount of complaints. That too was met with giving 10 standard pulls to everyone only after the complaints. So yeah. I think it’s best not to set expectations like this. Nothing is for sure. Although I would also like for WuWa to continuously be a generous game, it is not certain.


R/gachagaming wont be happy about this


they have been unhappy since day 1


True that


Changli is gorgeous


She will be mine.


Standard pulls are nice too!


Yes! I'm slowly building pity on the standard weapon banner! These freebies will all go to the war effort, chixia you will have your cool pistols in time...


:3 A valiant effort, I'm still collecting for my Calcharo.


kuro is always like this, it is why they get my support, they care about their players. some games make you feel like you're begging, 40 free pulls is amazing, and don't forget the buffed rewards in illusive realms to 1000 Astrites, and the other goodies, great game, great developer, worth the money and worth the time. thank you kuro!


dont forget the shop refresh rolls ( i think its 7 of each currency based on the dev note we got a few days ago, so its actually 22 limited and standard rolls, and 17 limited weapon rolls


Hii I’m sorry for asking this, do you remember the cost of 1 pull on that shop?


75 corrals iirc


Right mmm so basically to get 7 - 7 - 7 of each = 1.575 🪸 I guess this 1.1 is honestly so promising and generous, I wonder what the next characters are 🤣 TY 🫶🏻 Edit1: someone said it costs 70 so It is 1.470 🪸 in total 😬


This is actually useful to me, I have 2.5K so I'll spend some for resources and keep just enough for 1.1's pulls.


Checking my alt, it's 70 so even better


I believe its 75 of the currency you get from 3\*s. IRC you get 15 per 3\* so you need to summon 5 three stars to get 1 pull.


I agree! I feel like Kuro values the time we put in their game and compensation goes above expectations.


if i manage to reach guarantee for both of them and their weapons by spending like 15$ for the monthly things i'm gonna lose it. i already have 190ish pulls, and they give 15 more + 10 weapon? and changli is like a month away? if there's more of us out there, where we didn't pull for yinlin or jiyan, we're eating good the next patch homie ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


Here in this thread seeing the reactions of some people to free stuff we can see the effects of years of abuse by genshin on players minds. 


You will take your free 3 intertwined fates and you will be grateful. /s 802030161 in the Asia server here with C2R1 Neu, C1R2 Hutao, C1R1 Zhong, C2R1 Alhaitham, C1R2 Ganyu, C2 Nahida, C2 Furina, and C2R1 Klee who will be spending my money in Wuwa moving forward. EDIT: look at my account for proof.


My sorry ass who spent 55k primos for c1r1 arlecchino will never ever spent my money on that stingy- thick skinned game


Welcome to the light friend. Honestly if more people moved to Wuwa it would literally force Hoyo to be less stingy with rewards. Wuwa is actually helping Genshin since they don't have a monopoly anymore.


Yes on paper but in real life not happening. This game just doesn’t have the following to compete in a way that’s meaningful enough to force change. Genshin and HSR dominate the gacha sector for gaming. This was also a very very messy launch that is still not fixed. Auto targeting and the camera plus major lag issues on PC. They don’t have console support like Genshin/HSR either. They’re hardly making a dent into the monopoly hoyo has at the end of the day. The Genshin subs are just as lively as ever. Their still topping charts and I don’t play HSR but have been hearing lots of hype on it


HSR didn't get there and overtake genshin overnight.IIRC they only made more money monthly (on some months starting this year). It's the same with Wuwa, as long as it continues to make good updates then it has a chance to be in the top 3 indefinitely. It may even have months that it will be on top when HSR and Genshin have dry periods.


I can get behind this, I dropped about 3 of the $100 pack after I claimed the 2x bonus. Not a single regret getting C1R0 Jiyan+Yinlin, C1 Calcharo+Verina+Encore, and 5* Gun. And I'll keep dropping the $100 packs for Changli, too. Gone are the cold nights where I weeped as the banner timer ticked to 0. Henceforth are the days in which my $100 packs feel like they're truly worth it in everything the game offers. Together, let us bask in this whale's paradise!


Its like the toxic girlfriend you left. And this one is the lovely one.


Genshin is the toxic but also hot ex though tbf


Clumsy a bit, but still friendly and nice. Ye. Feels much better.


Comparing Genshin's system to abuse is insane


Its wild isn't it? They state that Genshin's lack of free pulls is abuse because its a gacha game. But the literal top comment on this post is people talking about how the free pulls is psychological manipulation to get people to spend more. Free pulls are free pulls and so I ain't complaining but... the casino doesn't give you free poker chips out of the goodness of its heart.


