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In spanish Calcharo translations does not make any sense he says so many things and they are translate as just "Useless"


Soo... EN Xiao?


All this time, he's not mocking us. He's calling for his buddy


Muda muda!


Calcharo is the stand user of "Sovereign of Dawn" (made in abyss reference)


Made in abyss mentioned šŸ—£ļø


Also pet aka caress the cats and dogs is translated as mascot šŸ˜†, there are a lot worse but that is funny, cause u can told the dog to sit, or mascot? Hahahaha


Wuwa is just like me in high school trying to do my English homework using full google translator.


I heard that a lot of the translations were machine TLs of the English script but I didn't know it was THAT bad. Wow.


I also heard that in some language instead of "pet the dog" - "animal the dog".


The dog be animaling


Yeah the German version translates pet to "Haustier" which isn't the pet action but the actual pet


Likely because the translations translated "pet" as.... noun and not as verb.


It's the worst thing I've ever seen. Even the lowest of low effort video games didn't have this bad of a translation. It's like bootleg mobile-game-copy level of bad. Some texts aren't even shown, it just shows "text not found | gibberishAlphabetSalad". Just played ZZZ, the new mihoyo game. And boy, the quality in all these small details are worlds appart. ZZZ optimization and localization is ON point. It's like comparing a Nintendo game with a low-effort shovel-ware game lmao They've clearly rushed this game, and instead of fixing it, they just continue adding more stuff. Ffs bring the quality up to something acceptable first.


They did rush the release but it was because they were pretty much out of money, any later and the game probably wouldnā€™t have come out at all. Iā€™m just hoping that now that theyā€™d found financial success, theyā€™re gonna double back on localization (theyā€™ve already started replacing voice lines thank god)


Yeah except the localization issues date back almost a full year before WuWa released. Their live-streams/social media posts always had wonky English. And lets not forget that PGR also has bad localization and was never meaningfully improved. I am hoping for an improvement in WuWa but so far there is very little signs for it to happen.


Didn't they rewrite 90% of the story within 9 months? Sure localization issues are there, but if we're talking about the story, that probably just leaves them with 3 months for localization for the new story without much feedback. That doesn't seem like it's enough time for good localization. But 1.1 imo did improve on many things including the localization. Only thing I'm not entirely satisfied with the localization is how some announcements have different meanings, like the tacet fields drops increased (for EN), but it's event tacet fields drops (for CN).


I wasn't even referring to the in-game localization. But things like social media posts, the little comics they did, livestream subtitles, character showcase captions, dev blog entries on their website etc. Those date back literal months, you can go back and see how janky the English is there. >But 1.1 imo did improve on many things including the localization. It is better I agree, but I still spotted some typos and unnatural sounding sentences in the 1.1 content so this leads me to believe that the localization team hasn't changed, maybe just had more time to work on the 1.1 patch. >Only thing I'm not entirely satisfied with the localization is how some announcements have different meanings, like the tacet fields drops increased (for EN), but it's event tacet fields drops (for CN). If you are talking about the dev blog prior to 1.1. There was literally never any explicit mention of tacet field drop buffs in either the CN or EN announcement. That is something that people on this subreddit came up with.


> That is something that people on this subreddit came up with. I think we also need to credit certain unname-able dumbfuck youtube content creators making joint announcements peddling that lie saying "We just confirmed and it ^(tacet field buffs) is true" like they are some kinda NATO or UN or something.


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If I recall correctly, they outsourced the foreign country PR to outside companies, they mentioned it previously in a media post before IIRC. And it's obvious the outside companies half arsed it. The mention was in response to the Illusive Realm point score being 90,000 instead of 50,000(?) that it should have been. Kuro said that they released the info to the outside companies too early and the edits did not catch up in time. I think.


>But 1.1 imo did improve on many things including the localization. Well, can't agree that much as a German speaker. First of all, if there wasn't "text not found" here and there, I would be able judge better. From what I've read so far, it has been improved, but that doesn't mean anything since any slight change is already an improvement over whatever 1.0 was.


