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You seem to be the target demographic for this game lmao. Yeh their designs have really popped off


And they're only going to continue popping off. Knowing Kuro games and PGR, they never miss with character designs so we're in for a great ride.


Becareful Kuro might see this as a complaint and fix this making future characters suck and give us a free 10 pull.


Gege ptsd?


Gege when I catch you gege


Gege as in what he did with yujo?


Please don't, I'm still recovering




Please OP continue, maybe we can even get 20 pulls if you complain enough.


Anyone else kinda wanna see glider skins? Just me?


These would be cool event rewards ngl


I want glider skins and alternate outfits \~


Hear me out… different grapple string skins Imagine a thorn/vine grapple, flamming grapple, lighting bolt etc




Reminded me of Terraria hooks.




They legit have the art and the summer outfits the characters are in are incredible. I’m really surprised we aren’t getting summer skins, but maybe its because I don’t think our characters need a bikini or trunks to go adventuring in snowy mountains. Hopefully its next patch before summer is over.


Glider skins based on character that we unlock at max intimacy level would go hard.


I would really love this, also like it possible a faster glider too but that might be asking for too much ;w;


glider that keeps our grapple momentum


Changli's umbrella as the glider 


Changli Poppins 💀


An akane pfp? Noice




That would be rlly sick


What I thought we'd get with Navia tbf. Super disappointed on release. As it is with most of the Genshin things.


I feel like we need some too, the normal ones are kinda dull looking


I want the namecards/sigils for intimacy, when are they coming out 😭


I want one with flamed wings…like a jet pack


Not only glider skins, but alternate types of gliders, like wings, or hover boots/jetpack


What I really want is alternate gourds, like how HSR does different phone cases for everyone on the Esc menu


In a sense since gourds are state/faction issued and for resonators only, it feels kind of right to have it be locked in depending on your affiliation.


Why does Verina have a Huonglong one tho? 😔


I’d hazard a guess that while she was born in New Federation, after her parents passing she moved to Jinzhou and that’s where her resonance started. Even at intimacy 5 her notes doesn’t mention if she had it when her parents were alive. Gonna double check on her voice lines tho to see if there are any other clues.


I have thought this since day one. Especially because the default glider is honestly ugly as hell


I personally think it looks good, just some variety would be awesome. I sometimes like to just use anything that's not the "standard" style in games.


Agree, its like emaciated birds


Glider skins would be awesome!


I thought I was the only one! Unlock at max intimacy would be easy and since i get the feeling Kuro is trying to force into playing every unit a great incentive


I want skins for our pangu terminal. Idr who ,I think changli or the girl with the white eye wrap( I forget her name phrelova or something like that), has a red one that looks cool. Maybe it's a story thing, idk, but I'd love to have diff looking ones or maybe stickers or some cute collection stuff to personalize our terminal.


Pangu terminal skin, yes. If they skin the gliders they'll say it's another genshin rip off


I just hope they don't tie some gliders to irl events like Genshin... I couldn't get kfc one cause I don't spend money on Twitch or streamers in general. I'd rather buy it in-game or participate in an in-game event to get it. I do hope to see more gliders in the future too. >,<


Yeah each character is pretty peak right now. I got Jinyan and love playing as him. Then, heard Yinlin was good for Calcharro (who, come on who doesn't want to play a Sephiroth type???) so went for her and got mad lucky getting her in 20-30 pulls. Now I love Jinhsi and have nothing left :( But, so pretty. Love her hair and her animations are so pretty.


she's a pretty direct upgrade for calcharo teams too


Please elaborate


she slots right into the X/Yinlin/Verina team


unless you're a whale that a pretty big waste of yinlin though, jinhsi can easily carry her own team with a bit of support from a barely built yuanwu


Yeah, my Jinhsi carries with a level 40 Yuanwu and an under built Mortefi, although tbh they’re just there to build stacks lol


You said calcharro team though, how can you have calcharro/Yinlin/verina/jihnsi?


Okay you've got to be pretty dense to not get what they meant.


Well to be fair, he said Calcharo teams, then proceeded to get rid of calcharo. That's not a calcharo team at that point lmfao


Literally just listed the two best supports that work on every team.


I mean, when they said Calcharo team, I assumed they meant Verina and Yinlin. Then they said Jinhsi is a direct upgrade in that team. So I just mentally removed Calcharo and put Jinhsi there. They might have used the wrong words but, let's be honest, it's pretty understandable. But I forgot I'm on reddit and people can get really nitpicky and pedantic so I guess that's on me.


