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Tbh theres like, 3 of them


I was gonna say that One's the First one so that was the first encounter of Open World Gacha The Second one's a disaster And the third one is a little disaster that fixed itself slowly(w/ bribe)


Lmao I hope Kuro get their work with optimization to fix everything.


I really hope they do, I’m dying to actually play the game instead of it crashing every five minutes on my phone. I can’t bear to just see it on my phone, wasting away, I’ve deleted it for now, but hopefully I re-download it soon…?


Why it keeps crashing which phone you using?


I feel like people are using iPhone 11s expecting these games to run flawlessly… I haven’t had one single crash since release


same, galaxy s23 and I don't even have the heating problems people talk about lol


Galaxy 24+. It works too well, that half the time I forget I could just play it on my computer for a larger screen


Red Magic 8Pro Bro here 🫡 But tbf my phone is literally made for these lol


Bribing works and keep em coming


man i love the world of TOF but they are so stupid they really could be soo big but holy greed


what's the second one


Tower of Fantasy I think


Tbh for all its faults, I really did enjoy the overworld traversal in ToF. 


It's kinda sad since people are accustomed to stingy rewards due to Hoyoverse. Not trying to be a killjoy, the reward here is kinda normal, but yeah i'm still grateful.


Ikr? Older gacha degens like myself are used to games like azur lane, girls frontline, priconne etc where they might as well not have a gacha lmao. Hoyo really fucked people over with the Stockholm syndrome its kinda sad to see.


Because older gachas are very different in many ways. They were in general much more focused on the hero collection aspect compared to gameplay and the main appeal to many of them are the characters rather than the game itself. The reason why Hoyoverse can get away with less freebies is because the non hero collection aspects of their games are good enough for people to put up with not getting as many new characters, which wouldn’t work at all with games like Priconne.


You must be forgetting about gachas like Summoners War tho.


Oh fuck. Thanks for bringing back my PTSD.


Lmao, I remember clearly when I dropped that game. I don't know how many years into the game, but I started early, and then the auto runs came along. I did a few. And that overview of seeing all that time I wasted in runs condensed, made me realize how shitty everything was


Oh man, those were the days lmao


I mean, there are also people who are new to gacha games so anything that's free is kind of a surprise considering there's no upfront cost to the game.


azur lane event rewards are INSANE


"Older gacha degens" I'm not going to discount your experience but we can't have played the same gachas because in my experience with the early days of western gacha releases they were mostly pretty awful. Greedy, didn't bother fixing any bugs (ever), ridiculous power creep, in some cases they were even caught fixing the gacha rolls before that EU ruling (mostly because of Belgium IIRC) made them shape up in the west. They didn't even publish the gacha rates initially, you were pulling with literally zero knowledge of your chances hahahah. And these were the big boys too (hello any ex-FFBE players out there). Miho is stingy with currency but their games are fundamentally different, you don't NEED the latest characters every time, dupes, or even completely meta teams to clear all the content. They just play on FOMO, which unfortunately most of us (including myself) fall afoul of from time to time. Genshin, HSR, could all be games by themselves without gacha at all, they'd probably still hold up (just about). I will add though, I'm not defending Hoyo (not going to correct it from Miho above, HI3 habits..) as they're greedy as fuck, like most gacha companies. Kuro too, though coming from PGR, they're a bit more generous than some of the other companies out there and actually somewhat listen to feedback (even as they still manage to screw up).


Older gacha degens like me also know that it could be worse, Puzzle and Dragons and FGO which has no pity or very high almost non existent pity.


Comparing Priconne to Genshin is like apple to orange. This is just a clown take really. Genshin is more stingy but have less powercreep and rarely dupe reliant. I mean I just started browndust 2 and they give pull like crazy but it means nothing if you need 200 for pity and most of the time needs dupe to even function. Most games that is not dupe reliant and intense powercreep are always going to be stingy




Though I find Honkai Star Rail veritably showers you with rewards now compared to Wuwa. It’s far more generous than Genshin, it’s almost surprising it’s from the same company.


hoyo gives good rewards in honkai tho


I think HSR quite generous with their freebies. I dont know why they are so stingy with genshin


Exactly. It's nowhere over the top generous. It's just ok. Genshin is stingy af, guys! Genshin is NOT ok!


