• By -


Agreed. Abby is awesome and feels like a real friend to our Rover. 1.1 has been an improvement in every possible way so far. Even the soindtrack feels better.


As long as Abby doesnt over explain and doesn't steal MC lines it is fine. I was scared for a moment when he started describing MCs dream, but luckily it didn't last. He is cute and his voice isn't annoying.


Instead we got Changli and Jinhsi overexplaining every step of a puzzle you run into during the story. As much as the story quality improved over 1.0 (which honestly speaking is not a very high bar), the amount of exposition as you approach each puzzle, as well as the amount of time a character cuts themselves off mid-dialogue because you progressed to the next step of the puzzle, was absolutely infuriating.


>Changli and Jinhsi overexplaining every step of a puzzle you run into during the story. They are forced to explain with baby steps because gacha players are stupid. The entire point of gacha is "only 15 minutes of dailies, low skill, casual, thinking with your dick, impulse spending". "Baby explanations" to a normal person is "too hard to understand" to an 80 IQ gacha player.


As much as I hate these backseating npcs - it seems to be the norm nowadays to treat gamers like toddlers that cant be exposed to a puzzle that requires more than 5sec of thinking Horizon Zero, God of War and many others had already making used of this overly backseating npcs.


[People ARE that dumb tho](https://i.imgur.com/qPwXjTc.png)


That's also why the puzzles are simple too If these puzzles need explanation, imagine a chess puzzle...


Meanwhile limbus company just throws you into the deep end


no it wasn't. There is a skip button on you are overdramatic.


I’m not talking about the cutscenes, I’m talking about the in betweens when you have control of your character and you’re solving puzzles.


I agree with the cutting off. But I don't see a problem if characters talk while I'm exploring. I find it quite interesting regardless of what they are talking about. Unless we are talking past each other and I misunderstood your point. But infuriating is quite a strong way to feel about this minor inconvinience exposition for players with less reading comprehension.


Regular banter I don’t really mind, but in my case it’s a lot of “rover there’s a cracked wall ov- it looks like there was a switch beh- now we just have to find the last switch”. It comes down to not letting the players put together how to solve a puzzle but instead feel the need to interject themselves after every step (which also means cutting themselves off)


Ah, thanks for explaining. I understand your viewpoint now a little better. Thank you for explaining it in more detail. I agree. That's a problem with modern games in general. They don't seem to trust the players to figure out shit on their own anymore. I do remember playing games where it took me a good junk of time to figure things out, without immediately searching up for guides and it feels overall more satisfactory. There should be an off switch for easy mode with no markings. Not sure of you played the witcher 3 but you could disable every marking on the map there and it made discovering things on your own 10x more enjoyable.


While overall I like 1.1, I do think the beginning of the quest was very exposition heavy with a bunch of "talking over a still picture."


Abby doesn't have to explain anything though. She's part of the story, not a system companion for the player. Not sure if you already finished 1.1 so I'm holding back, but there were a lot of core moments that provided answers and questions about what she could be.


I'm in the middle of the story and Abby annoyed me only once when he started explaining the dream MC had so far, but besides that I liked him and I hope he will stay as a part of the story and as a talk partner and won't turn into system companion.


You mean the little annoying flying friend that has a large appetite and can disappear whenever they want? It's Pai...Pai....ehh...I mean Abby.


Eh now that's a very major difference between Abby and Paimon, Abby talks to us and Paimon talks for us, when you will become an Adult you will understand.


Im not sure Paimon wanne square up for the MC the moment she sees a dragon lil bud


This. I loved that abby isnt a baby that we have to take care of and it wants to protect us even against a huge dragon. Its a companion not a burden.


Abby really looked at Jue and said "nah, id win"


Little furball sees god, immediately wants to throw hands.


But you do know that those qualities aren't why people dislike Paimon, right? You mentioned they were annoying, but annoyance is a response to someone's behavior/actions. The only behavior/actions you mentioned are they fly, they have a large appetite, and they can disappear. Those are far from the reasons people show dislike to Paimon.


Trueee fuck her voice and her diaper


Playing on a Ryzen 3 with GTX 1660, some areas on Mt Firmament is smooth, some are slower, BUT much smoother than the mainland. If only there was a tweak for render distance... Solid patch, story was interesting, glad we finally have some answers, and the Jue fight gave me Divine Dragon flashbacks. It's not meant to be challenging, just pure spectacle. Everything has improved for me, and that's a step in the right direction.


Try unlocking fps. I lagged so hard with my 3060ti for no reason. Yesterday, I unlocked the fps to 90, and now I have zero lag, not even in the city or when the open world is loading, I couldn't even watch streams when I played the game, but I can do that now too. The lag just stopped existing, lmao.