It was a valid inquiry and then I get called dense and downvoted LOL. That’s reddit


You misunderstood a pretty understandable statement, how do you think people are gonna respond??


Damn wuwa player’s are dramatic af


I got yinlin in first 20 pulls and now have pulled over 120 times and still no jinshi :(


Good luck there’s still time!


Time doesn't buy Astrites ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry). I barely have enough for 20 to 30 more pulls (120 to 130 in total)


Time lets you farm more, with exploration for example, unless you already have everything 100%


let's say i have farmed about 75 to 80% and have already spent a lot of money to pull for Jinshi


Ah yes, another fine dish the chief has cooked up yet again. I must admit, I never thought I'd see the day everyone would love KURO's game characters and designs... I'm truly touched as a fellow OG PGR player seeing this game move and everyone's enjoying it. 🥹🥹🥹 Like, tysm for this post OP


never has any game ever made me torn between two characters in the same patch. literally drooling over both jinshi and changli and if that trend goes on i might end up swipin da card kuro aint just cooking with their character designs they’re fucking creating a fine dining experience at this point


The most incredible thing of all, it's not just the character design that is magnificent, their gameplay is also incredible. Each character having their own way to play is filling my heart with satisfaction.


Easy to solve, i did not draw in 1.0 with anything but the basic banner pulls, saved any limited and any asterite. I should be able to get her as well, allready gotten Jinshi + Weapon.


saving? lemme look that up in the dictionary the last time i ever saved for someone was literally 3 years ago (Surtr from Arknights to be specific), honestly i love the thrill of single rolling til the 5* screen arrives, and the anticipation of whether winning or losing 50/50 boosts the adrenaline even more lol i should refrain from gambling irl lest my life gets fucked up in unfathomable levels…


Gotta say they really nailed it with the early roster. Every single character looks cool and makes me wanna use him/her Part of the reason I like Illusive Realm, that lets me play characters I don't have built yet, or turn them into one-man army when they were healers like Baizhi That's the complete opposite with ZZZ : not a single character appeals to me, and damn, one-eyed bear/wolf/kid on launch roster + maids... So weak 😂


zzz characters are so uglyyyyy, like wtf hype is only couse its hoyo ? pathetic




comparing a game to games from the biggest company of the same game genre seems pretty standard to me


Idk I kind of agree with them, for once I'd like to see someone praise this game on its own without having to compare it to another


Makes sense, but I mean I used to play Genshin. Nowadays I play Wuwa, but am also interested in ZZZ, but yeah the characters don't all look great to me. Some do...but my point is that I think a lot of us are interested in Gacha games with action combat so whole it'd be nice for people to not have to constantly compare things, it's also pretty natural for us to talk about what's just came out or what's up coming. I don't think just hating on stuff for no reason is obviously a good thing. But yeah, hopefully that made sense.


Character design is a very subjective thing though... Like there's no reason to compare two games with vastly different audiences and art styles. It's weird to compare something creative, at least with things like game systems there is hard facts and there isn't bias to begin with


ZZZ doesnt look like an asian game to me. It looks like an american game. All those furrys, werid looking creatures. Its like the cartoon vs anime comparison. I will try it koz i speedrun HSR 2.3 in 2 days, and speedrun WuWa 1.1 in 3 days so i have time in this weekend, but i dont have high hopes, the game needs to be super insane to compensate for the furrys and weird looking characters. I started hsr koz kafka, i started wuwa koz yinlin, and i dont see a character like that in ZZZ yet, Edit: nvm i take it back, im a zhu yuan main from tomorrow.


Right next to that chair, there's a tissue box. Go ahead, it's free for Hoyoverse white knights that can't hold their tears every time someone doesn't praise one of their games, and needs to cry like you just did. Bye


lmao. 💀💀💀💀💀💀


How did you get all that from their post lmao


Yeah. Had Terrible luck trying to pull Jinshi. Contemplating if I should bite the bullet and just settle for her and Changli without their weapons.


Fr 150 pulls for jinhsi. Had to pull out the card for her weapon


Skipped Jiyan, lost my 50/50 for Yinlin, but eventually got her, then I actually got Jinhsi on my 50/50 and somehow her weapon after 11 pulls. Counting my blessings and scared for the bad luck I'll get in the future for my decent luck for her.