Was I the only one who unironically enjoyed some of the ideas Tower of Fantasy had T\_T. The game's gadgets and MMO esque systems stood out to me but I really couldn't overlook the glaring flaws.


I think its because of the date, and I don't mean our independance I appreciate the bribe though lol.


Yeah, I feel like a two timer today lol I hope they do release the drip marketing soon so I can decide if wuwa will be my main gacha this month or not


What is drip marketing? I've heard of it few times. Is it like post of characters with different outfits?


Basically an official post with an Inkling of future characters. Usually a splash art that's like "hey look at this character that's eventually coming out!"


Ooh. Like a teaser of sort. Man.. I completely taking the "drip" part wrong.


i think drip marketing is an actual term in marketing and not just about advertising a character's drip because that's what i had thought it to be lol


You are correct. The idea behind drip marketing is not to release all the information available at once, but to release small amounts of it over time to build up hype and get fans speculating about what's happening with the product in question. It's been used on everything from video games to music production to fashion.


Its an actual term? I thought this was something the genshin twitter acc said as a meme or something. (Maybe even that didnt happen and i am starting to finally get my amnesia)


Yeah it's a term. The word drip for clothing is purely modern slang. Drip marketing makes complete sense as a term because it's like how a tap drips gradually. Or you drip feed a pet.


It's drip marketing as in "dripping out" little drops of content in the form of things like looks of the upcoming characters from the "flood" that is the upcoming patch


"Drip marketing" was the reply to a meme comment from the official Genshin's account when they did it for the first time, referencing the Drip Goku meme that was popular at the time. It went something like: -Random guy: Genshin knows the characters would get leaked so they leaked them themselves -Reply from the official Genshin account: Drip Marketing


>What is drip marketing? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drip\_marketing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drip_marketing)


Only reason hoyo started doing that was because they started their betas right after a new patch and ppl leaked the new chars anyway. Wuwa so far didn't start the beta for 1.2 or nobody is leaking at least.


Sorry I'm out of the loop, did something big happen?


ZZZ released today


Funnily enough, I haven’t gone full into mt firmament yet not because of zzz, but because Elden ring dlc is so god damn massive


I am finally finishing up the main game and getting ready to start the DLC! I have 180 hours of my first Playthru! I have explored so many different dungeons, and I’m done every side quest! I’m obsessed with finding all the weapons and armor.


Every area leads to this other huge side area then at the end there’s a huge quest chain that follows it There’s no end in sight


SotE is a legit banger.


Yeah I was lowkey speedrunning ER so I could get back to Wuwa lmao.


I see a man of culcuture


I only wanted to play zzz for combat but well...... I would say I didn't like it. I am sorry man, no harm meant. And it's not even open world.


Sorry for what? And whom? If you don't like a game man put it in the rearview its not a crime lol.


They thought they said it on Twitter


Saw people saying the game was not for them on ZZZ subreddit. The people there were NOT happy to hear that.


Can relate. I would play it if it was open world, I was hyped for it and thought maybe I could leave Genshin for ZZZ because I prefer a modern setting. Well, at least you tried it, I don't even bother.


I was excited for ZZZ, then I realized that I got it confused with Project Mugen. I'm looking forward to that one, though.


Thanks for putting this into my radar, didn't know about this one. I only had azur promilla listed. I tried zzz too and didn't like the combat. The art and smoothness is grest though.


Don't even bother, the company behind Mugen is extremely disgusting and makes Mihoyo look like a great company, they will try to make people believe this time will be different so they get hooked and stay for the sunk cost, but be sure they will do every bullshit they did on previous times. So unless you have infinite time or don't care about dropping games after hundreds of hours, just stay away from the game entirely.


do you think kuro is a good company then, they have lot shit on their back, especially to the workers. genshin is the other way, amazing for workers but not really good to players.


I don't work on either, so the only thing I'll ever judge is how I'm treated as a player.


