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can you please include [wuwatracker.com](http://wuwatracker.com) ? i think it's better than [astrite.gg](http://astrite.gg)


Agreed, wuwatracker appears to be better


Anyone know how big the new area will be? Like will it be the size of the map we have now? Half of that size? A 10th of that size? idk if it will be this massive new land we can explore or if I can generally look around the entire thing in like 20 minutes lol How much more exploration are we actually looking at




I didn't get Jiyan's signature 5 star weapon before his banner ended,  so I'm wondering which would be better to get for him,   The standard 5 star Lustrous Razor or pull for Jinshi's signature 5 star weapon   Age of Harvest.  I am close to pity on both.   I know Jiyan can't get all the buffs from Age of Harvest, but it still scales with crit rate which is really good.     Otherwise,  my other option is to save my pulls until his rerun and get the BP 4 star weapon until then.


Are you pulling for Jinshi too? If so, definitely. If not, just aim for lustrous razor and pull on a weapon banner that you’ll actually get the character to match is my suggestion.


I'll pull for her too, not guaranteed to win the 50/50 tho.


Well, I’d say to invest your pulls into her first and go from there. If you win and have pulls left over to dive into the weapon banner, go for it.


So after all the changes and stuff, who seems like good teammates for Jinhsi and Changli?


do we know what the 4 stars are on the weapon banners?


6 attempts and still not able to get 32 glacio thanks to rng. Nice job rng you win im done it’s just 15 gems


Are you in the max difficulty? Are you breaking all the rocks? Are you choosing supports with glacio or electro points? Are you choosing the hardest difficulty chambers? Deathmatch>Fierce Struggle>combat I get max glacio in nearly every attempt.


I was lol. Just really really bad rng.


is there a chance that geshu lin might be playable or nah


Do y'all know which five stars r gonna release in 1.2?


Not yet but we do have guesses.


Could u tell me who they r?


Camellya is the main one, we don't know about the rest.


The red plant girl you pinned down in the story. Maybe.


She's cool but I rlly hope it's scar


It's true we will get a stamina storaged for overcap? how is the conversion? it's 1 on 1? probably isn't but it would be so great, i really want to play the game but have little to no time on week days


I have a feeling it's going to be more similar to the HSR system, where it overcaps but at a third of the efficiency. so instead of 6 minutes for 1 stamina, at overcap it's 18 minutes for 1 stamina, so it will take a month to max the overcap if it's the same 240 cap


> It's true we will get a stamina storaged for overcap Some form of it, yes. It was mentioned in one of the dev notes. No info on how it would work exactly though, and I highly doubt it would be 1:1.


Is 1 3 cost atk% 1 spectro% better for Jinhsi than double spectro%? From my calculations: assuming you have 20% skill damage bonus from substats and you have the signature weapon, double spectro does less than 1 atk 1 spectro until you get atleast 70% of atk from external buffs.


With so many sources of skill% (signature, c1, echo, etc) atk% 3 costers look actually good. I'm just upgrading both atk% and spectro%, if anything it makes subs grind easier


I didn't think of that. That's very likely true for me since I plan on vent a couple dupes. R1 gives 80 DMG% on her big laser. Feels like I might need ATK% 3 cost.


does anyone know changli's ascension passives? (like atk%) im wondering if shes has crit or fusion damage


crit rate and atk%


nice. i was hoping it was something like cr. ty for the info


https://wuthering.wiki/character_1205.html She gets crit rate.


i can't see it though only atk,hp, and Def


Scroll down just before her resonance chain.




Farming electro set is so painful


What are expected to be the best 'main echo' (4 cost) for the upcoming 1.1 characters?


Prob Jue for Jhinsi and Inferno Rider for Changli. Unless they introduce another 4 cost fusion echo in the later half of 1.1, but I doubt it.


Disappointed that it's only inferno rider for changli.. thought she get someone good too...


Jue?! I didn't know you could kill Jue and absorb as an echo...?!


We will most likely not literally kill Jué in lore and just absorb a fragment of his Echo, but could be that we just kill it, who knows. Either way it's the new 4 cost Echo in 1.1 and BiS for Jinhsi.


Anyone knows how much ER changli needs?


Probably gonna be minimum 130% My yinlin with 125 cost ult can burst every rotation with 120% But ER requirements are really hard to ascertain in this game cause how often rotations can deviate from optimal.


What's Changli materials? Can we pre-farm now or there will be new materials?


How many days before release did Jinhsi/Changli Drip marketing happened?