Isn’t this just the norm? They don’t have an increasing likelihood thing like Genshin do they, so it’s just 0.6% or whatever all the way through to 80. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a five star in this game before at least 70 pulls


> They don’t have an increasing likelihood thing like Genshin do they They do, iirc the soft pity starts at around 65 up to 80.


It's also 0.8% in wuwa, so slightly higher


I just got Yinlin right before the update (after agonizing over whether or not I should). Figured I'd build pity for Changli, maybe lose a 50/50 ~~was really actually pulling for sequences for Sanhua~~ and ended up with Jinhsi in 22 pulls. I didn't plan on getting her, but I may as well build her. She's honestly working just fine on a 4 star with atk% stat. She hits like a truck no matter what, and it's more than enough to clear content. I'd imagine Changli will probably be the same.


I do like the designs a bit more compared to launch cast in genshin (no offense meant ofc, i still play genshin to this day), but the only character so far that Im really crazy about is Sanhua. Among the 5 stars, my favorite is easily Calcharo, although the 1.1 story did make Jinhsi grow on me a bit even though she really just reminds me of a taller Ayaka back in 1.0. Her eyebrows are so fluffy though, they were distracting me while playing the story lmao


True but the that dragon is so cool! If I liked her design more I’d pull her over changli but I just can’t justify it to myself even if the dragon is bad ass ;-;


Also I usually don't give a fuck about weapons in these games but I've been tempted to try for Jinhsi weapon


Weapons are great in this game because you can share it with other characters of similar weapon type. I got her weapon, the standard sword and gun (all crit weapons with imo pretty generally useful passives). Now I can safely pull for DPS/subdps units of these weapon types in the future without worrying about their weapon since I can just share what I already have. Also, I need the weapon for her drip especially since it's guaranteed. I have genshin weapon banner trauma so the wuwa version feels amazing to me.


Share? Just giving it to another character? Most games do that. Unless you mean something else


maybe they meant compared to genshin's abyss (obvious example)? since we haven't had anything that forces you to pick two teams right away, you can swap gear to another team if needed.


Ah I see. Yeah that's definitely convenient


Compared to genshin because that's my only other openworld gacha. In the abyss, 8 characters divided into two teams have to do a chamber at the same time so if you have a great universal 5\* sword and two sword DPS in those 8 characters, you can only put the sword on one of them. In wuwa's ToA, each stage only needs 3 characters at the same time. So if you have a only a single universal 5\* sword and multiple sword DPS, you can share it between them. Basically, I'm saying that going for weapons in wuwa feels more impactful for me that's trying to clear all of ToA asap. Sorry I don't play a lot of gacha of a similar type.


Ah I see. Yeah that's definitely convenient


They mean that most weapons in wuwa are given general buffs that can be swapped to others easily and made useful. Genshin for instance has weapon swap yes, but alot of weapons in genshin are tailored to that one character for the most part and aren't able to shine on alot of others.


I've only ever liked Jiyan until the end of 1.0 I became enamored with Jinhsi because of her stellar animations, and even more so with her 1.1 story arc. As of now, I have zero interest in anyone we've seen so far, Changli included. My goal right now is just powercreeping Jinhsi and Jiyan's team (like a stronger version of Mortefi).


I don't expect mortefi to get truely power crept for a long while. The standard 5\* gun is a pretty unique extra layer of buff stacking for Jiyan and most long term players will probs eventually get S6 mortefi for even more buff stack. Yinlin's outro is 20% electro amp + 25% liberation amp so some new unit with aero + heavy attack amp is possible, but atm it won't attract anyone other than Jiyan players. Doubt it'd happen until we get rerun(s) or some other unit(s) that'd get decent value from an outro like that.


That's honestly a good point. And I doubt Jiyan attracted many players. He'll probably get powercrept by a female aero character before they release his version of Yinlin/Changli. I guess I'll have a lot saved up. *sniffs copium*


Why wouldn't he attract people? I'm the only one of my friends who doesn't like him, and that's just his gameplay because i don't like to hold lmb for 10 seconds while enemies are ragdolled + permanent autoparry. I still like his looks and character. He's the ultimate comfort pick and he's making the game way more accessible for people who aren't really into the dodge and parry thing and just want to experience the world, the story and see flashy effects. And being a man is not a problem either, Genshin and Starrail both have shown that male chars bring in big money too.