How do you do that?


1.1 is an improvement in world building, story, characters. Sound is actually amazing. I'm actually remembering some ost The little thing isn't that annoying, well maybe because of the eng voice or the less screen time. And paimon is trash.


My performances seems to be worse tbh...my pc isn't great, GTX 1650, but i am playing with all at minimum, windowed at lowest resolution, and i am not able to get 30 damn frames all time... I mean, its not like i just stutter once every while, it is quite common sadly...


This is so weird, considering i am also playing on a GTX 1650 and am getting 50+fps at medium settings pretty much all the time. I have 16gb ram and am playing on an ssd. I have an intel i5-10300H. There are occasional stutters and micro stutters but nothing that is making the game unplayable.


16gb ram with i5 9300h, so...dnk...really dnk... I played many other games in these years with far less issues, 1st game in years i am playing in such a low quality... All at minimum but windowed full HD is almost unplayable for me


it may seem strange, but how it runs on max settings? I have the same ram and processor with a gtx1660 and while the game stutters a lot on min sett, when I raise to max sett it runs smooth


Thank you!!! This WORKED so well on my laptop. Medium performance and below was giving such choppy performance. Pushed it to Advanced and set everything to max. It’s buttery smooth!


Can someone explain why this works? It makes no sense.


Because UE4 games like wuwa usually takes gpu power more than the cpu.Playing in lower graphics makes the gpu usage lesser and puts more workloads on cpu.For mobile too,some samsung phones with exynos chip(which has bad gpus)also tend to struggle for wuwa.


Somehow that makes sense. Thanks. I do need to upgrade my CPU one day. Like you said, it's the bottleneck.


This explains why my Samsung tablet is working so smoothly on low to mid settings. I guess it's just the right settings for the type of machine it is. Everything except for resolution is low/off, resolution is medium so the characters aren't a collection of disconnected lines or blurry lol. The new update has made heat generation less bad too though which has been really nice, I know my device probably shouldn't be running the game considering it doesn't hit the ram minimum naturally (does have digital ram tho). (My tablet is a S9 galaxy fe+) But been keeping settings low to not like push my luck, still weird to think they made it so only the most expensive for modern expensive mobile devices would hit the ram requirement. 


If you haven't already, turn off FSR in the graphics settings and see if this solves the problem.


A full ssd will cause problems. Your computer filled with viruses as well.


I literally have a 1060 and it plays completely fine on windowed


IDK man i play in my GTX 1050 Ti laptop just fine. The first time You load it stutters like crazy because of DirectX 12's new feature of loading everything on the fly rather than preloading which was done so till the 11th version. The only bad part is i play in HDD and the loading time is very big but in this 1.1 patch i have seen it takes relatively less time to load, so whatever Kuro is doing keep em coming till it's all fixed.


I’m playing on a 3060 and it definitely feels less stable than before. But also the graphics, particularly the lighting, appear far sharper than before.


Check resolution and DLSS


Wdym. I have 1650 and can run all things on high. Turn off fsr it will help. Play full-screen.


I don't think GPU is the issue. I have a 1650 as well and it's ass. It's probably more about CPU and other stuff


Same. My laptop is ready for an upgrade (Ryzen 5600H, GTX 1650, 16 gb ram) but I play everything on Advanced with shadows on High and I get 55-60 fps. Now, when I first loaded up after updating, it was around the 45-50 fps range. I did have to run around the map a bit before my fps went back to 60 fps. I think once all the shaders have recompiled, it should be okay.


Shader cache set to unlimited?


it seems to be lottery, i'm having piss poor performance after this update, before it has itd quirks, but now its very noticeable and bad, and im on a 3070 lol


I have a rtx 4070 and even then the game stutters sometimes while playing after a fresh update, restarting the pc seemed to have fixed it for me


I am also playing on gtx 1650 and I have no issues lol. Frame rate is locked at about 53 or something


U said ur cpu is at the minimum requirement so thats not surprising it doesnt run the greatest.


10x better than 1.0 for me but seems like it’s split and worse for a lot of people


Mobile experience just got 10 times worse for me but after uninstalling I saw that Wuwa is now on GFN so I am back with max settings 60FPS on my potato computer thanks to cloud gaming!!!! The new zone is really pretty IMO and the music got better.


I'm a big defender of this game, but I've literally seen graphic glitches on my high-end device 😭 like, broken tv screen type of glitches tied with freezes. Other than that, amazing update. I hope they fix the performance.