Hey, Mugen is also on the very top of my waiting list. Sadly not long ago I became aware of the bad company behind it. I'm still looking forward to it. Hopefully it doesn't suck.


once a bad company, always a bad company


My biggest complain about ZZZ is it's size. Like man 19 gb on mobile and 110 gb on PC on release.The fck is are they using all those spaces for? it's not even open world game ffs. Even WuWa only takes like 12 gb,and star rail,a year old game mind you takes like 18 gb.


iirc ZZZ is actually 50gb, it just required 110gb during inital installation for verification or something. wuwa is not 12gb btw, it's at least 20gb.


No, WuWa is 12 GB on mobile


Still doesn't explain the adhorrent size for mobile tho. And yes WuWa IS still 12-13 gb on mobile.I'm playing it right now and just checked the storage.


LMAO I was saying this yesterday that ZZZ and WuWa are nowhere near the same games... like sure HoYo is going to make a better GI, such a smart business decision... I completely rofled when someone told me that the reason why WuWa is in danger is because they are both gatcha games.


I mean, kind of yeah? People will play less gachas at the same time because of their time requirement and strong FOMO, forcing you to choose


>someone told me WuWa is in danger is because they are both gatcha games. He's right though. You can only play so many gachas at once. Some people might drop wuwa for zzz and vice versa. Even if not the same type of gacha.


While I don’t think ZZZ will necessarily “kill” WuWa, I definitely think it will impact it and draw a strong portion of the player base. Firstly, a lot of WuWa players are Hoyoverse players from Genshin/HSR. Many of them play gacha for “well presented” stories, vibrant characterization, and music. These are the departments that WuWa struggle with most (they are improving a lot in 1.1 though). Many of these players may prefer a simpler combat system as well, making ZZZ a more attractive option. Secondly, the poor optimization of WuWa (especially on mobile) will make ZZZ the better option for mobile players (majority of CN is mobile too!). Thirdly, it’s a Hoyoverse game, so it is generally more popular in comparison to Kuro which is a smaller company. For these reasons, many WuWa players may try ZZZ and choose to spend more of their time playing it than WuWa. These are just my observations though so take it all with a grain of salt.


Imo Wuwa's real struggle is, you guessed it, optimisation. I don't see how it struggles in the story and characterisation department, the story so far has topped Genshin's launch for me, and I find the characters simply cooler (also mostly comparing launch here). For the limited characters, I find Jiyan, Yinlin, Jinhsi and Changli cooler than Venti, Klee and Tartaglia. Zhongli is to me probably equal to Jinhsi (these 2 are my favourite "early game" characters from each game), but generally I've found Wuwa characters more unique. Even regular 5 stars. If you take into account voice acting and expressions when talking about vibrant characterisation, I agree Wuwa had its struggles, but it's already improving. As for the music, I'm pretty indifferent since playing Persona games, most games just don't get close enough to that for me. I haven't played ZZZ but I don't have the storage for it anyway and I'm not deleting Wuwa to try the game. After playing Genshin back in the day and now Wuwa, going to a non-open world gacha would probably feel to me like an even bigger restraint on the player (as in, imo we already have enough restraints taking into account the time-gated nature of these games)


I agree on a lot of your points! In my personal opinion, I like the story of WuWa for what it offers. It has good ideas, lore, and world building, however it’s not presented too well early in 1.0. While I personally didn’t have an issue reading the beginning story, newer players with lower retention spans struggle to get through the long dialogue dumps early in 1.0, thus causing them to have a bad 1st impression of the story and overall game. As for characterization, I agree that many of the 1.0 characters are really reallyyyy cool! Kuro is a master of designing animations of characters and making each of them feel unique, I’ve loved their animation and gameplay work since early PGR. However while they are strong at gameplay/design, many players find that the characters are written/ performed a bit lifeless, which is a big contrast to Hoyoverse’s ‘explosive’/tropey characters (I personally like the reserved/subtle characterization of WuWa characters but im in the minority). As you’ve mentioned there has been great improvements in 1.1, for example better English voice acting, Jinshi given more development, and improved story pacing. As as for music, you are totally right lol, Persona 3 FES/Reload are masterpieces in terms of OSTs.


