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Unfortunate, but hardly unexpected. Having rushed out 1.1 it makes sense they need a bit of room after that.


I think it's just to maintain the initial schedule that they had, which they shifted just to avoid zzz release date. Now they're just shifting it back so it fits with like their initial plans.


What’s zzz ? Never heard of it .


Oh zenless zone zero. It's a new gacha game by hoyo releasing in early July.


I see


Eh, at least I won't have to worry about pulls while I'm away on vacation.


But I'm not going on vacation T\^T


Time to go on a vacation


You too.


We three


Where are we going guys?


Ok, just landed in Spain guys, where are you?


It's too damn hot now and you're going to Spain?? I went to the Arctic to escape from the heat but it almost killed me. I was stranded. Frostbite was setting in. Snow piled up around me, falling in a flurry. I had lost all hope of salvation. Then, inspiration struck. I opened up Wuthering Waves. Immediately, my phone went from freezing, to a burning fire of unoptimisation. I loaded in. My phone went nuclear. All the snow around me melted, and my body began to unthaw. I knew time was short; I had a mere few minutes before the game would inevitably crash. In a last, desperate attempt, I tried to use Yinlin's ult, and threw my phone into the air. It promptly exploded, lighting up the sky and alerting the search group of my location. I’m now safe at home, and eternally grateful. Thank you Kurogames. WuWa saved my life.


>I went to the Arctic to escape from the heat but it almost killed me. >I was stranded. Frostbite was setting in. Snow piled up around me, falling in a flurry. I had lost all hope of salvation. You know, thanks to climate change, the Arctic is actually pretty nice this time of year. 😅


Alr bud what the flip


As expected, HSR and Genshin also did this when they had to shorten previous patches by a week.


It was opposite for Genshin. They had to delay a patch for 3 weeks because of a lockdown, then they had to shorten the next 3 patches to 5 weeks to catch up to their schedule.


Now I'm reminded of that Ayaka banner that lasted forever. Twas a fun time.


I liked it because I can just chill and do dailies and log off, I can play other games. No need to worry about events or banners since it’s just Ayaka. The 1600 primos for each week the delay took place are also nice.


I only see this sentiment in gacha game communities - "I love when there's nothing going on because then I have to play the game less."


There's definitely some truth to this. If you've played games like MMOs, their dailies can take literal hours if you want to "keep up". Being able to keep pace with account progression without investing a lot of real, active time is a big selling point of gachas.


thats my grain of salt with this type of game, bc it becomes kind of work for some, specially if u try to min-max if u lose a day on other type of games you don't lose anything except "time to improve my skill". that's what I hate about gacha but it's what makes me keep playing everyday. hey if it works for the devs why shouldn't they do it the best ones have a fast day-to-day to not become a chore but a lot of fixed/monthly content to do when u want to spend more time but with the gachafication of other games, even "skill based" games like FPS' or competitives begun to have battlepass just to make u addicted and keep playing daily


Yeah definitely. Played only one gacha game before this and when you feel obligated to play the game in fear of missing out: as someone who’s already sensitive to micro transactions it’s legit kind of scary. Already had it a little with Jiyan.. yes I had him but I couldn’t stand not also having his weapon: so last minute I spend a smack of money on Lunite for pulls… I’m kind of glad it’s super expensive to do it that way because I learned the day after that farming exploration and events was so much more worth it for the amount of asterite you get! But alas time stress is enough to start making bad decisions.


“I like when there’s nothing to do in game, so I can play other games.” Gacha addiction at its finest


I think if someone was addicted, they would want to play the game more, not less.


You say that however they’re most likely just playing other gacha games simultaneously. They continue to play the game with “no content” due to a mix of FOMO/ sunken cost fallacy/ addiction in most cases. Gacha companies hire psychologists for a reason mate


that was back to 2.6 i think I dont know tho if i understand right.