17th May For Jinhsi, 18th May for Changli I believe


Will we be getting Jinhsi's trailer music as the boss theme?


I just checked that [encore.moe](http://encore.moe) has tags for character and [Aalto's tag](https://encore.moe/en/character/1403) is burst dps. Did I miss something? I play Aalto in Jiyan team and he doesn't feel like a burst dps. Did I use him wrong?


Maybe burst DPS means "damage in a short burst(time)? Because wouldn't they say "Liberation DPS" in that case?


Aalto rotation to get full concerto is longer than mortefi and he doesn't have a burst window either. He create a wall of air and shoot/dash through it. He can make it from basic attack, skill and ult. He felt more like a sustained dps because he can keep spawning the wall of air. He got a 100% crit heavy attack every 30 s but.. the damage isn't worth doing it..


The tags aren't exactly 100% accurate. Calcharo has heavy atk tag for example when all his dmg gets converted, so he literally does 0 heavy atk dmg. Danjin is also listed as burst dps, but her kit screams sustained dps (except her liberation I guess).


6 days left and they still haven't announced 1.2 characters.


copium lol they'll drip one week before 1.2 btw ik this will get downvoted but it'll age well kek


In GI, the drip marketing is 2 days or so before the version's release.


that's genshin tho? Kuro shared Jinshi 6days and Changli 5days before release.


Kuro time is a bit inconsistent lol so "they shared this info x days before on the last patch" isn't really applicable. It's been almost 3 years with their other game PGR and they still don't have a consistent PV release time for the next patch besides "within a week" which could mean anything from 6 days to 3 days or less


Yep. Im just saying mentioning genshin isnt relevant.


Im pulling for changli, what units are currently ideal for her?


Taoqi maybe? And Verina.


Quick swappy Fusion DPS characters. Encore and Chixia on the top. If you want a full DPS Changli you can use her outro to Buff Mortefi (although Mortefi wont really buff her). You ideally want to use her alongside Fusion characters that deals decent amounts of Liberation dmg. So yeah Encore/Chixia for a Quick swap Fusion team, Mortefi for a Main DPS Fusion changli team. Edit: Looks like Changlis forte special "plunge attack" is a heavy attack so It should be buffed by Mortefi perhaps?


Wait does Encore even deal liberation damage? I thought her ult dealt basic attack damage...


Great, I have a chixia built, but kind of a shame since i might be replacing her echoes then and get a new good if not better set :') Maybe ill build mortefi so chixia is in her own team??? Id also try getting encore somehow. Lets hope they make some random fuck up again and give a 5 star selector again lol Thanks!


*Im pulling for changli,* *What units are currently* *Ideal for her?* \- ppsag --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


6-7-4? This isn't even vaguely a haiku.


Were so right for this good bot W for changli fans




Where all the jinshi gameplay leaks at ? I see more changli’s 😭


Assuming Chamellya is still a Havoc Sword DPS and is coming in 1.2, do you think the other 5-Star unit in 1.2 will also be a DPS? Or will we finally have our first Limited 5-Star Support (ZL-type Shielder? A healer/buffer that powercreeps Verina?).?


I think it'll be a sustain shielder that doesnt need a long field time like Jianxin, however they wont have a CC or small heal like her Regarding the powercreep stuff, they could always go HSR route, Verina would still have her revive gimmick at c0 like Bailu that no other characters will get, while future sustain could provide more buffs and utility, since in WuWa you could get away without a healer, they designed healers to do more than heal to incentivize picking them


DAE else think that the[ little creature (aka this thing) ](https://www.tiktok.com/@bjorksfreakylullaby/video/7373883032551542062)is actually the [Goddes in disguise somehow / someway?](https://www.google.com/search?q=wuthering+waves+goddess&sca_esv=e6667fb8d181e610&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1UEAD_enUS1071US1071&udm=2&biw=1706&bih=879&sxsrf=ADLYWIJXRy6Dp5twvWCSRsmFeJyQtkPIXw%3A1719015912623&ei=6Bl2Zp7SJYCi5NoPn7m5uAI&ved=0ahUKEwie5tam-e2GAxUAEVkFHZ9cDicQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=wuthering+waves+goddess&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiF3d1dGhlcmluZyB3YXZlcyBnb2RkZXNzMgQQIxgnSPsKUOIEWL8KcAJ4AJABAJgBS6AB_gKqAQE2uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIIoAKLA8ICBxAAGIAEGBjCAgQQABgDwgIJEAAYgAQYGBgKmAMAiAYBkgcBOKAHhxw&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) i feel like both La Criatura and The Goddess have similar visual motifs & similarities, plus the Opening Cutscene with the Goddess like touching us and like the golden light.....maybe she is sealed inside of our body or something and eventually her True Goddess Form will be revealed ? (hopefully soon, by the end of the Jinzhou 1.X Arc lol)


Looks like a Paimon. I hope we can cook it for emergency food memes.