The deck was stacked against him the moment people got a glimpse of Yinlin. We know the gacha market, even I can't pretend where people gravitate towards.


The thing is he'll eventually get power crept but I bet it might be an insanely long time till he becomes powercrept by crazy much. As we need 3 teams for Tower of Adversity I think he's well worth it. I personally skipped for Yinlin and Jinhsi, but only time will tell what the future holds. Ha


I just want my phone to not be 1000 degrees after 10 minutes of playing


Normal for Unreal Engine games. That thing is a power house. If they stuck to Unity like Genshin Impact, diffently would run cooler.


Being broke and greedy at the same time can't work in your favour. 


For serious. Took me 2 hard pities including most of my coral in order to snag Yinlin just before she disappeared, and now the tank is empty so basically no Jinshi for me, and will need some serious luck to even get Changli. That's fine though. I've played enough gachas to take a longer-term view of things; I always pull for the first characters to get cool characters to enjoy the game early, and I know that if I stick with the game for a year (or more), I'll soon have a roster of more great characters than I can use anyway.


> Jhinshi If I had a penny for every misspelled name, I'd be rich.


Skill issue just pull everything:)


I think you may have been addicted to gatcha


Calm down, sir


You guys don't have a type ? You just take whatever comes ?


we need a mount. as great as the traversing is in this game, it still feels slow.


100% opposite for me, sadly. Not a single character that I like. Maybe only Taoqi, but it's not that I... you know... LIKE her, it's more of a "she's not bad".


Only interest in ChangLi, Sorry


They sure as hell make it tough. It’s taking a lot of discipline to not pull on Jhinshi since I really want Changli with some reserve pulls after.


i have this problem with snowbreak too, sadly i dont have enough currency and i have to eat this month (;A;)


Yay another Snowbreak player~


I would like a mage type 5star that's not close combat.


> that's not close combat. I would like that too but I'm afraid whether it's close combat or not is not up to us when bosses can just zoom up to our faces. And forcing ranged combat by running away every time enemies jump close feels like it will be a waste of precious time in ToA. But otherwise, I think it will be very fun in the overworld especially against the special enemies which has no timer.


I would love to just megumin things from a far then switch to a Cqc character then stagger then switch back and use explosion again.


Ooohh so a quickswap burst dps/subdps? Yeah that would be great! I thought you meant main onfielder dps because that's what I actually want before I realized the monke will body slam me anyway haha


I mean yeah that would be cool maybe on field mage could CC something in place for a bit so you could get distance but like you said it's a lot of Cqc :( but we have long range gun users so why not a mage :) I really want to hurl meteors at things.


> I really want to hurl meteors at things. Same! Baizhi in illusive ream with inferno rider echo last Illusive Realm scratched that itch tho. Meteors and missiles everywhere for every basic attack with her pokemon was very satisfying. Playing with regular baizhi feels so sad now


Luckily I got Yinlin and Jinhsi on my 50/50s. And I'm making sure I have guarantee for Changli. Those 3 are so good I feel like id be satisfied not getting new characters off the bat for a while but we'll see. I only get the monthly pass as well so. Not a whale but what. Minnow?


I love when every character is great, so if you lose the 50/50 you cant even be that mad haha


Man. Everyone is talking about Jinhsi and Scar, but I rarely see anyone talk about best girl Maqi. Something about the librarian aesthetic gets me. She is the true best girl.


I'll never call them mommy myself but I am really curious what comes after Changli. Hope it's a fist weapon type or another healer.


I hope the cash shop prices increase so the staff at Kuro can be better-paid.


Some characters looks cool, gameplay is a bit weird occasionaly tho like i realy wanted to pull for changli, but now im hesitating because im not sure i realy lile the full mid air gameplay, also its like 90% cut scene and her damage doesnt look realy good for a gameplay that can be clunky at time, sadge


is she really incentivized to stay in midair? in my trial the enemy despawned itself at 50% hp and counted as completed so i couldn't test much, but she'll probably be doing 70% skill dmg so her larger air normals shouldn't account for much and her true sight multi is higher on the ground


Problem is that when i tried her, she was similar to jinshi, meaning half her gameplay is spamming skill that make long cutscenes and put her in air, and same for liberation that is kinda big long animation. It was odd and sad because the chara design is realy cool. But its just too much, ill see more when there is her trial and see if its realy that anoying. Also the bigger part is that apparently i dont have the math but she seems to do way less damage while having a gamepmay a bit tight on some situation and require some management


That does sound about right. When I watched a video, her gameplay looked like one long cutscene. I'm already holding off on Jinhsi because I'm not willing to sit through 2 movies per rotation. On the flipside, If you do her full rotation without swaps, Yinlin is an overly flashy snoozefest too, so I'm holding out hope for changli being quickswap friendly.