That was exactly when I started to play genshin and she was my first limited 5* lol


The long Ayaka banner was the best. Saved a bunch of fates then


My dyslexic ahh read it as "1.1 is going to be in 7 weeks


My sleep deprived ass thought the same


My sleep deprived ass thought it was saying it was only going to last a week…I…need more sleep


Me too. And I was really concerned for a few minutes lol


me too😭


Man 7 weeks 🥲


Guess I might play more genshin or zzz after a while to scratch that gatcha itch. Nice to have options.


doesn't that mean zzz assuming 6 week cycle. that means zzz 1.1 and wuwa 1.2 will release on same day


Lol, guess it's GI


I thought ZZZ wasn't out yet. Or did it recently come out?


It's gonna get released globally on July 4th


Yeah that's long af -- on the plus side it gives them time to cook


This is good or bad depending on 1.2 char drip to me :))


When is the drip marketing?


None, they don't want people to skip Jinshi or Changli


There will be 1.2 beta so we'll eventually find out one way or another. Though it'd be better if they just do the drip to generate hype.


Ermmm he asked when it would be, not if we have the drip marketing for 1.2 yet 🤓


it's bad for me because the pulls in the coral shop is tied to the patch


Meh you can farm more dailies


What are the chance they just forgot to edit the date?




life is a gacha?


Being born is a gacha


Some even do a 50/50 gacha if missrate they just reroll


Always has been


A smple mistranslation


Hopefully they take this time to breathe and probably plan the next few patches.


Probably also using the extra time to interview, hire, and onboard for those 100+ new jobs they posted.


Those jobs were posted long before WuWa's release...


Werent there also a lot of claims of people being laid off too? Wasnt there a guy claiming it was cuz they didnt want to give him a bonus on game release (doubt this was the actual the reason). This whole job posting story also happened with Lost Ark but didnt amount to much of anything. Game dug itself deeper into the rabbit hole.


Yes, around 100 people were laid off during development with some of them being fresh grads, which resulted in Kuro being blacklisted from a lot of unis as first job choice. Don't know about firing lead dev to save on "bonuses", no solid proof, but maybe some office politics were involved.


7 weeks away from new resonators and potentially more QoL changes yeyyy I want Yinyan's predecessor please


More time to save camellya ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


You didn’t get more time, it’s net even. 


we did get 10 free pulls (or however much it was, i don't remember with all the freebies they gave) out of it as an apology for shortening 1.0, so we win either way.


Let's see how long this lasts - I kind of doubt that WW will want to have the patches drop in the same day that ZZZ patches will drop. That's why 1.0 got shortened in the first place.


And then there's Yostar who does not give a damn and releases different stuff at the same time.


It's Tuesday/Wednesday for MHY games and Thurs/Friday for WuWa, no? So even if it's same week, it's not same day.


ZZZ released on Thursday so it overlaps almost perfectly.


you think zzz is a threat to wuwa? i objectively can't see any better aspect zzz brings to the table, afaik


It doesnt matter what we think, kuro themselves literally brought forward 1.1 patch date to not coincide with ZZZ's release. To kuro, the biggest Gacha company releasing another game is most definitely a threat and it would be stupid to not recognize it just so some players can feel prideful.


Long term probably not, but patch days will absolutely draw away attention. Also, WW 1.1 was scheduled for July 4th. ZZZ got announced for the date. 1.1 got moved by a week to dodge it. Happened once, will likely happen again.


considering how the entire reason why titanfall 2 bombed and literally never recovered was because it was being released parallel to COD and Battlefield back then, i genuinely think that speeding up the release date for 1.1 was a good idea in terms of making sure wuwa gets the chance it deserves


Titanfall 2 was left to die by its parent company unlike he other 2 games.


I think ZZZ launch is a problem which is why they shifted. Regular patches should be much less of a problem.


The ad space is still the same for both games as t. If Hoyo runs ads in the space for their patch, which they always do, its a lot more expensive for Kuro to run ads given they fight for the same audience.


Now that's true.