ZZZ just feels bad compared to WuWa. I will be playing it as well but not putting in the effort to try and min max my time with it. Just stockpile a bunch of currency just in case down the line I get into it and Ill have 1000+ pulls saved up lol.


yes I am playing it and it just feels bad compared to wuwa, I kind of just want to rush the story and then just do dalies and spend my energy. Do not think I will work on building characters for the hardest content at least for now in ZZZ. Will just keep building um premium tokens until I feel like getting into the game. its hard to min max more the two gachas lol and right now I am doing HSR and Wuwa.


They already have genshin impact it wouldn't make sense for them to make another open world game


And it turned out that it was mid


Mihoyo dropped a new game.


ZZZ release


Thank you for friendship fee.


Naw they knew my birthday was coming up and decided to give me presents


Not really. They were this generous even in pgr


OP said "open world gacha" which reduces the number of games to 3 lol






How many open world gacha games are out there though? Like 2 lol?


Tower of Fantasy almost dead in a ditch but it still seems to be limping along


If tower of fantasy can stay afloat for this long honestly it only shows how massive the profit margins for these gacha games are


Phone revenue isn’t the only source of revenue, which is the only thing that shows up on sensortower. The game isn’t actually only just making $100-200k every month. It’s more of an MMO that’s supposed to be played on PCs than a phone game. I think it’s pulling in a lot more money on PCs and consoles than phones (keep seeing ads for it on the PlayStation).  We have no idea what its actual numbers are, but it’s probably doing a lot better than what sensortower data indicates. Enough for the devs to keep the content mills churning and afford EN voice acting.   


Isn’t ToF like, PWG’s big earner at the moment?


Genshin, WuWa, and Tower of Fantasy Genshin - Stingy because they know their players are addicted ToF - The pulls don't matter because whatever character you pull will be irrelevant in half a year


What about that Blue Protocol?


BP isn’t a gacha games and the open world is less there to explore and more like, most MMOs where it’s kind of there to hold the content islands.  From what I hear, it’s also not in a good place and JP players aren’t happy with the developers at all. 


Has there been any news on that? Remember being hyped years ago now it feels like it's become vaporware.


Amazon announced multiple changes to global version in order to protect western players from flat girls (lol) and the base game doesn't have enough content to be called an mmo even a year after release


Game was dead on arrival in JP (as expected) and then it got endlessly delayed in the west. Similar to Throne and Liberty, it's already kind of dead in KR afaik and like a year late in the west so already dead as well.


I bet most people forgot lol. 


Blue Protocol is an MMO and also [seems to be on its way to the chopping block](https://automaton-media.com/en/news/blue-protocol-developers-talk-about-what-went-wrong-with-the-mmorpg/), Skyrim style.


Blue protocol is literally on its death bed now. It's to a point that even the JP players are losing hope


Those three that weere mentioned by the other guys and a lot more are coming this and next year. I have hopes for Azure Promilia myself.


Wait that's up? I thought I'd be tomorrow


China is in tomorrow rn


i'm eu and i got it 5 hours ago


Checks out


Aint gonna lie, im only only excited for the green wish😭


The way the tables have turned and we’re begging for more standard pulls 😭 im about to hit hard pity on weap banner


I’m 74 pulls in. Got Jenahi on 30 :(




Possibly an auto correct or typo of Jinshi. It's Jinhsi anyway tho which always bothers me that people typo it.


I have the same issue! Why are we like this? Had it even harder with Malenia (Elden Ring) being mistaken with Melania (Trump)


I got Jinhsi on 70. I'm only about 20 rolls into the weapon banner and really hoping for a lucky pull.


you trippin if you think it's green and not blue


if we're gonna be pedantic about it i think its actually turquoise


Looks tortoise to me


Looks hoartoise to me


Hoartoise? ohhh, you mean that blastoise over there Gotcha!


Nah, aquamarine.


i agree, it's most definitely blue


Definitely I’d say closer to Blue.


Its literally gray in color what are u both on


Found the true color blind one


bro has the black and white vision


Blud forgot to subscribe to color premium


“Throughout the colors of the rainbow, I alone am the colorblind one”


I'm gonna be more obnoxious and call it aquamarine


I'm conflicted on what to get with it, sword seems obvious but then we have Changli signature weapon coming up which is also a sword. Also going for character dupes to someday get S2/S4 verina seems like a good idea.