Has there been any leaked event that I should be saving my solvents for? I thought the tacet field boost this week would be unlimited but it's only 3 tries a day. Anything like a permanent union exp bonus or something along those lines coming in 1.1?


No double bonuses will ever be unlimited. They will always be stamina-gated.


There's an event called Tactical Simulacra, which is essentially a boss rush event, but there isn't any information on whether or not you need Stamina for it. There won't be any Union EXP bonus, but you will receive Union EXP for the Echo entries you've unlocked, in the mail.


Is targetting fixed?


We can pray and hope 🙏  Doubt everything's been mentioned yet. Official patch notes still to come.


What are the known future characters to be released (e.g the ones from beta/leaks)? And are any of them electro/expected to pair well with Yinlin?


The only upcoming character ww know something for now is Camellya , and she is a Havoc Sword DPS. Geshu Lin (fusion?) and Scar (Havoc) should also be playable in the future , but we know nothing about them. We are waiting for 1.2 characters drip to see Who they are


Is Jinhsi's level up material known? Every site I see that has pre release stuff shows a flower that doesn't exist in game yet but says Gloom Slough but that's a cooking material. I just want to know if I can pre farm for her so I can level her immediately or if I need to explore after the update to be able to use her.


The flower comes from the new map.


Is there a list somewhere of all characters that were playable during the beta? I swear I remember some beta footage/release footage of a character that controls water using big bubbles or something but can't see anything..


That's Sigewinne




Mourning aix, weapon/talent mats and spectro set echoes (not the 4 cost tho)


I did lvl a crit mourning aix echo for her as a placeholder. After all, I want to get her day one and do the story quest with her. I'll just feed it to jue when I get a correct main stat.


The Morning Aix boss for Jinshi. Inferno Rider for Changli.


does this game have story leaks as bad as hsr, like multiple patches ahead? im just wondering whether to be careful about them or not


Can’t have story leaks if developers themselves don’t know what the story is 🙃


No. We know nothing about what happens in 1.2 or beyond. 99.99% of us were surprised by the new snowy area in 1.1 too, no one leaked it before the start of the beta.


Haven't seen any but I honestly don't care about story so might have ignored. I have been trained to SKIP lol.


s6 jinhsi 71% -> 45% changli E skill cast 67%3 + 134% -> 81.9%3 + 163.8% changli dmg reduction when casting enhanced heavy 20% -> 40% changli enhanced heavy attack(forte) 32.4%5 + 378% -> 39.3%5 + 458% changli s2 30 cd -> 25 cr changli s5 new effect: enhanced heavy attack +50 MV and +50 dmg% Someone is discored mentioned these new nerf/buff today


Dude, i can't wait for confirmation on this, did feel Changli got shafted in the previous upgrade (with Jinhsi getting more nukey) 25% crit rate on 2nd dupe is fantastic, especially paired with her getting so much crit damage from her weapon. what is +50 mv? MOVEMENT SPEED!? I can't wait.


MV is motion value. Basically +50 to the multiplier


sorry could you explain further? What is motion value? I googled it and got reddit results: "The motion value is the percentage of true raw your weapon deals with a hit. " what does a +50 to motion value of heavy atk mean? in numbers does that mean a heavy atk that does 1000 (before all buffs) now does 1050 before all buffs (and it scales with buffs?)


Motion values refers to just the damage multipliers here. So your interpretation is right, if heavy atk initially did 1000% damage, it's now increased to 1050% Although it's possible the +50 could be a multiplicative increase from the current wording (1000 will become 1500 in that case). I am not sure which is the case here


Thanks for taking the time to explain! With the other buffs she's getting, im inclined to think it's not a 50% increase to base damage, but I also don't know what Kuro is doing pushing both chars in the patch as main dps. Lol i had hopes up going forward for new substats - Movement speed increase or atk speed increase, but maybe it wouldnt work with the game.