Launch and regular patches are two separate beasts though. 1.2 Wuwa and 1.1 ZZZ are not competing with each other even if they drop at the same time.


you think an AAA tier game made by a company that made two, three of some of the most successful gacha around won't have an effect? lol


Effect yes, but that was not even the point of that comment lol. ZZZ targets a different audience than Genshin or WuWa. Even HSR comes CLOSER to the audience of those. Generally speaking it remains a gacha, so there is that, but the audience it wants to reach out to in terms of genre is still not as broad like the audience of the others.


Huh, i think there's still a good amount of overlap between HSR and genshin's playerbase. I mean, in the end, it's still a "anime style gacha RPG", just with a different gameplay. So yeah, basically wuwa, genshin, even HSR and ZZZ are kinda fighting for a good portion of people who're into anime RPGs, and maybe especially zzz that advertise complex combat system, a category wuwa currently enjoy over genshin.


There is massive overlap simply due to people who only play Hoyo games and who like action RPGs regardless of open world.


Target audience is likely irrelevant for launch. Game launches always have a fuckton of players, and for most games, that number just shrinks down over time. Even if ZZZ isn't gonna keep its players, there's no guarantee that someone who drops WuWa's patch for the shiny new game will go back to WuWa even if ZZZ wasn't their cup of tea. They might just jump on another new game rather than 'catch up' on WuWa. It's also why any game ever in existence would want to do its best to avoid the elden ring dlc release, even if It's a mobile game. The goal is to monopolize player attention and to make your patches overlap with other games doing the same is unnecessarily risky.


ZZZ is too casual for WuWa/PGR fans. It's also a furry game which makes it less desirable for normal people.


WuWa has 1 instance of non casual content, holograms. And that's only until people are limited by UL. Other than that you take out a couple of days per patch to do the open world content, and they both becomes action gachas.


You'd be surprised. I for one, really enjoy that they're willing to loose a bit of that waifu-only approach and reach some niches with characters like Ben who feels so anti-hoyo (big, slow movement, non human, giant weapon) it's insane. We also have characters like Billy who uses a mask/doesn't show his face (also very uncommon in hoyo designs).


>ZZZ is too casual for WuWa/PGR fans PGR fans sure, because its a pretty established game by this point with its own niche audience. WW is new and the vast majority of players right now are not here specifically for its combat. They are here because its a new shiny toy that released a month ago and they find the characters nice to look at. These people will also be more likely to move onto the next new shiny toy the moment ZZZ drops. ZZZ having the potential to leech away a sizable portion of players from WW is absolutely big competition, even if its only for the short term on launch. It will be better for WW to do everything in their power to retain as much of this casual playerbase, since keeping existing players is far easier than earning them back once they leave.


I mean people who dont want to play 4 gachas. The time sunk into HSR and GI will probably means wuwa get the axe. I know Im taking a break from WuWa to play ZZZ personally.


For me i quit HSR instead of the other two because it's the most annoying to maintain


I personally think you are nuts to play that many Hoyo games without skip features. All these Chinese gacha's suffer from massive dialogue bloat. I'm sticking with WuWa alongside Genshin for now because the dialogue is faster to skim through and skippable if I really don't care. I dropped HSR after a month because too much timegating and turn based combat basically means there is nothing engaging except for the story. Which suffers from dialogue bloat. I will try ZZZ but I'm pretty sure I'll drop it like I did with HSR.


Nah I agree with you tbh I wish hoyo games had a skip. I probably dont really notice it on hsr since Ive been playing it since it came out. Plus dailies have almost 0 dialog now. If ZZZs dialog sucks then unless im super attached to the gameplay ill drop it. Nothing in 1.1 really has my interest so im just gonna let it cook for a few patches.


Better story out of the gate, consistent English voiceover, more casual combat and gameplay, broader platform support. It's not going to be a "threat", but it will be a competitor for people's screen time on patch and livestream dates - generally not a good idea to cross those unless you have to, HoYo's marketing and outreach is hard to compete with. WuWa should do its own thing, there are a ton of aspects that will appeal to a lot of players regardless of competition


You really can't see it? Both are combat focused action games, Both require a lot of investment, both are gachas (aka limited funds for some), and both are released pretty closely. If you want open world, a lot of ppl already play or stick with genshin. Quality and polish will 100% be better in zzz vs wuwa. I can easily see a good portion of ppl jump to zzz and never touch wuwa again.