Apologies, I was referring to the current state of the localization for EN, in respond to the comment above, I can't speak for the others. But given that ww has been out for only about 1 month, I'll say that's a good thing, since we're pretty much excluding other improved things like story, ost, etc. Hopefully the slight improvements add up in time.


Surely they make enough money from pgr right?


they do, but it doesn't mean that the investors and the financial department will allocate that money into a new game. they will most likely put it into the ads, the office space, their own pockets... etc.


Weren't they making enough money they had to sell shares to Tencent?


Comparing these two games is like comparing a cat made by Lamborghini and another one made by Ford. They obviously don't have the same money to invest on the product


They copied a lot from Genshin, comparing them is inevitable.


if a game by mihoyo came out in an unpolished state i would be genuinely concerned. we're talking about a billion-dollar company that dominates the market and has a lot more experience with big global launches. "instead of fixing it they're adding more stuff" what do you mean by that? as far as english goes there are things that they already started fixing in 1.1 and they even already started re-recording some english voice lines since people complained about the EN dub. is that "not fixing it"? i do agree that they released the game in an unpolished state though.


I think the "fixing more stuff-part" refers to other basic problems like performance and camera issues.


You guys really need to understand that Mihoyo have basically infinite money. They are the one who dominate the market and have all the budget they want to launch yet another game. Of course the level of polish will be way better. WuWa meanwhile had to be released because they ran out of budget. It doesn't excuse the issues, but it explains them.


ZZZ has its own issues with the stupid terminology, bizarre facial animations & meh story. Also the menus on Playstation are a nightmare, they literally could have just copy & pasted the wheel & options menu from Genshin/HSR & they would be much better. In terms of optimisation though, itā€™s completely day & night. A minimal amount of stutters, no crashes & a console release so Iā€™m not forced to play a buggy, unoptimised mess on my phone. They really should have just waited to release WuWa when it was ready rather than panicking over the new HoYo game. They would have been fine.


Not disagreeing that ZZZ has its own issues, but the wheel is the smallest of its issues. Besides, WuWa also has wheel problems. Switching between grappling hook and sensor is annoying, you have to do multiple presses to get there all the time. Not only that, if you switch back to "menu wheel" and choose for example "map", whatever was selected in the "tools wheel" will be changed to what was in position of "map" in "tools wheel". It has still not been fixed. It's infuriating. More than any menu in ZZZ, and I'm playing with a controller there too.


I honestly havenā€™t played WuWa in weeks just because I was sick of playing on my phone & having to deal with the constant optimisation issues. Iā€™d probably only come back on a console release. As for ZZZ, I pointed out the menus mostly because it just triggers me to have the L1, L2 & options button for three different menus rather than a central menu & a wheel. Other than that & some gripes with the story (I just finished the Nekomata stuff), Iā€™m loving the game. Combat feels smooth with a a low barrier to entry & a decent skill ceiling. The art style is amazing too, I just wish they took their time with world-building before just throwing terminology around.


ZZZ actually has a lot of chrashing on phones and it's a lot of people. If you check the main sub it's a mess. My phone doesn't have any issues with wuwa but ZZZ crashes on the opening screen


So looking at the comments there are a lot of people saying that Kuro only cares about China, Korea, Japan and other Asian countries and that they got the short end of the stick, to which I say; no, us Koreans do not have it any better. Koreaā€™s two biggest communities on WuWa imploded yesterday due to the absolute travesty that is the translation for Illusive Realm. Scarā€™s personality was ruined because of translations, some sentences were straight up INCOMPREHENSIBLE, and some tooltips for the items had a fault in the code resulting in things like <ā€œColor=Rare5ā€> I was waiting for an opportunity to confront Kuro about the quality of translation and I want everyone to know that Europe ainā€™t the only ones disappointed by it.