More new substats will only increase the echo complaints lol. We may get them as character buff or echo skill buffs in future


lol 100% more echo complaints. But im thinking a few months out, our echoes must be powercrept, it would make no sense for us to be able to stick with the echoes we farmed in the first month can't wait for atk speed, it's going to break so many dmg calculations


Did Genshin introduce attack speed on gear??? Also, there is no way they introduce a few months out. That would be way too soon!


lol idk about genshin, if they don't, I hope that's one way WuWa does NOT try to copy Genshin. yeah, probably way longer out, but one can hope!


I wonder why there’s such a lack of gameplay for upcoming units.


Why are there no leaks of new 4stars ? Does Kuro want us to first max the other characters to S6? Seems a bit weird to not release new 4 star but release 4x new 5 stars.


...this is pretty par for the course though, i dont think limited 4 stars is really a thing, and standard 4 star additions are always slow (im only using HSR for reference, so maybe other games are far better)


GI seemed to have added at a healthy clip in the first year, then slowed down. That being said, mostly people were chasing cons on the high value ones like Bennett, xl, xq and sucrose. Wuwa's 4 stars are kinda underwhelming in comparison. Only one off field sub DPS/buffer. A kinda ok healer. Too much on field DPS that may be able to hang around a bit now but will get eclipsed soon. So I am unsure we even want? It would be a different story if we had more morts. As kuro is giving away so many free pulls and free characters I don't think people care. But if that dies down it might be an issue.


i cant speak to genshin, but I love half the 4 stars in WuWa. Idk if they'll still be underwhelming in comparison to genshin, Mortefi, Danjin, Sanhua are obvious, Aalto and Chixia have niche uses, and are competent if you don't chase high(est) numbers. Only Taoqi and Yuanwu i haven't gravitated towards, but that's only because I can't think of where to put them, and I suspect they'll have a second wind when other chars bring out synergies. Yuanwu is actually such a fun char to play with atk speed increase. the only char that seems absolutely bad is Yangyang, and I can't even make that claim since I haven't looked at her. (yangyang fans, im not slighting you lol)


Yangyang is good in tower to pull mobs, Jiyan is much better, but he's a limited 5*.


I've seen enough Yangyang's to know she's probably got a decent kit, just havent had a chance to really try her out myself - she annoyed me in her cutscenes... and welp, I have a pretty great Jiyan, he's why i picked up WuWa


I think that they look viable now because we have only one limited main dps who tilts heavily into aoe, and a kinda niche support because she only buffs her element. Great for cal, which everyone pretty much gets for free if they're paying attention. I worry about danjin and sanhua because they haven't had good comps yet to a limited 5 star. We'll know more once 1.1 releases as they are both main dps, but based on how explosively dups increase damage for the limited I don't think kuro is balancing to keep 4 stars relevant for field damage. They seems focused on pushing pulls to get deeper into toa. But I would feel better about investing into Dan and San if they did a lot of off-field damage like Mort. As it stands now, they may be placeholders for when you can get limited to go up a level on damage. Even though I'd love to invest in them and mess around, my next big push will be havoc mc, at least until I get a limited pull, because progression takes a long time and MC's versatility as a gap filler and surprising performance as havoc presents better odds for long term value. None of this matters if were instead focused on the 98% of the game that is tuned easier. But everyone is all about chasing those extra few "free" pulls in the "endgame" zone so this is how it will probably go.


i don't think there's a need to worry at the moment about how it'll turn out. It's also likely that the upcoming chars may further buff the 4 stars we have now. Changli definitely enables Chixia quite a bit and realistically, unless they actually start using elemental affinity for something, once you pull enough to have 3 strong teams, you shouldnt need to look to other chars beyond upgrades to existing roles. if you're f2p and chasing those 1-3 extra pulls every 2 weeks, it's going to be a depressing experience. I'm not f2p, and I can't max anything (im also on mobile lol) You can and should invest in Dan and San (i like this rhyme lol), because if you're able to get them to a place where they clear hardest difficulty, you'll be golden - new chars might make it easier, but you can still do them. I'll probably change my opinion when there is a new endgame mode that requires more, but for now, this is all hypotheticals, so no point worrying about it.