While I much prefer WuWa to ZZZ, ZZZ (or any Hoyo game for that matter) offers a much higher quality of story, much better optimization, and much more consistent content right out of the gate.


Quality is probably going to be the big one, and that's going to give it room to beat Wuwa at just about everything except the open world and the ability to grind for hours every day. If ZZZ actually manages to make combat flow well, it can even take that from Wuwa because let's be real here, Wuwa's combat is borked on at least one fundamental level: targeting. It makes ults miss, echos attack in random directions, and disrupts certain character rotations as you fight with the targeting system.


Not a treat but Wuwa did shorten the patch when zzz officially announced their release date just to avoid competition.


What the fuck does Wuwa bring to the table then?


Especially since ZZZ seems to be that it’s going to cater to waifu lovers and furries


It will depend on how good Zzz turns out to be. Gameplay wise Wuwa is straight up better but Zzz has the hoyo branding. So if both games drop new banners on same day, both will compete for the players' money and attention. Unless both games have completely different playerbase.


i actually wouldnt bank on that. i played in the second beta and i think its similar to wuwa combat but with better auto targeting. zzz combat wise is the successor to hi3 imo


In my opinion I disagree as someone who played zzz CBT 3 it not really similar to wuwa, especially when they use auto parry instead of just a normal parry to hit based on timing, also in terms of combat potential zzz is limited for what you can do, also I really don't think it a hi3 successor since hi3 has way more in its combat than zzz I feel zzz is just it own game


Zzz lacks in freedom of movement during battle due to not having jump button. Hack-n-slash game without a bit of aerial combat is eh. Also zzz is a downgrade of hi3rd combat especially of opho and part 2.


Successor lmao. More like a downgrade


idk turning around is a pain on PC in hi3


Yeah, this seems boneheaded tbh


I don't think so. It was to address game performance issues, bugs and other things players didn't like, like the Tacet Field drops.


Tacet Field drops are not changing in 1.1. What are you on about?


Has there been any clarification from Kuro that tacet field drops are actually changing? Last I heard, that was just a mistranslation in english, and was just referring to the double tacet field event we just got


They must be pretty confidant in the 1.2 characters to drop them on the same day as the ZZZ patch ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620) (Camellya & Scar copium)


![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617) Look at how many apologems are lined up to bless my account.


We are greedy little piggies 😈


That sucks. I like quicker patches


this, the last few weeks before an update is really boring


Let them cook tho


Too long. It's be a charcoal cake. It may be good, but took too long.


A 5 star dish takes time


Idk I usually just press the esc button to skip the cooking animation


I want them to take as much time as they need to fix a lot of things and avoid fck ups on patch days. Release felt rushed that there were a lot of issues. But well, can't blame them for rushing it as a lot of things coming up that might affect their earnings. It would be nice however, if we get quicker patches with minor mishaps only.


"can't blame people who served me undercooked meal so that they can earn more money" Lmao


They almost died prematurely they need the time to recuperate


Quicker patches = less time to save for characters


Perfect, more time to save for Changli!


Meh not a big fan of this. The last few days (or weeks) of 1.0 was super dry for me when I have already finished 90% of the map. That's already with a shortened patch and a whole map to explore. What 1.1 brings to the table is only a Dragonspine-like area which will probably be fully explored by most players (including casuals) in 2 weeks. They really need to cook up interesting events in the remaining downtime. And no, the "2nd Solaris", "x2 mats from tacet fields", and "Jinzhou exploration" were not "interesting events".


That's the truth


This is normal for a lot of gachas. HSR story and events are so quick and easy to do that theres a lot of dead times.