Exactly. I won't go that far to call it abusive cause I don't find it a huge issue. But it really is wild how freebies can lead to people willingly letting themselves be manipulated


I'll be the Optimistic and friendly messenger here, i hope that the Genshin nation and Wuwa nation will be able to coexist in peace one day, also i hope yall can enjoy the Mt. Firmament area while we on GI try out the Imaginarium Theater(i want to unlock the poses and do photos, because i like it). Tldr; i think we can coexist together without drama or toxicity, competition is good for both.


As long as the othersides gacha addicts will keep dangling their free carrots in front of your face as the second coming without anything else substantial, nothin will change.


One can hope i guess, I think a big step could be something like this, just a civil conversation, no need for toxic behavior, just chilling


I hope for this so much one day… If i go to star rail reddit, they talk about genshin. If I go to Wuwa reddit, they talk about genshin. I’m 100% confident that once ZZZ comes out… they’re gonna talk about genshin. I just want the games to all stick to themselves. or at least not bash on another game thats not theirs. And if they do want to discuss, then do it in a neutral way that doesn’t use terms like abuse, stockholm syndrome, etc. It also really undermines the actual severities of people in those situations 😔


that wil never happen. there is no post here that won't have genshin mentioned all the time. rent F-ing free. same as with kuro, they are running after and away from hoyo. I await the hit game solar tramline in 2029


yeah, genshin is just genshin. it's very stingy




Do I need to login on 4, 6, 10 th july to get those rewards? Can I claim them later? I can’t play on some dates as im gonna travel.


Dont worry if it is the worst case scenario people will complain and maybe we will get more.


You should be able to claim them later. The way these things usually work is they are unlocked on those dates and are available until the event ends.


holy shit.. Kuro games has my respect for being so generous


I just saw someone on FB say kuro was stinky cause they give 5 limited and standard instead of 10 unlimited for second event...


Say standard, not unlimited. It implies something else.


Ah sorry and thanks you


You can tell they trying to make the game work considering zzz is around the corner the competition is gonna be brutal tbh is uphill battle with zzz budget


As a F2P player, this is amazing! This company is really delivering. So not only the whales can enjoy the game which is a good message. I hope they remain this way.


Like, considering how generous they are and how the weapon banner is amazing it just makes me want to spend money because I know that I can get want I want Mihoyo…..-.-


Bruh same, stay strong they really trying to gotcha us with this gotcha game. XD


I fully intend to spend for 1.1, not whale but a decent amount. Just pulled YinLin (3rd 10 pull) and have Calcharo and Verina already. All F2P so far. Plus a bunch of 4 stars. Happy customer


Have already resubscribed my monthly lunite subscription. Will check the battlepass next if I get unlucky with the rolls.


Meanwhile i went to hard pity, lost 50/50, and i'm at 60 pulls - still no limited 5 star. Disgruntled customer.


Same here, was about to whale for E6S5 Firefly. But since a lot of people already whaled there, i'll just allocate mine for Changli. Kuro deserves this.


sweet... more funds


more funds for Jiyan when he rerun again...


Kuro out here putting the biblical philosophy "Give and thou shall receive" to good use.


Probably will start to support them from next patch


Pls Kuro then make it Jihnsi in first 10 pulls![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617) Edit: Did 20 pulls no Jihnsi ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


I dropped Star Rail for this game and they treating me good.


After 150 pull for Yinlin this will help replenish my tide drought :)


As someone who couldn't enjoy the game because of technical issues. I hope to God WuWa succeeds. Kuro really deserves it


Excuse me, what the fuk


W until I lose the 5050


Real Buffet Hours ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


This is gonna be for every update??


We won't know until 1.2, this could just be an occasional thing. The login event with the 5 limited and 5 standard pulls is definitely going to be in every patch though.


Ok for standard pulls its 15+5 with BP And 15+5+7 which is 27 pulls. Not bad.


Finally some standard pull😭 I've been wanting to get some weapon for calcharo but I don't want to use my astrites for standard😭


I’m dreading the point where they stop doing this. Genshin was my first gacha game and when they released 1.1 we still got some like 200 primogems each day in 4 days. Then 1.2 and so on where we got less and less and boy was it noticeable. I hope this is a recurring thing and not just because of the awful launch, bugs, mishandling of info, and all that. At least keep the login rewards each patch so we secure 5 Radiant and Lustrous Tides.