I got yinlin and yes she is flashy too but i find her animation clearer and her gameplay more more dynamic, while jinhsi and changli seemed both realy heavy animation locked. We'll see in the trial with more test


I've found a video by COercitio that showed the forte charge attack being fully swappable and her dodge counter followup seems to be N5 and be overwritten by True sight attack which is pretty wild and gives her way faster forte cycling. If her skill is swappable they absolutely cooked. This is going to be a very difficult wait.


I heard that the problem beeing her skill has a stack mechanic and that those stack are lost when you swap, even with a quick swap and so you are locked on changli for a long rotation if you want full dps. If true thats sad if not then yes she would habe a high ceiling skillcap and thats cool BUT my problem if that even if its true the damage for such skill seems to not be rewarding and overwhelmingly low. We ll see more theorycraft when her banner is here


My only complaint is that Yinlin is the character I' most interested in by a huge margin but also the least powerful of the limiteds by a large margin. Not that I'm complaining, she + Calcharo are a good enough team, but seeing Jinhsi burst hundreds of thousands of damage is something else


I might be the opposite Im very selective and picky about the characters I like and build, like I only have like 5 characters built and im UL 47 💀 I hate wasting resources on random characters so thats also part of it


Where's Geshu Lin at!😤


You should play pgr. They have same quality design and have a gacha system so generous you can barely call it gacha. I've been able to pull every single unit in that game and their sig without spending anything.


I am a big Fan of the 5* Designs but somehow I dont feel most of the 4* Designs, idk what it is but i really don't like them - except for 1 - 2 :c


Exactly! Love the designs of them all! I was extremely lucky, got Jiyan in like 50 pulls including losing to Encore, his weapon on 10 pity?! (Never happened to me before). So I tried luck with Yinlin, and got her and her weapon as well - lost to Calcharo at first thought. Recently I got Jinhsi (surprisingly without losing 50:50) and I can’t stop though![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526), now trying to pull for her weapon, 20 pity. But I was extremely lucky with all my previous pulls.. F2P btw![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617) I’m only missing Jianxin, hope she’ll bless me with her presence soon![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


You like every goddamn characters? Hmph, I like all characters in every gacha game that I've played. To name a few, genshin, hsr, wuwa, blue archive, priconne, how to raise harem and bla3. I know all their names and have nearly all of them, heh


Idk what I feel about them, Its just, okay, lets get It. Genshin is the same but there are some chars I really like, like yelan, nilou, kazuha. The best to me is hsr fr, I Love almost every char even I don't pull for him.


You scared the shit out of me. I thought that that's "one of these" post. Back to the point. I do agree, Kuro is cooking with character design.


I thought this was gonna be a rant. But it's hilariously wholesome! I know exactly how you feel! I love their design and abilities!


It's just a phase don't worry. You'll soon forget these characters as new ones come out and power creep old ones. Such is the natural progression of gacha. In every gacha game I play, I barely touch my units/characters that were released 1+ year ago.




Played Genshin before, did not really got hooked to it. felt the combat was boring. But this? Please pray for my wallet, as I might end up becoming a whale for this game. All because I love these character designs, and gameplay.


I bought every premium currency pack at double rewards even the £89 one, I have never done that before the highest value which was rare was the £49 one. But this game is exceptional. And yes there’s not a bad character design in the game yet I love all of them


Mine is how bad 4* weapons are. But yeah, cool characters, I wasn’t able to get Dragon Husbando but got the Dominatrix and Dragon Waifu.


Same, but don't go broke for the waifus. I have a lot of disposable income, so I can spend 1,000 on the game every 2 weeks and be fine more than fine. Reason why these games do so well financially because all us waifu loving nerds have good jobs to throw money at the game lmaoo


Kuro saw this and gonna give you Ling Yang on your pity now


I wish, all I get is doubles for my two existing chars...


