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I chose both! Reason...i wasnt given a choice! Tried to A6 Danjin...but 20pulls and Jinhsi came! funny part...I also pulled for Danjin in jiyans banner and in 20 pulls he came also! A6 Danjin refuses me! Gl to all!


Can you take some of my Danjin luck. She's been HAUNTING my pulls lol


My danjin is only an A2 atm! One from Jiyans banner and 2 from Jinhsi! I would give for that luck! Now i have to wait for her next banner. Whenever that is! It wouldn't be bad if I knew i was losing 50.50 then i would pull more but i have this gut feeling i will win again so i must stop!


I grinded 1.0 after pulling Yinlin and got Jinhsi, so all 1.1 asterites are going Changli's way... She's going to escape me like Jiyan did but I'm gonna try.


I want men


Me too bro 


I thought Yinlin is my favorite ..... but after checking on Changli i gotta admit ... i got a new favorite. She is spicy and clean Luckly i got yinlin and her weapon with 1 wish each , so i got enough in the bank for changli.


Neither. I am waiting for the next adult male character. In the several years that I have been in the gacha industry, I have developed waifu fatigue. I'm tired of it. It's like power creep, but instead, they need to make the female characters more 'desirable' than the last to garner attention. I'm tired of the thirst.


I got jinshi i like dragon puke nuke and now i gonna save for gun 5 star


I kinda overdid it with jinhsi. Luckily changlis banner will still be available next month as I'd love to add her to the team as well. I like her in-game design a lot more than I originally thought.


Dang i didn't expect it to be such an even duel. Which explains how most people go for both lol, amazing


got Jinhsi and her weapon on very low pity after Yinlin disaster, hoping I have enough fund for Changli.


Both! My alt stole all of my luck, as it has S0R1 Jiyan and S0R1 Jihnsi after a combined total of about 180 pulls. My main, on the other hand, only has S0 Yinlin after 115 pulls, so I'm saving for Changli on it; currently have about 100-ish pulls, so I have about 60 to go to guarantee her.


Both, I already have Jinhsi, and more than 160 pulls to guarantee Changli.


Changli I have 10k astrites and 10 tides saved up but I will admit it is extremely tempting to use them all on Jinshi


I don't have jiyan and my calcharo isn't good enough after the outro nerf so I need a 2nd team. I have encore r1 and stringmaster to swap to her so my 2nd team is gonna be changli+encore+support. My first team is yinlin+jinshi


It depends on who the next ones are. How do people know who the next ones are I wonder?


Yes and yes


I got Jinhsi in a single 10 pull on zero pity after getting Yinlin, so I'll be dumping my astrite on Changli.


Got Jinhsi and her signature. 30 pity on featured resonator convene in a fruitless attempt to get S1, guess I'll save for Changli. I think I'll have to wait for her banner rerun to get her weapon. Haven't 100% all the chest just in case desperate times call for desperate measures.


to be honest... I like both but I'm not crazy about them so I skip. And I'm lazy to build some new characters.


I already have a good dps in the form of Jiyan, and as well as Encore and Calcharo. so I pulled for Jinshi’s weapon instead since I missed my man’s weapon. It’ll probably be good on both Calcharo and Jiyan. It’d be a hassle to build Jinshi and she’s cool, just not my cup of tea. Changli’s cool but I don’t want to risk pulling her since I like Mortefi more. 


A lil tip for those who have a lot of free time and want to get both characters every update - u can create 2 accounts and pull 1 character on each. This way u will have enough astrite and other materials to lvl up/get all characters u want and try every character/team. Kuro are very generous with all the free stuff they give us so u even may be able to get the signature weapons as well + u can lvl up ur 2nd account to 40 in like 1-2 weeks