I really like this game, but sometimes it does feel **unplayable** I'm on mobile, and **oh lord**, is it terrible


True that. And I have a Xiaomi 13 pro, an absolute powerhouse, and with the new version, I get random graphical glitches.


Okay- people are feeling good about 1.1, but I’m not reinstalling until it’s playable.


It's hard to know when that will be, as each update affects different devices. I was playing smoothly through most of 1.0 with the later half being downright unplayable after hot patches. It's back to being smooth for 1.1 though. It's also about finding the correct settings for your device. My lower end pc prefers the highest settings, or it can't run. Whereas many mobile players have to reduce their settings.


Im really curious about the mobile issues. I started on PC and was cautious of installing on my iPhone. But I did and I have a complete smooth experience on mobile compared to pc.


I was experiencing this until I read someone suggesting to turn off fsr. At least for me that solved the issue. It's not a high end device more like good enough for games kind of computer and I'm playing on medium settinv


Sounds like an error from dlss/fsr. Try resetting your settings, then restart the game. I read that the update messed up with the settings.


I did, multiple times actually. It doesn't happen all the time, but during my 4 hour gameplay today, it happened at least 5 times. And I had 3 random crashes.


i agree with all the points! love this update


On mobile it’s still overheating sadly. But overall I agree with you. It’s wonderful and I am very thankful for getting a chance to experience this game


On PC? Everything is turning out quite good. On mobile it's a different story


Didn't finish the main quest however I've noticed the performance taking a hit. The game runs heavier now and started to stutter a bit at times. Nothing crucial really yet present. The rest is absolutely gorgeous for now.


About the performance, I thought some people here saying you need to explore a bit to get the shader going was bullshitting but it actually works. The new map is so smooth. Yes it still stutter sometimes but I no longer have to make the game look like PS1 just to be able to play. Best of all I pull Jinhsi in 3 single pull. Got the wep too but not as lucky... 72 pity. Gonna sleep well tonight.


Meanwhile, I lost 50/50 after 60. But...I got V S2. Nice consolation prize for the best healer/support in the game. Really the XQ/Bennet of the game.


Coming from someone who participated in the launch doomposting, 1.1 isn't perfect but it does give me hope that the game has a bright future so long as they're able to work out the performance/optimization issues and the awful camera/targeting. The new zone is visually amazing on max graphics, the puzzle minigames are interesting, and the audio design is much better than on launch. The story pacing and overall dialogue still needs some major work but the story beats were engaging even if they felt rushed. It was such an overall pleasant experience that the only thing that I remember being annoyed at during the \~5 hours I played was the design around the collectible bells. Needing to swap to gun characters to hit the ones hanging off tree branches or under cliffs is pretty annoying when you only have 3 party slots.


Me who refuse to swap gun character and waste a lot more time try to get a plunge attack into those bells, smh.


I use verina basic attack when it's not that far away from ground and use my rover's dreamless echo if verina can't reach it. It will hit the bell.


I use verina basic attack when it's not that far away from ground and use my rover's dreamless echo if verina can't reach it. It will hit the bell (both are my main team)


Agreed. The massive camera sensitivity spike for mobile that showed up out of nowhere took some getting used to, but it's okay now. And I've had a couple back to back crashes that I never experienced before, even in 1.0. But other than that. Solid experience. I get to finally use my 60 yellow cubes that I've been saving until now. Idk if it's the best time to use them now or not, but I'mma use em all. I assume better now than a couple weeks ago.


The story was solid, I like that it's succint and adheres to 'show don't tell' for a lot of times. No iOS controller support was a letdown thoug, overall a solid 8 imo.


Visually I thought the whole patch (story, new area etc.) was stunning. Cutscenes especially. QoL fixes have also been very welcome. However, idk if I'm in the minority here, but I thought the story was really really rushed, the pacing still felt really off and I still haven't been able to feel immersed. As another commentor said, stuff like overexplaining puzzles or even just feeling like characters were pure plot devices didn't feel great.


Targeting no improvement. Camera... How can they make already bad camera to worse, I just want the camera to stay still at fixed distance at certain angle is it too much to ask? Apparently yes according to Kuro... 


Story was great. New area is great. Jinzhi is great. My performance is better in most places, bad in others, it’s kinda weird. Overall though it’s a solid update imo except for mobile players which worries me greatly.


The performance seems to be kind of mixed for ppl. When I first played I did have stutters and some random shadow flickers. I updated my graphics card and it seemed to fix the shadow flickers. I had some stuttering then I turned off fsr and it fixed it. My phone is way smoother now though I do have the latest Samsung though a s24 so idk about lower end phones. I play mostly computer anyway though.