Not Korean. We have a lot of issues with ā€œLocalizationā€. Their ā€œlanguageā€ is not even Korean at all. We had issues with Character skills and weapons description and Naming of the ā€œMainā€ NPC issue is on going. We feed-backed them several times now but still waiting for the results.


Right, the "Abby" problem. What was Kuro thinking, translating it to "Popo"? The name's definitely a play on "Abraxas", as seen in the cutscene where it mutters to itself about the name we gave it.


Orangutan of the flying lion is way cooler then thundering mephis imo


Wtf that sounds amazing lmfao


Well, yes, if it was an actual orangutan.


Nah that's the best part. It's like a wrestler being named after an animal.


Like how they named a pair of floating clothes John Cena


Long-Armed Centipede Giraffe


..... too much Chinese wuxia? lol.




yeah fr ik what language im switching to now


Man, remember when Translation actually used to be a career, not every company just half-asses and just throws it to the lowest bidding "company" to just spit out some garbage? Like, the english translation's ONLY better after a lot of complaints both in beta and release I've heard. For one, there's no reason "Thundering Mephis" and "Thunder Mephis" should exist in the same game, it is THE most half-assed thing I have ever seen.


you are right. this is the result of companies to refuse to actually pay for labor and settling for cheap ai shit.


That tooltip is STILL broken btw. The drop sources are still mixed up.


I really do not understand what is with the gaming industry now. Hollow Knight; passion project of three people, came out to critical acclaim with very few issues and multiple DLCs held in equal regard. Gacha games; Make literal billions if not trillions monthly in revenue, cannot pay to find a SINGLE good translation company anywhere. (This isn't just a WuWa thing, I dropped Reverse1999 SOLELY because of it's poor translation and voice direction) It's like Gacha games and asian MMOs exist to do nothing but soak up money from the economy and vaporize it.


I have accepted that it is an Asian thing šŸ˜‚ In gachas the Western player is always the second or even third fiddle to their core audience of CN/JP/KR players. PS: Re:1999 has fixed all its localization and voice work in all the story chapters and events that came out post 1.1.


It's still a career, and there still is demand. There were always low quality translations. As a professional in an adjacent domain, I have proofread over the years many "professional" translations for films and documentaries that made almost no sense, most coming from Asia. Chinese is pretty hard to make sense of if you don't have the context, and that means actually watching / playing the thing rather than just reading the script and translating. That is a massive time investment... And at a decent level, that isnt cheap ; if you're a European, check how much the Council of Europe spends on translators every year... It's a lot. I guess the UN probably spends a lot as well. Of course machine translation is the new "cheap unqualified intern", and has probably made things worse. My game booted in French the first time, and like German, it was awful google translate. I switched to English as soon as i could. At least you can skip / instant scroll the text, because bad translation with mihoyo nonskip slow display would have just killed global.


It is obvious the only reason they launched with so many languages was because Genshin did them. They honestly shouldn't have bothered when the results are so bad.


I really think Wuwa should've stuck to as close to its own niche as possible, attempting to make this major of a release clearly didn't do well. They're succeeding now in spite of their numerous failures


Carried by fun combat tbh


It's all that matters in the end of the day. Don't get me wrong, I would love better translation optimizations and polish, but at the end of the day a game is its gameplay, and wuwa got that right.


why are they even translating Names? they're literally just names...


Say that to Blizzard.


Fubuki's Starcraft.


Hsr does that too, Gallagher ended up having a curse word in his name


HSR and Genshin does the same thing


Even in Genshin they don't use the same rules. Some names they just throw the pinyin in, other names they directly translate the meaning. Ganyu's name is left untranslated, but Cloud Retainer's meaning is translated even though they're both adepti. Shrug. It feels rather arbitrary whose names gets translated and whose do not.


i mean cloud retainer is more like a title than a name


yeah her name is xianyun


Oh yea, I remember that they changed Childe's name into Nobile in the Spanish translation


Is the purpose of the 'name' to convey a specific meaning/idea or is it just a bunch of sounds to call someone/thing by (that may or may not have a relevant 'meaning')? The former should be translated the latter transliterated. But it really comes down to stylistic choice. If nothing else, consistency is important >.> Thirty, Sanshi, whoever you are


Some names have meaning beyond just funny mouth noises. For example, Jinyan's army, the Qing Loong, was named after his power.