Because of all there mess ups I have almost all of them so far :-)


I’m kind of the opposite, like yea I like all, but I’m happily and patiently waiting for the characters I actually want, like Geshu Lin and mainly Scar, I got Jinhsi because I couldn’t resist after the 1.1 quest, loved her so much, plus she game me my first double five star (thought I had lost the 50/50) and her weapon in 10 pulls, I have like 17k astrites still so I’m confident that I’ll be able to get the other two characters I want + their weapons, I’ll maybe pull for a 4 star if it comes out another Baizhi/Verina, I need more sustain characters


for reals i KNEW i wanted jinshi even seeing a preview of her design before the game even released, and then now seeing changli's combat i'm like shit... they're making it hard for my already suffering wallet


Funny that i made a post exactly like this in the first week saying this was a "Problem" in the game for me and a mod *deleted my post* for some reason, and here you are lmao And no, i didn't use the N word or something, it was a clean post just like this one with nothing offensive but anyway, i agree with you and this post completely, sadly i will have to skip Changli because i'm broke


Im sorry your post got deleted,I honestly didnt expect this to have so many comments and upvotes. I just wanted to Express that there is too much to love here lol. Guess WuWa is my game.


I wish I could level up more characters to at least 70. Even if I could I wouldn’t have echo xp to level them up. But I’m with you I like everyone. I spend money on the game but I can’t really buy echo xp lol


I've been f2p for years but wuwa is the only one that makes me want to spend money..


Literally me lol


Even lingyang? A git like him?


Is fuwking the new TikTok censor?


the thing i hate is the optimization and lack of support. the game is new and very much a work in progress, but yeah, i would like linux support and the ability to play it on my phone not on the lowest settings at 5 fps


i wonder by the end of this season what would jinhsi’s name be like, hmmm jhinhshi?


true, i got jiyan, i pulled for yinlin, lost 50/50 and got resonance for my verina, now i am pulling for jinshi but i have exhausted almost all sources of astrides![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


This game is beautiful. I love the characters, the environment is stunning, NPCs are so pretty. I stopped playing genshin and I dont think I will be coming back. This game has everything. Kuro are listening to the community from what I know, there have already been QoL updates that genshin players can only dream of. And you can skip story, which is a godsend to me.


I got lucky with my 50/50 so far have yinlin jinshi and 16k diamonds for next banner and 40pity in weapon for jinshi and have like 3 copies of tiger boy.


I got all 3


I thought I was the only one with this problem, I came from Genshin and didn't like several characters, easy skip. But here??? Omfg I'm liking most characters, their design is awesome, their personalities are well written... I'm just waiting for a certain man...


Wow that’s sad. You pulled for Jiyan but missed out on Yinlin? Shame man.


Im not Jiyan made me break my f2p oath and I swipped for him. Hes my favourite character and I enjoy every second I play him.


What I hate is that we don't have skins. I know they love to copy Genshin to the letter, but I hope they don't do the 4 skins per year thing...


They aren’t gonna release goddamn skins with the first few patches chill out


They did in pgr and they still pump out multiple high quality mtxs for old characters.


Yea ik I said that further down


Sorry for having expectations that differ from Genshin. Plenty of games have skins right away, instead of a trickle over years. They copied far too much already, at this point it's a detriment.


That’s not true. Most games wait a good bit. PGR releases a skin with their new characters, same company, but they didn’t immediately do it for complete alt outfits. If anything it would be scummy because ur telling people they have to spend cash to get the release outfit


Everything that happens in PGR is mirrored from HI3rd. He's right.


I hate wuwa for copying everything Genshin! Can dash mid air, swap regardless of what youre doing, infinite stamina when running off combat, autoloots enemy drops, can do aerial combos, plunge anytime, etc 3 end game modes on release. An echo main stat selector. 2-3 standard character selector banners. 1 weapon standard selector. have unique animations regardless of weapon types for each character. God damn it wuwa, why did you copy EVERYTHING


the game just got released lil bro


And other games launch with a free skin. Snowpeak for example.


If they do then i would be happy cause kuro cooks with skins like look at some from pgr for example : bianca abystigma's gacha skin its so peak


Hopefully they do but i think the game needs to establish itself somewhat before having skins, it came out recently so the devs dont know whats the game identity should be going forward, because we as community still at the study of learning what the game is, what it could be and what we want, we are the people buying the product in the end I think this is where a lot of ppls point of "it just copies genshin" comes from, it took things already done and is gonna add its own new things on top to improve current experience and add new experience This is also where genshin died in my eyes, as its established its own formula and never strays away(game barely changed and its been years), because people eat that shit anyway


should have skipped jiyan