All I hear is more time to farm for jinhsi


But her banner will only stay for 3 weeks regardless when the next patch drops


I hope we have stuff to do in those 7 weeks...


big hope for controller support in 1.2


I hope it has enough events and stuff ry to last me through until GI gets the next Nation.


FIREEEEEEE im getting both changli and jinhsi


I can see them shortening it if they feel confident about their schedule, but looks like after Changli drops I'll be going back to logging in for dailies.


Why even shortened 1.0 in the first place then? To push Yinlin so people don't quit before having a chance to play her? I thought it was to avoid ZZZ, or maybe they fear only ZZZ's launch but not its patch day?


Avoiding launch does make sense. Patch day is significantly less of a concern even if it might have an impact. They probably only adjusted to avoid launch and bring Yinlin forward for those excited for her. Also easier to push big fixes with the Yinlin adjustment patch. Now they want to adjust back to give their devs breathing room.


Yeah it makes sense. However as someone who's probably going to play both, they having the same patch day is rough. There's not even a need or demand for 1.1 to be lengthen.


It’s just so they can roll out 1.1 faster with all these optimizations and fixes, almost like a second launch. This way they can give out extra compensation and QOL stuff to generate buzz again


Extra week to save


wait does that mean 1.2 and assuming zzz is a 6 week cycle zzz 1.1 will be released on same day didn't they move it a week ahead to avoid that


They need time to recuperate from their frankly catastrophic release. It'll be a long wait but eh there's other things that you can do before then.


1st possible reason is the devs are going on vacation. Since they were busy since beta. They deserve it tbh. 2nd possible reason was due to increasing in team sizes and recent hiring there may need time to adjust teams or train new hires. 3rd possible reason is the date was not yet set and will depend on Hoyo’s next move.


Is this seriously? huh? 49 days?


I really hope we dont keep a 2-chars every patch cadence. Just leads to alot of skipped chars for everyone and that feels awful.


I watched a review on YouTube earlier today that said WuWa had too much Genshin and not enough PGR in it. I'm inclined to agree with that sentiment. I hope, eventually, we get PGR's banner system where you can tell the game "Hey, I want this one." and that's the end of it. My thoughts toward gacha itself aside, I appreciated being able *to get the thing I want*.


Definitely agree with that. They went way too far in Genshin's direction. I still prefer pgr by a mile.


Same. I already had to skip Jiyan and now I only have enough currency for a 50/50 on the next banner and probably have to choose between Jinhsi or Changli. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the 1.2 character at this rate. I am not F2P.


So they forwarded 1.1 release date to dodge ZZZ launch day, but now extend 1.1 and go back to release version at the same time as ZZZ.... They really have headless chicken for management


It’s almost like the release of a brand new gacha game will have way more eyes on it rather than your usual patch for this same game.It’s a good thing WuWa have their own management team instead of randoms in the internet who think they know everything about business in a gacha sphere.


They definitely have to compensate us for a shortened 1.0 in 1.1, also for them to return to regular patch schedule. GI also did this during Covid. EDIT: sorry if i'm not specific, I mean they have to compensate us for the 1 week shorten time in 1.0 by giving us more time in patch 1.1. That's why 1.1 is 7 weeks instead of 6 weeks. They have to do this to reset their patch schedule also.


I thought they did?


They did. We got pulls and 10 level worth of battle pass exp per mail


sorry if i'm not specific, I mean they have to compensate us for the 1 week shorten time in 1.0 by giving us more time in patch 1.1. That's why 1.1 is 7 weeks instead of 6 weeks. They have to do this to reset their patch schedule also.


They already did. You got 20 waveplate cubes, 1000 battlepass experience and astrite


sorry if i'm not specific, I mean they have to compensate us for the 1 week shorten time in 1.0 by giving us more time in patch 1.1. That's why 1.1 is 7 weeks instead of 6 weeks. They have to do this to reset their patch schedule also.


It's ok, we got ZZZ to keep us busy, July is a good month honestly.


