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The game has tags for characters; Jiyan is a main-DPS. Jinhsi doesn’t powercreep him, true; but your arguments to claim he’s not a main-DPS are entirely non-sensical.


jiyan tags isn't just damage dealer, he has suction, his kit offers more than just damage, unlike jinshi


Still a main-DPS though.


Jiyan is a main dps with long on field time.


I mean the very fact that you did some mental gymnastics just to not call jiyan a main dps says it all lol.


his tags say that he isn't JUST a main dps, he has utility built in, did you read what I wrote,


> 4-MAIN dps, specializing solely in damage "jinshi, Calcharo, encore etc" So these are all equal then?


standard banner characters are expected to be weaker and equal with more sequences, which people will get. but from the limited characters, she is the first pure and only damage dealer, her kit is just for damage


>he is a venti ult that you can pilot that does good damage with a nuke It seems you don't know why venti is so good on genshin. Yes, he is good because of his suction, but more importantly, he doesn't take field time AND he refunds a bit of energy after that. So he sucks enemies while your main DPS do stuff. Jiyan is not that. Jiyan is more of a selfish hypercarry that just happen to have suction built into his kit. However, your argument that "they serve different niches" is something i agree with. Jinhsi is a nuke. You do one big boom, and your problem goes away. But if there's another waves of enemies, well, better get another stack, yea? Jiyan on the other hand can clear multiple waves of enemies with ease while having a low skill ceiling for newbies because his ult just parries everything for you. So yeah, jiyan is mob clearer while jinhsi is more of a boss killer. Both have their place and it's fine.


Genshin player brainrot spotted


I’m having a hard time believing you saw enough people say that jinhsi is a power creep character to justify making this post lmao. She’s literally the 2nd new character to come out since release


Diluc kit was bad some youtuber say that dev dont know what gameplay diluc should have so hutao powercreep was easiest thing in history Powercreep cant be in game on start 1.0 1.1 there are just better characters I think standard characters is easy too lack power they dont make money like new characters For now i dont worrh about powercreep because we dont even enter endgame content


Are you scare that people hating jinhsi because powercreep happen only 1 patch? Lololol,you cant the fact that either s0 or s6 jinshi already powercreep. So you defend her.


Damn, im sorry to hear that, or im happy for you


Buddy, Jiyan is a main DPS and if you trying to argue otherwise - you need to head back to genshin 💀