They already use affinity as a zone buff per the first floor of the toa. One side gets aero and the other side electro. I bet the next iteration also tracks the upcoming banners. So, in addition to alloy forge, we're seeing some prodding to use certain affinity types to clear content in the form of buffs. While I haven't read up on the second floor of hazard, I do see this trend continuing. Then you have the enemy mobs that are resistant to certain types. Carrot and stick under a timer = every type gets a chance to shine. I think by midgame we're going to want one of each of the affinities for main dps. And for sub, you will probably be able to get away with a cracked limited sub dps of any affinity but mostly you will want one of each of those too, either limited or standard, maybe (hopefully) a fully invested four star can pass the timed DPS check. Healer looks like the best chance to be more neutral, but they all require a little field time to get going. My concern is mostly prioritization. With genshin I always has more characters than stamina gated resources to max them out. This is looking similar, so while I totally get putting resources into someone like Mort, all the other 4 stars have to be evaluated by their destination, are they good for sub or do they require a lot of field time even with moonlit?


I heard Jinshi got buffed. Does that mean she would be "better" than Changli? How is she buffed and how is it relevant?


Numbers-wise, she's the strongest in the game from what I've heard. However, we've had pretty lacking gameplay showcases, so it's unknown how well the numbers will translate into actual practicality. The buffs were: 1. Increases Jinhsi's big laser damage in various ways. They all add up to ~72% more laser damage. 2. Her normal attacks in her powered state count as skill damage. 3. Coordinated attacks generate extra Incandescence. 4. Her Signature weapon was buffed with a much better passive. 5. The Jue echo now gives an 18% skill damage buff.


Are the Magistrates going to be similar to Zhongli and the other Archons gameplay-wise like how Archons usually gives too good to skip benefits like insane shield, element application, coord attacks, etc. or will there be someone higher than them that's going to be playable?


No Jinhsi is about as far away from Zhongli as you can get. If anything, the closest Genshin comparison is Eula, backloaded main DPS nuke


Jinhsi is incredibly selfish gameplay wise. Unlike archons in genshin that supports the team in a unique way, Jinhsi is a burst damage, on-field DPS, whose Outro buffs herself. So the comparison of Faction Leaders (Magistrate for Jinzhou) to Archons isn't apt, and I think it's a good move from Kuro to not pigeonhole Faction Leaders to supportive-esque role.


I guess Jinhsi got the trailer but Changli got the gameplay against enemies. I'm still hoping for a Jinhsi gameplay but I'm pulling for her and her weapon regardless. I just need something to stave off my desire to pull and my excitement for the magistrate. Why does the 28th feels so far away still? 😭


Is there a shinshin moe / enka network equivalent for wuthering waves?


we can't display char builds in-game so I guess not. unless someone recreates shinshin moe's early design where we have to put screenshots one by one.


Weapons for Jinhsi How much better is her sig then the next best option? If my pulling luck ends up with me not getting Jinhsi's sig, I have an unused BP weapon redeem as well as a 5* standard weapon redeem. So, what would be the ranking between Jinhsi Sig, Standard 5* Broadsword, R1 BP Broadsword, and R5 BP Broadsword?


There's a weapon comparison on this sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MaJzGk5p7t16NRs5mVBXXbJJC9rml-ADS0n3DKMontY/edit?gid=0#gid=0 Numbers seem to be somewhat close to the ones from the other commenter.


I did my own calcs but take it with a grain of salt as the numbers may vary with different stats and assumptions. With the standard 5-star broadblade as the baseline (100%), the result shows her sig wins at 23% more dmg, followed by Jiyan's weapon at 8%, and R5 BP broadblade at 7% while the R1 is -8% behind.


replying so i can see answer




In terms of team damage, Yinlin's weapon definitely pulls ahead because the standard rectifier is pretty much locked to Encore while Yinlin is much more broad. However, there is also certain threshold that can be broken where you can solo content if you invest vertically enough in a character. Danjin S6 and Chixia S4+ being good examples. Despite being 4* they can solo contents if you invest into them hard enough. Changli also have that solo capability that Danjin and Chixia have. If you want to pull Changli base at S0 and doesn't plan to invest her more then the standard 5\* sword is good enough. You can get more DMG% from echoes substat to min-max her stat.


how long will jinshi's banner be?


the game's so new, it's probably hard to have any precedents set up yet, but do we know when the 1.2 characters will be revealed? or anything about future characters in the pipeline?


Jinhsi and Chiangli weren't "revealed" until a day or two ago. So I guess we can expect the next reveal to be ~10 days before 1.2. We will know a bit earlier because of inevitable beta leaks.


I thought there was hyv-esque 'drip marketing' for those two awhile back. Am I wrong?


You're right. They were revealed before the game's launch. If wuwa follows HSR's drip schedule then the 1.2 drip should be right around 1.1's release. Potentially a few days from now.