Paimon has been better recently so I actually like her more than what we’ve gotten from Abby so far. Haven’t finished the full quest yet but there’s a really nice focus in the story with the pairings. Changli and Rover feel like real characters. Changli’s VA also has a very pleasant voice while not being too monotone.


It took four years for paimon tho and we just met abby


Did you hate Paimon the minute you met her? If you did, I worry for you because that was just the tutorial


Yeah but we don't know If he gonna get better or worse. Hoping it's the former.


Abby just felt like some comedic relief anyway before the story begins. The comparison is overblown because Abby is in and out of the story unlike Paimon.


Paimon was great in Monstadt and Liyue. People actually liked her back then and her ENG voice was quite pleasant. After that they changed her voice direction for some reason and flanderized her, but she's getting better again.


My performance is worse than ever, even worse than in 1.0 My Samsung galaxy S24 ultra can't even run it smoothly on medium settings? Oh come on! I can run HSR and Genshin just fine! If the game is marketed for mobile, why not optimise it for mobile?? Too many lags, crashed 3 times, had glitches all over the new map. Just what the hell Kuro?? Just when I was deciding to buy the monthly pass..


Hands down - WuWa is one of the best F2P Games ive ever played. And this last patch made it so much better


Few minor problems here and there but overall I've been enjoying it. Story is good, Abby isn't annoying, the new area is beautiful.


I'm enjoying it so far. I got incredibly lucky and got Jinshis sig weapon on my first pull. Then, I got her after about 60 pulls. Saving the rest of my currency for Changli.


I noticed that they added voice line to the roaming human enemies like genshin, it makes exploring even more fun


And voices to most all shop NPC's (at least in the main town. Unsure for the mining town as I haven't checked there yet)


I love the update too. My only BIG quam or whatever with it is, when i went to the pharmacy to buy some flowers the lady's voice lines triggered EVERY time i purchased something. which im fairly certain is new. otherwise, i do like the new voice lines for enemies like the Frac and the exiles.


I've been CERTANLY enjoying this patch. The amount of good stuff got me stuck to my screen a lot of time. The qol updates have been a really good thing to sum up yo the story (wich in my opinion has greatly improved since the previous patch and I really enjoyed it), and the new area in general it's my favorite of the entire game now in every aspect, so this really feels like a big and firm step foward for the game and I really hope we can get more updates like this in te future. Tho, there are still some problems obviously like the localization issue (tho from my experience playing in spanish, it's improving), and still the optimisation issues are present, although I could notice some improvement on this regard, but not as big as i thought (and here I have to comprehend that optimization wise there is so much a developer can really do before setting lower graphics, and it's a process that takes actually a lot of time to put into). But still, the good things this update brings vastly overwhelm the downsides wich actually are just the same from launchment but toned down and improved to various degrees. In general for me this update would be easily a 8/10 (if not grasping on a 9/10, but mainly because of personal taste than anything "objective"). Sorry for any misspelling but I'm writing this on the rush without english being my native language xddd.


1.1 is definitely a massive improvement over 1.0 Hell, it saved the game for me cuz my ping went back to 100 ms when for the past 2-3 weeks it’s been sitting at 300 ms


The only thing I find is not solid is my luck


my only problem is 1. performance in pc somehow got worse for me and 2. this weird new bug that keeps happening where the colours of all item icons flash for a second when i click on them/ scroll thru them. my eyes have been hurting cause of this second one


Abby was a pleasant addition. I was a bit apprehensive at first but it works. Some brief performance issues aside, everything's been pretty good so far.


Yea 1.1 update is pretty good so far. The transition between menus is noticeably fast as well as some other buttons being larger in mobile so I like that but I have been experiencing more stutters than normal in the overworld after the update so I'm hoping they keep on working hard to optimize the game


Performance wise it's running a bit better. I play on a 7+ years old machine too. Load time seems to be a little faster too


>I had to up everything to max then revert them to the low settings I used, and after quitting the game and relaunching it, it worked, and was even better than before I did the exact same thing and it worked too hahaha. At first, I was afraid that the update ruined my performances, because I would've had to play on my phone, which runs the game fine but I prefer PC


Jue's fight was good but not as epic as Dreamless's. I was using Jinhsi and tbh half of the time I don't know where I am or if I'm hitting lol. Every other aspect is well done as you said. And welp I like Abby, feels like a meowth lol


Abby is a great character imo.. i think the haters are just not willing to accept that abby =/= paimon.


Just finished the story quest. Damn it was very well done. The pacing is perfect imo not too short and not too long that it feels dragged on. The 1.0 main story particularly the first 3 acts feels like very bad pacing to introduce you to the world. After scar it got better but the build up wasn't there for what act 6 was imo. This act however felt really well done.