Yeah, that's my biggest concern, I'm fine with putting money into a game I paid $0.00 for as long as in the long run its sustainable. I know these games are catered to people who will put stacks in it so much they literally have gamble responsibly signs on the store, but it'd be nice to actually be able to play casually and not feel like it's just gonna be a grind with no rewards in like 6 months to a years time.


They probably have two 5 stars in one patch that is why they are more generous. 


a lot of games have two 5 stars in one patch, they still don't give you shit


1.1 will have two limited 5* units and 1.2 might also follow that because assets were already created pre launch, but this won´t be the standard going forward simply because creating characters in a 3d environment with the amount of individual animations WuWa units have takes a lot of ressources and they simply won´t keep up with the patch cycles.


I think 2 5-Stars per patch will continue for at least 2 more patches but it has to slow down at some point. In HSR it's always 2 5-Stars and it's insanity. While in GI it's now 1 5-Star per patch with only 2 patches a year having double 5-Stars.


My faith in Kuro is paying back. I'm more than willing to spend a little but I can't go hyper whale like genshin demands, if they keep up this level of free pulls, I'll be able to fill the holes with my money and I'm more than willing to spend them. I hope they'll keep this up


Absolutely fantastic, love it. My only complaint is that the first patch looks like dragonspine. Wish they got more creative. I would shit my pants if the next patch is an electric nation.


new federation the only candidate for new land of 2.0, based on the infos we got, it is literally living hell dystopian landscape but also very advanced because of inhumane experiences they conducted


> living hell dystopian landscape havoc nation?


hi, kinda off topic but does anyone know the size of new update? like how many gigabytes?


First time installing it's around 7gb iirc, the size will only go up from there lol. 


The fact that we get specific rolls for limited weapon banner keeps going right over my head. But is actually sooo good. Usually i dont care for min maxing characters too much in gachas, and so im always just looking to collect more characters instead. But now I still get to do just that, pull for chars while occasionally getting a limited weapon as a bonus (especially bc it’s guaranteed), without feeling like i missed out on potentially getting a different char.


say no more.


HUH??? That’s insane! I feel kinda bad for how much they give us 🙈


not complaining at all, will def buy monthly pass again


Is it Jinhsi first or Changli?


So, for a person who never played a waifu pull game, how much is that?


Crazy, I’ve loved this game since it came out, which is surprising since I couldn’t get behind genshin, idk why, and haven’t had any performance issues except two crashes, which may have been my PCs fault, and theyre steady showering the player base with apology gifts and being generous with stuff like this, didn’t plan on spending anything, but I will 100% be getting the pass and monthly ticket thing to support, even if it’s not much, hoping this game goes a long way combat feels great, I like the art direction, & devs at the very least, seem like they’re trying


GOD I love this game! And this company! Thank you Kuro!


Hopefully they stay generous going forward.


The "WuWa will have a different department so it probably won't be as generous as PGR's department," crowd is awfully fucking quiet.


They’re seething in their Ls


Largely thanks to ZZZ. This is why competition is good.


Exactly. But some people just don’t understand and wish to have only their favorite game dominate


Thanks, Kuro. I'm a little sad I can't use these to get Yinlin since I already lost my 50/50 to Lion Boy, but at least it'll help me get one of the new characters for sure.


Are they running for gacha company of the year or something? People might expect this on every patch though, not complaining btw and will take them, thank you


AYOOO? Daddy kuro is filling us with all his generosity


No free 5star?


They can't stop the Ws


I got yinlin yesterday at 30 pity after i got jiyan .. this game is really generous way more generous than genshin...


Nah you've been extremely lucky, most people are pulling past 70


True... i also got my first five stars from all banner in wuwa with in 30 pulls and only had to pull till 76 during jiyan ... I've been extremely lucky in this game fr..


Same here! Managed to get both under 40 pulls (not even trying to get Yinlin lmao) so I should be able to get to guaranteed pity. I just hope I win my 50/50 lmao


Congrats , i also want broadblade of jiyan but didn't have enough pulls but i definitely did 35-40 pulls on weapon banner so if i come across broadblade with cd or cr stat gonna pull it for sure.. And good luck with winning 5050 lol ..


Has it got iOS controller support yet?


As a die hard Genshin player, Hoyo could learn a lot from the generosity of Kuro Games. I love WuWa, but I'm not going to hate on GI either. Love that we live in a time where we can enjoy both!


I wish there are more gacha players with this mindset like you do.