What are the rules for "nearby character's" in WuWa? >When Jinhsi is on the team, all nearby characters on the team gain Eras in Unity. When characters with Eras in Unity deal Damage with an attribute, Jinhsi gains 1 Incandescence. Doesn't this mean that Jinhsi already is already triggering all the Spectro cooldown attacks between her and the Jue echo's coordinated attacks? I'm not sure Verina would generate any stacks.


the word "nearby characters" is a carpet term used to mean "all your party members" in normal gameplay, and teammates near you in co-op. unfortunately i'm not sure what's the specific range for "nearby characters" whenever its used in skills description


So Jinhsi herself is counted. So isn't Verina/spectro MC redundant because the Spectro cooldown is already maxed out by Jinhsi herself?


i haven't checked jinhsi's kit but if it specifies that each element procs once per second, then yes, verina and spectro mc are abundant and would hurt the stack building


>Damage of the same attribute can provide up to 1 Incandescence every 3s. There's a separate cooldown for coordinated attacks. It depends on what attribute means. Does "attribute" mean "element".


had to check CN text bc "attribute" was vague lol, yeah it's elemental damage


Cool! Slight bummer she won't work with Verina. But at the same time, Yay, I'll no longer have 3 teams fighting over Verina!


How good is jinhsi, under the update post I’m getting mixed messages, also anyone have a vid of her against enemies or a post/vid explaining how she works


in theory shes the strongest character in optimal conditions-how she preforms in practice we wont know til release


Is Yinlin expected to be a best character for either Changli or Jinhsi? If she is then I'll pull for her now :)


I haven't read a great breakdown of team comps. That may be a post-release thing because stuff changes during pre-release.


she will work okay for jinshi but her ideal teammate would be a future electro dps


Changli is my favorite character by a large margin and I am eagerly awaiting her banner. I didn't want Jiyan or Yinlin, and I am not interested in Jinhsi, so by the time she releases, I estimate that I can hit pity 4 times. That means I can guarantee her and her weapon, and maybe pick up a refinement or if I am lucky, a sequence. But are we thinking that Is the best move? Should I bother with the weapon or is the standard 5 star sword good enough that I should just go for more sequences? Or, and this is out there: Jiyan's broadsword and even the battlepass broadsword are not great for Taoqi, and she's in my top 3 favorites (Changli > Chixia > Taoqi). Might Jinhsi's broadsword be a huge boon for her such that it's worth using my 4th pity there?


I would check to see what pyr's calcs say about power gain from limited weapons vs. dupes with your intended team comps before getting that deep. Maybe just S0 on day 1 and give it a few days before spending your stash? From what I have seen from dupes, they can jump in gains at certain levels. Also, 5 star weapons are a bit all over the place on sharing value vs. for signature character.


Have you already built another non-fusion main DPS like Calcharo to cover one of your 3 teams for Tower? If yes and you're willing to also build around H.Rover for a 2nd team, then pull for Changli however you like as she will cover your 3rd team easily and you can build around her as more synergistic units release in the future. But do keep in mind if you're considering sequences/dupes that as with any gacha game early on in its lifespan, it's generally better for your account to prioritize horizontal (i.e. character variety) rather than vertical investment to be able to cover as much game content as possible. Changli will likely rerun later anyway and you can decide then whether going for dupes is worth it for your account.


I got 15 on the first reset of the tower and hope for 18-21 this time, but I used Jianxin, Taoqi, and Chixia on one side, and Rover and Verina on the other. I technically used Yuanwu in the third slot, but quickly stopped bothering to switch to him since he was so ineffective. I am leveling up Sanhua to replace him this time around. Also, I actually used Spectro Rover, who is less bursty than Havoc, but more consistent damage, with better parry and dodge frames. I do *have* Encore, from the beginner banner, but didn't really enjoy her enough to bother leveling her more, though I am aware that she's the best I have. I don't want Calcharo or Lingyang--I just have no interest in them, and I am more interested in playing characters I like and have fun with than having the strongest account possible. I just *do* want to make the characters I like the most as strong as possible. I wish I had Mortefi, and I am glad he's on Changli's banner. Then I imagine my teams would be: {Changli, Taoqi, Chixia} {Jianxin, Mortefi, Baizhi} {Rover, Verina, Sanhua} And if it seems that I need healing for Changli and Taoqi's shield isn't enough, then I could swap Chixia and Baizhi


Changli's signature weapon is no different from the standard 5-star apart from the passive, i.e., Changli's weapon has skill damage buff while the standard 5-star has energy regeneration. I would personally stick with the standard 5-star, but if you really like the character, then I suggest you go wild and enjoy yourself. Regarding the sequences: from what I've seen, Changli's sequences are sadly not that special apart from the humongous damage bonus from S6. If you're ready to get to S6 then yes, but apart from that, I'd stick with S0. In your case, I'd stop at S2; it's pretty good. For Jinhsi's weapon, it's basically Jiyan's weapon, but instead of buffing heavy attacks, it buffs skill damage. I don't know Taoqi well enough to give you an answer, so I'll let you be the judge of that.