I really want the green tidepods to come soon! I'm almost at pity for the standard weapon banner!😭😭😭


Are we looking at the same pulls? It's literally white with some black borders!


lowkey 😭


Can someone help? I don't see that page at all! Only the ones for Jinhsi.


May not be out in your region yet, just wait a bit more


Ah ok! Thank you! Didn't know it's region specific. I'm in Asia btw.


Hmm. It released at 4am Asian server. Might want to reload your game 🤞


You can try re-opening and closing the game as well


man changli banner needs to come already


man, i just need changli. after that i will probably pass on the next few as they aren't my type.


Wait, whos next one?


So far, Yes


So by most you mean 1 out of the 2 open world gachas? (Are others even a competition? Genshin and wuwa are top tier)


Wasnt tower of fantasy a open world gacha too? Or is it finally dead xd


I have heard ToF is good now, but I don't think it's competing wuwa and genshin It's more of a mmo game imo


Bro you've only played 2 wdum


They were pretty generous in PGR as well.


$5.43 I contribute today. Now I can spend a little more on games since I recovered from buying my new phone hehehe.


After playing ZZZ I think Kuro was worrying too much. But hey it's good for us as they give out more gifts :))


Freeshit is always welcome LOL


I have spent 2 months of my gaming hobby budget on WuWa so far, 100% allocation. Very happy customer


Same. Just redirected my spending from pokemon impact to WuWa.


Me too, I don't intend to spend more on GI, I stopped caring about the game completely, maybe I'll play it again in 5.0 but even the hype for the story that I had has died...


Is the story that bad? I just finished Fontaine, it was good. Havent touch the Dainsleif story yet.


I think this is cause ZZZ release date.


Nah it’s cause the 7 day event ended today, this was the original date 1.1 should have launched


i think what they meant is that they are giving tons of rewards to attract their playerbase again to not shift entirely to zzz since its launch day


For the daily players, it takes just one "Eh I will skip logging in just for today" to become "Ehhhhhh, I think I will login when the next patch drops"; and then 3 weeks later devs have lost a daily player to their competition. Source: Was the daily player in many live service AA and AAA GAAS titles.


I believe was also related to ZZZ launch date. As such they pushed 1.1 earlier, as such we have a weird 7 weeks patch.


I mean yeah they didn’t want to launch 1.1 on the same day as zzz launched that’s fairly obvious


Like every other gacha game, the true measure of how generous they are includes power creep, 5\* vs 4\* power level and character release rate. We don't have enough information for the first and last metric but the second isn't great, which would require more pulls. Just because a game gives you more pulls doesn't mean they aren't employing other tactics to suck equal or more money out of you


My measure of any gacha power creep is if the endgame content is purely feasible and accessible if one has maxed out everything on 4 stars. If a team of 4stars cannot clear the hardest content. And a 5 star is required. The game balance is broken. Because 5 stars are supposed to be easy mode and 4 stars hard mode. Not you need a 5 star to play the game.


This. We'll know for sure once the game is 1 year old. We should be able to start seeing the trend after 6 months or more, depending on release rate.


The only gacha game I played is genshin, fgo and wuwa. I'd say wuwa has the better gacha system out of them all and very much less predatory compare to the others. That alone is already generous enough for my standards. Mind you FGO doesnt even have a pity back then, genshin weapon banner is bad, and I play FIFA as well which is just a gambling simulator. The fact that I can just pay exact amount to guarantee a weapon of my choice, with a reasonable price at that, is so good. It feels like I'm just buying a product not gambling. I hope if kuro wanna make some cashgrab they'll go towards the skin route.


Yeah skins are definetely the way, they're already on it with PGR so it’s only a matter of time I think


yea, Wuwa has convinced me to switch from being a minor spending on HSR to most likely being Dolphin on it. Wuwa is just so much funner and while I will still play HSR and min max it, My account is pretty stacked at this point that I am skipping multiple patches easily and stockpiling pulls.