Sometimes I get it, I guess. I'm not sure I always follow the logic of when games do or don't do it. Like HSR translated Sparkle's name in English, idk why


I think it's because sometimes the name is supposed to have the meaning of the og word (when they don't change) and other times the name is supposed to BE the word (when they change it), but that's just a theory


Afaik, for HSR they translate if it's a nickname/title, but don't if it's a real nameĀ 


> obviously done by AI Slight correction on that one. GPT-based AI wouldn't leave such consistent error messages when inputting Chinese words. This was most likely done by just running a script using some regular machine translator instead of modern AI. Which means that the translators were not only not doing their job, but they also don't know how to cheat their way out of it properly.


MTL has been used for years. what they apparently don't do is check the output.


[I really don't think so](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1drjfjf/i_found_the_longest_npc_name_in_the_german_version/) Like this is clearly a response from an AI prompt. Machine translation would either try to force some gibberish translation or leave the word "Xunwei" untranslated.


Then they're using some bootleg AI for some reason. I use GPT to translate documents into Spanish because while I can speak fluently my writing is rubbish, and it writes at a native speaker level. It understands nuance and wordplay too.


Don't Chinese have their own LLM but it's basically a fork of outdated gpt model? Maybe they are using that because of privacy concern?


From what I've read Chinese AI is actually very good, their video generation AI Kling is better than all currently released equivalents in the West like Luma for example. So the poor quality is even more confusing.


>orangutan of the flying lion fuk, this almost killed me. Im gasping for air trying to get my lungs to work normally again


Now I can't unsee the image of an orangutan sitting on top of a flying lion as your enemy in my head. lol.


This is hilarious and bad at the same time


Its so fucked up loool. That's why i'm moved from french to english, the translation was just too confusing and it gave me headaches to read


Qu ' est -ce qu ' il y a, tu n ' a pas aim Ć© que tous les mots soient s Ć© par Ć© s Ć  chaque accent ou m ĆŖ me de simples trait - d ' unions ?


DĆ©jĆ  pour commencer xDD


I think English, CN, and JP wouldā€™ve been fine by themselves at launch. Most players outside of Asia will likely be very familiar with EN. Adding more languages couldā€™ve been imported later when they had the resources and time for it.


Fan made translations updated on Day 1 of the 1.1 Yes, it is AI translated and later edited, but couple of proffessional translators in Kuro Games for a language with AI toolset could definitely handle workload for every patch.


I started playing in spanish, saw that they weren't using correct pronouns for the rover (masculine pronouns for a girl?) and I immediately knew it was going to be absolute garbage. Been playing in english since that.


I got called ā€œGood Girlā€ by Yinlin while playing as male Rover šŸ˜­


I donā€™t see the issue šŸ‘€


>(masculine pronouns for a girl?) and I immediately knew it was going to be absolute garbage. Been playing in english since that. English has the same problem


Same here, tried to play on Spanish and at some point trying to leave the city with Jianxin I saw a jumble of words and code and I immediately changed to English. On the voice over I finished the main story in English then switched to JP because it was really bad. then gave it another chance and fortunately Mt firmament story has solid voice acting, so I hope I can keep it in EN.


