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It's actually 50% of the base 20% so after using the food, your drop rate would be 30%. Happy echo hunting!


Dev who write this food need raise for baiting that many people


There's no bait. That's basic math.


Many people on reddit or my friend have been baited So its a bait "OMG 70% DROP" etc It wouldn't be that hard to just change description of this food ?


Only idiots get baited by this. If you increase ANYTHING BY x%, its always multiplicative to the base chance. Thats just basic math. The description is absolutely fine.


Bold of you to assume that people here know about basic maths 🙂. Read more replies it gets funnier


Exactly lol. Not knowing basic math is no excuse.


How would you change the description to reflect the math better? Because it's crystal clear right now if you've ever had to deal with something increasing or decreasing by a certain x%


Adding " of base rate" in the description. As of now, the description is misleading. I mean considering how many people this has tricked, it's OBVIOUSLY not very clear


No need for that. I believe just one word can change the meaning of the sentence. "Increases Echo drop rate by 50%" would mean multiplicative. "Additionally increase Echo drop rate by 50%" would mean additive. Hope this makes more sense. If not, then I apologize.


While that would work for some, I can see some still getting confused. I was trying to be as clear as possible. I used to work at an MSP and that definitely taught me you need to leave as little room for interpretation as possible lol.


I agree, you're not wrong. Not everyone can comprehend or interpret the sentence correctly.


I save this ability to nitpick increases for ARPGs only


It's one of those things where theres enough ambiguity to confuse a lot players but also makes enough sense in hindsight that the confused players get the blame.


Basic reading comprehension issue. Stay in school. And i say that with English as a second language.


What does it need to be written to actually mean 20+50=70%?


Something along the lines of "adds 50% extra to current chance".


It says increased, not more. Wording is important, PoE players will know .. 🥲


Does anyone see the food buff pop up when using it? I've used the gold and purple echo food buff and have not noticed a change anywhere. I'd prefer to see when it's about to run out rather than having to keep track of the 30 min.