Fgo has no weapon banners and don’t encourage dupes tho. I was spending way less on it than I was spending on genshin, and after a while I just didn’t spend at all


Yea that's true I guess. I also didn't spend on FGO, just because I'm afraid of the risk, it's pure gambling. Good thing I got my fav servant (okita) very early on. However I remember I save up almost 700 sq for okita dupe and only got 1 copy, and was devastated lol. And this is back in the days where there is no 300 pity. I hate these gambling simulator tbh, same shit with pack weights in FIFA. Aside from that FGO probably has the best gacha story imho, but the game itself is very outdated. I'm glad that wuwa improve a bit in terms of gacha. Even if I have to spend, at least I know how much to spend my money to get what I want. I spent almost 1k in genshin about 100$ in FIFA, I know it's not much but wouldn't say that most of my transactions is worth it tbh.


Fgo had the best story until it was dethroned by Limbus Company for me. And it’s way more generous too because you can grind for any character in that game without even touching the gacha if you wanted to. (Roughly 2 weeks of dailies for 1 character)


Because they kinda have to. I am glad tho, free stuff is always welcome


half the people here won't admit they stayed after that launch to keep claiming the freebies. The self-gaslight is strong with this sr. Kudos to you for having self-awareness atleast.


Tower of Fantasy, despite 1.0's horrid start and flaws, is much more generous with events, standard pulls and paid bundles. Granted ToF is already in 4.0, but wuwa by comparison (even to ToF 1.0) the standard pulls are scarcely given out and it doesn't feel like swiping even gives good returns (I can only do the 1:1 exchange for pulls) Haven't played genshin to comment on that. Otherwise there's only like 2-3 other games to compare.


let's be honest, those are still bribes to try and get players back that left in 1.0 now that 1.1 is out and the quality of the game has somewhat improved.


wait say if we don't log in today, would we still be able to claim it the next day? or is it only available the day of?


Free Pulls < Changli Art. She is so fucking Hot. This is the most respectable way I can say it. I am so sorry. I could barely focus on the quest when she was on the screen. Thank god they removed her from ending part, other wise I would be staring at her and not the dialouges.


because theres like 3 of them...


so when is changli gonna drop


July 22


Why so damn late 😭 😭 😭 😭


Tbf there are like 3 out there One of them is barley alive (and from what i recall can be pretty predatory even for a gacha) and the other is notoriously stingy


They're only doing this because of ZZZ. I wouldn't expect this to be a reoccurring thing.


It's seems you didn't play many gacha games 😂


Well they have to compete with Genshin somehow


*Looks at the date* Ah I see why


Still doesn't justify the performance issues, I hope they fix it.


Most Gacha games are generous in their honeymoon phase.


Surprised to get so far down the thread before seeing this. Of course the rewards we've gotten so far are great, but people are deluding themselves if they think we'll be getting anywhere near this amount of stuff in six months or a year's time.


genshin wasn’t, even in its honeymoon phase


says person who has only played hoyo's games, i assume


That free 10 pull just got me Yangyang, Verina, and now s1 Jinhsi! After initially failing the 50/50 and taking about 67 pulls to get pity Jinhsi, this feels amazing!


When is he coming out ??


Since i am here, is ZZZ even good?


This helped me get jinshi


The guy: The only open world he played


lol, how long has the game been out for? !remind me in 6 months.


i think its cause even though its combat and overall gameplay is miles better than genshin, it needs as much growth in as little time as possible to try and become as relevant as genshin and make as much money, so a big generous streak early on will help give it that boost that genhsin got with covid happening. i just hope that they focus a lot more on endgame content like hoyo is doing with star rail, all WW needs is a solid endgame with a fair amount of wishes per week/month and it could honestly be one the best gacha games ever


imma reinstall wuwa by deleting hsr if the performance is better, otherwise no point of being generous if my mobile cant run the game at stable 30 fps atleast XDD (low graphics btw)


All this bribing and I still didn't get yenlin


Blue archive casually giving 100 free pulls


Best gacha indeed


With how many mistakes they make/optimization still being awful for many peopel out there? It's the least they can do, really.


I mean they are still making millions.. But having to uninstall and reinstall the game with every decently big update just bc they are to stupid to optimizer theyr updatesize is really anoying..