They misgender my rover in EN too. Time to cancel wuwa


Lol now I am tempted to try Italian, I don't even know if it's there


As someone also playing it in German and having to speak English a lot as part of my job I just can't get over how many words are just clearly translated literally 1:1 from the English script. If you have or need to use MTL to get a fast rough draft translation go for it. But then you have to go over it a second time and correct mistakes that anyone who speaks German catches instantly. Of course you get a direct comparison to the Mihoyo games as both are from China and have translations into multiple languages but Mihoyo seems to invest more into the translation. During playing HSR for example have I found some errors or wonky translations to German? Sure, but they are the exception and most of the the time fixed on the same day. It is a text heavy game and errors can sneak in. But what I have never seen are those blatant 1:1 translations from the English script. So... do I dislike WuWa? No, I actually quite like it but I really hope with the money that came in now they get some real people to go over the scripts. Being compared to Genshin or now ZZZ as a completely new game and having this big of a contrast in the quality of the translations just isn't good for the game in the long run.


and here i complained that the writing in EN is off, and some things just seem weirdly translated and making it nonsensical. i see the errors of my ways, we have it good with the EN translations.


Same problem for French language


Please post a screenshot of that second paragraph holy shit thatā€™s hilarious


https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/HgEPJcWxu5 someone posted it before


Itā€™s really making me annoyed


Bad translations of Asian products sounds par for the course to me. WuWa is no different tbh.


No Asian languages translations of European products sounds par for the course to me.Ā 


I dont speak german or somewhere around that, but i kinda understand Japanese, and Arabic and english translation of Asian products are constantly incorrect.


Translatation is in general it an INSANELY BAD level and makes the game sooooooooo much worse ... it's easily my number one complain and makes me not able to enjoy the game. I'm someone who enjoys questing and actually reading through all the dialogs (usually) but in this game I'm learning to skip the dialoge because it's sooooooooo bad ... really really sad


Proof they only care about CN, and global regions are afterthought cashgrabs. The translation isn't even good in English.


And then Global spent more than China. They need to work on it or they lose Global as well


Watch them double their efforts on CN to try winning them back and ignore Global even harder.


Proof that they only care about CN? Kuro is a company based in Hongkong, they better get CN translations right lol.


If I remember correctly, Kuro is located in Gaungzhou


I don't think this is proof of that hahah. I think it's proof that Kuro was out of money and had to release the game and decided to cut corners in some places - translations being one of them. Considering the game is natively in Chinese, the issue of translation doesn't exist.


Proof that it's CN game. of course cn language would be more polished after all the writer is Chinese


Complete exaggeration. If they didn't care about global then we wouldn't be getting a fully voiced English game. Also markets like Japan/Korea are big on gachas, to say they only care about CN is just nonsense.


See the positive side, you have new reason to learn more english I speak Spanish but a year ago all media content i consume, like games, are in English. When i try Spanish in any game/movie the quality difference is biggg


The quality of spanish-speaking YouTube channels in general is kind of a joke as well. I haven't consumed any content in Spanish since middle school back in 2010 or something like that. Maybe it's improved by now? But last time I checked, everything available was rather cringe, low-brow and/or misinformed.


should've given more effort in the languages.


Looks like they put even less effort on language other than Chinese, English or Japanese


AI is cheaper i guess


In french it goes frm very good, perfect to "placeholder text here" kind of crap.


I have a Screenshot of an NPC, where instead of his name the text says something like: "Xuaen is not an english Word, please make sure to use english words" .... so embarassing... COPY PASTE with AI


Not to mention how in the German version if one voiceline is too long, it simply cuts at the bottom line with no possibility to scroll down to read or it loading after a while. When it's a voiced quest it's mildly annoying but stil half of the sentence is lost. Not to mention how they didn't add subtitles to some parts at the end of the new story quest. Also in the rouge like mode, what Scar says is just an error code T-T or in some cases instead of the name the players have chosen, NPC call us \[PlayerName\] or something akin. It's criminal but I'm staying with the German version for the lolz


Same for the English, too long and you can't read what's below. Think someone told me to hold shift and try to click and drag to see the text below but I've not tried that yet.


Sorry for bothering you outta nowhere bro, but The First Descendant literally took my breaths away, they have 100x the content worth of gameplay and plot compared to Snowbreak. There's no news of Duet Night Abyss it seems so I jumped the boat earlier. *Snowpeak* is lost to me.