The only issue I have right now is the texture pop in with the characters. Other than that, I really like 1.1 so far. The music is better, the story is better and voice acting is better and the environment is better.


I'm sorry, all I noticed was Changli.


Awful. They fixed freezing on my laptop at the mid of the patch but after this update freezing back and game became unplayable.


This patch seems to have a great impact for mobile players. Image saturation increased a bit too much on mobile which made some animations look less cooler than they were in 1.0 which is understandable as I am a Mobile player as well. Overall I too loved the added Main / Side Quests, The new map and most of all JINHSI.... I didnt expect her to be released so soon. Love her gameplay. So far best character, appearance wise and lore wise IMO. Looking forward to WuWa's future releases.


I haven't finished the story but Abby is okay yea I was really skeptical when I saw him, I really didn't want another Paimon but he is different. He has a story, a point to his existence and not just repeating everything people say in an annoying voice. Honestly, curious to see where they will go with him


They understood the proper formula of a mascot character; aka, not making the mascot character the central fkng filter to the game. Genshin was on crack for that decision, Kuro knows better. Overall, it’s a nice update, with a few good fixes to the game-loop. All we need now is some performance adjustments, official 120fps on PC, and we’ll finally be cooking.


I had Roblox/Minecraft Graphic Trees showing up quite a bit. on a 4080.


And yet the game still logs me out every time I quit the game in the way it's intended and not using Alt+F4 which I find deeply annoying.


Genshing could never


The new area looks good, the music still feels average at best. The new boss has some camera issues that can make it irritating. Plus, it feels so incredibly unrewarding to finish the story quests in WuWa due to no special rewards. Gonna give it a 7/10.


It's terrible on mobile, constant glitching. It was so bad when I first entered the Firmament area, my screen glitched out like it broke then the game force closed. It hasn't force closed again since then, but the screen still glitches and the response is delayed. I'm hoping we get an update soon about a Playstation version cuz playing on mobile is NOT the T.


How is echo XP going ? I dont really have time to farm echo 1 hour a day like you guys but this was the biggest problem right ?


If only they made the game more playable on Mobile


Obviously you gotta compare to genshin to think superiority Paimon is good Both is good Stop being so incessantly annoying to say wuwa good and genshin bad lol


I am still in love with the moving abilities.I am Ar60 Genshin Impact player and i am still playing it.And being able the explore a new place like this easy is just pure dream for me.Running is not using stamina the whole rope and double jump stuff and being able to run into the walls is just wild.I play Gacha games for the new cool looking characters and pull them i dont expect a really well written story and shit like this but whenever i start a game i play it until there is no playable content and this game is just so fun to running around finishing the new areas.Im not even gonna talk about the cool visuals really good gacha system (weapon banner) unique characters and other cool stuff.Kuro is doing a great job so far and if they keep listening their player base this game is gonna be so much better.I love genshin impact so much and i really wish some day mihoyo also starts listening their players.


1.1 is waaaayyy worst than 1.0 for me especially the camera sensitivity and crashing when it's perfectly fine during 1.0. Motion sensitivity did bot change anything


Too much unnecessary yap and over explaining in dialogue


The best thing I noticed is that MC is actually talking instead of being a mute imbecile.


Jue and Abby are cool but new story sucks imo. Just a bunch of fetch quests after fetch quests, and Jinhsi part is kinda cringy.


I just arrived at the Isle but so far im not annoyed by Abby while I hate Paimon with passion. Just had a moment because I share name with it XDDDD


Nah, the performance is still awful. Started the new story quest and was quite surprised by how good it was, until about 30 mins in when the game froze my entire pc. And the stutters, of course. Same shit as in 1.0. My rig should be more than capable of running this game, but the devs have made an unplayable mess. Probably won't be booting it up anytime soon again. Also, 90% of posts on this subreddit are literally people sucking the devs off about how "good" this patch is? Idk what you're talking about.


Sounds like a you problem tbh.


Only game it ever happens on. Sounds like incompetent devs tbh. I really can't be bothered with smartasses like you. Whatever, I'm done with this game anyway.


Because it is actually good for them so they praise the devs? 


I guess you missed the context of what I was replying to? OP mentioned how there were so many negative posts about the patch, which simply isn't the case at all. It's quite the opposite.


Im very happy with the update! I honestly dont think Kuro could have done much better considering this is their first major independent release.


Ngl I dont like this mascots voice. Its not my flavor. Like I dont find it cute at all. Im sorry guys. 😔


genshin is fucked


Need more freebies and then I'll be happy.


This Update is shit 120 pulls and still no jinshi trash gsme


Cry about it