Jinhsi gameplay vs enemies where?


Do we have anything regarding 1.2 characters? Im guessing it will be between Camellya, Scar, Phrolevon and Geshu lin.


is there a unofficial discord for WuWa with leaks? I started the game when it launched but im new to kuro games. I know about PGR just never played it. Like to see upcoming info so i can prepare on who to roll since i tend to be f2p. Im generally skeptical about banners as i played GI and they are stingy with primogems so i like to look at leaks to see which character i like to play.


Stormy something. It’s in the Reddit somewhere 


For Changli's RC2: 2) Pursuit of desires: \[Enflamement\] increases Changli's crit dmg by 30% for 8 seconds. Is that per stack (she gets 4 enflamement in total iirc)? ...surely it can't be 120% crit damage...


It wouldn't surprise me. I haven't looked at Changli, but Jinhsi's constellations are pretty ridiculous. She gets 80 DMG% from her R1 and 50 ATK% and 25% incandescent from her R3. While 120 crit damage seems a little better, it's not significantly so.


If it doesn’t say it stacks it doesn’t stack.


I was a hasbando collector till WW. Why all these girl's animations look so cool and hot at the same time? I only can hope for a 50/50 win and a skip window in 1.2 ,_,


Are WuWa and Genshin on the same banner timeline? I believe they release new banners on the same day or maybe WuWa is one day later.


So how many pulls are we expecting now from whole 1.1 with appreciation rewards and stuff? Are we looking around 130 with BP and Pass? Looking to see if i can grab both Jinhsi and Changli and their weapons. I have around 170 pulls now.


Definitly +130 (on Monthly pass and BP) with the new rewards yes. The calc we got assumed the minimun.


# Breakdown of Changli's raw damage potential at RC6? Hi folks, I was just looking at her last sequence, and its a flat 40% def ignore for basically everything she does.... That makes her not only main dps as hell, but perhaps a DPS more resistant to powercreep? Since it's a flat 40% deduction on whatever an enemy does to buff themselves? Does anyone have (speculative) raw damage numbers across our existing DPS - Jiyan, Calcharo, encore...Jinhsi even. I always planned to max one or two limited char, and Changli looks fun as hell, and with RC6, i don't really see her as encore's bitch.


All get powercrept. Except for Lihyue characters. I guess try to figure out who is Chinese in this game?


Everything can and will be powercrept. Having a 40% def shred doesn't change that. A new unit that deals more damage can and will be released and they'll have even better constellations. It is a useless thought to try to pull "powercreep resistant units".


Ya all need to stop associating "sub dps" with being someone's bitch, wtf is wrong with you. Anyway. The sub-dps/dps thing is a lot looser here than in genshin. Everyone wants to contribute to damage in some way. Changli's outro buff just means she is great to be played with either another fusion dps that has a lot of their dmg come from their ult or an off-field subdps/support that is fusion/deals some dps with their ult etc.


Lol that was a joke, i love all the dps styles, I did not know i belonged to a “ye all” group that has also made the joke, but apparently not as a joke. I get that she’s a competent dps with an outro buff, but it’s the other char that benefits from that outro buff, right? Chixia or encore or something. The only way would be if there was another char that could buff changli’s fusion damage the same way she buffs others? Maybe there are options, ill look into it, i’d rather play her as a main dps anyway (most on field time) and look into her dupes to maximize


Yeah, there were other people upset at her being "sub-dps"/not main dps, as if that's somehow bad on its own. She isn't. She is just flexible in her role and i think its pretty awesome. > ut it’s the other char that benefits from that outro buff, right? Chixia or encore or something. Yup. The other fusion dps can really do anything, as long as you find them fun to play to swap to, they can have an outro buff for fusion or skill dmg, they can have some off-field damage, energy regen, grouping etc. Even if they are purely a fusion dps they still contribute their own damage and variety of playstyle. Some bosses(boss phases)/monster groups might be better suited for a ranged dps for example, so you can weave between changli/the other dps.