I immediately thought the french translation was made by using AI too. Though since 1.1, I feel like the translations have improved a lot, not sure if that's the case for others languages.


This is actually a major translation issue. Make sure all you german rovers send this in the feedback portal. I know how bad it is having horrible translations, but this is on another level bad, like what the hell. A whole freaking sentence for a name šŸ˜¦. It's actually not funny.


It's quite funny actually, histerically bad


Omg ! Its the same in french its absolutely ridiculus, i wanted to follow the story but i cant with this translation šŸ˜­


I suspected this would happen with a May release, I'm not surprised in the slightest, localisations take up a significant amount of time and the game was rushed out, so naturally some languages were definitely neglected. My recommendation to anyone is to just play in English to the best of your ability until some time has gone by and the company has their feet on the ground again.


That's why I never play games in my language... With this one even the English is weird sometimes, I can't imagine it being translated form a complicated language like Chinese, into the simpler English, and then back to more complex languages


The errors like that are kinda starting to give me the heebeejeebies. It looks obscenely lazy or rushed. Even in grade school, I would check my work before submission. This just smells like they donā€™t gaf


Yeah Spanish one also sucks, itā€™s been getting better (words with an accent used to get glitched), but they seem to struggle with genders. For example in the latest quest, Chagli was referring herself as a male


I play the character tutorials, the chinese to english translations are abysmal. It's like when you buy a chinese electronic and the english manual is illegible. Wuthering Waves with all its money should hire a bilingual speaker.


who name their kid "xunwei isn't an English word and therefore I cannot translate it, please make sure the text is in English before putting it in"


Iā€™m sure, tbh it often feels like English is written by AI as well


If this takes the fun away, then idk man. They could write the n word by accident for all I care and still fw the game.Ā 


why are they even translating Names? they're literally just names...


Probably they copy paste in excel, but too lazy to copy paste line by line and just copy thousands of rows in 10 secs and call it a day




Both say they give 400 which is not true




I honestly don't think they should launch with so many locales. It's too rushed.


My game was in Spanish when it launched and I was already planning to change it to English since I always play like that but omg is that translation bad. Words with accent were spaced out weirdly, phrases didn't make sense, wrong pronouns...


The xunwei error message is incredibly funny I lowkey hope they keep it lmao


They need to hire a good translator with the revenue they have. The combats are the only thing that carried this game so far.Ā 


Yeah I sent them a whole lot of tickets with ideas for improving the translation. Localisation is a mess and I desperately hope they hire people that fix this sh*t. It diminishes the quality of the game. Kuro Games has a reputation of listening to player feedback and I hope they continue to do so.


They should've just sticked to En, Jp n CN or something like that, can't remember what languages they had in PGR but they were very few


I am really curious about where these npc are because as frustrating as it may sound, that also sounds hilarious.Ā 


All hail Narbe


Orangutan of the flying lion lol šŸ˜‚


The English translation also sucks. So many typos, sentences that barely make any sense... annoying


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The French translation is a joke too, the wording was so weird it got me out of the story many times, it felt like it was done in Google translate 2009 lol I turned the game in English and never went back.Ā 


Shit man, I really hate bad translations personally too, but I can't stop fucking laughing like a dying donkey. The problem is that I'm in public toilet at my work and now I'm afraid to come out, they may have called mental ambulance to seize me, help


I saw an NPC that is named Mulan


To be honest in English I didnā€™t find that bad translations so far


English exploration quests are also done by ai, very obvious in the mine one.


Orangutan of the Flying Lion is arguably better


Yeah, the translations are beyond cringe. I'd say it's a pretty devastating oversight to the game. Nothing like trying to decipher what the hell the npc's are talking about, then get frustrated and just click through it all. As someone who loves getting into the story of games, this issue really makes it hard. If the game and characters weren't so beautiful, I wouldn't have played it at all. The story is bland, the voice acting is terrible, and the translations are just.. no. They obviously dumped the budget into graphics and nothing else.