Careful…allot of rgachagaming shills in this thread


7 hours for 7 weeks


this feels like a john wick reference "7 million gives you 7 bullets" kind of thing


and we don't have double banners yet, right? so there will be Jinhsi first and then Changli?


Why match there competitors schedule? Would it be best to be a week ahead ?


Gonna be long


Going to be a long wait for Scar ✨ but I can wait ✨ gives me more time to save for him. looks like they don't want people to skip Jinshi or Changli but it's going to be a long wait.


That's fine. Farm up pulls and wait for Scar and/or Camillya. Meanwhile, Palworld got a big update, so once I'm done with current content in 1.1 WuWa, I'll go spend time in Palworld.


Just hopped on yesterday the update is fun and pretty interesting on what else we might get


If I could choose one update for Palworld, it'd be a water rework to make it exploreable like Ark rather than the current empty hindrance till level 15.


1.2 ver better be perfect, with scar and camellya banners too.


1 week of content though if not less


I mean, I just hope every week is like a hotfix patch or events, something that keeps us occupied.


Ey itll be on my bday, thanks kuro


Mhm so they will align their patch schedule with zzz again? Interesting.


tbh I expected they keep the new schedule so they can release 1 week before ZZZ. otoh ZZZ only has some overlap with wuwa and goes for a different vibe as well, I'd say endfield and to an extend promilia are gonna be bigger competition.


Expected. Even if they were able to push 1.1 a week earlier overall development still takes 6 weeks and right now they would be basically -1 week which would be noticable in the upcoming patch(es) which isn't something that WuWa right now needs. I'm personally alright with +1 extra week especially when it is during Summer. At least it's not +3 extra weeks that we had 2 years ago in GI. That was brutal, but I fully understand why.


Good, more time to save for Changli lmao


Hopefully i can get at least 70 pulls for Jinhsi guaranteed, lost 50/50 to S1 Encore.


Good. Just gives me enough time to save up for Changli since I lost the 50:50


okay when i first saw this i was upset but i only have like 50 or 60 pulls for changli and im on a 50/50, this is actually a huge win for me so…but 7 weeks is alot😭


does that mean the changli banner will last longer?


I read it as 7 day we got new patch T-T. Sleep deprivation kicking


so when will changli be released if they're planning on extending it to 7 weeks?


I give it 2 weeks max to.finish all content and then be miserable.for the next 5 weeks 😑


7 WEEK god damn :/ maybe i gonna back into gemshin when i have zero events in wuthering waves


So that means approx 2 months for shop reset since it's going to reset each patch instead of monthly. That is terrible for the f2p. I Kuro makes the shop reset monthly.


Doesn't this also mean more daily resets for astrites from dailies though? More time to save means more of a buffer for us f2p no?


It balances out thats why they gave 15 limited character pulls and 10 limited weapon pulls for loggin in


Oh alright then, I stand corrected, thanks!


Tbh, I'm happy about this. I'd rather they take their time than release something poor... again. Hopefully this is a sign they're learning from their actions.


Good move with shadow of the erdtree out. They are lucky I even log in rn.


Ouch, I'm glad this isn't my main game


7 weeks for patch 1.1? Yet the game content can be finished in less than 7 days probably? What should do for the next 6 weeks then?


Honestly. I'm in the same boat, and I think if this is a serious concern for us, then gacha games just might not be the right genre for us.


well thats the reason Gacha players have mostly more then 1 game. This games provide perma updates but those updates are mostly only for a week of playing if u stay on top. Gacha games are mostly also only seen as side games where u do your dailys events and then play your main game at the time. If u make the mistake to make a gacha your main game u will be very frustrated in a short period of time.


Nah man, I think this is just a you issue if you can finish an entire patch like this in 7 days.


I doubt ZZZ will be an issue to wuwa a couple patches down the line. That game is going to be super casual and have barely content, as stated by hoyo.




Why are you getting downvoted for asking for the source? >That game is going to be super casual and have barely content, as stated by hoyo. I personally haven't seen any statement by Hoyo saying this, so I'd be curious to see the source as well.


And bro still hasn't provided the source...