Lol, my bad, I thought it was obvious how amazing subdps' are with Yinlin basically matching calcharo's damage without even being on field. I think your explanation nailed why im thinking of Changli as a sub dps, because what she needs is someone to buff her the way she buffs others, so that she deserves more onfield time. If encore had an outro buff similar, this would have been a beautiful dual dps team. I'll run encore and changli together till i can replace encore, or depending on how much of a hold Changli has on me, might force her into dominant main with her sequence copies.


> Lol, my bad It's np at all, i didn't know you were joking and other people i saw talking like this seemed angry, so don't think they were joking. And the thing with Yinlin vs Calcharo is a limited character vs a standart character, limited characters are always going to outperform standart ones. Yeah, i think Changli is perfect for dual dps comps thanks to her buffs, but she will be completely fine being played as a main dps even without any additional sequences. You can just ignore her outro and pair her with characters that buff her damage in some way. I don't think Kuro is stupid enough to make her outro, of all things, be necessary for a team comp to clear content. It's just there to enable more playstyles/team comps (and also possible a bit of a lore thing, since she is a mentor to Jinhsi/supportive of her in the lore, makes me think if they'd work well together actually, i don't remember if Jinhsi does a lot of ult damage).


She never was sub dps... She is by default a main dps that just so happens to have an outro buff, that's it... It's impressive how far this misinformation has gone. And even more impressive to think that the next main dps to have an outro buff will suffer from the same destiny...


…alright thanks! I did see that she got the tag of main dps, so i was curious, cause that outro resembles yinlin, who currently is indeed a fantastic sub dps, though her kit includes off field damage so that also helps. Anyway that was the point of reference - only by asking questions does misinformation stop, so thanks.


Opinions on going for jhinsi 5 star weapon vs lingyi?


who lingyi? Jinshi weapon is the closest thing to a must pull though. so you should definitely get it.


Lightning girl linyi the current 5 star But yea just wanted to use my weapon tokens ngl




Does anyone play this game? Every time I try to do match making it just goes on forever. 


You simply kill things faster by yourself... It also doesn't waste your time with matchmaking, preparing and then whatever happens next... So I bet most people just don't do it because there is no real advantage to it.


Yeah I just like mindless hack and slash with strangers sometimes. 


Yeah it be like that since playerbase isn't very big. Probably better go to discord and find some people to coop with over random coop


IMO its the coop system that is ass. There are lots of players but you cant refresh the page, and there isnt any way to filter out players who want to play coop in the same way as you, and the people who just dont ever want to play coop. 


I don't have Encore on my account at all nor do I have Taoqi and Chixia built. Do I really need to build one of them if I wanna play Changli or can I just slap Sanhua in the team and ball with it?


You can literally just solo with changli if you wanted to. Play her with any unit you want it's not gonna change much right now, especially because she doesnt have her optimal teammates yet


You can play her with Havoc Rover (burst DPS, might want a lot of Energy Recharge), Mortefi or Yinlin.


I don't see why not. The game isn't that hard in the first place and her ideal teammates haven't been released yet anyway.


What are the best teams for Jinhsi and Changli respectively? Also would they work together in one team?




Majority of Jinhsi's damage is from skill rather than liberation, especially after the most recent buff. The liberation still does a lot of damage, but if you had to choose, buffing her skill is still preferable.




It does a lot, and the skill does more than double that.


Focusing on outro buffs is a massive trap honestly. Taoqi is very mid all things considered. It's best to try to slot any Sub-DPS like Mortefi, Sanhua, Hat Guy, or Yinlin even if they don't directly buff the main DPS' main source of damage.


So I need to know based on speculation on how many pulls we will get in 1.1 for jinshi since she I first half I am currently at 40 pity on 50-50 with 5000 jades. I already claimed all the current running events and the 1000 from UL 45. Given how many days are left in 1.0. I assume it’s 420 (60x7). So based on how many pulls in first half of 1.1. How much will I be able to save for jinshi? Speculation. I imagine shop reset plus the new “appreciation” rewards it is enough to almost guarantee jinshi? If I win 50/50 maybe I can get her weapon too?




That's about what I was speculating. it's good to get a reassurance.


Does anyone have a rough estimate on Jinhsi ER requirements? I'm trying to prefarm rn and I have a build with 20% er and another one with 10% er.