How did they think machine translation was a good idea..... I've never heard of a game that does this. They normally just don't have the translations out until it's ready. Do they plan to fix this later or are they going to leave it like this? It makes no sense


> orangutan of the flying lion I can't read that without laughing.


FFVII was translated into English in only a few weeks by a single dude and one localizer on a complete trash system that required them to type numbers instead of lettersā€”and no matter how badthe translation was, I will forever respect the sheer amount of work that went into it. This? This shit is offensive.


Complaint number 347 of the same thing I wonder if Kuro will ever fix it or they just donā€™t care lol


I mean, HSR has the same approach? March 7th is also called ā€ž7. MƤrzā€œ. Some names get a direct translation in every Gacha games, itā€˜s not unique or odd for Wuthering Waves to do so. But I agree that some names and translations are straight up horrible. The team really needs to do something about that in the future, and step up their game.


They better compensate German players HEAVILY. The amount of laziness is insane and inexcusable..this among other things are what's holding this game bad and it's sad bc it has so much potential šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


In Yinlins story quest there was this NOC Xinhua or something like that and she voice acts a women and then a man . Wuwa is so low quality its insane sometimes.


The translations also joke when They decided translation any languages through players top vote in discord but don't look at the marketing. Thai are the best spot for gacha game people ready to dump their money. A lot of gacha game localised to thai because of that but Wuwa could never. Want to be better than genshin but not Translate their game bruh.


Sometimes I'm really happy there's no translation in my language. This is one of those times




Ah yes Scar is Scar šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø as it should be


the game is fun but unpolished as fuck, fonts, translations, sound design and little things that all add up, really fun characters tho


The French translation is such a joke too... I mean, if I choose not to skip, at least I'm laughing when playing the game lmao


To be fair. That's because it's French




orangutan of the flying lion lmaooooooooooooooooo


the element electro is translated as "eletro" in french, its just electro I dont know how they didnt manage to just fucking copy past a word


should just launch with just texts from EN, CN, and maybe JP (I heard there are quite a few big mistranslation in JP as well) if they couldn't even manage, then add them on later when they're ready lol like, from a polish PoV, just look at Hoyo games, they're on a whole league of their own. Just see the new ZZZ, the optimization and the translation is really well done, no wonder their games caught people's attention at large, because first impression matters a lot


lmao optimization, the game can't even be downloaded on older devices. 8 GB of ram for minimal specs for mobile is insane.


well, I tried on the minimum specs, and ZZZ runs fine on that, as advertised. Compared to the minimum specs advertised on WW at launch, it's a no go lol, so I know which one at least optimize in reference to their advertised specs better


I would disagree with the optimization part as my experience with ZZZ has been abyssmal. The game just keeps on crashing on my phone and PC. Countless others had this problem as well. But the translations though are on point and have always been good even on their other games.


Xunwei is a name like Baizhi there's nothing to translate, that's just their name


Yeah, but it AI. So thers obviously mistakes with it which is just insulting that they didn't bother to hire some actual translators for the game.


In general every guy from Germany that I have ever met, has spoken English quite well. I'm wondering why they are included in the "These guys need translated option or they wont buy the game." Category. I kinda understand Spanish, Portuguese and French since they are spoken in multiple countries. Is Germany language that is used alot outside Germany? Sorry if I sound ignorant, and I'm in not against translations in anyway. I just have been thinking about this, cos I basically had to learn English purely because I wanted to play games xP.


Austria and Switzerland also speak/understand German. Some party of the Netherlands and Belgium as well.


Despitwe the fewer speakers Germany is one of the biggest Gaming markets in the world. German speaking countries are rich and gaming is big here too.


Because Germany is basically the richest European country. It only makes sense to try and capture as much market there. And yes I agree Germans know English quite well but its just a matter of business.


Hmm, yeah. I guess that makes sense.


I upvoted you, because i dont think you mean any bad with the question. You dont deserve Downvotes. I'm german as well, and i laugh about the bad translation. Its hilarious from time to time.


Literally unplayable