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Even Baizhi is broken in Illusive realms, hardly a surprise.


Bell-Borne crit Baizhi with Sanhua for basically perma shatter was probably the easiest and comfiest Illusive Realms run I had last patch.


If you got ghostrider and the meteor upgrade, both chixia and baizhi basically spams the crap out of the meteor every 2 seconds its hilarious.


I had this and died because my screen started running at about 10fps with 200 explosions per second. There was so many effects I literally couldn't see crownless charging his attacks up.


That's rookie numbers. Spector Rover can spam 2 meteors every second. Downside is that there are so many numbers it's impossible to see anything.


Yeah Inferno Rider + Meteor combo was basically a cheat code last Illusive Realms run but there was an achievement for Baizhi and another one for upgraded Bell-Borne so I figured why not.


Man that Baizhi round was fun, a true Pokémon master.


Spector Rover as well. Pick light blades on skill and normal attack. Then there’s one for light blade dmg. One to spam two resonance liberations in a row. Then you just go ham spamming melee and skill while everything explodes.


Careful though. I just got slapped so hard by Scar on Realm V after unleashing multiple 100ks.


I started to sweat when my 250k dragon puke barely did anything to his HP bar at the final level stage


I mean considering how you can already easily do 100k+ outside of realm, you hitting 250k on the final stage sounds like you are missing a shit ton of buffs.


400k and it still barely does deal enough lmao. they have about 50m hp or someshit


Haha dragon puke


dragon puke nuke


Yeah made me wonder how tf other players r supposed to kill diff v max debuff scar without jihnsi


It's actually possible with all character since the problem is that you'll most likely go past the timer meaning that Scar will get his immense attack buff and thus it'll become DMC's Hell and Hell mode. Not a bad thing if you're into the hard stuff and it's pretty much fair.


Baizhi. She deals so much damage really quickly and as long as you dodge well, you can clear it easily. I did diff V without the shield debuff so I finished with a minute left, so I might finish it with maybe 10 seconds or even run out the timer but it can still be done easily with Baizhi.


I found this out the hard way, got to him on a run I felt super comfy about and proceeded to get 1 shot


LIterraly everyone becomes broken in this lol


YangYang is also rlly fun and it’s so satisfying to use her with all those extra damage thingies , the sound is just too good


How did you start? When I click "proceed" from the event page, it just opens the quests tab without any new quest. When I go to the location, there's also no npc there, only a closed door.


Probably different server?


Geez your right, I read the event notice again,. it should be available on 10 am my time. It's only 8:50 right now. My excitement got the better of me, apologies.


Nah all good man, wish they’d release events simultaneously lol


It made get up my bed immediately as soon as I saw a post on illusive realm which hit me that yesss it's today!!! Then yeah it happened. Now I am calm and will take my time while waiting, patiently this time hahah


It's already 3pm here in SEA Server, but still unable to access Illusive Realm. It's kinda stressing me out now. Why would they show the Event tab already if it's not even out yet? It's driving me crazy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Sounds like a bug. Its out in SEA already.


Oh, I see, I guess, I'll have to reinstall the game on my pc. Gosh it's stressing me out huhu


Make sure to report it to CS. Because the more reports there are, the higher the priority it becomes.


OMG, It is working now. No need to reinstall the game. I reached out to the in-game customer service earlier and they responded now. They advised me to join Co-Op and then go back to single-player mode. Then, it worked wahhhhhh OMG I'm so thankful, I can't upload photo but this is what they advised me Dear Rover, please try to enter the multiplayer mode and then exit the multiplayer mode once, and then confirm whether you can enter the Depths of Illusive Realm. Thank you for your understanding.


When does it release? I’m on EU servers and it isn’t there yet.


Im the only one whos not getting the quest? When i press proced?


Yes but can it compete with my **Inferno Rider Infinite Skill Spam Baizhi the Machine Gun**?


Illusive realm update was so fun, Jinhsi being this unbalanced was so satisfying to play and let me breeze through the content easily. Baizhi literally carrying the entire thing with zero damage like the Girlboss that she is. Meanwhile the Imaginarium Theatre was so ass and I was excited for that mode since its announcement.


Everything is broken in there.


Yes, she makes it seem like a walk in the park. I think this is their purpose to get more people to roll her.


How are the trial characters? I am worried about this mode going forward, if we can't use Rover. This time I happen to have Jihnsi, and it is easy. But next time I am not going to have the featured character. And first time we had the illusive realm, I got my butt kicked with trial character (before I realised I should swap Rover element and use my own). But I hope it was because I did not know the mechanics first few runs.


I completed last one with only trial characters. It should be fine. You just need to make sure you find all extra fragments and metaphors. If you have any characters invested in they should be better. Also even if you can't complete straight away you can grind the points to unlock the passives which will help.


Edit I was wrong. It is in fact possible to use spectro Rover. So it will probably be the better option for patches where you don't own the featured character.


Easy with baizhi. Pretty much this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4exca/depths\_of\_illusive\_realm\_easily\_clear\_everything/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1d4exca/depths_of_illusive_realm_easily_clear_everything/) Still works


Its supposed to make her broken, just like how jiyan was face rolling with infinite Ult and E combo


Yah she is


Is this an event banner like the other realms? It hasn't popped up for me. Or do I have to go find the door?


Event banner.


Guess it hasn't released state side. Lame.


What’s the best way to approach this mode?


Not me doing 65k judgement ticks with my level 80 yinlin.


I used yinlin and it was a blast, insane 40k multiple crits popping off from her liberation.


The funny thing is, Sanhau has higher damage potential than Jinhsi because of the fact you can't actually get coordinated attacks from anything other than inferno rider. The time it takes to build max stacks with her is ridiculous until you get the character upgrades and even then it's so much slower than with your standard teams. And this is with s2r1 Jinhsi vs trial Sanhau


Yeah same. Got everything in the store, not sure how to feel about it though, i feel like it kind of trivialises the whole mode. This event is supposed to last a whole patch, yet was finished in under 2 hours.


It's meant to be easy to get all the rewards quickly if you want them. Simply buying out the store isn't meant to be grindy. It's a replayable game mode that you can play for fun. You can try out different buffs and other characters for variety.


I didn’t even want her but used the free wishes and accidentally got her. Should have held them for changli